Unable to load your profile correctly. GoogleChrome warning - Could not load your profile correctly

Do not panic if you encounter the error "your profile could not be loaded correctly". Reinstall google browser Chrome is also not advised as the situation will not change. What you need to do, you ask. There is actually a way out, moreover, there are several of them.

How to load your profile correctly: method one

First, close your browser. After that we need to ask the system

To do this, you need to click on the button with three stripes, which is located in the upper right corner of the browser, and find the item of the same name in the menu that appears. Being in the "Settings", we look for the "Users" section and a little below the "Delete user" function. We carry out the removal, after which the error should no longer bother us.

It should be noted that after deleting a user, automatic

entrance to google account and access to all of its services. If for some reason you are not satisfied this method or it didn't help you, just log out of your Google account and log back in using your browser settings.

Through the task manager

If you know how to work with there is a faster way for you. Launch the "Task Manager" using the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Del. Go to the "Processes" tab. We finish the work of all processes associated with the name Chrome. Alternatively, you can run Chrome as an administrator.

If you have Windows XP

All the methods described above for solving the problem "could not load the profile correctly" work for all Windows versions compatible with the Chrome browser. However, if you are using XP, the location of the User Data folder you are looking for will change slightly. Instead of the Users directory on drive C, go to Documents and Settings. Further, everything is according to the instructions described above.

Causes of the problem

We briefly figured out how to solve the problem, but it is worth understanding why not

managed to load your profile correctly. This error occurs due to a crash in Google accounts. That is why all of the above operations are aimed primarily at deleting user data from your computer.

Don't worry about personal information being permanently deleted. Actually backup copy all materials are stored on servers Thanks to this, during a new login to account data will be automatically downloaded and installed instantly. So we figured out what to do if Chrome browser failed to load your profile correctly. It should be said that the problem is quite common with all the advantages of this browser.

Fox problem

If Firefox was unable to load the profile, it is recommended that you create a new one. First, close all browser windows. Remember that all actions with profiles are performed using the "Profile Manager".

You can call it by logging into Firefox with special parameter- p (or ProfileManager).

We go to "Start", run the "Run" command, in the window that appears in a special field
Open firefox.exe -p. In addition, you can use the "Browse" button, indicate where the firefox.exe file is located and add the key at the end: -p. You can also get what you want with a shortcut from your browser.

Click on it with the right mouse button, select "Properties" from the menu, go to the "Shortcut" tab, add the -p key to the special "Object" field. The "Profile Manager" will open in front of us. It will help you create a profile on any disks (even network drives), as well as in any directory on your computer. In addition, you can rename or delete a profile here.

The strength of the new profile

When creating, as well as choosing an updated profile for permanent operation, the old

will remain in the same place, but will no longer be used. Click on the "Create" button for a new profile to appear. We see a window with instructions. We study it. Click "Next". After that, the "Wizards" dialog box appears, in which we enter the name of the profile to be created, and if you want to place the profile in a location other than the default one, select the required folder by clicking "Browse". After that we press the "Finish" button.

Congratulations, your profile has been created. Select it in the list of profiles and click the "Start Firefox" button. In order for the "Profile Manager" to appear when the browser starts, uncheck the "Do not ask" box. A browser will open in front of you, in which all settings will be set "by default", and your bookmarks and extensions, which may have led to incorrect work Firefox.

Remember that all settings are intact in the previous profile. To return to using it, you need to start the "Profile Manager" and the required name. Typically, the profile that was installed by default is named default. Remember that if the profile has changed direction or you no longer need it, you can also delete or rename it, as suggested with the faulty options. Here again, the Profile Manager will help you. The profile system has proven to be effective. You can separately configure the browser for several modes, for example, work (necessary documents and work bookmarks), home (various kinds of entertainment and recreation), children's (bookmarks for games), simplified (only the most necessary for working with the Internet, if your computer is used close people who have not yet mastered the intricacies of the Web). We hope that using our tips, you will never see the error "your profile could not load correctly" in your browser again. We've described troubleshooting techniques for the most popular and powerful browsers. If you manage to get rid of minor misunderstandings, these programs will greatly facilitate your life on the Internet.

Google chrome is a very popular browser with excellent functionality, high speed work and stability in work. But like everyone else software products, sometimes it gives errors out of the blue. Sometimes, users face the error loading the profile when starting the browser. Its text is as follows:

Failed to load your profile correctly. Some features may be unavailable. Make sure your profile exists and you have read / write permission.

Reinstalling Chrome won't fix this problem. Below we will look at three ways that are guaranteed to help you forget about this browser problem.

We close Google Chrome, open Explorer and go to the folder corresponding to your operating system:

For Windows XP:

C: \ Documents and Settings \ username \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Google \ Chrome \ User Data \

For Windows 7 and 8.1:

C: \ Users \ username \ AppData \ Local \ Google \ Chrome \ User Data \

Find there and rename the "Default" folder (for example, to Copy). Then we launch the Google Chrome browser and the Default folder will be created anew.

