How to check where the owner of a phone number is. How to find a person by mobile phone number - All ways

If you need to find a specific person by phone number, there are several effective ways do it. There are many illegal ways to accomplish a given task.

For example, you can buy on the radio market or find a database of phones on the Internet.

But this method is illegal and you can be prosecuted by law enforcement agencies. We will not consider such ways of resolving the issue.

Instead, we learn all legal and simple methods find out the owner of the telephone.

It is worth saying that they are quite effective and some even allow you to find out the location of the subscriber. It will be interesting!



The reasons why we may be trying to find the owner of the number can be very different.

But if these are threats that come to you or your loved ones, then you should not try to deal with this person on your own. Better apply to law enforcement.

Advice: Provide the threat recorders with your application. To do this, record one or more conversations using your phone.

The easiest way is to use one of the applications designed for this. For example, there is "Record Phone Calls to MP4" which can be downloaded.

Using it is extremely simple - open the application and put the switch in the right upper corner into position "On"

After that all telephone conversations will be recorded and you can copy them to a flash drive.

After that, take the flash drive and go to the nearest police station, where you can write a statement and wait for the trial.

The fact is that law enforcement agencies have quite legal access to the aforementioned telephone bases.

And investigators or other representatives of these bodies can calmly look at who owns the phone, find this person at his residence and / or registration address and come to him to "talk" about the threats.

And if you need to complete the task for some other reason, use one of the methods described below.

search engines

The most banal and simple way, which literally lies on the surface, is to , or any other search engine and enter the desired number.

The fact is that phone owners one way or another post their numbers in social networks, bulletin boards, forums, various sites and so on.

Perhaps the person offered some services or sold a product and for this he posted his number.

In the 21st century, the situation is such that practically each of us has "lit up" his number at least once somewhere.

Even if you just indicated it when registering on some resource, it means that it is already present somewhere and you can find it.

Therefore, just enter the desired number into the search engine and enjoy the result.

Hint: Enter the phone number without +38, if it is Ukraine and without +7, if Russia, and so on.

When writing this material, we entered one number and, to everyone's surprise, we managed to find the owner very quickly - he "spotted" him in one of the groups. As you can see in Figure 2, he entered it when collecting a fan club. Actually, when switching to the first search result, we managed to see who this user was. When going to his page on the social network, it was also possible to find out where he lives, what he is interested in, and so on. Everything is extremely simple!

But it happens that the use of search engines does not give anything. Then you should try to search directly in places where a person could "light up".

Social networks

Judging by the search results, users from this country most often post ads on this resource. Also, visit the following sites:

  • advertisements.rf;
  • business market. rf.

If you do not agree with the above lists and, be sure to use the search on them.

As for the forums, there are quite a few of them and they are all thematic. It just doesn't make sense to search for everyone.

If a search in a regular search engine did not give anything, but you at least roughly guess what kind of person you are looking for, you can try to find him on the thematic forum, which, in your opinion, may be of interest to him.

But This method is ineffective.

That's all!

Actually, this is where all the legal ways to find a person, that is, the owner of a particular phone number, end.

There, too, everything is paid and the prices are almost the same as

In addition to websites, there are also quite usual tariffs from various mobile operators that allow you to track the location of a person.

Operator tariffs

Important! It should be said right away that all the tariffs that we will consider allow you to determine the location only with the consent of the subscriber. When you order the service, he will receive a notification and he can agree or refuse to let someone know where he is.

So, here is a list of currently available tariffs of Russian mobile operators, which make it possible know the user's location:

    "Locator" - MTS Russia. The operator allows you to see where your friends and relatives are. But no one checks who exactly you will track, so you can connect any subscriber. The cost of connecting the service is 100 rubles per month, provided that you submit 100 requests to find out the location. In fact, the price of one request is 1 ruble. You can study this service in more detail on the website.

    Beeline. Coordinates from Beeline. The conditions are the same as, but the cost is 1.7 rubles every day, regardless of the number of requests. However, you can track a maximum of 5 people. More information can be found at

To find out the owner by phone number, you have to work hard. This is confidential information that is not subject to disclosure and dissemination. We will provide instructions for finding owners in the following locations:

  • In open sources.
  • in subscriber databases.
  • Through the Sberbank Online system.

We will also talk about obviously non-working methods, give warnings and recommendations.

Search for a person by phone number

The easiest way to get a person by phone number is to try to search for information on the Internet. We open any search engine, enter the number and carefully analyze the issue. It may contain links to blogs, personal sites, forums, message boards and other resources where the person you are looking for could leave their contact information - this is the name of the owner and phone number.

