HTML Basics for Beginners. HTML Basics for Beginners Learn HTML from Scratch Online

AT modern world sometimes having your own website is as important as having a phone number or address Email. Unfortunately, not everyone can make a beautiful professional website on their own, and sometimes even a curve doesn’t work. Ordering from programmers is also not an ideal solution, since not everyone can afford it.

Help to get out of this situation free html Web-sites' templates. HTML site template is a set of ready-made static pages for a specific site. Using this template, you can create a simple website in just a couple of hours, with basic knowledge of HTML markup. In the HTML section, you will get this knowledge if you spend a couple more hours studying, and if you do not spare the time in the CSS section, you will be able to completely control the design of the HTML site templates and customize them completely to your needs.

Another indisputable advantage of website templates is that they are written in most cases by professionals. A professional site template means not only a beautiful and modern design, but also as the code is written. Search engines look at how your site is written, whether the code is SEO optimized or not, and on the basis of this they lower or increase your positions in the search results. Therefore, a good site should not only be beautiful and modern, which is important, but also well-written in terms of code.

Download free HTML Templates site and create your projects in the shortest possible time.

Full title - Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a hypertext markup language that is widely used during the construction of web pages and documents. The HTML journey started in the first half 90s. At that time he was extremely primitive, but already helped to make simple pages for the web. Since then, the language has been constantly evolving, and today it has already learned a lot. Without HTML, the way we are used to it, websites simply wouldn't exist. Almost all websites use HTML to some extent.

Today's current standard is HTML5, which was officially released in 2014. This is a revolutionary standard that allowed the language to reach a new level.

Innovations in HTML5:

  • The parsing algorithm has changed during the development of the DOM structure;
  • New tags appeared, like audio, video and others. By the way, now you can create a web player using only HTML. Previously had to use Adobe Flash player;
  • Redefining part of the rules and semantics of using HTML elements.

Looking globally, HTML5 has become more than next version language, but a complete platform for application development. Previously, its capabilities were limited to building a structure, today it is much smarter. With the release of the standard, the scope of the language has greatly expanded. In addition to the traditional direction of web development, it is used to create computer programs on Windows 8 and newer, as well as for developing applications for smartphones on all popular platforms.

It all came to the fact that HTML5 began to be applied in two key areas:

  • As an updated version of the HTML language;
  • As a functional platform on which you can build web applications of varying complexity. True, create full application on pure HTML5 it will not work, JavaScript and CSS3 are still used for this.

Who is modernizing HTML5? The language is being worked on by the W3C or full name - World Wide Web Consortium is an international organization that maintains independence from specific developers. It also produces specifications, definitions, and standards for HTML5. The original and complete specification is available on the official website at the link ( available in English). The organization has not completed work on the language, on the contrary, it is still developing it.

Browser Support

It is important to understand that the HTML5 specification and the implementation of this technology in specific browsers are different concepts. Many web browsers in active development began to slowly implement HTML5 features even before the release of this version. By today, most recent browsers support all the features of HTML5. Full support is provided by: Chrome, IE 11, Firefox, Edge, Opera. Relatively older versions do not have support for newer standards, such as IE 8 and below. In version IE9 and 10 standards have already been implemented, but only partially.

Often browsers may generally work with the new standard, but handle features differently or simply throw an error. Therefore, when developing cross-browser, you need to take into account all the features of browsers. To present moment standard support from web browsers is already at a good level.

To make sure that the current version of the browser supports HTML5, you can do a little test.

What do you need to work?

What is useful during development under HTML5? The key tool is a text editor, in which the code for the future web page will be typed. One of the most popular and versatile editors is Notepad++. It is available on the official website absolutely free. In addition to free distribution, it also has all the necessary functions, has a lot of useful plugins, highlights the opening and closing of tags.

Also a good editor with majority support operating systems is Visual Studio Code . It is capable of running on MacOS, Windows and Linux. According to the possibilities, this software somewhat superior to Notepad++.

The second important tool is a web browser, it is useful for testing code. Any browser from a well-known developer will do. If you need to create a cross-platform application, you will have to install all popular web browsers on the system.

or study HTML lessons independently and free of charge

Do you want to create your website on the Internet? - Very well! HTML lessons will help you with this.

