Mobile number for VKontakte. Virtual Number for VKontakte Get to accept SMS messages

If you read this post, then either you don't have your own page VKontakte, or you already have a registered account, but you need more pages in social network. It would seem that absolutely nothing is difficult in creating a new page. If there are difficulties in this matter, then to learn detailed instructions. We all know that from recently time in Vkontakte, you can register a new user only in the presence of a free and active number of mob. The phone, that is, such a number that would have been damaged earlier in VKontakte when creating accounts. It is worth saying that now a lot of people want to untie their number from the page. By the way, we wrote in detail in detail. Who is interested, click on the link above to familiarize yourself with the dignification instructions. Many simply do not want to shine a personal number, so they turn to various third-party services, where they provide rooms, as they say, hire. As in any services, there are paid and free options. Here we will talk thoroughly and about those and others. Consider the most popular working resources that provide room options for VKontakte. Let's start, perhaps, from the English-speaking site: "" (see the bottom image).

No need to scare. The resource is very easy to use and is understandable at an intuitive level. If you are interested in the accurate translation, use translators, which has a huge amount, or read carefully further description of the work of this service. Select any number from the list on main page resource. Click on it. Opens new page. Further open the registration page in VKontakte. Fill in all the necessary fields. In the next window you will be asked to enter your mobile number. According to the developers themselves, this is done for improving security. We enter the selected number - waiting for SCSP. In order to copy the confirmation code, go to the number page. Update it. You will see a confirmation code that is calmly entered to complete the registration.

As we can see, we did not have to start the account on this site. But there are a lot of resources on which this procedure will have to be performed. One of them is This resource also provides rooms for free, and on an ongoing basis. But, as already mentioned, you will have to register (press the button, as shown above).

The queue on our List site: "" (bottom screen). Here you will also find free booking rooms in VKontakte. Immediately on the main page you will be offered a list of free rooms. Click on anyone you like. You will open a page with confirmation code. This most password will need to be introduced in VKontakte. The whole procedure is exactly the same as on the site discussed above A distinctive feature of this online service is a large number of free numbers.

We have no problem to create new account One of the suggested rooms. Very often, admins of groups use such resources to send messages, invitations to groups from other accounts, various mailings. Everything is done to attract new participants. All your accounts created in this way can be banned or the same operators simply block the numbers used, so so as not to risk, and at the same time attract many subscribers to your page, take advantage safe decision From the studio SOCPRKA.

In addition to those discussed above the free sites, there are even more resources in the network that require a fee for using phone numbers. Here are some examples: (screenshot at the top),, and others. On all such sites there are always many free, high-quality rooms. By the way, Russian numbers are found not so often, but it does not play any value when registering vk.

Of all the above, it can be concluded that you can find a virtual number on the network for registration of VKontakte, will not work much work. The only question is that choose. Free or paid resource? Another. If you do not want to understand all these English-speaking sites, then visit the resource: "OnlineSim.Ru" (picture below). Its functionality, namely, receiving the SMS, you can try completely free by clicking on the appropriate button, as shown below.

Of course, this is good for you, when you do not shine your number, but as they say, the medal has two sides. If you actively use pages registered on the left numbers, you will have to confirm the phone number for any trivia. Without confirmation, you will be forced every time enter the code from the pictures (captcha). It is very annoying, so we advise you to register pages for real numbers of loved ones or friends. And for the cheating of those most friends you always (at any time) to the specialists of our agency.

A small review below will consider the opposite direction of the medal - risks of hacking accounts On Internet resources in cases where access to the SMS reception is available - for example, in the case of using free virtual numbers.


Often, users do not want to leave their personal phone numbersAlso save on the purchase of numbers for redirect or organization of the SMS reception, using free services available.

There are actually a lot of such services, below lists some workers at the moment:

The essence of these services is simple: the user is provided with some number and a basic web interface that displays the SMS messages entering this number in real time.

There is a choice of numbers of various countries, the most popular USA, the Russian Federation, United Kingdom and Canada, although fans of exotic can take advantage of philippines or Brazil.

To use free rooms, services do not require registration and absolutely anonymous. If the user wants to get a number that will not be displayed, for it will have to pay. The price depends on the rental period of the room and the country's code - and can vary in very wide limits from the pair of hundreds of rubles to $ 30 and higher.

It is clear that the ordinary user who does not want to "shine" his number and receive spam in the form of SMS simultaneously underestimates security and uses free, temporary and publicly available services. Usually, it is motivated "To restore the password, I will have enough e-mail", "I still will not use it", etc.

