Where Firefox stores add-ons. Current plugins and programs for Mozilla Firefox ® and DR

Igor . Update: June 14, 2019.

Hello, dear blog readers Site! As I noted, the developers of Mazila Faerfox initially decided to implement such a web browser assembly, in which its base functionality would contain a minimal set of options, and all other are added as plug-ins, depending on the needs of a particular user.

Thanks to this feature, Mozilla acquired many supporters, and the positive as a whole assessment helped this browser within a fairly long time to occupy one of the leading positions in the global market. True, then the time of Almighty came Google Chrome.whose domination continues to this day. However, Firefox, with the release of the newest version running on the Quantum engine, has chances to again impose a struggle for leadership, because the glory of the most expandable browser remains with it.

Thus, Mazila from all competitors during its development acquired the most extensive set of plugins (additions or extensions). Only one thing this circumstance can be remarked on its side part of users. True, recently chrome and in this aspect is trying to intercept the palm of the championship (), but Mozilla does not give up, and such competition ultimately goes to consumers.

How to download and install extension for Firefox

Before using any addition for Firefox, naturally, it is necessary. After this task is completed, select and add the extension you need on the official page of the store, where all additions to facilitate search for search are systematized by category:

To set the expansion into the Mozilla browser, click on the selected picture and go to the next web page, where you are concurrent information on this add-on: the author's name or alias, the current version, date last update, short description, user reviews, screenshots, demonstrating the essence of his work, etc. In case of a positive solution after learning all data, click the button "Add to Firefox":

Before starting installation, the system will ask you to confirm the operation with your permission to access the necessary data and tabs:

By clicking on the Add button you finally activate the expansion load in the browser. The operation is simple and will not require any additional effort. After a few seconds, you will receive a confirmation that the plugin is safely installed in your Firefox:

it standard procedure Installations, which, in general, usually ends. But when adding some plugins, a new tab with a developer page can be opened at the same time, where there are details on the loaded expansion, including its current and former versionsdata on the regularity of its update, instructions for setting up, etc.

In the future, to perform various actions above any plugin, you need from the drop-down menu that is hidden behind the cryptogram with three horizontal strips in the upper right corner of the Mazila window, select the appropriate item:

As a result of these televitations, we move into the appropriate tab where the ability to produce with the established additions to the various operations you need, including setting, disconnection, or even complete removal:

From this tab, you can directly go to the installation of other extensions by clicking on the link "Download additions"where you will be recommended some plugins. If you did not find the necessary, you can click on the button "Find more add-ons", which will lead you to the store page (which I have already said at the beginning of this section), where there is a huge selection of almost all occasions.

I draw your attention to the fact that below we look at the extensions that can add absolutely free (There are also paid samples to perform special tasks) or with basic free functional.

Popular Mozilla Firefox add-ons for all

At first I will present a selection of plugins that solve the most different tasks and can be interesting to absolutely all Internet users who prefer the Firefox browser.

1. "GosServices" - Plugin is designed for setting electronic signature On the Public Services portal, where citizens of Russia with it can issue absolutely any document online, without spending their precious time to visit official institutions.

This addition is not available in the list of the Mozilla official store, so its installation is somewhat different from the standard one that can be implemented with official Public Study State Service . After the process is completed, it is enough to go to the "Extensions" tab and turn on the plugin by means of the same button. The work of the addition is marked by the appearance in top panel Browser window of the symbol in the form of the State Flag of Russia.

2. Browsec VPN. - A popular extension that implements the VPN protected tunnel (Virtual Private Network is a virtual private network) on the Internet, which makes it possible to guarantee the user's privacy and replace the real using proxy servers.

Since the real Ai-Pi has remained behind the scenes, this technology allows you to unlock the content of sites on the territory of another country. Suppose you are outside of Russia and want to view a video on a specific Russian resource, prohibited to show in the region of your present location.

When the Browsec VPN is activated and the "Russia" virtual location setting is immediately accessing the view, which would be impossible without this addon. Let's see how privacy and bypassing the lock in practice occurs.