HyperText Markup Language or abbreviated HTML- hypertext markup language of documents, a product of the W3C consortium - underlies almost all existing web pages, which puts it in first place in the hierarchy of tools for creating sites. Particular attention should be paid to studying the lessons in this section.

  • HTML Lessons These are tutorials on how to create web pages.
  • HTML Lessons- the first step towards mastering the development of Internet sites.
  • HTML Lessons and web design lessons are completely different concepts.

New, modern HTML lessons specially designed for beginners.

Syntax HTML quite simple and easy to understand, but this does not mean that the learning process will go smoothly and without errors. There is no need to be afraid of them - they are inevitable. Making mistakes, you get information about how not to act in the future, this information is worth some effort, time, and therefore is especially valuable. This is how knowledge and experience are accumulated.

As you create your first pages, you will enjoy the thought that you are discovering a world that you did not know before and maybe did not even know about its existence - a world of other possibilities - the world of the Web.

Be careful! You may become addicted to a new activity.

New HTML Lessons | HTML code example

Consider its elements:

Tags that define the beginning and end of a document.

Service section. Here are commands for browsers, instructions for search robots, links to remote files, scripts.

Tags that define the main title of the document.

This section contains the entire visible part of the web page.

In the browser we will see Hello World! :

For studying HTML Notepad required. In it, we will manually type the code. Perhaps that's all ... Is engaged in the interpretation of the code software for web browsing, that is Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Chrome and other browsers.

In lessons this course will be presented HTML 5, XHTML and CSS inclusions. This combination is optimal for learning and allows you to significantly accelerate the development of the material.

At present, the specification is already available on the official website of the W3C consortium HTML 5. The development of the fifth version began in 2007, it is based on XML and in fact it is, supplemented by new elements and attributes, XHTML-eat. Fifth version HTML offers more functionality and simplifies the process of creating interactive sites and web applications. Besides, HTML 5 contains additional elements that provide placement of multimedia content inside the web page.

New HTML has not yet received the status of a recommendation, and its tags, at this stage, are recognized only by some browsers. But despite this, HTML 5 lessons are available today.

Post Scriptum: The Internet consists of an infinite number of pages linked together by hyperlinks through the "Hypertext Transfer Protocol" - HyperText Transfer Protocol or HTTP for short - a protocol for transferring data in the form of hypertext documents. What is HTML? HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language or hypertext markup language documents.

This article does not claim to be comprehensive guide in the markup language of HTML documents. It describes the basics of HTML - basic principles, concepts and definitions of this technology, having mastered which, you can easily move on in learning HTML coding.


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HTML is a markup language documents. Correct pronunciation - HTMEL.

Have you ever worked in a Word document editor or similar office applications? You probably know that this species editor has rich features for editing text, arranging elements, inserting pictures, etc.

Why, you ask, write in an article about HTML about word processors? But why. If you figure out what is an office editor? This is an application for editing and displaying documents.

The key word here is document . That is, we create, edit and view a document in some program, in this case- in the office editor. If we open such a document in a simple text editor, such as Notepad, we will see a lot of strange symbols and characters. This mess of symbols is incomprehensible to mankind, but understandable to computers. Thanks to this inner language, word document takes on a certain structure and appearance in the editor itself, and the document appears before us in all its glory with formatted text and pictures in their place.

HTML is a markup language for browser. Word "here is the browser, and the document is the HTML page. This is the very basis HTML technologies, the understanding of which is necessary in order not to confuse the markup language of web documents with programming languages. The name speaks for itself using HTML we mark up, where the element, image, or text will be shown on the page, and in what order they will appear next to each other.

Yes, simple typing and text formatting in office applications have nothing to do with programming. But the observant reader will notice important detail- in a word processor we type, edit and format text and pictures using visual buttons and menus, but why is HTML code written by hand? Why study so many technical details of writing markup for a document?

In fact, there are many editors with which you can create and edit HTML pages by analogy with Word. That is, the source HTML code is hidden for us and we do not climb into it.

