Where is the status bar in word. How to show or hide the status bar in Microsoft Excel? VBA to display status bar in Microsoft Excel

Status bar displays various current document information and provides access to some Outlook features.

Status bar customization carried out by clicking on it with the right mouse button, which will open an additional dialog box:

Formatted page number- shows the number that is on this page.

Chapter- the ordinal number of the section in which you are located.

Page number- serial number current page and the total number of pages.

Vertical position on the page Is the distance from the top edge where the cursor is.

Line number- the ordinal number of the line in which the cursor is located.

Column- ordinal number of the column in which the cursor is located.

Number of words- the total number of words in the document.

Spell checker- shows if there are errors in the document.

Language- indicates which keyboard layout is active.

Bug fixes- Indicates if patch mode is enabled.

Caps lock- indicates if Caps Lock is on.

Replacement- mode change between insert and replace.

View mode shortcuts- allow you to switch between Reading View, Page Layout and Web Document.

Scale slider- allows you to increase or decrease the size of the text. You can use the "+" and "-" buttons, or just move the slider to the right and left.

Scale- allows you to customize the view in more detail.

When you click on the button indicating the percentages, a dialog box will open in which the following settings are available:

  • Scale setting (both preset options and arbitrary);
  • Placement of the window on the screen (by the width of the page, by the width of the text, whole page, several pages);

Status bar contains information about the position of the text cursor in the document and the mode of the editor. It is always located at the bottom line of the Word window and is divided into three zones.

On the left is a zone indicating the position of the cursor relative to the document. In it:

The next zone gives the position of the cursor on the current page:

The first two parameters appear in the mode view page markup, third at typing visible text.
The last zone is the editing modes. Here:

Enabling / disabling each mode can be carried out by double-clicking the left mouse button in the area of ​​this mode.

The presence of the status bar is controlled by a dialog Options which is called from the menu WITH service team NS parameters ...... Bookmark View of this dialog contains a "Window" section with a "status bar" parameter.

34 word processor Microsoft Word- window structure, main toolbars. Why is Microsoft Word a processor and not an editor?

Word processor Microsoft Word 2003 is one of the main components Microsoft Office 2003. The word processor allows you to create, edit, save, view and print text documents, apply formatting characters, paragraphs, pages, sections and the document as a whole, assign existing styles of characters, paragraphs, tables and create your own styles. In addition, you can create tables, pictures, charts, formulas, and more in Word.

Microsoft Office 2003 application windows use standard elements controls or components of the graphical interface, which are combined into larger structures (menus, toolbars, dialog windows) and which provide the ability to control the application window, as well as change the content and form of presentation of information displayed in the document window.

Microsoft Office 2003 uses four types of windows: application windows; document windows; dialog boxes; forms. The document window is displayed in the application window.

Microsoft Office 2003 applications are managed using menus and toolbars. V Microsoft applications Office 2003 uses three types of menus: the menu bar (the main application menu or drop-down menu); context (pop-up) menu; window (system) menu to change the size and position of the application window.

A toolbar is a string that contains (the most commonly used commands) buttons or icons and drop-down lists. The toolbar provides fast access to the teams.

35. Types of operating systems. Operating WINDOWS system- Key Features.

Types of operating systems by data processing method:

· OS batch processing (batch) - to perform specific tasks, there are corresponding programs that are executed sequentially. The user does not have the ability to interfere with the course of execution, in other words, there is no interactivity in such operating systems. New jobs are added to the queue and executed sequentially.

· Time-sharing OS(time-sharing) - the OS divides the processor time into intervals that are allocated application programs according to the preset rules. Time-sharing OS allows you to run multiple applications at the same time (mutlitasking) and run multiple users at the same time on the same computer. Time-sharing OSs are interactive. Modern operating systems are built using time-sharing technology.

· Real time OS(real-time) - designed for critical applications in which the accuracy of the response time is important. These applications include medical tracking systems, anti-lock braking systems in cars, nuclear power plant control systems, etc.

Graphic (with the presence of a graphic user interface- GUI) - text (only command line);
free - paid;

Open (with the ability to edit the source code) - closed (without the ability to edit the source code);

Client - server;

High stability (resistance to hardware failures) - low stability;

Easy to administer (for an ordinary user) - complicated, for system administrators;

16-bit - 32-bit - 64-bit (in the distant past, there were also 8-bit);

WITH high level data security - with low level security;

Concept operating system

There are two groups of OS definitions: "a set of programs that control equipment" and "a set of programs that control other programs." Both of them have their exact technical meaning, which, however, becomes clear only with a more detailed consideration of the question of why operating systems are needed at all.

