Blue screen of death Windows 7 What does it mean. The most common bug codes of the blue screen of death

The seventh version of the Windows operating system from Microsoft although it is considered one of the most stable, nonetheless is also not insured against the occurrence of a critical failure. One of the most unpleasant phenomena is the "Blue Death Screen" of Windows 7. What to do when it appears, not every user knows. Some believe that the problem when rebooting will disappear (and not relatively). Others believe that it will be necessary full reinstall Windows 7. But before deciding to eliminate the problem, you need to know its essence.

Mortal BSOD screen: What is it?

So, suppose that the user has a "blue screen of death". What to do? Windows 7, as well as any other system of this family, can offer several solution solutions, depending on what was the root cause.

But in some cases, to get rid of this attack in the future, without special utilities can not do. They will dwell on them a little later, but as long as we'll see what it is from the point of view of the system itself.

Roughly speaking, BSOD is a kind of Windows protective reaction to a critical failure in the system when the memory dump record occurs. In other words, the system cannot neutralize an error in its own funds and because of this it reports that it happened that and that. In each case, the decoding of the "blue death screens" of Windows 7 can say much. As a rule, the message on the monitor begins with the word "STOP", after which the failure code follows. What does this mean? Yes, just that in this moment A certain important process was stopped, vital for the functioning of the system as a whole. How to remove the "Blue Death Screen" of Windows 7, consider a little later, but for now we will stop for the reasons for its appearance.

Causes of the appearance of failures

Exploring possible malfunctions, you need to clearly divide them into two large categories: Failures software (including the system itself) and physical problems with equipment (for example, when replacing hard disk, video cards, random access memory etc.).

In addition, in Windows 7, problems with such malfunctions can also mean the moment related to the fact that the hard drive is not enough space for the Winchester, which is especially noticeable when the automatic system update is enabled.

Classification of groups

To date, there are two main groups of failures. The "A" group includes problems with updating or replacement of equipment, updates of drivers or system itself and damage system components. The "B" group credits incompatible versions of the primary I / O system of the BIOS, the inconsistency of the drivers specific device, driver conflicts, lack of space on the Winchester, breakdowns of "iron" components computer system, overheating of the processor or power supply, interruptions with power supply, violations in the operation of RAM planks, problems with video cards, overloine results (overclocking), etc.

Codes of "Blue Death Screens" Windows 7

As we see, the causes of errors and failures can be quite a lot. In any case, when such a screen appears, first of all, attention should be paid to the description, which is present at the bottom of the message. Separately, you can select the most common codes that are most often found:

  • 0x0000006B;
  • 0x00000000 (0022);
  • 0x0000007E;
  • 0xc0000005;
  • 0x80000003;
  • 0x80000002;
  • 0x804e518e;
  • 0xFC938104;
  • 0xFC937E04, etc.

Of course, the list is not limited only to these codes (if any situation may occur). However, the "Blue Death Screen (0x0000007E" appears most often. Windows 7 in this case gives a description indicating that some exception was not processed.

But this is just a brief information. To view full description Errors or failure, it is better to use a small utility called Blue Screen View. It is this program that can give a key to understanding how to treat the "blue screen of death" of Windows 7. Make it can be your own means of the system, which will be discussed.

"Blue Death Screen": What to do (Windows 7)? The first and simplest decision

In the case when the failure is short-term, for example, due to the sudden turning off the electricity and the transition to the block uninterrupted powerYou can use the usual reboot with a forced shutdown after a long press of the power button.

But if the "blue screen of death" when download windows 7 will appear again, it will already be evidence of serious damage. To begin with, you can try simply disable recording of dumps and mini-dumps. This is done through the properties section called from the right click menu on the computer icon where it is necessary through the tab. additional settings Go to download and restore item. In the options window, you need to turn off the automatic reboot and recording of small dumps, and then make a full system restart.

If, after that, the problem is eliminated, it will not be very likely that it is no longer software failure, and physical damage to "iron" (most often the problem consists in hard drive and RAM).


