Variable types visual basic. Visual Basic programming language

Because the Visual Basic can determine for himself variable type according to her meaning(cm. Variant), then the type of the variable need not be declared (not specified). However, declaration of variables is a rule of good programming etiquette, and also allows you to avoid some errors in the program, such as unequal spelling of the variable name in different places in the program, non-compliance with data types in calculations.

The variable is declared at the beginning of the code window or at the beginning of the procedure using the operator Dim with this entry:

Dim Variable_name As Variable_type

The variable type is words Byte, Long, String and others from the type table (see above).

For example:
Dim a As Byte
Variable declared A type Byte. You can put a number from 0 to 255 into such a variable. When you try to assign a variable more an error will occur, and the number having fractional part will be rounded.

Dim b As String
Variable declared b type String. This variable will contain the text (although the text can also consist of numbers, but 2 plus 3 is 23).

When declaring several variables, you can list them using comma:
Dim a As Byte , b As String

After the declaration line, you can assign a value to a variable.

For example:
Dim a As Byte
a = 5

Visual Basic also allows you to create your own data types. This capability is important when you are dealing with a group of data elements that are related to each other but belong to different data categories. You can create your own types (UDT - user-defined type) using the Structure statement, and declare variables related to these new types using the Dim statement. But keep in mind that the Structure statement cannot be located in an event procedure - it must be located at the top of the form code, along with other variable declarations, or in the module code.

For example, the following declaration creates a custom data type named Employee that can store the names, date of birth, and date of hire associated with that employee:

Structure Employee Dim Name As String Dim DateOfBirth As Date Dim HireDate As Date End Structure

After you create a data type, you can use it in form code or in module event procedures. The following statements use the new Employee type. The first statement creates a variable named ProductManager of type Employee , and the second statement sets the Name component of that variable to "Eric Cody":

Dim ProductManager As Employee ProductManager.Name = "Eric Cody"

Sounds like setting properties, doesn't it? Visual Basic uses the same notation for relationships between objects and properties as it does for relationships between user-defined data types and variable components.

Constants: variables that do not change

If a variable in your program contains a value that never changes (such as pi, which is a fixed mathematical entity), you might consider storing that value as a constant rather than a variable. A constant is a meaningful name that replaces a number or test string that never changes. Constants are useful because they increase the readability of program code and reduce the number of software errors and make it easier to make global changes to the code. Constants act like variables, but you cannot change their value while the program is running. They are declared using the Const keyword, as shown in the following example:

Const Pi As Double = 3.14159265

This statement creates a constant called Pi that can be used in program code in place of the value of pi. To make a constant available to all of your form's objects and event procedures, place this statement at the top of your form's code along with other variable and structure declarations that have a scope that extends to all of the form's event procedures. To make a constant available from all forms and modules of the program (and not just from Form1 ), create a constant in the module code by specifying before it keyword Public For example:

Public Const Pi As Double = 3.14159265

In the next exercise, we use constants in an event procedure.

Using a Constant in an Event Procedure
  1. From the File menu, select Open, and then click Project. The Open Project dialog box appears.
  2. Open the Constant Tester project located in the folder c:\vbnet03sbs\Chapter 5\constant tester.
  3. If the project form is not visible, click Form1.vb in the Solution Explorer, and then click the View Designer button. The form appears in the Windows Forms Designer Constant test. Constant Tester is the "skeleton" of the program. The user interface is complete, but you must enter the program code.
  4. Double-click the button Show constant forms. The Button1_Click event procedure appears in the Code Editor.
  5. Enter the following statements in the Button1_Click event procedure:

    Const Pi As Double = 3.14159265 Label1.Text = Pi

    Advice. Choose the placement of your declarations based on how you plan to use constants or variables. Typically, programmers try to make the scope of declarations as small as possible, but still have it available in all parts of the code where it is needed. For example, if a constant is needed only in a single event procedure, you would place the declaration of that constant inside that event procedure. However, if you must make it available to all of your form's event procedures, then place its declaration at the top of the form's code.

    To start the program, click on the Start button located on the standard toolbar.

    Click the button Show constant. The constant Pi will appear in the label field as shown below.

    To stop the program, click the button Exit.

    Constants are useful in program code, especially when calculating mathematical formulas. The next section describes how to use operators and variables to write formulas.


Data type is a method of storing and presenting data in a computer system.

The following types of data can be stored and processed in Visual Basic.

Byte is a non-negative integer. Accepts values ​​from 0 to 255, occupies 1 byte.

Boolean - logical value. Takes one of two values ​​True and False, takes 2 bytes.

Currency is a decimal extended number. Used to carry out monetary calculations with a fixed number of decimal places, occupies 8 bytes. (Up to 15 places to the left of the decimal point and up to 4 places to the right of the decimal point).

Date - date. Used to store dates/times, occupies 8 bytes.

Double - double precision decimal number, occupies 8 bytes.

Integer - short integer numeric value, occupies 2 bytes. Used to represent integers in the range -32768 to 32767.

Long - long integer, occupies 4 bytes. Used to represent integers in the range -2147483648 to 2147483647.

Single - normal precision decimal number, occupies 4 bytes. Used to represent negative numbers in the range -3.402823E 38 to -1.401298E-45 and to represent positive numbers in the range 1.401298E-45 to 3.402823E 38.

String - variable length string. The memory occupied linearly depends on the number of characters in the line.

String * length - a constant length string.

Variant - arbitrary value. Is used for data storage any types. Occupies 16 bytes, plus one byte per character if the value is a string.

Object - object. Used only to store references to objects, takes 4 bytes.

Variable is a named memory area designed to store data that changes during program execution. To access the contents of this memory area, it is enough to know the name of the variable.

A variable name (identifier) ​​is a string of characters that distinguishes this variable from other program objects (identifies the variable in the program).

When naming variables, you must follow the following rules:

The first character of the name must be a letter. The remaining characters are letters and numbers (uppercase and lowercase letters are different). You can use the symbol "_";

  • You cannot use the “.” character in the name;
  • the number of characters in the name should not exceed 255;
  • The variable name must not coincide with reserved (service) words of the language.

The following features exist in Visual Basic. variable type declarations.

  1. The variable may not be declared at all. In this case, the default type will be Variant. However, this can lead to slow, inefficient program operation and wasteful memory usage.
  2. A variable can be declared explicitly using the variable definition statement:Dim Variable name [ As Variable type],
    for example: Dim d as Long.
    To ensure that variables are always declared explicitly, you must use the Option Explicit option in the (General) (Declarations) section of existing forms, modules, or classes. After setting this option, Visual Basic requires explicit variable declarations and will generate an error message if you use an undeclared variable in your code.
  3. A variable can be declared implicitly:

    Using the type declaration operator:

DefType Starting letter [- Ending letter];

Instead of OerType, one of the keywords denoting the type is indicated:

Deflnt (for type Integer);
- DefLng (for Long type);
- DefSng (for Single type);
- DefStr (for type String) and so on;

The type of a variable can sometimes be inferred from the suffix attached to the variable name. Only six types of variables can have suffixes:

- % - type Integer;
- & - type Long;
- ! - Single type;
- # - Double type;
- $ - String type;
- @ - Currency type.

If a variable whose type is indicated implicitly by a suffix occurs multiple times in a program, then the suffix can only be specified once, the first time the variable is used in the program.

Constants- quantities whose values ​​cannot change. Like variables, constants are declared at the beginning of the program code with the operator:

Const ConstantName = Value, for example: Const Pi = 3.14159

Only constant values ​​and their combinations, including arithmetic and/or logical operators, can be used as a value.

