What emoticons mean what. What does Smiley mean written by symbols - the meanings and decryption of text smiles

Smileys from characters meet lately very often. And right, because another more universal and fast Fashion Displaying your emotions and experiences during text correspondence - does not exist. Today, almost everyone knows at least two or three sets of characters that displays emotions. This set includes round brackets, reflecting the lips of a person, a colon showing the eyes of a person and a point with a comma showing winking. However, you may encounter emoticons written by symbols, but do not understand its meanings. This article will help you approach the understanding of text emoticons and remember the combinations of characters, to display their emotions in the text correspondence.

Even modern written speech is not endowed with the properties of the rapid display of emotions, so that at the time of writing the text, the author could show the experiences beyond them. Only using a couple of proposals or phrases. Before the era of the global distribution of the Internet, there were no problems with the display of the emotional component of the writer. Only when the Internet appears and increasing communication by writing text messages In chat rooms, messengers, forums and so on, such problems have appeared. It would not be appropriate to write in the message that now you smile, or wink the interlocutor - it would be more like an absurdity, and if quite without an emotional component - then it turns out a dry and frantic dialogue.

Communicating real-time selected words to display emotions there is no possibility. It is possible to issue a question mark for the question, for admiration - exclamation, but how to show my seriousness to the interlocutor or what you have joked? All these problems were solved in the early 80s. Then it was proposed for comic messages to attribute the symbols of the colon, dash and the closing bracket, that is :-) - Text variant of a smiling face (side view). Such a set of characters is a smiley smiley. Subsequently, a dash, and then the colon ceased to use and write simply closing bracket ) .

For messages that are filled with sadness and experiences, it was proposed to attribute a set text symbols colon, dash and opening round bracket, that is :-(. Such a set of text symbols shows a face with eyes, nose and lowered down corners of the lips. As with a joyful smiling emoticon, in a sad smile, they subsequently stopped writing symbols of the colon and dash, and began to write a sorry opening bracket (.

Thus began the widespread and all kinds of use of emoticons in the form of text symbols. The main emphasis is placed on the rapid expression of emotions using some sets of text symbols, but also use semantic emoticons, showing states, action, environment and so on. Standard set Text characters do not exist, since everyone writes them differently.

Consider various options for symbolic emoticons.

Smiley characters on the keyboard

Designation of emoticons of emotions from symbols on the keyboard:

  • Joy or smile is most often portrayed using symbols :) or :-) either \u003d)
  • Unrestrained laughter (equivalent expression lol) :-d either: D or))))
  • Another designation of laughter, but more like a mockery () XD or XD or\u003e: - D (gloating)
  • Laughter to tears, i.e. What does smile "tears of joy": '-) or:' - D
  • Cooker grin): -\u003e either]: -\u003e
  • Sad or sad emoticon has text values \u200b\u200b:-( either \u003d (or: (
  • Symbolic designation of a very sad smile: -c or: c either (((((again the option is inadvertent)
  • Easy displeasure, confusion or pupping: - / or: - \\
  • Strong anger D-:
  • Text Designation Emoticon Neutral Relationship: - | Either: -i either ._. either -_-
  • Symbolic value of the emoticon admiration * O * either * _ * either **
  • Deciphering emotion of surprise :-() Either: - either: -0 either: o either: either o_o or oo or o.o
  • Options for what the emoticon of strong surprise or perplexed 8-o may mean
  • either \u003d -o or: -
  • Disappointment: -E.
  • Rage: -E either: e either: -t
  • An embarrassment: - [either% 0
  • Delicitation :: - *
  • Sadness :: -<

