The proxy server is not responding to internet explorer. Can't connect to proxy server

At present, users have often begun to meet who, when they try to open Internet pages again, find the message: "Cannot connect to the proxy server." Of course, such a message causes some shock, since ignorance of the computer does not allow you to quickly solve the problem.

There is a way out of any situation that any user can do, so you should not rush to the nearest workshop or call a specialist at home. However, it is also undesirable to be idle, since the proxy is a special channel that passes all client traffic through itself. Fraudsters often take advantage of this by stealing personal data (password, login) from social networks and electronic wallets. When such a proxy is covered, the ill-fated inscription appears on the screen: "Cannot connect to the proxy server."

When an error occurs connecting to a proxy server, the Internet connection itself should be checked first. If pages in browsers do not load, but Skype and torrents work absolutely normally, therefore, there is a problem on the computer that needs user intervention.

Change settings

To return automatic connection PC to the network, you need to make some adjustments to the properties of browsers, which is not difficult.

In cases where it is used Google Chrome, you should enter its main settings, and then proceed to adjust advanced settings by finding the Change proxy settings option in the Network group. By clicking on the selected parameter, a new window will appear with several tabs, among them you should identify “Connections”, and then go to it. Then, at the bottom of the new window that appears on the screen, the “Network Settings” parameter will be located, you should also click on it. Now another new window will open, where a bird will be installed next to the phrase "Use a proxy server for local connections." That's just this bird should be removed, and put it at the top, opposite the phrase "Automatic detection of parameters." It remains now to accept the changes made by clicking "OK" each time the windows are closed.

When using other browsers, such as Yandex or Opera, all changes are made in a similar way.

To make changes when using other browsers, adjustments are made through Windows features. The scheme for making changes is only partially different from that described above. Initially, you should enter the "Control Panel", then go to "Internet Options", and then the adjustment process will be completely identical to the previous recommendations.

It should be noted that it is not recommended to make any changes yourself at the workplace, since often in organizations access to the Internet is accompanied precisely through the server. By making changes to the settings yourself, you can completely block access to the Internet. For this reason, if the message “The proxy server is refusing connections” appears on a working computer, it is best to contact system administrator, whose functional responsibilities include the elimination of all network problems.

If the proxy server still does not respond on the home PC, and the user absolutely knows that the Internet is accessed through the server (this happens when connecting to a small local network), then you should check the address and port of the proxy server. If necessary, manually enter the correct data. Unfortunately, when the correct address and port are identified, the only option left is to check the PC for viruses, otherwise you will have to contact the service for targeted help. technical support or to the network administrator.

Connection failure due to malware or registry errors

The proxy server also refuses to accept connections when the PC is infected with malware. By the way, if after making changes to the Internet connection settings using the method described above, it is possible to restore the functionality of browsers, but after rebooting the system the problem reappears, then this indicates that the PC still picked up dangerous viruses. Therefore, the user is simply obliged to direct all efforts to combat them.

Virus removal

You can only remove viruses that adversely affect network connection settings using antivirus programs.

The simplest is AVZ, although you can also use other antivirus programs if you wish. The main requirement is that their databases be updated to the current version.

When using AVZ, you need to click on the item in the "File" menu, then select "Restore system settings", in the window that opens, check the boxes next to each parameter, except for two:

  • "Cleaning Hosts Files".
  • “Full re-creation of SPI settings (dangerous).

It remains only to open the browser again and check if the problem is solved.

Registry cleaning

An Internet connection error, accompanied by a message about the incorrect operation of the proxy server, can occur for various reasons, but one of the additional ways to successfully fix it is registry cleaning.

Initially, you should go to the registry, and for this you will need to enter or first copy and paste the following entry in the OS window: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Windows\

After that, a dialog box appears on the screen, on the left side of which there is a list of folders, and on the left side right side– list of attached files. It is important to check the folder or file called "Appinit_DLLs", for Windows 10 - "AutoAdminLogan". These folders must be empty. If there is something there, then all the contents are deleted without regret.

So, having found problems connecting to the Internet, in which the system reports that the proxy server is to blame for everything, you should not hastily reinstall the browsers used, and even more so reinstall the operating system. It is enough to read the recommendations experienced users, do all the steps, and the error will be eliminated. Otherwise, you still have to take your PC to the workshop, as this may indicate a technical failure.

Proxy server (from English proxy - authorized representative) is a kind of intermediary server in the network. The user first connects to the proxy server, and the proxy then connects to another server that contains the desired resource (e-mail, search engine, etc.). The user does not connect directly to the requested resource, but does so through an "intermediary", which has a number of advantages. Read more about setting up a proxy server in Windows 7 in our article.

