Password and login are not saved in classmates. How to remove a password and login on Odnoklassniki? How can I delete the old Yandex log and password? What to do if a page is hacked

Every day, some of them several times a day. Such a frequent visit raises the question: "How to save the login in Odnoklassniki, so that you do not have to constantly type them at the entrance?"

Fortunately, today almost all browsers provide the function of saving the user's personal data when logging into a social network. It is not difficult to write a login and a security combination into the browser's memory, you just need to understand its settings and carry out a certain sequence of actions that will solve the problem of constantly entering data from account OK.

Important! Save your username and password only on devices that only you have access to.

Save to Opera

If you use this particular browser as the main one, then when you first enter the Odnoklassniki website, you can see a window that pops out in the working window, containing a proposal to remember the login and password for the subsequent quick access to the page. If for the first time you thought that you do not need this service and put a tick in the "Refuse" box, do not despair, you can easily fix the situation using the browser menu.

  • Go to the Opera menu.
  • Find and open the "Settings" tab
  • Find the "Security" section, open it.
  • Search for and open the Passwords tab.
  • In the window that appears, find the area called "Sites for which passwords are not saved" and remove the Odnoklassniki resource from the list.
  • Reopen the main page of the social network, enter the personal data required by the service. The system will offer you to save your username and password, by clicking on the appropriate button, consent to this.

Save in Yandex

  • Log into the system "Settings".
  • Go to "Passwords and Forms".
  • Check the box where you are prompted to save all passwords for sites.
  • Go to the OK resource, enter the data from the account and agree to the offer to remember them.

Save to Firefox

In this browser, you will initially need to enter "Settings" - "Protection". In the window that appears, there is an inscription "Remember logins and passwords for websites", by clicking with the mouse, put a check in the special box. Go to the Odnoklassniki home page, enter your data, and then, in the "Remember me" field, check the box.

Save to Internet Explorer

To fix the password without typing it every time in this browser, use the "Service" menu. Then open the "Internet Options" section, then go to the "Contents" tab, click on the "Autocomplete" item. In the window that opens, click on the inscription "Options", and where you need, put a checkmark. The final step is to enter a username and secret code on home page site Odnoklassniki. Internet Explorer will tell you to remember the information you entered.

How to remove a password from Odnoklassniki at login

If there is a need to clear previously recorded personal information, take the following steps:
open the browser you are using;
simultaneously press the combination CTRL + SHIFT + DELETE on the keyboard layout;
a tab will appear allowing you to destroy unnecessary cookies. Click with the mouse in front of the "Passwords" field, as well as the inscriptions about other data from the sites;
press the inscription "Clear history".

Such simple manipulations will allow the browser to remember the username and the protective combination when entering your favorite social network, and if necessary, there is always the opportunity to clear the saved personal data and secure your page in OK from unauthorized access.

When visiting various resources and registering for them, users have to constantly invent logins and passwords and remember them.

Naturally, keeping such an amount of data in your head is simply unrealistic, therefore, from time to time, even from the Odnoklassniki website, you can forget access and later remember it for a long time and painfully. In order to prevent this from happening, it is recommended to save the password in Odnoklassniki and on other resources that you often visit.

In general, most of the deflot modern browsers offer to save the password automatically, but from time to time this function disconnect, or when reinstalling operating system or out of necessity. Therefore, in order to save access to Odnoklassniki, you just need to re-enable the save function.

Let's start with the popular browser Internet Explorer... In order to save the password in Odnoklassniki in Web Explorer, you need to select the "Service" menu tab, then go to the "Internet Options" pt, where select the "Content" - "AutoComplete" tab, here you will need to click on the "Options" button and put all the necessary checkboxes in the window that appears. After that, you need to return to the website again, enter the appropriate data, which the browser will offer to save.

In order to keep access from Odnoklassniki to Mozilla, you need to find the "Tools" menu and click on the "Settings" submenu. In the window that appears, select the "Protection" tab. Here you will see several characteristics, next to which you can put a checkmark, here, by the way, in the future you can view all your saved passwords. Among them, namely, there will be "Remember passwords for sites." That's it, now all the data will be saved, and all you need to do is go to the website and enter it, and when asked by the browser, confirm the save.

In this case, if you frequently use Opera, you will be able to use a special password manager that is implemented in this browser. In order to enable it, you need to select the "Settings" menu and then select "General settings". At the top of the window that appears, select the "Forms" tab, clicking on the "Passwords" button, you can see all the saved accesses from the websites that you visited or edit them.

Also here you can fill out a special form that will allow you to fill in the fields during registration in almost two clicks. For the same, in order to save the password on Odnoklassniki in the Opera, you should press "Yes" when entering the website in response to the browser's offer.

In the browser Google chrome there is no particular difference in saving passwords for websites. In order to do this, you should open the "Settings" menu, after that - "Show saved passwords". In the window that appears, you can, just like in Opera, edit passwords from different websites, add new ones or delete them.

Well, in order to save the password the first time you enter it, it is quite easy to answer “Yes” to the browser's question about the need to save the password.

It should be noted that, despite the great convenience of this function, in some cases it is not recommended to save your passwords in automatic mode... This is especially true in those cases when you are not working at your personal computer, to which other people also have access. Since if it was so easy for you to save and look at all the passwords, then other users will be able to do this if they have the necessary knowledge.

Creator: Katerina Sergeenko

Pressing the "DEL" key will not solve the problem, how to remove a password and login in Odnoklassniki... Each program does this differently. If you use Opera, then you need to go to the "Tools" menu and select "Options". The opened "Wand" tab will allow you to remove the "tick" next to the line "Wand remembers passwords". Then confirm with “OK”.