The value of text emoticons emotional actions or gestures

  • What does the winking smile in the textual symbolic version ;-) or;)
  • Sad joke: ;-(
  • Joyful joke: ;-)
  • Options Designation of crying emoticons: _ (or: ~ (or: "(or: * (
  • Joyful crying (meaning the smiley "Tears of Joy"): ~ -
  • Whore cry: ~ - (
  • Rady Creek :: [Email Protected]
  • Kisser in text notation: - * either :-()
  • Hugs ()
  • Show language (So tease) :-p or :-p or: -E
  • Mouth on the castle (So TSSS): -X
  • With the soul, grinds (nausea designation): -!
  • Suppose or confused (it means either "I'm drunk" or "you're drunk"): *)
  • You deer e :-) or 3 :-)
  • You're clown *: O)
  • Heart - either @) ~\u003e ~~ or @ -'-, '-, -
  • Carnation * -\u003e -\u003e -
  • Old joke (means Bayan) [: |||] either [:] / \\ / \\ / [:] or [:] ||| [:]
  • Crop (denotes "You have a roof") / :-( either /: -]
  • Fifth point (_! _)

What do horizontal (Japanese) symbolic smiles mean?

Horizontal or Japanese symbolic smiles are those that can be understood without tilting the sidewalk, such as emoticons :-).

The most common of horizontal text smiles:

  • Smile (joy) is usually denoted: (^_) or (^ ____ ^) or (n_n) or (^ ^) or \\ (^ _ ^) /
  • Sadness in symbols are indicated as: () or (v_v)
  • The following characters mean different degrees of surprise: (O_O) or (0_0) or (O_O) or (O_O) or (v_v) (unpleasant surprise) or (@ [Email Protected]) (So "Wallow can")
  • Smiley meaning admiration: (* _ *) or (* o *) or (* O *)
  • Sick: (-_-;) or (-_-;) ~
  • Sleep: (-. -) ZZZ. either (-_-) zzz. either (u_u)
  • An embarrassment: ^ _ ^ "either * ^ _ ^ * either (-_-") or (-_- v)
  • Anger and rage: (-_- #) or (-_- ¤) or (-_- +) or (\u003e __<)
  • What does fatigue mean: (\u003e _<) либо (%_%)
  • Depressions (U_U)
  • Jealousy: 8 (\u003e _<) 8
  • Distrust: (\u003e\u003e) either (\u003e _\u003e) or (<_<)
  • Indifference: -__- either \u003d __ \u003d
  • This emoticon text expression means not understanding: (? _?) Or ^ o ^;\u003e
  • The value is close to the crying emoticon: (; _;) or (T_T) or (TT.TT) or (TOT) or Q__Q
  • What does winking mean: (^ _ ~) or (^ _-)
  • Kiss: ^) (^ either (^) ... (^) or (^) (^^)
  • Give five (it means a friend): \u003d x \u003d either (^ _ ^) (^_^)
  • Love-carrot: (^ 3 ^) or (* ^) 3 (* ^^ *)
  • Apology: m (._.) M
  • Smiley greed: ($ _ $)

Funny smiles of characters

Funny smiles consisting of several symbol - fantasy is limitless.

Sometimes in order to express feelings, some words are not enough. In such cases, communicating in social networks, we appeal to Emodi. The winking "emoticons" and other symbols appeared back in the distance in 1999, but they won a great love of users only recently. Despite the fact that it uses almost everyone, the values \u200b\u200bof some pictures are not entirely clear.

In contact with

For example, two folded palms can be interpreted differently - perhaps they symbolize prayer, but it is also possible that these two people welcome each other with the words "give five". How to understand the meaning of those or other Emodi? We bring to your attention some tips that will help yourself understand the value of emoticons on the iPhone, iPad and MacOS.

Examples of Emodyz emoticons

Many users mistakenly accept this picture for crying face. In fact, the drop is not a tear, but sweat, meaning relief after the experience of unrest.

Do not mislead yourself, it is not a nut on all, but fried sweet potatoes.

The fact that at first glance seems a pyramid of balls for ping pong, in fact it is a "greeting card with a harvest holiday", symbolizing the Japanese traditional rite, which is held during the celebration of the Cusic.

If it seems to you that it is acorn, you are mistaken. In fact, this is chestnut.

You should not use this picture as a greeting card, since it is nothing more than a bookmark for the book.

This gesture means "OK" and indicates that you are fine.

