What are the buttons on the clock. Chronograph in the clock: Is the necessary such function? What are varieties exist

Chronograph - Useful function or unnecessary complication of the design of wristwatches?

Wristwatches are an important and necessary accessory that helps complete the image of a man and emphasize its status and position in society. Modern wrist watch is not just a device for measuring time, but also multifunction devicewhich can be very useful. After all, in such accessories there may be a calendar, chronograph, alarm clock and many other useful features. And if the alarm clock with the calendar does not cause questions by their use, then with chronograph they appear.

You need to start with the fact that in the wrist clock the chronograph is a kind of counter, which allows you to very accurately measure small time segments: minutes, seconds, hours. Its name comes from a combination of two words, translated from the Greek meaning "write time". And due to the fact that the counter with the mechanism of the hours themselves is not connected, with its help, the measurement will be very accurate and high-quality.

What is a chronograph in the clock?

The chronograph on the clock is included using the button located on the housing. At the same time, the work of the chronograph does not interfere with the work of the main dial. How to use chronograph on clock? Very easy - control is carried out using the buttons built into the case. This undoubted advantage is supplemented in the same way that the power button can be multifunctional, it can switch the working dial, to complete the measurements, reset the values \u200b\u200bof the current measurement, reset them. Use the chronograph as a stopwatch is also possible by pressing the buttons. It is also possible not to just measure and measure individual segments of time, but also write them and store data. We hope you now understand what a chronograph is in the clock and how important it is!

Opportunities and advantages

Modern clock with chronograph not only allow you to measure certain periods of time, but can also do it for several processes at the same time. So there may be chronographs that are equipped with one, two and even three buttons of control and the possibility of parallel measurement of several different time segments. This explains how to use the chronograph on the clock.
But this is not the limit of the possibilities of a modern chronograph - not only that they can calculate the length of different segments, so they can also summarize these measurements among themselves. The length of the segments that can be measured by such a mechanism also grows - from a few minutes, at the dawn appearance of chronographs, up to 12 hours in modern models. Wristwatches equipped with a chronograph bring with me a notch of grace into the image of its owner.

Who needs a chronograph?

Who may need a chronograph in the clock? This feature is most popular in people engaged in sports and fans of various types of outdoor activities. All of them need to constantly monitor certain intervals of the time, which allows you to make a high-quality chronograph. Also behind chronographs are constantly "hunting" the military, who understand what a chronograph in the clock and its whole importance.

What is this feature?

Why do you need a chronograph? It will be useful for those who need control over time spent on work or needing a stopwatch. After all, if you need to count how much time it passes between any operations or in some conditions, then it is necessary how the chronograph of the function is simply not.

What disadvantages has a chronograph?

Its main minus can be called its complex design, which leads to an increase in the size of the wristwatch. The clock with chronograph is significantly larger in size and harder in weight of their brothers without additional functions and such useful accessories. It also leads to an increase in the final value of the model. That is why it is necessary to think right away whether the function of the chronograph will be used and it is necessary. In fact, the chronograph is rarely used for its intended purpose. It is more often considered by the presence of a chronograph in the clock, which emphasizes the situation and status of its owner.

Unfortunately, another minus chronograph is his expensive repair. The chronograph works almost forever, but the broken mechanism will be fixed not just to pick up a broken part for replacement. So, in a disassembled state, this is a variety of springs and buttons that are interconnected through wheels and gears. Only a master can understand this chaos, but by giving all the details together, the clock with chronograph will again work as new!

The history of the clockwork has more than a hundred years. During this time, the manufacturer's company has repeatedly implemented innovations in various mechanisms, trying to make their brainchild more and more accurately, then attract the attention of pressing buyers. But if you are an ordinary buyer, not very versed in the charts of wristwatches and nuances of their production, you most likely there will be a lot of questions. Among them: What is a chronograph and what does it differ from the chronometer? Why some hours have three dial, but only one arrow?

The concepts of chronograph and chronometer are often found in the descriptions of the clock, and small excursion In history will help to figure out the definitions.

The confusion is found precisely around the concepts of the chronometer and the chronograph due to their similarity, but they mean completely different things.

Let's start with the term "chronograph". It happened this word from the ancient Greek "time" and "I write." In other words, the chronograph is a device that records time.

The inventor of chronograph is considered George Graham. Among his hobbies was not only watch art, but also jumps. For measurements of small periods of time in the jumps, there was a special clock mechanism, and Graham solved this task - its mechanism performed the necessary actions with great accuracy for that time.