The easiest way to find people who are engaged in some kind of commercial activity on the Internet. They have their own websites and blogs with their contact details. They can also leave contacts on other sites - business forums, conferences, business directories. If a person has never left his phone anywhere, this search method will be fruitless. Believe me - there are no sites with databases of all subscribers. And even if they are, the data in them is hopelessly outdated.

Our specialists managed to find a resource where you could find out the owner landline phone by his number. The data turned out to be outdated by at least 10-12 years - in that city the numbering changed, and the person himself lives at a different address. Also, do not trust services that show owners on the map - they do not work.

Search for people in the database

Here you are on a slippery slope - the distribution of subscriber bases is illegal. If necessary, you can be imprisoned even for trying to purchase a carrier with a database of numbers. Therefore, we strongly do not recommend getting involved in such operations - it is too dangerous for one's own freedom.

The danger of such databases lies not only in the articles of the Criminal Code, but also in their relevance. Often they turn out to be so old that no more than 10% of the information actually corresponds. Sense from such a source - zero.

Another danger is that the database may turn out to be fake and contain viruses. A typical example of this - the downloaded file demonstrates the unpacking of some archive with numbers, names and surnames, after which it asks you to enter a phone number for confirmation or data bank card. In the first case you will get mobile subscription(wild debits will start from the account), and in the second one, you will simply pass the card details to the scammers (believe me, there is a way to steal money even without SMS confirmation and knowledge of the CVC code).

You may also encounter fake sellers - they offer a non-existent product and leave buyers without money. You should not trust those who offer to find the owner of a cell or landline phone number on their own.

We turn to cellular operators

Punch a phone number and find out the owner through cellular operator impossible. The hotline does not provide such information, the consultants in the salons - even more so. You can find acquaintances in the office of one or another operator and break through the owner through it, but this is dangerous - at best, the consultant will get off with the loss of his job, and at worst, he will go to jail for disclosing personal data.

Practice on hotline one of the operators, as well as in the customer service office, shows the irrepressible interest of people in personal data. Most often, people suffer from annoying calls from unknown numbers. And they want to know who is calling them. In this case, they try to contact the operator, but it is useless. Where it is more effective to contact the police - they will find the violator of your peace of mind.

Search through the police

It is impossible to search for a person through the police in Russia. More precisely, no one will give you its coordinates just like that. The police will look for a person by number mobile phone only if you write a statement against him - for example, you accuse him of telephone hooliganism. The process looks like this:

  • You are writing a statement.
  • The police sends a request to the operators.
  • After receiving the data, an administrative case is initiated (or a criminal case, depending on what the person you are looking for has done).

Again, the owner’s data will not be given to you - the police will deal with the person on their own.

Life hack - search through Sberbank Online

There is one simple way that will allow us to find out the name and surname of the owner of the number absolutely free. The procedure is performed at home, you do not need to go anywhere. We will use the functionality of the Sberbank Online system. Sberbank cards are used by a huge number of Russians (about 76 million people). And nothing prevents us from punching the owner by phone number using online banking.

Here is an instruction that allows you to find out the owner by phone number:

  • We log in to the Sberbank Online system (you can use the mobile application).
  • We make a payment to the client of Sberbank by phone number;
  • Specify the number and amount in the form (specify 1 ruble).
  • On the confirmation page, we see the name, patronymic and the first letter of the last name of the person you are looking for - the operation should be interrupted at this point.

Sometimes this data is enough to find out the owner.

How can I find out by number cell phone name and surname of the owner and is it possible to do this at all?

Theoretically, this possibility is provided by the operator itself, besides, now there are a lot of services that own databases of numbers.

Note! Before starting a description of all the methods, it should be noted that the procedure for searching for a person by number in each country may differ. For example, in Russia and Belarus, you can only buy a SIM card with a passport, and this greatly simplifies the search for a person. In Ukraine, subscribers are not required to present a passport to purchase a pre-paid communication package.

1. Official statement

All subscriber information cellular is confidential and employees may not disclose it to third parties.

However, each person can contact law enforcement agencies and demand to “break through” the number.

You need to prove that there is an important circumstance (threats, the fact of fraud, other criminal and administrative offenses), due to which you need to identify the owner of the cell phone.

Law enforcement agencies are required to make a request to the telecom operator, as a result of which you will be provided with the following information:

  • Name of the owner of the number;
  • home address (the last officially registered in the country);
  • Date of Birth.

The request can be processed within a month, and it is quite difficult to organize it.

