Turning off the password when you start Windows 7. After performing this operation you need

In this article I will tell you how to disable the password request in Windows 10 when entering the system. This will allow you to quickly log in and do not waste time on entering the password. If another person has access to the computer, the password is better not to clean when loading.

Disabling the password on Windows 10 will not work if you are logged in under the Microsoft account. Therefore, to start, make sure that the input is made under the local account. If it is not so, change the type account through settings.

Check the account type

Open "Start" → "Parameters" → "Accounts" → Tab "Your Data".

The information will be specified the name of the account, avatar and type.
If "Local Account" is written - everything is OK.

If it says that the Microsoft account is connected - click the "Login instead with a local account".

The system will request a valid password, enter it.

At the next stage, enter the username, new password and tip. Did not check, but before the password field could be left empty - try.

To save the settings at the last step, you need to exit the system.

Turn off the password when entering

Now you can proceed to disconnect the password.

Open "Start" → "Parameters" → "Accounts" → Input Settings tab.

In the "Login" item, set the option "Never".

Open Start and write "NetPlwiz" in the search. Highlight your account and remove the "Require user name and password" checkbox. Click "Apply" and enter a password to save.

Sometimes this option is disabled, but the password is still requested. Helps re-enable and turn off the check mark (with intermediate preservation).

Now after rebooting a computer or output from the sleep mode, you will not appear password. If any problems arise, write in the comments.

More and more users buy laptops installed. Together with the increase in the popularity of this system, the number of issues related to the use of new windows interface. In this article, we will answer one of these questions, namely, how to disable the password in Windows 8.

How to disable the request for entering the password in Windows 8

You can disable the password in Windows 8 in different ways. The first option that we will consider is to disable the password input when loading the system.

Open Starter windows screen 8 I. enter the NetPlwiz command.

After that, the operating system will finish the search - run the NetPlwiz program.

In the window that opens, you need to remove the mark in front of the "Require user name and password" function. When you close the window, the system will require enter to the current account.

After these actions reboot the computer. After restarting, the operating system will no longer require the password input. The entry into account will be performed automatically.

This method does not delete the password, but only disables its request when you start the computer. In other situations, for example, when changing the user, you will have to enter a password.

How to disable password in windows 8 completely

In order to completely disable the password in Windows 8 you need to remove it. For this discover startout screen Windows 8 and run the interface windows settingsBy clicking on the link "Changes in Computer Parameters"

In the window that opens, open the "Accounts" section, and then "input parameters".

In the window that opens, click on the Edit button in the "Password" section.

After that, you need to enter the current password and click on the "Next" button. The last step is the "Change Password" window.

Here you need to leave all the fields empty, for this simply click on the "Next" button. Everything, after that, the password will be completely removed, and you can use the account without entering the password.

Turn off the password request in Windows 10

Password request when entering the system is the main and, often, the only protection of the computer from unauthorized access. However, some users neglect this protection in favor of convenience and prefer to enter the system without a password.

On the one hand, it is unsafe, but on the other - everyone has the right to choose himself, whether he needs security or not. Therefore, today we will look at several options for how to disable the request for entering the password when entering the system.

Starting with Windows 8 there are three types of user account - Local, Domain and Microsoft Account. Regardless of the type of recording, you need to enter a password. For a local account, you can simply specify an empty password, but with the rest, such a number will not pass. However, there is a way out, and although it is impossible to completely remove the user password, but you can configure the automatic login in which the password from a specific account is automatically entered.

For local accounts and accounting microsoft records You can use the "User Accounts" snap. For opening snap-ins Win + R. And execute the command netPlwiz or control UserPasswords2..

In the window that opens, select the desired user, remove the checkbox from the "Require user name and password" item

and enter a user password and confirmation. Then restart the computer and automatically go to the system under the selected user.

Previous method is not suitable for computers that are members of the domain Active Directory.. In this case, disable the password request only by editing the registry. To do this, you need to open the registry editor by the team regedit., Go to the HKLM \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ Currentversion \\ WinLogon section and make the following:

Change the value of the parameter AUTOADMINLOGON. on the 1 ;
In parameter DefaultDomainname. register the name of the domain or computer (if the computer is not in the domain);
In parameter DefaultUserName. register the user name that should enter without a password;
Create a string (REG_SZ) parameter DefaultPassword. And as a value, specify the current user password.

