Windows 7 installation begins. Disk configuration features

In this article, you will learn how to install Windows 7 from a disk on your laptop or desktop computer. .
You are offered a fairly detailed and step-by-step instruction, accompanied by screenshots that clearly show all the main stages of installing this popular operating system.
If it seems to you that the process of installing Windows 7 is too complicated, incomprehensible and only a specialist can do it, then you can please many and disappoint others, because this common misconception is not true. Now you can see for yourself.

All that is required to start installing the operating system is a laptop or computer; the disk itself or flash drive with Windows 7 (); step by step description which you are about to read; ability to write and read. Of course, patience and attentiveness will not interfere! Before you start the process, you should select the bit depth and version of the system.
Almost all the problems that arise during the installation of the operating system (90%) are related to the disk. No need to use assemblies of unknown origin. You install any third-party fixes, fixes, self-made OS builds only at your own risk and fear. But there may be irreversible consequences.
Remember, if you didn't buy the disc box from the store, then you should only use the official Microsoft MSDN images.

Before you install Windows 7

Be sure to consider the two main points that you need to do before you start installing the OS.
  1. Determine in advance on which particular disk partition you plan to place the system. The place needs to be prepared. Usually, most often this partition is the C:\ drive.
    We should not forget that the desktop is located entirely on C:\. Before all work, take care of saving all important data and files. To do this, copy them from C:\ to another drive or external media, such as a USB flash drive.
    Any program that was placed in this section will also be deleted. But this is not a reason to transfer all programs to another disk. Don't mess with the registry! Much easier and better to rearrange desired programs on the new system. Why be lazy, because reinstalling Windows does not happen every day.
  2. Drivers for your device (computer, laptop). They also need to be considered in advance. In most cases, they are included in the kit, but if they are difficult to find or an update is required, then you should download the drivers from the official website of the manufacturer.

If you forget about the drivers, then, even after successfully installing a new system, you may find yourself without the Internet. It is not at all necessary that the distribution kit available in Windows will include a set of drivers for network card.

Windows installation process

Insert the Windows disc into your computer's drive, and restart it. . To do this, during the reboot, you should wait for the screen to turn off and, at the initial signs of starting the system, press and hold the key Delete. Different versions may have different combinations or individual keys.

Here are the most common ones: F10, F3 + F2, F1, F2, Esc, Ctrl + Alt + Esc or Ctrl + Alt + S.

After starting to turn on the computer, you can usually see the text " Press DEL to enter setup". The message means that to enter the BIOS, just press Delete on the keyboard. If everything is done correctly, a program shell will appear, similar to the old DOS.

Here, too, there are differences in the interface, which are determined by the specific version and manufacturer. However, the principle is the same. Find the menu at the top Boot, select this item and find " Boot Device Priority". In this section, you should determine the priority for booting a laptop or computer from the disk containing the operating system, and not from the hard disk, as happens in standard situations. You need to put the CD / DVD drive in the first place in the list. This is a temporary solution, then everything must be returned back.

The menu looks something like this. This screenshot clearly shows the priority of the hard drive, which needs to be changed to a CD / DVD drive. Look, in the lower right corner you can see the keys for navigation and movement that are involved in bios. That's it, the CD / DVD drive has become in the first place, press enter and agree to save with the F10 key with the Save and Exit function.

There is another way to set the boot priority, without using the BIOS settings. Hotkeys will help here. You also need to restart the computer, while turning it on, press and hold one of these keys: F10, F11, F12, F8 or F9.

They are responsible for the appearance of the boot menu. As you understand, you should press only one of the keys. Which one depends on the system you have. Usually, this is the function key F8. .

We continue: select the CD / DVD drive and press Enter. A window will appear with the text " Press any key to boot from CD or DVD».

To start the installation, press any key, let's say a space. Then a window with the text "" will appear.

At this stage, the files are extracted. After the end, the inscription " Starting Windows” and the operating system installation window. The installation has started.

Select the required language, click on " Install».

Click on the appropriate edition of the system - the one for which there is a key or the ability to activate. In the case of a laptop, it is located on a piece of paper with a key placed on the bottom of the device. You will have to enter the serial number itself later, at the very end of the installation.

Let's briefly dwell on the choice between 32 (x86) or 64 bit version of Windows. If you have more than 4 GB of RAM (aka RAM, RAM or Memory) and the processor supports the 64-bit version, then you need to install it. Otherwise, the correct solution is 32-bit, aka x86.

Read and agree to the license terms.

This requires a choice of method: we need " Full installation».

Determine the partition where you plan to install Windows.

In case of system reservation this section(it is indicated in megabytes, not gigabytes) as in the screenshot, you should stop at Disk 0 Partition 2.

In order not to experience difficulties with choosing a specific partition, it is better to see how much space the C drive occupies before starting all the actions.

