Download VKontakte to computer. Mobile version of VKontakte Go to VK Mobile full version

VKontakte is a free app on a Windows computer, a smartphone and a tablet on Android, on the iPad and iPhone (iOS), as well as for mobile devices on Win Phone.

Download VKontakte for free on Windows for Windows, because this is a real salvation for active permanent users of popularized Russian social network.

If you want to attend a favorite resource and not be attached to a single personal device - a computer, then download this software to your mobile, or download a convenient and practical program for Windows.

Now every second Internet-user has its own profile in social resources. The most visited social sites is naturally Vkontakte. Many no longer represent everyday life without tape news, updates of friends, posting photos and, of course, instant online communication.

Go to online without a PC now seems possible from a smartphone via VKontakte software application.

This official customer recommends Pavel Durov himself, as an optimal full-featured means, significantly saving Internet traffic. Finding into the application interface, users are invited to log in and enter the personal profile.

After that, in a mobile or desktop client, it is possible to view / comment on avatars, photos, control audio recordings, to make dating, add friends, publish statuses, watch and recommend videos, join the community, as well as subscribe to news / updates.

Thus, VKontakte fulfills the best ratio of the optimality of the graphical interface with the functionality of custom navigation. It should be noted by many compact version in Opera Mini, the only advantage of which is to save traffic, is significantly inferior to the program described.

Mobile version of VKontakte. - This is a specially adapted for small screens of mobile phones Social networking site No. 1 in the CIS (the total audience per day is more than 80 million people, and the number of views of more than 1 billion). Every year more and more people enjoy smartphones to approach social network, and it is quite natural that some problems arise. In this material we will tell how to solve them.

VC: Mobile version

If there was no smartphone or tablet at hand, from which the user visits the VKontakte social network every day, then a laptop or a regular computer will come to the rescue. Of course, in some cases it is more convenient to sit at the full version of VC, but someone likes only mobile. It is for such a case that we can inform - and you can also use a mobile version on the computer!

How to go to the mobile version of VKontakte through a computer or laptop

When entering the official website of VK, the user sees the usual wall and sections on the left. The desktop version in the address bar is as follows: (the site protocol must be protected with the letter "s" at the end, otherwise there is a risk to get to another site).
To go to the mobile version of the VC, it is enough in the address bar of the browser to register the following address - As we see, the difference between the address in adding the letter "M", which means the mobile.

Prefix "M" in the Internet Address VK

When entering the site from a smartphone or tablet, automatic redirection on the mobile version occurs.
By the way, you can open the full version of VK from the phone. To do this, on the site on the left we are looking for a "full version" item.

Attention! There are answers to the most common problems with the mobile version of VK, namely:

How to go to the full version of VK on the smartphone?

Why does a mobile version open on a computer (laptop) instead of full?

If you have not found an answer to your question - ask it in the comments, we will try to respond quickly!

What is the difference between the mobile version of VKontakte from the full version

For the oncoming comparison, make the entrance to the usual version -. And in another tab, open the mobile version of VK. The differences in full and mobile versions of VK is very small, but there are some advantages that should be taken into account:

  1. Mobile version has a more compact interface;
  2. The font is greater, so all menu items are visible very well;
  3. Lack of built-in advertising in the site interface;
  4. Fast download of the social network, since there is almost no extra elements.
  5. The functions of the mobile version in no case are not trimmed.
  6. The window is adjusted for any resolution - if we begin to reduce the browser window with the mobile version of the VC, the horizontal scroll bar will not be, and all items will be adjusted under the specified window size.

In Desktop Vkontakte these signs are completely different, with the exception of the functional, of course. If you enter the full version, there will be targeted advertising among the sections on the left, which is not turned off even with the help of the blocker.
The font is much smaller, although this problem is solved by increasing the browser window.

For comparison, the size of the font in the mobile and full version of VK:

Font in the usual version

Font in the mobile version on PC

As for the download of the site, then in the full version of the elements more, as well as more and code. Especially long the various scripts are loaded. If there is little traffic and the Internet is not very fast, it is preferable to use the mobile version of both a smartphone and a PC.

Mobile VKontakte Interface

Consider the main sections that are in the mobile version of the social network VK. These sections are in the desktop version. Only the location of the functions changes.