So, you install the plugin in the usual way, as a result of which a symbolic image of the globe will appear in the top panel of the browser window with the right side. After clicking on it, the screensaver will appear, where the extension can be activated using the "Protect Me" button or by the slider at the bottom right:

To select a country in which the target web resource is located with a locked content, press the "Change" button. The extension will give you a list of countries, whose territory you can move, of course, in the virtual sense:

For the use of a proxy in relation to states, opposite which is the "Premium" mark, you will have to fork out $ 4.99 per month. Unfortunately for a large number of Russian-speaking users living abroad, Russia is among the paid options (screenshot above).

However, the network has analogues of this add-on and with a free option to bypass the blocking of Russian sites (this, for example). I brought Browsec VPN as an example because it is one of the highest quality programs to ensure common privacy.

3. Google Translator, Imtranslator, Dictionary - Multifunctional addition, which allows you to choose a translator (Google, Microsoft Bing, Translator, Yandex). Includes 91 language and is able to quickly translate with the help of a dictionary, voice the text, save the story, reverse translation and a lot more.

In order to translate the text fragment selected on the web page, you need to highlight it, click right-click and select the appropriate item from the context menu, which appears when the extension is in an active condition:

4. Video DownloadHelper. - highly functional plug Firefox to download video. After installing and activating the expansion when visiting one of the web resources with which it works (and such sites a huge amount on the Internet), as a result of clicking on its icon, information on the videos on the page will appear, and immediately the opportunity to download video files in Different formats:

If you bring the cursor to the bottom panel of the window instead of an arrow directed to the right, a set of tools will appear (in the screenshot above it is highlighted in yellow), with which you can produce all available actions (receiving information about the program, go to the web page with a list of supported sites , analysis of the video edress web page, convert local files). From here you can go to the settings affecting your breadth.

5. Adblock Plus. - very convenient extension in our time when space global Network Under the eyebreaker, it is often incredibly aggressive. It will contribute to block the advertising content of completely any webons and thus set up the Internet for itself. In this case, except for a much more convenient viewing of content, you also get quick Pages, the download of which is accelerated without unnecessary advertising.

However, in life, halftone always roll, and radical measures aimed at one or another, usually do not lead to a fully acceptable result. You ask what I lead to? And to the fact that in AdBlock Plus, developers have provided the possibility of implementing my favorite "golden middle" rule, which is taken into account in the settings that allow you to block
Irritating advertising, but to display unobtrusive and often useful advertising blocks.

6. Adguard Antibanner - Another variety of blocker, with which you can prohibit the show of all types of advertising, including video advertising (including on YouTube), banners, text ads, pop-up windows and other irritants elements.

In addition, this Firefox extension has the ability to prevent the download and installation. spywareAs well as advertising applications (adware), protect your personal data, block monitoring systems for user behavior on the network, protect you from negative and resources containing viruses.

To the user-needed settings containing numerous useful options, you can go from the familiar "Extensions" tabs. By the way, there are a wide variety of filters, through which you can optimize the work of Adguard Antibanner to your taste (there is also a useful advertising filter, it is already enabled by default).

7. WOT. - Supplement for Masi, providing protective functions in terms of identifying various suspicious or even dangerous web resources when surfing the network, including those that are infected with viruses. The more users set this expansion Mozilla Firefox. In the browser, the greater the database will be at our disposal, since each, in addition to obtaining information about visited by this moment Website, can give him its rating:

The level of user confidence in one way or another web project is expressed in a certain color (red - the highest degree of unreliability, yellow - call for caution, green - white and fluffy resource). Moreover, you can filter off unreliable sites right on the page. search resultswhere they will be marked with the corresponding icons:

8. Firefox Color - Supplement, giving the opportunity to do appearance Your browser is more attractive and convenient to work through a set of new, popular and selected design solutions for Mozilla Firefox (about topics for all the most popular browsers).