Raised up palms do not mean recovering to the highest forces, but symbolize joy.

This "smile" means strong irritation and nervous state. Many users mistakenly use it to express contempt.

What looks like a black cube actually symbolizes the Muslim shrine of Kaaba in Mecca.

No, this girl does not grow on the head of the deer horns. She simply make face massage.

Often users resort to this picture when they want to express the denial of anything, but in fact she symbolizes a person from the information board.

This is not at all a dance movement, as it may seem, and prostrate hugs.

This boy did not fit and did not think. Believe or not, but it is bowed.

The "smiley" of the melting symbolizes silence. Nevertheless, it is often used to express confusion, even fear, and sometimes it is used as a character "Kolobok".

You may seem like a fire, but in fact it is the name Baj.

This sign is not a bizarre image of the house at all, but anger symbol.

The picture below appeared with the yos 10.2 output. Someone can see a glass of whiskey here, but in fact it's just a glass.

This symbol means not the usual laughter, but a hysterical laughter when laughing literally lying on the floor.

This image can be interpreted both as a jellyfish, and as an umbrella, however, Apple believes that the eastern bell is furin, ringing in the wind looks like this.

Do not confuse this symbol with the alarm button. In fact, it is a trackball.

Do not look for a hidden meaning in this sign, because it's just a hole.

It may seem that this guy is not anyone else, as the legendary Siggy is a stardast performed by the British artist David Bowie. Despite similar makeup, it is just a symbol of any singer.

How to find out the sense yourself (determine the value) of Emodi on the iPhone

Find out the iPhone iPad value or iPod Touch is very simple. Using a function Prophoving You can "make" iOS explain out loud, which means one or another picture.

1 . Go to iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch in " Settings", Select" About renovy» -> « Universal access» -> Speech -> Prophoving).

2 . Write a message and paste Emodi.

3 . Put the cursor next to the emoticon of Emodi, the value of which you want to know and click on the screen until the menu appears with actions.

Click " Choose", After which the emoticon will be highlighted, and then select the option" Spoke"And the voice assistant in Russian read out loud the value of the emoticon.

Hello, dear blog readers Website. Not so long ago, we looked back with you in detail in detail the use of emoticons in social network In contact with. There also provided the main Emoji-smile codes (about a thousand - for all occasions). If you have not yet become familiar with that publication, I strongly recommend that it:

What do text emoticons mean composed of characters?

We will continue to study the values \u200b\u200bof the most common options writing of those or other emoticons With the help of conventional (unsurched) characters. Ready? Well, then went.

Initially, the distribution was obtained, i.e. lying on the side (see above examples of laughing and quickest persons). Let's see what other combinations can meet you on the Internet and what they designate (how to decipher them).

Emoticon Emoticons Symbols

  1. Joy or smile 🙂 most often depicted using the symbols: :) or :-) either \u003d)
  2. Unsupported laughter 😀 (equivalent of expressions) ::-d or: D or)))) (Undosmail used mainly in RuNet)
  3. Another designation of laughter, but more goes on a mockery 😆 (equivalent): xD or XD or\u003e: - D (gloating)
  4. Laughter to tears, i.e. What is the smiley "tears of joy" 😂 :: "-) or:" - D
  5. Cooker grin 😏 :): -\u003e either]: -\u003e
  6. Sad or sad emoticon 🙁 has text values \u200b\u200b::-( either \u003d (or :(
  7. Symbolic designation of a very sad smile 😩 :: -c either: c either (((((again the option of undervailing)
  8. Easy displeasure, confusion or puzziness 😕 :: - / either: - \\
  9. Strong anger 😡: D-:
  10. Text designation of the emoticon of a neutral relationship 😐 :: - - | Either: -i either ._. either -_-
  11. Symbolic value of emoticon admiration 😃: * O * either * _ * either **
  12. Decryption of emotion emotion 😵 ::-() Either: - either: -0 or: o either: either o_o or oo or o.o
  13. Options for what can mean the emoticon of strong surprise or bewilderment 😯: 8-o
    either \u003d -o or: -
  14. Disappointment 😞 :: -E
  15. Rage 😠 :: -E either: E either: -t
  16. An embarrassment 😖 :: - [either% 0
  17. Delicitation :: - *
  18. Sadness :: -<

