Determine the address by latitude coordinates. How to tell others your location if you don't know the address (search by coordinates)

We suggest using a similar service from Google - + location interesting places in the world on Google Maps

Calculation of the distance between two points by coordinates:

Online calculator - calculating the distance between two cities, points. Their exact location in the world can be found at the link above

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satellite Abkhazia Austria Australia Azerbaijan Armenia Belarus Belgium Bulgaria Brazil Great Britain Hungary Germany Greece Georgia Egypt Israel Spain Italy Kazakhstan Canada Cyprus China South Korea Latvia Lithuania Liechtenstein Luxembourg Macedonia Moldova Monaco Netherlands Poland Portugal Russia Russia + stadiums Syria Slovenia United States of America Tajikistan Thailand Turkmenistan Turkey Tunisia Ukraine Finland France + stadiums Montenegro Czech Republic Switzerland Estonia Japan
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Finding latitude and longitude on a map?

On the page, a quick determination of coordinates on the map - we find out the latitude and longitude of the city. Online search for streets and houses by address, by GPS, to determine the coordinates on the Yandex map, how to find the location - described in more detail below.

Determining the geographical coordinates of any city in the world (find out the latitude and longitude) on an online map from the Yandex service is actually a very simple process. You have two convenient options, let's dwell on each of them in more detail.

We fill out the form: Rostov-on-Don Pushkinskaya 10 (with the help and if you have a house number, the search will be more accurate). In the upper right corner there is a form for determining the coordinates, which contains 3 exact parameters - the coordinates of the mark, the center of the map and the zoom scale.

After activating the search "Find" in each field there will be the necessary data - longitude and latitude. We look at the field "Map Center".

Second option: In this case it is even easier. An interactive world map with coordinates contains a placemark. By default, it is located in the center of Moscow. You need to drag the label and put it on the desired city, for example, define coordinates on. Latitude and longitude will automatically match the search object. Look at the "Placemark coordinates" field.

When searching for the city or country you want, use the navigation and zoom tools. By zooming in and out +/-, as well as moving the interactive map itself, it is easy to find any country, search for a region on the world map. Thus, you can find the geographic center of Ukraine or Russia. In the country of Ukraine, this is the village of Dobrovelichkovka, which is located on the Dobraya Kirovograd region.

Copy the geographic coordinates of the center of Ukraine town. Dobrovelichkovka - Ctrl + C

48.3848.31.1769 48.3848 North and 31.1769 East

Longitude + 37 ° 17 ′ 6.97 ″ E (37.1769)

Latitude + 48 ° 38 ′ 4.89 ″ N (48.3848)

At the entrance to an urban-type settlement, a sign is installed notifying about this interesting fact... Considering its territory will most likely be uninteresting. There are much more interesting places in the world.

How to find a place on the map by coordinates?

Let's consider the reverse process, for example. Why do you need to determine the latitude and longitude on the map? Let's say you need to determine by coordinates GPS navigator the exact location of the vehicle on the diagram. Or a close friend will call on a weekend and give the coordinates of his location, inviting you to join the hunt or fishing.

Knowing the exact geographic coordinates, a map with latitude and longitude will come in handy. It is enough to enter your data into the search form from the Yandex service for the location by coordinates to be successfully determined. For example, we enter the latitude and longitude of Moskovskaya street 66 in the city of Saratov - 51.5339,46.0368. The service will quickly determine and show the location of this house in the city as a mark.

In addition to the above, you can easily determine the coordinates on the map of any metro station in the city. After the name of the city, write the name of the station. And we observe where the mark and its coordinates with latitude and longitude are located. To determine the length of the route, you need to use the "Ruler" tool (measuring distances on the map). We put a mark at the beginning of the route and then at the end point. The service will automatically determine the distance in meters and show the track itself on the map.

It is possible to more accurately survey the place on the map thanks to the Sputnik scheme ( top corner on right). See how it looks. You can do all of the above operations with it.

World map with longitude and latitude

Imagine you are in an unfamiliar area, and there are no objects or landmarks nearby. And there is no one to ask! How could you explain your exact location so that you can be found quickly?

With concepts such as latitude and longitude, you can be found and found. Latitude shows the location of an object in relation to the South and North Poles. The equator is considered to be the zero latitude. The South Pole is located at 90 degrees. south latitude, and North at 90 degrees north latitude.

This data turns out to be insufficient. It is also necessary to know the position in relation to the East and West. This is where the longitude coordinate comes in handy.