9. TEXT LINK. - Sometimes there are inactive references provided in text format on the webons. So, this addon speeds up the opening of pages for such URLs, eliminating you from additional unnecessary televitations (copying - insert into the address bar of the new tab or window). After downloading and installing Text Link, you can open pages on which text links are leading, simple double click on them:

10. Tab Mix - Rename Tab - Allows you to quickly change the heading of the active tab, which also saves the time when this operation is required repeatedly:

11. Gmail ™ Notifier - Plugin, allowing you to interact at once with multiple Gmail boxes without leaving the current browser tab. After installation, which occurs in a standard way, the Guglovskaya Postal Service branded icon will appear in the upper right corner of the window, by clicking on which you can cause the content of your account in the thumbnail:

In the settings where you can get from the same window, you can specify your main account Jimiel and 5+ Additional, specify the checks interval of letters, activate the sound notice when the fresh correspondence arrives and much more.

A distinctive feature this expansion Many other similar class is that you do not need to enter separate authorization data, you just need to enter each of those accounts of Google, notifications from which you want to track.

12. Image Search Pr. - This addon provides the ability to perform a reverse search on images in several search engines. After installing and turning on, we bring the cursor to the selected picture, call the context menu by pressing the right mouse button and select the corresponding item:

Going to the page of the desired search engine from the list you can find out the source of receiving this image, and also find all its versions with different resolution.

The best plugins Firefox Webmasters and Cees

1. - The most successful plugin, in my humble opinion, from all extensions of this class. It is quite possible to serve as a training manual for beginners with practical hTML studying and CSS, and is also an excellent assistant when editing page items:

True, life goes forward, and this addition is no longer supported due to the fact that such a tool appeared in the basic Firefox functionality, which is activated using the F12 key or by combining keys Ctrl + SHIFT + I.

It is possible to do the same, if you right-click on any page open in the browser and from the context menu that appears to select "Explore the element", as well as if you open the Mazzyl menu, hiding behind the with three horizontal stripes icon in the upper right corner, and proceed to Ways "Web Development" - "Developer Tools".

Despite the fact that the Firebug plugin itself is no longer relevant, I advise you to follow the link to the material about it, because all the basic information presented there will certainly help you with the practical application of any such means.

2. - A wonderful addition, especially for those who try to improve their practical skills in editing and laying sites.

Today, finally, I got hands to one question that I wanted to do a long time ago - how to remove an extra plugin in Mozilla Firefox.

This popular Internet browser, for some reason, does not want hard, so that the user can delete some unused (disconnected) extensions. I can't clarify such a solution to manufacturers, but I can tell you how to remove the plugin manually - I can even.

In principle, the disconnected plugins do not affect anything - neither on the start of the browser, nor for the time of drawing pages, but ... First, they are driving profile programAnd secondly, they annoy their meaningless finding in the add-on menu!

I categorically do not like in my main program on a computer of the jet of unnecessary buttons or panels (bars). Naturally, I do not like and "unsuccessful" add-ons - now I will delete them and show you how it can be easily done ... in all versions of the browser, except 64-bit.

Two pre-installed plugins (which in my screenshot below) cannot be deleted, do not even try - they are filled with concrete in the browser. The authors took care of their eternal life.

The fact is that the "New 64-bit version of Firefox for Windows currently determines and supports (from third-party) only Plugin. Adobe Flash." About it reported manufacturers on their blog.

How to remove an extra plugin in Mozilla Firefox

We go through the settings, in the add-on menu ...

Useful additional Information Online:

... and go to the "Plugins" tab ...

I discovered here two disconnected plugins. By the way, their browser producers themselves shoved here ...

All that is allowed to be - set the attribute "Never include". The "Delete" buttons simply do not. In such a state, these plugins can be (hanging) for years - why?

That's right - they need to be deleted, but first turn on the display of hidden files and folders in the operating system.

How to display hidden files and folders in the system

In New Windows 10, it can be done in 3 seconds - just go to the "View" tab of the conductor and put a check mark ...

More useful Additional information on the site:

In Windows 7, this operation is more complicated and will take more time. You need to go to the properties of the folder (for example, through the control panel) and rearrange the point in the "View" menu ...

Do not forget to click "Apply" after that.

Everything, preparations are completed - go to the basic actions to remove unnecessary plugins in Mozilla Firefox.