One of the reasons for the appearance of failures can be purposefully affecting the viruses and malicious codes. They deliver a lot of trouble, rewriting system components and replacing them with their own files, and can also cause a "blue death screen". What to do? Windows 7 means in this case does not have, not counting its own primitive tools in the form of a defender and brandmaera.

In the simplest case, check the system with a regular anti-virus scanner, but most likely will have to use more powerful programs. Optimal option will be free disc utility Kaspersky Rescue Disk, which can produce its own download before the start of the system and identify viruses that have introduced deep into RAM.

Failures of system components

If the system is damaged, recovery may not work. In this case, it is best to boot in Safe Made mode using the F8 key when starting, and then, if available permanent access On the Internet, execute online recovery by applying command linerunning on the name of the admin, the command, which is shown in the image below.

The process will take 5-10 minutes, after which you should register the SFC / SCANNOW command and wait for the verdict of the check. In case of violation windows integrity 7 system files Will be restored automatically.


The lack of space in the system section can also lead to the fact that the "blue death screen" of Windows 7 appears. How to fix the situation? For this, the system provides its own disc cleaning tool. It is advisable to use it, and not the modules of optimizer programs, since the latter in the system part do not interfere.

In the "Explorer" with the right click on the conducted disk or section calls the properties menu in which the cleaning button on the general settings can be seen. After pressing it in the window, select all the components to be deleted and confirm their actions.

Incorrect installation of updates

Quite often, the reason for the appearance of BSOD becomes incorrectly installed or unfaded updates. There is no difference, whether the automatic update is enabled, or the search for updates was performed in manual mode.

How to remove the "blue death screen" of Windows 7 in this case? You need to go to the appropriate section "Control Panel" and view the latest installed updates. They will have to be removed alternately, overloading the system every time after uninstallation. Perhaps the reason is just in them. In extreme cases, if you do not want to do such things manually, you can try to roll back the system to the previous state. But it is worth considering that when turned on automatic installation Appendices will again be integrated into the system.

But in the first case, by finding out what kind of updating it has made a failure, it can be excluded from the list when searching in manual mode.

Hard disk errors and damage

The most problem is the situation when the cause of the failure consists in Winchester. In the simplest case, you have to check it on errors.

To do this, use a test tool from the properties menu, but in the settings you activate the lines of automatic error correction and faction of failed clusters. The same procedure can be performed from the command console, where you need to register the CHKDSK / X / F / R string.

If the hard drive damage is physical, nothing can be done, although some experts recommend to apply a special hard disk lubricating program called HDD REGENERATOR. True, there are legitimate doubts about the fact that you can restore the disk (in the sense of the use of software). However…

BIOS incompatibility

Another problem is outdated or incompatible with the system bIOS firmware. The screen will be output directly at the start. In this situation, nothing else, except to refer to the resource of the manufacturer on the Internet, does not remain. As already understandable, you need to download the firmware and install it.

The BIOS version information can be obtained in the system information section, which is called by the MSINFO32 command from the "Run" Console (Win + R).

Incorrectly installed drivers

But most often, drivers or conflicts between them are influenced by the appearance of a deadly screen (the most common problems arise with video cards). At the same time, if you contact the Device Manager (DevmGMT.msc command in the "Run" console or the section of the control panel), update drivers are not recommended.

It is best to remove a problem driver, and then make it setting from scratch. In some cases, it may not give positive result. Therefore, you will have to completely delete the device. When the system is restarted, it is advisable not to use the installation of the most suitable driver from its own base data, and install it, for example, from the Driver Pack Solution directory or preload necessary driver From the manufacturer of the equipment manufacturer.

But to search for the driver itself, first in the same "device manager" for the problem component, you need to find Ven and DEV identifiers in properties with the transition to the information tab, where the equipment ID is selected from the drop-down list. For reliability, it is best to use the longest string in the description.

Damaged RAM

But suppose that the "blue screen of death" appeared again. What to do? Windows 7 seems to have exhausted their capabilities. Apparently, the problem is in RAM.

To find out the cause of the failure, subject to the involvement of the relevant verification program. The most powerful utility is Memtest86 +. But here there is also the reverse side of the medal. In stationary PCs, you can completely simply alternately draw a memory plank from slots on motherboard, overload the system and look at her behavior. In laptops you will not do this, so you have to contact the service center.

