Ways to automatically number lines in Excel. Bulleted list in multiple lines

  1. Hold LMB and drag the cursor down to the required number of cells, then release the mouse.
  1. Now you will see the sequential numbering of the column or row.

The second use case for this method:

  1. Re-write "1" in the first cell.
  1. Then place the cursor at the position of the black cross.
  1. Hold down the Left Ctrl on the keyboard along with LMB and drag the cursor down.

Attention! First you need to let go Ctrl key, and then left button mouse, and not vice versa (1). Otherwise, you will get a column of identical numbers (2):

If you need a sequence with a certain step, for example, 2 4 6 8, then enter the first two digits of the row and follow all the steps from the previous instruction:

In order to make a table with an interval of one or several cells, you must:

  1. Record the initial values ​​at the required interval.
  1. Select with the mouse all cells after the first value.
  1. Place the cursor in the lower right corner to make it look like a cross.
  1. Hold down the Ctrl key and drag the cursor down. Now the table will be numbered as you intended.

For creating reverse order you can use the above method:

  1. Write the first numbers in the sequence, for example, 10 9 8.
  1. Select them and drag the marker down.
  1. The numbers will appear on the screen. reverse direction... You can even use negative numbers.

Excel means not only manual method but also automatic. Manual dragging of the marker with the cursor is very difficult when working with 3D tables. Let's consider all the options in more detail.


Any operation in Excel is not complete without its analog in the form of a function. To use it, you need to do the following:

  1. Select the starting cell.
  1. In the function line, enter the text "= LINE (A1)" and press Enter.
  1. Now drag the edited marker cell down.

This option practically does not differ from the previous one in creating sequential numbering. If you are dealing with a large amount of data and you need quick way numbering, then go to the next option.


In this case, you do not have to manually drag the marker. The list will be created in automatic mode according to the conditions you specified. Let's look at two use cases for the progression - fast and complete.

IN fast mode You need:

  1. Enter the first digit of the future list.
  1. Select a numbered cell and all subsequent ones that need to be numbered.
  1. In the "Home" tab, click on the "Fill" button and select the "Progression" item in the menu.
  1. In the window that opens, just click "OK".
  1. Ready! The selected fields will turn into an ordered list.

If you need an order with a certain step in the form of a gap between cells, then do the following:

  1. Enter the initial values ​​with necessary step... For example, "3 6 9 12".
  1. Select the filled cells to be numbered.
  1. Open the "Progression" window again, as described in the previous instructions, and click "OK".
  1. You will now see a numbered sequence in the document.

Now let's take a closer look at working with the "Progression" function:

  1. First, write in the first number of the future list.
  1. Go to the "Home" section, click on "Fill" and select "Progression".
  1. In the "Location" section, select the direction of numbering (1), the type of progression (2), set the step for filling (3) and the limit value (4). Then click on "OK".
  1. You will see a numbered table by given parameters... With this method, you do not have to manually drag the marker and enter the starting values.

Let's take a closer look at the types of progression that can be used to create a numbered table:

  • arithmetic sequence. This option implies ordinal numbers, for example, "10 11 12 13", etc .;
  • geometric. It creates a sequence by multiplying each previous value by a certain number. For example, a step equal to the number "3" will create a row "1 3 9 27", etc .;
  • dates. A handy function for numbering rows and columns by day, month and year.
  • autocomplete. In this case, you manually set a specific sequence, which the program continues by analogy.

We use formulas

And finally last way filling. It is not very convenient, but for full description Excel functionality needs to be told about it. If you need a sequence with a specific step, then do the following:

  1. Enter the starting number.
  1. In the "Insert" section, set the "Values" item and click "OK".
  1. Now, instead of formulas, numbers will be written in the cells.


As you can see, creating numbered documents in Excel is possible the most different ways... Any user will find an option that will be convenient for him, be it functions, formulas, automatic or semi-manual method. In each case, you will get the same result.


You can see in more detail and clearly how to number tables in Excel in this video. It covers all the step-by-step actions from the presented instructions.

About how you can set up almost automatic row numbering, which would be recalculated when new rows are added and existing rows are deleted from the table.

This is a great opportunity, which, alas, to Excel spreadsheets you will not apply. And the point here is not at all that the developers did not think of something there, it's just that Excel is a berry from a completely different garden. Somehow in subsequent articles I will pay more attention to this, but now I will say briefly. Excel can be called a very simplified database, therefore it obeys the laws by which databases work. But there automatic renumbering of rows in tables is unacceptable. Here.