A sort of Word for HTML. Such visual editors are called:

WYSIWYG editors - W hat Y ou S ee I s W hat Y ou G et. That is, if translated into Russian: what we see is what we get.

I call them "woozies". Although this is not phonetically correct, it clearly indicates the futility of this invention. Beginners very often use such editors to create their first sites. Of course, this is convenient - there is no need to delve into the study of tags, design styles and other, at first glance, unpleasant and complex things. The editor itself will automatically convert our actions into HTML code.

But, as they say, nothing just happens. More specifically, this approach has very serious drawbacks. What prevents everyone in a row from using visual editors to design HTML pages? The fact is that pages formed in this way usually have a lot of extra code, a lot of errors from a semantic point of view. Now, of course, there are no problems with high speed internet connection and the difference in page size of 400 kb and 100 kb is not significant for speed, however, an optimized and correctly written HTML code eliminates many problems and provides a lot of advantages, namely:

  • Competent HTML code has a positive effect on search engine optimization, the speed of crawling a site by a search robot. The generated kilobytes of code here are not acceptable and even harmful;
  • The HTML code generated by the WYSIWYG editor has many semantic errors. That is, the tags generated by such an editor are used for other purposes, where it is necessary to use, for example, lists
      , the editor will generate another tag that we don't need. It depends, of course, on the editor, but here we mean complex solutions for creating sites, and not simple text editing in a text area using WYSIWYG tools.
    • A lot of unnecessary tags are generated and the structure of the document is bloated. Let's say you move an element in such a program, first to the right, then to the left, then to the center - each action leaves a trace in the source HTML code. The editor is a program and he cannot know what exactly you want to get as a result, he generates tons of code, taking into account all options behavior of the document in the browser.
    • As a rule, editors for the visual design of HTML code quickly become obsolete. And due to the lack of interest on the part of professionals, they generally lose support and stop in development. And HTML is evolving. Everything develops, except vuzivugi. Accordingly, they cannot generate correct and up-to-date code that would involve new features and solutions.
    • To support and develop such projects is heavenly punishment. About using patterns and reuse there can be no code of speech at all.

    So, we will write HTML only with pens. Adequate tools for visual editing of HTML have not yet been invented, and they are unlikely to appear. The HTML markup language is easy to learn and understand, and there are many automation tools for writing HTML code, but more on that in other lessons.

    After fiddling around with the WYSIWYG editor for a bit, young HTML gurus leave this futile task and move on.

    HTML document structure

    I recommend downloading and installing the Sublime Text editor for classes. I strongly do not recommend using the Notepad built into Windows for HTML layout if you do not want to break your psyche in the early stages of learning HTML.

    We decided that we would write the HTML document code manually, that is typeset. HTML layout- process creating HTML document. In the common people and knowledgeable circles - just layout. Any document has a structure and certain construction rules. What elements does the code consist of, what is the structure of HTML?

    Let's create an initial template on the computer - file index.html, open it with an editor and paste the following code into it:

    header Document Body Note that HTML documents have the extension .html.

    So, in order from the example.

    - document type (doctype)

    This construction is always indicated at the beginning of the document for the browser to correctly "understand" which HTML version used when building a document.

    Due to the fact that HTML is constantly evolving, it has several versions, like any software product. Current version HTML - fifth and given in the example doctype is up to date.

    In principle, there is no point in delving into the study of document types, because with the release of HTML5, this design has become the standard. Just paste it at the beginning of the document every time you start laying out the layout of the site.

    - the beginning of the document

    The first tag we see after the doctype is .

    HTML tag- structural unit of markup of an HTML document. HTML code is made up of building blocks called tags. Each tag has its own function, and learning the HTML markup language is ultimately about learning the tags and their properties in the document.

    I would like to note that learning HTML is not such a difficult task as it might seem at first glance. Learning the tags used in document markup is not such a big load on the brain.

    So, the document markup starts with the tag and ends with a closing tag. Each tag that contains other tags or elements must be closed closing tag. For example, , ,

    , etc.

    Tag is required because it contains the entire structure of the document and wraps the rest of the elements.