If there is only one partition on the hard disk that exceeds 250 GB, then it would be logical to make a couple of local disks. The first partition is intended for Windows and 50-100 GB are allocated for it. The remaining space is reserved for storing files or personal information.

Created partitions should have the name Disk 0 Partition 1 - X, but not " Unallocated disk space". The operating system simply will not notice partitions with similar names.

If necessary, create a partition and click " Apply»

Possible difficulties at this stage: Windows 7 is required to continue the installation of the driver or the system does not notice the hard drive for the further process.

In such situations, the easiest way is to go back to the BIOS and change the SATA controller mode from AHCI to IDE yourself. The second option is to install drivers for the hard disk controller (if any).

If there are two or more partitions on the hard disk, the above step can be skipped altogether. So, the "System" section is selected and formatting should be enabled.

The installer will warn you about deleting all your data. This is what you need, agree and wait. The whole process is usually done in a few seconds. After formatting, the free space increases. Press " Further».

The installation starts, you can relax)

We expect ... Approximately 15-25 minutes. After the installation process is complete, you will be prompted to write the computer name and username. Enter the requested data.

If you want, you can make a hint and password.

The operating system will then ask for input serial number. We write if it is. It is in a box with a purchased Windows 7 distribution or at the bottom of a laptop. If it is not there, skip the step and uncheck "Activate automatically when connected to the Internet."

Don't forget to specify the security settings.

Write your own timezone.

When connecting a laptop or computer to the Internet, if Windows had network card drivers, the OS will prompt you to indicate the type of network.

Here is the Windows 7 you just installed.

At the end, be sure to re-boot from the HDD (hard disk) in the BIOS.

The instructions turned out to be extensive and thorough, but this should not be intimidating. It's just that the article takes into account many points that are not always needed. First of all, the text is aimed at beginners who are trying to install the system on their own for the first time, so the slightest nuances are affected. However, if your device does not have a disk drive, then it is possible to install Windows from a USB flash drive. Other operating systems are installed in the same way, for example Windows 8 and Windows 10. Good luck with the install!

In this article, we will walk through a detailed step-by-step installation of one of the most modern and popular operating systems for desktop and mobile computers- Windows 7. This is the brainchild Microsoft it turned out so successful that in two years of sales it managed to catch up in popularity with the most used, for many years, system in the world - WindowsXP. Therefore, more and more users want to see on their home computer it is this OS and the question of installing it now that is as relevant as possible. Our computer portal, of course, could not leave this topic without attention and prepared an installation guide for you, trying to make it as clear and understandable as possible even for beginners.


When you turn on the computer, as a rule, a short message appears indicating the key with which you can enter the BIOS settings menu. Be careful, because this inscription disappears from the screen quickly enough, especially for laptops. If you couldn't see it the first time, immediately restart your computer using the "Reset" button and try again. At the moment the download starts, a large graphic image may appear on the screen, covering the service inscriptions on the screen. To remove it, press the key.

List of the most commonly used keys:

  • Desktop computers - Del (almost always), F1
  • Laptops - F1, F2, F3, Del, Ctrl + Alt + Esc. In the case of laptops, keyboard shortcuts can be very diverse, depending on its model. You can find this information either via the Internet or by calling the service. technical support.

Having found out the key responsible for calling the BIOS settings menu, restart the computer again and at the very beginning of the boot, press it several times (once is enough, but to accurately catch right moment, repeated pressing will not hurt). If everything is done correctly, the settings window should open.

As a rule, two types of BIOS are most common:

Phoenix AwardBIOS

If your window looks like this, then you need to select a section here Advanced BIOS Features, and in it the paragraph First boot device assign the value to CDROM. Then press the key and select Yes in the dialog box that appears.

American Megatrends BIOS

Or if your window has a gray background, as in this screenshot, then select the section at the top Boot and in the subsection Boot Device Priority in point 1st boot device set the name of your optical drive or as in the screenshot, just CDROM. Then press the key and select Yes in the dialog box that appears.

At mobile devices(laptops), BIOS programs can vary greatly, and it is not possible to give all their possible options within the framework of this article. In any case, you should find in the settings window an item whose name is associated with booting (Boot) and set the optical drive (CDROM) as the first device in it.


After turning on / restarting the computer, if any operating system is already installed on your computer at that moment Windows system, then after some time on the screen you will see the inscription "Press any key to boot from CD or DVD" (Press any key to boot from CD) which you should do.

Be careful, as you will only have 5 seconds to enter the system installation. If the current operating system starts loading, then the opportunity to start the installation was missed and you should restart the computer again for the next attempt.

If you are installing the system on new computer or pure HDD, then you will not see the previous window, Windows installation should start automatically.

So, if the computer started to boot from installation disk, then you should see a window to start installing the system, in which you can see the process of downloading the initially necessary files.

