Do I need a paid freelance account? Are there any downsides.

Nevertheless, even beginners can regularly receive orders on the exchange and find regular customers.

What does a beginner need to do to receive orders on the exchange?

  • Register first on the main freelance exchanges:, , , There are actually many more exchanges, but these are the most popular.
    Check out 85 more remote job sites
  • Complete your profile in as much detail as possible: add a photo, enter your real name and surname, all contact details (Skype, email, phone, links to profiles in social networks and the website, if any). In addition, if the exchange has the opportunity to verify your profile, i.e. confirm your data using a scan of your passport, do it. A detailed profile gives more confidence to customers.
  • Buy a test professional account. This is optional, but a paid account gives you more benefits: you can reply to an unlimited number of projects, write private messages to customers, see all the contact details of other users. In addition, freelancers with paid accounts are more trusted by employers. And it's inexpensive. For example, on, a PRO test account for 1 month costs only 299 rubles.
  • Think about what exactly you can offer customers in Write a detailed list of everything you know how to do. This list will help you to be ready when you start a dialogue with the customer. Think also about what you can offer that no one else or very few people offer. It could be any additional service or an unusual offer that will help you stand out from other performers.
  • Regularly, 2-3 times a day, keep track of projects according to your specialization. On the exchange, the speed of the response of the performer often plays a role. If the customer has an urgent project, he will not choose for a long time. In addition, customers will see that you are active, appear regularly on the exchange, and, therefore, will not disappear at the very right moment if he has any questions.
  • Respond to projects in your core area. If your main specialization is “ ” in your profile, then you should not respond to projects - you will have little chance of being selected.
  • Choose those projects in which you are confident. Do not immediately chase "fat" orders. Your first priority is to get as many positive reviews as possible and develop a portfolio. Let your first orders be inexpensive, the main thing is to make them so good that the customer wants to leave positive feedback.
  • In response to the project, place your unique offer. Don't just write price and terms like most people do. List how you could help the customer on this project. If the project is very small, you can first complete it, and then unsubscribe to the customer. The customer, most likely, wants to see your work, which means they will pay attention to you. You can also offer a free test task or free audit already finished projects customer.
  • Be active and persistent. Even if you have little experience yet, but you really want to complete this project, write to the customer by mail, knock on Skype, offer your services. And never give up if you are rejected. It's just a numbers game. The more doors you knock on, the more likely it will be opened to you. In addition, it is the most persistent freelancers who quickly find regular customers.
  • Execute projects at the highest quality level. When the employer chooses you among the performers, then before starting work, find out as many details as possible on the TOR (terms of reference) so that there are no misunderstandings later. Be correct, try to resolve any disputes on a professional level, always be in touch, keep the customer informed about the stage of the work. So, the customer will have a good impression of you, thanks to which he will write you a positive review and will most likely contact you again.
If you apply all the recommendations listed above, you will be guaranteed to receive orders on freelance exchanges.

In fact, even despite the competition, exchanges are a very convenient way to get orders for beginners. There is no need to search for customers on the Internet, convincing them that they need your services. They come to the market already employers interested in your services. It is only necessary: ​​the first is to draw attention to yourself, the second is to do the work with high quality, the third is to leave a good impression about yourself. Thus, you will start a regular flow of orders, and over time, employers themselves will start knocking on your door with offers of cooperation.

If you want to communicate with even more interested customers, pay attention to our employment service The competition here is much lower than on conventional exchanges, and customer confidence is higher, since this service contains resumes of only verified and trained specialists. You can learn about all the benefits of the service, as well as how to get access to customer projects.

Good luck online!

Newcomers, having come to the freelance exchanges, look with some envy at those who took the first places in the list of performers. It is very difficult to get on the first page of the freelancer directory, but each exchange offers its own unique functionality, having understood which, you can gradually rise to the top.


It is not enough to do your job well - you need to skillfully advertise yourself.


In general, the point is: a freelancer who is on the first page of the directory, buys a paid account, advertises himself, has a large portfolio and a bunch of positive reviews, the customer trusts more than an unknown newbie (and not even a newbie). This rule works on all exchanges. Because freelancers are trying to "pump the character", and the higher you are in the catalog, the better.

Today the site will tell you what opportunities for promotion the exchange provides, and how to use them wisely in order to take the first places in the catalog.

Paid accounts

Like almost any exchange, there are paid accounts on On the this moment there are two kinds of them.

Business account XL . It costs 650 rubles per month. You can order immediately for six months, for 3510 rubles. This is an account for business, ideal for those for whom freelancing is not just a part-time job, but a life's work. The owners of this profile have many opportunities: they receive email notifications about new orders, they can post service announcements (16 pcs), their portfolio does not contain advertising. You can personalize the profile: put a cover; you can choose a nameplate, and in the reviews of the project you will be visible from afar. And yet - the owners of this account occupy priority places in the directory.