    Next, we see tag , which contains other elements that are not yet clear to us. Contains other elements - this means that the elements or tags are between the opening and closing tags of the construct:

    <тег>content or other tags

    Tag is designed to store the meta-information of an HTML document, that is, information that is not displayed in the document itself, but is important and largely determines how the document will look and behave.
    This tag is required in the document.

    Tag - title of the document</h4> <title>header

    header is an <b>required tag</b> A that contains textual meta-information that is displayed in the title of the browser or tab. Tag <title>must be in the tag <head>. Also, the content of this tag is used <a href="">search engines</a> to display the document in the search results.</p> <h4>Meta tag <meta charset="UTF-8" ></h4> <meta charset="UTF-8" > <p><b>Meta tag</b>- a specialized tag designed to provide structured data about a page. Meta tags are most often used in a tag <head>. Meta tags are optional in structure <b>HTML</b> document.</p> <h4>Favicon (favicon)</h4> <link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico" > <p>Attaches a file with a favicon image to the document. <b>Favicon (favicon)</b>- a miniature icon displayed next to the document name in the browser tab. A favicon is a 16 x 16 (or 32 x 32) pixel graphic file that can be in various formats such as png, jpg, ico, gif. The ico format is traditionally used. Animated favicons are gif files containing animation. You can watch an animated favicon, for example, on VKontakte when a new message arrives.</p> <h4>CSS document styles</h4> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> <p>Attaches an HTML styling file to a CSS document.</p> <p><b>css</b> - <i>cascading</i> styling of the HTML document. Each tag that is in the tag <body>, there is a set of properties, such as - color, width, height, position relative to other elements. All these properties are CSS styles that can be taken into <a href="">external file</a>. Design <link>connects external files to the HTML document, including CSS styles.</p> <p>Note: property <b>href</b> designs <link >specifies the location of the external file. In our example, the file <i>style.css</i> and <i>favicon.ico</i>, are located in the same folder as the file <i>index.html</i>. <link>does not have a closing tag.</p> <h4>Tag <script></h4> <script src="script.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <p>Tag<script> содержит код или ссылку на файл <b>javaScript </b> и чаще всего используется внутри тега <head>, хотя инструмент оптимизации скорости загрузки страниц от Google, рекомендует данный тег использовать в конце документа, перед закрывающим тегом </body>.</p> <p>В нашем примере подключается внешний файл <i>script.js </i>, который находится в той-же папке, что и основной файл index.html.</p> <p>Итак, друзья, мы рассмотрели основные элементы, которые используются в теге <head> чаще всего. Кроме этих элементов, для <head> есть ряд других, более специфичных и не обязательных.</p> <h4>Тело aka body</h4> <body> <p>Вот здесь то и начинается все самое интересное и визуально осязаемое в HTML верстке документа.</p> <p>Перейдем, непосредственно, к верстке видимой части страницы. Все, что мы пишем и верстаем внутри тега <body> будет отображено в браузере. Откроем наш файл <b><i>index.html </i> </b> в браузере для того, чтобы наглядно видеть, что мы делаем в редакторе.</p> <p>Тег <body> может содержать любые <a href="">HTML теги</a>, необходимые для оформления документа и обеспечения его функционала (формы). Приведу таблицу наиболее используемых тегов и вкратце опишу каждый. Вы можете сразу выполнять приведенные примеры в редакторе.</p> <table><tr><td><h4>Тег</h4> </td> <td><h4>Описание</h4> </td> </tr><tr><td> <a> </td> <td> Тег для создания ссылок в документе.<br> Пример: текст ссылки Атрибут <b>href </b> указывает документ, на который будет вести данная ссылка. </td> </tr><tr><td> <em>, <strong> </td> <td> Делает текст <i>курсивом </i>или <b>жирным </b> (акцентируемым).