If this window did not appear, but the loading of the old operating system began (if it was installed) or messages appeared that boot disk not found (in the case of installation on a new computer or hard drive), this means that your computer could not boot from the disk and you should return to the previous step to configure the BIOS.

After downloading the main files, you should see a window for setting the language settings, date and time format, as well as the keyboard layout, in which the default settings for Russia will be set.

The system restore point may be useful to you in the future, in case of problems with installed system, for example, due to damage, removal or unauthorized modification of its system files. As a rule, this leads to unstable Windows operation or refusal to boot at all. In this case, you can restore the original system files from the installation disk using the above item.

In general, the "System Restore" section in Windows 7 is a fairly powerful tool for fixing various kinds of problems that arise during its operation, and we will definitely dedicate a separate publication to it, and within the framework of this article, click the "Install" button to proceed directly to installation.

After a few minutes, you will see a window with a license agreement, the terms of which must be accepted by checking the box in the appropriate item and clicking the "Next" button.

In the next window, you have to choose the type of installation:

As you can see, here we can choose two options: update and full installation. You can use the "Update" item if you want to upgrade your old operating system to Windows 7, while retaining all installed programs and settings. True, for this, the installation of the "seven" must be launched directly from your already installed OS. It should also be remembered that this is only possible from Windows Vista, and the update is not applicable to older operating systems, including Windows XP. In general, this type of installation is not the best solution. The fact is that not only settings will be transferred to the new Windows previous system, but also all its problems, brakes and glitches. And in general, the stable operation of the system before installed programs in this case are not guaranteed. Therefore, the preferred type is full installation, which should be selected.

At the next stage of the installation, we have to select a partition on the hard drive for installing Windows. Here, I would like to make a small digression and give some useful recommendations for splitting hard drive to system partitions:

  • Do not allocate all hard disk space for one single partition. This is considered bad form and can cause you a lot of trouble in the future.
  • Modern hard drives have sufficiently large capacities for data storage and therefore it is advisable to divide them into several thematic sections.
  • It is recommended to allocate a separate section for installing the operating system and the necessary software and not fill it with your personal data.
  • You should choose the size of the system partition with a margin, given that for the correct Windows work, 15% of the space in this section must remain free.
  • Don't create too many sections. This will complicate navigation and reduce the efficiency of distributing large files and folders.


Now, let's get back to the installation. From this point on, the installation process can go two ways:

Option 1: You have a new computer and the hard drive has never been partitioned. In this case, you will see a window with the following content:

To partition a hard disk into partitions, select the item: "Disk settings". In the additional options that appear, select "Create" and enter the required partition size in the window next to it. It should be remembered that you must specify the size in megabytes. Calculate it based on the fact that 1 gigabyte = 1024 megabytes. As a rule, for Windows 7 and related software, 60 - 100 GB is enough, but you can do more if necessary.

After specifying the required size of the future system partition, click the "Apply" button. Next, to use all its capabilities, ask Windows to create an additional partition for it. Don't worry, it will only take up 100 MB of free disk space and will be invisible to you.

By clicking "OK", we will return to the partition selection screen for installing Windows.

As you can see, there have been changes here. Now we have a partition reserved by the system for its own needs, a newly created partition and the remaining unallocated area. From the unallocated disk space, in the same window, you can create additional partitions in the same way that we used above, or you can postpone this action for later and finally partition your drive already in Windows.

Having made the necessary decision, select the part of the disk on which we plan to install the operating system and click "Next".

Option 2 - If your computer already has an operating system installed. Then your hard disk is already divided into logical areas, and you will see a window listing all found partitions on it, for example:

Attention! All further manipulations with the partitions found can lead to the loss of your data, so be very careful in your actions.

If the current partitioning of the hard disk does not suit you, then you can delete the existing partitions in whole or in part by selecting the appropriate part of the disk, and then the "Delete" option. The unallocated disk space formed after this, you have the right to split at your discretion in the above way, considered in option 1.

If you are completely satisfied with the current disk layout, then you need to decide which of the existing partitions you will install Windows 7 on and whether you want to save the information available there. In this case, before moving on, let's first familiarize ourselves with possible options installation, after which you can already make an informed decision without pointing your finger at the sky.

You have selected a section for which this moment your old operating system is installed, and you plan to keep the data stored on it. In this case, after clicking the "Next" button, before starting the installation, you will see a window with a warning that the previous copy of Windows with all its files and folders will be moved to the "Windows.old" folder. The rest of the information will be untouched. By clicking "OK" in the warning window, you will start the installation process.

This setup has one major drawback. As a rule, after a long operation of the operating system, the partition on which it was installed becomes very littered and contains a lot of junk files. Adding to all this also a new operating system with an accompanying software, you will encounter at least irrational use of hard disk space, file defragmentation and even its possible overflow, which will undoubtedly lead to a decrease in system speed.