What is a proxy server for?

  1. The proxy checks if the requested data is in temporary memory. And if they are, then it does not re-download information from the Internet, which saves traffic.
  2. Network access can be shared among multiple users.
  3. The proxy server preserves the anonymity of requests, since the information is not transmitted further to the Internet and does not remain on the user's computer; The IP address from which the request was made also cannot say anything about the user's computer, only about the proxy server, and it may be located in another country.
  4. A proxy protects your computer from external influences, passing only the requested data, filtering out the excess.
  5. Due to the fact that all data on the computer comes only from a proxy server, you can bypass the blocking of some sites, especially the one that your telecom operator sets independently.

MTS has blocked many torrents for its users, but the proxy server "deceives" the built-in blocking system, since for it the proxy server is just some Internet resource, one of those that can be opened. But the data on the proxy itself comes from completely different sites, sometimes blocked: it is quite difficult to programmatically track this. This is what programs such as Anonymizer and Tor stand for.

How to install: step by step instructions

Consider how to install a proxy server on Windows 7.

Before setting up a proxy server, you need to know its IP address and port. The list of proxy servers can be found on the following websites:


Having decided on the choice of a proxy server and having learned the address and port, proceed with the configuration:

Video: how to set up a proxy server on Windows 7

What to do if your computer is unable to connect to the proxy server?

The proxy server may not respond because it is simply unavailable. In this case, wait or try using the services of some other proxy server.

You may have entered the wrong address or port when setting up the proxy server.

Check this through the control panel: open the "Internet Options" section, in the window that opens, the "Connections" tab. And click "Settings" (in the "Configuring local network settings" subsection, if your connection goes through a local network cable or Wi-Fi, or "Set up dial-up and virtual private networks" if you have a modem). In the window, find the item "Use a proxy server for this connection" and check the entered address and port.

Viruses can interfere with connecting to a proxy server. In this case, it is worth conducting a deep scan of the computer with an antivirus program.

Setting up a proxy server in browsers

If for some reason you need to set separate proxy server settings for different browsers, then setting through the control panel will not work for you. You will need to manually configure the proxy server for each browser. Consider how this is done in the most popular of them.

Mozilla Firefox


Google Chrome, Yandex, Amigo and more

Other browsers

In all other browsers, the steps are similar. First you need to delete your browsing history, cache and cookies, then open the network settings and configure the settings for connecting through proxy servers. There is nothing complicated about this: you just need to dig a little bit in the settings.

How to find out the IP address

If a proxy server is used on your computer, then open "Control Panel" -\u003e "Network and Control Center public access". Click on the active connection and select "Properties" from the list. The TCP/IP field contains the address of the gateway through which the connection is made. This is the IP address of your proxy server.

If your computer is in your home or corporate network, and the proxy server is configured on another computer on the network, then the tracert system command will help you. Through the "Start" turn on " command line" and type "tracert [external host name]" and press Enter. Replace [external host name] with the name of any computer on the network. A list of nodes appears, sorted hierarchically. This way you can find the address and port of the proxy server.

There is another option: use online services that can analyze your connection and determine your IP. And since you are connecting through a proxy server, the IP address of your proxy will be indicated just the same. The following sites will help you:


How to disable the proxy server

If you have a proxy server installed in general for a local or modem network, then follow these steps:

  1. Open the Control Panel.
  2. Find the "Internet Options" (or "Internet Options") section and open it.
  3. The settings window will open. Switch to the Connections tab. Further actions differ for modem (bluetooth, USB, etc.) and local connection (including Wi-Fi). Do the same as when connecting a proxy server, just the other way around: uncheck the boxes.
    1. If the Internet is connected to you via a USB or Bluetooth modem, then do the following: in the “Dial-up dial-up ...” subsection, find and click on the name of your modem that you use to access the Internet, then click on the “Settings” button. In the window that opens, uncheck the box "Use a proxy ..."
    2. If your computer is receiving internet through local connection- Wi-Fi, wired - then follow these steps: in the "Settings ... local network" subsection, turn on the settings. A window will open, uncheck the item "Use a proxy ..."
  4. Ready.

If a proxy server is set in the settings separate browser, then open this browser and go to the network settings (as was done above) and uncheck the box "Use a proxy server ...". Do this for every browser that has made a connection through a proxy server.

A proxy server is a useful thing for those who want to hide their IP address, once again protect themselves from viruses, and save traffic. However, there are also disadvantages: problems on the side of the proxy server itself. For example, if it is overloaded, then its throughput: and it will take longer to download data to the computer than is possible with your Internet speed. In addition, the proxy server itself may contain viruses, so look for a reliable proxy server and do not trust dubious sources.