<br> Пример: <em>текст курсивом</em> <strong>жирный (акцентируемый) текст</strong> </td> </tr><tr><td> <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6> </td> <td> Заголовки документа. Всего существует 6 уровней заголовков, но на практике используются только от h1 до h4. В документе должен быть только один заголовок, выделенный тегом h1, как главный заголовок документа.<br> Примеры: <h1>Заголовок первого уровня</h1> <h2>Заголовок второго уровня</h2> <h3>Заголовок третьего уровня</h3> ... и т. д. </td> </tr><tr><td> <ol>, <ul> </td> <td> Списки документа. Представляют собой нумерованный или маркированный список. Элементом такого списка является тег <li><br> Примеры: <ul> <li>Элемент <a href="">маркированного списка</a> 1</li> <li>Элемент маркированного списка 2</li> </ul> <ol> <li>Элемент нумерованного списка 1</li> <li>Элемент нумерованного списка 2</li> </ol> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p> </td> <td> Абзац. Данный тег определяет абзац текста, отбитый от остальных абзацев. Закрывать данный тег очень желательно.<br>Пример: <p><a href="">Внешний вид</a> HTML разметки во многом определяется CSS стилями.</p> <p>Тем не менее, некоторые веб-мастера предпочитают не использовать стили на первых этапах проекта.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <img> </td> <td> Картинка. С помощью данного тега в HTML разметку можно вставить картинку. Обязательно указывайте у всех изображений альтернативный текст - атрибут "alt". Данный тег "самозакрывающийся".<br>Пример: <img src='путь_до_картинки.jpg' loading=lazy loading=lazy> </td> </tr><tr><td> <form> + <input> + <textarea> </td> <td> Формы и элементы ввода.<br> Формы предназначены для ввода информации в систему на сервере. Этакая <a href="">обратная связь</a> пользователя и сайта. Например, формы используются, когда нужно отправить какое-то сообщение на сервер. Кроме того, формы могут выполнять и другие функции, но основная задача - отправка данных на сервер.<br> Пример - <a href="">простая форма</a> отправки сообщения, в которой пользователь сайта указывает свое имя, E-mail и какой-то текст: <form action="ссылка_на_скрипт_обработки_формы"> <input type="text" name="name"> <input type="text" name="email"> <textarea name="text"> Текст сообщения <textarea> <input type="submit" value="Написать"> </form> </td> </tr><tr><td> <span> </td> <td> Определяет подстроку в строке.<br>Применяется для определения стиля части строки посредством CSS. Один из самых часто используемых тегов. Без оформления, ни как не проявляет себя в браузере.<br>Пример: Изучение HTML, в большинстве случаев, не вызывает <span>ни каких сложностей</span> у новичков. </td> </tr><tr><td> <video>, <audio> </td> <td> Теги предназначены для вставки видео и аудио в документ. Обязателен закрывающий тег.<br>Примеры: <video src="rolik_chuma.mp4" controls></video> <audio src="muzichka.mp3" controls></audio> Параметр <b>controls </b> говорит нам о том, что на странице должны отображаться элементы управления медиаконтентом, как в обычном аудио/видео плеере. </td> </tr><tr><td> <div> </td> <td> Во истину, королевский тег. Самый используемый и популярный тег в HTML разметке страницы. Это блочный элемент, предназначенн для управления блоками на сайте. Часто употребляется понятие "дивной" верстки - это значит, что все блоки на сайте сверстаны с использованием данных тегов. Может содержать другие теги <div>.<br>Пример: <div> <div> Текст во вложенном блоке </div> </div> Все элементы <div>, в большинстве случаев, оформляются свойствами CSS стилей. Обязателен закрывающий тег </div>. </td> </tr><tr><td> <iframe> </td> <td> Данный тег загружает внешнюю страницу в документ.<br>Пример: <iframe src=""></iframe> </td> </tr></table><p>Мы рассмотрели далеко не все теги, да это и не нужно на данном этапе. Главное - понять основную идею HTML, научиться использовать представленные выше теги, а потом двигаться дальше.</p> <p>Обратите внимание на то, что все названия в подключаемых файлах должны писаться латинскими символами, без пробелов.</p> <p>Например, не:</p><p> <video src="ролик чума.mp4" controls></video> </p><p> <video src="rolik_chuma.mp4" controls></video> </p><p>Это необходимо для большей совместимости содержимого страницы. К тому-же, стандарты написания HTML кода, диктуют.