Steam support entrance. How can I contact Steam support directly? Is it possible to contact the Steam department without registration

technical support disliked by users of many devices. Basically, because instead of answering a question, we are often transferred from section to section or from one specialist to another. But sometimes it happens that you still need to go there. For example, if purchased games disappeared from Steam, or the money itself was withdrawn from the account. It is absolutely necessary to write to the support service in such cases.

Support work in Steam

Let's take a closer look at this section on Steam.

Thus, it is not always necessary to contact technical support. It should be understood that there are millions of users on Steam. Due to this, the answer to your request may take much longer than if you simply tried to look for a solution to the problem in the sections. The service is constantly being improved and automated, it is quite possible that you will find either detailed instructions for troubleshooting, or automatic way. In a word, don't rush.

If you still need to write

However, there will always be issues that require you to write an email to Steam Support.

  • Material loss. Money is withdrawn from your account or the account that is linked to it. Purchased games have disappeared from the library and are not being returned there. An error occurred while trading with players and your inventory is empty.
  • Account problems. Even if you change your password or otherwise, you cannot regain access to your account or the content on it.

Let's figure out what questions a player may have when contacting the service, and how it is written.

  1. From the list of problems in the technical support window, select the one that worries us.
  2. We go through clarifying questions or sections until we find the button "Contact support" or "Write a letter".

  3. Then we will be transferred to the window, where we will be asked to enter account technical support or create it. This account is different from the standard one, so you will have to create it if you have never registered with the support service. Everything is done quickly and easily: enter the name, password, e-mail and captcha. Then we confirm the data through mailbox.

  4. After authorization, a form for sending a letter appears. We select the category of our question, then the subcategory, all this is exposed when answering additional questions.

  5. In the "Subject" field, briefly describe the reason for the request. In the "Your question" field, we fully describe what is wrong with your account. You can also attach files, for example, screenshots, which will display steam errors. We type the text in Russian - there are support services in Russia.

  6. Click the "Submit" button.

As you can see, contacting Steam support is quite simple. It remains only to wait for an answer. It usually arrives within a few hours.

When there is any problem with Steam, the first action that a user of this game system, this is a text search error in search engines. If a solution cannot be found, then the only thing left for the Steam user is to contact technical support. Contacting technical support is not as simple a procedure as it might seem at first glance. Read on to find out how to write to Steam support.

Since Steam is used by several million people around the world, the Steam developers have come up with an extensive support system. Most support requests will follow a template already prepared. The user will need to get closer to the essence of his problem step by step and in the end he will get a solution to his problem. To write to the support team you need to go through the selection of these options. Also, to apply, you need a special user account for the support service, which can be created absolutely free of charge.

How to contact Steam Support

The first thing you need to do to contact support is go to the support page. To do this, select the items in the top menu of the Steam client: Help>Steam Support.

Next, you need to select your Steam related issue.

Select the issue that is preventing you from using Steam normally. You may need to make a few more choices on following pages. Sooner or later you will be transferred to a page with a button for contacting technical support.

Click this button. A form for transferring to a technical support account will open.

As mentioned earlier, the account that you need to use when contacting technical support, and the account from Steam - two different accounts. Therefore, if this is your first contact with support, you will have to register a new support user profile. This is done in the same way as registering a user on Steam or on any forum.

You need to click the "Create an account" button, then enter the data of a new account - your name, login, password, email, which will be linked to your account. After that, you need to enter the captcha to confirm that you are not a robot, and click the create account button.

A confirmation email will be sent to your email. Go to your inbox and click on the activation link for your profile.

You will then be able to log in to your Steam Support user account by entering your username or email address and password.

Click the contact support button again.

Now the form for entering a message for Steam technical support will open.

After that, a form for entering a message will appear, which will be sent to Steam workers.

Indicate the essence of the problem in the "Subject" field. Then describe the problem in detail in the text of the message. If you wish, you can attach files that will help reveal the essence of your problem. You may need to complete a number of additional fields to indicate your problem. These are the fields that are associated with a specific problem. For example, if a game was stolen from your account, then you can specify its key, etc.