Windows performs the following main functions:

· Convenient, intuitive graphical user interface.

· Multitasking work, i.e. execution of several programs at the same time.

· Unification of the use of computer hardware resources.

Windows features:

· Program writing rules... To work in the environment Windows program must be written according to certain rules that differ significantly from those used in MS-DOS.

Windows also allows programs written for MS DOS to run, but programs cannot take advantage of Windows.

· Graphical interface user interface in Windows is based on the idea of ​​a windowed interface, which is also adopted in a number of other modern operating systems (for example, UNIX). Each program has its own window in which messages are exchanged with the user. For clarity, icons (pictograms) depicting individual programs are widely used in Windows.

Besides, Windows interface is largely standardized, making it easier for users to learn new porograms.

· Multitasking... The multitasking mode of operation allows you to run several applications at the same time, for example, a word processor, database, game, and switch between them.

· Data exchange between applications... In addition, the exchange of data between applications is possible, which allows, for example, information created in spreadsheet, transfer to Text Document via the clipboard.

The status bar is located at the bottom of the window. Information about the current document is displayed on the left side of the status bar (Fig. 4.3).

Rice. 4.3. Status bar

Description of status bar items



Current page number

Current chapter number. The information displayed by this element is meaningful only for documents that are divided into sections.

The number of pages from the beginning of the document to the current page (4) and the total number of pages in the document (19)

The vertical distance between the cursor and the top of the page

Number of lines from the beginning of the page to the cursor

The number of characters from the left margin to the cursor, including spaces and tabs

In addition, the status bar contains indicators of the mode of operation, which inform in which mode the editor is currently working. The black color of the indicators corresponds to the on state of the mode, gray - off.

Purpose of status bar indicators

Switching on / off modes is carried out by the corresponding commands and settings. In addition, to switch the mode, you can double-click the left mouse button on the corresponding indicator.

Context menu

The context menu allows you to execute many of the commands without accessing the menu bar. This tool can speed up many operations. To call the context menu, right-click on the object with which you want to perform an action, or Shift + F10 on keyboard. The content of the menu is determined by what the user is doing in this moment and includes only the most essential commands.

4.4. Quit ms Word

After completing the current session, you need to exit MS Word. To do this, you can use one of the following methods:

    Select menu File -> Exit.

    Select item Close in the system menu of the main MS Word window.

    Place the mouse pointer on the system menu icon in the main MS Word window and double-click the left mouse button.

    Press the button Close in the title bar of the main window.

    Click Alt + F4 on keyboard.

If any of open windows contains not saved information, MS Word will offer to choose how to deal with it. To do this, a dialog box similar to the following will appear on the screen (Fig. 4.4).

Rice. 4.4. Closing document message

4.5. Word Help System

Like most of the most popular programs, MS Word has contest-dependent help system ... This means that you can get help on the use of the tool with which you are working at the moment. The main means of obtaining help information is the menu. reference:

Menu command


Microsoft Word Help

Launches help system MS Word - depending on the settings

Show assistant

Displays an assistant

What it is?

Allows you to get background information about a specific object

Launches Internet Explorer and opens the web pages with the most useful information Microsoft

Find and eliminate

Carries out search and automatic elimination of errors in the application

About the program

To get help information, you can use it in the following ways:

    Select a menu command Help -> Help by Microsoft Word.

    Select a menu command Help -> What is it?

    Click F1 at any time during a session with MS Word.

With status

No status bar

Show or hide status bar in Microsoft Excel using VBA

If you have experience using Microsoft Excel The VBA macro helps you to show or hide the status bar in Microsoft Excel easily.

Step 1: Hold another + F11 keys in Excel and it opens Microsoft Visual basic for applications window.

Step 2: click Insert > module, and paste the following macro in the module window.

VBA to display status bar in Microsoft Excel

Sub Show_Status_Bar ()
Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
End Sub

VBA to hide status bar in Microsoft Excel

Sub Hide_Status_Bar ()
Application.DisplayStatusBar = False
End Sub
Step 3: press F5 to run this macro. And you will get the result you want.

Show or hide status bar in Microsoft Excel with Kutools for Excel workspace

If you want to quickly toggle the display and hide the status bar in the Excel window, Kutools for Excel Author Work zone the utility can do you a favor.

After installation

click Kutools >Work zone to enable the Workspace Size utility. See screenshot:

Click this area to hide the status bar

Click this area to hide both the status bar and the formula bar

Click this area to hide the status bar, formula bar and ribbon

If you want to display all lines, just press Kutools >Work zone again to restore the window.