Thank you for the data provided by Yandex. Cards

Map data of cities in Russia, Ukraine and the world

Good day!

Almost all of us have found ourselves in a situation where you wander in an unfamiliar part of the city and try to find the right address. Now, of course, technology has stepped forward and an ordinary smartphone allows you to navigate the terrain well ...

Nevertheless, far from everywhere and not everything is drawn on Google and Yandex maps. Not so long ago I was in a new part of my city, and, as it turned out, some streets in this area are simply not shown on the map. How can you tell another person where you are and how to find you?

Actually, this small note is devoted to coordinates and the search for a specific point on the map using map services from Yandex and Google. So...

How to determine your coordinates and how to find an address by coordinates

I'll start with Google Maps, the official site :

To accurately determine your coordinates - click on the "Locate" button, usually a small window immediately pops up in the browser asking whether to allow access (select "Allow").

Important! By the way, in some cases, different services can show you in "different places". Therefore, double-check your coordinates using 2 maps at once.

If the street is long, and there are no house numbers (or, in Google maps, houses on this territory are not indicated at all) - then left-click on the point next to the one that Google defined - a small tab should pop up below, in which your coordinates!

Coordinates represent from itself two numbers. For example, in the screenshot below, these are: 54.989192 and 73.319559

Knowing these numbers, you can transfer your location to anyone (even if he does not use Google maps, which is very convenient).

To find the desired point in Google by coordinates, just open the maps and in search string(top left) enter these two numbers: after 1-2 sec. a red flag will light up on the maps to indicate the desired point.


  1. coordinates must be specified with a dot, not a comma (correct: 54.989192 73.319559; incorrect: 54.989192 and 73.319559);
  2. specify the coordinates in the order in which the map gives you: i.e. first latitude, then longitude (if you break the order, you will get a completely wrong point, perhaps even 1000 Km further than the desired one ...);
  3. coordinates can be specified in degrees and minutes (example: 51 ° 54 "73 ° 31").

Yandex maps

By and large, the principle of operation is similar with Yandex cards. It is worth noting that if the address is not detected for one service, try using another. Sometimes, if a street or a district is not drawn in Google maps, then in Yandex, on the contrary, it is displayed quite fully, all streets are signed, and you can easily find out where to go and what to do.

Yandex maps also have specials. a tool that allows you to find out your location online (on the right, click on the arrow in the white circle, see the screen below).

To determine the coordinates - just click on the point on the map you need - a small window will pop up with addresses and two numbers - that's what they are.

You can insert both a specific address and coordinates into the search line (do not forget that you need to set them correctly: do not mix up the sequence, indicate through a period, not a comma!).


I have another article of a similar kind on my blog - about determining the distances between cities, choosing the optimal road and estimating travel time. It will be useful to everyone who is going to go to another city, I recommend:

Add-ons are welcome ...

Yandex has prepared a new application for its users that can quickly bring a person to the right place. Maps are developed for all cities in Ukraine and Russia. The navigator is suitable for any car. It allows you to ride comfortably both during the day and at night, thanks to the night mode.

What features has Yandex prepared for its users? Probably, the main thing is that the navigator is able to warn a person about road works and CCTV cameras, but this will require the Internet. Other features add to the ride comfort as well. Yandex Navigator is able to memorize routes and save them; if necessary, you can find Additional information about any building. Convenient search allows you to find the right place in just a minute, for this you need to write the address or the name of the organization. The navigator is able to build a comfortable route based on traffic jams and road surface, and the trip itself is accompanied by voice prompts.

How to enter coordinates in Yandex Navigator

Many motorists use a navigator. Of course, buying a separate device will be quite expensive, but now a new solution has appeared. You can install Yandex or a phone running Android or IOS. This is very convenient. You can install the program on your phone, configure it and drive safely to the desired place. It seems that setting up the application is simple, but many users have problems. Let's look at this and we will answer the main question: how to enter coordinates in Yandex Navigator?

Why specify the location of an object? In the contacts of many companies, you can find the address or their coordinates. To more accurately indicate to the navigator the place where you need to move, the geographic location is entered into the program. Yandex Navigator is no exception, thanks to this function, you can find the right place in a few clicks.

What do the numbers in coordinates mean

To find out how to enter coordinates in Yandex Navigator, you need to consider what the numbers indicated on the Web mean. In this program, the geographic location must be entered in degrees, which will be represented as But in the world it is also customary to use a different recording format. In this case, the coordinate is written as follows: degrees, minutes and seconds.

