How to print a lattice sign on the keyboard. How to put signs on the keyboard

Hello! When working on a computer with text there are many characters. Today we will talk about one particular one. Consider how on the keyboard put the lattice with two different ways. They are very easy to implement.

Immediately, I note that to dial the lattice icon on the keyboards of the laptop and computer usually you can usually with the same simple action. We turn to the specifics and see where, what and how to click.

2 ways to dial lattice sign

If short, they can be described as follows:

  • copying and insert;
  • use key combination.

Let us turn to details. The first option is quite obvious. Just need to copy this icon from another document and insert into the current one.

To do this, the mouse pointer is set to the beginning of the symbol. Next click on it left button And I do not leave it we carry the mouse cursor to the end of the symbol. Now it is highlighted, the button can be released. Click the right mouse button on the selected area, select "Copy". Open the working paper and install the mouse cursor in the desired place by pressing the same left button. Then press the right and choose "Paste". That's all. Mission accomplished.

The second option in my opinion is more convenient. First you need to switch to the English keyboard layout. Language switching is usually done using one of two combinations of function keys.


First, press and hold the first key, then click on the second.

Which of the two options will be working depending on the settings installed in the computer. Next, put the lattice.

Immediately I will explain how to correct this combination. Click and hold SHIFT. Only after that we press the number three. After that B. text file A desired icon should appear. For clarity prepared an illustration.

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The time has come when the art of fast printing on the keyboard wants to master literally each, because we are increasingly communicating in social networks And more and more use the computer to study. Well, what about those who write articles or book every day! That even the secretaries are ashamed to gain half an hour with the text with the finger of one hand. Therefore, know how to dial the text on the keyboard quickly and competently, everyone needs!

Method of blind seal

The principle of blind printing is that a person does not look at the keyboard in search of the desired key when typing text, which impuditably reduces the set time. At the same time, all 10 fingers are involved. In order to master this method, it has already created a non-one program, for example, a "solo on the keyboard" or "Stamina", as well as many educational games, such as "CLASLOGONES" (analogue in the social network VKontakte - the application "Racing on the keyboards") . You can easily find them, thanks to the search engines. What you need to know first if you solidically decided to learn how to print quickly and efficiently? First of all, the location of the fingers. Each finger is responsible for certain keys. Initial position fingers - in the letters F s in a and about l d f.N. The index fingers of both hands on a and o, respectively (on these keys there are even special convexities so that it is easy to navigate), the average - on V and L, Unnamed - On and D, Mizinza - on F and J. The thumbs of both hands - on a blank. More extensively see which finger is responsible for which part of the keys on the keyboard you can on the respective schemes. The most important thing is not to give a look at the keyboard when set (this is why the method is called "blind") and learn how to press the keys with the desired fingers. Train every day for half an hour and eventually work will give your fruits and you will understand how to dial the texts quickly, without losing thoughts. At the beginning it will be difficult and unusual, but the result is worth it!

Screen keyboard

If for any reason your keyboard stopped working, do not despair! There is an exit! Not quite convenient, but to pass the day, for example, before buying a new information entry tool will help. It - virtual keyboard. You can include it like this: Start - All Programs - Standard - Special abilities - Screen keyboard. An analogue of the keyboard appears on the screen, hover the letters on the letter, and they will appear in the string, as after entering the keyboard.

Switch Language

You can switch the dialing language by pressing the icon with the language name in the taskbar. By the way, you can also choose a list of the languages \u200b\u200byou need and the keyboard shortcut on the keyboard, which is responsible for switching the language. Most often it is a combination of Ctrl + SHIFT or ALT + SHIFT. Right-click on the language icon and select "Parameters". In the "General" tab, you can add languages \u200b\u200bin the "keyboard switch" tab - configure a convenient key combination.

Different characters

When writing different articles or works it is very helpful to know how to dial signs on the keyboard, for example: how to dial a dog (@) - switch the keyboard into English, press Shift + 2; How to dial the grid (#) - switch the keyboard into English, press SHIFT + 3; How to dial a dollar sign ($) - switch the keyboard into English, press Shift + 4; How to type root (V) - Enter the Start menu, Next: All programs - standard - service - symbol table. Check in the field " extra options"And enter the word" root "(eng." root ") in a search line, click the" Find "button. After that, click on the root, the" Copy "button and insert it into the required part of the text (CTRL + V keys combination or right button. Mouse - "Paste"). Similarly, you can work with all other characters from this table. In order to simplify the search, use the "Grouping" function, selecting the "Unicode Ranges" field in the appropriate menu. A dialog box appears in which a dialog box appears in which You can easily choose the symbol group of interest (monetary units, arrows, and so on).