Array is a set of elements of a certain type, each of which has its own serial number, called an index.

An array is defined using the operator:

Upper limit) .

For example: Dim b (a to 15) - declaration of an array b consisting of 15 elements.

Visual Basic, by default, indexes array elements starting from zero, that is, index 0 is the first element of the array, index 1 is the second, and so on. The Option Base 1 operator allows you to set the indexing of the array from 1. This operator must be in the (General) (Declarations) section.

In this part, you will learn about the data types that can be manipulated by VBA, how temporary data is stored in VBA, how to combine variables and constants to create new values, and learn how to include built-in functions in expressions.

Laboratory work No. 3. Overview of VB data types. Variables and

constants. Data type compatibility. Assignment operator. Arithmetic and logical operators. Built-in functions

Purpose of the lesson: Know data types. Be able to create variables. Be able to set data types to variables. Be able to create named constants. Know the scope

variables and constants. Know type conversion. Know how to use the assignment operator. Know arithmetic and logical operations. Know how to use string concatenation. Be able to use VBA built-in functions. Materials for the lesson: MS Excel 2003.

Data Types OverviewVisualBasic (VB)

Before learning about variables, you should understand how VBA stores different types of information. VBA, like most other programming systems, divides the data it processes into numbers, dates, text, and other types. Data type(data type) is a term that refers to certain types of data that VBA stores and can manipulate. In table 9 generalized types VBA data, shows how much memory each type takes up, briefly describes the data types, and gives the range of values ​​that the type can store.

Table 9– VBA data types

Type name

Size inbytes

Positive integers from 0 to 255

Integers from -32768 to 32767

Long integers from -2147483648 to 2147483647

Real numbers of ordinary precision with

floating point.

Negative numbers:

from -3.402823E38 to -1.401298E-45.

Positive numbers:

from 1.401298E-45 to 3.402823E38

Double precision real numbers with

floating point.

Negative numbers:

from -1.79769313486232E308 to


Positive numbers:

from 4.94065645841247E-324 to


Numbers with up to 15 digits before the decimal point and 4 digits after it (currency units). From -922337203685477.5808 to 922337203685477.5807

To store logical values; can only contain True or False values

Type name

Size inbytes

Description and value range

To store a combination of date and time information. The date range can be from January 1, 100 to December 31, 9999. Time range from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59

String (variable length string)

10 bytes + Used to store text. Can string length range from 0 characters to (approximately) 2 billion characters


fixed length)

Length Used to store text. Can strings (one contain from one to (approximately) 65400 bytes per character)

16 bytes + 1 byte/character

The Variant type can store any other data type. The range for Variant data depends on the actual data being stored. In the case of text, the range corresponds to the string type; in the case of numbers, the range is the same as that of the Double type

Used to access any object recognized by VBA. Stores the address of an object in memory

In table 9 you came across a data representation called exponential notation(scientific notation), which is used to display very large and very small numbers in a compact format on external devices (monitor, printer, etc.). In exponential notation, values ​​are written without leading or trailing zeros and have only one digit to the left of the decimal place. The number is multiplied by 10 to some degree to show where the decimal place actually is.

VBA has six different numeric data types: Byte, Integer, Long, Single, Double And Currency. Numeric data types are used to store (and manipulate) numbers in various formats, depending on the specific type.

Typically a VBA program (like any other program) "makes" decisions by checking whether various conditions are true. To make it easier to test conditions and ensure that the results of such testing are stored, VBA provides a Boolean data type. Boolean values True And False called Boolean(Boolean) values. Their name is associated with the name of the mathematician who developed the system of mathematical logic. The VBA Boolean data type is also called the Boolean. The VBA Boolean type requires two bytes of memory and can have one of two values: True or False. If you display type Boolean on the screen, VBA automatically converts it to a string containing either the word True, or False. Boolean values ​​are obtained as

the result of the comparison operation.

VBA uses type Date for storing dates and times. No need to worry about how VBA stores type data Date, – you can simply display, save or manipulate dates; VBA automatically handles all the details of converting a sequential number to year, month, day, and time. VBA type Date is a type consecutive dates(serial Dates). Consecutive dates store the date as a number of days from a given start date. Base date for VBA type Date is December 30, 1899. VBA uses negative numbers to represent dates before 12/30/1899 and positive numbers to represent dates after 12/30/1899. The number 0 represents the date itself, 12/30/1899. According to this scheme, January 1, 1900 is written as the number 2 (January 1, 1990 is 2 days after December 30, 1899), but the number –2 is the date December 28, 1899 (two days before December 30, 1899). To verify this, write a simple procedure.

Exercise 1. Write a procedure that prints a date message.

For this:

Write a procedure (Listing 3):

Listing 3 ProcedureDateTest

1 Sub DateTest()

2 Dim d As Date 3

As a result of this procedure, the base date will be displayed on the screen (Fig. 15).

Rice. 15 In a sequential date value, the integer part (the numbers to the left of the decimal place) is the total number of days from the base date. The VBA sequential date can have digits to the right of the decimal place; these numbers indicate the time of day as part of the day. One hour is 1/24 of a day (approximately 0.0416. Likewise, one minute is 1/1440 of a day, and a second is 1/86,400 of a day. You can subtract one date from another, add to a date, or subtract numbers to change it values. For example, if you need to determine the number of days between two dates, simply subtract the earlier date from the later. Because these are values ​​like Date, VBA "knows" that the purpose of the calculation is to obtain the difference in days between these two dates. Likewise, if you need to determine a date 60 days after a given date, simply add 60 to that date.

VBA has several built-in routines (described in this part) to separately extract the year, month, day, hours, minutes, and seconds from variable type Date.

Any text data saved in a VBA program is called lines(strings). Strings in VBA are saved using data type String. Strings get their name because text data is usually treated as strings of characters. The line may contain text characters any types: letters of the alphabet, numbers, punctuation marks or various symbols. There are two categories of strings: variable-length strings, which grow or shrink in size, and fixed-length strings, whose size always remains the same. All strings in VBA are variable length strings unless you specify a fixed length. Most user input data (in dialog boxes, worksheet cells) is string data. Additionally, since you can only display text on the screen, all other data types must be converted to string data before you can display them on the screen. Many VBA built-in procedures (like Msgbox) use string data in all or some of their arguments. VBA provides several operators for concatenation(concatenate), that is, to join together and compare strings. VBA also has several built-in routines to help you extract substrings from longer strings, find characters or words in a string, change the case of letters in a string, and so on. This part describes VBA string operators and procedures for manipulating VBA strings.

Data type Variant is a special data type that can store any of the types listed in table. 9, except type Object. VBA uses type Variant for all variables, unless you explicitly declare the variable's type, as described later in this section. Data type Variant take on characteristics of a certain type that they currently hold. For example, if data type Variant contain string data Variant accepts characteristics of type String. If data type Variant contain numerical data, Variant takes characteristics of some numerical type, usually - Double, although types Variant may also have type characteristics Integer, Long, Single or Currency. Although the types Variant Convenient and take some of the work out of writing procedures, they require more memory than any other data type except large strings. In addition, mathematical operations and comparison operations on data type Variant are slower than similar operations on any other type of data. In general, you should avoid using variables Variant: if you will rely on type variables Variant, you may develop a habit of sloppy programming and find it difficult to find and fix errors in programs.


Variable(variable) is the name the programmer gives to the area

computer memory used to store some type of data. VBA variables can store any of the data types listed in the table. 9.