Problems with remote control program

Finally, although it is infrequent, but there is a problem with programs remote access. In particular, this is a win32k.sys file error. The output of the current situation can be the usual deletion of failed application. Only uninstalling is better made by means of the system, but to use for this program like iobit Uninstallerwhich can not only delete basic program files, but also to fully clear the system from residual files, folders, and even records of the system registry.

Instead of pre-school

As can be seen from all above, the reasons for the appearance of boss failures can be quite a lot. And it will not always be relevant reinstalling Windows 7. Finally, it remains to give advice to most users who believe that such a screen means "sly" systems. There is nothing too critical in it. In most cases, it helps the usual reboot or reinstalling drivers, of course, provided that there is no physical damage to the "iron".

With critical errors in the operation of the operating system, as a result of which the PC is rebooting without saving data, and further work with information becomes impossible, a blue background with white letters is displayed on the screen, which is called. The name is the literal translation of the Blue Screen of Death of the Blue Screen of Death (Abbreviation - BSOD).

Causes and consequences of the appearance of BSOD

The blue screen is not feared, because any mechanism is sooner or later can fail, but it is quite difficult to determine its cause. BSOD is a kind of protective reaction of the operating system and appears in case of detection of code that works incorrectly.

Work on the PC is not possible because the system is turned off. The user remains to carefully examine the information received, and then restart the system.

Thus, the blue screen provides information about the error type, encrypting it with a hexadecimal code. Identification of the cause of failure (code decoding) can be found in the search engine.

Some breakdowns in the system are very frequent, others are quite rare. For example, 0x00000001 corresponds to an APC_INDEX_MIsMatch error. When entering the code, we learn that the problem arises as the result of the first installation or reinstalling third-party application for MTP and WPD devices. This error can be corrected by downloading and reinstalling last update on the OS.

Delay the error on the screen

If the user seeing what happens on the screen has not made any actions, Windows will automatically begin to overload. In this mode, in the absence of technical knowledge and experience it is difficult to understand the source source. As a result, there is a need to delay the error on the PC screen.

To become possible to decipher the sources of failures, you can go a few ways:

  • take pictures;
  • view memory dump recordings;
  • take advantage of the diagnostic utility.

Record the contents of the working memory turns on after turning off the restart in automatic mode. For which the "Computer" tab is activated by the "Properties" tab (the mouse button on the right or quick combination "Win + Pause"). In the position " Extra options Systems "located on the left side of the screen, open the" Advanced "window.

In the selected tab, we find the item "Loading and Restoration" with a number of checkboxes. Next, it is necessary to remove the parameter that performs the auto-operation load, and set the box in the box, which is responsible for registration of the event in the system log ("write an event in the system journal"). Now, when highlighting the blue screen, the OS will not automatically reboot, and the necessary information about the dysfunction of the working system will remain in the memory.

Using a special application is relevant for high-speed diagnosing the blue screen of death. For example, the Blue Screen View utility studies individual dumps, building them in the list.

The program thoroughly analyzes and collects information on the details of the critical failures of the critical failures and displays products in decrypted form with the version, bit. Events are viewed in separate sections of the received report, which can be saved in a text format or file.html.

How to analyze BSOD information

On the blue screen of death in a specific sequence there is information in English, specifying the failure and methods for its elimination. In particular, we are talking about the display:

  • failure names;
  • recommendations for its elimination;
  • hexadecimal sick code;
  • failure parameters;
  • driver names;
  • failure addresses.

Frequently, the failures arising from the breakdown of the PC hardware element (hard disk, RAM, video card or power supply). It is often conflicts arising between devices in a computer or due to the incompatibility of the connected equipment with.

Unsuitable or incompatible drivers, lack of free working space on disk, unsatisfactory functioning of coolers, leading to overheating, action malicious programs - no less common circumstances leading to the appearance of the death screen.

The main reasons that cause malfunctions

The appearance when booting the blue screen of the death of Windows 7 is a fairly serious reason for analyzing the work of the PC as a whole.