The value of text emoticons emotional actions or gestures

  1. What does the winking smile in the textual symbolic version 😉: ;-) or;)
  2. Sad joke: ;-(
  3. Joyful joke: ;-)
  4. Options Designation of crying emoticon 😥 or 😭 :: _ (or: ~ (or: "(or: * (
  5. Joyful crying (means smiley "tears of joy" 😂) :: ~ -
  6. Honee cry 😭 :: ~ - (
  7. Rady Creek :: [Email Protected]
  8. Kisser in text design 😚 or 😙 or 😗 :: - * either :-()
  9. Hugs: ()
  10. Show language (So tease) 😛 or 😜 ::-p or :-p or: -E
  11. Mouth on the castle (meaning TSSS) 😶 :: -X
  12. From the soul grotit (nausea designation) :: -!
  13. Suppress or confused (it means either "I'm drunk" or "you drunk") :: *)
  14. You're deer: e :-) or 3 :-)
  15. You're clown: *: O)
  16. Heart 💓:<3
  17. Text designation of the emoticon "Flower of roses" 🌹: @) -\u003e either @) ~\u003e ~ or @ - "-," ----
  18. Carnation: * -\u003e -\u003e -
  19. Old joke (means Bayan): [: |||:] either [:] / \\ / \\ / \\ [:] or [:] ||| [:]
  20. Crop (denotes "you have a roof of"): / :-( either /: -]
  21. Fifth point: (_! _)

What do horizontal (Japanese) symbolic smiles mean?

Initially, it was so necessary that most of the invented and the distribution of text emoticons needed to decipher the "tilt the head of the side." However, this is not quite convenient, you will agree. Therefore, over time, their analogs (also scored from characters) began to appear, which did not require virtually or actually tilt the head of the Welcome, because the image created by the symbols was located horizontally.

Let's consider, what do the most common of horizontal text smiles mean:

  1. (joy) is usually denoted: (^_) or (^ ____ ^) or (n_n) or (^ ^) or \\ (^ _ ^) /
  2. in the characters designate as: (<_>) or (v_v)
  3. The following characters mean different: (O_O) or (0_0) or (O_O) or (O_O) or (v_v) (unpleasant surprise) or (@ [Email Protected]) (So "can be")
  4. Smiley meaning: (* _ *) or (* o *) or (* O *)
  5. Sick: (-_-;) or (-_-;) ~
  6. Span: (-. -) ZZZ. either (-_-) zzz. either (u_u)
  7. An embarrassment: ^ _ ^ "either * ^ _ ^ * either (-_-") or (-_- v)
  8. Anger and rage: (-_- #) or (-_- ¤) or (-_- +) or (\u003e __
  9. What does fatigue mean: (\u003e _
  10. Jealousy: 8 (\u003e _
  11. Distrust: (\u003e\u003e) either (\u003e _\u003e) or (<_>
  12. Indifference: -__- either \u003d __ \u003d
  13. This emoticon text expression means: (? _?) Or ^ o ^;\u003e
  14. The value is close to: (; _;) or (T_T) or (TT.TT) or (TOT) or Q__Q
  15. What does winking mean: (^ _ ~) or (^ _-)
  16. Kiss: ^) (^ either (^) ... (^) or (^) (^^)
  17. Give five (it means a friend): \u003d x \u003d either (^ _ ^) (^_^)
  18. Love-carrot: (^ 3 ^) or (* ^) 3 (* ^^ *)
  19. Apology: m (._.) M
  20. Smiley greed: ($ _ $)

Naturally, in many blogs and forums, there has been a long time ago, it is possible to add emoticons in the form of pictures (from finished sets), but many still continue to use text smiles, because they have already bent on this hand and at the same time there is no need to find the right in the catalog Picture.