Today, there are many users who work with modern computer systems on the base operating system Windows. Surely, most of them are familiar with the concept of a proxy server. For those who do not know what it is, today's article is presented.

It contains information about general concept proxy server, as well as the question: what to do if the proxy server does not respond?

What is a proxy server?

In simple terms, a proxy server is a specialized service that makes it possible to connect to the Internet or a local network using indirect (indirect) requests. Thus, the proxy server acts as a so-called intermediary between the user and the requested resource. Moreover, it is not necessary that it be on the Internet. Quite often, users encounter problems that are related to the fact that the proxy server is not responding. The article will consider the most common situations and methods for their elimination.

Causes of Problems Usually, the proxy server does not respond if incorrect settings are used. Sometimes it seems that the addresses are entered correctly, but at some point the connection does not work. What is it connected with? Often the cause of such problems is an incorrect or forced shutdown of the Windows operating system.

For example, during an unexpected power outage, if there is no block uninterruptible power supply. In addition, the proxy server may not respond due to the shutdown of some system services or applications when the operating system freezes. At the same time, proxy settings can simply “fly”.

However, there are certain ways to deal with such problems, and they are quite successful. Some instances of a proxy not responding may be due to its own performance. For example, the following points take place:

Temporary maintenance;
updating software components and so on.

It happens that the provider service does not provide services for connecting using a proxy. V this case it makes absolutely no sense to configure its parameters.

What to do if the proxy server is not responding?

First you need to familiarize yourself with the basic proxy settings. They are called in additional options Internet browser properties, which is installed by default. Standard Internet Explorer or Edge (Windows 10) allows you to configure these settings through the regular Control Panel.

You can consider the case that the provider uses a proxy. If he does not answer, this means that the operating Windows system 7 or any other modification simply does not know its actual address when an attempt is made to establish an intermediate connection. What to do in such a situation? It is enough just to enter the correct address values ​​that are provided by the provider when the terminal is connected to the local network or the Internet. As for local networks, they should be discussed separately. Various problems, including those related to the fact that the proxy server does not respond, the Windows 8 operating system is able to interpret in its own way. This applies to almost all recent versions of Windows, starting with XP.

It is necessary to pay attention to whether the parameter of using a proxy for local addresses is taken into account. If a check mark is placed near this item, it must be removed. Often the problem appears precisely because of this, since the system does not refer to the address of the proxy server itself, but to the identifier of another device that is connected to the local network. True, such addresses, as a rule, have nothing in common, however, the Windows operating system of all versions does not guarantee the absence of failures.

Using anonymous proxy servers

As for anonymous resources on the Internet, which are proxy servers that make it possible to change or hide the real external IP address of the user's computer while surfing the net, everything is a little different with them. As a rule, in this case, connection errors occur precisely because of problems that arise in the resources themselves. This usually manifests itself in the browser displaying a message that the timeout has ended.

Such a notification means that the requested resource, which was intended to work either as a proxy server or as a gateway, did not receive a response from the server in a timely manner. It must be in the connection hierarchy above. In this case, there is an opportunity to use the simplest method. You just need to refresh the page or reboot the system.

True, some situations require disabling the antivirus or firewall. It may also be necessary to include the resource itself in the list of exceptions. As you know, antivirus and firewall can block certain sites that, in their opinion, cause suspicion.

Thus, the most frequent situations were considered, as well as the simplest ways to correct them. In this case, it was decided not to go into the technical side of the issue. It should be noted that in many situations the reason for the lack of communication with proxy servers is not critical violations in the operation of the operating system. We can say that this is an individual case. And the point is not even in user settings, but in the performance of sites of this type themselves.

As a rule, this often happens when using anonymizers. From the foregoing, we can conclude that dealing with the problem is quite simple. Sometimes you just need to check if the network connection or internet access. After all, it happens that the icon in the system tray indicates an active connection, but in fact it is absent at all.

Correct settings for errors when the proxy server refuses to accept connections and fails to connect to the proxy

While surfing the Internet through the use of browsers, users sometimes encounter a problem when, instead of going to the site, the message “Proxy server refuses to accept connections” appears. It looks like this:

If you do not use the local network at the workplace, but the home Internet and a problem of this kind occurs, it means that the proxy used is configured incorrectly. This is indicated by the description of the error in the open tab.

You may receive an error called “Unable to connect to proxy” when you try to connect to sites. Although the user may not use a proxy at all.

