How to make registration on iPhone. How to create an Apple ID without binding a bank card

The main advantage of the American account is access to the local App Store.. It has a much larger assortment of applications and games, including exclusive, inaccessible in our country. At the same time, many new products appear there much earlier.

In addition, there are various cutting services like Spotify, RDIO, not working on the territory of the Russian Federation. More advantages can be attributed free Installation Paid applications for iPhone, iPad and Mac through the FreeMyApps service that supports only the American App Store.

True, there are also cons. Subscription Apple Music., Films B. iTunes Store. And another digital content buy through American Apple id is unprofitable because prices are above.

How to register american apple id

To appear the option of creating a new Apple ID, you must first get out of the existing one. To do this, open the "Settings" → Apple ID, click "Exit" and after entering the password "OFF"

Press "Exit" again and confirm your choice. Do not worry, all information will remain in iCloud and automatically synchronized when the account is retained.

Wait until the data is loaded into the cloud. After that, the settings screen will look as follows.

Find anyone free app Or the game in the App Store and click "Download". Select "Create Apple ID" in the pop-up window.

Specify your mail that will be used as a login, come up with a password. Select United States, turn on the Agree to Terms and Conditions toggle switch and click Next. Fill in the personal information and ask answers to secret questions.

Select the method of payment None and fill out accounts for invoice. Use Google Maps and take the address of any hotel. Preferably from the state where there is no purchase tax, such as Florida.

  • Street - Street with a selected building (1751 Hotel Plaza).
  • City - City (Orlando).
  • State State (FL - Florida).
  • ZIP - index (32830).
  • Phone - telephone number (407–827–4000).

Confirm Create an account. Make sure the Agree to Terms and Conditions are enabled and click Next. Enter verification codewhich will come to the E-mail specified when registering.

Wait for the setup completion and click Continue. Now everything is ready.

To check, find in the App Store any inaccessible application in Russia, such as Spotify, and install it. If it works, it means that you did everything right.

What will happen to the old account

As the registration of the new Apple ID is in no way connected with the existing, nothing threatens him. The old account will be saved, and the applications purchased in it can be re-on the device - they will not go anywhere.

To access the previously purchased content, it is enough to get out of the American Apple ID and log in mainly.

How to switch between accounts

Applications, games and other digital content are tied to Apple ID from which it is bought or downloaded. Therefore, to download and update applications from the American App Store will have to switch between accounts.

It is done very simple: you need to exit the current account by clicking on your avatar on the main screen of the App Store, and then scroll down and select Sign Out. After that, you need to open the same menu again and enter the username and password from another account.

There is a more easy method - to open a reference to the content that is available only in the American or Russian store. In this case, the iTunes Store will automatically switch to the appropriate account. To go to the Apple ID ID, open this link, and to return to the local - click.

Greetings to you, dear reader.

Recently, I am increasingly and more often asked about Apple ID.

Due to the fact that Apple products in Russia are becoming increasingly popular and more popular, more and more happy apple apple owners appear (it does not matter iPhone / iPad or iPod).

Naturally, everyone needs to download various applications for their devices. That's where problems begin, when downloading, you must specify your Apple ID, but where to get it - it is not said. How to register it?

There are two ways to create an Apple ID: with personal computer With installed program iTunes. And, directly, with your iPad / iPhone / iPod device. I will consider both these options.

Creating an Apple ID via iTunes (from a computer)

1. Run iTunes. If you do not have this program, then read this () article from which you will find out - what is iTunes and where to take this program;

2. From iTunes program you need to log in to iTunes Store, for this click on the "iTunes Store" button in the right upper corner Or, if the button is not visible, press the CTRL + SHIFT + H key combination;

3. Click on the "Login" button. This button is in the upper left corner of the window;

4. In the window that opens, click on the "Create Apple ID" button;

5. In the window that appears, click on the "Continue" button. Check the box in front of the "I'm familiar ..." item, click the "Accept" button;

6. After you accept the Terms of Use, fill out all the necessary information: E-mail, Apple ID password (you need to come up with) secret Question (You can use any), date of birth, click on the "Continue" button;

7. At the next stage you need to specify your number bank card, validity and security code. Without a card, the account will not be able to register.

If you do not have the cards, then this is not a problem, now we will start a virtual one for you, which can be successfully used.

How to start a virtual card

1. Go to the site payment system Qiwi () and click on the "Register" button.

3. When you go to your account, then in the menu, click on the "Map" link.

4. Go down to the bottom of the page and click on the button "Buy Visa Virtual";

5. Next, you need to specify your phone number (to which the map will be registered). Choose a payment method (card issue costs 25 rubles). Click pay. Map number, security code and expiration date will come to you by SMS to the phone you specified.