In Yandex Navigator, the first number indicates latitude, this is the direction that goes up from the desired object. It is customary to use such pointers: N - indicates north latitude, and S - south.

The second number indicates longitude, that is, a line that runs horizontally to the desired location. Longitude is also shared: the letter E indicates east and W indicates west.

Entering coordinates on Yandex Maps

We learned what the numbers in coordinates mean, now we can move on to the main question: how to enter coordinates in Yandex Navigator?

First, you need to open the application on your device. To find the right place, you need to know it. If you are looking for any company, then such data should be on the site.

So, you have found the coordinates, what to do next? In the address bar, enter the data in Yandex Navigator. The route will be laid only after you click on the "Find" button. How to enter coordinates correctly? They are written in the address bar without spaces. If the coordinate contains fractional part, then it must be separated by a dot. Also, the latitude and longitude must be separated with a comma, but no spaces.

If you entered the data correctly, the navigator will quickly plot the route. The main thing is to check the correctness of entering the location and use the attached rules for entering coordinates.

Yandex Navigator for Windows Windows Phone, IOS or Android has the same algorithm, so the data input will be the same. This program is able to translate coordinates into another system, which will show the data in this form: degrees, minutes and seconds.

If you enter the coordinates incorrectly, the navigator will indicate the wrong place that you need to find. This program has a "Swap" button. So you can quickly change the longitude and latitude in places, in the event that you enter the coordinates incorrectly.

How to use the navigator offline

As a rule, many people strive to install a navigator without the Internet, since it takes extra traffic and, in general, Mobile Internet loads pages for quite a long time. Yandex Navigator provides such an opportunity. To use the program without the Internet, you need to download the maps. How to do it?

  • We go to the menu, where we select the item "Loading maps". You can download information for a specific city or an entire country.
  • In the search, you need to enter the name of the city or country and click "Download". As a rule, the size of the map is indicated at the bottom.

That's all. Once the map is loaded, you can use it. The main thing is to turn on GPS and wait while the program connects to the satellites.


The navigator is great program for motorists. It does not require any costs, all you need is a modern phone. Yandex Navigator is very popular. This is not surprising, since it has a nice interface and, most importantly, many built-in useful functions... You can use Yandex Navigator for Windows, Windows Phone, IOS and Android.

Geographic latitude and longitude are plotted on the world map. With their help, it is easy to determine the location of the object.

The geographic map of the world is a scaled-down projection of the earth's surface on a plane. It contains continents, islands, oceans, seas, rivers, as well as countries, big cities and other objects.

  • The geographic map has a coordinate grid.
  • On it you can see clearly information about the continents, seas and oceans, and the map allows you to create an image of the relief of the world.
  • Using a geographic map, you can calculate the distance between cities and countries. It is also convenient to search for the location of land and ocean objects.

The shape of the Earth is like a sphere. If you need to determine a point on the surface of this sphere, then you can use the globe, which is our planet in miniature. But there is the most common way to find a point on Earth - these are geographic coordinates - latitude and longitude. These parallels are measured in degrees.

Geographic map of the world with latitude and longitude - photo:

The parallels that are drawn along and across the entire map are latitude and longitude. With their help, you can quickly and easily find anywhere in the world.

The geographic map of the hemispheres is easy to read. One hemisphere (eastern) depicts Africa, Eurasia and Australia. On the other - the western hemisphere - North and South America.

Our ancestors were still engaged in the study of latitude and longitude. Even then, there were maps of the world that were not similar to modern ones, but with their help it is also possible to determine where and what object is. A simple explanation of what is the latitude and longitude of an object on a map:

Latitude Is a coordinate value in the system of spherical numbers that defines a point on the surface of our planet relative to the equator.

  • If the objects are located in the northern hemisphere, then the geographic latitude is called positive, if in the southern - negative.
  • South latitude - the object is moving from the equator towards the North Pole.
  • North latitude - the object is moving towards South Pole from the equator.
  • On a map, latitudes are lines that are parallel to each other. The distance between these lines is measured in degrees, minutes, seconds. One degree is 60 minutes and one minute is 60 seconds.
  • Equator is latitude zero.

Longitude Is a coordinate value that determines the location of an object relative to the prime meridian.

  • This coordinate allows you to find out the location of the object relative to the west and east.
  • Lines of longitude are meridians. They are located perpendicular to the equator.
  • The zero point of longitude in geography is the Greenwich Laboratory, which is located in east London. This line of longitude is called the Greenwich meridian.
  • Objects that are east of the Greenwich meridian are in the east longitude and in the west are in the west longitude.
  • East longitude readings are considered positive, while west longitude readings are negative.

