How to change contacts in a group in contact. How to edit a group of VKontakte

Hi friends!

In today's article, I will talk about the settings of the VKontakte group. Where to find them and what you need to point them to more efficiently move into VC. In general, the information will be unambiguously useful, so read below.

What do you need settings and where they are

Initially, when you create communities you immediately fall into the settings of the VKontakte group and there you need to set all the necessary data. In addition, usually the group settings are constantly changing depending on the tasks and where I will tell you and tell you.

On the screen below, I showed where you can get into the settings of your community, namely by clicking the "Community Management" button under the avatar of your community (in the case of a public page there will be the inscription "Page Management".

Basic Community Settings VKontakte

Let's go through the basic settings of the VKontakte community.

The rest of the community settings

Now let's look at other tabs. Tab "Participants". Here you can see who consists in your community, as well as if necessary, remove someone from the community.

Here in principle the basic settings of the VKontakte community. You can also figure out themselves with them, but if you suddenly do not work at all in social suites and you need a promotion, you can safely handle.

I spend advice, as well as help promote communities in VKontakte.

I hope that this article was useful for you and you share with her reference in social networks. Also do not forget to subscribe to blog updates to be aware of all events.

That's all, so far!

Almost every registered user of a popular social network VKontakte consists at least in one group or public.

At the same time, many users create their own groups and are actively engaged in filling and promotion.

On the agenda we have the following questions:

The first question that immediately arises - what is the creation of a VKontakte group? Most often do it just for the sake of interest. In this case, a person chooses closest the subject and collects an interested audience.

Sometimes groups are created for mutual assistance (material, information or some other). And sometimes - to make money (in order to subsequent placement of advertising posts, references, announcements, etc.).

Creating a group of VKontakte

The question is how to open a group of VKontakte, technically solved quite easily. Here you will not need any special knowledge and skills (for example, as with). So, you are already registered by VKontakte and, it means you have your own personal page.

To create your group, select My Groups in the side menu in the side menu (figure 1 in Fig. 1). A promotional block "Popular Communities" will appear with a proposal to "subscribe", as well as a list of all communities in which you are. You need to click on the "Create Community" button (digit 2 in Fig. 1), located in the upper right corner.

Fig. 1. To open the VKontakte group, click on the "Create Community" button on your page.
Fig. 2. Enter the name of the group, select the view and click on the "Create Community" button.

Confirm the creation of your group by clicking on the "Create Community" button (figure 3 in Fig. 2). After that, the page with the settings of this group will open.

Group settings

The first tab with the settings is called "Information" (digit 1 in Fig. 3). There are all the main community management options.

In the name "Name" (digit 2 in Fig. 3), you can edit the name of the group just created.

In the page "Page Address", if you wish, you can change the URL of the Community. To do this, instead of a standard URL in "Club82063972" format, specify some simpler and memorable address, such as Superknigi. If the selected URL is already busy, you will see the appropriate inscription.

In the "Community Description" paragraph (digit 4 in Fig. 3) you can place a small text description. Usually here they tell about what the group is devoted.

Below, choose the subject from the list, which will open after clicking on the small black triangle - it is marked with a number 5 in Fig. 3. Indicate your site, of course, if it is (digit 6 in Fig. 3). You can even specify your location using the corresponding menu item (figure 7 in Fig. 3).

  • wall settings (digit 8 in Fig. 3),
  • photos (digit 9 in Fig. 3),
  • video and audio records
  • documents,
  • materials I.
  • discussions (digit 10 in Fig. 3).

Each of these categories can be turned off, make an open or limit. For example, in the off state on the wall, no one can write anything. If you turn off photos and videos, no one can add them.

In limited state A specific category can be subject to change only by the administrator or community moderator. For example, only administrators and moderators can write on the wall, only administrators and moderators can add audio and video recordings.

In open state Categories may be subject to change by simple users. Users have the opportunity to add comments on the wall, photos to albums, video recordings, etc.

In the last section "Group Type" (figure 11 in Fig. 3), you can establish the format of entry into the community of new participants. All users can join the open group without exception. In the closed group - only after approval of the administrator or moderator. As for the private group, it is possible to get here only at the invitation of one of the administrators.

