Connection tab. How to make a convenient work with a lot of tabs in the browser Sorting tabs on separate browser windows

45 Mozilla's company no longer supplies its browser with a group of tab groups, motivating this by the fact that too few people used this opportunity.

As a result, the "tab groups" and "group your tabs" icons are not available in the web browser interface. Version 44 has become the last, where they could be observed.

In addition, the combination of keys Ctrl + Shift + E, which previously responded just for the grouping, no longer leads to any actions.

In fact, a warning about the imminent disappearance of the "tab group" function could be observed in Firefox all recently in the group interface itself:

Link "More details" there was here on this official page explaining that this feature Soon will be removed from the browser, and all tabs distributed by groups will be saved to your bookmark catalog.

The group's function debuted in the spring of 2011 Firefox 4.0.

This mechanism was developed under the code names of Panorama and Tab Candy, a well-known expert in the field of Uzabi Aza Raskin, who, alas, has not been working for a long time in Mozilla.

Thanks to this technology, it was easy to divide the tabs on groups that did not intersect in the tab panel. That is, only one group was visible at each time, while others could be called from a special interface.

How to return groups of tabs in Firefox

Return grouping tabs in browser Mozilla Firefox. You can use the Tab Groups extension. We will specify that this module is not easy attempt to simulate the functional previously existed in the web browser. Tab Groups uses the original Panorama function code from the Fire Fox versions, which went to Firefox 45.

As a result, you will get all the features that you have had before. And Tab Groups should catch up before moving to new firefox version Groups tabs.

Extension is absolutely free and has an excellent user rating in the Mozilla catalog. After it is installed, the CTRL + SHIFT + E combination becomes the newly efficient, and the Group Your Tabs icon appears above the address bar (group your tabs) appears above the upper corner.

However, in addition to the return of the previous functionality, Tab Groups brings and a little new. In the group interface, pay attention to the gear icon.

He leads on new page options. They are true this moment very little. You can set only hot keys, display animation and backup.

As you can see, return the groups of the tabs in Firefox turned out to be very simple, although the Mozilla solution to exclude this function from the basic delivery of the browser is still somewhat frustrating.

For most of us, the browser is the most popular and most commonly launched program on the computer. We use it for listening to music, watching movies, check mail and so on. And although browsers are updated almost every week, they have enough problems. One of them is not the most convenient work with large quantity tabs.

In fact, working with tabs is like in that joke about cats. You do not like cats? You just do not know how to cook them. You just need to learn how to work with tabs and use the browser suitable for this. And you will not be able to understand how they lived before.

Keyboard cuts (Hotkes)

Hot keys - a very convenient way to manage tabs. Especially when the tabs become such tiny that it is even uncomfortable to click.

  • Ctrl + Tab.- Switching between tabs on the right side.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Tab- Switching between tabs to the left side.
  • Ctrl + W / Cmd + W on Mac- Close the active tab.

These are just a few combinations that will allow you to quickly switch between tabs. Keyboard abbreviations exists. And some of them can make you use the keyboard instead of a mouse to manage tabs.

Memory of open tabs

When you constantly switch between the browser and another program, there is a chance that you can accidentally close the browser, and then you will have to open everything again. And well, if you remember that you were open. A browser function can save from all this headaches, which allows you to remember which tabs are open before closing it.

Enable this feature and thereby free yourself from unnecessary work in the future:

  • Google Chrome: Settings → Start group → Continue to work from the same place.
  • Firefox: Settings → Basic → When running Firefox → Show windows and tabs open last time.
  • Apple Safari: Settings → Basic → Safari opens when starting → all windows from the last session.

Add tab add to favorites

Another fast way Save open tabsTo work with them later, it adds them to a separate folder in bookmarks. To do this, click on the right mouse button and select "Add Tabs to Favorites". The name of the item may vary in different browsers, but it is easy to understand that this is the item that you need. As a result, you will have a folder with the addresses of sites in the bookmarks. Next, make the right click on this folder, select "Open all bookmarks" - All tabs are again in front of us.

Sorting tabs for separate browser windows

Who said that all tabs should be in one browser window? You can sort your tabs on different windows. For example, all tabs that relate to one project can be transferred to one browser window, and everything concerns entertainment, to another and so on. Just pull the tab to the empty desktop place, and you will open a new window. Another way is to make the right click on the link or bookmark and select from the "Open in a new window" from the list.