At first, you can check how much space remains on the disk for system data. In the absence of space, you should remove not necessary information In the usual way or using cleansing utilities.

Periodically, it is necessary to scan the OS antivirus in order to destroy viruses, Trojans and other software that promotes the violation of the PC operation.

If the activation of the blue screen is provoked by Windows 7 code errors, you can install the update package in the latest version and periodically update the system later. To this end, the "System Properties" menu selects " Automatic update"In which the corresponding button" automatically (recommended) "is activated.

If the failure appeared when you download a program or driver, you can fix the error by pulling the driver rollback to previous version Or deleting the program. It is possible to use the "launch of the last successful configuration".

The activation of the blue screen is connected with the connection to the PC of a new incompatible device. Then one of the components is replaced - either the device (on a compatible) or an operating system that supports it.

If the device is initially compatible, but the OS still gives an error, new versions of the drivers received from the manufacturer's site are installed.

If you have the appropriate knowledge, you can set the settings in the BIOS. Nonprofessional is better not to use this technique, because as a result, you can get even more problem than the blue screen.

The death screen may be a consequence of violations in the operation of RAM. The battered ruler is detected by one of the test programs. So, the MemTest86 utility allows you to test memory without OS or connecting other drivers. To connect it is created boot flash drive (disk). The program writes all memory blocks of data, and then reads and checks recorded.

The causes of BSOD can be broken sectors or errors on the hard disk. The problem is solved through standard operations: in the "Service" menu, the volume is performed.

We will not be able to follow the purity of the PC, which will save from the problem of overheating, provoking the highlight of the blue screen of death. It is necessary to lubricate the cooling components of the processor, chipset, power supply with a special means. In case of need, additional coolers are installed, providing normalization of air flows.

To eliminate BSOD, you can re-install the operating system using its license version.

General actions algorithm when solving a BSOD problem without decryption

If there is a problem in the form of a blue screen, you can do without deciphering the error code. To begin with, analyze your actions with the computer lately. If the driver is updated in their list, the installation of the program, changing the registry, the replacement of equipment, entering the site with a dubious reputation, can be proceeded differently.

To begin with, the OS is loaded when using the "Last Successful Configuration" mode. All discs are extracted for this, and the computer reboots. During the reboot, the F8 key is kept, which results in the appearance of a Windows symbol. Then the PC should be rebooted again and, having received the inscription on the screen " Additional options Downloads, "Select the" last successful configuration "item.

If this attempt was unsuccessful and did not lead to the elimination of errors, the computer is loaded into " Safe mode"(Alternatively," ... with downloading network drivers ").

After that, you can check the disk, the integrity of its system components and the presence of viruses.

So, the blue screen helps to identify failures that occur during the code execution in the operating mode of the kernel. To do this, it is enough to monitor the purity of the PC, use drivers and proven programs downloaded on the official resources of reliable manufacturers. Observing simple rules, you can reduce the possibility of interrupting the system in several times.

If BSOD began to periodically disrupt the usual rhythm of the PC operation, it is possible to easily decipher the error code, and after eliminate its cause.

Good day Readers, Trishkin Denis in touch.

So we got to a terrible topic, which scares many computer users - blue screen. It appears as a result of a variety of reasons. At the same time, it is possible to fight with them, both on the program and on physical level. In this article, I will tell you how to remove the screen of death on the operating room windows system 7 As a result of different problems.

BSOD (reduction from Blue Screen of Death), known as the blue screen of death - an error that is familiar to many users working on Windows different versions. In the event of its occurrence, an image of the corresponding color appears on the monitor. On it white written various information. In this case, it is impossible to go anywhere. This is due to the detection of a serious error system. In fact, the blue screen is an emergency completion.

Causes of appearance( )

There are different reasons leading to the appearance of a BSOD on a computer:

    Problems with hardware ( hard disk, video card and other components)

    Conflict connected devices.

    Incompatible equipment from the used OS.

    Overheating one of the components.

    Inappropriate drivers or their conflict.

    Incompatibility of the program with the system.

    Incorrect BIOS settings.