If you have chosen a hard disk segment that does not contain Windows as a future system partition, and you want to save all the stored information on it, then the installation will begin immediately after clicking the "Next" button.

If you plan to install Windows 7 on a blank partition (the preferred option of all) and you either already saved the information on it elsewhere, or you don’t need it, then you should format it before starting the installation. To do this, select "Format". The installer will warn you that this partition may contain important data for you and it will be destroyed.

After clicking the "OK" button, the selected part of the disk will be completely cleared of the information stored there, and to start the installation, all that remains is to select the "Next" item.


So, after selecting the system partition, the system installation process will begin directly, during which files will be copied and unpacked, components and updates will be installed.

During installation, your computer will automatically restart several times, and the entire procedure may take from 10 to 20 minutes, depending on its capacity.

Finally, after the installation is completed and the next reboot of the computer, you will see the first window of the initial Windows setup, in which you will have to enter a username (the name of your account in the system) and a computer (the name under which it will be visible to other users on the network).

On the next screen, you will be able to create a password for your account or defer this action by leaving the fields blank and clicking the "Next" button.

The next step is to be able to select options for automatic windows updates, designed to regularly check via the Internet for all kinds of system security fixes, critical updates and service packs on the official technical support website. Enabling automatic updates is desirable, but optional at this stage, since you can configure this setting more flexibly after installation from the control panel.

After selecting security options, the Windows Initial Setup program prompts you to check the date and time settings. If everything is correct, click "Next".

If network card drivers were installed during the installation process, you will see a window network settings, in which you will need to select the location of your computer.

After you make a selection, a window will appear to connect to the network and apply settings.

On this, the initial setup of the system can be considered complete. After the final application of the settings, a welcome window will appear in front of you, then the system will prepare the desktop, the appearance of which will mark the completion of the installation of Windows 7.

Immediately after the installation of the new operating system is completed, you should install all the necessary drivers installed devices, after which you can start installing the software.

Hello! This is the first article on this blog and I decided to devote it to installing the operating system (hereinafter referred to as OS) Windows 7. The era of seemingly unsinkable Windows XP is coming to an end (despite the fact that about 50% of users still use this OS), which means a new era is coming - the era of Windows 7.

And in this article I would like to dwell on the most important, in my opinion, points when installing and first setting up this OS on a computer.

And so ... let's get started.

1. What should I do before installation?

Installing Windows 7 begins with the most important thing - checking the hard drive for important and necessary files. You need to copy them before starting the installation to a USB flash drive or external hard disk. By the way, perhaps this applies to any OS in general, and not just Windows 7.

1) Check your computer for compliance first system requirements this OS. Sometimes, I observe a strange picture when they want to old computer install a new version of the OS, and ask why they say there are errors and the system is behaving unstable.

By the way, the requirements are not so high: 1GHz processor, 1-2 GB random access memory, and about 20 GB of hard disk space. In details - .

Any new computer on sale today meets these requirements.

2) Copy* all important information : documents, music, pictures to another medium. For example, you can use DVDs, flash drives, services (and similar ones), etc. By the way, today you can find on sale, with a capacity of 1-2 TB. Why not an option? The price is more than affordable.

* By the way, if your hard disk is divided into several partitions, then the partition on which you will not install the OS will not be formatted and you can safely save all files from the system disk on it.

3) And the last. Some users forget that you can copy many programs with their settings so that they can continue to work in the new OS. For example, after reinstalling the OS, many of them lose all torrents, and sometimes hundreds of them!

To avoid this, use the tips. By the way, in this way you can save the settings of many programs (for example, when reinstalling, I save additionally Firefox browser, and I don't have to set up plugins and bookmarks).

2. Where to get the installation disk

The first thing we need to get is, of course, a boot disk with this operating system. There are several ways to get it.

1) Purchase. You get a licensed copy, all kinds of updates, the minimum number of errors, etc.

2) Often such a disk comes with your computer or laptop. True, Windows, as a rule, presents a stripped-down version, but for the average user, its functions will be more than enough.

3) You can also make a disk yourself.

To do this, you need to buy a clean DVD-R disc or DVD-RW.

2.1. Writing a boot image to a Windows 7 disk

To begin with, you need to have such an image. The easiest way to do it is from a real disk (well, or download it on the network). In any case, we will assume that you already have it.

1) Run the Alcohol 120% program (in general, this is not a panacea, there are a huge number of programs for recording images).

2) Select the option "burn CD/DVD from images".

3) Specify the location of your image.

5) Press "start" and wait for the end of the process.

In general, in the end, the main thing is that when you insert the resulting disc into a CD-Rom, the system starts to boot.

Important! Sometimes, the boot from CD-Rom feature is disabled in the BIOS. Next, we will take a closer look at how to enable booting in Bios from a boot disk (sorry for the tautology).

3. Setting up Bios to boot from CD-Rom

Each computer has its own kind of bios, and it is unrealistic to consider each of them! But in almost all versions, the main options are very similar. Therefore, the main thing is to understand the principle!