If you work in the Word, use the "Symbol .." function in the "Insert" menu. In the Dialog box, select the desired sign and click on it with the left mouse twice, or click the "Paste" button.

ASCII Symbols Table

The ASCII Character Table (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a special encoding that is designed to dial characters on the keyboard not displayed. To enter, you must press the Alt button and the code corresponding to the desired sign (the digits of the code must be administered on the digital panel to the right! If it is turned off, turn it on using the numlock key on the keyboard). For example, Alt + 3 - Heart |, Alt + 1 - Smiley. Advanced ASCII symbol table can be downloaded. Well, you can simply tritely copy you like a sign from online pages and insert it into your text.

No computer user or laptop will cost without alphabetic signs on the keyboard entered using the appropriate keys. Almost every key indicates 2 letters - English at the top and Russian below, i.e. On the keyboard there are 26 letters of the English alphabet and 33 letters of Russian. Moreover, it can be both lowercase letters and uppercases that are printed using the SHIFT key.

The punctuation marks are also in English, and in Russian layout, although they are in different places of the keyboard. Conveniently when working with the Russian text, that the point and comma are the same key that is located in the lower row of the letter keys itself. Only the comma is printed in combination with the SHIFT key. A B. english layout The point is the key with the Russian letter Yu, and the comma - B. So, to enter data, the punctuation marks do not need to switch from one font to another.

Digital signs or numbers we use not only for calculations, but also in the text to designate various numeric data. You can use both the upper digital number of keyboard and optional digital block (Small digital keyboard) located at the keyboard on the right.

The main signs of arithmetic action (plus "+", minus "-", multiplication "*", division "/") located on a small numeric keypad By analogy with the usual calculator, so they are convenient to use when calculating. But if you need to print a sign equal to "\u003d", and not know the result of the calculations, then you will not find such a sign. It is in the upper digital row after the figure 0 through one key.

Which frequently used signs are on the keyboard

If you carefully look at the keyboard, you can see that many signs are hidden in digital row and with right side letter rows, recent keys. To enter when printing characters, instead of letters or numbers, you need to switch the top register with the SHIFT key.

If you go in order, starting with the figure 1, then in this way when printing Russian texts is introduced:

1) exclamation mark "!";
2) opening and closing quotes at the beginning and end of the phrase "...";
3) then if necessary, the number sign "No.";
4) point with a comma ";";
five) "%";
6) colon ":";
7) Question mark "?";
8) Sign asterisk "*", which is used and as a sign of multiplication in computer computing;
9) Round opening "(";
10) Round closing bracket ")" on the key with digit 0;
11) Defis and the sign "-" - in the computer version it looks equally. The dash sign (longer) appears automatically with the use of spaces before and after that sign in text programs Or is entered using a special code.
12) the sign is "\u003d" and the sign "+" in the upper case, i.e. In combination with the SHIFT key.

It is noteworthy that an exclamation mark,%, *, round brackets are both in Russian and in the English keyboard layout on the same keys.

But some signs exist only in English layout. For example, square [...] and curly (...) brackets, which are on the keys with Russian letters x (open) and Kommersant (closing), "\u003e" (key with the Russian letter YU) and less "rarely used signs on the keyboard

In everyday life, the usual user rarely have to use signs existing only in English layout: different variants of quotes "...", '...', `...`, dash "|", straight "/" and reverse "\\" slash, Tilda "~ " But the sign of paragraph "§" or degree "°" would not hurt , but there are no them on the keyboard. You have to enter into text some characters in another way.

Often, when you first get acquainted with a personal computer, the user has a question about what signs on the keyboard have and how to enter them. As part of this article, each key group indicating its purpose will be described in detail. Also, the method of entering non-standard characters using ASCII codes will also be set. This material is the greatest interest for those who work with a text editor, for example Microsoft Word. Or another similar application (OpenOffice Writer).

Functional set

Let's start with them on the keyboard 12 pieces. They are located in the highest row. Their appointment depends on open application in this moment time. Typically, the tip is displayed at the bottom of the screen, and this is the most frequently performed operations in this program (for example, creating a directory in Norton Commander is "F7").

Keys and registers

A special key group is keys. They control the operation mode of another part of the keyboard. The first one is "CAPS LOCK". It changes the case of letters. By default, lowercase signs are introduced. If we set once again this key, already pressing the keys will appear this is the easiest and most convenient way to put signs on the keyboard with different register. The second key is " Num Lock." It is used to switch the numeric keypad. When it is turned off, it can be used to navigate. But when turned on, it works as an ordinary calculator. The last key of this group is "SCROLL LOCK". It is used in tabular processors. With an inactive position, it goes to transition through cells, and when turned on, the sheet scrolls.