Mobile Version Settings

If you go to the settings, then, as in the full version, there are the following sections located compact and minimally:

Account - Contains the parameters that allow:

In the full version, in the Security section, there are much more parameters.
Privacy - Here are the main parameters where you can configure:

  • the visibility of the basic information of the profile;
  • visibility photos for users;
  • visibility of saved photos;
  • mapping groups;
  • displaying a list of audio recordings;
  • displaying a list of gifts;
  • hiding friends;
  • visibility of recordings on the wall;
  • interaction with other users;
  • the visibility of the page on the Internet

Next section - Alerts. There are notifications about actions that are committed against your page, for example, when someone will put the mark "I like" a dark window will appear, where it will be shown that they put like. These parameters can be configured as the user will want.
Black list - People are added here with whom the user no longer wants to communicate.
Money transfers - With the help of the VC service, you can send tools to other people, and in this section, transactions will be displayed.

What are the VKontakte applications for mobile phones

On the Internet you can find a lot of different applications for Android and iOS devices. Of course, it is worth installing software that has deserved trust in users, and not download applications from dubious sources.
The most optimal option is official application VKontakte. This client is on Android and on iOS. The presence of Material Design makes the interface very pleasant in appearance. In the official client it is very convenient to work, but there are deficiencies in terms of restrictions on music listening to 30 minutes a day and advertising. As for the load, the application is quite severe and can take a lot of system resources.
According to the functionality, most applications are no different from the desktop version of VK.
VK Coffee for Android is a modification of the official client. There are features such as invisible, using multiple accounts, lack of advertisements, PIN protection and much more. You can download music to the phone.
VK MP3 MOD - supports invisibility feature for other users, working with several profiles, cipset encryption, the use of a large number of diverse stickers. Feature in downloading music in unlimited quantities.
Kate Mobile is one of the popular and convenient customers for VC. It has the following advantages:

  1. Easy client who does not occupy a lot of space on the device;
  2. Invisibility mode for users;
  3. Support for multiple accounts;
  4. Lack of advertising VK;
  5. Flexible interface type setting;
  6. Saving music to the cache (only in Pro version);
  7. Fast and stable client working without errors.

Using this program for the smartphone, the user will be able to adjust the appearance under itself. The entrance is carried out not only with the help of a pin-code, but also with the fingerprint.
If the user wants to listen to music and save it to the cache, then you have to download the Pro version from the official website of the application, since it is not in Play Market.
Lynt Lite - the client is very similar to the official one. Made in the style of Material Design and has the same functions. Feature in the appearance and themes.
VKontakte Amberfog is another popular client, made on the concept of Material Design. It has the same functionality as Kate Mobile. Most of these options can be used only for money. If you do not want to pay, you can perform tasks for which the user will accrue coins. For them you can buy some function AmberFog for a month.
Phoenix Lite is the difference only in design, the functions are the same as the rest of the clients.
Polyglot Vkontakte - no differences. The disadvantage in the absence of musical and video sediment.
As you can see, a lot of customers for mobile devices. And if you like simplicity and accessibility, it does not prevent anything from using the mobile version of VK from a computer or laptop.

Useful video - how to make a mobile version in VK:\u003dV296TLJGGV8. Video CAN't Be Loaded: how to make a mobile version in VK (\u003dv296tljggv8)

Answers to the most frequent questions on the mobile version of VKontakte:

How to go to the mobile version of the VC on the computer?

Go to the mobile version of the VK is very easy - just add to the website letter "M". Together it will look like this:

How to go to the mobile version of VK on the smartphone?

If for some reason you have a desktop version of the social network on the phone, do not matter - do it in the input field the same as in the previous answer - add to the address "M".

How to go to the full version of VK on a smartphone or laptop?

This can be done in two ways - or click on the special menu item "Full Version", which is on the phone, and on the computer, or remove the "M" console in the string.

Why does a mobile version open on the computer (laptop) instead of full?

As one of the reasons - you involuntarily could save the mobile version in the browser bookmarks. Another reason - you are in the browser you press the link to the last saved yields, where there can be a VC version for mobile phones. To prevent this - enter a request in the search string (usually this is something like ml vk com or input) And after click on the site VK without the prefix "M" in Url.