You can pay the release of the card from your QIWI account, for this replenish it to the required amount, this is done in the Top up section.

After you get all the map data, return to the creation of an Apple ID.

To get the ID, you can pass only one step: enter the map data to the appropriate fields and click the "Create Apple ID" button.

Register Apple ID via iPad / iPhone (from your device)

So, go to the process of creating an Apple ID using your device. I will show an example tablet computer iPad.

1. We are looking for an application with the name "App Store" on your device and launch it;

3. Click on the "Create Apple ID" button;

4. Select the country and click on the "Next" button;

5. In the next window, we are invited to familiarize yourself with license Agreement, read and click "I accept";

6. In the next window, specify your electronic address, choose three control questions, date of birth and click "Next";

7. In the next window, you will be offered to enter information on your bank card, enter it. If you do not have the cards, I told the above - how to get a virtual map.

Very popular. Here, it was necessary to make a separate instruction on how to register an account in the App Store from the iPad. It will be a supplement to the main instruction for beginners.

There are several reasons. Despite the fact that in the main instruction, everything is set forth the most clearly - several people who have problems occur daily. Well, more and more often you can meet people who do not have a computer, but bought an iPad.

I will describe in detail the version of the account without a credit card. Registration with a credit card differs only by the fact that the right moment You need to drive credit card data.

Step 1

Option 1 - If you have a suitable credit card and exactly sure that the App Store will take it ...

Registration can begin so. In the App Store Application Selection tab - scroll down and click the "Login" button, and then proceed immediately to the second step.

Option 2. - If you want to register account without a credit card Or they are not sure that the card will be accepted, then start the registration so ... In principle, this is a recommended option in any case - credit data can be easily added a little later. This tells the article "How to change account data in iTunes “.

We go to the App Store application on the iPad. Open the tab Best. We see that free applications on the right (FREE inscription). Pack on any. The button will change its appearance and it will be written on it "installed". We click again, a form where you need to poke on the button "Create a new Apple ID":

Step 2.

In the next window, you can choose the region of your App Store. Constantly arise questions than the different App Store different countries? Interest of 80-85 applications exist in all APP STORE, the remaining 15-20 are usually local applications, topical only for a particular country. American App Store (do not take now Chinese, as you are unlikely to make yourself a Chinese account for their local applications) perhaps the richest choice, but this does not mean that he is so necessary for the Russians.

Step 3.

Next Agreement with Apple - down we find the Agree button and click on it and then again the same word in the pop-up message. If you are completely novice and you have a lot of free time read with what you agree. So that there were no questions like: "Why, when I bought 10 applications in a row, money was not written off? I thought that glitch, and now iTunes blocked the map because of the insufficient amount of money on it ... ":)

Email - Your mailbox. It will be yours Apple ID! In the future, if Apple id will be required from you, it means that you are about email, which you were registered at this step.

Password- How many copies were broken about passwords. This is the only question that I just ignore, since the rules for creating passwords wrote already at the end of the article. Examples of 100 percent passwords taken: TPUR9090 or WE8753WS or DFIO3490, etc.

Verify - Here you need to drive exactly the same password as you came up with an item above.

Question. - Control question in case you forget the password. I recommend not to forget the password and in the ligament question-answer to invent some nonsense. (Example: how much will 5 plus 5, answer: Vasily Ivanovich)

Answer. - The answer to the question above.

Well, below you need to enter the day, month and year of your birth. And further ...

Step 6.

After entering the payment information, a message appears, where you are notifying that it would be nice to check email on which you recorded an account (indicated in 4 steps).

Step 7.

We go to your mail and see the letter. If it is not, we check whether it did not fall into spam or just wait.

Apple ID is a personal account that provides access to Apple services.

Babying the instructions below, you can:

    download programs, games, music and movies from the App Store and iTunes Store;

    synchronize photos, contacts, notes, browser bookmarks and other data between your apple devices using cloud storage icloud;

    free to share instant messages iMessage and call FaceTime video calls to other users apple technology;

    find iPhone, iPad or Mac in case of loss or theft.

Other ways to create an Apple ID:

How to Create Apple ID without a bank card with iPhone or iPad

Step 1: Run the store app. Store on your iPhone or iPad.

Step 2.: Click the Top Charts tab and try downloading any free app.

Step 3.: Click on the "Enter" button, then select "Create Apple ID".

