The service shows the most popular groups by parameters. How to view the statistics of a VKontakte group

If you have your own VKontakte community, then you can see detailed statistics. From this data, you will learn about the number of visits, section views, etc. Detailed information about your audience.

In this guide, I will show you how to view the statistics of a VKontakte group and I'll show you a couple of tricks.

We look at the statistics of the group in VK

Go to the right community. Now open the menu and go to the item "Community Statistics".

We have 5 main categories of reports:

  • Attendance
  • Coverage
  • Activity
  • Community Posts
  • Entries

The data here is structured according to the same principle as in the reports.

The most interesting section of the reports is of course "Attendance". Here we can clearly see the volume and activity of our audience.

The very first graph on this page shows how many people have visited our group, and how many views of materials within the community they have made.

Below you will see indicators by age and gender.

Important schedule "Participants". It displays in detail the dynamics of the growth of new subscribers (see).

How to open group statistics for everyone?

Make sure you are on the Attendance tab. Go to the very bottom of the page, to the section "Who can access community statistics".

Here you need to put the switch in front of the item "To everyone". Then click "Save settings".

Video lesson: how to view the statistics of a VKontakte group


Statistics are very useful tool for marketers and owner groups. With its help, you can conduct a detailed analysis of the main indicators of the community, and operate with these data.


In contact with

In the vastness of Runet, Vkontakte is a large social network. Every day, about 50 million people visit their personal pages for various purposes. As you understand, in such social network contains terabytes of information and all sorts of static data. Your personal page, favorite public or group - they all have statistics that display the number of visitors, their age, gender, geography, and even the time spent on the page. It is logical to ask the question - "How to view Vkontakte statistics?", because it is very interesting how many people came to your page or how popular it is here or another public. Today we will talk on this topic, I will tell you all the secrets. After reading the article, you can easily view all the statistics of any Vkontakte communities.

Related article:

Personal page visit statistics

As I said, Vkontakte has a lot of statistics and your personal page is no exception. For many, this may be a revelation, but you can easily see how many people came to you, where they came from, their age, gender, and many other criteria. All such statistics are official, you do not need to install anything or use third-party sites.

All that is needed is to insert the browser link into the address bar of the browser, where 654321 is your personal id. If you don’t know how to find out the id, then I advise you to read the article in which I spoke in detail about the ways.

Such statistics may be needed by those who use personal page not only to communicate with friends, but also to earn money.

There is also one very important aspect, you can only see your own statistics, this "trick" does not work with the pages of other users.

How to view the statistics of a public (group)

If you have a public or a group, then you know how to view statistics. This is not a problem. By the community avatar there is a button "community statistics". Clicking on it will take you to Personal Area public, where graphs, charts, tables showing all kinds of statistical data are displayed.

Related article:

The statistics of their community is interesting, but in most cases, administrators, and even ordinary users, are more interested in what and how competitors from larger publics have. You can also get this data, but only if the administrator has not blocked access to it. All you need is to insert the following address into the address bar -, where 789456 is the personal id of the public or group.

By the way, quite recently I found one very interesting service On this site you can see the statistics of the largest Vkontakte communities - MDK, Millionaire Quotes, BORSCH, Women's Magazine - everything is there. There is a very large database. There is access to statistics of about 1000 publics.

Why do you need to know the statistics of Vkontakte publics?

There are several aspects here. If you are developing your own community and want to buy advertising in other publics, then access to statistics can provide you with a selection of high-quality sites. You will find out the audience coverage, the number of unique visitors, the gender and age of the public subscribers. All of this information is very important and correct selection the effect of advertising can be many times greater than you expect. In more detail about how to analyze statistics and how to get 10 times more effect from advertising in groups, I told in my course:

If you already have a good community, then statistics may be needed to analyze competitors and build your own promotion strategy. Based on the sources of users' transition to a competing public, you will build your development methods.

Let's say that a competitor has most of its users coming from other communities. This means that he actively buys advertising, and thus develops. You should also pay more attention to advertising.

Traffic can also come from news. Then it becomes obvious that the direction to unique content is chosen. The administration of a competing public relies on its subscribers and high-quality news content. Thanks to the reposts, there is a “natural” advertising of the group, which is a very good indicator of development.