In essence, the chronograph is the same stopwatch, but his fate is to be an addition to the clock, and not a separate mechanism in a separate building. In this, its advantage, because the chronograph is successfully "friendly" with the clockwork, which means that the start, stop and resetting the results does not affect the course of the clock, and even more so its accuracy.

Inside the chronograph is a system of wheels with lever levers. Each time, pressing "Start" or "Stop", we use the knee wheel, and in rare cases and a special cam system.

Depending on the complexity of the chronograph mechanism, divided into ordinary or simple and complex or summing. If in the usual chronograph, all functions are limited to the ability to run countdown, stop it and reset the results by returning the arrow in initial position, then in summing much more features for calculations. The complex chronograph controls at least two buttons - one of them stop the stopwatch, and the second is zero. The main advantage of a complex chronograph is that you can automatically summarize the segments of the time, the starting count occurs when it pleases without resetting the result. Some of the chronographs also make it possible to start the measurement along with zero.

By the way, there are still different chronographs depending on the number of arrows. Chronograph with two arrows is called split chronograph and needed to monitor two events of different duration and different points of start. In such hours, the arrow of one of the stopwall stops the third button. Another arrow at this time continues its measurements.

Chronograph in the clock is more useful for those associated with sports. There are also separate professions, whose representatives chronograph are really necessary. In each area, chronograph performs its duties. This is not only science, but also for naval, and a military business. There are chronographs with their scales to determine the distance in the artillery troops. In many mechanical watches there is also a scale with the name of the tachimetra. Its purpose to measure the speed of movement, for example, an athletics.

For physicians, the phimetter also turned out to be useful - with the desired markup, a pulse and pressure of the patient can be measured. For a short time I thought and mathematics, creating your scale, which is now actively used by engineers. The use of chronographs at this stage does not stop, and therefore in wrist hours, at least in separate models such an improvement will always be

Thus, we can conclude that the chronograph is not just an improvement in hours, but also quite useful tool in different spheres of human activity. Well, whether a chronograph is really needed, choosing you.

As for the chronometer, this term is used to indicate especially exact hours. Such mechanisms are tested special testing and sold with the inscription Certified Chronometer. Get such an inscription on the clock models The manufacturer's company needs to send a sample to the COSC Chronometry Institute, which is located in Switzerland. There is a mechanism test different ways, binding it to the effect of temperatures and checking the course of hours in different positions.

Testing is expensive pleasure, and therefore, the hours of chronometers are most often more expensive for several hundred euros analogs. By the way, the accuracy of the chronometer does not always correspond to the results of the tests, because the hours of hours often depends on the habits of the owner, the activity of his life, even the frequency of the spring plant.

It is right to say that the chronometer certificate gives you the opportunity to boast of friends to the owners, too, notable watches brands.

Finally, a few words about clock regulators.

Such hours are more reminded by the dashboard of the ship or aircraft, because there are three dials instead of the usual one. The main most often in such clock shows moments, and two small hours and seconds. For such hours you need to get used to, because the data of the first time from such hours is not so simple.

Regulators also have their own occurrence. It is believed that the first such hours were used in observatory. There was important for the accuracy of calculations, so that the arrows did not cover each other, precisely because from separated by different dials. Today, regulators are more likely an unusual design than practical value.


Let's deal with what "complications" are for which they need and why they affect the status and cost of hours

Let's figure out what "complications" are for what they need and why they affect the status and. Chronograph, auto-shock, eternal calendar, phase pointer moon ... What is it?

Complex mechanisms

Watch with auto-winding

They are also called "automatic" or "self-excavated" clock. The cargo sector (rotor), which freely rotating around the axis on 360, the system of reversing and gear wheels is connected to the coherent device. Thus, each "shake" of the clock causes the rotor to rotate and, accordingly, to start the mechanism.

It is believed to constructed such a mechanism for the first time in the 18th century Abraham-Louis Pearley, and he acquired his fame when he had improved and began to apply Abraham-Louis Breg. The first use of the lifeline in wristwatches was carried out by John Harward in 1924.

The auto-shift has two types:

1. Simple - allows you to start clock only when the freight sector is rotated in one direction. Such watches are equipped with a conventional crown, to be able to start the spring from hand.

2. Reversible - allowing you to start a clock when rotating the freight sector in both directions.

In the middle of the twentieth century, the type of rotor was also quite common, which could only rotate on a part of the turnover, and was limited on each side in its movement with shock-absorbing stops. This is the most impractical type of auto-shower, because it does not make it possible to use all the movements of the hand, and the knock of the rotor strikes about the stops is nervous owner. Today it is practically not used.