Now open the "Copy" folder, delete the "Web Data" file from it, and copy all the files from "Copy" to "Default".

That's all, the problem is solved, you can delete the "Copy" folder. If this option did not work for you, read the article further.

Method number 2

It is similar to the first option, only we will work with the adjacent folder. Close Google Chrome and go to the folder:

For Windows XP:

C: \ Documents and Settings \ username \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Google \ Chrome \ User Data \ Default \

For Windows 7 and 8.1:

C: \ Users \ username \ AppData \ Local \ Google \ Chrome \ User Data \ Default \

There we find and delete the "Web Data" file.

After these steps, the error "Your profile could not be loaded correctly ..." should disappear, if this did not happen, go to the third method.

Method number 3

Open the "Task Manager" (key combination "Ctrl + Alt + Del") and go to the "Processes" tab. Everything needs to be completed there background processes and applications associated with the name "Chrome".

If you see a "Profile Missing" error message that says, Your Firefox profile cannot be loaded. It may be missing or inaccessible it usually means that Firefox can "t find or access the profile folder. This article explains what to do if you see this error.

Note: If you see a "Profile Missing" error after clicking the "Close Firefox" button in the "Firefox is already running but is not responding" error dialog, click OK in the "Profile Missing" window and wait a few seconds before trying to start Firefox. Alternatively, either restart the computer or use the Windows Task Manager to end all Firefox processes, then try starting Firefox. For more information, see the article "Firefox is already running but is not responding" error message - How to fix it.

Table of Contents

If you moved, renamed, or deleted your Firefox profile folder

Firefox your stores user data and settings in a special folder and pulls information from this folder every time you start Firefox. The default profile folder location is under the % APPDATA% \ Mozilla \ Firefox \ Profiles~ / .mozilla / firefox~ / Library / Application Support / Firefox / Profiles folder, which you can find using.

Profile was moved or renamed

If you know where your profile is, try one of the following methods to help Firefox find it.

  • Move the profile folder back to its original location.
  • Restore the profile "s original name if you" ve changed it.
  • Create a new profile using the Profile Manager. Give it a descriptive name, click on the Choose Folder button, and then select the profile folder you moved or renamed, before you finish the Create a new profile wizard.

Profile was deleted

If you deleted or lost your profile folder and have no way of restoring it, use one of these methods to create a new Firefox profile:

Your new profile will not contain settings or user data from your deleted or lost profile.

  • Method 1: Use the Profile Manager wizard

Follow the steps in the Use the Profile Manager to create and remove Firefox profiles article to create a new profile.

  • Method 2: Manually delete the profiles.ini file

If you have problems accessing the Profile Manager, you can create a new default Firefox profile by deleting the profiles.ini file, using these steps:

  1. Click on the Windows Start button and click on Run ...
  2. Type % appdata% in the Run box and click OK. The hidden Application Data folder will open.
  1. From the Windows Start Screen, click the Desktop tile. The Desktop view will open.
  2. From the Desktop, hover in the lower right-hand corner to access the Charms.
  3. Select the Search charm. The Search sidebar will open.
  4. Type % appdata% in the search box and press the Enter key. The hidden AppData \ Roaming folder will open.
  5. Double-click the Mozilla folder.
  6. Double-click the Firefox folder.
  7. Delete (or rename, for example, to profiles.iniOLD) the profiles.ini file.

Note: By default, Windows does not show the .ini file extension. The file should have an icon similar to a document with a gear on it, and a file type similar to "Configuration settings" or "Application settings". You should not delete the Profiles folder, which should have a file folder icon and a file type of "File folder".

Note: Instead of deleting the profiles.ini file, you can delete (or rename) the folder that contains it. For example, right-click the Firefox folder and rename it FirefoxOLD.

  1. (Ubuntu) Click the Places menu on the top right of the screen and select Home Folder. A File Browser window will appear.
  2. Click the View menu and select Show Hidden Files if it isn "t already checked.
  3. Double click the folder marked .mozilla.
  4. Double click the folder marked firefox.
  5. Delete (or rename, for example, to profiles.iniOLD) the profiles.ini file.

Note: Instead of deleting the profiles.ini file, you can delete (or rename) the folder that contains it. For example, rename the firefox folder to firefoxOLD.

When you start Firefox, a new profile will be created.

  1. Navigate to your user ~ / Library folder:
    • (OS X 10.6) Click the Finder icon in the dock. Your home folder will be selected, (usually the name of your Mac user account). In the right side of the window, click the Library folder to open it.
    • (OS X 10.7 and above) Click the Finder icon in the dock. On the menu bar, click the Go menu, hold down the option or alt key and select Library. A window will open containing your Library folder.
  2. Click on the Application Support folder, then go to the Firefox folder.
  3. Delete (or rename, for example, to profiles.iniOLD) the profiles.ini file.