Risks and description of the attack

The risks in the described situation are obvious: the attacker can read SMS, as well as any other visitor site of free rooms. This means that the procedure for sending a code to the tied phone number can be initiated potentially on the account page.

After receiving the access, the attacker can easily change the email addresses and the phone number, and thus fully seize the examination of the victim.

Since the update of the list of free rooms is sometimes produced quite rarely - once a few months - the attacker can find a lot of rather interesting information accumulated by the victim during this period.

Our small analysis

We tried to use the specified mechanism and access some accounts.

We found the following main cases of the application of free SMS services with the possibility of accessing access.

  • Social networks and dating services. In this case, access is enough to get enough, especially if the user has not set an additional security check. It should be said that most of the accounting records were used for fraud and were blocked, but in some cases they were quite used, sometimes even with activated paying services. Especially in this case, users of dating services are vulnerable, for example, Mamba, since additional security on these resources is simply not provided, and the correspondence contains sufficiently a lot of delicate information that can easily be used for blackmail.
  • Registration Viber, WhatsApp, etc. Despite the evidence that after the "obsolescence" of the free number, the user can easily lose access to his account, we found quite a lot of actively used accounting records. Risks in this case are completely similar to social networks - all delicate correspondence, as well as the photo can become an attacker mining.
  • Using various Internet Services. Very often, the login and password were sent to the number, and therefore access was made absolutely no problem. We did not set the task to beat the record for the number of money on the services, moreover - we did not take advantage of a single penny, but there were money:
  • Fraudulent action. Especially in this regard, the taxi drivers were pleased: the overwhelming number of accounts that were obtained using free virtual numbers and tested by us corresponded to drivers, but not passengers. This seemed to us logical: It is unlikely that the passenger wants that the driver does not get through to him, but the driver is very often gaining from another number, "because the phone sat down", etc. Such schemas make it possible to reset the rating, use multiple cars, etc.

    We also noted the mass of SMS associated with the design of credit cards, receiving loans, etc.

  • Registration of insurance policies, loyalty programs, etc.


Apparently, users are not enough to realize the criticalness of the use of free virtual numbers to register various accounts and other services. This can be somehow explained in cases where the number is used to test such registration (although the test process itself cannot be convenient, since anyone can "sang" the account thus obtained and interrupt the course of work), but can not be justified in Cases when such registration will be seriously used subsequently.

It's funny that despite the fact that many services check the binding of the number to VoIP services (for example, it will not be possible to register with the numbers attached to Google Voice / Hangouts), but this is unknown such a checking for free virtual numbers - although such The check can easily be done by simple call to the number.

Today more and more Internet services require when registering to specify the number mobile phone. From the point of view of security, this is reasonable: confirmation by SMS has repeatedly reduces the risk of an account hacking. But there are situations where the phone's request only interferes. For example, when creating another profile on the same resource.

We, as a rule, we own only one or two SIM cards. If their numbers are already present in the site base, problems arise with registration. What do we do in such cases? Or refuse the venture, or prefer close and friends to allow us to take advantage of their phones. However, there is a way simpler - a virtual phone number for rent.

Appointment, capabilities and advantages of virtual numbers

We dealt with one of the types of virtual numbers - they are used to receive SMS when registering in social networks, such as "VK" and "classmates", as well as on other web sites. The rental duration ranges from 5 minutes to days. The cost of the service is symbolic. And in some places it is for free.

A different variety of virtual phones use in business. In this area, they are not used to register on sites, but by the main purpose - to receive and make calls, as well as - for SMS / MMS and fax messages. Such rooms are provided for rent (usually long-term) telecom operators of various regions. The essence of the service is as follows: the subscriber (enterprise) is in one region, and works in another. In order not to open on the payment of roaming and long-distance communication, the company buys (rents) a virtual number in the work region, all data from which is redirected to these phones or PBX of the Customer. The room is usually provided with the usual - municipal. Less often mobile.

Advantages of virtual telephony:

  • For users of Vkontakte and other social networks - the ability to create an unlimited number of accounts.
  • For those registered on stores and shopping areas - The ability to avoid telephone spam and protect yourself from fraudsters.
  • For subscribers of paid gaming, musical and other web services with a free trial period, where the user is identified by the phone number: the ability to extend the free period for an unlimited time.
  • For business - savings on communication services. Simplification of communications with an enterprise for customers and partners in remote regions (this is no less important than personal savings, because few people want to pay for calls to your company for the tariffs of the Montgord).