Therefore, we will work with what we have and, in fairness, I will say that in return, the developers have provided for the ability to quickly and easily (with a slight movement of the hand) perform line numbering even a very large spreadsheet in Excel. And besides, for this there are several ways of numbering Excel rows (more correctly - numbering table cells in Excel)! As many as three ways! And even more ...

You can choose a convenient for a specific case option of cell numbering and apply.

Line Numbering Option 1. Fastest

Despite the fact that there are several ways to number lines, they are united by one initial condition - in the first cell should be placed the number from which the countdown will begin... As a rule, this is 1. Well, Excel must know what to dance from.

So let's get started:

2. Select it with a rectangular cursor - fig. 1

Fig. 2. Mouse on Excel cell marker

Fig. 1. Cursor on an Excel cell

3. Hover the mouse cursor over the square in the lower right corner of the cell - fig.2. At the same time, the mouse cursor changes from a white and fluffy cross to a solid black one.
4. We are not afraid of this. 🙂
5. Press and hold the left mouse button and the button CTRL on keyboard. In this case, a small plus sign will appear near the black cross, as in the figure on the right.

Attention! This technique is performed with different hands.🙂 You will not believe, but once, when instructing over the phone, I had to say it.

6. While holding the buttons, drag the mouse down the column - fig.3.

Fig. 4. Line numbering result

Fig. 3. Dragging the Excel cursor

7. We observe the incredible, the numbers themselves appear in the cells! 🙂 - fig. 4
8. Again, carefully! Dragging the mouse to the desired line (by the way, the number of cells passed is displayed next to the cursor), first release the mouse button, and then the CTRL button... And only so,.. otherwise get a column with ones.

We get a numbered column. Everything is very simple.

I draw your attention to the fact that you can drag in any direction - down, up, to the sides, the numbering will be the same. Well, you never know what needs to be numbered.

Fig. 5. Line numbering result

Line numbering option 2.

Let's say that the numbering of cells by rows already exists, but data has been added, the table has grown and it must be numbered to the end.

Of course, you can use the option considered above, no one forbids, but suddenly you are holding a sandwich and a button with your left hand CTRL can not press? That's the same.

In this case, we do this:
1. Select the last two cells of the column with numbers with the cursor.
2. Move the mouse cursor over the square in the lower right corner of the cell. We see the already familiar black cross - Fig. 5.
3. Press the left mouse button and drag it down the column.
4. We observe how the numbering is performed and in the right place, simply release the button.

I also want to note that in this case Excel realizes itself that two numbers change with some progression and continues it when dragging along the column, but if you pull to the side, then this is a banal copy for him, which he will gladly do.

By the way, in the first and second options, when dragging in, the format of the cells is copied, so if the original cells have some form (borders, fill, etc.), then it will be copied to a further number series.

Fig. 6. Filling Excel cells progression

Line numbering option 3.

Useful when you need to number a predetermined number of lines. Quite an interesting feature in my opinion.

1. Enter the number 1.2 in the cell. Select it with a rectangular cursor.
3. Go to the menu ribbon the main to the area Editing(on the right at the end).
4. Click on the button Fill.
5. In the drop-down menu, click on the command Progression(remember the school mathematics course? Yes, yes, this is the same progression) - fig. 6.
6. In the displayed window of the same name, set the parameters as shown in Fig. 7 (step, of course = 1):
7. We indicate in the limit value the number corresponding to the number of numbered cells.
8. Press the button Ok and we get a numbered column.

It is worth mentioning that you can make a feint with your ears and slightly simplify this option for numbering cells. 🙂

Fig. 7. Progression settings window

Line Numbering Option 4:
1. Enter the number 1 in the cell.
2. Select this cell with the cursor in the block, and below that part of the column that needs to be numbered.
3. Call the window in the manner specified above. Progression.
4. We are not looking at anything. Just push the button Ok !
5. We get the numbering for the entire selected block of cells.

As you can see, there are quite large possibilities for numbering cells in Excel, I hope you will not have problems with this now.

Not infrequently, when working with tables in Word, it becomes necessary to number the lines. If there are few rows, then this can be done manually, but in the case of a large table, it is better to resort to automatic numbering. Otherwise, when adding new lines to the middle of the table, the entire numbering will have to be redone.

Now we will show you how to automatically number the rows in a Word table. The material will be useful to all users modern versions Word such as Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

In order to automatically number the rows in the table, you must first select the column in which the row numbers should be located. To do this, click on the cell in which the number 1 should be located and, without releasing the left mouse button, drag it to the very end of the column. This will highlight the column you want.