Chronograph is, if you decrypt the name, "Device, fixing time." Or, it is better to say, time intervals. Chronograph can be installed in conventional clock counting hours and minutes, and may exist separately. In the latter case, it is called a stopwatch.

For the first time, the mechanism measuring the segments of time, John Graham constructed in the 18th century.

Chronographs are given in movement either by pressure on the crown (first push - start, the second - stop, the third - return to the starting position), or two additional buttons located next to the head (one button - Start and stop, the second - return).

Now the second type is most often used. When you start a chronograph, under the action of the spring, the lever connected to the transmission wheel of the clock mechanism moves and falls into the depression between the column wheels. Thus, the transfer wheel enters into interaction with the central wheel of the chronograph and drives the second arrow. The second push on the button makes the column wheel turn and push the lever. The wheels are again separated and the chronograph mechanism stops.

A minute counter is similar: when the second chronograph is started, the finger located on the central wheel is included in the interaction through the transfer wheels with a minute counter wheel and with a complete turn of the wheels of the chronograph around the axis, turns the minute wheel to one tooth. Such a minute counter is called instantaneous.

If the minute arrow starts its movement, when the second arrow reaches 58 seconds, the minute counter is called smooth. Chronographs can also be equipped with a clock counter.

There are chronographs and without a column wheel, driven by the engagement of two levers connected to the gear wheels.
Chronographs are used for different purposes: chronograph tachometer (to determine the speed of a moving object), telecheleter (for measuring the distance to a remote object, provided that the object see and hear - a similar device is built on sound speed), pulsometer (pulse measurement) , astmometer (respiratory rate), for checking tides and even to monitor production processes.

In addition, there are chronographs fixing the shares of seconds and split chronographs: with two second arrows to measure the intermediate result.


This part is best to portray in the form of a schema, since species and subspecies calendars are quite a lot. So, the calendar in the clock can be ordinary and lunar. The lunar calendar in something is akin to "automata" - common in 17-18 centuries. Devices connected with an hourly transmission, and in an oval window located above the dial showing "moving pictures".

In the lunar calendar on the wheel with 59 teeth, a disc (blue or blue color) is installed with the image of stars and two moons. The disk makes turnover in 59 days, which corresponds to about 2 lunar months. During this time, in the semicircular hole in the dial, the growth phases and decrease of drawn moons are shown. During the full moon, the moon is visible entirely, during the New Moon period - only the starry sky.

An ordinary calendar may be simple and eternal. The first type requires an adjustment at the end of each month, which is less than 31 days, the second - takes into account the number of days in a month and leap year. A simple calendar device resembles a car speedometer counter. Date figures are most often shown in a small window located on the circle of the dial. In this case, a disk with a 31 tooth with a gear displays is connected to the central wheel. When the hour and minute arrows make two turns and turn out to be in the "midnight" position, the date shifts.

Similarly, the wheels of the days of the week and months are functioning. An example of a clock with a simple calendar: date, month and day of the week, as well as with lunar calendar: Model COSMIC from Omega 57 years (?). In it, the days of the week and months are shown in the window, and the dates are arranged around the dial and are marked with an arrow.

In the clock with the eternal calendar, the mechanism is often located on a separate platinum (for example, Patek Philippe), since it is quite complicated. The principle of its work is similar to the chronograph: the number of days in the month is regulated by special locks.

Calendars are also separated by display types. The transition to the next date can be smooth and fast; Data can be shown using arrows or disks in the window. There are also such delights such as, for example, a retrograde calendar (parmigiani): Dates numbers are located on the dial semicircle, and the arrow, after the cycle is completed, returns to its original position.

Reetairs and watches with battle

Rehearsals are called clocks intended for repetition sound signal (fight) at will. Simple clock with battle is blanched off the clock and quarter automatically along the clock as a tower or fireplace. Such clocks have separate springs for a combat plant.

Repetitions are the following types: fourth (fading quarters and hours); Receive (clock, quarter, as well as reassure a higher tone every 7.5 min); five minute (hours and five minutes); Little (hours, quarters and minutes).

The first clock with a rehearsal was designed in 1676 by the English watchmakers Barlow and Kvear - they beat off the watches and quarters.

Details of the rehearser as well as the eternal calendar are located on a separate platinum. The mechanism is activated by a lever, descending the crown spring, which actuates the clockwork, rotating counterclockwise. The ridge teeth deflect the pallets of the hammer, forcing them to fight.

Clock with alarm clock

These watches work as well as the usual mechanical alarm clock. The most famous model of such hours is CRIKCET ("Criccack") from Vulcan, named as a call, reminiscent of the dwarfger of this insect.