If you need to quickly identify the owner of the number, it is better to use the methods that are available in online mode.

Rice. 1 Search for the owner of a SIM card

V different countries this moment is regulated in its own way. For example, in Russia there is Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 25, 2005 No. 328. You can get acquainted with it on the website.

2. Free DB database

This service is a free source of databases of popular mobile operators in Russia and Ukraine.

The database is not official and may contain outdated information.

Before installation, be sure to check the downloaded file with an antivirus, because unverified users can upload archives and EXE to the site.

Rice. 2 Home page service Free DB RU

To get the database do the following:

  • in the left part of the main window, select a mobile operator and click on the corresponding folder;
  • wait for download new page and click on the "Download" button to start downloading the database phone numbers;
  • install the database or open it with an archiver.

Remember, the activity of identifying the owner of the number is not legal, so all actions are only your responsibility.

3. Service My SMS Box

My SMS Box is another one popular service to determine the owner cell number.

On the site, you can search for a specific phone number or just the first digits. It is very convenient if you forgot some of the numbers, and you need to find a person as quickly as possible.

Rice. 3 Appearance and functionality of the My SMS Box website

The database contains only the numbers of residents of the Russian Federation.

To start a search, enter a phone number in international format in the text field and press the "Search" key.

The search results will display:

This data is enough to find a person on the site and contact him.

Rice. 5 Identification of a person by mobile using Vkontakte

Similarly, you can find a user on Facebook. Click on "Forgot your account?" in the upper right corner of the site and enter the number. Then look at the data about the found user.

Rice. 6 Form for entering a number to recover an account on facebook

Then look at the data about the found user.

Rice. 7 Identifying a person via facebook

Thematic videos:

We will share with you a secret and a way to determine the owner by phone number. There are times when it is necessary to resort to a search, identify or find out the location of one or another owner of the phone. There are different situations, one of which is with the help of a number. When we know only the numbers, but urgently need to find out in whose name the subscriber number is registered. It is important here not to rush and do everything consistently. How to find the owner by his mobile phone number. You should start with the simplest - a call to the number of interest. This can be done more than once, in case the phone is turned off. If luck is with you, then you will be answered. Check with the interlocutor whether he is the owner of this number. If negative, try to find out who it is and how you can contact them. There is another option to achieve the goal, but it is illegal and you should think it over well before using it. This method search for the host is to search for a number in information base mobile operator that owns the wanted number. So ? We look further.

How to determine the owner of a mobile number

When using this opportunity, remember that you are going against the criminal article Russian Federation and you can be held liable. And so a simple and proven way to determine the owner by mobile phone number, for this you need. You can find a disk with such data on the market, usually people who sell radio electronics have them. Using the database is as easy as shelling pears, enter the phone number in the search engine, and it will show you the subscriber's data. It will not be bad to pay attention to the fact that the database is not outdated and contains fresh data. This will help in obtaining reliable information. Since the number can be blocked and re-assigned to another subscriber. So get updated version. There is another category of people who have information that interests you, these are managers at payment points.

Unpleasant situations occur in our life: relations reach the verge of a break, business partners play a “double game” behind their backs, and pressing problems were not resolved due to the inability to establish the necessary contact. Sometimes it happens that a new acquaintance suddenly disappears due to unexpected circumstances, leaving only the cherished numbers of a cell phone number.

Phone number verification will allow you to find out not only the passport data of the desired subscriber, but also the date of birth, place of residence, current place of work, etc.

What determines the cost of a check?

First of all, from the mobile operator, to which given number phone belongs.

3,000 rubles is a database check of one mobile operator (therefore, if a person took advantage of the new law and changed the company, then the private detective will have to look for information about the owner of the phone number in other companies)

In 2014, the Decree on the abolition of "mobile slavery" was signed in Russia. And already in 2015, more than 2 million Russians used this service of mobile operators, so the first three digits of a mobile phone (which indicate which operator the mobile number belongs to) are already correct only in 75% of cases.

Other reasons

  • performer's safety
  • client security
  • complete anonymity of both parties

Guarantees from a detective agency

TORNADO detectives guarantee the accuracy of the found data by phone number, because:

  1. The database of the detective agency contains reliable information on the day of treatment
  2. Detectives carefully process the information, checking the authenticity at each stage of collection
  3. The experience of the detective's work allows us to confidently declare a positive result ongoing operation
We do not provide original documents or the documents themselves. The information of the detective is for informational purposes only.

Is it possible to find out a person's data by phone number for FREE?