Proxy operation properties are set in the programs themselves or in the operating system. First you need to figure out where they are indicated incorrectly. When working with a standard operating system and software, proxy server settings are set by default; they are not set, and therefore not used. But they can be changed malware that are distributed in the system personal computer viruses.

Troubleshooting through the browser

Regardless of the program, the proxy server error is resolved through its settings menu. Consider the option when working with “ Mozilla Firefox". Go to Mozilla settings.

Then in the "Advanced" section, there find the "Network" tab.

At the top of the window there will be a “Connection” section, to the right of it is the “Configure ...” item, click on it and go to the “Connection Settings” window, where we tick the “No proxy” option. If you select the “Use system proxy settings” option, the settings defined by your operating system will be used.

If you use a proxy to visit Internet sites, after the steps taken, this will become impossible. Here you can also manually set the properties of the proxy server, if incorrect data is entered in the “ip-address” and “port” fields. This can be done by clicking on " Manual setting proxy service.

Don't forget to save your changes. The procedure is identical for the "TOR" browser. In the “Google Chrome” software and other programs using its engine (such as “Yandex Browser”, “Amigo”, etc.), as well as in latest versions browser “Opera”, the network connection settings of the operating system are used. How to change them will be described in the next section of this article.

After the changes have been made, the problem of connecting to sites will be fixed. However, after restarting the computer, the connection error may reappear. In this case, you need to change the settings for connecting to the network through the operating system.

Troubleshooting through the operating system

If the actions taken in the previous segment of the article did not bring results and the proxy server is still not responding, you should try to solve the problem by changing system settings. Consider an example using Windows OS.

V Windows versions 7 and 8, you need to go to the “Control Panel” menu, find the “Internet Options” item (it may also be called “Internet Options”).

After you will be taken to a window called “Properties: Internet”, in it go to “Connections”, then “Network Settings”.

In the "Configuring local network settings" window that opens, select the "Auto-detect settings" option.

At using Windows 10, the easiest way to get to the desired settings window is to use the “Search” utility by entering the word “proxy” in the line.

Most likely recurring automatic change computer network settings caused by a malware attack software to which the PC system has been subjected. What to do in this case? It is recommended to check the PC for the presence of such using several antivirus programs, because. not all antiviruses “understand” which ones are malicious and which are not.

Clearing the browser cache and computer registry can also help. In any case, when using proxies, it is better to always check their performance. Many users prefer . In this case, the likelihood of such errors is reduced, and consultants will help you quickly solve the problems that have arisen at any time of the day.

Everyone has heard about a proxy server, but only advanced users know what it is. Meanwhile, this is a useful thing that you should familiarize yourself with, because the proxy provides many advantages, you just need to properly configure it in Windows 7.

What is it and why is it needed

A proxy server is a link between your computer and the web resource with which a connection is being established. The request from your computer goes first to the proxy server ( remote computer), and then to the network. Feedback also happens with the help of an “intermediary”.

Connection scheme using a proxy server

A proxy server allows you to be anonymous on the Internet. It has its own IP address, and since communication with the network is done through it, your IP address goes unnoticed. This is the main advantage, from which there are several reasons why you should install a proxy on your computer.

For our experiments, we bought several private proxies on , choosing Russian IPv4 proxies.

Connecting to a proxy server - how to install on your computer

How to set up work in different browsers

Perhaps you have several browsers on your computer, and you want to use a proxy server on only one of them. Then the setting in the Toolbar is not required, we will do it in the browser. The first step is the same for all browsers: clear history, cache and cookies. After the action is slightly different from each other.

Settings in Chrome, Yandex, Opera and Amigo

In these browsers, the instructions look identical.

How to set connection settings in Firefox

  1. "Tools" - "Settings" - "Advanced" - "Network" - "Configure" - "Manual settings".
  2. Enter the address and port of the selected server in the line corresponding to the type of proxy.

Setting up a proxy server in Mozilla Firefox

How to enable in other popular browsers

For different browsers, the settings are similar and require similar actions. The only difference is where the network settings are located in your browser. So read the above methods and review your settings.

How to find out the IP address and port

There are two easiest ways.

  1. If you connected a proxy on a computer, then you can check the address by going through the chain. "Control Panel" - "Network and Sharing Center". Click with the right mouse button on active connection and select "Properties". The address will be written in the TCP/IP item.
  2. Another easy way is to check the address online. Most popular services:

How to disable proxy?

If you set up a proxy server yourself, disabling it will not be difficult, and the instructions are useless. Where it was necessary to allow the use of a proxy server during configuration, uncheck the box.