This device is considered one of the most difficult in time mechanisms. Its appointment is to compensate for the effect of gravity and ensure the stability of the work of the balance-spiral with all positions of the clock.
The "father" of the tourbillon is considered to be Abraham-Louis Brege, in 1800 patented this device.

The tourbillon is a mobile platform for which the mechanism of the course of clocks is placed. The platform rotates with a certain specified speed. The fastest turbiumon in the world: Albert Potter watch with a 12-second turbiumon. Each time the ballane receives a pulse, the platform turns. This is done so that the center of gravity of the balance all the time has changed its position and, thus, has reduced the error of the move to a minimum. However, U. this device There are a number of disadvantages that led at the beginning of the twentieth century to the almost complete disappearance of the tourbillon from the watch case.

Breg conceived the mechanism for pocket hours constantly in a vertical position. And the horizontal position it not only practically does not affect the accuracy of the course, but also pulls the energy of the plant necessary to rotate the central wheel of the mechanism. And with the development of modern technologies, when each part of the stroke is designed to micron, the error factor due to the bias of the center of gravity and without the tourbillon is minimal.

Nevertheless, the clock with such a mechanism is quite popular. In 1995, Blancpain to the 200th anniversary of the invention Brege released the Tourbillon model. It has a calendar, a reverse stopwatch and a 7-day stroke reserve. And the tourbillon itself performs rather as a decorative device, for the work of which can be observed through the window in the dial at a time of 12 hours.

Sophisticated hours
Such hours can combine three different mechanisms in themselves: as already described by Blancpain with a calendar, chronograph and tourbillon or, for example, an eternal calendar, a minute rehearser and chronograph (Patek Philippe).

What is a chronograph or chronograph is, this question was asked everything ever who heard the first time the word chronograph

When viewing our range of gold watches and silver watches, you just noticed attention to the fact that many models have a chronograph in the clock. Those who are already familiar and knows how to use the chronograph in the clock, do not need to explain what it is and why it is necessary. But for those who want to learn more about this, we decided to write this material.

The term chronograph occurred from two Greek words "Time" and "I write." From here it is easy to guess, the chronograph is a certain device that records time.

Chronograph Inventor - Watchmaker George Graham. George was a fan of rake, often visited the racetracks and he needed a device for froze small periods of time and he invented the mechanism that did it with an amazing accuracy for that time.

What is the difference between the chronograph from the stopwatch, you ask, as much as the question arises why use the chronograph in the clock, if there is a simple and reliable thing, the second arrow. Then that chronograph is an additional mechanism in hours, which in the housing of the wristwatch successfully coexists with the hourly mechanism. The second difference is to perform such functions of the chronograph, as a start, stopping and resetting the result do not affect the operation of the main clock mechanism. The clock shows the time, the themselves performing their main function, and the chronograph is engaged in his business.

Now, after we understand what it is a chronograph in the clock, let's go further and look deeper. The basis of any mechanical chronograph is a wheelchair controlled by lever. When we press the buttons on the housing of the clock, running or stopping the chronograph mechanism, the "column" wheel comes into operation. In some cases, the "Cutting system" is used in the chronograph mechanisms instead of the "column" wheel.

Chronographs in the clock are two types - these are simple chronographs and summing. In simple chronograph

In addition to the above classification, chronographs in the clock are also different than the number of arrows. Chronographs with two arrows (scientific name - split-chronograph) are smart so much that they are monitored simultaneously in two events of different duration. A more complex chronograph mechanism is a mechanism with a third button, which stops one of the arrows. Another arrow at this time continues to produce measurements. The mechanism is controlled by one button, which performs the start, fixing and return of the arrows to its original position (reset the result), but the summing chronograph is already a smarter mechanism. It is controlled by two buttons. One button starts and fixing the stopwatcher, while it is possible to run it as much as possible - temporary segments are summed up after the last presses of the result fixation. Another button is reset the recorded readings of the chronograph. At the same time, some models of chronographs do not stop on the achieved - they start a new measurement from the moment of zero.

Chronographs in the clock are more appreciated by people who are associated with sports, but also the usual fans of mechanical watches chronographs fell to taste. There is also such a category of people who have chronographs are simply necessary. When the question arises in front of them, what kind of walking hours to buy, the criterion for the presence of a chronograph in hours is simply not discussed. These people are professionals of their business and appreciating every second of their time.

Each profession has its own nuances, and chronographs in the clock in each field of activity perform special duties. They found applied not only in science, aviation and seaflock, but also in military business. As an example, chronographs in the clock for the military have a special scale that allows you to determine the distance is successfully used in artillery.