Identifier(identifier) is the name you give to elements in procedures and modules you create, such as variables. The term identifier is based on the fact that the names you create identify specific locations of memory (in the case of a variable name), groups of statements (in the case of a macro or procedure name), or other program elements.

Variable names not "sensitive" to register state(not case- sensitive), that is, writing the variable name in capitals or in capital letters doesn't matter.

The easiest way to create a variable is to use it in a VBA statement. VBA creates a variable and reserves memory for the variable's memory location the first time that variable appears in a statement (usually a statement that stores a data value in a variable).

Storing a data value in a variable is called assignment to a variable(assigning the variable or making an assignment). Assignment is performed using the assignment operator, represented by the equal sign (=). The following line is an example of assigning a value to a variable:

This statement stores the numerical value 25 in the memory location specified by the variable name MyVar.

Creating a variable by using it in a statement is called implicit variable declaration(implicit variable declaration). By using a variable in a statement, you are implicitly telling (declaring) VBA that you want to create that variable. All variables that VBA creates by implicit variable declaration have a data type Variant. Implicit variable declaration is also known as variable declaration "on the fly"(on- the- fly).

Implicit variable declarations are convenient, but have potential problems. For example, when you have a variable named MyVar and you will make a mistake in the name later when typing Mvar. Depending on where the incorrect variable name appears in your code, VBA may throw a runtime error or simply create a new variable. If VBA creates a new variable, you may have problems that are very difficult to detect.

For these and other reasons, VBA gives you the ability to do explicit(explicit) declaration of variables.

To explicitly declare variables, use the VBA statement Dim with the following syntax:

Dim name1 [, name2 ]

nameN is any valid variable identifier. All the variables you create with this form of the keyword Dim, are variables

type Variant.

A variable can only be declared once in a separate procedure or module. Because the Dim statement comes before any statements that actually use the variable, you can place it anywhere in the procedure. In programming practice, it is a good rule of thumb to collect all explicit variable declarations in one place at the beginning of a procedure.

Task 2. Modify the procedure HelloExcel from the previous part, using an explicit variable definition.

For this:

b change the procedure HelloExcel (Listing 4):

Listing 4 ProcedureHelloExcel

1 Sub HelloExcel()

2 Dim HelloMsg " variable for MsgBox 3

Operator Dim (on line 2) of Listing 4 declares a variable HelloMsg and reserves a memory area for it (in this subroutine HelloMsg is a variable of type Variant). Line 2 includes a final comment indicating the purpose of this variable. Line 4 assigns to a variable HelloMsg lines "Hello,Excel!" . Next (on line 5) the HelloMsg variable is used as one of the arguments to the procedure MsgBox. Function MsgBox displays the same message box as before. Although MsgBox now receives its first argument from a variable, this variable contains the same string information that was previously (in the listings of the previous part) written directly into the operator MsgBox.

All variables in VBA, whether declared implicitly or explicitly, are Variants unless you specify the variable's type in the statement that declares it. For announcement typed variable and its type using the operator Dim add the As keyword after the variable and then enter the name of the data type for that variable. Here is the general syntax for using the operator Dim when declaring typed variables:

Dim varnamel [, varname2 ]

varnameN represents any valid VBA variable name, a typeN – any of the VBA data type names.

Once a typed variable is declared, regardless of whether the variable is declared explicitly or implicitly and how the type is specified, that variable retains the same type for as long as it exists. You cannot re-declar a variable or redefine its type.

With an implicit declaration, you can also specify the type of the variable by adding

special character called type definition symbol(type- definition character), to the end of the variable name. In table Figure 10 lists the VBA type definition symbols and the types they represent. Table 10– Type definition symbols


Definition symbol


Symbol definitions



Type definition characters can only appear at the end of a variable name. Although you should know what type definition symbols are and how they are used, you rarely need to use them—using the Dim statement with the As keyword is much easier and clearer. Most VBA programmers do not use type definition symbols.

Task 3. Modify the procedure HelloExcel from task 3, using the definition of a typed variable.

For this:

b change the procedure HelloExcel (Listing 5):

Listing 5 ProcedureHelloExcel

1 Sub HelloExcel()

2 Dim HelloMsg As String 3

    HelloMsg = "Hello Excel!"

    Title$ = "My first program"

    MsgBox HelloMsg, Title$

This version of the procedure HelloExcel works much the same as the previous ones. Line 1 contains the procedure declaration. On line 2 the statement Dim explicitly declares a variable HelloMsg. Since the operator Dim includes keyword As and type name String, variable HelloMsg has type String. Line 4 assigns the message text to a string variable HelloMsg. Line 5 implicitly declares a variable Title$ and at the same time assigns the message box title text to the variable. Because the variable name Title$ ends with a type definition character for a string, this variable is also of type String. Finally, line 6 uses the operator MsgBox to display a message box; in this statement, both the message text and the window's title bar are variables: HelloMsg And Title$, respectively.

After adding a type definition symbol to a variable, you must include a type definition symbol every time you use the variable name.

Regardless of whether variables of type are declared String using the operator Dim or by adding the type definition character $, the string variables you create are variable-length strings by default.

Variable-length string variables change length depending on the length of the string being stored by the variable. Sometimes you may need to use the line fixed length(fixed- length). Fixed length strings are always the same length. The following line shows the general syntax for creating a fixed-length string:

Dim varname As String * N

varname is any valid variable name, a N – is any number from 1 to 65400 characters

Scope: Variable Availability

Term scope(scope) refers to the scope of a VBA procedure or module where a given variable, procedure, or other identifier is accessible. This part describes two basic levels of scope: procedural and modular. Variables, procedures, and identifiers that are accessible only within a procedure have procedural-level scope, and those that are accessible to all procedures in a module have module-level scope.

A variable declared in a procedure is accessible only by that procedure. For example, variable HelloMsg from line 2 of Listing 5, is only accessible in the procedure HelloExcel; no other procedure has access to this variable.

Therefore they say that the variable HelloMsg It has procedural level scope(procedure- level scope). In fact, the variable HelloMsg only really exists while VBA is actually executing the procedure HelloExcel.

Task 4. Create two procedures whose scope is procedural-level variables.

For this:

b enter two completed procedures (Listing 6):

Listing 6 ProcedureHelloExcel

1 Sub HelloExcel()

2 Dim HelloMsg As String 3

    HelloMsg = "Hello Excel!"

    MsgBox HelloMsg, "My first program"

8 Sub HelloDave()

9 Dim HelloMsg As String 10

    HelloMsg = "Good afternoon, Excel!"

    MsgBox HelloMsg, "Another message box"

Lines 1–6 contain the same procedure HelloExcel from Listing 4, which works exactly the same. A procedure has been added to the module HelloDave, which begins on line 8 of Listing 6. Procedure HelloDave works the same as the procedure HelloExcel, it just displays a different text message and title in its dialog box. On lines 2 and 9, both procedures use the operator Dim to declare locally variables with the name HelloMsg.

Sometimes it is necessary for several procedures to have access to the same variable. It is usually more efficient to calculate a value once, store it in a variable, and then use that variable in multiple procedures than to calculate the same value over and over again.

VBA allows you to declare variables that are accessible to multiple procedures. When a variable is available to all procedures in a module, that variable is said to have scope modular level(module level). VBA limits the scope of a module-level variable to the module in which the variable is declared (VBA provides ways to extend the scope of a variable even further; these methods are described next).

To make a variable available to all procedures in a specific module, place the statement Dim for it at the beginning of the module before any procedure declarations.

Exercise 1

Create two procedures and a single module-level variable declaration (move the statement to line 1 Dim with variable HelloMsg removing lines 2 and 9 from Listing 6).