The best services for receiving SMS with Russian numbers is a classic paid, but inexpensive service for registration on the Internet sites. Provides the following features:

  • Select numbers from an unlimited base. This ensures that no one has enjoyed them before you. The base is available 24 hours a day.
  • Get SMS to the previously used number.
  • Forward included on your personal mobile phone.

After registration (here it is obligatory) you have to replenish the bill. Currently (December 2016) 6 options for replenishment are available:

Tariffs, as can be seen from the screenshot, low. The most expensive - 17 rubles for the immediate provision of the room for Vkontakte, which accepts SMS for 20 minutes. If you want to save a little, you can get a used number for 12 rubles, (but unused on this service), Which sometimes has to wait quite a long time.

Cheaper all costs Rent a phone for receiving SMS with Mamba, Yandex, Whatsapp, Telegram, Seosprint, friend around, Steam, Uber and Openi. Immediately - 3 rubles used with a delay - 2 rubles.

OnlineSim offers MTS, Beeline and MegaFon number. Optionally, you can configure the filter so that only one operator phones are shown. Also, you can "filter" the region (Moscow, St. Petersburg), the ability to redirect SMS to a personal mobile phone and service option (repetition of the message and renewal of the lease).

The site is available to order an account statement (with operations, flow amounts and dates). And if there are difficulties or problems, you can always contact technical support.

In many ways, the hike is similar to the previous service. It also contains a huge base of free, never used phones for registration on various resources. Rates on average are the same. So, rent a number to create an account account, costs 8-10 rubles. Buy the finished account - 12 rubles.

A little more reason to rent a room for receiving SMS to certain period Time: 3 hours - from 40 rubles, a day - from 60 rubles.

The list of Internet resources with which SMS works is not longer than the online sim, but here it is possible to use telephones of several countries. Among the available: Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Bulgaria.

Main advantages paid Services SMS reception - time saving. For not too ruining the amount (2-15 rubles) you will be provided with the phone of your country (many domestic resources simply do not accept American and European numbers), which is guaranteed by anyone not used. And the contents of the SMS, which you will receive, no one except you will read.

Onlinesim and SMS-REG are far from the only sites that provide SMS reception service. There are also such that do not require anything from the user. Even the registration, not to mention the payment. You can not register with their help by VKontakte, but for some "omnivorous" Internet sites and they are quite suitable.

Free services with foreign numbers

- One of the most easily use of SMS reception services. Works for free and without creating an account. It is enough to take one of the available numbers for 5 minutes and specify it when registering on the right site. The current available number is displayed in the second field from above. The response message (SMS confirmation) will appear right here - on the Sellaite page.

The advantages of the service are simplicity and accessibility. Disadvantages - all the phones provided are repeatedly used, so the bulk of the Internet players does not accept them. There are no Russian numbers. Ukrainian and Belarusian - too. In addition, the text addressed to you will be visible to everyone who is now online.

Receive SMS Online

The service works in a similar way - it is enough to go and take any of the eight free phones. Unlike Sellaite, Russian and Ukrainian numbers are often available here.

Next to each phone indicated how many times it was used in the last 24 hours. The smaller, the greater the likelihood that the number will be accepted by the site where you are registered.

Response SMS with confirmation codes come here. To read, just click on the number. compared to the two previous - much more civilized service is one of the most popular web resources of this kind in the English-language space. In his assets - an extensive base of phones of various countries of the world. However, Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian among them are quite a bit.

Twilio services can be used for free, but for this you need to create an account. When registering, it is important to specify the present email address and the number of your mobile phone, otherwise you will not receive confirmation and you will not be able to enter your personal account.

To get your first free twilio number, click "Get Started".

The next window displays the virtual phone provided to you. Despite the fact that the service tries to choose for users of their states, Russian phones go far from all. We, for example, got American.

If you want to change the number, click "Choose This Number".

To close the window, click "Done".

If the new version also did not suit you by clicking "Buy A Phone Number", you can buy another. In this case, you will be given the choice of phones of 20-30 countries. Perhaps you are lucky: among them there will be Russia.

To manage Twilio numbers, click the Manage Phone Numbers button.

The information you are interested in is in the "Message Log" section. (former

- The last in today's selection of a really working service of virtual telephony. Provides in the short-term use of real mobile numbers. The cost of services is from € 0 (for one SMS) to € 5 (per daily use).

A trial reception of SMS on ProOVL does not require registration (the received message is displayed on the site). If this is not enough, after creating an account and replenish account, the user is given a choice of a dozen of Europe and the US telephones.