Why does a full version of VK open on the phone instead of mobile?

The same situation (only inverse) may occur on the smartphone. If you click on the last visit to the VC, or on the saved tab with a normal version, then to change the situation and enter the mobile version, simply click in the search for the Vkontakte website with the "M" console.

Attention! Friends, if you still have any questions or unsolved problems associated with the mobile version of VC - boldly ask them in the comments (below)!

Did you know about these possibilities in VKontakte?\u003d-RHA9_9DM6U Video CAN't Be Loaded: 5 secret functions in VKontakte, which you did not know (\u003d-RHA9_9DM6U)

For the convenience of users there are Mobile version of VKontakte.. You can spend time in social. Networks on any mobile device with any operating system (iOS, Android, Windows Phone, etc.).

Unlike, mobile - a bit limited and has its own design. By the way, the mobile version of the VC through the computer is also available. But more on that later.

  • - the only one right domain mobile version of VKontakte;

  • Pay attention to the domain, it must be M.VK.COM (fraudsters can create a design very similar to VC, but with another domain);

In the mobile version, almost all the functions of the site are available, except applications and games. Yes, unfortunately, play games that started in the full version of VKontakte will not work.

If you have a slow Internet or PC with weak characteristics, you can drive the M.VK.COM address to the address bar on any browser.

So you can implement Log in to the mobile version of VC via computer.

The full version of VK and Mobile VKontakte is 2 different types of the same site. In today's Internet, probably there is no qualitative resource left, which would not have a mobile version specifically designed for mobile devices with small screens extensions and low Internet speed. Mobile version of VK - confirmation of this.

It is important to understand that the use of a mobile version is only a little limits the sighted design and functionality of the site, as it is specially designed to simplify work with the system. Use the mobile version of the site VKontakte, if:

- You have too slow Internet (for example, mobile traffic);
- You have an old computer that is long "thinking";
- You have a mobile device (phone, tablet, smartphone) with which you want to go to your page in contact.

How the mobile version of VK starts

Step number 1

To start a mobile version, enough in the address of the site VKontakte ( add the first English beech "m." (with a point). Or you can just go through the link:

Mobile version can also start automatically if the system detects that a person uses a mobile device to enter the site. The login page in the mobile version of VC looks like this:

Step number 2.

After entering the login and password, the user falls into the personal account of the mobile version, which, because of ease, looks somewhat trimmed, but it is quite normal

Step number 3.

The functionality and the main options of the site are preserved here, so it will not be difficult to deal with the updated type of resource even from newbies. At the same time, your mobile version will actually save your traffic, because It is significantly lower by the resource price than in the full version of VKontakte. In other words, if you have a slow computer or a weak Internet channel, then the best mobile version you will not find! It works faster usual and performs all the necessary tasks with ease.

How the full version of VK starts

Step number 1

To switch to the full version with mobile, you can:

A) use the special point of the menu, which is called "full version"

B) remove the beech "m." (with a point) from the address of the site in the address bar. This English letter together with the point you just need to delete, getting:

Step number 2.

If you think about the advantages and disadvantages of the full version of the site VKontakte, it is easy to guess that it takes more computer resources to download it, you need a greater Internet bandwidth. True, the full version is much more beautiful and more pleasant than mobile, because most of the users of the network prefers it precisely.

Note: publish screenshots of the full version of VK makes no sense, since everyone is familiar with the full-fledged site of the social network.

Appendix VK as an alternative to the mobile version of VK and the full version of VK

1. In the case of using a mobile device based on Android (Android) to work with the social network, VKontakte is better to apply a special mobile application VC, which can be downloaded from Google Play.

2. To search for a mobile application, it is enough to run on your Google Play mobile device and start typing the name of the site "VKontakte" (even by Russian letters).

3. Select a suitable VC application (logo - letter "B" against a blue square) and install it on a mobile phone. To simplify this task, the reader of our site can pass on the link:

The application is good if you often go to the Vkontakte site from a mobile phone or tablet. Mounted on the phone, the application will allow you to follow the news and messages of your profile, for example, being on the way to work or home, traveling, walking down the street or resting in the park. The main condition for the mobile application VKontakte is the availability of Internet access.