If you want to know what one or another set of characters, which is a text emoticon, then write about it in the comments. Perhaps the world and deal ...

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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Smiley is the classroom invention of humanity that allows you to guess the mood of your interlocutor when corresponding. Words can be meaningful, but using emoticons, you can just convey information. If you are interested in the meaning of emoticons in Vaiber, we will tell you about each in detail, and you will know what best to use in the other situation.

What do smiles in Vaiber?

Not all Emodi can be understood exactly what emotion he expresses. And signed smiles in English. If you do not know how the word is translated, the value of the smile will tell us:

smiles with the image of items are completely unequivocal, they indicate that they are depicted: fruits, items, road signs, dissertes, transport, food, drinks, games, mystical icons, office items, household items, appliances, weather, clothing, accessories , animals, insects, gestures, musical instruments and objects, work tools, hearts;

smiley - Smiling, Sad - Sad, Wink - Winking, Angry - Angry, InLove - In Love, Yummy - Delicious, Laugh - Laughing, Surprised - Surprised, Moa - Kisses, Happy - Satisfied, Happy, Cry - Crying, Sick - Nauseous, shy - shy, Teeth - Magitan, Tongue - Thinking, Money - Money, Mad - Angry, Flirt - Flirting, Crazy - Crazy, Confused - Pupil, Embarrassed, Depressed - Sad, Depressive, Sceam - Madless, Nerd - Botan , NOT SHURE - Uncertain, cool - cool, huh - yes?, HappyCry - laughing to tears, Mwah - in love kisses, exhausted - tired, tortured, EEK - pleased, DIZZY - foaming, Dead - Dead, Straight - No words, yo - Hi, High, WTF - What? What is the feature?, Ohno - shame, Oh - Strongly surprised, Wink2 - Winking in friendly, what? What is the nonsense?, Weak - weak, Upset - distressed, ugh-fell, teary - happy to tears, singing - singing, Silly - stupid, but cheerful, meh - no, mischievous - malicious, hmm - thoughtful, crying - sobbing Eyeroll - Outlets Up, Ninja - Ninja, Spiderman - Spiderman, Batman - Batman, Devil - Damn, Angel - Angel.

Neutral smiles for communication

For an official conversation, earlier the smiles were completely unacceptable. But, times are changing, so there are already some emoji options that will adequately look in the business correspondence: Smiley - Smiling, Sad - sad, Happy - Satisfied, Wink2 - Winking friendly, HMM - Pensive, and Some Items Icons.

Hello, dear blog readers Website. The use of emoticons when communicating in chat rooms, on forums, social networks, when sending comments on blogs and even in business correspondence at the present stage of the development of the Internet is already quite ordinary. Moreover, the smiles can be displayed both in the form of simple text characters and in graphical execution, which adds the possibility of choice.

Graphic emoticons (Emodzhi, or Emodi), which we still talk about more, appearing in the form of pictures, are displayed by inserting the appropriate codes, which were specifically added to the official Table of Unicode so that users can use them almost everywhere to express emotions. .

Thus, on the one hand, you can find the code in the Special list to find the code you need to insert it, and on the other, not to look for the necessary encoding every time, it is quite realistic to remember the sequence of simple text symbols reflecting the most frequently expressed types of emotional state, and Insert them into the message text.

Emoticon designation using text symbols

To begin with, in order to meet its perfectionist nature, I would like to say a few words about the history of the emergence of emoticons. After the Great Tim-Berners Lee laid the development modern InternetPeople got the opportunity to almost unlimited communication among themselves.

However, in the global web From the very beginning, communication was carried out in writing (and today this type of dialogue is still very popular), and it is very limited in terms of reflection of the emotions of the interlocutor.

Of course, a person who possesses the literary talent and the gift of expressing his senses through the text will not experience problems. But the percentage of such gifted people, as you understand, is very small, which is quite logical, and the problem has to be solved on a massive scale.