The variable name must be unique within its scope. However, it is possible to have variables with the same name on different scope levels. When variables have the same name but different scopes, VBA uses the variable with the most local(local) scope.

Requiring explicit declaration of variables

Although implicit variable declaration (declaring variables simply by using them) is convenient, it has some problems. When variables are declared implicitly, there is a risk of inadvertently creating a new variable when you should actually be using an existing one, or using an existing variable when the user intends to create a new one. Both of these situations lead to errors in the code that are very difficult to track down.

To make it easier to spot errors related to implicit variable declarations at any time, VBA provides the command OptionExplicit. Using OptionExplicit VBA requires all variables to be declared (using the operator Dim) before using them in the module.

To set the mode where VBA requires explicit declarations for all variables in a module, add the command OptionExplicit to the module declaration area, that is, to the beginning of the module before any variable or procedure declarations. Commands like OptionExplicit, are called compiler directives(compiler directives).

Team OptionExplicit only affects the module in which it appears. If the project containing this module also contains other modules, they are not affected by the command OptionExplicit. You must include the Option Explicit command in every module that requires explicit variable declarations.

Since inclusion OptionExplicit in all modules is very useful, VB Editor provides a way to automatically include this command in every new module when you create it. In order for VB Editor to add the command OptionExplicit For each new module, follow these steps:

ь select a command Tools/ Options (Service/Options); VB editor displays dialog box Options;

ь click on the tab Editor (Editor) to display editing options, if necessary;

ь select the checkbox Require Variable Declaration (Explicit description of variables);

ь select OK. VB editor closes dialog box Options.

Exercise 2

Set the command to auto-enable Option Explicit into each new module when it is created.


Constant(constant) is a value in a VBA program that does not change. The examples of procedures already given above use string constants like "Hello,Excel!" And "My first program". Constants like them are called literal constants(literal constants), because the literal value is written directly to the code.

You can also write literal numeric constants and dates in VBA code; examples of numeric literal constants include numbers 25 , 3.14 . Examples of literal date constants include dates #12/31/96# or #October 28, 1997#(You'll learn more about writing date constants later in this part).

VBA allows you to create named constants(named constants). A named constant, like a variable, has a name given to it; this name represents a specific immutable value. However, unlike a variable, the value of a named constant never changes. The following line shows the general syntax for declaring named constants:

Const name = valuel [operator name2… ] _

[, patheZ =value3 [operator name4 ] … ]

nameN represents any valid identifier, valueN – any data value: numeric, string or date, a operator – an arithmetic or comparison operation between two names of previously described constants. Next lines show several declarations of named constants: Const Pi = 3.14, text = "Hello Excel!"

Const Pi2 = 2*Pi

Scope of constants

As with variables, you can declare named constants in procedures or in the declaration area at the beginning of a module. A constant declared in a procedure has procedural-level scope, while a constant declared in a module's declaration scope has modular-level scope. Named constants follow the same scope rules as variables.

Writing Literal Constants

When writing literal string constants in VBA code, follow these rules:

ь string constants must be enclosed in double quotes (");

ь is an empty string constant (called zero linenull string or empty string) is denoted by two double quotes with nothing between them ("");

b The string constant must all be on the same line.

When writing literal numeric constants in VBA code, follow these rules:

ь numeric constants must consist only of numeric characters from 0 to 9;

b a numerical constant may begin with a (–) sign and may contain a decimal point;

b You can use exponential notation for numerical constants.

VBA recognizes date constants in any of several different formats; You must place all date constants between pound signs (#). The following lines show some of the date constant formats that VBA recognizes: #2-5-97 21:17:34# #February 5, 1997 9:17:34pm# #Mag-31-97# #15 April 1997#

Regardless of which of the following formats a literal constant of type Date is written in, VBA reformats the constant (when the insertion point is removed from the line after writing the constant) to conform to one of the following two formats, depending on whether the Date constant contains information about time: #2/5/1997 9:17:34 PM# #2/5/1997# There are only two correct Boolean constants: True and False.

Specifying a constant type

When you declare a named constant or use a literal constant, VBA "believes" that the value represented by that constant has

the data type that most closely matches the expression assigned to the constant.

In VBA, you can set the type of a constant. The general syntax for declaring a typed constant is:

Const name As type = value[, name As type = value]

name is any valid constant name, type – the name of any VBA data type and value – the value you assign to the constant.

The following line illustrates the correct declaration of a constant with a specific type:

Const Pi As Double = 3.14


VBA provides several internal constants(intrinsic constants), also called predefined constants(predefined constants). An internal constant is a named constant that was defined by the VBA developers. Internal constants defined by VBA all start with letters vb to indicate that they are defined by the Visual Basic for Applications (or Visual Basic) language. For example, constants vbOKOnly, vbOKCancel are defined by VBA. Excel 2002 internal constants begin with letters xl to make it clear that they are defined by Excel. Thanks to internal constants, it is easier to use some of VBA's built-in procedures, such as the statement MsgBox, which you already know about, and the operator InputBox, which are discussed later in this part.

Display message windows. Receiving data from the user

Receiving data from the user, storing it in a variable, and displaying the results of actions performed on it are the basic elements needed to write interactive procedures. Interactive(interactive) procedure is a procedure that exchanges information with the user, that is, the procedure interacts with the user by displaying messages and receiving input.

Function MsgBox displaying a message box has the following syntax:

MsgBox(Prompt [, Buttons ] [, Title ] [, HelpFile , Context ])

argument Prompt MsgBox displays this line in a dialog box; must always provide an argument Prompt, since this is required argument(required argument). Argument Buttons (optional argument), is a numeric expression that determines the buttons and messages displayed in the dialog box. Argument Title represents any string value (literal, constant, or variable). MsgBoxTitle, VBA displays in title bar of dialog box MsgBox word " MicrosoftExcel" . Argument HelpFile – help file, Context – section in the help file. The message text can be enclosed in parentheses, but parentheses are optional when the function MsgBox

used as an operator.

Data entered by the user is called input data(input). To receive input from the user of a procedure, use the function InputBox. Function(function) is a special type of VBA procedure that returns a value. Function InputBox displays a dialog box containing text that prompts the user to enter some value, and a text box for entering that value. Dialog box displayed InputBox, also contains command buttons OK And Cancel.

Function InputBox has the following syntax:

stringvar=InputBox( Prompt[, Title] [, Default] [, XPos] [, YPos] _

[, HelpFile, Context])

Here stringvar represents any variable that can store a string (or a variable of type String, or – Variant). Argument Prompt represents any string value (literal, constant, or variable). InputBox displays this string as a prompt in a dialog box; must always provide an argument Prompt, since this is required argument; all others are optional. Argument Title is the second argument for InputBox. Title represents any string value (literal, constant, or variable). InputBox displays the text of this string in the title bar of the dialog box. If you omit the argument Title, VBA displays in the title bar of the dialog box InputBox word " MicrosoftExcel" . Argument Default – a string expression displayed in the input field as the default if the user does not enter another string; if this argument is omitted, the input field is rendered empty. Arguments XPos And YPos can be any numerical expressions. These arguments allow you to specify where in the active window the input window appears, and are the coordinates of the top-left corner of the dialog box: XPos – horizontal distance from the left edge of the window; YPos – this is the vertical distance from the top edge of the window. Both distances are measured in twips ( twips); One twip is equal to 1/20 of a point (a point is the measurement of a print font). Since a dot is 1/72 of an inch, one twip is approximately 0.0007 inch. Last two optional arguments to the function InputBox- This HelpFile And Context. They have the same purpose as similar function arguments MsgBox.