After that, go to the "Home" tab and click on the "Numbering" button. This is the same button used to create regular numbered lists. You can find it to the right of the font settings, in the "Paragraph" block.

As a result, automatic line numbering will appear in the column you selected.

In the future, this line numbering will no longer require any additional actions from you. When new rows are added to the end of the table, numbering will continue automatically. The same will happen when adding new rows to the middle of the table. New lines will always automatically get their corresponding numbers.

It should be noted that Word provides additional features for automatic line numbering. For example, you can number lines using Roman numerals or Latin letters. To do this, select the column in which the numbering should be located, and click on the arrow next to the "Numbering" button.

This will open a list available ways line numbering, which will include several popular options. If none of them is suitable, then you can click on the "Define a new format" button.

After that, a window will open in which you can fine-tune the automatic numbering.

For example, using these settings, you can number lines using the letters of the Cyrillic alphabet.

Another important point the thing to be aware of is the column numbering. Through Word editor you can automatically number not only the rows of the table, but also the columns. This is done in the same way, select the line with the mouse and click on the "Numbering" button.

As a result, automatic column numbering will appear in the row you selected.

Later, when adding new columns, their numbers will appear automatically.

IN Word application Supports automatic counting of the number of lines in the document and displaying the corresponding numbers next to them. This is useful when you need to refer to a specific line in a document, such as a script or contract.

By default in Word documents each line is numbered (except for lines in tables, footnotes and endnotes, text fields and headers and footers). However, you can choose which of these numbers to display. You can display line numbers for the entire document or part of it, or display numbers at a specific interval, for example, for every tenth line (10, 20, 30, etc.).

Adding line numbers



    If the inscription is located in the text on the page, then it is considered one line. If the text on the page wraps around the label, then each line of text is counted. In this case, lines of text inside the inscription are not taken into account.

Adding line numbers throughout the document

Add line numbers in one or more sections

Removing line numbers

You can remove line numbers from an entire document, section, or paragraph.

Adding line numbers

You can add line numbers for the entire document or part of it. They can be viewed only in the page layout mode (the mode is indicated on the tab View).


    The table counts as one line.

    The picture is counted as one line.

Every user who regularly works in Microsoft program Excel, faced the task of numbering rows and columns. Fortunately, Microsoft has implemented several tools for quick and easy numbering in tables of all sizes. This article will take a closer look at how to do row or column numbering in Excel. Let's figure it out. Go!

For quick data analysis, table elements should be numbered

There are three ways to solve this problem. The first is to fill the cells with a sequence of numbers, the essence of the second is to use the "string" function, and the third is based on working with the "Fill" button. Below we will consider each of the methods in more detail.

The first approach is very simple and is ideal for working with small objects. This method works as follows:

  • In the first field, you must specify the initial numerical value from which filling will continue (for example, "1");
  • In the second, you need to set the next value (for example, "2");
  • Select both areas;
  • Now, using a selection marker, mark the desired area of ​​the table in which you want to make numbering.

This approach is very simple and convenient, but only for small tables, since when working with huge amounts of data, it will take a lot of time and effort.

The second method is similar in principle to the first, the only difference is that the first numbers from the row are entered not in the cells themselves, but in the field for formulas. In this field you need to enter the following: = LINE (A1)

Further, as in the first option, simply drag the selection handle down. Depending on which cell you start with, instead of "A1" indicate the desired one. In general, this approach does not provide any advantages over the first, so do as you like.

The third method is perfect for working with large tables, since you do not have to drag the selection handle all over the page. Everything starts in the same way as in the previous versions. Select the required area and set the first number in it, from which the filling will continue. After that, on the "Home" tab, in the "Cells" toolbar block, click on the "Fill" icon. In the list that appears, select the "Progression" item. Next, set the direction (columns or rows), step and the number of cells that will be numbered, in the "Type" section, mark the item "Arithmetic" with a dot. After all the parameters are set, click "OK", and Excel will do everything for you. This approach is the most preferable, as it allows you to solve the problem, regardless of the amount of data you are working with.

There is also a faster way to use Fill. First, enter the number with which the numbering will continue, similar to the first two methods. After that, select the rest of the areas in which you want to put down numbers. Now press the "Fill" button and click on the "Progression" item in the list. In the window that opens, nothing needs to be changed. Just click "OK" and you're done.