Naturally, the question arose about how to smooth this disadvantage. It is not known for certain who for the first time offered text signs reflecting one or another emotion.

According to some data, it was a famous american scientist in the field of computer scottt Elliot Fahlman (Scott Elliot Fahlman)Who suggested using for comic messages a set of characters :-), in another interpretation :). If you tilt the head left, you will see in essence cheerful smiley:

And for messages containing some negative information capable of calling the emotions of the opposite character, the same Falman came up with another combination of characters :-( or: (. As a result, if you turn it on 90 °, then we will be sad smiley before us:

By the way, since the first smiles were identified first of all the emotional background of the interlocutors, they were called emoticon. Such a name happened from the abbreviated English expression emot.ion. icon - icon with an expression of emotion.

The value of emoticons expressing emotions by means of symbols

So, the beginning in this area was laid, it remains to pick up the idea and choose simple signs of the text, with which it would be easy and simply reflect other expressions of mood and emotional state. Here are some smiles of characters and their decoding:

  • :-), :),), \u003d),: c),: O) ,:], 8), :?),: ^) Or :) - Smiley of happiness or joy;
  • :-D ,: D - a wide smile or unrestrained laughter;
  • : "-) ,:" - D - laughter to tears;
  • :-(, :(, \u003d (- sad smiley from characters;
  • : -C ,: c - smiles from the signs of the text, denoting strong sadness;
  • : -o, - boredom;
  • : _ (,: "(,: ~ (,: * (- crying smile;
  • XD, XD - emoticons letters that mean mockery;
  • \u003e: - D,\u003e :) - Options for expressing gloating (evil grin);
  • : -\u003e - Oscal;
  • ): -\u003e or]: -\u003e - a cunning smile;
  • : - / either: - \\ - these emoticons may mean confusion, indecision;
  • : - || - anger;
  • D-: - Strong malice
  • : -E either: e - the designation of riot text signs;
  • : - | ,: -i - this can be deciphered as a neutral attitude;
  • :-(),: -o, \u003d -o, \u003d o,: -0,: o - these combinedness of characters mean surprise;
  • 8-O or: -, :-() - decoding: extreme degree of amazement (shock);
  • : - * - disgusting, fierce;
  • \u003d P, \u003d -p ,:-p - irritation;
  • xP - disgust;
  • : -7 - sarcasm;
  • : -J - irony;
  • :\u003e - smug;
  • X (- inflated;
  • : ~ - - Gorky to tears.

By the way, some emoticons from the signs can be displayed in graphical execution when they are inserted (this will be discussed in today's article), but not always and not everywhere.

What do other classic text smiles mean

Below, I will give a number of simple symbolic emoticons, which reflect the condition, character traits, their attitude to interlocutors, emotional actions or gestures, as well as images of creatures, animals and colors:

  • ; - (- sad joke;
  • ;-) - denotes a merry joke;
  • :[Email Protected] - Creek anger;
  • :-P ,:-p ,:-'- show the language, which means lies in anticipation of delicious food;
  • : -v - says a lot;
  • : - *, :-() - Kiss;
  • () - hugs;
  • ; , ;-) ,;) - notation of winking;
  • | - - Floating Zewnota, which means the desire to sleep;
  • | -I - sleeping;
  • | -O - snoring;
  • : -Q - smokers;
  • : -? - smokes the tube;
  • / - Smiley, meaning interomotion "Hmmm";
  • :-( 0) - shouts;
  • : -X - "mouth on the castle" (means calling for silence;)
  • : -! - the value of nausea or analogue of the phrase "with a shower grotit";
  • ~: 0 - baby;
  • : *),% -) - drunk, intoxicated;
  • \u003d / - crazy;
  • :) ,:-() - a man with a mustache;
  • \u003d |: -) \u003d - "Uncle Sam" (this smile means the comic image of the US state);
  • - :-) - Punk;
  • (: - | - monk;
  • *: O) - Clown;
  • B-) - a man in sunglasses;
  • B :-) - Sunglasses on the head;
  • 8-) - man in glasses;
  • 8 :-) - glasses on the head;
  • @ :-) - a man with a turban on his head;
  • : -E - this set of symbols denotes a vampire;
  • 8- # - zombies;
  • @ ~) ~~~~, @) -\u003e -, @) - V-- - Rose;
  • * -\u003e -\u003e - - Carnation;
  • <:3>
  • \u003d 8) - Pig;
  • : O /,: O
  • : 3 - cat;