  1. Artificial acceleration of the processor, video card or RAM.

According to statistics, the most often problems arise exactly with the drivers. That is why it is recommended to establish appropriate only from official or verified sites. It is best to find a program on the manufacturer's resource.

Diagnostics of the blue screen( )

In order to correct the current situation, you must first find out why a failure occurred.

If for some reason you have a blue screen - you should not immediately worry once again. In most cases, this can be corrected without losing any information.

All necessary data that is enough to search for a malfunction or conflict appears on the screen.

It shows the following information:

    The whole third line is the name of the error.

    Then after the word STOP: the hexadecimal error code is specified (0x100000d1).

    The following shows the name of the file that probably caused the problem.

    The title goes the address of the place where the event occurred is not always indicated.

Most likely, the information found to the simple user can not say anything, and therefore it is desirable to look for any coincidences in the same Internet. Fortunately, today many have not only a computer or laptop, but also a smartphone, a tablet and even televisions with access to the global network. The information found will indicate a problematic device or software.

In the search bar, you can specify different data:

    The name of the error.

    Error code.

    Code with the driver.

    Code and name.

Do not get upset immediately, because most likely someone has already met and solved it. It can be disabled a new device, reinstalling drivers, delete the program - in other words, whatever.

In addition, you can find all the necessary information using special Program . It is simple and understandable to use.

If you have a blue screen, do not panic. To begin with, clean the computer from dust. If it did not help - change the battery on the board. The car began to work without problems - everything is fine. If this is repeated - you need to move to the following measures.

To speak globally, the reasons for the appearance of BSOD are divided into three main groups:




If any additional fees are connected - they should also be tested. It is best to get them alternately from the body and work at a computer for a while. If everything is fine - the problem is found. If not, try another.

In the case when after checking all the boards, everything goes in the operating mode - you need to pay attention to the power supply. To do this, you need to carry out the appropriate tests with it.

It is advisable to load the system and measure the operating temperature. In case of exceeding the norm - to contact the service where the system will be cleaned, change the thermal paste and, if necessary, replace BP.

One of the most effective options (at least it has not helped me more than once) is the disconnection of all components of each other, including hard disk and optical drives, and then reverse connection. Before that you need to get the power wire.

Important! In this case, problems may occur even when Windows is installed, as the equipment itself does not work.

This includes problems with specific software. How to fix? Everything is simple - reinstall. If necessary, refer to the developer resource to search for the latest version.

At the same time, it is important to remove the past in advance. For this you can use not only the built-in features.

Don't forget about windows updates. Important need to be installed. Others browse and use the most necessary.

Sometimes it helps cleaning the system from viruses, because they can affect the performance not only programs, but also devices. It should not overdo it and put two antivirus at once, because most likely their conflict will lead to the appearance of a blue screen (unless of course during installation there will be no problems).

As mentioned earlier, they are the most frequent causes of the appearance of BSOD.

What to do? Do not worry - find and reinstall. Initially, it is desirable to remove the past on your own. If it did not help, just like in the case of programs, contact the site of the developer and download last version. Sometimes the opposite assembly helps on the contrary.

If the version of your utility does not differ from the proposed developer - to check compatibility. In case of inconsistencies, the replacement of the equipment or reinstalling Windows.

Delay of the screen of death( )

Often, many people use computers without thinking about the appearance of such a problem. When it occurs, the default in the system is registered algorithm that independently restarts the computer. This happens quickly, because of what many simply do not have time to even record the desired information for the search.

To avoid similar problems, you need to set the blue screen delay in advance on the monitor.

For this you need:

Most popular mistakes( )

Problems due to which bsod occurs, many. Accordingly, the computer issues different information.

Despite this, there are error codes that are more often the rest:

    0 × 00000001: APC_INDEX_MISMATCH. Internal core error. It usually appears due to the incomprehension of some parameters in the file system. If possible, they need to be changed. In another case, reinstall OS.

    0x0000001e: kmode_exception_not_handled. Such problems most often indicate the functions or programs that led to the appearance of the death screen. It is important to watch not only on the name, but also to the address that contains an error.