Moreover, even a mobile Internet is suitable for the successful operation of the VK system, and with the help of Wi Fi, the application will literally "start flying", because It requires quite a few system resources and takes not so much space in the phone's memory.

In general, the user appears 3 possible options for working with the social network VKontakte. It:

- Mobile VK (light or lightweight);
- Full VC version (stationary, for home computer);
- Mobile application VC (lightweight and configured mobile phone or tablet).

This information article is devoted to such a topic as the entrance to the VKontakte website. People actively using this social network very often enter the site not through bookmarks and not through entering the address of the site by memory, but prefer to enter the site through the search for Yandex or Google, introducing requests like " in contact with», « vKontakte entrance to the site», « vKontakte input», « vkontakte Site», « vKontakte: Welcome», « vKontakte Log in», « vKontakte my page" and even " input" Currently, this way of entry into the site is excessive and now we will explain why.

As it was before

Previously, when VKontakte's site had no short address were extremely high probability to allow an error when entering the site. Fraudsters actively used this opportunity and created phishing sites for all sorts of options for the address with assumed errors, for example or that the inattentive user who allowed and not noticed the error is guaranteed to come to the phishing site and, without noticeing the substitution, introduced the data from its own page. Over time, such a way of deception has become well known, therefore it became popular to enter the site VKontakte through the search engine according to one of the queries listed above, because the present site will be placed in the first place there.


With the final move of VKontakte to the international address in 2012, the situation has changed dramatically - the address of the site has become very short, and therefore it is not necessary to be afraid to enter the address of the site manually, since you are unlikely to be able to make a mistake in it. This, in turn, means that you can refuse to enter the site through search engines - this is a completely extra step.

The easiest and safest way to enter the VKontakte site is to enter an address in the address bar of the browser. And if you have already visited the site of the social network VKontakte and do it regularly, you do not even need to enter the entire address of the site - just enter the first letter of the address (the first letter of the address VK.COM, i.e. V), and the browser will substitute allone the entire address .

Other ways to enter the site VKontakte

  • Bookmarks in browser . In any modern browser, there is the possibility of adding a site to bookmarks for convenient access to it at any time. In order to add a website by VKontakte to bookmarks, you need to go to the website, and then click on the stars icon in the browser address bar, or click on the keyboard the Ctrl + D keyboard.

    After the tab was created, you can access it from the bookmarks section in the browser. And it will not be necessary to enter any addresses, which is very good if you have no reason for any reason or the keyboard does not work.

  • Desktop label . Another convenient way to enter the site VKontakte without permanent entry address of the site is to create on the desktop or in any of the folders on the rigid disk of the label leading to the site. This label implies a link, but in its essence is a regular file that can be called as you like and put anywhere. Double mouse click on the created label opens the link in it in the browser used by default.

    As the location of the object, you must specify a full link to the VKontakte website, that is

    In the last step, you can specify any name for the label created, for example " Website VKontakte" What a name you will specify and will be called a label on the desktop or in the folder.

    As soon as you press the button " Ready"You will see the created label in all its glory - with the name and the default browser icon. Subsequently, this shortcut can be moved to any folder on a computer, it will be possible to rename it as you will be used. And the most beautiful thing is that it is convenient, - to open the site you only need to click on the label twice, and the need to enter the site address each time disappears.

  • Panel on a blank tab in the browser . In modern browsers, there is such a concept as an "empty tab" is a new tab in which no site is not opened. In order to make a blank tab more informative and useful, browser creators have endowed its search string and quick access panel.

    The quick access panel displays the most frequently visited sites, or sites created and installed manually. If you add a link to VKontakte on this panel and secure it, you will get quick access to the site. And then it will be necessary to open an empty tab before entering VKontakte.

    Find a quick access panel for a search string, and there find the button " Add label" If the quick access panel is already filled in your browser, you can easily edit the least necessary shortcut.

    In the creation window of the new shortcut, you need to enter the name of the label, for example " In contact with", And a link to the site, that is The process is similar to the process of creating a shortcut on a computer.

    Ready! The label leading to the site VKontakte is created and available at any time with an empty tab of your browser!