Using named function arguments

As you may have noticed, it's easy to accidentally omit commas or rearrange argument values ​​in functions that have optional arguments or multiple arguments, despite the help of the property Auto Quick (Brief information) VB editor. Omitting or rearranging arguments in a function's argument list can result in type mismatch errors. The error (even worse) may not be detected. To prevent programming errors and make it easier to use functions that have optional arguments, VBA provides an alternative to listing the values ​​in the argument list in a specific order. You can also transfer

function argument values ​​using named arguments(named arguments) functions. The following lines show two statements MsgBox, which have the same result; The first statement uses the regular argument enumeration method, and the second uses the named argument method:

MsgBox AnyMsg, AnyTitle

MsgBox Prompt:=AnyMsg, Title:=AnyTitle

The symbol that assigns a value to a named argument (:=) is not exactly the same as the regular assignment operator (=). If you omit the colon (:) when assigning a value to a named argument, VBA will not necessarily detect a syntax error, but may not interpret the statement correctly. When VBA executes this statement, it displays one of several possible runtime errors, often a type mismatch error.

You cannot mix named arguments with a regular argument list in the same function call. You must use either named arguments or a list of regular arguments for each individual function call.

Task 5. Write a procedure that calculates the area of ​​a circle, but gets the radius of the circle from the user of the procedure.

For this:

Enter the procedure (Listing 7):

Listing 7 – Receiving input data using an operatorInputBox

    Const Pi As Single =3.14 "approximation of pi value

    Dim CircleArea As Single " saves the calculated area of ​​the circle 3

4 Sub List3_07()

    Const BoxTitle = "Area of ​​the circle"!}

    Dim Radius As Single, Temp As String 7

    Temp = InputBox("Enter the radius of " & Chr(13) & "circle", BoxTitle)

    Radius = CSng(Temp)

    CircleArea = Pi * Radius * Radius

    MsgBox CircleArea, vbInformation + vbOKCancel, BoxTitle

Lines 1 and 2 of Listing 7 declare a constant Pi and a variable CircleArea modular level. Line 4 contains the actual procedure declaration. Line 5 declares a procedural level constant BoxTitle; this constant has only local access in the procedure List3_07. On line 8 the statement calls the function InputBox. It displays its first argument as text in a dialog box, prompting the user to enter values ​​of some type. In this statement InputBox displays the text "Enter the radius of the circle" (function Chr(13) - jump symbol to new line) to tell users of the procedure what value they should enter. InputBox uses the second argument,

12 End Sub

represented by a constant BoxTitle, as the title of the dialog box. When executing the statement InputBox a dialog box is displayed (Fig. 16)

Area of ​​a circle

Enter the radius of the circle

Rice. 16 The user enters a number into the text box and selects a command button OK or Cancel to close the dialog box just like any other Windows window. Whenever you call any function, you need to somehow use the return value of the function. The value returned by the function is called function result(function result). As shown on line 8 in the case of the function InputBox, the result of which is assigned to a variable Temp. Function result InputBox is always a string (that's why the variable Temp was announced as String). Since the variable Temp was declared explicitly as String, the string value must be converted to a numeric value before it can be used in mathematical calculations. Line 9 of Listing 7 does just that, using the built-in VBA function CSng to convert user input to a number of type Single.

Expressions inVisualBasic

Expression(expression) is a value or group of values ​​that expresses a single value. Every expression calculated to(or has the result of) a separate meaning. Expressions consist of one or more of the following parts: constants (literal or named), variables (any data type), operator signs, arrays, array elements, functions.

All expressions result in a single value of a specific data type. Expressions can also result in one of the special values Empty(an uninitialized variable of type Variant or the result of an expression containing an uninitialized variable of type Variant) or Null(Null represents an expression containing invalid data). When you use a character in an expression, the data elements (variables or constants) on which the action is performed are called operands(operands); most operations require two operands.

Data type compatibility. Automatic data conversion

Not all data types are compatible with each other, and you cannot use incompatible data types in the same expression. For example, arithmetic addition of a string to a number does not make sense, since such an expression is not meaningful and VBA cannot evaluate it.

Many data types are compatible with each other. For example, you can

combine different numeric data types in the same expression; VBA automatically performs the necessary type conversions for various numeric types. VBA can also sometimes automatically convert other data types so that all types in an expression are compatible, although this is not always possible. It is very important to control and know the type of the expression because if the expressions contain incompatible types, VBA throws a runtime error - error type mismatch(type- mismatch). When processing an expression containing different data types, VBA first "attempts" to resolve any type differences by converting the values ​​in the expression to compatible data types. If type conversion fails to resolve any differences, a run-time error is displayed and the procedure stops executing. For example, in the expression 25 & Computer Science, VBA always performs string concatenation (joining two strings together), regardless of variable types; the result is the type String; this expression never causes a type mismatch error.

VBA typically converts all numeric data types in an expression to the highest precision type and then gives that type to the result of the expression. For example, if the expression contains numeric values ​​with types Integer And Single, the result of the expression is the type Single– the type of greatest precision in this expression. If you assign the result of a numeric expression to a variable with less precision than the actual type of the expression result, VBA rounds the result of the expression until its precision matches the expected type. For example, if you assign a numeric expression that results in a number of type Double, variable type Integer, VBA rounds double precision number to type Integer.

When you convert a number to a string, VBA creates a string containing all the digits of that number and a decimal place (if the number has one). The number 3413.72 (the dot is used to write a number in code), for example, is converted to the string "3413.72". If the number is very large or very small, VBA can create a string representation of the number in scientific notation; for example, the number 0.0000000004927 is converted to the string "4.927E–11".

VBA can convert a string to a number only if the string contains a symbolic representation of the number in decimal or scientific notation. The strings "988.6", "812", "-186.7", "1,ZE10" represent numbers, and VBA can convert them to numbers. The lines "1,045", "$74,550" and "Good morning!" cannot be converted to numbers.

When VBA converts values ​​of type Boolean in numbers, meaning True is converted to 1 and the value False– to 0. When VBA converts a number to a type Boolean, zero is converted to False, and any other value is converted to True. When VBA converts values ​​of type Boolean to strings, VBA uses the string "True" to True and "False" – for False.

When VBA converts data type Date to a number, the result is a numerical value - a number of type Double, which contains the number of days since December 30, 1899 (a negative number represents a date earlier than 12/30/1899). The decimal part of the number (if present) expresses the time of day as a part

day; 0 is midnight and 0.5 is noon. In VBA, converting numeric data types to types Date is simply the inverse of the type conversion Date in number.

Assignment operator (=)

This operator is used to assign the result of an expression to a variable. The syntax of the assignment operator form is as follows:

varname = expression

variable varname - any variable, a expression - any expression.

When you execute an assignment operator, VBA first evaluates the expression to the right of the assignment operator (=) and then stores the result of the expression in the variable whose name is to the left of the assignment operator.

Illustration of the assignment operator in a block diagram:

varname = expression

When you assign the result of an expression to a variable with a particular data type, that result can be of a data type that is compatible with the type of the variable receiving the new value. In many cases, VBA can convert the data type of the result of an expression to a type compatible with the type of the variable receiving the new value if the result of the expression and the variable do not already have compatible types. Variable type Variant any data type can be assigned.

Arithmetic operations

VBA can perform all the usual arithmetic operations (implemented through arithmetic expressions): addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, as well as raising numbers to a specified power, and provides additional special mathematical operations for integer division and modulo division (Table 11).