    0 × 00000012: Trap_cause_unknown. This code indicates that the cause of the problem is unknown. In this case, it is important to track the moment when it comes. For example, you could do something or tried. In any case, some changes were to happen.

There is a lot of reasons due to which death screens arise. Personally, they appeared because of problems with hard drive and drivers. In the first case, reconnect helped. And in the second the problem went after windows installations. In any case, you should not panic, but simply to check and eliminate the problem on items.

I hope you helped my knowledge. Invite friends to us to and they disassembled in computers.

Blue Death Screen (BSOD - Blue Screen of Death) - This is a message on the screen on a blue background about the fatal error in Windows. This message is usually present the code for this stop error. BSOD stops all the processes performed and informs the user about some critical malfunction. This failure can cause a variety of factors, such as damage to drivers, hardware, incorrect file processing (violation file System) etc.

What to do in case of bsod

There is no one general solution And each error has its own individual approach. However, we will give general recommendations, what should be done in such a situation.

Usually, first of all, the user seeks to restart the system in the hope that the problem is not serious and will be able to continue working in windows Environment. Not recommended To do this, until you find out the cause of the error that caused the blue screen.

In some cases, the system himself reboots When BSOD is triggered. In this case, you need to turn off the automatic reboot so that you can see an error.

IN system Properties (Win + Pausebreak) Go to the Advanced Settings section.

This window is interested in the "Advanced" tab, item "". Click on the button parameters.

In field " System failure»Remove the" Chekbox "from the" Automatic Reload "item and confirm by pressing" OK ".

Now you will have time to read and write the error code and the file when the loading of which it happened.

Each BSOD contains a 16-riche critical error code, most often it is several codes, as shown in the picture. More than 300 such codes are known. Consider the most common actions that the user must make to eliminate them.

  • check Are there any resources on the computer's system section;
  • scan System antivirus programs for malicious software;
  • install the latter system updates (they should be carried out in automatic mode);
  • if recently was installized driverAfter which the blue screen began to occur - roll back to the previous version.
  • if BSOD began to appear after connecting new device, check its compatibility with the OS;
  • bios settings must be default
  • test rAM, for example, the MemTest86 program; Replace the broken module if it turns out to be;
  • test and reassign bied sectors Winchester;
  • check outwhether all components are connected correctly;
  • reinstall OS.

Common codes of blue death screen


Nonsetting in the APC state index. Most likely, the BSOD is caused by a collection of one or more of the drivers: ndis.sys; raspppoe.sys; win32k.sys; psi.sys, or simply lacking resources on HDD or RAM. A failure can manifest itself after installing a third-party application. Probable solution - setting the most recent system updates.


Diskdump.sys uses the wrong memory address or it is incompatible with the OS. If this failure occurs when the system is set, then the problems in the hardware PC. Check out the compliance of the hardware resources used. system requirements. Try to reinstall OS again. Disconnect the Plug and Play feature. Disconnect all functions that are responsible for BIOS anti-virus protection.

If the error remains - Test RAM. If you have a few planks, try working with one of them alternately. If BSOD has stopped arising, then the problem is definitely in one of them.

If it did not work - remove all devices in which there is no sharp necessity when installing OS (network and sound card, extension boards, video cards, DVD drive, additional hard drives and drives, etc.).

0x0000001E. - kmode_exception_not_handled

Error handler did not find an exclusion generated by the kernel. To solve the fault, it is necessary to unambiguously determine which exception was generated. First of all, try using another video adapter, update the BIOS, disable the caching function. Check the compatibility of the hardware with the software installed. If you managed to identify the driver causing a failure, disconnect it and delete it. It is possible for these purposes to be launched in safe mode.

x.00000020 - kernel_apc_pending_during_exit

APC stayed in standby mode during the completion of the flow.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the driver error installed before the occurrence. BSOD occurs because win32k.sys incorrectly processes the font parameters, because of which it does not occur asynchronous challenge APC process. Install the latest updates OS and SYMEVENT.SYS driver.

x.00000023 - Fat_file_System

Damage to the FAT file system.