Tip one: if you want to be at the top of the catalog, buy an XL business account.

The second type of paid account is business account S . It has fewer opportunities, but it also costs less - 440 rubles per month. With this account, you will also be able to view all projects, post service announcements (2 per month), receive newsletters. Another plus is the priority placement in the catalog. But - you will be placed under those who have an XL business account.

Is it necessary to buy a paid account? You don’t have to buy, but in this case your options are somewhat limited: you can only leave three reviews per day, you can’t write private messages, not all projects are available to you. But it’s quite possible to find a job for a start - I did this at the very dawn of my copywriting career, and I found far from one normal customer.

But even with a paid account, it is far from the top of the catalog. You need to “pump your account”, and for this there are some options.


To make your face "familiar" and become recognizable, you can use special options for personal promotion. On the home page the site has cross-cutting blocks - on top and on the left - with freelancers' offers. A new block has been launched - "Quick choice of a freelancer". These blocks contain your avatar, name, specialization and status (slogan).

In the block above, you can place your avatar in the "All freelancers" section.

At the time of writing, the queue for several months in advance is occupied by placing an avatar at the top of the main page. And until mid-February - on the "All freelancers" page. These are the services that are in great demand, as they really have a positive effect: the freelancer's name becomes recognizable. Your avatar is immediately seen by the customer by going to the exchange.

Tip two : Buy places in the cross-cutting block at the top of the main page and in the freelancer directory.


Go to your profile and look in the upper right corner. There you can see the scores of the Business Activity Index, this is your rating in the system.


The higher your PMI, the higher you are in the directory. Rating points are accrued permanent and temporary.


The first thing that permanent points are awarded for is filling out a profile. For the last name, first name, city, and other information about yourself, you get 10 points (for each item).

For each work in the portfolio, you are awarded one more point (but not more than 150). For each positive customer review through the workspace, 5 points are awarded (if the review is through FairPlay - Safe deal - then 10).

Permanent points are not easy to earn, but can be easily lost. negative feedback a customer through the workspace costs 5 points, through a secure transaction - 10 points. Negative feedback from the administration takes 100 points from the rating.

Temporary points are valid for 1 year. They can be earned by participating in competitions (for getting into the shortlist you will receive 200 points, for winning - 10% of the prize fund, and for one work uploaded to the competition - 25 points), using paid services. For general purchases for the year, 10% of the amount is charged.

Tip three : Earn points to increase your business activity index: work through the Safe Deal service, earn positive reviews, participate in contests.

A few life hacks

To attract the attention of the customer, and, consequently, to catch new order, replenish the portfolio with a new slave, and you can get another review in a non-standard way. For example, showing their creativity and originality of thinking.

On the exchange, owners of an XL Business account, when they leave a review for a project, display three best work from portfolio. You can choose and specify them yourself. The same three works are displayed in the freelancers directory.

Many freelancers do it very cleverly, attracting attention to themselves. Here's how you get past this:

You can also sell works in the store. This way you will earn both popularity and money.

Take the "About me" field seriously when filling out your profile. Here you can specify any information about your work, indicate prices, describe your benefits. Do not be lazy - for the customer this will be additional valuable information that will convince him to work with you.

Tip Four : be creative!


To climb higher in the directory of freelancers on, you need to do the following steps :

  • buy paid accounts (preferably XL), use paid options;
  • complete your profile and portfolio;
  • work through the FairPlay Safe Deal service;
  • ask customers to leave positive feedback after work;
  • take part in competitions.

These simple steps will allow you not only to earn a high rating, but also make you visible, popular, famous. Consequently, the trust of customers in you will grow significantly.

Good luck, and first places in the freelancers directory!

Many people think about starting work at home, for which they choose different types freelance. This type of earnings has many advantages, but not every person can really receive a decent income from such activities.

Freelancing is a way to generate income for a freelancer. A person carries out labor activity outside the state and remotely, using a computer, the Internet and his own unique skills.

Important! People working in this field are called freelancers, who may specialize in creating websites, editing photos, creating projects, or writing articles.

This type of activity is promising and attractive for many people who do not want to constantly go to the office according to a special schedule.

Even many large companies prefer to use their services, since they do not have to keep highly specialized specialists on staff, whose work is rarely required.