When the computer boots immediately press the Delete or F2 key (By the way, the button may differ, it depends on your BIOS version. But, as a rule, you can always recognize it if you pay attention to the boot menu that appears in front of you for a few seconds when you turn on the computer).

And yet, it is advisable to press the button not once, but several times until you see the BIOS window. It should be in blue tones, sometimes greens predominate.

E if your Bios not at all like what you see in the picture below, I recommend that you read the article about, as well as the article about.

Management here will be carried out using the arrows and the Enter key.

You need to go to the Boot section and select Boot Device Priority (this is the boot priority).

Those. I mean where to start booting the computer: let's say, immediately start booting from the hard disk, or first check the CD-Rom.

So you will make a point in which, first of all, the CD will be checked for the presence of a boot disk in it, and only then the transition to the HDD (to hard drive).

After changing the BIOS settings, be sure to exit it by saving the entered options (F10 - save and exit).

Note. In the screenshot above, the first thing to do is boot from floppy (now floppy disks are becoming rarer and rarer). Next, it is checked for a CD-Rom boot disk, and the third step is to load data from the hard disk.

By the way, in everyday work, it is best to disable all downloads except the hard drive. This will make your computer run a little faster.

4. Installing Windows 7 - the process itself ...

If you have ever installed Windows XP, or any other OS, then you can easily install Windows 7 as well. Here, almost everything is the same.

Insert the boot disk (we already recorded it a little earlier ...) into the CD-Rom tray and restart the computer (laptop). After a while, you will see (if you configured the BIOS correctly) a black screen with inscriptions ... See the screenshot below.

Calmly wait until all the files are downloaded and you are prompted to enter installation parameters. Next, you should see the same window as in the picture below.

A screenshot with an OS installation agreement and acceptance of the agreement, I think it makes no sense to insert it. In general, up to the step of partitioning the disk, go calmly, reading everything along the way and agreeing ...

Here in this step you need to be careful, especially if you have information on your hard drive (if a new drive, you can do whatever you want with it).

You need to choose hard section disk where Windows 7 will be installed.

E if there is nothing on your disk, it is advisable to divide it into two parts: on one there will be a system, on the second - data (music, films, etc.). It is best to allocate at least 30 GB for the system. However, it is up to you to decide...

If you have information on the disk- act very carefully (preferably even before installation, copy important information to other disks, flash drives, etc.). Deleting a partition may make it impossible to recover data!

In any case, if you have two partitions (usually system disk C and local drive D) - you can install a new system on the system drive C, where you previously had a different OS.

After selecting a partition to install, a menu will appear in front of you, which will show the installation status. Here you need to wait without touching or pressing anything.

On average, installation takes from 10-15 minutes to 30-40. After this time, the computer (laptop) may be restarted several times.

Then, several windows will appear in front of you, in which you will need to set the computer name, specify the time and time zone, enter the key. You can simply skip some of the windows and configure everything later.

Network selection in Windows 7

Completing the installation of Windows 7. Start Menu

This completes the installation. You just have to install the missing programs, set up applications and do your favorite games or work.

5. What needs to be installed and configured after installing Windows?

Nothing... 😛

For most users, everything immediately works, and they don’t even think that something needs to be additionally downloaded, installed, etc. Personally, I think that at least 2 things need to be done:

2) Create or flash drive.

3) Install the drivers for the video card. Many then, when they don’t do this, wonder why the games start or some don’t start at all ...

Interesting! In addition, I recommend that you read the article about after installing the OS.


This article about installing and configuring the seven is completed. I have tried to present the information in the most accessible way for readers. different levels computer ownership.

Most often, installation problems are of the following nature:

Many are afraid of Bios like fire, although in fact, in most cases, everything is simply configured there;

Many people do not burn the disc from the image correctly, so the installation simply does not start.

If you have any questions or comments, I will answer... I always take criticism well.

Good luck to all! Alex...

Want to install Windows 7 on your PC or laptop but don't know how? It's not as difficult as it seems. Although the first time, of course, it will be difficult. But, having figured it out once, you will become a real "IT master" and will be able to independently install Windows 7 on any computer or laptop.

Before installing Windows 7, print this page. This will make your task much easier. After all, during the installation of Windows 7, there will be no access to the Internet. The only exceptions are cases when you have a second PC, laptop or smartphone, from which you can, if necessary, re-enter the site and see what to do next.

  1. You bought new laptop or computer. Everything is clear here. In most cases, laptops or PCs either do not have any operating system at all, or do not have the one you need (for example, the ancient MS-DOS).
  2. Did not like Windows 10 or 8, and you want to install the good old "seven".
  3. There was a malfunction, a virus or a ransomware banner was caught, the computer or laptop does not turn on, etc.