Probably damage to the drive sectors or IDE driver. To search and correct failed sectors, try using the CHKDSK / F / R function in the console, or take advantage of third-party program Type Victoria HDD.

0x00000024 - NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM.

Damage to FS NTFS.

The malfunction in the NTFS.SYS driver does not allow the system to read and write data from NTFS media. Probable damage to the structure of FS Winchester. Perform the actions described in the previous error.

0x0000002b.- Panic_Stack_Switch

The kernel stack is filled. To eliminate, adhere to general recommendations for solving the occurrence of BSOD.

0x0000002E. - Data_Bus_error

Incorrect operation of the data bus, the cause of which is the probable parity failure of the system memory. The problem is probably in PC hardware resources - incorrect configuration, inconsistency of the installed OS or failure of the equipment. Often, this code is called due to the defective RAM modules. Replace failure hardware. Otherwise, follow standard instructiondescribed in the previous paragraph.

0x0000007b. - Inaccessible_Boot_Device.

Very common mistake. It occurs during the launch of the OS. The bootloader cannot detect access to system section. Failure of the initial boot device. The solution will be changing the initial boot options.

Restart the system and press F8. The boot method selects the download window. Run the latest successful configuration. Check the compatibility of hardware and software.

0x00000050 - Page_fault_in_nonpaged_area.

Attempting to appeal to unacceptable system memory. Most often associated with the installation of failed hardware, namely RAM and video cards. Check the device data for defects. In rare cases, the problem could cause the installation of a failed system service.

0x0000007A.- kernel_data_inpage_error

The required processor core data page cannot progress. Most likely the lack of RAM resources or failed sector hard disk. There is also a problem of cable connections. Test RAM and HDD on errors, correct them if possible. Check and clean the connecting cable plug.

Most often, the main feature of any serious faults in Windows 7 is a blue screen. And its presence can speak about problems with hardware personal computerand with software.

Fix the problems of this type in most cases simply simple, it is almost always possible to do on your own. Only occasionally, a specialist consultation may be required.

Setting up a system for diagnosing a problem

When Blue Screenof Death often appears, first of all it is necessary to perform two operations in a strict sequence:

  • disable reboot;
  • run a special system utility.
  • Disabling the reboot will make rid of automatic restart when BlueScreenOfdeath appears. This is necessary in order to find out the error code that caused an emergency on a personal computer.

    This operation is performed as follows:

    After performing all the above operations, the system will stop rebooted independently. And the user will be able to familiarize themselves with all the information about the problem, which leads to the appearance of the corresponding message on the display.

    Most often, trouble lies in RAM RAM. It should be necessary to analyze it with the help of a special utility. The OS has already built-in the necessary software to implement this goal.

    Starting it is performed as follows:

    It is necessary to choose the first option, since it is optimal. It is important to remember that the test of the type under consideration is performed long enough.

    In no case should not interrupt the process.

    After its completion, the car will restart in automatic mode. The PC display will display all information with the results of the inspection. This will determine how to troubleshoot a malfunction.

    Causes of appearance

    Type in question may occur due to a variety of troubleshooting.

    But all of them can be divided into the main categories:

    • equipment malfunction;
    • unsuitable or incorrectly running drivers;
    • software.

    The surest way to determine the malfunction is the analysis of the information present on the monitor at the time of the appearance of Blue ScreenOf Death. In most cases, the computer via special character sets indicates the user to the problem node. It is best to find in the Internet to decrypt error codes.

    Malfunction of installed equipment

    Very often the problem of the type under consideration appears due to problems in the hardware PC. They may occur due to improper assembly, or chip damage. Frequently often present both the first and second.

    The most common malfunction is the swelling of the capacitors on the motherboard. Detect it is very simple: it is necessary to open the PC housing and carefully examine small bars on the round legs on the Motherboard. If the end part of any condenser swelled, then it is necessary to replace it. This process It is enough simple, you should only select a component with a similar container.

    Often, a similar problem occurs with power blocks. The presence of disconnected capacitors in them can also lead to the occurrence of a blue screen. It is advisable to carefully examine all PC components - the presence of damage (NAG or other defects) speaks of hardware faults. Often, the problems are to connect tires.