The entire text of the question can be typed in Russian, since Steam has departments for working with users different countries peace. For Russia, the work is performed by Russian-speaking support workers. The main thing is that the problem should be described in as much detail as possible. Describe how it all started, what you did to solve the problem.

After you enter your message, click the "Ask a Question" button to submit your request.

Your question will go to support. The answer usually takes several hours. Correspondence with the support service will be stored on your request page. Also, responses from the support service will be duplicated to your email. Once the issue is resolved, you can close the issue ticket.

You now know how to contact Steam Support to resolve issues related to games, billing, or an account on this gaming system.

Sometimes there is a need write an email to Steam Support, the reasons can be very different, ranging from the fact that things were stolen from you in Steam and ending technical problems. However, not everyone knows how to do it.
That is why I just want to put everything on the shelves and answer the most popular questions.

How to write a letter?

In order to write to Steam Support You need to create a separate account for this. It is understandable, it would be foolish to use a hacked account to contact support (hacked - this is in case of account theft).
- Follow this link to register.
- After confirming registration and logging into your account, you will be on home page where everything is categorized. You can find your problem and see its solution.

But if you didn’t find it (let’s say things were stolen from you), then you need to write a letter here, that is, open a ticket. There is a button on the left for this. "contact support" (you can see it if you go to one of the categories). If you can't find it, just follow this link.

How to file an appeal correctly?

I will show an example of filling out an application using the example of the theft of things from an account, because this is the most common problem lately.

Step 1:
In the "product" field, you must enter Steam and choose the corresponding picture. Select the category as in my screenshot.

Step 2:
Now we need to fill in the subject of the letter and fill in the field of the question itself. If there are no problems with English, then write in English (You can also use Google translator, they are used to it), if there is, then write in Russian, they will answer you anyway, but there are legends that it will take a little longer. Although in my experience I can say that even a bourgeois support sometimes takes weeks to answer.
It is very important to prove that the account belongs to you, so you can immediately attach in the letter either a photo of the game key from the account, where the number of the appeal to technical support is written right next to it. You will recognize it as soon as you send messages, then just immediately send the second one with a photo.
Or, if you bought something on steam for Webmoney, then send a unique payment code, below I will show a couple of examples for the methods described above.

Of course, it is better to have such a receipt as I have in the last screenshot, but if not, then the same one as in the penultimate one will work.

How long to wait for a response?

If you don't answer Steam Support, do not worry, because they usually answer from 3 days to 2 weeks. More often, of course, they answer in a week. They rarely answer you quickly.

Will my account be returned if I don't have proof of ownership?

No, they will not return it to you. They sometimes even dig into the evidence, and if there is absolutely nothing, then immediately say goodbye to the account.

If you write in English, will they respond faster?

As already mentioned above, not a fact. You can try your luck, but even tickets in English are often answered for weeks.

Will things be returned if my account was hacked and transferred to another account?

If you are dealing with this problem for the first time, then yes. If the second time, then no, very doubtful.
But if you have disabled confirmation of the exchange by mail, then in any case you have no chance.

If I have a red badge on my account, can I have it removed?

Yes, they can, but here you need to know the tricks, this is if you deservedly received it and want to take it off. If not deserved, then write as it is and you have a chance to get rid of it.

How many times can an account be restored?

Steam Support 4 times he wrote to me that the next appeal may be the last. So it’s clear here, it’s better not to abuse it if you’re especially unnecessarily restoring your account, but to try to deceive them or something.

Players may have a huge number of problems when buying, installing or using a digital product: software and games. In resolving emerging issues, the support services of a particular game should help, as well as trading floor where the purchase was made.

First of all, I would like to note that if the problem arose with a particular game, it has nothing to do with its purchase, gifts or other products, then it is best to find its own technical support. In most cases, this works quickly and efficiently. Unfortunately, not all companies provide such a service, and sometimes the problem is so unusual and rare that it is really difficult to attribute it to any particular product. It is in such cases that it would be most reasonable write to Steam support.