On the site operate 2 tariff plan: Standard and Premium. Disposable reception of messages on the other tariff is not worth nothing. Connecting a permanent virtual number - € 5-10. Subscription fee per day - € 5. At the standard tariff simultaneously you can connect no more than 2 rooms, on a premium - without restrictions.

ProVL virtual phones can be used for registrations on any Internet sites (except those that send data only to Russian numbers) and, unlike a number of similar, take long messages. Information is stored in personal Cabinet User up to 150 days.

For VKontakte to register, without connecting additional device, Shopping a SIM card and a lot of other. Freezvon offers its customers to purchase a Virtual SMS number for Russia or Ukraine. You will be able to receive messages at any point in the world. All incoming SMS will be redirected to the URL, email or on yours mobile number phone For the first two directions, redirection is completely free.

How to buy a virtual number for VKontakte:

  • Register on the website or log in to your personal account, if you have already registered;
  • Top up your balance on the cost of connecting the number and the sum of the subscriber. fees for 1 month;
  • Select the number type (SMS);
  • Choose a country (Russia Mobile or Ukraine Mobile) *;
  • Select the city code or operator;
  • Set forwarding settings to get SMS (phone number, email or URL);
  • Check your data and complete the order.

What is a virtual number for VKontakte

The usual phone number with the country code, city and operator, which works on the principle of redirecting text messages via the Internet. The most important thing is that for connecting this room You do not need to buy and install additional equipment, buy a new SIM card, etc. Order and Connect the number for VC occurs online.

Incoming SMS messages for virtual number for VK

From the above, it can be noted that the Virtual Number for SMS works at the expense of forwarding. The message coming to the virtual number passes through our server and already in accordance with your personal settings Sends to the direction you indicated. Incoming SMS can be redirected to:

  • Mobile;
  • Email;
  • URL.

Virtual number for registration in VK

Forwarding to Email and the URL is free, and on mobile - paid. In the Personal Account you can change the forwarding settings at any time convenient for you. With tariffs for receiving and sending SMS you can read

Outgoing SMS from the virtual number

You have the opportunity not only to receive SMS messages for registration in VKontakte, but also send text messages to your friends, familiar, colleagues. To do this, you need to log in to the Personal Account, open the "Sex" tab, enter text message, Recipient number and click "Send". As you can see, everything is very simple and easy.

Advantages of the virtual number for VK

Such an IP telephony service, as a Virtual Number for SMS, has a huge number of advantages. Below you can familiarize yourself with them.

Traffic mining from VKontakte requires many accounts. When working with the official stock exchange or creating a grid of own publics, you can face a ban for violations. VKontakte profiles are needed for bottle farms that use SMM services. And in the case of massolloving, mass flow or other types of spam in VK, covers are blocked very quickly.

Why, when registering VK sends SMS

VKontakte requires activation of a new account to confirm the identity of the owner. The reason is a large number of spam to get free traffic and the activity of bots when promoting communities or records. This forced the administration VK to look for ways to fight autorecores.

Also, the social network can again demand to confirm that you are the owner of the account, in the case of suspicious actions, for example, when entering the site from another country or from the IP address from which many profiles are registered or spammed.

What is SMS reception service

This is a site where the user can get a virtual number for receiving SMS in a suitable country. The issued number must be specified when registering on a social network, and in the office on the site to receive a sent message and enter this code in the VC to activate the account.

The virtual phone number can be used to work at once or rent for a long time.

Examples of online services for receiving SMS from VKontakte

All these services provide API to automate the account registration process.

Free SMS reception services from VK

Some online services provide an opportunity to receive SMS to "General" numbers. For each number you can see the status and time when it was added to the site. Remember that in such services coming SMS Will be seen to all visitors of the site.

The editorial office of the partner tested some free Services For receiving SMS:

We tried to register a new VKontakte account using each of these services, choosing different countries and phone numbers. In all cases, VC refused to send SMS with a confirmation code on the numbers from these sites.

Possible problems when using free Activation SMS services

VKontakte allows you to tie no more than three accounts to one phone. And phone numbers of free services are already reused. Therefore, in most cases, you risk a long to go through the numbers, and every time you only see an error message every time.

In addition, you do not know which accounts have already been or elsewhere will be registered with this public number and fall into dependence on other people's actions. VKontakte can punish one user and simultaneously block all other profiles activated by the same phone.


So, although free SMS reception services exist and work, to activate VKontakte accounts, they are useless. It is very difficult to track the moment of the appearance of a fresh room on this site and have time to use it first. It is easier to activate with a paid number.

And how to extract and earn on traffic from this socialist tells.