Table 11- Operation signs (notations) used in VBA arithmetic expressions (Ni is any valid VBA numeric expression)




Addition. Adds N1 to N2

Subtraction. Subtracts N2 from N1

Multiplication. Multiplies N1 by N2

Division. Divides N1 by N2.

Integer division. Divides N1 by N2, discarding any fractional part so that the result is an integer.

Modulo division. Divides N1 by N2, returning only the remainder of the division operation.

Exponentiation. Raises N1 to the power N2.

Both operands must be numeric expressions or strings that VBA can convert to a number.

Comparison Operations

Comparison operations are sometimes also called relational operations(relational operators). Most often, comparison operations are used to set criteria for making a decision or to formulate a description of the conditions under which a group of commands should be repeated (cycle organization).

The result of any comparison operation is a value of type Boolean: True or False. Comparison operators are used to compare literal, constant, or variable values ​​of any similar type (Table 12).


Equality. True , IfElequals E2, otherwise –False

Less than. True , IfElless than E2, otherwise –False

Less than or equal to.True, if E1 is less than or equal

E2, otherwise –False

More than. True , if E1 is greater than E2, otherwise –False

Greater than or equal to.True, if E1 is greater than or equal to

E2, otherwise –False

Not equal.True, if E1 is not equal to E2, otherwise – False

Object. True, if El refers to the same object as E2, otherwise –False Similarity. Both operands must be values ​​of type

Table 12– Comparison symbols (E in this table represents any valid VBA expression)





String. True, if El matches

Binary and text string comparison

VBA provides two different ways to compare characters of different cases. The first method that VBA uses to compare strings is called binary (binary) or binary comparison and is the default comparison method. To select VBA's string comparison method (binary or text), use the directive OptionCompare:

Option Compare [ Binary | Text]

In text comparison, VBA "treats" uppercase letters as equivalent to lowercase letters.

String concatenation

VBA provides the ability to concatenate (glue) strings together to form longer strings. Appending one string to another is called concatenation(concatenation) lines. The & sign can only be used to concatenate strings. The general syntax for the & sign is:

Operand1 & Operand2 [& Operand3… ]

Operand1 And Operand2 – any valid string or numeric expressions. If one or both operands are numeric expressions, VBA converts the numbers to strings before performing the concatenation operation. The data type of the result of string concatenation is always the type String.

Logical operators

The most common uses of VBA logical operators are to combine the results of individual comparison expressions to create complex decision criteria in a procedure, or to create conditions under which a group of statements must be repeated (Table 13).

Table 13– Logical operators (E in this table represents any valid expression with a Boolean result, such as a comparison operator)

Operator Syntax Name/Description

And El And E2 Conjunction. True, if both E1 and E2 are significant

True , otherwise -False Or El Or E2 Disjunction. True, if one expression or both (E1 and

E2) are equalTrue ; otherwise -False Not Not El Negation. True, if E1 has a value False; False,

IfElis equalTrue

Exception. True, if E1 and E2 have different

values; otherwise -False

Equivalence. True, if E1 has the same

meaning the same as E2; otherwise -False

Implication. False, when E1 is equal True And

E2 is equal toFalse ; otherwise -True .

Operation priorities when evaluating complex expressions

Complex(composite) expression(complex expression) is any expression formed from two or more expressions. Many of the expressions you write are complex expressions, especially if they control the ordering of code in procedures or represent various mathematical formulas (Table 14).

Table 14– Hierarchy of statements/operations from highest to lowest priority

Operator/sign Comments

Exponentiation highest priority

Unary minus

Multiplication and division have equal priority; they are evaluated as they appear in the expression from left to right

Addition and subtraction have equal priority; they are evaluated as they appear in the expression from left to right

All string concatenation is performed after any arithmetic operations in the expression and before any comparison or comparison operations. logical operations

<, <=, >, >=,

Like, =,<>, Is

All comparison operators have equal precedence and are evaluated as they appear in the expression from left to right. Use parentheses to group comparison operators in expressions

Using FunctionsVisual Basic

Have you already used the built-in VBA functions: InputBox And MsgBox. Function(function) is a built-in formula that performs operations on expressions and generates a value. A function always returns a value, which VBA inserts into the program where the function name appears. VBA functions are divided into several groups depending on the type of operation or calculation they perform. Don't confuse the terms function And procedure. Typically, a procedure performs a specific task (or group of tasks), much like a specific menu command in Excel, Word, or another application performs a specific task. A function operates on one or more values ​​and returns some resulting value (like a formula in a cell in an Excel worksheet). To use a function, simply enter the function name into a VBA statement along with any arguments that the function requires at the point in the statement where you need to use the function's result. Placing the name of a function in a VBA statement to invoke the function is called challenge(calling) functions.

VBA built-in functions are divided into several categories based on the general purpose of the functions (mathematical, data conversion, date and time, string, and disk manipulation).

Mathematical functions

VBA provides a standard set of mathematical functions (Table 15). Table 15– VBA Math Functions (N means any numeric expression)




Returns absolute valueN


Cosine of angleN, WhereN


Returns the sine of an angle;Nis the angle measured in radians



Returns the tangent of an angle;N– angle in radians


Returns the arctangentNas the angle in radians

Returns a constant e, raised to the power N ( e is the base of natural logarithms and it is (approximately) equals 2.718282)

Returns the integer part of N. Fix does not round the number, but discards any fractional part. If N is negative, Fix returns the nearest negative integer greater than or equal toN


Returns the integer part of N. Int does not round the number, but discards any fractional part. If N is negative, Int returns the nearest negative integer less than or equal toNReturns the natural logarithmN





optional. Use the Rnd function only after

initializing the VBA random number generator with the operator


Returns the sign of the number: –1 if N is negative; 1 if N –

positive; 0 ifNequals 0

Returns the square root of N. VBA displays an error

execution time, ifN– negative

Data conversion functions

Visual Basic provides several functions for converting one data type to another (Table 16). Use these functions to resolve type mismatch errors and provide explicit control over data types in expressions.

Table 16– Data conversion functions (N is any numeric, S is any string, and E is an expression of any type)

Function(ar- Returns/Actiongums)

Returns the character code number corresponding to the first letter linesS. The letter "A", for example, has a character code of 65



Returns a one-character string corresponding to the character code N, which must be a number between 0 and 255, inclusive. Character code 65, for example, returns the letter "A" (Chr(13) is a carriage return character, Chr(10) is a one line offset character)

Returns a string containing the value represented by expression E, formatted according to the instructions contained in S

Returns a string containing the hexadecimal representation of N

Oct(N) Returns a string containing the octal representation of N

Returns an integer of type Long, representing the value of the primary colors of the image. The N in each argument must be an integer in the range 0 – 255, inclusive. The arguments (from left to right) are the values ​​for red, green and blue

Str(N) Returns a string equivalent to the numeric expression N

Returns a numeric value corresponding to the number represented by the string S, which must contain only digits and one decimal point, otherwise VBA cannot convert it to a number. If VBA cannot convert the string to S, then the Val function returns 0

CBool(N) Returns the Boolean equivalent of the numeric expression N

Byte(from 0 to 255); E – any valid numeric or string expression that can be converted to a number

Returns a numeric value of type Currency

Returns a value of type Date. E can be any valid expression (string or number) representing a date in the range 1/1/100 12/31/9999 , inclusive

Returns a numeric value of type Double, which can be converted to a number

Returns a numeric value of type Integer; E – any valid numeric or string expression that can be converted to a number

Returns a numeric value of type Long; E – any valid numeric or string expression that can be converted to a number



Returns a numeric value of type Single; E – any valid numeric or string expression that can be converted to a number

Returns a value of type String; E – any valid numeric or string expression

Returns a value of type Variant; E – any valid numeric or string expression

Date and time functions

VBA date and time functions are typically used to get the current date and time, break a date value into its component parts, or convert strings and numbers to values ​​like Date(Table 17).