Experience, mistakes and conclusions for beginner freelancers - in this video:

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of freelancing include:

  • the duration of the working day is independently determined, and it is also allowed to take a day off at any time;
  • there is no strict boss, since you can work on different exchanges with large quantity customers, and at the same time it is allowed to refuse cooperation with a particular person or company at any time;
  • especially like this way of earning people who prefer to perform work duties at night;
  • it is allowed to take a break at any time, control or change the deadlines for submitting results, and you can also choose any place for comfortable activities;
  • no need to invest your own funds;
  • earnings completely depend on the desire, skills and preferences of the freelancer;
  • income with a competent approach can be quite significant, and it is not limited, therefore, the more time is devoted to activities, the more profit a citizen can count on.

Are there any cons

Freelancing also has some disadvantages. This includes the fact that due to the lack of strict bosses, many people become lazy, therefore they do not even fulfill a sufficient minimum to get a good income.

There is no motivation, as there is no opportunity for career growth, which for many citizens is the cause of depression. Freelancers constantly have to look for opportunities to earn money, and situations when there are downtime are not uncommon.

What areas of activity are most in demand?

The main methods of earning money through freelancing

Freelancers can work in different areas. They are engaged in remote work, so they perform almost all actions on a computer using the Internet.

Important! If desired, each freelancer can rent an office, as well as register as an individual entrepreneur in order to pay insurance premiums and taxes for himself.

There are many areas of freelancing, but most often freelancers prefer to write articles for websites, create electronic resources, develop website designs or watch different videos.

Each type of work has its own characteristics and requires certain knowledge and time, so it is quite difficult to combine freelancing with regular activities in an office or factory.

Spheres of earnings

There are several areas of freelancing that are considered the most interesting and attractive. These include:

  • Rewriting and copywriting. This area is considered to be in demand, therefore it attracts many freelancers. It involves writing specialized articles on various topics, which are then located on websites or exchanges. It is advisable to work only on trusted exchanges that provide safe and reliable cooperation. To complete the assignments, writing skills and literacy are required. you can learn how to choose an exchange for copywriting and rewriting.
  • Programming. This type of earnings is considered the most difficult of all possible areas of freelancing. This is due to the fact that knowledge is required in the field of creating different programs, and it is desirable to know several programming languages ​​at once. Therefore, this process is usually carried out by highly specialized specialists with appropriate education and knowledge.
  • Web design and layout. Such work is considered creative, as it involves the formation of numerous graphic details, attractive website design and layout of resources. To get a good income from this line of activity, it is desirable to have relevant experience and creative thinking.
  • . This method earnings on the Internet is considered the most popular and popular. This is due to the fact that in electronic resources many individuals and companies are in need. Usually, work is provided to freelancers who not only create a website that fully meets the requirements of customers, but also engage in its continuous promotion. But you can work in this area only if you have the appropriate specific skills.
  • Work with video and audio recordings. Such activities are considered unusual and complex, but no less in demand compared to other areas. To get a good income from it, the freelancer must have the skills to work with numerous complex programs.

Thus, there are many freelancing directions that beginner freelancers can choose. You can also choose to create your own blog as an idea. you can find out from the link.

Important! When choosing a particular area, it is necessary to take into account not only your own preferences, but also skills and abilities in order to fulfill orders quickly and in accordance with the requests and requirements of customers.

If a person is just planning to do freelancing, then in order to achieve success, it is advisable to take into account some tips:

  • you should choose only proven and reliable exchanges, such as or;
  • the application must be convincing and different from the rest;
  • when creating a profile, it is required to indicate reliable information about the presence of specific professional qualities and skills of a freelancer;
  • each order, even the most inexpensive and simple, must be carried out with all responsibility and seriousness in order to get a good review for it;
  • the terms of reference are certainly carefully studied so that there is no need to redo the finished work;
  • on the entry level it is recommended to choose not too expensive orders in order to understand the features of earnings well and only then raise prices. With a responsible approach, success will not be difficult.

How much can you earn freelancing? Photo:

The best types of exchanges for freelance earnings

Important! The choice of a particular exchange depends on which particular area of ​​freelance a person prefers to work in.

There are many exchanges that offer the opportunity to work remotely. The most preferred for beginners are exchanges:

  • This site contains many orders and projects that are provided even to beginners. All you need to do is register, indicate your field of activity and start working. There are many options for activities at different rates.
  • Such an exchange provides an opportunity to earn money for beginners, and the submission of applications is allowed for almost all laid out projects. It is allowed to buy a business account with the most interesting and expensive orders, but it is advisable to purchase it after completing several jobs.
  • This exchange is more than 10 years old, so there are really a lot of customers and freelancers working on it. Cooperation with this resource is safe, convenient and reliable. For good earnings, you will have to buy a special PRO-account, since without it it is possible to take no more than 5 orders per month.
  • Workzilla. This exchange is aimed at small orders, therefore it attracts beginner freelancers. No specialized knowledge or skills are required to complete the tasks. When registering, you will have to pass a small test and decide on the scope of work.