Many owners of mechanical wristwatches with chronograph drew attention to the scale in the clock, which is called "Takhimetre". Questions about the purpose of the mysterious tachimetra - the usual case for watch thematic forums.

So what is a tachimetr?

Tachimetre (TachyMetre) is a scale that allows you to measure the average speed of movement at a fixed portion of the path.

Primary target of the tachimetric scale - measuring the speed of the movement of the athlette. Doctors look at the tachymometers differently, a scale measuring pulse and pressure was made for them. Mathematics wanted to use this scale for their own purposes, so the logarithmic line appeared in the clock, immediately evaluated by engineers. And most likely, on this, the progress of chronographs will not stop - the appetites in humans grow, and the clock companies need to be adjusted under the requests of customer buyers with chronograph.

And so it turns out that the chronograph in the clock is not just a kind of trinket in the clock, but a complex and reliable mechanism, ready to help you in a variety of situations. Choosing a mechanical clock with chronograph, you can guide your life priorities, and buy gold or silver clock with chronograph that you need. In our online store you can

Chronometers appeared in the 18th century, on the background of the clock with a cuckoo, it was a real breakthrough in the hour. With their help, it was possible to determine the longitude that is vital for maritime courts, so this device quickly gained popularity among sevosts.

Since then, over 250 years have passed, and the design remained almost unchanged. Today, chronometers are made from other materials and with the help of other technologies, but also remain a symbol of accuracy and immutability.

Pledge accuracy

The chronometer can be called only very accurate hours, which have passed a number of tests and received a certificate of the Swiss company COSC. Especially for them is the standard ISO 3159-1976, test conditions and requirements for "applicants". Tests take place without exception mechanisms, as a result, 3-5% of the marriage is sifted.

Modern technologies Allowed tests with almost no person's participation. At the same time, not ready-made clocks are experiencing, but only mechanisms equipped with temporary arrows and temporary motors. Up to 100 mechanisms are placed in the stand, then the time is recorded at different positions and temperatures. Data is read by a laser, processed special programs - And after all, a couple of dozen years ago, the accuracy of the clock was controlled by operators, writing data into the table.

Chronometer or chronograph

You should not confuse a chronometer with chronograph. Chronograph is the most popular function of many hours that does not have any relationship to high accuracy. These are small windows on the main dial, with their arrows and independent move. Chronograph can show, for example, time in another time zone, counter minutes and hours of the stopwatch, minute drive.

How to check if there is a chronometer in the clock

Since the accuracy of the clock has greatly affects the gravity and air temperature, it will take to create different conditions of use for verification. You should put the clock on the table dial down per day, then the dial up, also for a day. It may vary and with other positions: the crown down or up, the digit "12" up or down. It will be interesting to check the accuracy of the clock at different temperatures, for example, at + 8 ° C and at + 25 ° C.

If you are a clock-chronometer, then the accuracy of the position will not change, only -4 / + 6 seconds per day. For the same border even more tough - not more than 0.6 seconds per day.

Most of the shoppers of watch mechanisms with chronograph do not even imagine that there are certain rules for using such modern device. After all, in work, he very much resembles a stopwatch.


Chronograph is a special device that allows you to count the time by comparing the beginning and end of the specified gaps. The first chronographs were very complex mechanisms that literally drew the time on paper. The uniqueness of chronographs is not at all in their ability to calculate the time, but in the ability to fix very small intervals, which is why the devices are especially in a modern miniature form - so loved by watchmakers by masters.

Often there is a central arrow, showing seconds. But the main difference of this device from the stopwatch is that with it, you can count the required period of time, and it does not need to perform the dial switching, so it will not disrupt the efficiency of the time mechanism itself, because the time will still be displayed on the dial Itself will continue counting.

Chronograph in the clock

You can learn in two accounts to manage the chronograph. Most often there is only one single control button, so the use rules are reduced to the following.

When the button is pressed for the first time, it starts both the second, and the minute arrow - the countdown begins. When you restart the control button, the chronograph stops and fixes the period of time that was counted. If pressed for the third time, the arrows are simply returned to the initial position.

In addition, there is a clock mechanism equipped with two buttons at once. The first of them either starts the countdown, or stops it, and the second is necessary for resetting and returning the arrows to the initial position.

It is also worth saying that there are also hourly mechanisms with chronographs that have a variety of additional functions. So, for example, the function "Fly-Back" has a reset button that automatically starts a reincline of the time. When buying a clock mechanism with the MONOPOUSSAIR function, one button will be able to implement all switching from