Select several tabs at once

You can make various actions not with one tab, but immediately with several. But for this, you first need to choose these tabs. Clamp ctrl key (or CMD on Mac) and select the tab you currently. All, now you can close them, restart, add to bookmarks and so on.

Fastening tabs

IN modern browsers from good developers There is a wonderful function "Secure the tab." It is very convenient if you hold one or another tab that is constantly open. For example, it can be a Gmail tab or a music service. After you secure the tab, it will be more difficult to close and it will take less space on the tab panel. Just click on the right key tab and select the desired item in the list.

Restore the closed tab

Sometimes it turns out that you accidentally close the tab that did not want to close at all. The hand ropted or changed his mind at the time of closure - anything happens. To open this tab again, you can, of course, go to the history of the browser and find this site. And you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + T (or CMD + SHIFT + T on Mac in Chrome and Firefox and CMD + Z in Safari) to return this tab. You can also help the right click with the mouse on any tab of your browser.

Groups tabs in Firefox

Almost five years ago developers added to browser Firefox. very cool feature which is called "tabs of tabs", or "panorama". It practically performs the trick, which is described above. We are talking about using different browser windows for tabs. Only here all this has been done more beautifully, and you do not need to produce many windows. A couple of clicks and you have already switched to work with another project or, on the contrary, have fun after work. To start the tab groups, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + E or CMD + SHIFT + E on Mac.

I hope that now your work with a lot of browser tabs will be slightly simpler.

Probably, every active Internet user faced the problem of a huge number of tabs in the browser, when several dozen tabs are open at the same time. It is not easy to understand them, and they "hang" the browser. The developers are popular browser Mozilla. Firefox decided to facilitate users working with open tabs: tabs in Firefox 4 can be grouped.

IN latest version browser present a new interface Firefox Panorama.. It allows you to group tabs in Firefox 4 by topic or other criteria. Grouped tabs, you will be easier to find among them the one that you need at the moment.

To go to group grouping mode, you need to click on the button. Group of tabs (There are four rectangles of different sizes on it). By default, it is at the very end of the bookmarks panel. If suddenly this icon is not there, do not be afraid. In the top menu of the browser, find the View item, select the toolbar subparagraph, and configure it. The toolbar settings window opens. Find the icon, signed by the tabs in it, and simply drag it with the mouse to the desired panel, then click Finally. Instead of a button you can use Ctrl + SHIFT + E.

The group grouping mode (Panoramic mode) is a surface view similar to the desktop on which the tabs open in the browser are unfolded. By default, open tabs in Firefox 4 are collected in one common group. To create new group , It is necessary to drag the mouse to pull out the tab from the general group to the free space, and then drag another tab to it. There is I. second way - Select the empty space with a rectangle (as if you highlight the files in the "Explorer" or enroll the picture in the graphics editor). A blank group will be created in which you can drag the necessary tabs.

Tabs can be drag out one group to another. The groups themselves can be asked for names (by default they are not called). To do this, click on the left mouse button in the field with a pencil in the upper left corner of the group and enter the name, for example, "work", "Humor", "Mail", " Social networks" etc.

Can adjust the size group size. To do this, tested the mouse cursor to the right lower corner. When it turns into a double-sided arrow, hold left button Mouse and pull, changing the size of the tab group as you want. To move the group of tabsMouse over it the mouse cursor. When it turns into a cross with arrows at the ends, clamp the left mouse button and drag the group to the desired location. To close Group tab, Click on the cross in the upper right corner of the group.

To open tabs from the group, Move the mouse over one of the tabs (it should turn into a hand) and click the left mouse button. All tabs will open in the browser, and the tab on which you click will be active. In order to return to panoramic view And open another tab of the tabs again, use the group tab or the CTRL + SHIFT + E key combination.

If you need quickly find tabs In Firefox 4, use the search for tab groups. Being in the panoramic mode, click on the search button (the magnifier is depicted on it). The search string opens. Start entering the name of the tab you need to find. The tabs correspond to your query will be highlighted during the set. By the way, the search string cannot be called optional - if you start printing, being in panoramic mode, the search will start automatically.