If you can correctly evaluate the data of a competitor's statistics, then I am sure that building your own public development campaign will become many times easier. See what methods really bring results, combine, experiment, derive your ideal formula for attracting subscribers.

Related article:

Vkontakte site visit statistics

As you already understood, everything in VK has its own statistics, but do not forget that Vkontakte is primarily an Internet site that also has statistics on the number of visitors. How to find out the statistics of visits to Vkontakte? If you still didn’t know, then I’ll tell you about one more “trick”. VK has a counter from Liveinternet, whose statistics are available to anyone in the public domain.

To do this, all you need is to insert this address into the line of your Internet browser

A window will open in front of you in various data regarding VK. Of course, the statistics are not all, but even the fact that the administration of the social network decided to open it for general viewing will be quite enough.

For me personally, the tab "by time of day", as well as "online" is of most interest. By clicking on them, you will see two graphs that show what time and how many people visited the site. This schedule will also help to correctly build a plan for promoting a public or group. As you understand, advertising should be given when it is seen by the maximum number of visitors. According to the presented statistics, the peak falls on the period from 21 to 22 hours. It will be logical if it is during this period of time that you launch your advertisement. Another important fact is that it is at this time that users are most loyal to various kinds of advertising. They are relaxed, they went online to look through the news, see new pages, find something interesting, and it is your ad, if it is well-built, that can interest and attract the user.

Related article:

Analysis and study of statistics milestone when working with social networks. After all, movement is good, but knowing the direction and seeing the reasons, as well as ways to improve, is simply necessary.

In this article, you will learn about viewing methods Vkontakte group statistics. Most of them are free. The methods are arranged from more convenient and detailed to less functional.

How to view the statistics of the Vkontakte group (any)

If you need a convenient and visual statistics of any Vkontakte group(or pages of another social network - on this moment supported 12) the optimal service is

With it, you can quickly and clearly do the following:

  • See what are the most popular posts(for the period you choose);
  • sort posts by likes, reposts, comments, engagement indicator Er;
  • sort by the content of the entry - photo, video, text, animation (and find out the most popular among them);
  • compare graphically simultaneously indicators of several groups;
  • global search best posts in all accounts by phrase, hashtag or word;
  • add your favorite posts to Favorites, creating different lists with the possibility of publishing via auto-posting (Novapress, SMMplanner);
  • view the numerical indicators of groups for the selected period (actual number of subscribers, average Er of a post/group per day, number of comments, etc.);
  • study text material in groups with the help of referencing;
  • export statistics to Excel;
  • and other possibilities.

That is, you can see the dynamics of development both their own groups and others, to study which publications are "viral" and the most commented. Learn from experience and improve the performance of their groups.

Analysis and statistics of Vkontakte groups in the service begins with the choice of a social network in which it is necessary to carry out the analysis.

The service interface is intuitive and clear and now looks like this:

You can view any post you like in the original by clicking on the “To record” button.

Comparison of indicators in graphical form

To view or compare the performance of several groups in a graphical form, you need to:

  1. Download the posts of the required groups for the same period (selecting the period first when loading), this is done to ensure that the data is accurate;
  2. Press the "Charts" button (point 4 in the photo above).

You will see something like this:

The average activity of accounts by day of the week and by hour (if you choose the time for advertising in the public, then that's what you need)

Number of likes and comments by day of the week

Er day/post indicator (engagement) and pivot table the main indicators of the groups.

Social network search

Popsters has the ability to search for publications by phrases or hashtags in general, in social networks (in which they are authorized). Followed by:

  • Filter by attachment type (photo, video, text, animation);
  • sorting by likes, reposts, comments;
  • displaying information on publications in graphical form.

It looks like this:

For example, you can quickly and conveniently search for information about an event and then select the best material.

Abstracting text

Under the sort buttons on home page there is an opportunity to perform "Summarizing the text" and "Search". What are they for? With this function, you can find out which topics work best in a group.

By clicking on the "Summary" button, the texts of all uploaded publications will be analyzed, you will see the most frequently used words and hashtags (photo below). After clicking on any word or hashtag all posts where this word (hashtag) is not present will be filtered, and the service will recalculate the indicators of the sums of likes, reposts and ER (engagement rate) for all filtered posts.
The "Search" button allows you to filter all records with a specific phrase, after which all indicators will also be recalculated.