Separately, it is worth considering the control keys. First of all it is arrows. They move the cursor to one position to the left, right, up and down. There is still page navigation: "PGUP" (Page Up) and "PGDN" (page down). To go to the beginning of the line, "HOME" is used, at the end - "END". The control keys belong to "SHIFT", "ALT" and "CTRL". Their combination switches the keyboard layout (it depends on the settings operating system).

When the "SHIFT" is swapped, the register of the entered characters changes and the ability to enter the auxiliary characters appears. For example, find out how to dial signs on the keyboard from this set. We introduce "%". To do this, clamp "SHIFT" and "5". A set of auxiliary characters depends on the active keyboard layout at the current time. That is, in the English layout, some signs are available, and in Russian - others.

We pay attention to the notation that is on the keyboard. Deleting a symbol on the left is "backspace", and on the right - "del". "Enter" - transition to new string. Another special key is "Tab". In the table, it provides the transition to the next cell, and at the end adds a new line. For text, it leads to the appearance of "enlarged" indentation between characters. A B. file Manager Her pressing leads to a transition to another panel.

Main set

The main set depends on the active layout at the current time. It may be russian or English. Switching between them is carried out using the "ALT" + "SHIFT" combinations on the left or "Ctrl" + "Shift". The selected combination is defined in the operating system settings. It is possible to find out the active combination by selecting. That is, click the first of them and look at the state language panel (Located in the lower right corner of the screen). If the language change occurred, it means that we need a combination (for example, with "EN" on "RU" or vice versa). By default, the first one is set.

Letter signs on the keyboard are located in its central part and are divided into three rows. The more often the symbol is used, it is closer to the center, the less often it is further from it. That is, the letters are distributed not alphabetically, but at first to such a principle of organizing the distribution of signs is difficult to get used, but the more you work, the more get used to and understand that it is really convenient. Another nuance that needs to be taken into account. For short-term switching between capital and capital letters, it is better to use "SHIFT", and for a long dialing - "Caps Lock".

Numeric keypad

Another mandatory component of such input devices is a numeric keypad. It is located in his right part. She has two modes of operation: input and navigation. In the first case, signs on the keyboard are recruited (these are numbers and main mathematical operations). This is convenient when working with a large and in the second version, the keys to move the cursor and page navigation are duplicated. That is, the arrows to move the marker, "pgup", "pgdn", "home" and "end" - all this is present here.

Switching between them is performed using the "NUM LOCK" key. When it is turned off (LED is inactive), navigation works, and when you turn on the digital set. If necessary, you can set the desired mode of operation after downloading personal computer In the BIOS (it is better to make advanced users, since newcomers with this operation may have problems).

Punctuation marks

The punctuation marks on the keyboard are focused mostly near the SHIFT right-key. This is a point and comma. also in english version The layouts here are the remaining symbols (colon, questioning and exclamation marks) are on the main digital keyboard, which is located immediately under function keys. To enter them, briefly clamp "SHIFT" and with it the corresponding button.

About what is not

And what about the signs that are not on the keyboard? Is it possible to get them somehow? The answer to this question is positive. There are two ways to set such characters. The first one implies use text editor Word. After starting it, go to the "Insert" toolbar and choose the "symbol" item. In the list that opens, choose "Other". Then the special input window opens. Here, using the navigation keys, we find the desired character and press "ENTER".

Additional signs on the keyboard can be typed in another way - using ASCII codes. It works in all Windows applications - the main plus. Minus it is use big Codato remember. To begin with, find out the digital code of the Sign we need on the official website of Microsoft Corporation or in any other source, where there is a corresponding table, and remember it. Then go to the application you need.

We definitely include "NUM LOCK", clamp "alt" and on the numeric keypad on the right sequentially typed code found at the previous stage. At the end, you need to release the "Alt" and after that the desired symbol must necessarily appear. For example, "Alt" + "9829" combination is used to enter "". It is convenient to use for non-standard

Registration text messages in chat or pages on social networks. After all, it is more convenient to remember the non-standard entry than the usual one. And this solution contributes to this.


Within the framework of this material, all signs on the keyboard, which today have been described. It is indicated for the purpose of all keys and are given. practical examples Work. Also showing a work technique that allows you to go beyond the usual set of characters using ASCII codes. All this in the amount will help the novice user thoroughly deal with the work of the keyboard and understand the basic principles of the functioning of a personal computer.