Table 17– Date and time functions (N is any valid numeric expression, and D is any valid expression like Date(including values ​​like Date, numbers or strings that VBA can convert to a date); all function arguments are required unless otherwise noted)




Returns the system date. You can also use this function as a procedure to set your computer's system clock. More details can be found in the reference book. systemsVBA

Returns the computer's system time as a value of type Date. You can also use this function as a procedure to set the system clock. More details can be found from help system VBAReturns the system date and time

Date And

Returns an integer that is part of an expression of type Date,


Returns an integer that is part of an expression of type Date And

Weekday(D) Hour(D)


Returns an integer containing the day of the week for an expression of type

Date. The day of the week is returned as a number between 1 and 7,

inclusive; 1 is Sunday, 2 is Monday and so on

Returns an integer containing the hours as part of the time,

a number between 0 and 23, inclusive. If expression D is not

contains time values, thenHourreturns 0


DateAdd(S, N, D)

DateSerial(N, N, N)

TimeSerial(N, N, N)


Returns an integer containing minutes as part of the time in

expression type Date. The minutes are returned as a number between 0

and 59, inclusive. If expression D does not contain a value

time,Minutereturns 0

Returns an integer containing seconds as part of the time in

expression type Date. The seconds are returned as a number between

0 and 59, inclusive. If expression D does not contain a value

time,Secondreturns 0

Returns value [type Variant(Date)], containing the date to

DateDiff(S, D1, Returns [type Variant(Long)] number of temporary D2[,Nl [, N2 ]]) intervals between two specific dates DatePart(S, D, [, Returns the specified part [type Variant(Integer)] N1 [, N2]]) given date

to which a specified time interval is added

Returns the sequential date value for the given date. From left to right, the arguments represent the year, month, and day. The year argument must be an integer between 100 and 9999, the month must be between 1 and 12, the day must be between 1 and 31 (all ranges are inclusive)

Returns the serial time value. From left to right, the arguments represent hours, minutes, and seconds. The hours argument must be an integer between 0 and 23, arguments minutes and seconds must both be numbers from 0 to 59 Returns a value of type Date, equivalent to the date specified by argument E, which must be a string, a number, or a constant representing a date

midnight according to the computer system time Some of the functions listed have already been used in the examples in this book, others will be used further.

String functions

VBA string functions are often used to find specified strings within other strings, compare one string to another, and copy selected portions of strings (Table 18).

Returns a value of type Date, containing the time specified by argument E, which can be a string, a number, or constant representing time Returns a number representing the number of seconds from

Table 18– String functions (N is any valid numeric expression, and S is any valid string expression)


Returns the position of S2 in S1. N1 – initial position for

search; N2 determines the type of comparison. N1 and N2 are optional. If N2 is omitted, then the current one is used for searching installationOption Compare InStrRev(Sl, S2 Returns the position where string S2 appears inside S1

[, Nl[, N2]]) LCase(S)

Len(S) LTrim(S)

Space(N) StrComp(Sl, S2, N)

in the direction from the end (or N1) to the beginning of the line. N2 determines the type of comparison. If N2 is omitted, then use is used for searching current installationOption Compare

Returns a string (type String), containing a copy of S with all uppercase characters converted to characters lowercase

Returns a string; copies N characters from S, starting from the left last characterS

Returns the number of characters in S, including leading and trailing characters spaces

from the left side of the line (leading spaces) Returns a string; copies N2 characters from S, starting at the character position in S specified by N1. N2 is optional; if N2 is omitted, then Mid returns everything characters in a stringSfrom positionN1 to end of line Returns a String value; copies N characters from S,

starting from the rightmost characterS

Returns a copy of the string S after whitespace characters have been removed

from the right side of the string (ending characters)

Returns a string of spaces of lengthNcharacters

Compares S1 with S2 and returns a number indicating the result of the comparison: -1 if SI< S2; 0, если SI = S2; 1, если SI >S2. N is optional and specifies whether the comparison should be case sensitive. If N is omitted, strings are compared using the current setting OptionCompare

Returns a string converted to new uniform depending on the numeric code specified by the N argument. VBA provides internal constants for use with the StrConv function; the most useful are: vbProperCase(converts the string so that every letter that begins a word becomes capitalized), vbLowerCase(converts the string to lowercase letters) and vbUpperCase(converts the string to uppercase letters)

Function(ar- Returns/Actiongum)

String(N, S) Returns a string of N characters long, consisting of the character

specified by the first character inS Trim(S) Returns a copy of the string S after removing the leading and

trailing whitespace characters from this string UCase(S) Returns S with all lowercase characters,

converted to uppercase characters Several listed in the table. The 16 data type conversion functions also apply to string manipulation: Chr, Format, CStr, in particular.

Formatting Data Values

Although VBA can automatically convert any data type to a string for display using the MsgBox function or for insertion into an Excel worksheet, the data format that VBA chooses may not be the one you want. When converting a number to a string, VBA does not add a thousands separator, dollar signs, or other number formatting to the string. Additionally, if a number is very large or very small, VBA creates a string representing that number in scientific notation. When converting dates, VBA always uses the short date and time format used by the computer's operating system and always displays both the date and time.

To get almost any date format when converting numbers or dates to strings, you can use the function Format; you can even use the function Format to format string data according to a specific pattern. You can also create custom screen formats if you need the data to appear in a specific format. Format operator syntax:

Format( Expression [, Format[, Firstdayofweek [, Firstweekofyear]]])

Expression – any valid expression (mandatory); Format – a valid expression of a named or user-defined format (optional); Firstdayofweek – a constant that defines the first day of the week (optional); Firstweekofyear – a constant that defines the first week of the year (optional).

For arguments Firstdayofweek And Firstweekofyear VBA has named constants, which you can learn about in the VBA Help under Date Constants.

To use the function Format, you can either specify a predefined format (called named format(named format), or create an image of a specific format using combinations of a special group of characters called placeholder characters(placeholders). If you need to create custom formats for numbers, dates, or times, you need to create a string containing placeholder characters to specify the formatting that the function should use Format when converting values ​​to a string (Table 19). In addition, in table. 19 used

as an example, the numerical value is 1234.5.

to create custom

Table 19– Format filler characters

Placeholder character


A numeric character that displays a digit if one is in that position, or 0 if not. You can use the 0 character to display leading zeros for integers and trailing zeros for decimals; 00000.000 displays 00124.500

A numeric symbol displays a digit if there is one in this position, otherwise it does not display anything. The # placeholder character is equivalent to 0, except that leading and trailing zeros are not displayed; #####.### displays 1234.5

$ Displays a dollar sign; $###,###.00 displays $1,234.50

Decimal placeholder character, displays the decimal point at the designated position in the placeholder character string 0; #.##.## displays 1234.5

Percent symbol, multiplies the value by 100 and adds a percent sign at the position indicated by the 0 fill characters; #0.00% displays the number 0.12345 as 12.35% (12.345 rounds to 12.35)

, (comma)

Thousands separator, adds commas as thousands separators in 0 and # filler character strings; ###,###,###. 00 displays 1,234.50

Displays values ​​in exponential format with exponent sign only for negative values; #.#### E00 displays 1.2345E03; 0.12345 is displayed as 1.2345E-01