In general, a huge field for action.

The next service for viewing statistics of Vkontakte groups (only your own)

This is the service. Quite old service, but it has useful functionality. You can scan (groups where you are an administrator): wall pages / groups, photo albums, popular groups among your friends.

I especially like the opportunity to analyze active core of the group(the most active users). What can be useful in various competitions.

Community rating among friends

Unfortunately, one can look and analyze only your friends. Yes, and group statistics only in which you are in administrator status.

And another way to find out the statistics of the Vkontakte group

To view group statistics, you need to copy this address and after the "=" sign, add the id of the group whose statistics you want to see. To find out the id of the group, in the feed of the selected group, hover the mouse cursor at the very top of the feed of records on the number of records and copy the address. This address will have a numeric value, this will be the group id. It must be inserted after the "=" sign in the address above.

I recorded a small video for clarity:

The disadvantage of this method is that this way you can see the statistics of only those groups where administrators did not close the ability to view in the settings other users.


Analysis of statistics is an important and necessary step for working in the world of social networks. Information in a convenient and understandable form with the use of a share of creativity allows you to quickly respond to modern trends and create your own.

All the tools discussed in this article have different capabilities and are suitable for different purposes. Thanks to its convenience and functionality (and the ability to analyze all groups and different social networks), the service is the most versatile.

In most cases (about 99% 😉), these methods of viewing the statistics of Vkontakte groups will probably be enough. Successful use!

P.S. If you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends.

How do you like this thing? Probably convenient for working at a computer 😉 .

    Hello my dears!

    Today we will talk about analysis of the statistics of Vkontakte communities. I will tell you how to do the analysis correctly, what the main indicators mean and how you can benefit from it.

    Statistics is the core of any community, it can be used to determine everything that happened to the community, when it happened and why (of course, after analyzing the indicators). It is especially necessary to analyze statistics when buying advertising in communities, exchanging posts, or selling and buying the community itself.

    Statistics are available at

    where XXXXXXXXXX is the community id

    Now more about charts. The statistics have three main blocks:



    Let's consider each separately, dwelling on important points.


    Unique visitors and views

    The number of unique visitors who visited the community during the day (by day, by month)

    Total number of unique visitors in the last 30 days

    This indicator is definitely important, but easily winded up, so we do not stop our analysis on it.

    Gender / Age

    I think it’s clear here that if the public is male, there should be men, if it’s female, on the contrary, if this is not the case, then either the theme changed or bots were played. Children are not more than 30% -35% of the norm.


    From where your community is visited, you can find out from this diagram.

    Referral Sources

    Here we see where people get into the community and what to focus on.

    Closely follow the source " Browser tabs”, if their indicator is more than 60-80%, most likely, there is a fact of cheating by offers or bots.


    The number of people who came and unsubscribed

    If you see large peaks of unsubscribed participants on the chart, most likely, the community was purged of suspicious accounts. This tells us that the group was promoted by offers or bots. In 70% of cases this is confirmed.

    Section Views

    Lets you know what people are interested in.


    Here the count comes from the people who saw the news from the public during certain period time.

    Audience coverage is divided into full and subscribers.

    Full- this is the number of people who saw the news of the public from friends, in other publics through reposts, just went in, looked at the news, shared.

    By subscribers- these are the people who see your news, being subscribed to your community.

    The only indicator that is impossible to wind up is the reach of subscribers , it should be from 25% of all subscribers with 15-25 posts per day.

    The rest of the graphs are similar to attendance, but based on data from community subscribers, that is, who receives news by gender / age and in which countries.


    Activity does not need comments, I can only say that the better the posts, the more activity, stolen posts and button accordions will gain few likes and reposts, even if your public is in good condition.

    Tips for increasing community statistics depending on the situation:

    If you have everything up to standard, but little activity, increase the quality of the content.

    If the coverage is low, exchange reposts with other publics.

    If the reach of subscribers is low, increase the number of posts.

    If there are few unique visitors, work on the design, hold contests, make the subscriber come back again and again.

    If you have many children, increase the semantic load on the posts.