With the help of the meridian, such a direction as north-south is determined, and vice versa.

Latitude on a geographic map is measured from the equator - it is zero degrees. At the poles - 90 degrees latitude.

From what points, what meridian is the geographic longitude measured from?

Longitude on the map is measured from Greenwich. The prime meridian is 0 °. The further from Greenwich an object is located, the greater its longitude.

To locate an object, you need to know its latitude and longitude. As mentioned above, latitude is the distance from the equator to a given object, and longitude is the distance from Greenwich to the desired object or point.

How to measure, find out the geographical latitude and longitude on the world map? Each parallel of latitude is indicated by a specific number - a degree.

Meridians are also indicated by degrees.

Measure, find out the geographical latitude and longitude on the world map

Any point will be located either at the intersection of the meridian and parallel, or at the intersection of intermediate indicators. Therefore, its coordinates are designated by specific indicators of latitude and longitude. For example, St. Petersburg is located at the following coordinates: 60 ° north latitude and 30 ° east longitude.

As stated above, latitude are parallels. To determine it, you need to draw a line parallel to the equator or a nearby parallel.

  • If the object is located on the very parallel, then it is easy to determine its location (it was described above).
  • If the object is between parallels, then its latitude is determined by the closest parallel from the equator.
  • For example, Moscow is located north of the 50th parallel. The distance to this object is measured along the meridian and it is 6 °, which means that Moscow has a geographic latitude of 56 °.

An illustrative example of determining the geographical coordinates of latitude on a world map can be found in the following video:

Video: Geographic latitude and geographic longitude. Geographical coordinates

To determine the geographic longitude, you need to determine the meridian at which the point is located, or its intermediate value.

  • For example, St. Petersburg is located on the meridian, the value of which is 30 °.
  • But what if the object is located between the meridians? How to determine its longitude?
  • For example, Moscow is located east of 30 ° east longitude.
  • Now add the number of degrees in parallel to this meridian. It turns out 8 ° - which means the geographical longitude of Moscow is 38 ° east longitude.

Another example of determining the geographic coordinates of longitude and latitude on the world map in the video:

Video: Finding Latitude and Longitude

All parallels and meridians are indicated on any map. Which maximum value has latitude and longitude? The greatest value of the geographical latitude is 90 °, and the longitude is 180 °. The smallest latitude is 0 ° (equator), and the smallest longitude is 0 ° (Greenwich).

Geographic latitude and longitude of the poles and equator: what is equal?

The geographic latitude of the points of the earth's equator is 0 °, the North Pole is + 90 °, and the South Pole is -90 °. The longitude of the poles is not determined, since these objects are located on all meridians at once.

Determination of geographical coordinates of latitude and longitude on Yandex and Google maps online

Schoolchildren may need to determine geographic coordinates on maps in real time when performing tests or examinations.

  • It is convenient, fast and simple. Determination of the geographical coordinates of latitude and longitude on Yandex and Google maps online can be done on different services on the Internet.
  • For example, just enter the name of an object, city or country and click on it on the map. The geographical coordinates of this object will appear instantly.
  • In addition, the resource will show the address of the specified point.

Online mode is convenient because you can find out the necessary information here and now.

How to find a place on Yandex and Google map by coordinates?

If you do not know the exact address of an object, but you know its geographical coordinates, then its location can be easily found on Google or Yandex maps. How to find a place on Yandex and Google map by coordinates? Follow these steps:

  • Go, for example, to the Google map.
  • Enter the value of the geographic coordinates in the search box. It is allowed to enter degrees, minutes and seconds (for example 41 ° 24'12.2 ″ N 2 ° 10'26.5 ″ E), degrees and decimal minutes (41 24.2028, 2 10.4418), decimal degrees: (41.40338, 2.17403).
  • Click "Search", and the searched object on the map will open in front of you.

The result will appear instantly, and the object itself will be marked on the map with a "red drop".

Finding satellite maps with latitude and longitude coordinates is easy. You only need to enter in the search box of Yandex or Google keywords, and the service will instantly give out what you need.

For instance, " Satellite maps with latitude and longitude coordinates ". Many sites will open with the provision of such a service. Choose any, click on the desired object and determine the coordinates.

Satellite Maps - Determining Latitude and Longitude Coordinates

The Internet gives us great opportunities. If earlier it was necessary to use only a paper map to determine longitude and latitude, now it is enough to have a gadget with a network connection.

Video: Geographic Coordinates and Determination of Coordinates