If you wish, you yourself will be able to invent emoticons by typing certain characters (letters, numbers or signs) on the keyboard. From the above list, it is clear, for example, that with the help of the "3" digit you can depict the cat's muzzle, dogs (as well as, say, rabbit) or one of the hearts of the heart. And emoticons with P mean a narrowed tongue. There are space for creativity.

Horizontal Japanese emoticons (Koomodi)

Above the classic emotons, composed of text characters, which are interpreted and acquired the correct outlines only if tilt the head to the left or mentally rotate the similar image at 90 ° to the right.

More convenient Japanese smiles in this regard, when looking at which the head slope is not required, because it is immediately clear that each of them means. Koomodisi, as you probably guessed, were first used in Japan for the first time and consisted of both standard characters available on any keyboard and using hieroglyphs.

Japanese term «顔文字» When Latin looks like "Kaomoji". In essence, the phrase "Koomodi" is very close to the concept of "Smile" (English smile - smile), because "Kao" (顔) means "face", and "Moji" (文字) - "Symbol", "Letter".

Even with a fluent analysis of the values \u200b\u200bof these terms, it is noticeable that Europeans and residents of most countries where the Latin alphabet is distributed, with more attention to the expression of more attention to such an element as mouth (smile). For the Japanese, all components of the face are important, especially eyes. This is an expression in the true (and not in modified) Koomodi.

Subsequently, Japanese smiles were distributed in Southeast Asia, and today they are used worldwide. At the same time, they can consist not only of characters and hieroglyphs, but often complemented, for example, letters and signs of the Latin or Arab alphabet. For a start, see what do the simple horizontal text emoticons mean:

  • (^_) or (n_n) - smiling, joyful;
  • (^ ____ ^) - a wide smile;
  • ^ - ^ - Happy smile;
  • (<_>), (v_v) - so usually refers to sadness;
  • (O_O), (0_0), (O_O) - These emoticons mean a different degree of surprise;
  • (V_v) or (v_v) - unpleasantly surprised;
  • * - * - amazement;
  • (@[Email Protected]) - surprise reached the maximum ("Wood you can");
  • ^ _ ^ ", * ^ _ ^ * Either (-_- v) - embarrass, awkwardness;
  • (? _?), ^ o ^ - misunderstanding;
  • (-_-#) , (-_-¤) , (>__
  • 8 (>_
  • (\u003e\u003e), (\u003e _\u003e) or (<_>
  • -__- or \u003d __ \u003d - indifference;
  • m (._.) M - apology;
  • ($ _ $) - This smile reflects greed;
  • (; _;), Q__q - crying;
  • (T_T), (TT.TT) or (TOT) - sobs;
  • (^ _ ~), (^ _-) - These variations of emoticons denote wink;
  • ^) (^, (-) (-), (^) ... (^) - kiss;
  • (^ 3 ^) or (* ^) 3 (* ^^ *) - love;
  • (-_-;), (-_-;) ~ - sick;
  • (-. -) ZZZ, (-_-) ZZZ or (U_U) - sleeps.

Well, now several horizontal smiles that reflect frequently encountered emotions, composed of more complex characters and signs, as well as their designations:

  • 9 (◕‿◕) 6, (〃 ^ ▽ ^ 〃) or \\ (★ Ω ★) / - Happiness;
  • o (❛ᴗ❛) O, (O˘◡˘o), (っ ˘ω˘ς) - smile;
  • ('♡ ‿ ♡ `), (˘∀˘) / (‿‿μ) ❤ or (1 ° ꒵ ° 1) · * ♡ - Love;
  • (◡‿◡ *), (* ノ ∀` *), (* μ_μ) - embarrassment.