Almost half of Internet users, most of all "to taste" came the browser - Google Chrome. Beginners are especially fond of it - for its simplicity.

While Google Chrome is strong in speed and usability, there are cracks in stability. One of them is the frequent appearance of messages: “Failed to load your profile correctly. Some features may be unavailable. Make sure your profile exists and you have read / write permission. "

Having received it, many people just lose their temper. Trying to reinstall but
the error cannot be removed. Nothing helps. What to do? Where to run? How to load a profile correctly?

Do not worry? The problem is solved quickly. Some specific recommendations are provided below. Read the article to the end and use the most suitable option for you.

By the way, such an error appears in the profile with windows xp, windows 8, windows 7, vista and ubuntu, but only in chrome browsers.

To fix it (correctly load the profile) in windows 8, windows 7, vista everything happens alone, only in XP - the paths are slightly different.

Since the profile is damaged, then we will create a new one. To do this, if Google Chrome is open, close it.

Now click and click with right side on computer". Then copy this line:

C: \ Users \ USERNAME \ AppData \ Local \ Google \ Chrome \ User Data \

Insert it at the top into search string and press "Enter" or the arrow, as in the picture below, just change the USER NAME to your own (computer name) beforehand.

This is for windows 8, windows 7 and vista, for XP is another way:

C: \ Documents and Settings \ USER NAME \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Google \ Chrome \ User Data

Now at the very top you should see a folder called "Default". It needs to be renamed, for example to "def".

You don't need it yet. At this point, open the renamed folder (def) and delete the other folder from it: "Web Data".

Copy and paste the rest of the content into the automatically created folder: "Default", and delete the old one (def). That's all. Message: “Failed to load your profile correctly.

Some features may be unavailable. Make sure your profile exists and you have read / write permission ”- appears anymore, will not.

Other ways to clear the message failed to load your Google chrome profile correctly

Perhaps the first option for creating a new profile for Google Chrome will be too long - then we will try to shorten it.
First option: start, close all processes related to chrome.exe and start your chrome browser again - this time everything should work.

Second option: follow the path provided above (at the beginning of the article) and simply delete the "Web Data" folder. Just be sure to close the chrome browser itself beforehand.

Third option: close the Google Chrome browser and simply delete the "Default" folder, then launch it and enter your zone data.

NOTE: if you accidentally do not see the folders described in the article, then they are hidden. By clicking on the link ahead, you can find out.

Therefore, I suggest you,. It is exactly the same design (free), only without the absence of agents. It was developed by German programmers, but it is completely in Russian, faster and more stable. Good luck.

- beautiful modern browser with integrated tools search engine Google, claiming to be the fastest and most stable web browser. However, figuratively speaking, stability, unshakable like a wall, has recently been covered with quite noticeable cracks. Recently, many browser users have encountered a constantly appearing error, which neither restart nor complete reinstallation of the browser helps to get rid of:

"Failed to load your profile correctly. Some features may be unavailable. Make sure your profile exists and you have read / write permission. "

V this moment There are several ways to fix this annoying error and we will consider them one by one.

Method, number of "races"

Win + E

Explorer and press Enter (see screenshot)

Path for Windows XP:
% USERPROFILE% \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Google \ Chrome \ User Data \

Path for Windows 7:
% USERPROFILE% \ AppData \ Local \ Google \ Chrome \ User Data \

4. In the window that opens, you need to find and rename the folder "Default"(for example, in Default1 ).

5. Without closing Conductor, run Google chrome, while the folder " Default"will automatically be recreated.

6. Go to the folder " Default1"and delete the file" Web Data ".

7. Copy any remaining files from the " Default1"to folder" Default ".

8. Delete the old folder " Default1 ".

Congratulations, after that the problem will be fixed.

Method number two

1. Close the Google Chrome browser if it is running.

2. Open File Explorer. You can do this by pressing the keyboard shortcut Win + E(the Win key is the one on which the Windows icon is drawn).

3. Enter the folder address in the address bar Explorer and press Enter (see screenshot)... Please note that for different operating systems the folder location address is different.

Path for Windows XP:
% USERPROFILE% \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Google \ Chrome \ User Data \ Default \

Path for Windows 7:
% USERPROFILE% \ AppData \ Local \ Google \ Chrome \ User Data \ Default \

3. Find and delete the file " Web Data ".

This should also be enough so that the next time you launch the browser, the error "Your profile could not be loaded correctly ..." disappears, but if this did not happen, go to the third method.

Method number three

1. Open " Task Manager "(to do this, you must press the key combination" Ctrl + Alt + Del"and choose" Launch Task Manager »).

2. In the Task Manager, go to the " Processes ".

3. Sequentially select all processes containing in the name " Chrome"and end their work by clicking the button" End the process » (see screenshot).

I hope that the above steps will help you restore normal browser operation and you will never encounter a similar error again.