</p> <p>Итак, теперь мы знаем некоторые <b>основы HTML </b>: какая структура должна быть у типового HTML документа, знаем некоторые наиболее ходовые теги, пора приступить к самому вкусному - а именно, печенькам.</p> <h3>Практическое задание по HTML верстке</h3> <p>Если вы еще не скачали архив с примерами, сделайте это . Для примера, можете подглядывать в файл example.html, который также находился в архиве.</p> <ol><li>Распакуйте архив и в папке с распакованными файлами создайте файл index.html. Откройте созданный файл с помощью текстового редактора Sublime Text;</li> <li>Создайте первоначальную структуру документа с доктайпом, тегом <html>, содержащим <header> и <body> и перейдите к редактированию содержимого тега <body>;</li> <li>Откройте файл readme.txt и выполните соответствующие задания в созданном вами файле index.html. Для проверки результата, откройте index.html в вашем любимом браузере.</li> </ol><p>На этом урок по основам HTML окончен, в следующем уроке "Основы CSS " мы научимся управлять стилями элементов документа, познакомимся ближе с каскадными таблицами стилей, научимся использовать классы стилей и сделаем нашу верстку красивой и красочной.</p> <ul><li><a target="_blank" href=""></a> - очень интересный канал, который поможет вам набить руку по созданию сайтов различной сложности с нуля;</li> <li><a target="_blank" href=""></a> - много полезного материала для начинающих.Упор делается на CSS и JS;</li> <li><a target="_blank" href=""></a> - с этого канала лично я начала знакомство со средой веб-разработки. Все рассказано доступным и понятным языком, основа основ, так сказать.</li> <li><a target="_blank" href=""></a> - команда LoftBlog берет интервью у начинающих и состоявшихся IT-специалистов и разработчиков, а так же проводят видео обучение;</li> <li><a target="_blank" href=""></a> - видеоканал содержит в себе информацию и обучающие материалы по Web-разработке в целом, охватываю Front-end, Back-end, обзоры <a href="">текстовых редакторов</a> и прочую <a href="">полезную информацию</a> для начинающих разработчиков и дизайнеров.</li> </ul><h5><b>Интернет-ресурсы </b></h5><ul><li> - святыня для начинающих специалистов. <a href="">Данный ресурс</a> содержит огромное количество информации в доступной и понятной форме + форум. Именно с этого я советую начинать знакомство с HTML/CSS;</li> <li> - познавательный сайт для более глубокого ознакомления с web-дизайном и версткой;</li> <li> - название сайта говорит само за себя. Советую начать обучение после ознакомления с основами HTML5/CSS3.</li> </ul><h5><b>Сервисы </b></h5><ul><li> - <a href="">англоязычный сервис</a>, где можно проверить свои знания на практике. Все интуитивно понятно, глубокие познания <a href="">английского языка</a> не потребуются;</li> <li> - русскоязычный сервис, где упор идет на практику + немного теории. Очень интересный ресурс, курсы и задания;</li> <li> - так сказать «песочница» для web-разработчиков. Здесь в режиме онлайн можно код и тут же смотреть результат. Сервис будет вам помощником по указанию ошибок;</li> <li> - здесь можно проверить свой кода на валидность, что бы исправить свои ошибки или недочеты кода HTML;</li> <li> - аналогичный сервис, предназначенный для проверки на <a href="">валидность CSS</a> кода.</li> </ul><p><u><h6>Итог</h6> </u><br> В интернете очень много полезной, правильной и <a href="">нужной информации</a>, но бесполезной больше. Учитесь, практикуйтесь, пишите код.</p><p>Теги: Обучение, материал, сайты, разработка сайтов</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> <div style="font-size:0px;height:0px;line-height:0px;margin:0;padding:0;clear:both"></div> </div> <footer> <div class="td-block-row td-post-next-prev"> <div class="td-block-span6 td-post-prev-post"> <div class="td-post-next-prev-content"><span>Previous article</span><a href="">We solve the problem with disabling WI-FI on a laptop</a></div> </div> <!-- /next_post --> <div class="td-next-prev-separator"></div> <div class="td-block-span6 td-post-next-post"> <div 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