As for whether how to remove a password and login in Odnoklassniki v Firefox browser, then everything is different here. To do this, you need to enter the "Tools", in the sub-item "Settings". Going to the "Privacy" section will open access to the "Do not remember history" item, which will ensure the elimination of the username and password. Read more about how to delete a login in Oldnoklassniki, in this article .

How to remove the old password in Odnoklassniki?

Undoubtedly, it is convenient to use the browser function of remembering the password. Every time you enter a page, there is no need to enter it. However, for some reason, you needed to delete the old password that was saved by the browser in the settings. You will spend quite a bit of time to figure it out. The following will help you promote your page on Odnoklassniki service .

For example, in Google chrome, which is very popular among users, the algorithm is as follows:

  • double click on the icon to open the browser;
  • find the "Settings" menu, which is located in the upper right corner (three stripes);
  • click on the link “Show additional settings" (at the bottom of the page);
  • open the "Manage saved passwords" section (located in the "Passwords and Forms" submenu), select "Manage saved passwords". This way you can destroy passwords that you don't need to save.

If you ask, how to remove the old password in Odnoklassniki on Mozilla Firefox, then you first need to log into the browser. Above, in the right corner, you can see the same designation - three stripes - clicking on which will allow you to enter the menu. Here you need to select "Settings", in the next window - the "Protection" tab. In it, you need to click the "Saved Passwords" button. In this window, you will find passwords previously saved on different sites. Mark passwords that need to be removed and get rid of them. If deleting the password is related to restoring the page, this information will help to understand this issue.

How to remove a password in Odnoklassniki in Yandex?

The settings of the Yandex and Chrome browsers are very similar. Therefore actions, how to remove a password in Odnoklassniki in Yandex, are not much different. First of all, you should find the button "Settings Yandex browser»In the window of this program, click on it. Among other menu items that opened, you need to select "Settings". Then you should press the button "Show advanced settings" (bottom of the page). The next step is to go down to the "Passwords and Autofill" section by clicking on the "Password Management" button. The "Passwords" window consists of two fields: the first is for passwords that are automatically saved, and the second is for sites whose passwords do not need to be saved. Now highlight the desired entry to remove the password. After that, confirm your actions by pressing the "Finish" button. High-quality promotion of VKontakte is available by clicking on

Surely you have more than once encountered such an unusual phenomenon when a username or password (or all of them together) is saved when you enter Odnoklassniki on the main page. If you use a computer at home, then this should not cause any inconvenience. It is much worse when this data is stored on someone else's computer and now its owner can safely get on.

It looks something like this:

To delete this data, you must clear the cookies in your browser. For example, for Google Chrome it can be done like this:

Launch your browser.

Press the CTRL + SHIFT + DELETE buttons.

A window appears:

Choose two items: " Cookies, as well as other data of sites and plugins "and" Passwords ", as shown in the picture. Select "For all time", then click "Clear history".

Waiting for data to be deleted.

Go to Odnoklassniki and see that there are no more logins and passwords. However, in this case, the saved data for other sites will also be deleted. But in Mozilla Firefox, for example, you can delete data only for the site ("Settings" - "Privacy" - "Delete individual cookies" - add to the search and delete all found cookies).

We also recommend disabling the saving of data in the browser. When you enter a password, it asks if it is worth saving, you must click "No" or "Never save for this site." In the case of a login, you can do it easier: never put a tick next to the "Remember me" item when logging in to.

Well, if the browser does remember any of your data, then you will have to use the delete cookies, as shown above.

Today we will tell you how to remember and store passwords and logins. If you have only one password, then you can easily remember it without much difficulty. But what if you are registered on different sites and you have a lot of passwords and logins? In this article, we focus on how to remember a password on the Odnoklassniki social network.

One of the options, how easy it is to remember the password, is to save the letter that will come after registering or changing the password on the Odnoklassniki website. But this method is not very convenient. There is also free program created for registering passwords. This program is called LastPass. This program remembers passwords that are stored under one general master password. LastPass can be installed as a separate program or as a browser plugin. There are plugins for different internet browsers.

How to remember the password in the browser?

It is unrealistic to keep in mind a huge number of passwords and logins, therefore, forgetting the password for entering Odnoklassniki is quite natural. In order not to forget the password from entering the social network, it is best to save it. On this moment many browsers save passwords automatically, but it often happens that this feature is disabled. If you want to remember the password for Odnoklassniki, you need to enable this function in the settings of your Internet browser.

Internet Explorer

If you want to remember the password from entering Odnoklassniki in this browser, first you need to open the "Service" menu. In this tab, select the item "Internet Properties" - "Contents" - "Autocomplete". After that, click on the "Options" button, where you can enable the function of saving passwords, logins and other account elements. After turning on desired function, return to Odnoklassniki and enter your data, and the browser will remember them. By the way, we have already written about that.

Mozilla Firefox

If you want to adjust the password memorization function in Mozilla browser, you need to go to the "Tools" menu, there select the "Settings" item. Go to the "Protection" tab. In a new window, you can see the parameters, opposite which you should put a checkmark. In the same window, you will be able to view the passwords that you have saved. Now go to Odnoklassniki and enter your data, and when the browser asks whether to save the data, you need to give a positive answer.


If you want to save the password from entering Odnoklassniki in the Opera browser, then you better use the password manager, which is intended for this. To enable the password manager, you need to go to "Settings", select "General settings". In the new window that appears in front of you, select the "Forms" tab. If you click on the "Passwords" button, you will be able to see all the passwords from those sites on which you registered. You can also edit them.

You have the opportunity to fill out a special form with which you can enter your password and login without much difficulty. If you want to remember the password from entering Odnoklassniki in the Opera browser, you need to click on the "Yes" button in the browser when you enter the social network.

So, now you know how to remember passwords from different social networks, including from Odnoklassniki different ways... We hope that the information came in handy.