After that reboot and go into the system under the specified user.

This method is suitable for any types of domain, local and microsoft accounts. However, it is necessary to understand that this method is less secure, since the user password is stored in the registry in the open form.

Turning off the password request when you leave sleep

So, we can disable the request to enter the password when loading the system. However, if you use sleep mode, then when we wake up the system still requested the password. Disable the password request when you exit the sleeping mode in two ways.

The method is the first - power settings in the classic control panel. You can quickly open the desired section by following commands. control / Name Microsoft.powerOptionsand choosing "Actions Power Buttons".

By default, the desired option is inactive, to turn it on, you must click on the "Changing the parameters that are not available now".

And then in the "Protection with a password when waking" field switch to the "Do not request a password".

The method of the second is setting accounts in the new control panel. To do this, open the Start menu, select the parameters - accounts - the input parameters and in the "Login" field select the "Never" field.

After that, your computer will wake up without a password. But it is worth understanding that it is unsafe, because Any person with access to a computer will be able to freely access your account.


In conclusion, several important momentswhich is worth paying attention to.

As already mentioned, the input without a password allows any person with access to your computer, to freely log in to the system and access your data and other resources, both local and affordable. Therefore, the automatic entrance is worth using only if you are confident in the inviolability of your computer;
Disabling the password request is valid only with an interactive login. remote access to a computer (eg access to the file bowl) still need to enter a password;
The article is focused on Windows 10, but all methods also work successfully on Windows 8 and on Windows 7.

Remove the password when entering windows 7 is quite simple. This will require the minimum amount of time as well as knowledge. This kind of operation is usually not more than a couple of minutes.

It is possible to implement it different ways: Through a special console, command line, or by resetting data from SAM. Each method has both their advantages and disadvantages.

Why put a password

It often happens that any important and confidential data is stored on the PC, access to which should be limited. Microsoft Windows. It makes it possible to easily limit the circle of persons having access to files on a computer by installing a special key. He can be his own in every person if the user-s is somewhat.

The access code is also required to protect information on PC to various owners from each other. For example, it is not rarely necessary to parents, in order to have curious children could not familiarize themselves with some kind of information that does not rely on them.

Remove the password through the Console "Run"

One of the most simple way Disable access key entry on OS - using item "Run". Access to it is quite simple - just click on the "Start" button. Most often, the item in question is present on the right side of the window that has opened.

Enter team

To disable the function under consideration, you must enter a specific command. It will open a special applet that allows you to do it.

The command input process itself is as follows:

  • open the Start button menu;
  • click to "execute";
  • in the field that opens, write "Control UserPassword2".

After performing these operations, a window called "User Accounts".

There are two tabs in it:

  • "Users";
  • "Additionally".

It is necessary to stop your attention on the first tab. Since it is in it all the settings of accounts, including the change of login, an access key and other attributes. In addition, if you wish, you can easily add new accounts or remove old ones.

Turn off the password

To disable Password, just open the corresponding window ("Accounts" -\u003e "Users"). It is necessary to remove a tick in the field called "Require the user name and ...". In such a simple way, you can disable the need to enter Password.

Confirm the user

You can also completely disable the login window in Microsoft Windows.

To do this, you must implement the following actions:

  • in the window called "Accounts" twice click on the desired line (Admin, User or something else);
  • click "OK".

A window contains three fields. It should be filled only to the top, login is prescribed there. The rest remain empty. After that, again click on "OK". After executing these operations, during the launch of Microsoft Windows, there will be no need for Password water. What is convenient enough if physical access There is only one person to the PC.

video: Password Reset

Remove the password when running Windows without programs

Also Password in the operating system under consideration can be disposed without using the "Perform" item, as well as various kinds third-party applications. To do this, it is enough to use a special command line. In this way, you can avoid the need to enter Password when you turn on the computer, as well as when it is out of sleep mode.

Configuring command line

In order to configure command lineYou must use the disk with the Windows distribution. This method The settings and reset of the access code is suitable in case it is forgotten, and otherwise run the OS is not possible.

First of all, it is necessary through the BIOS to install the boot from the CD or other device containing the distribution. After that, you should reboot and start the installation.