Manual removal of the plugin in Mozilla Firefox

Dial in the address bar of the browser (or copy-insert) such an address and go through it ...

about: plugins.

The page will open Installed plugins" Here you can find out (in the line "Path") the location of the poor "radishes" ...

Via windows Explorer Go to the plug-in folder and rename it (right mouse button and "rename"), adding "x" ahead of the name (for example NPHRW2 in XNPHRW2). Manufacturers swearthat after that it will be deleted.

Plugins are special additions that expand the functionality of the programs for which are created. Plug-ins are confused with "extensions", as they also expand standard features programs. However, in the case of the Mozilla Firefox browser, expansion and plugins are several different additions.

In "Mozile" (as often called Mozilla Firefox browser), it is often necessary to load new additions - it allows you to significantly increase the efficiency of work on the Internet (especially if the user knows exactly what and what kind of plugin or the expansion it needs).

As an example, we will try to turn on the mosel plugins in several ways.

Fast navigation on the article

Turn on plugins

In order to enable additional plugins in the Mozile, you need to go to the Add-ons menu item (in the new browser version, it is enough to press the Firefox button at the top and go to "add-ons" or go to "Tools" -\u003e "Add-ons" if You have an active top menu):

  • If the top menu of the browser is inactive, then try to press "Alt" (and the menu panel opens upwards);
  • It is also possible to go to "add-on" through the settings menu: "Main" tab -\u003e "Set up additions".

After the "Additions" section is open, you can see the already installed (and install the necessary) expansion. In order to be able to enable and disconnect the plugins, you need to find the plug-in menu item on the left side of the screen (fourth above).

Checking performance

In the future, you can turn off and then include some plugins to verify them of working capacity:

  • In the "Additions" section, open "plugins";
  • The window that opens appeared a list of all browser plugins. Press "Disable" opposite each item. When the non-functioning plugin is found, delete it.

Plugins and renovation of the browser

If some plugins do not work even after their "inclusion" (and restart Firefox), this may mean that they are outdated and do not support new version Browser (usually it happens during updates). For normal operation plug-ins, it is also desirable to periodically update.

January 16, 2011 at 22:44

Anatomy of Fire Lisa

  • Firefox.

I wanted to install my friend Firefox. And not just install, and so that it was "like yours." Firefox has a built-in tool for publishing a list of installed add-ons. I immediately took advantage of them and published my additions. But since a friend of a person to IT is not very close, although the same lazy, then somewhere go there, download, install it, I did not want to set up. Says "Why all this, you have everything on the flash drive, just copy me."

I had to think about: just copy it is impossible, except firefox settings And his plugins, there are still passwords, the history of the visit is chosen. Why should he know for which porn sites I wandered. You do not want to clean manually. All this is stored in the files, and not in the registry - Firefox cross-platform, and in Linux registry, as far as I know, no. So files in which it is all stored, you need to try to replace the files from the freshly installed Firefox-A files.

Task minimum: find out where Firefox store saved passwords and history.
Maximum task: make a general opinion about the assignment of files in the Firefox directory.

I warn you right away, everything that managed to know is not the result of disassembling, debugging, manulov translation, code analysis. This is a simple catalog comparison, read in the configs and experiments with the replacement of files in two installed Firefox.

So, we try to include intuition, the benefit of the names there are quite meaningful, we look at the catalog of the freshly installed Firefox - and we see such subdirectors:

chrome. - contains jar files with their manifests, and the manifest format is not Windows;
components. - Java scripts responsible for the functionality of Firefox-A (you can guide the name of the file, for example, as you have such a name: NetworkGeolocationProvider.js);
defaults. - scripts and styles common for all profiles;
dictionaries. - dictionaries for spelling (for Huxpell engine);
extensions - Supplements common to all (usually there is only the default topic);
greprefs. - Settings of the Firefox-A Move in the form of java scripts;
modules. - additional Java scripts for the operation of different phenosheks (for example, for microformats);
plugins. - the plugins are common to all (by default there are only Mozilla Default Plugin, the purpose of which is to follow the updates of other plugins or, if necessary, to display a message about the lacking plugin);
rES. - Some CSS styles, fonts and drawings (and Web-designer will be interested to look at the "Directories" in the "DTD" subdirectory and will come with you & lt, & gt and & amp);
searchPlugins. - Search engines (those most which "find with ...");
uninstall - Program for uninstallation and installation log files (I do not recommend deleting, sometimes needed when updating Firefox-A).