    Very often, Blue Screen of Death occurs due to incorrectly selected drivers. Most often it is associated with catalysts for a video card. This applies to applications downloaded from informal resources.

    Allow a similar problem simply, you only need to replace software installed on standard. But sometimes it happens that dealing with the problem of the type under consideration is not so simple.

    If the user does not have sufficient knowledge and experience in order to detect a problem driver, which occurs BSOD, then use a special built-in utility for this. It is called verifier.exe, find and run it very simple.


    Often BSOD arises due to the presence of any malicious application. Antivirus will help solve this situation.

    At the moment it is best to use the following to check the PC:

    • Kaspersky Anti-Virus;
    • Nod 32;
    • DR. Web;
    • Avast.

    Sometimes BSOD appears due to a variety of applications that for some reason conflict with drivers or other programs, utilities. Therefore, getting rid of the blue screen of death sometimes allows simple uninstalling of newly installed programs.

    Memory Dump Analysis Utility BlueScreenView

    If blue arose windows screen 7 - What to do? You can resolve the situation with universal Application BlueScreenView. This utility It does not require installation and immediately after starting in automatic mode detects all dump files.

    Using BlueScreenVIe, it is possible to analyze the computer message without difficulty.

    The process of viewing the dump is quite simple:

    • dump files are displayed at the top of the window - you must click on the required, and in the lower area, called the BSDDerizers;
    • you need to click on the desired item twice - this will allow you to see parameters in a tabular format;
    • click on "Settings" - "Dedicated Window" mode - "Drivers found in Krasch Track";
    • right-click and choose HTMLReport.

    The information obtained can be sent to the support service, or analyzed on its own - if the user has the appropriate knowledge, the skills for this. If necessary, you can view the original BSOD screen using the utility under consideration. It has a very wide functionality and many settings, because it is quite popular.

    Video: solution problem

    Frequently encountered errors

    To deal with how to find out the cause of the appearance of BSOD is simple enough. It is much more difficult to eliminate it. Usually, the error is displayed on the monitor screen in the form of a hexadecimal code, which is enough to translate to ordinary English.

    Most often, the errors marked below are:

    • Kmode_exception_not_handled - the kernel mode for some reason began to perform an unacceptable procedure;
    • NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM - There was a problem in the file system driver (NTFS.SYS), or there are failed clusters in the loading area of \u200b\u200bthe hard disk;
    • Data_bus_error - Network problems, most often associated with defective or incompatible RAM straps, or with a defective driver;
    • IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL-performed core of the central processor mode turned to RAM, while using unacceptably high IRQL (most likely there is an error in the driver);
    • Status_Image_Checksum_mismatch - Important files that make up the system library are corrupted;
    • UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP - arises due to software failure, fission to zero;
    • Status_system_Process_terminated - service failure that performs any functions in user mode;
    • Incaccessible_boot_device - running Windows did not take place due to the lack of access to the system partition (the defect of the hardware, the virus, the incompatibility of the installed equipment);
    • Mismatched_hal - the mismatch of the system of the system type of process installed on a specific personal computer;
    • Kernel_stack_inpage_error - There is no possibility of reading the paging file (in most cases due to the damage to the hard disk);
    • Page_fault_in_nonpaged_area- There are no data that are searched in RAM (Cause - Defective Memory).

    • It is necessary to find the translation of the error codes into English or immediately into Russian. This will make it possible to simplify the task of eliminating the fault of the type under consideration. If for some reason it is not possible to deal with the problem, then you should contact competent specialists.

      Avoid occurrenceBsod. Or eliminate it after the appearance can be possible with some actions:

      Also, it is also often the reason for the appearance of a blue death screen is the installed unlicensed operating system. It is possible that the installation of the original distribution will allow to get rid of trouble.

      The best way to solve the problem of the presence of BSOD on the PC is a simple prevention of its appearance. It is necessary to update the software in a timely manner, as well as not to use pirate programs, oS. Be sure to follow the hardware ( temperature regimedusty). All this will avoid the need to spend time to correct malfunctions.