After that, the following actions are performed:

  1. Cmdline - enter cmd.exe;
  2. SetupType - replace the parameter 0 to 2;
  • we allocate section 999 and click "unload the bush";
  • remove the distribution and reboot PC.

Reset password and login

After download operating system The user in the same way will see the command line window. To reset PASSWORD, you must enter the following command: net User username

If for some reason the user has forgotten the name of the account, you can write simply Net User without parameters. This will allow display all available names and choose the necessary one.

If the use of the new Password is not assumed, it is enough to leave the field empty.

If you need to enter a new one, the command will look like this: disc name: WindowsSystem32Net User user name New key.

Also, it is also often necessary to create a new account without an access key.

To do this, you must perform the following commands in strict order:

The data of the commands are strictly executed operations:

  1. creating a new user;
  2. adding it to working Group Administrator;
  3. removal from the user group.

The discharge method under consideration is quite complicated, but quite feasible even for not very experienced PC owners.

Method for resetting data from SAM file

There is a huge number of the most in different ways Resetting the login code. But all of them only change in various ways the information stored in a special file called SAM. It is it that the OS is used to place data in it relating to both the USER and Password. This name-abbreviation is decrypted as Security Account Manager.

The file in question does not have an extension, since it is simply not required. It is the immediate part of the registry, located in the catalog systemrootSystem32Config. Also, a copy of the file under consideration is available on the disk of emergency recovery, if this feature For some reasons, it was not disabled earlier.

Editing this file To change the entry parameters in the operating system is the most complex way. To work with SAM, it is necessary to specialized software From third-party developers. All SAM operations must be performed as careful as possible and gently.

How it works

The most popular data change in the SAM file is Active Password Changer. Before starting work, you must copy the application to any carrier or other hDD FAT32.

After performing this operation, it is necessary:

  1. start from the Password file folder "BootableDiskCreator";
  2. in the window that opens, choose "Add usb ...";
  3. activate the button "Start".

After completing all of the above actions, a boot flash drive will be created.

The process of changing the data with the application under consideration is as follows:

This method of working with accounts and their attributes is most secure as possible. So how to avoid editing the registry and other operations performed manually. It sometimes is difficult for not very experienced userswho began working with their PC relatively recently. The probability of harm the operating system in this case Almost equal to zero.

Another important advantage of this program is the ability to install the schedule for PC use by individual accounts.

The disadvantages include the fact that some outdated models motherboards Do not support the launch from the USB media. In such a situation, you have to look for any alternative options: floppy disk, CD or something other.

Quite often, especially with beginners, situations arise when a combination of signs needed to enter OS is forgotten or lost for other reasons. Of this difficult situation there are many outlets, reinstalling the system is not always required. Moreover, any owner of a computer that has minimal interaction skills with a similar type technique will be able to cope with the discharge of access code to the OS.


Hello, friends! Today we turn off the password request when entering Windows 8.

When switching to the new Windows 8 operating system, the imposition of a password permanent password when entering the system, not everyone has to do. How to disable password request in Windows 8 and 8.1?

Running new version Operational windows systems 8 almost twice as fast speed windows downloads 7. True all joy from so fast download Spreads the obsessive requirement of the system once after you enter the password. Of course, safety is above all, but why not give the user the right to independent choice in solving this issue.

By the way about passwords, my book was released on the basic rules when choosing a password, it is called "". Get a book, you can absolutely free.

Consider the method of first, by searching or command line. Using the Win + R keys combination or start - the right mouse key, the item is to find or execute and enter the command (without quotes).

We will open a window with user accounts.

Select all user names and remove the checkbox from the "Require user name and password" item. The system will ask for twice enter an existing password from your account. Click OK.

If for some reason the first method did not bring the desired result and the password request for the login in Windows 8.1 did not turn off, that is, another way.

The method of the second.

1. Go to the main screen of Windows 8.1, it is enough to press "Start" from the desktop
2. In the upper right corner, click on your account.
3. In the drop-down menu, choose "Change avatar"
4. From above, press the item - disable.
Thus, we will repulse your account from the Microsoft account, we turn your account to local.
5. In the input and password input window, leave or enter a new account name, the most important thing is not to enter the password. Next ... Everything is ready).