Where and how to find Steam technical support?

Steam support can be found at top panel on the main page of the service. In order to ask your question, you will have to create a separate account that will not be tied to your game page in any way. This is necessary for anonymity and for security reasons. You can come up with a completely different nickname, and link your account to new mail. It all starts on this page:

Before write to Steam support, carefully study the already existing sections. It is very likely that one of them will answer your question. The page has not been translated into Russian, but it will not be difficult to deal with the translator. Everything is intelligently divided into topics, games and problems.

How to write about a unique problem?

It is very important to understand how to write to Steam support correctly in order to get an answer to your request at least within a week. First of all, mentally formulate your question and define it to one of the existing categories. By selecting the green button on the right side of the site, which will redirect you to the request completion page, you will be taken to the main part of the application process.

Let's say you wanted to buy an EVEOnline game, paid for it via WebMoney, but didn't receive the product. It is impossible to solve such a problem on your own. In the first step, you need to identify the product that you are having problems with. Starting to type the name, you will see hints from the system in the form of pictures with game logos. Click on the appropriate one to confirm your choice. Then select a category, in our case it will be "Purchase and payment" - "Product not received after payment."

Step 2 will require basic knowledge of English. If you do not speak this language at all, try to formulate your idea in the simplest possible language, without turns, abbreviations or other specific language forms, and then translate the resulting text into Google Translate. The "Subject" field indicates a common problem, for example: IboughtEVEOnline, butIdidn'tgetit.

In the large field below, you can specify the details: the date of purchase, card or WebMoney details, participation in the promotion, and so on. In the field to the right, your Steam account and payment method are indicated, and at the very bottom - mail. The application is then sent for processing. The average response time, provided that the request is directed to the correct section, is about a week.

For any Steam issue that you're having that's not unlocking your account, go to the Steam support home page. Sign in using your Steam Account name and password by clicking the box on the left that says “Sign into Steam.”

  • After you enter your name and password, click “login.”
  • Create a support account if you don't already have one. If you have never submitted a ticket for support help, click “Create account” in the upper right corner of the screen to make a support account. This account is different than your regular Steam account, so you don't already have one unless you have specifically contacted Steam support in the past.

    • If you have submitted a ticket to Steam support in the past, you can log in to your existing support account by clicking “Sign in to your support account” in the upper right corner of the screen.
  • Choose "Steam" to get to the Steam section of support. The next page allows you to choose if your problem is with a “Game” or with “Steam.” Select Steam to view some troubleshooting articles under topics including account issues, billing, how-to's, and a Steam glossary.

    • Try browsing the articles posted to see if your question can be answered without you sending a ticket to support.
  • Click “Contact Steam Support” to submit a ticket to Steam support. If browsing articles doesn't answer your question, you can submit a ticket describing your problem directly to a support person. Clicking “Contact Steam Support” will bring you to the page where you submit a ticket.

    • The “Contact Steam Support” button is on the right of the page, underneath “Can’t find the solution?”
  • Fill in all boxes on the Ask a Question page. The ticket page has 2 boxes where you type the subject of your problem, and then your question. Be as specific as possible when describing your problem so the person reading it can help you the best they can.

    • For instance, if you are having trouble trading games and got a message in your account saying your trading privileges were removed, type something like “Account is trade banned” in the subject. Then explain the messages you are getting and things you cannot do in the large question box.
    • Remember to be polite when asking your questions, since the support person reading them would like to help you the best they can.
  • Select answers for the other drop-down menu boxes on the page. The rest of the page has questions that prompt you to choose an answer from a drop-down menu: Language, Your Email Address, Product, Category, Additional Information, and operating system. Choose an answer from each menu that most applies to you.

    • If your email address has been compromised and that is part of the problem you’re reporting, click “Add Alternate Email Address” under the Your Email Address drop-down menu to provide Steam with a new address to reach you.
    • You may have to provide a CD Key if you have never connected a method of payment to your account. This information should be available to you in previous emails from Steam.