As well as files in the Firefox-A catalog:
AccessibleMarshal.dll. - To be honest, I do not know what it is for the ActiveX library, everything works for me without its registration in the system;
application.ini, Platform.ini. - several unimportant settings;
browserconfig.properties. - despite the loud name, just setting up a "home page";
crashReporter.exe, CrashReporter.ini, CrashReporter-Override.ini - the same application that runs when Firefox-A falls, plus its settings;
dependentLibs.list. - List of libraries required for Firefox-A in this operating system;
freebl3.dll, nspr4.dll, nss3.dll, nssckbi.dll, nssdbm3.dll, nssutil3.dll, plc4.dll, plds4.dll, softokn3.dll, smime3.dll, ssl3.dll, xpcom.dll - The very "required libraries", as far as I understood, it is wrappers for working with files, catalogs and cryptosystem operating system (prefix nS. Indicates the parent Firefox - Netscape);
freebl3.chk, nssdbm3.chk, softokn3.chk - digital signatures of some libraries (and may not sign up, and maybe not digital);
firefox.exe. - He is the one that is fiery :)
install.log. - the installation log (you can look at errors when installing, and you can simply delete);
js3250.dll - engine java scripts;
License. - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 - exactly as large letters;
mozcpp19.dll, mozcrt19.dll - wrappers above the objects of the operating system (types, rows, streams, threads and functions for working with them) - Such is the price of cross-platform (straight scary to look at the headlines);
plugin-Container.exe. - For some time, additions are performed in the sandbox, which is implemented by this application (it often cuts out when working with curves add-ons);
Readme.txt - The file that no one ever reads (there in principle and read something);
sqlite3.dll - SQLite database engine (it is used in Firefox-E);
updater.exe, update.locale, updater.ini - update and its settings (Update.locale - Sister Talent);
xul.dll. - the layer between content and plugins (I can be wrong);

Now, without turning off intuition, consider the user profile directory in which there are the following subdirectories:
bookmarkBackups. - Contains a file with bookmarks and its backups in JSON format (what Json is easily read - the ride, a little eyes broke when he opened it in notepad);
chrome. - Custom CSS styles;
extensions - Supplements (such is the official translation);
minidumps. - stores minidamps recorded when Firefox-A falls;
searchPlugins. - Custom search engines;

as well as files:
blocklist.xml. - a list of plugins blocked for installation;
bookmarks.html. - Page-plug for bookmarks;
cERT_OVERRIDE.TXT. - added / user covered root certificates;
cERT8.DB. - root certificates;
compatibility.ini. - ?
compreg.dat. - Registered to execute Java scripts / components
content-prefs.sqlite. - Some Firefox-A settings;
cookies.sqlite - saved cookies (except flash);
downloads.sqlite. - List of downloaded files;
extensions.cache, extensions.ini, extensions.rdf - installed add-ons;
formhistory.sqlite. - history of the filling of HTML-forms;
key3.db. - the file that stores the key to which the saved passwords are encrypted;
localstore.rdf. - ?
mimetypes.rdf. - list of famous mime -typs;
permissions.sqlite. - saved permissions for sites (for example, the site addons.mozilla.org can set add-ons);
places.sqlite. - the location of the Socked resources;
places.sqlite-journal -? Magazine current cached resources?
pluginreg.dat. - List of registered plugins (not to be confused with additions);
prefs.js. - Custom settings;
search.json. - history search queries;
search.sqlite. -? The history of search queries (for some reason, nothing is written here, maybe in the future it will be)?
secmod.db. -? Settings for encryption and use of tokens?
signons.sqlite. - saved passwords;
webappsstore.sqlite. -? Saved

You have any problems with any expansion. Mozilla Firefox. (Pale Moon.)?