    I hope today's information was useful to you and you will apply it in practice!

    Leave your feedback and opinions in the comments below.

    Related Articles

Vkontakte group statistics two categories of people need it: group owners and advertisers. Owners need to understand what is happening with a group or communities of competitors, and advertisers need to be sure that they are placing ads on quality sites. (although if you are, then it doesn’t matter)

Why be able to look at statistics? Well, at least because the number of people in the group does not mean anything. There are groups with hundreds of thousands of subscribers, but in reality it turns out that these are all bots (fake profiles controlled by the program). Also, page traffic does not mean anything, because. the owner of the group can wind up this indicator in order to sell ads more expensively.

Group stats

Entering the statistics section is very simple: select the “Community Statistics” item in the group menu:

The most important sections of statistics:

Unique visitors and views

1. The most important graph in statistics is “ Unique visitors and views". It shows the attendance of your community.

  • Visitors- this is how many specific people went into your group
  • views- this is the total number of views (visits to the group, views of photos and videos) that all visitors have made. Those. the more pages the user has viewed, the more views there will be according to statistics, and traffic will not grow.

Large indicators on this chart are good, but at the end of the article I will show how you can wind them up.

Group attendance may be overestimated due to the fact that people go to Vkontakte with different devices, and each device in this case is considered a unique visitor.

When counting visitors, any visitors to the group are considered, even if they are not registered on Vkontakte, but simply accessed the page through a browser. Thanks to this, you can easily wind up these indicators, because. no social network accounts needed (more on that at the end)

So we move on to the next chart.


The second important chart is Coverage". It shows how many Vkontakte users saw the messages of your group, public or page.

  • Full Coverage- shows how many people have seen messages
  • Subscriber Reach- how many subscribers saw the messages

There is a very important difference from the previous chart. Here, it is the users of the social network that are taken into account, and this parameter is more difficult to wind up (but possible)

By the way, the number of members of a group or community without coverage does not mean anything. A group can be subscribed to a million people, while the reach is 10 people / day. This is an indicator that the group is filled with bots or hacked profiles.

Referral Sources

3. The third important graph " Referral Sources«.

With it, you can understand how the attendance of a group, page, community is formed. Everything is clear here.

You should be wary when a large percentage of browser bookmarks. This usually indicates that there is a cheat of participants or attendance. Why it happens? When a person (or bots) completes the task to enter a group, they usually enter it through a direct link, and this is considered a browser bookmark.

For example, in the screenshot above, this indicator is overestimated. I was just winding up subscribers in the experimental group.


The activity graph shows the activities of users in a group. You can focus on it when trying to understand if the group is alive. Although all these parameters can be wound. However, if the group has a large attendance, and there is zero activity, this is suspicious.

Other charts

4. The remaining graphs show the structure of the community: geography, gender, age, etc.

Too important information. Especially if you are going to place ads in the group for money. You must accurately imagine your target audience, ask the administrator for access to statistics and check the composition of the group.

How to view the structure of group subscribers without access to statistics

Let's say you need to find out the composition of some community or page subscribers. If there is no access to statistics, then we will no longer be able to see the structure visually. But we can use this trick:

Let's go to the group, click on the "Subscribers" block, a window with subscribers will appear, where you need to select "Search by subscribers":

How to increase traffic and views

Why would someone boost group attendance? For example, to show the advertiser that the group is very popular and worth it to place ads in it for money.

You can even wind up views manually by simply updating the page without interruption. You can wind up unique visitors if you use a proxy (a special computer through which the connection goes and its address is substituted).

There are many special programs for this case, which automate the work (automatically switch proxies, go to the page and update it the required number of times). Below is a screenshot of a similar program (the name of the program is in the window title, you can find this program in Yandex):

As I wrote above, when counting visitors and views, all visitors to the page are considered, even if they are not registered on Vkontakte. Therefore, any cheap traffic will do. Bot traffic (i.e., non-humans make clicks) costs from 1 kopeck per click.

When should you be concerned?

  • Referral sources have many browser bookmarks
  • There are a lot of people in the group, and the reach and activity are very low
  • High traffic and low reach
  • High traffic, but zero activity (few likes, "shares" and comments)