Owner Information sim card is stored in the database of the mobile operator, to which there is no public access. Therefore, to obtain reliable data about a person by cell phone number from public sources - IT IS FORBIDDEN. Representatives of cellular companies, as well as law enforcement agencies, have such access.

TORNADO agency detectives can promptly enter a phone number and find out your full name, date of birth, registration address and passport data person.

How to find the address of a person by phone number?

The answer to this question is simple. Some dream of meeting their first love, others want to find out why the owner of the room is a hooligan at night. And it happens that the cherished number can lead relatives who have lost hope to a missing family member, and law enforcement officials to a dangerous criminal hiding from justice.

Three ways to find an address by city (home) phone number in Moscow

  • Phonebook. The phone book, which is familiar to us, contains the data of people who have landline telephones installed in their apartments (private houses).
  • Database. In the age of scientific and technological progress, there is nothing easier than buying a treasured disk, which contains information about the owners of phones not only in Moscow, but also in St. Petersburg.
  • Internet. Experienced user The PC will quickly find the address using the available phone number

The situation becomes more complicated if you need to determine the place of residence of a cellular subscriber, because mobile operators keep the passport data of their customers, including addresses, in strict confidence. Although it happens that the bases of one or another mobile operator are published on the network. However, it is impossible to be 100% sure of the reliability.

So is it possible to find out the address of a person by a mobile phone number?

Answer - Yes. Authorized people can easily find information about a person by number.

for instance, at the official request of law enforcement agencies, the mobile operator is obliged to issue the necessary information (upon presentation of strong arguments). It can also help a hacker who managed to break through the reliable protection installed mobile operator to the customer database. Or just contact the detective agency TORNADO

Who owns the mobile (cell) or landline phone number

It doesn't matter for what reason you want to know the person's data through a phone number - you are bothered by telephone hooligans, pranks, or mentally insane people.

Even if just out of curiosity to find out who is calling in the middle of the night and is silent on the phone

Ways to find out whose phone number is haunting you:
  1. Open site search engine Yandex, Google, etc. You just need to enter the mobile number you are interested in. The chances that Yandex will issue a dossier on a person are, of course, small, but there are. For example, if a person was looking for a job and indicated a phone number in a resume. It happens that the numbers of employees are indicated on the official website of the company. So take a chance. Perhaps the first Internet link will help clarify the situation.
  2. Special Internet resources for finding people. Here the probability of meeting a “new acquaintance” is higher, but such searches cannot guarantee success.
  3. Where and to whom the mobile phone number is registered, they know in the mobile phone shop. The first three digits of the number indicate that it belongs to a particular brand. mobile communications(but after 2014 a new law came into effect to abolish mobile slavery). Give your application to the employees of the communication salon. In it, you will describe in detail the reasons why you need to break through to whom the mobile phone number is issued.
  4. You can find out the last name (full name) of a person by mobile phone number by contacting law enforcement agencies. For them, this will not be a novelty, since every day hundreds of citizens turn to them with similar requests. Law enforcement officers will find out all the ins and outs of a mobile subscriber, but this method of information search takes too much time
  5. Find phone number through social networks

Determine the location of a person (subscriber) by mobile phone number

Possible option find out the location of a person by phone number without the consent of the examinee

Find a person by phone number on social networks

Cell phone number- that's not a lot of information. After all, you can find even a social network account by phone number! This is because most accounts in popular social networks are linked to a mobile phone number.

If the owner of the page in Odnoklassniki or VKontakte did just that, then you can easily find the user account by the linked number. But now, not everyone is ready to indicate their phone number, so they use the “Temporary phone number for receiving SMS” service. On special sites, you can simply rent a phone number for yourself to register on a social network, make transactions with money wallets, etc.

The actions of employees of the private detective agency "Tornado" never go beyond the limits permitted by the legislation of the Russian Federation. But 100 times out of 100, the search result is always positive.

If you do not want to find out the identity of the owner mobile number on social media alone entrust it to professionals. Private detectives of the Tornado agency will help you arrange virtual meetings with the owner of the phone number you are interested in on the social network, as well as deprive you of the headache associated with the need to trace the phone by number, find out the address of the owner of the mobile or landline phone number.

Let's say you receive a threatening cell phone call. You experience misunderstanding, a feeling of injustice. And of course think about the reasons for the calls. Perhaps this is a joke, perhaps they got to the wrong address - they mixed up the number of a mobile or landline phone. Perhaps they threaten purposefully and want to scare you. In any case, you will want to find the person who called you. And to do this - by phone number, since there is no other information. This is important for your own safety.