Does not work? Disappeared panel (side, top, etc.)?

No access to expansion settings Mozilla Firefox.?

Slow Firefox.? Full "brake"?

No desire to understand configuration files?

But you have a desire to use your favorite expansion.

Delete. Clear. Install.

Take advantage of the next simple algorithm for browser Mozilla. Firefox (Pale Moon):

Note: Sometimes the above does not solve the problem, for example: side panel Extensions "All-in-one sidebar" "disappeared," does not open and access it is not.

Then it is solved as follows:

Run Firefox in safe mode(For more information, see the article Safe Browser Mode.) And load with the option - " Reset the toolbar settings and controls"Next button - "Change and restart".

This problem appears in connection with " spoiled "Localstore.rdf file

Delete and restore expansion on the example of SEOQUAKE (V.2.6.8).

Algorithm for deleting, saving and restoring an extension for the Mozilla Firefox browser (Pale Moon) is designed for most extensions.

Note: The interface and messages shown on this page are approximate, because depends on current version applications, but the essence remains relevant to the browser Mozilla Firefox. and Pale Moon.versions 3.6.x - 2x.x. and above.

Save expansion.

If you have any problems in the work of the expansion or the "wrong" behavior of the browser, for example:

  • "Reduced" Seoquake toolbar without the ability to restore it in the browser.
  • No access to the toolbar settings.
  • Or do you want to simply remove some extension from Mozilla Firefox..

If necessary, if for example, there is no access to the Internet, there is no possibility to download from the site, and so on, we save the expansion ( Seoquake.) With the Cleo application, the program Febe- must be installed.

To save, in the menu panel, choose - " Instruments" - "Febe"-"Fast backup"

  1. Install the folder where we will copy the extension ( Seoquake.).
  2. Put a tick on the desired expansion ( Seoquake.).
  3. Button " To begin".
  4. If everything is in order, it will be reported to us in the pop-up window.

After successful saving the extension you need, we delete it from Mozilla Firefox..

Remove the extension from the Firefox browser

To remove expansion in Mozilla Firefox,go to the menu panel - " Supplements".

In the list that opens, choose the extension ( Seoquake.) To delete and press the button " Delete"

We were immediately warned in the pop-up window.

Maybe think? What for? We have kept it. Remove...

Do you think they deleted the expansion and all right? No, you are deeply mistaken!

Expansion remains are still in data files. Mozilla Firefox. active profile.

First you need in the active profile folder find and delete folder " Seoquake.".

Note: Where is the profile Firefox.see the article chapter - how to determine where the profile is Mozilla Firefox..

Note: expansion Seoquake.unfortunately, not one is a modest, which leaves after removing its traces in the browser.

There are a lot of extensions that " forget"Remove for yourself" rubbish", as a result of what the database Firefox.fun and the browser first begins to work slowly, then incomprehensible " hang", "glitches"And finally stops loading.

Therefore, if a Firefox.he became slower to work or " move", And you are sure that you are all right with extensions and plugins, and you have been reinstalled several times Firefox., But the problem did not disappear, then it is time to clean the configuration file.

But I don't want to deal with this business. ( Where are these records? What records? Where they are? etc.)

The exit is and very simple! The only drawback is to re-set all the expansion and the browser itself.

Note. Starting with the version of Firefox 13 and above, the browser provides the ability to reset the settings and the ability to more quickly solve problems associated with the efficiency of Firefox.

Clearing browser configuration Mozilla Firefox. from extension residues.

To remove records that remain from uninstalled extension, go to the menu bar:

"reference" - "About :?"- "All configuration settings"

If you use the expansion of MR Tech Toolkit

Or use page address:

Note: records about changed settings Mozilla Firefox. Store in the file:
(For more on more detail on the Mozillazine.org website) of the current browser profile.

Immediately get a terrible message! We promise that we will be careful ...

And in the string " filter"We write seoquake. . Next, melancholy, on each removed record (... seoquake....) right-click on the menu- " Reset"Clean the field value.