Tip. If you want to have a free trial version workspace functions, free download Kutools for Excel first, and then go to apply the operation according to the above steps.

Switch work area

Show or hide status bar in Microsoft Excel with Kutools for Excel View Options.

If you are not familiar with VBA macros, the following method is better. Kutools for Excel"s view options tool can help you show or hide status bar in Microsoft Excel with mouse click.

After installation Kutools for Excel, please do as follows: (Download Kutools for Excel now!)

Step 1: click Kutools >Show / Hide > view options See screenshot:

Step 2: B view options dialog box, check or uncheck Status bar parameter See screenshot:

If you want to display the status bar in Microsoft Excel, check Status Bar option; If you want to hide the status bar in Microsoft Excel, uncheck the Status Bar option.

view options of Kutools for Excel allows you to quickly show or hide most Microsoft parameters Excel, such as Inner Tabs, Formula Bar, Status Bar, Taskbar Windows, Grids, Page Breaks, Displayed Zeros, Vertical Scroll Bar, horizontal stripe scrolling, sheet tab, ... etc. This will save you time searching for these options when you need to show or hide them.

Setting Excel Options

Tabbed browsing and editing multiple Excel workbooks / Word documents like Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explore 10!

You might be familiar with browsing multiple web pages in Firefox / Chrome / IE and switching between them by easily clicking the respective tabs. Here Office tab supports similar processing which allows you to view multiple Excel workbooks or Word documents in one Excel or Word window and easily switch between them by clicking their tabs.

Status bar

At the bottom of the window there is a status bar (Fig. 1.39). This is another interface element that has undergone changes and improvements in Word 2007.

Rice. 1.39. Status bar

In addition to traditional document data (the total number of pages in the document and the current page number), new items have appeared on the status bar in Word 2007.

Almost all information blocks on the status bar are buttons intended for quick call teams. When you click on the button with the number of pages, the Find and Replace window opens, allowing you to quickly jump to another page in the document. Clicking on the button with the number of words opens the document statistics window, which shows the number of lines, paragraphs, characters without spaces and with spaces. This is very useful when writing articles and abstracts. V previous versions It was much less convenient for Word to call up the statistics window.

If Word has not found any spelling errors in the document, then the spelling check icon is named Spelling errors not found and looks like an open book with a green "birdie". If Word considers some words in the document to be incorrect, then this icon takes the form of a book with a red cross and its name changes to Spelling errors found, click to fix it. When you click on this icon, Word sequentially highlights misspelled words in the text and displays context menu, containing options for actions with this word (Fig. 1.40). If there are similar words in the Word dictionary, then they are displayed in this menu... If you click on a word in the menu, it will be inserted instead of the erroneous one. Using this menu, you can also skip the current misspelled word and go to the next one, skip all similar misspelled words, or add a word to the program dictionary. This is very useful opportunity, since the Word dictionary, although quite extensive, often does not contain quite common words. This function is especially relevant if you often work with specialized texts, such as medical or technical. After adding a word to the dictionary, it will not be considered erroneous.

Rice. 1.40. Context menu for the misspelled word

If you click on the button that shows current language document, a window for selecting the language in the current document will open, for which the spelling will be checked (Fig. 1.41).

Rice. 1.41. Language selection window

In Word 2007, the buttons for switching document view modes have moved to the status bar (in previous versions of Word, they were located to the left of the scroll bar) (see Fig. 1.39). These buttons allow you to select the document view mode: Page Layout, Reading View, Web Document, Outline, and Draft. Various modes document displays are used to change the way the user perceives information. These modes are described in more detail in Sec. 2.4.

The Word 2007 status bar now has tools for zooming in on a document. If you click on the image of the current document scale, a dialog box will open in which you can select the desired scale from the proposed values ​​or specify an arbitrary one. In addition, you can change the scale using the slider, dragging it to the left or right and thereby decreasing or increasing the scale, or by clicking on the round buttons with a minus or plus sign. In this case, the scale will decrease or increase by 10%.

If you find it uncomfortable to change the scale using the slider, or you never use the button to check spelling, you can remove these blocks from the status bar. In Word 2007, you can customize the commands assigned to it. To do this, right-click on it. In the menu that appears, you can not only disable the display of unnecessary commands, but also enable those that are inactive by default, but may be useful for you (Fig. 1.42). For example, you can enable the display of the row number, section number, column number, Caps Lock key press, and so on.

Rice. 1.42. Status bar setup menu


If you have any questions regarding the topics discussed in this chapter, refer to Sec. 11.3 - perhaps you will find the answer to your question.