Let's stop a little on the last point. If there are problems with your computer or laptop, do not rush to reinstall Windows. Firstly, reinstalling the operating system is the last thing to do when other methods have not helped.

Secondly, remember that after installing Windows, all data is erased, at least for local disk S. And these are all your programs: browsers, video players. And you have to reinstall everything.

Third, there are no guarantees that reinstalling Windows will help solve the problem. But the files on the local drive C will be permanently deleted anyway.

Therefore, first try to look for other solutions to restore the PC or laptop. For example, the following articles may help you:

You can also always search for other articles on this blog or through Google / Yandex.

Preparing to install Windows 7

The first thing to do before installing Windows 7 on a laptop is to copy all the important information. At least from the local drive C. After all, after formatting, all data on it will be erased.

If you bought a new computer or laptop, you can skip this step. In all other cases, this is a must!

Therefore, save all files, documents, pictures, audio tracks and videos from the desktop and from the My Documents folder. It is also recommended to look at the local C drive - important information is also often written to it. Where to save? On disk or flash drive. Another option is to upload files to online services (Yandex.Disk, Google Drive etc.).

By the way, sometimes you can copy some programs along with the settings. For example, bookmarks and passwords from the browser you used.

The second point to be made is to determine which Windows bit depth 7 You need - x86 or x64. Everything is very simple here. If you have 4 GB of RAM (or more) installed on your laptop or computer, then you need to install Windows 7 x64, and if less, then x86.

Why is that? The fact is that the x86 version does not see 4 GB of RAM. The maximum that it shows is 3.25 GB.

How to find out the amount of RAM? If you have a new computer - look in the documentation. And if a laptop - then the characteristics are indicated on its case (or on the box).

If you already have Windows installed, then the amount of RAM can be viewed as follows:

The third point that must be completed before installation is to burn a digital copy of Windows 7 to a disk or USB flash drive.

If you already have a boot disk (bought or given out in a store along with a PC), then skip this step.

Burning a DVD is easy. After all, you've probably already recorded movies, music, games, haven't you? You can do this through Nero, Alcohol 120% and other programs.

As for the USB flash drive, there are some difficulties. Therefore, in this case I recommend reading -.

Where to get an image or installation Windows disk 7? You can buy in the store or online.

And the last thing to do before installing Windows 7 is to prepare drivers for a laptop or PC. Computers usually come with driver disks. If you have them, then you can skip this paragraph.

Notebook owners are not given disks, so you need to install drivers from the official website of the manufacturer (look for the name of your model).

If you skip this step, you may be left without the Internet. After all, you need to install a driver for it. The USB ports may also not work. That is, a mouse. And in the end, you have to go to a friend or acquaintances and download drivers from them.

This completes the preparatory process. Once again, check that you have saved all the important data, then connect the USB flash drive or insert the DVD with the Windows 7 installation image and restart the laptop / computer.

BIOS setup for installing Windows 7

Perhaps setting up the BIOS is the most difficult step for most users. Especially for beginners.

In addition, the difficulty here lies in the fact that on different PCs and laptops BIOS versions may differ. And the buttons to enter the BIOS too. As a result, some users cannot even enter BIOS. Therefore, so that there are no problems with this, we will consider in detail what and how to do.

So, when you have prepared everything, restart the computer, and immediately when the screen turns on, repeatedly press the Del button (for PCs) or F2 (for laptops). If everything is done correctly, you will see BIOS screen. Roughly like this:

Or like this:

4 devices are displayed here - First Boot Device (first), Second (second), etc. By default, the first is the hard disk (Hard Disk or HDD). And you need to put a CD-ROM (disk) or USB-HDD (flash drive) on the first line - depending on which device the seven will be installed from.

How to do it? On a PC, you usually need to highlight the first item, press Enter and select the desired option from the drop-down list.

On laptops, the boot priority of devices is changed using the arrows or the F5-F6 buttons. The control keys are usually listed on the right or at the very bottom of the BIOS screen.

When you select First Boot Device in the first paragraph desired device(CD-ROM or USB-HDD), be sure to save the settings, then exit the BIOS. Which save button? This is also written at the bottom of the screen (most often F10).

If you have a UEFI BIOS ( a new version), then simply drag the desired icon (drive or flash drive) to the first place with the mouse and click "Exit" in the upper right corner.

After that, the laptop or computer will restart and the installation of Windows 7 will begin.

If all this is too complicated for you, there is another option to set up booting from a disk or flash drive without going into the BIOS. For this you can. But this method only works on new PCs and laptops.

Step-by-step instructions for installing Windows 7

Immediately after the reboot, you will see a black screen with a single line.

Here you need to press any button - for example, Space.

If this inscription does not appear, then you have not saved BIOS settings. Check them out again. If everything is fine there, then either you did not write it down correctly bootable flash drive, or the disk is damaged and the computer / laptop does not see it (the disk drive may not work).