Naturally, Japanese smiles, in which not only the service characters and punctuation marks are used, but also the complex letters of the catakana alphabet, give more opportunities to express not only emotions with the help of facial expressions, but also by gestures.

Let's say wide distribution on the Internet got a smiley, shrug and spread. What does it mean? Most likely, apology with a touch of awkwardness:

This emoticon appeared thanks to the famous Repeer Kanye West (Kanye West), which at the award of the Video Music Awards award in 2010 unexpectedly interrupted his speech, and then demonstrated such a gesture, recognizing the incorrectness of his behavior (the smiley, which shrugs and spread his hands, was called "Kanye's shoulders" and became a real meme):

If you are interested in learning full collection Koomodi, reflecting emotions, form of movement, states, animal species, etc., then visit this resource is where they can be easily copied and insert after that in the right place.

Emoji graphic emoticons (emoji), their codes and values

So, we have disassembled symbolic emoticons, some of which, when inserting them in social networks and other places, can acquire graphic outlines, that is, appearing in the form of pictures. But this happens not everywhere and not always. Why?

Yes, because they consist of simple text icons. To smiley guaranteed to acquired after inserting images of images, and anywhere where you put them, it is necessary to use codesSpecially entered in the official Unicode table so that any user can quickly express their emotional state.

Of course, any emoticon can be loaded in the form of pictures created in the graphic editors, but by having in mind their huge number and number of users on the Internet such a decision does not look perfect, because inevitably negatively affects bandwidth global Network. But the use of codes in this situation is just that.

As a result, popular engines used for forums and blogs (for example, the same WordPress) have the possibility of inserting color emoticons in their functionality, which, undoubtedly adds expressiveness messages.

The same can be said about various chats and messengers, designed for both PCs and for mobile devices (Skype, Telegram, Viber, WhatsApp).

Just graphic pictograms and got the name of Emodezhi (or Emodi, that from the point of view of Japanese pronunciation is more correct). Term «画像文字» (in the Latin transliteration "Emoji"), which, like Komomodis, is a phrase consisting of two words, translated into Russian meaning "picture" ("E") and "letter", "symbol" (MOZI).

I think the Japanese name of small pictures appearing in the text to display emotions, feelings and states is most fair, since it was in Japan that symbolic images originate that do not require them to mentally turn over to the right perception.

As I noted above, any code emoji-smile. In the overwhelming majority of cases, it is necessarily interpreted into a picture in all possible places where you want to insert it, including, for example, social networks VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Moreover, in different areas, the smile can be displayed in different ways in the insertion of the same code from the Unicode corresponding to a specific value:

Another important moment. By default, emoticon emioji will figured in black and white tones is either displayed as a rectangle 😀 (it all depends on the platform, which is used at the place of its insertion). In this you can make sure if visit the encoder And try to insert HTML codes corresponding to different emotrons, in the field located on the right:

Similar emoji in the browser will look like this. In order for them to purchase a color color, you need to apply a special script that is installed on large popular Services. By the way, in one of recent versions WordPress (I do not remember what kind of) was just incorporated by Emoji, but I had to turn them off because of a seriously raised, which I try to constantly track.

So for small resources that have limited resources, Emoji is not always good. After turning off when trying to insert Emodzhi into the text of the article or the emoticon comments will just be present in the black and white version or in the form of a rectangle.

But in popular social networks, the use of the corresponding HTML code by any of the users initiates the appearance of a full-fledged emoticon. By the way, in the same contact there is a whole collection of emoji sorted by category. Copy one or another emoji It is possible from the Unicode table, where the icons are dispersed by partitions:

Choose the necessary picture from the "Native" column and copy it to using the context menu or Ctrl + C. Then open the page in the new tab of some social network, forum, chat, even your email and insert into a message that you want to send, this code through the same menu or Ctrl + V.

And now look at the video in which 10 Emodi are represented about the present value of which you may not even guess.