In fig. 3 (figures 8 -11) are given by the default group settings, that is, such settings are automatically proposed. With such settings, you can agree, and you can configure them at your discretion, as described above.

At the end, do not forget to approve your changes by pressing the "Save" button (digit 12 in Fig. 3).

The second tab in the community settings is called " Participants"(Next to the number 1 in Fig. 3). Here you can view the list of users currently consisting in your group. Each of the users can be removed from the group, or to appoint a manager (a person will have the rights of the moderator).

The third tab is called " Black list" The users are posted, for any reason blocked in your community (insults of other participants, spam, etc.).

How to make a link in the group

Fig. 4 Create a link in your group
Fig. 5 Enter the URL link to the VKontakte group or on an external site

I introduced the address of the free course from my site. Then click on the "Add link" button (digit 2 in Fig. 5).

Fig. 6 Enter the link text

In the window marked with digit 1 in Fig. 6 "Enter the link text", click on the mouse and enter the text of your reference. For example, I have noticeable "Computer literacy for beginners for 30 days." After that, press the "Add" button (digit 2 in Fig. 6). The reference is obtained as presented in Fig. 4, digit 2.

How to choose a record author in a group?

The "Send Settings" menu appears, in which you can choose from which the entry will be published:

  • On his own behalf or
  • On behalf of the community.

If you check the box next "on behalf of the community", the record will be published on behalf of the group.

Fig. 7. Choosing the author when publishing a record in the group

I invite you to the group "Computer literacy with hope"

I am pleased to invite everyone to join the new VK-Public.

The practical community owner on the social network VKontakte to one degree or another is interested in editing the group. Further, in the course of this article, we will tell about all the main nuances regarding the community editing tools.

First of all, you should familiarize yourself with the material on the subject of publication of public, as we touched on important aspects there. In addition, thanks to this, you will receive a certain number of skills in terms of the development of the group.

Considering all this, we draw your attention to the fact that most of the material is intended for users who have privileges "Owner". If you are an administrator, moderator or editor, you may have no some of the affected items.

Note that the article is equally suitable as the creator of the community with the type "Group", so I. "Public page". The only difference in a different appearance of a particular section can be the only difference.

Method 1: Full version of the site

The overwhelming majority of people who have a community of the VC prefers to be edited through the full version of the site. Further, the described actions will be associated with the section "Community Management". You can get there as follows.

Once on the page with the main parameters of the group, you can move to a detailed analysis of their destination.

  1. On the tab "Settings" There are basic community management elements. It is in this section that such changes are made as:

On this tab, the Community Export Tools in Twitter are also located and the ability to create a separate room in Snapster for subscribers.

  • On the next tab "Sections" You can manually enable or disable any community interface elements:
  • Using this feature will allow you to configure the display of selected partitions on the Main Community page.

  • In chapter "Comments" You can:

  • Tab "Links" Allows you to specify in a special block on the main page of the community of any user, third-party website or other VKontakte groups.
  • Section "Working with API" It is intended to ensure that your community can integrate with other services by providing a special key.
  • On the page "Participants" There is a list of all users consisting in your group. From here you can delete, blocking or providing additional rights.
  • The managers tab exists in order to simplify the search for users with special rights. In addition, you can degrade the manager from here.
  • Next section "Black list" Contains users who have been blocked by one or another reasons.
  • In the tab "Messages" You are given the ability to activate feedback functional for users.
  • You can also create a widget for visitors to be more comfortable to use your public.

  • On the last page "Applications" It is possible to connect additional modules for the community.
  • This can be completed with the editing of the group through the full version of the VKontakte Social Network site.

    Method 2: Mobile application VK

    If you are interested in the process of editing the group through the official mobile application, you need to get acquainted directly with a review of such an application. In this you can help a special article on our website on a mobile supplement VK for the IOS platform.

    Mobile applications for Android and iOS have a minimal difference between themselves.

    As well as in the case of the full version of the site, you first need to open a section with the main parameters.

    Being on page "Community Management", You can proceed to the editing process.

    1. In chapter "Information" You are given the ability to change the main data of the community.
    2. On the page "Services" You can edit the contents displayed in the group.
    3. The managers tab are designed to view a list of people with special privileges with the ability to degrade.