Displays values ​​in exponential format with an exponent for positive and negative values; #.#### E+00 displays 1.2345E+03

Separates day, month, and year for formatting date values. mm/ dd/ yy displays 06/06/97. "/" characters can be replaced with hyphen characters to display as 06-06-97

Specifies how to display months in dates; m displays 2, mm– 02, mmm– Feb, mmmm- February

Specifies how to display days in dates; d displays 1, dd displays 01, ddd– Fri, dddd- Friday

y Displays the day of the year as a number from 1 to 366

Specifies how to display years in dates; yy displays 99, wow– 1999

Displays the quarter of the year as a number from 1 to 4

Displays the day of the week as a number (1 is Sunday)

Displays the week of the year as a number from 1 to 54

Placeholder character


: (colon) Separates hours, minutes, and seconds in time format values; hh: mm: ss displays 02:02:02

Specifies how to display the clock; for the time value 02:01:38 h displays 2, hh displays 02

Minute placeholder symbol for time; for time value 02:01:08 n displays 1 and nn displays 01

Seconds placeholder symbol for time; for time value 02:01:08 s displays 8, and ss displays 08

Displays time in 12-hour time format with AM and PM added; h: nnAM/RM displays 4:00 PM. Alternative formats include am/pm, A/P and a/p

Character placeholder, displays a space if there is no matching character in the formatted string (default padding order is right to left)

Displays all characters in uppercase

Displays all characters in lowercase

Using host application functions

In addition to the functions built into Visual Basic for Applications, some VBA host application functions are available from VBA code. Host-application is an application in which VBA procedures such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook or FrontPage are developed. Excel, for example, has various functions that perform mathematical, logical, financial, and statistical operations on data in worksheets. Many (though not all) of these Excel functions are accessible from VBA code. The host application functions available to VBA are not part of VBA, they are part of the host application. Features available to VBA in one host application may not be available in another.

To use a function that belongs to a host application, access the function through a program object Application. The Application VBA object represents the host application and all its resources. Objects are described in more detail in Part 6.

Task 6. Write a procedure that uses Excel's Max function.

For this:

Enter the procedure (Listing 8):

Listing 8 – Using Excel functionsMax

1 Sub List3_08()

2 MsgBox Application.Max(9, 17, -18, 20)

Behind the Word Application followed by a dot (.) and then the function name Max without spaces. This point, called separator dot(dot separator), indicates that the statement refers to a function Max, which is part of the object


The result of the Excel function cannot be ignored. You should always include parentheses in an Excel function call, and you should always use the function result in some way: as a value in an expression, an argument to another function or procedure, or in an assignment statement.

Not every host application function is available to VBA. If you are not sure whether a certain host application function is available to VBA, use Object Browser to check if the list includes Members (Component) this function, when selected WorksheetFunction on the list Classes (Classes) and with the selected host application in the list Project/ Library (Project/Library). If required function is not in the list, then it is not available for VBA.

Control questions

    Define the concept of “data types”. What data types are used in VBA?

    What is an ID?

    What is a variable? What does the expression “define a variable implicitly” mean and what does it mean “explicitly”?

    What constants are used in VBA? What are internal constants?

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  • Boolean- Boolean data type can store only two values: True or False, true or false. Using it instead of integer variables is good programming style.
  • Byte- the byte type is new in Visual Basic 5 and is designed to store integers from 0 to 255. Its use allows you to greatly save RAM and reduce the size of arrays compared to previous versions Visual Basic. It is also used when working with binary files.
  • Currency - this type missing from GW-BASIC and QuickBASIC versions. It is designed to avoid errors during conversion decimal numbers into binary form and vice versa. (It is impossible to represent 1/10 as the sum of 1/2,1/4, 1/8, 1/16, etc.) This type can have up to 4 digits after the decimal point, and up to 14 before it. Within this range, calculations will be accurate. The identifier is the "@" symbol. Since all arithmetic operations, except addition and subtraction, are performed as slowly as in the case of double precision variables, this type is preferred for financial calculations. (For those wondering, this type uses 19-place integers that are then divided by 10000. This allows for 15 decimal places and 4 after the decimal place.)
  • Date- This data type allows you to store time and date values ​​between midnight January 1, 100 and midnight December 31, 9999. Such values ​​are represented in program text by "#" characters, for example: NewYear = #January 1, 2000# If you enter only a date value, Visual Basic assumes the time is 00:00.
  • Decimal- the most powerful numeric type. To store a variable of this type, 16 bytes are allocated. The negative and positive boundaries of the interval in which the possible values ​​of this variable are located are identical in magnitude and equal to +/- 79 228 162 514 264 337 593 543 950 335, if you use integers. If it is necessary to store fractional values, then the boundaries of possible values ​​will be shifted by several orders of magnitude depending on how many decimal places the developer uses. This type can only be used to store decimal fractions. The developer can use up to 28 decimal places.
  • Double- variables of this type allow you to store numbers with a precision of up to 16 digits and a length of up to 300 characters. The identifier is "#". Calculations with them are also approximate, and their speed is relatively low. Double variables are mainly used for scientific calculations.
  • Integer- Integer variables can only store relatively small integers (ranging from -32,768 to +32,767). Arithmetic operations on such numbers they are performed very quickly. To denote this type, use the "%" symbol: IntegerPerem% = 3
  • Long- this type first appeared in the QuickBASIC language. Such variables store integer values ​​from -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647. They are denoted by the "&" symbol. Arithmetic operations on such numbers are also very fast, and when running on a 386DX or 486DX processor, there was only a small difference in calculation speed between Long and Integer. LongPerem& = 123456789
  • Object- in fact, a variable of this type is just a link to a specific instance of an object. 4 bytes are allocated to store the variable.
  • Single- the identifier for these numbers is the symbol "!". This type of variable allows you to store fractional numbers with an accuracy of up to seven digits. This means that if the result is 12345678.97, then the 8.97 part is not accurate. The result could be, for example, 12345670.01. Numbers can be up to 38 characters long. Calculations with these variables will also be approximate. Moreover, arithmetic operations are slower than with integer variables.
  • String- string variables store characters. One way to indicate this type of variable is to add a "$" to the end of its name, for example: StringPerem$. Theoretically, such a variable can contain up to 2 billion characters. In any case, on a specific computer this number will be much less due to limited volumes random access memory, Windows resources, or the number of characters used in the form. One of the most basic uses of string variables is to select information from input fields.

For example, if you change the text in textbox 1, the textbox will display the same text but without the last character to the right:

Option Explicit Dim strText As String Private Sub Form_Load() Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub Text1_Change() On Error Resume Next Text2.Text = strText strText = Left(Text1.Text, Len(Text1 .Text) - 1) End Sub

Variant- this type was added to Visual Basic 5 from version 2.0. A variable of type variant can contain data of any type. If Visual Basic does not know the type of data to receive, you must use variant. The type of information does not matter since variant can contain any type of data (numeric, date/time, string). Visual Basic automatically performs the necessary data transformations, so you don't have to worry about this. On the other hand, you can use built-in functions to check the type of data stored in a variant variable. They make it easy to check whether the user is entering information correctly. Using a variant data type slows down the program because time and resources are required for type conversion operations. In addition, many programmers realize that using automatic data type conversions results in sloppy-looking programs. The only reason in using variant consists of possible errors when converting types directly by the programmer.

Sometimes, when using certain operators, API functions, or simply for your own needs, you need to create your own data types. They are often called structures. At its core, a structure is like a one-dimensional array that we stuff into one variable. But it can include data of different types.

Creating your own data type is done using the Type statement, which is used in the General section of the form code.