After pressing the button, you will see a black screen with the inscription "Windows is loading files ...".

Wait for the system to copy everything. After that, a new window will appear on the screen. Choose the Russian language and click "Next".

In the new window, click the "Install" button.

If several versions of Windows 7 are recorded on a disk or flash drive, you need to choose the appropriate one. We have already figured out the x86 and x64 bit depths, so decide for yourself here. As for the version, it is better to choose "Maximum". Although there is almost no difference between it, “Home”, “Initial” and “Professional”, therefore it is not so important. Select the desired item and click "Next".

Agree with the terms of the license (check the box) and proceed further.

Choose full installation.

A window will open with a choice of a partition for installing Windows 7. But here it is worth stopping in more detail.

How to partition a disk on first install?

If the installation is performed on a new computer or laptop (that is, for the first time), then you will see only one line - “Unallocated disk space”.

And in this case, you need to split the hard disk into 2 partitions - local disk C and D (more is possible, but this is not necessary). To do this, select this line, click the "Create" button, specify the size of the disk (in megabytes) and click the "Apply" button.

Not sure how much 50 GB will be in megabytes? Write a number at random - for example, 50000. And then see how much the system will show for the created partition. If it doesn't work out well, select it, click the "Delete" button, and try again with a higher number.

For the normal operation of Windows 7, you need to create a special 100 MB partition where boot files will be stored. So when the next window pops up, just click OK.

When you specify the desired volume for the local drive C and create it, "Partition 2" will appear. This is what he is.

After that, select the "Unallocated space" line again, click "Create", and then the "Apply" button. After that, the local disk D (“Partition 3”) will appear.

If you forget to do this, then after installing Windows 7 there will be only one local drive C. And partition D will “evaporate” into the air. You will have to reinstall Windows again. Therefore, before moving on, make sure that the “Unallocated space” item is no longer there.

To install Windows on the local drive C, select "Partition 2" and click "Next".

If you are reinstalling Windows 7, then the following window will be displayed on the screen:

In this case, you need to select "Partition 2" and click the "Format" button. This will delete all data on it. When the formatting process is completed, select this section again and click "Next".

By the way, if you want to distribute the volume between the local disk C and D in a different way, you can delete them and recreate them, specifying a different size. How to do this is written in the previous paragraph. But remember: in this case, the information will be deleted on the local drive D too! As a result, the PC or laptop will be clean, as if you just bought it. Therefore, perform this procedure only if you have saved all the necessary files.

Continue installing Windows 7

So, you were able to partition the hard drive or format it before installing Windows 7 and clicked the "Next" button. After that, the operating system will begin to install. Wait for the files to finish copying.

After that, the computer / laptop will restart, and you will again see the familiar black window with a single line.

In no case do not press anything on the keyboard, otherwise everything will start all over again.

After that, the computer or laptop will restart a second time.

Well, the main thing is already behind, it remains only to fill in some fields:

  1. Specify the username and computer name (if you plan to play games, it is better to write in Latin).
  2. You can not set a password - in this case, just move on.
  3. If you have a digital copy, you can also leave out the activation key (usually Windows 7 is activated automatically when you connect to the Internet). To skip this step, click Next. And if you bought a disc, then enter here the code that is written on the sticker.
  4. Here it is recommended to select the option “Defer decision” (you can change these settings later).
  5. Choose your time zone, enter the time and click "Next".
  6. If Windows automatically finds drivers for the Internet, then in the new window select "Home Network".
  7. Wait for the desktop setup to complete.
  8. Congratulations - you have just been able to install Windows 7 on your laptop or computer.

What to do after installing Windows 7?

First of all, restart your laptop or computer, go into the BIOS and change the device boot priority back. That is, put the hard disk (Hard Disk or HDD) in first place, and lower the CD-ROM or USB-HDD to the second or lower.

Also, after installing Windows 7, the Internet and USB connectors may not work. This is because there are no drivers. So the next step is to install them.

It is for this that you need to prepare in advance all the necessary drivers before installing Windows 7. Especially on the Internet. After all, how do you download them if there is no access to the network?

And one more nuance - when you turn on your computer or laptop, you may see two Windows 7 (during boot).

The first one was installed by you, and the second one was saved in a hidden section (“reserved by the system”). However, the extra line can be removed. To do this, do the following:

Ready. After reboot second windows 7 will no longer exist, and you will not see the operating system selection menu.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

To boot from the disk and install, you need to go into the BIOS of your computer, for this you need to reboot and press the DEL button almost immediately, on some motherboards it is replaced by the F2 button, even less often by some other buttons.

Once the BIOS has opened, you need to install boot from your OS media ( DVD disc or flash - depending on what media you use to install Windows 7). This section can be located in different sections - depends on the manufacturer motherboard and BIOS, but it must contain the word BOOT: look for FIRST BOOT DEVICE, BOOT or BOOT DEVICE. Once found, install your media there in the first place - either a DVD or a flash drive - it depends on what you have the Windows installer on.