Step 4.: You will find a list of countries. Select the country in which you need to register accountand click "Next".

Step 5.

Step 6.: On the page that opens, fill in the following fields:

    E-mail. Enter an existing address emailTo which you have access. It is he who will be your Apple ID;

    Password. Try to come up with a rather complicated password, consisting of at least 8 characters, with alternating capital and lower case letters and numbers. Do not choose light passwords to avoid hacking your account. In the second text box, enter the invented password again.

Important! Remember good, but better write the invented password. Without it, you will not be able to use Apple ID.

    Safety. Choose three control questions and enter your answers to them in text fields. This information will be needed if you forget the password to Apple ID.

    Backup e-mail. If you lose your password from Apple ID, the backup e-mail will facilitate its recovery. Fill this field is optional.

    Date of Birth. According to Apple's domestic policy, the system will refuse apple registration ID, if less than 13 years have passed from the date introduced until now.

Step 7.

Step 8.

How to create an Apple ID without a bank card using a Mac or PC computer

Step 1: Start the iTunes application on your computer.

Step 2.: Click on the drop-down menu in the upper left corner of the iTunes window.

Step 3.: Select the "Programs" section.

Step 4.: At the top of the screen, select "App Store".

Step 5.: You switched to the App Store store, the same as on the iPhone and iPad. Choose any free app and click "Download".

Step 6.: In the window that opens, click on "Create Apple ID".

Step 7.: Accept the user agreement, after which you confirm the consent by clicking "Accepting".

Step 8.: Fill in information on the page that opens, as described above in this article, and click "Next".

Step 9.: On this page you must specify payment data. If you have done everything correctly, there will be no "no" from choosing a credit card type. Choose it.

Step 10.: To the email address specified as an identifier (username) of Apple ID, a log confirming will be sent. Open this letter and click on the link to complete creating Apple. ID.

If you read this article, you must have to congratulate you - you bought a new iOS-device and now you need to configure it, in particular - to create an Apple ID account (EPL AIDI), which will help fully reveal the functionality of the gadget.

In this article, we will tell how to create an Apple ID on the iPhone, however, the given manual can also be used to create a personal account and in any other iOS-device.

However, let's start in order and discern with the concepts - what is Apple ID and why register this identifier is so necessary.

Apple ID is a personal account unique for each iOS user, allowing you to access all apple giant's branded services, including the App Store, ICloud, IMESSAGE, FACETIME, etc.

Of course, it is possible to exist without an Apple ID, but in this case a very correct word - to live in full force, as they say, without a personal account of the iPhone will not be able. Watch themselves, without Apple ID it is impossible to even download applications in the App Store, that is, you will only have access to "native" pre-installed programs, the spectrum of which is widespread and comprehensive to call it difficult. Apple even the most popular social networks Does not pre-install - so without id and fresh photos in Instagramm will have to look exclusively through the browser.

As for others apple servicesthen here you can also incur serious losses. No apple id? So, it is impossible to send messages to messages through iMessage and call via FaceTime. And you can not access the icloud cloud storage, activate the "Find iPhone" option and so on and the like. In short, where you do not suway, an apple id is required everywhere.

How to create an Apple ID on the iPhone?

However, you do not need to worry, because the creation of Apple ID takes quite a bit of time. Many, however, scares that when registering an identifier, you need to specify a bank card data, which is logical, because something needs to buy applications. Nevertheless, there are many users who fear to enter data cards and the lack of opportunity to buy a program or content is not confused. Just for such users, we have excellent news - to introduce payment information is completely optional, and in our manual we will tell how to "skip" this step.

Well, let's figure out how to register an Apple ID. It is worth noting that there are two ways to perform this procedure - registration can be carried out directly from iPhone or use the "intermediary" - iTunes program. We will give instructions for the first, and for the second method, but we note that there will be almost no differences in them. That is, the selection of this or new method of creating an account apple records The ID will be determined by the fact that you are more convenient to work with which device - if it is easier to use the i-device directly, then read the first instructions, but if the "closer" PC and iTunes, then the second.

Registration Apple ID with iOS-device

So, first of all, since in our opinion it is so easier, tell me how to create an Apple ID with an iPhone. It does not matter whether you have a new iPhone 7 or another model, the instruction will be united:

As soon as the account is activated, the application you selected in step 1 of the instructions will start loading.

Registration Apple ID through iTunes

Well, now let's analyze the account registration process through iTunes. As we have said above, the ways are very similar, and therefore here we will put out the essence of the brief. If something is incomprehensible, refer to the first guide: