What to do if you forgot the steam authentication code. Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator

Reddit users were the first to notice the problem.

Actually not the first.
The entry appeared on Reddit on July 26 at 02:15:31 Moscow time.
Russian "hackers" had noticed the mistake almost an hour before. They also wrote on the peekaboo. And in the VK public with 3.5 million subscribers, they published the instruction at 1:43
Me about a mistake became known~ at 23:30, when my friend changed my password and then told about it)
The bug was fixed ~ at 3 am Moscow time.

What a hacker could do:


Change the password to the new one set by the "hacker"!
Find out the Steam login, knowing the soap
switched off Guard

What the "hacker" could not do:


To know Old Password
Find out the soap, knowing the Steam login
Change mail
Disable Guard
Log in to your account with a new password, if the account switched on Guard

What did the password change entail:
A hacked user might get scared when they see a message like this:


The hacked user will be thrown from the steam if at the time of the password change it is in it. (Steam will ask you to enter a new password, which he does not know)
A hacked user will receive a trade-ban for 5 days (he will not be able to buy / sell cards / items on TP for 5 days)
If you change the password 5 times, the hacked user will not be able to log into the account within 24 hours.

Today, hacked users received an email from Valve:


Dear Steam User,

On July 25th we learned of a Steam bug that could have impacted the password reset process on your Steam account during the period July 21-July 25. The bug has now been fixed.

To protect users, we are resetting passwords on accounts that changed passwords during that period using the account recovery wizard. You will receive an email with your new password. Once that email is received, it is recommended that you login to your account via the Steam client and set a new password.

Please note that while your password was potentially modified during this period the password itself was not revealed. Also, if you had Steam Guard enabled, your account was protected from unauthorized logins even if your password was modified.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

That is, the bug existed for 5 days. Some eyewitnesses claim to have been using the bug for a week.

What was the bug: the site did not check the code sent to the user's mail when trying to recover the password. The code itself was sent, but the attacker did not need it. You could just not enter it and click "Next". This is such a stupid mistake.
In addition, the "password reset" function does not work correctly. It would be correct to generate random password and send it to the mail. But now the user can set his own new password.

Recently, Valve has increased the requirements for safe work on the Steam platform. Now, in order to exchange items, you need to connect a mobile authenticator, and it must be valid for at least seven days before the exchange is made. Otherwise, the operation will be delayed by the service up to 15 days. Also, using an authenticator called Steam Guard, you can confirm account login, sales and other trading platform operations.

Enable or disable mobile steam authenticator can be from special application Android or iOS. On this moment two-factor authentication works on iOS 6.1 and above, Android 2.2 and above and Windows Phone starting from version 8.1. For smartphones with other operating systems, you will have to use Android emulators on your smartphone or computer. Usage additional level more secure than just a username and password. It is also recommended to bind your phone number to account to be able to enter it if access is lost for some reason.

Using an authenticator

Instructions on how to enable Steam Mobile Authenticator:

Now the application will generate a new access code every 30 seconds. When you log into your account, you need to have time to enter the current value before the system deletes it and replaces it with a new one.

Disabling Steam Mobile Authenticator is also very easy:

Now the request will occur when you enter Steam from a new device or browser. You need to open the mail and copy the received code from there. It is not recommended to completely disable the authenticator.

Problem solving

How to log into Steam if you have lost your mobile phone:

If you decide to purchase new smartphone, then you need to do the following:

  • Remove mobile authentication.
  • Sign out of the account in mobile application.
  • It is also recommended that you delete all personal information and do a factory reset if you want to sell your old device.

You can do backup codes in case of phone loss:

If you bought a new device, you can transfer the authenticator to it as follows:

  1. Install the program on a new device.
  2. Click Sign In.
  3. When prompted for authentication, click "I don't have access to codes."
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen. Your old mobile phone must be available.
  5. After the transfer, all activities on the Marketplace will be suspended for several days. This is done for your own safety and to confirm that the action was actually performed by you, and not by intruders.

When replacing the device, it is often necessary to remove the number from the account:

And finally, tips for safe use authenticator:

  • Never share your account password and mobile authentication codes with anyone.
  • Do not enter credentials on third-party sites and do not click on suspicious links.
  • Technical support does not ask users to send a code and password.
  • Do not download or run suspicious software that has been recommended to you via chat or e-mail.
  • Do not download or open programs that suggest optimizing or fixing errors in Steam. Typically, this software is designed to hack your account.
  • Print Steam Recovery Codes.

It is obvious that the mobile identifier significantly increases the security of using the platform. At the same time, it usually does not cause any hassle to use. Problems can arise when changing the phone, or when reinstalling the system. But if you follow all the instructions, no errors should occur. Therefore, it is not recommended to disable Steam Guard, unless you decide to change your smartphone. Leave comments about your experience with two-factor authentication, what difficulties you encountered, and how you managed to solve them.

There are often situations when you enter a password and login, press enter, and the system says that the data was entered incorrectly. This is where you need to recover your account. The procedure does not present any particular difficulties, while it is performed in the store itself or directly on the service website.

Profile name known

Usually users just forget the password. Considering that the program itself substitutes it when entering, therefore, you do not need to enter data every time, this is a quite common problem. To solve this problem, there is a special item in the store interface. To restore the account, you need to do the following:

  1. Launch Steam on your computer. You will see a login window for your Steam account. At the bottom, click the "Recover Account" button.
  2. The system will go to the window for specifying information. You need to select the first item and click the "Next" button.
  3. In an empty line, enter the name of the Steam account.
  4. Next, you should go to your e-mail to find incoming letter from the support team. It will contain an alphanumeric recovery code that will allow you to continue with the procedure.
  5. Enter this recovery code in the Email code field and then click Next.
  6. The system will ask you to come up with a new password. Be sure to write it down in a notebook or other safe place.
  7. Click the Finish button and then return to home page entering store data.

This instruction is the answer to the question of how to recover the Steam password. The whole procedure takes 5 to 10 minutes. However, it is only effective if you remember your profile name.

Account name unknown

How to recover your Steam password if you forgot your profile name? In this case, you can also restore your account, but the procedure is a little more complicated. To recover your password in Steam, follow these instructions:

Now that you know the name of your entry, you can use the first instruction accordingly. You don't have to re-create new account"Steam", as well as buy your favorite games.

How to get a stolen account back

Have you bought dozens of games already, and your account has been impudently stolen? To return it, you must contact the service technical support Steam. Before doing this, you should prepare information that will confirm the fact that you are the owner of this profile. It is recommended to provide the following data:

  • The name of the hacked Steam profile.
  • Email address mailbox to which the account was linked.
  • If you have made purchases through PayPal or bank card, you can provide cardholder details. This includes the first and last name, the last 4 digits of the number or directly the id number in the payment PayPal... This information will assist in recovery.

Once you've got everything set up, you can write to Steam. To do this, go to the site. Go to the "Support" section. In it, you need to find the subsection "Problems with the account", and then select the line "Return of the stolen account".

Click on the "Contact Support" button. Next, you should describe your problem.

It is recommended to write as much truthful information as possible to the service employees in the letter. You shouldn't write to the support service several times. This not only will not speed up its work in any way, but it may also cause your profile to be blocked for spam.

A physical copy of the game can provide additional evidence. The disc box contains license key... Add the ticket number of your support ticket next to it, take a photo of it, and then attach it to the ticket. This will significantly increase the chance of returning your account under your control.

An important nuance! It is recommended to write a request to the service on English language since Valve is based in the United States. If you leave a message in Russian, most likely, it will simply not be accepted for consideration. On the Internet, you can find examples of treatment in English. Copy them, and then simply substitute your data.

Burglary protection methods

One of the most common questions is how to protect a purchased Steam account from recovery. Nobody wants to lose an account with many games and waste their time to recover. How can you protect yourself? There are several ways.

The first thing it is recommended to do is to change the address Email... If an attacker gains access to your email, it will not be difficult for them to steal your profile. Regularly changing your mailbox password will minimize the chances of it being cracked. Also, never share your Steam password with anyone. Beware of phishing sites. They have an almost identical interface, with a very similar address, but created only to decorate your data.

An effective method is to activate Steam Guard. This is a special verification method. Every time you try to log into your profile, email you or mobile phone the code will come. Without it, it will be impossible to log into your account. Additionally, you can install the Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator app on your mobile gadget... This will significantly increase the level of protection for your profile.

In addition to all the above tips, install a quality antivirus. Malicious programs can steal account data and then send it to attackers. If antivirus program works correctly, it will always warn you about a dangerous site or downloading an infected file. All these tips will allow you to avoid problems with recovery for a long time. No thief can take your favorite games away from you.

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If you are unable to log in with the Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator, please restore your account on our support site (help.steampowered.com).

What is a Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator?


General issues

How do I sign in to my account using an authenticator?

If the authenticator is activated, then after entering the login and password you will be asked to enter the generated code.

  • Open the Steam mobile app. If you are logged into your account, go to the Steam Guard section (the very first section in the menu) and enter the code from there (if you are not logged into your account, you will see the current code on the login page).
  • Enter the current code when asked. Don't worry if the code on your phone screen turns red and changes - it doesn't expire instantly.

The code cannot be used more than once, and old codes cannot be used either. If you've just used one code, wait for another to appear.

To anyone do not provide the authenticator code or enter it anywhere other than the official Valve sites. Service Steam support never will not ask for your codes.

Where can I see my authenticator code?

The current authenticator code can be obtained from the Steam mobile app.

  • Open the Steam mobile app.
  • If you are not logged into your account, you will see the current code on the login page.
  • If you are logged into your account, go to the Steam Guard section where you can find the code.

Can i use two-factor protection if i don't have a phone?

Not yet. Support for independent authenticators may appear in the future, but is not currently supported.

What's the best way to take advantage of two-factor protection?

First of all, understand that improved security for your account doesn't its invulnerable.

  • To anyone do not provide your password or mobile authenticator code.
  • Do not enter your username, password or authenticator code anywhere other than the official Valve sites. Check every link. Often, hackers try to make malicious links look like official ones. If in doubt, do not follow them.
  • To anyone do not provide your password or authenticator code. Both Steam Support and Valve staff will never ask for your codes.
  • Do not download and do not run programs that were offered to you by e-mail or chat: in the vast majority of cases, they are malicious.
  • Do not download and do not run programs that suggest cleaning or improving Steam performance, as these programs may be malicious.

How do I disable the Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator?

To remove two-factor protection from your account, open the Steam mobile app, go to the Steam Guard section and select "Remove Authenticator". Confirm the deletion in the confirmation window that appears by clicking "Delete Authenticator" again.

What devices does the Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator work on?

Mobile Authenticator works on all devices with operating system iOS version 6.1 and up, Android version 2.2 (Froyo) and up, and Windows version 8.1 and up.


If you are unable to log into your account using the Steam Mobile Authenticator, please restore access to it on our support site: help.steampowered.com

Why are my items on hold?

If the account has not been protected by a Steam Mobile Authenticator within the previous 7 days, then all exchanges and sales of items on the Marketplace will be withheld for a period of 15 days. Items will not be held if your account is protected by a Steam Mobile Authenticator for more than 7 days. Adding a Mobile Authenticator will not remove any hold on exchanges or items for sale that have already been applied.

I suddenly lost access to my account in the mobile application, and I no longer see the authentication codes. What should I do?

Please make sure you are using the most new version applications, and try closing the application and starting it again. This problem is rare and usually resolves by restarting the application. Do not uninstall or install the app again. If you uninstall the app from your device, you will need to restore the authenticator at https://help.steampowered.com.

Help! I no longer have access to my old phone, and I cannot log into my account! What to do?

If possible, contact your carrier mobile communications and ask for a new SIM card with the same number. Steam will be able to send SMS notifications to it, and you can restore your account by following the instructions below.

If you do not have access to your phone and do not remember the recovery code, please contact Steam Support. Click on the "I need help" button located on the top right of this page to help you disable the authenticator. If you do not have access to the email address associated with your Steam account, please provide it in your ticket.

My authenticator codes are not working!

If you cannot log into your account using the authenticator codes:

  • Check if the time is displayed correctly on your phone. Authenticator codes are generated based on the time set on the phone, and if it is incorrect, then the code will also be incorrect.
  • If the authenticator is used on several of your accounts, make sure to enter the codes for the correct one.

Can I transfer my authenticator to a new phone?

Yes, you can.

You will need access to the phone number associated with your account (for confirmation via SMS), or the recovery code that you wrote down when activating the authenticator.

Sign in to your account on the Steam mobile app on your new device. When asked to enter an authenticator code, select “Help! I no longer have access to the authenticator codes. " Follow step by step instructions in the application to transfer the authenticator to the new device or disable the authenticator on the old one.

After transferring the authenticator, any exchanges and lots to trading platform will be withheld for several days to protect your items in the event that these changes were not made by you. More information can be found in the article.

I'm going to buy a new phone. What do you need to take care of?

If you keep your old phone number, you don't need to do anything in advance. After purchasing a new phone, you can transfer the authenticator to it using

If two-factor authentication is enabled on your old phone that you won't be able to use in the future, you need to:

How do I remove a phone number from my account?

Log in to your account through the Steam store, then:

  • Go to the page "About account"(in the drop-down menu under your person name at the very top of the page).
  • Please select "Phone number management".
  • Please select "Delete phone number".
  • To delete a number, you need to enter the code from the authenticator or SMS. Choose one of these options and follow the further instructions.

Can I get spare codes in case I lose my phone?

Yes, emergency emergency codes can be generated. It's pretty simple to do this:

  • Log into your Steam account.
  • In the drop-down menu under your username in the right upper corner page select "About account".
  • Please select "Configuring Steam Guard".
  • Please select "Get spare codes".
  • Enter the current authenticator code (or the recovery code you received earlier).
  • You will see a page with codes that can be used instead of the codes generated by the phone. In addition, every time you create new codes and use one of them, you will receive an email notification.

The recovery code was not saved. How do I find it?

Log in to your account in the Steam mobile app and on the Steam Guard page you will see a "Recovery Code" item. For security reasons, you won't see the recovery code if you can't log into the mobile app.

I am not receiving SMS notifications!

If you are not receiving SMS notifications from Steam, please make sure your mobile operator allows you to receive them. Messages can come from a 6-digit number, and you need to make sure that your operator supports receiving messages from such numbers. Steam also doesn't send too many SMS in a short amount of time, so it's worth waiting and trying again for an hour. Also make sure your inbox is not full.

Why is my phone number not working?

To get started, make sure to enter your phone number in international format (starts with a + sign and a country code).

Check that the country code is correct (Steam automatically selects your country of residence, but you can change it manually in the menu below the input field for the phone).

Valve does not work with some numbers - in particular, with numbers using VOIP technology, as well as with numbers to which SMS cannot be sent. If your number is declined and you believe this is in error, please contact Steam Support.

General issues

Why can't I add numbers using VOIP technology?

Valve does not work with numbers using VOIP technology because they cannot provide the proper level of protection. If you cannot add a number because the system detects it as using VOIP technology, you need to use another mobile number... Some operators use VOIP technology to provide mobile services, but we are unable to support such numbers. You will receive a notification if the number you entered cannot be used.

Can I use multiple phones at the same time for authentication?

No, only one authenticator can be used per account.

Can I use one phone number on multiple accounts at the same time?

Yes. You can use one phone number on multiple accounts. To do this, you need to log into each account in the Steam mobile app and follow the instructions to activate the mobile authenticator. In the mobile application, codes will appear for all accounts, regardless of which account you log into. Accounts linked to a single phone number may be treated as one in case of violation of the Steam Subscriber Agreement, Steam rules and restrictions.

Do I need to pay for the SMS that I receive?

Standard SMS fees may apply, please refer to your plan information for details.

Why am I not prompted for a code when I log into Steam after saving my data?

To speed up the login process, we do not ask for a code if you have saved your Steam login details. If you want the code to be requested every time you log in, do not save your login data: go to the Steam client settings, select the Account tab and check the box next to the Do not save data on this computer option.

Do VAC and game bans apply to all accounts linked to the same phone number?

If the account to which the phone number is linked gets a VAC or game lock, all accounts using the same phone number will also be blocked. Even if there is no blocked game on other accounts, it will be impossible to purchase this game on them due to the blocking.

Phone blocking is not supported in all games and is applied at the discretion of the developers.

It's hard to put into words how gamers are going through the loss of a Steam account. After all, for them it is more than a profile in an online service. There is a library of games, chat, communities and many other interesting things that you cannot do without being online.

But is there any way to help this grief? Fortunately, yes! In this article, you will familiarize yourself with different ways restoring an account in Steam (depending on how access was lost).

Well, all doubts and disappointments aside. Forward! To a meeting with the temporarily lost Steam.


If you have blocked your Steam account yourself, there are two ways to unblock it:

Method number 1: via mail

1. Find in the e-mail a message from the Steam service about deactivating the profile.

3. On the page that opens, click the "Login and unblock ..." button.

4. Enter verification code that the service gave you when blocking.

5. Click "Unblock ..." again.

6. A successful completion message appears. Now you can do whatever you want in your account.

Method number 2: through technical support

4. Click "Create Account" to create a support profile.

5. Fill in all the fields of the form (name, e-mail, password, captcha).

6. Click "Create ...".

7. Go to the specified e-mail. Click the activation link in the service message.

8. In the list of problems, select "Self-blocked account".

9. In the "Step 2" field, select "Steam".

10. Submit your application:

  • specify a topic;
  • inform that you want to restore full access to the profile functions;
  • enter your login, e-mail and digital key provided by the service during the blocking process;
  • click "Ask a question".

11. Wait for a response from the service support. Follow the instructions sent.

Access recovery

1. On the main page of the offsite, click "Login".

2. Under the fields for entering your username and password, click the link "Forgot ...?".

3. In the list, select the reason due to which you cannot log in.

1) "I don't remember ..." - you can reset a forgotten password.

2) “I don’t receive ...” - a message with a verification link is not received by e-mail.

3) "My account was stolen ..." - return the stolen profile.

4) "My mobile authenticator ..." - the function will be needed if you have lost your mobile and have not changed the old number in your account.