After that, exit the BIOS, saving the changes (key F10, then Y (confirmation of saving changes)).

If everything is done correctly, then after restarting the computer you will see:

  • if you have the installer on DVD media, you will see the inscription " Press any key for load from CD…" (Press any key to boot from the CD). Seeing this inscription, you must press any key, otherwise windows installation will not start.
  • if you used a flash drive, the installation will start immediately

Start installing Windows 7.

If the installation has started, you will see the following picture:

Figure 1 Installer Windows 7 copies files from the media for further OS installation.

After the installation window appears Windows 7 :

Figure 2. Installation start windows 7: Select the language, time format, and layout to be installed.

Here we select the necessary options, or leave everything unchanged and click Next).

The following window appears " install". Click on the button.

Figure 3. Beginning the installation windows 7.

You can read the license agreement here Microsoft and press the button again Further"(Figure 4).

Figure 4 License agreement use windows 7.

The installer will now prompt you to select an installation type.

  • The system update will allow you to install windows 7 over the existing operating system.
  • A full installation will allow us to select an existing partition to install or re-host hard separation disk. The system will be installed clean, so this option more acceptable to us.

So let's choose " Full installation ( Extra options) " as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Selecting the type of installation of the operating system.

After moving to a full installation, we will be presented with a list hard drives, where you can create or select partitions for installation. In Figure 6 you can see the disk size 35 Gigabyte.

Personal experience suggests that for a section with windows 7 it is better to use a partition of at least 50 gigabytes t - so to speak for the future".

Figure 6. Selecting a hard drive for further installation windows 7.

By going to the hard drive on which the installation will be performed, the operating system will offer you a list of partitions created on the drive. In our case, no section has been created yet, so we click on the " create" (Figure 7) after which we indicate the volume of the section to be created (Figure 8) and click on the button " apply".

Figure 7

Figure 8

After that the installer windows notify us that an additional partition will be created to store system files windows(picture 9)

Figure 9

Now you can click on the button " Further", then will begin windows installation 7 (Copy all system files and OS setup process).
As before, you can follow the steps of copying and installing the operating system (Figure 10)

Figure 10. Installing windows 7.

After the installation process of the OS components is completed, the computer will restart. At this point you must remove DVD disk or Flash drive from the computer, as the installation will continue from the hard drive to which the necessary files were copied.

After the reboot, you will see a window with the completion of the installation windows(picture 11)

Figure 11.

After a few minutes, the installation will be completed and the initial setup of the operating system will start.

When the setup process comes to an end, you will be prompted to enter a username to create your account, as well as a computer name for subsequent network identification (under this name your computer will be visible in local networks windows) (Figure 12).

Figure 12. Entering the username and network name of the computer for the installed system.

Figure 13. Setting a password for an account (optional).

The next step is to activate your version windows with the help you received from the site Microsoft(or other Internet resource from which you downloaded the distribution windows 7) key.

It is advisable to activate your copy the first time you connect to the Internet windows 7.

If at the time of installation you do not have license key (Figure 14) - you can click "Further", after which it will continue initial setup OS, but you will need to activate windows within 30 days. Because windows 7 RC is available to users for free, license keys for installation are published on many sites, and you can also get a key on the site microsoft, along with the product distribution.

Figure 14. Entering the license windows key 7.

The next step will be the proposal to accept the recommended settings. windows 7(picture 15): automatic installation important updates etc.

In this case, it is better to select the "postpone decision" option, after which you can decide in the future on automatic updates, as well as select the operating parameters Internet Explorer (if you use this browser).

Figure 15. Selection initial settings windows 7.

Now it remains to check the time zone and date (Figure 16).

Figure 16. Setting the date and time.

In case if windows detect and successfully install network adapters, then you will be prompted to select the type of your network: check out the options and choose the one that suits you best (Figure 17)

Figure 17

After finishing this process the system will become available for operation (Figure 18). windows 7 installation will be finished.

Figure 18. Desktop installed windows 7.

Download Very high quality Windows version 7 - simultaneously 32 and 64 bit, with a bunch of themes, you can right here:

For technical reasons, this assembly is not downloadable now, but you can download it in flash drive format:

This version from comrade Idimm, everything unnecessary is cut, everything necessary is left, everything together weighs 4 gigabytes, uploaded to a fast file hosting service, was installed on several dozen machines, no glitches, problems with drivers and other things were observed on this assembly. So I strongly recommend downloading this image, although it is old, Windows itself can always download updates, and you will have 32 and 64 bit seven on the disk at the same time, which is very handy.

So you have learned all the basic information about how to properly install WINDOWS 7 on any computer, if you have any questions, or some point seems incomprehensible to you, please write in the comments or on the forum.

Partially taken from