Firefox Panorama is a very convenient option for those who have several dozen or even hundreds of tabs in the browser. It allows you organize your tabs in Firefox 4. You can be sure - no tab will not be lost!

Call dialog box:

You opened the project. Project data\u003e Connections\u003e Navigator. Select the connection and select Properties in the pop-up menu. Select Properties in the Dialog box<...> The Connection tab.

This tab is processed by the connection properties.

The following elements of the dialog box are available:

Connection designation:

During the numbering of the connections, the designation is automatically inserted here. However, the designation can be inserted and manually.

Determine a new designation You can automatically determine the nearest free designation of the connection. Then, based on the settings for the numbering of connections, the following free compound designation will be determined and recorded here.


Here you can enter additional description Connections, this property is not identifying and used only for information purposes.

Group field Cable / compounds group

Visible OU:

If the connection is a cable connection or cable, then the cable is displayed here. The hoses are displayed as a group of compounds.
Using the pop-up menu item Determine the new OU You can generate a new OU with the following free meter.

Color classroom:

Enter the color or connections number here, this property identifies this connection. This field is automatically filled with the numbering function of the connections. Click [...] to open the dialog box Colors of connections And choose a color from the list.

Pair index:

For cable connections of a pair twist of cable or paired hoses of one set, a pair index is set to which both cable connections or hose belong. Thus, it identifies a pair of cable connections or a couple of hoses. This value can be entered manually or automatically filled when the cable is selected or the product selection.

The pair index serves as an identifying property for automatic assigning cable connections or hoses and can be used as a criterion for selecting a cable or kit through the selection of the device.

Cross section / Diameter:

The cross section or the diameter of the connection is copied from the product database and can be used as the selection criterion when the devices are selected. Click on [...] to open the dialog box Cross sections / diameters And select the section / diameter from the list.

Section unit / diameter unit:

Here for the choice in the drop-down list are offered possible units:


From the project

The unit is copied from the project settings. When placing this property, the value is not displayed.

Square millimeter

American cross-sectional unit ("American Wire Gauge", i.e. "American Wire Caliber").

Millimeter (0.001 m)

Canadian cross-sectional unit ("Thousand Circular Mils", often reduced as "kcmil").

The American cross-sectional unit used for exceeding 500 AWG.

Inch; "; inch

inch (25.4 mm)

Micrometer (0.001 mm)

American and Canadian cross-sectional dimension units (0.5 mm²)

If in the field Cross section / diameter The cross section / the default diameter is automatically written to the unit from the project and uses the value that is assigned to the selected cross section / diameter in the project settings.

View of the presentation:

The view of the compound representation depends on the type of presentation of the objectives of these compounds. It, however, can be explicitly defined at the point of determining the connection or on the connection itself. Wherein this setting Overwrites the view of the view received from the connection goals.

When a change is changed, the connection is changed. For unstoppable connections, only the views of the "Multi-Pole" can be used. and "one-pole."; Other views are available only for placed connections. Compounds (as well as conditional notation) can be graphic and external. Select the desired entry from the drop-down list:

  • Not defined: With this setting, the view view is automatically determined by the connection targets.
  • Multi-pole: determines the corresponding compound as a multipole. When evaluating the connection, you can filter by this criterion.
  • Singo-pole: determines the corresponding compound as a single-pole. When evaluating the connection, you can filter by this criterion.
  • Functional automation scheme: Used for connections posted on the automation functional scheme. These include, for example, compounds between technological tanks.
  • Externally. : With this setting, during the report and control runs, the corresponding connection is not analyzed directly. External connections are analyzed only indirectly, that is, they are taken into account, for example, in schemes for connecting schemes, but are not taken into account in the tables of compounds. When numbering connections, external connections are not designated.
  • Graphics: With this setting, during the report and control runs, the corresponding connection is not analyzed. At the numbering of compounds, graphic connections are not designated.


Objectives are analyzed by external and logical compounds. This means that not from the target itself, and from the connection to this purpose depends whether the goal will be displayed in the report. If the connection to the target is graphic, then the report is not formed about this purpose.

Definition of function:

Using the [...] button, open the dialog box. Definitions of functions. The definitions of functions are already filtered there, so only the definitions of the compounds are displayed. Select the desired function definition.