Thus, you can choose any of the above exchanges, and all these options are convenient and optimal for beginners.

How to choose an exchange

In order for the work to be really effective and profitable, you should choose the right site. When choosing an exchange, the following tips are taken into account:

The main disadvantage of freelancing is that a person may lack motivation for activities. He is lazy and does not want to start fulfilling orders, so the income will be minimal.

To count on good earnings, it is recommended to plan your working day in advance. For this, recommendations are taken into account:

  • it is determined how much time will be spent on work, and it is desirable to set this time in the morning without missing it for various reasons;
  • it is advisable to take breaks after every hour of work;
  • definitely need to do weekends;
  • it is not allowed to sit at the computer all day, so you need to take breaks for walks, exercise and good nutrition.

Important! Only if there is a rest, a freelancer will be positively disposed to further activities.

How much money can you make freelancing

Earnings completely depend on how much time a person devotes to work, what prices he sets for his proposals, and also what his professional qualities and skills are.

On average, a copywriter earns from 200 to 700 rubles. per day, and if you work 22 days a month, then it comes out from 4.5 to 15 thousand rubles, but this income can be increased even up to 100 thousand rubles, since it completely depends on writing skills, typing speed and literacy performer.

It is the opportunity to earn as much as the freelancer himself wants and can that is so attractive remote work. How much can you earn in social network Facebook and what you need for this - read.


Thus, freelancing is considered a popular direction for many people to work. It offers the opportunity to carry out activities in various fields, realizing their creative possibilities. The optimal direction and a suitable exchange are selected. Only if certain recommendations are taken into account can you expect to receive a high income.

You can find out how to quickly start freelancing and earn money even for beginners here:

How to order

Payment Methods

Payment Methods.

Attention! Refunds are not made. Check your order carefully before starting the payment procedure.

Yandex money

Confirm your consent to pay for the order by clicking the "confirm" button.

Pay for your order through the Yandex.Money service.

Yandex money- the largest online payment service in RuNet. Offers simple safe ways payment for goods and services. By the beginning of 2015, more than 20 million wallets were registered in the service, about 12 thousand new ones are opened daily.


Confirm your consent to pay for the order by clicking the "confirm" button. You will be automatically redirected to the WebMoney Transfer electronic payment server. Click the Pay button and go through authorization in the system.

You will see all payment details on the screen and you can confirm or cancel the payment. To make a payment, you must be registered in the WebMoney Transfer system, or be a Keeper Mobile user, or be registered in the system, or be the owner of a WM card or electronic check

RISK NOTICE The offered goods and services are not provided by order of a person or enterprise operating the WebMoney Transfer system. We are an independent service provider and make our own decisions about prices and offers. Enterprises operating the WebMoney Transfer system do not receive commissions or other remuneration for participating in the provision of services and do not bear any responsibility for our activities.

The attestation made by WebMoney Transfer only confirms our contact details and certifies our identity. It is carried out at our request and does not mean that we are in any way connected with the sales of WebMoney system operators.

Payment by bank cards Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, MIR, JCB, DCL

Confirm your consent to pay for the order by clicking the "confirm" button. Enter your email address, a check will be sent to it.
On the loaded page of the payment system, enter the card number, select the card expiration date, indicate the name of the cardholder and the CVC2 / CVV2 code. Enter verification code and click the "Pay" button.

If the card has 3-D Secure additional protection enabled, you will see your bank. Confirm payment with SMS code

After payment address Email A message will be sent with the results of the transaction / check.

Payment Security

The collection and processing of the received confidential data of the client (card details, registration data, etc.) is carried out in the processing center, and not on the seller's website. Thus, the site cannot obtain the personal and banking data of the client, including information about his purchases made in other stores.

Payment by bank cards is made by redirecting to the website of electronic payment systems Assist or Yandex.Checkout

Yandex.Checkout operates using the HTTPS protocol, which encrypts transmitted data, and regularly undergoes security checks according to the Visa and Mastercard standard (PCI DSS) for a year.

In the ASSIST system, payment security is ensured by using the SSL protocol for transferring confidential information from the client to the server of the ASSIST system for further processing. Security of transmitted information

From the moment of successful payment through the ASSIST electronic payment system until our server receives payment confirmation, it may take some time. Order status in "List of my orders"- Awaiting payment. After receiving confirmation from the system about the passage of payment, you will be sent a notification by e-mail and the status of the order in the "List of my orders" will change to "Processed"

Payment via "Visa QIWI Wallet"

Place an order, select the payment method "Visa QIWI Wallet"
Specify your "Visa QIWI Wallet" - phone number (in international format with country code) and generate an invoice for payment in the system.

Visa QIWI Wallet users have access to various ways payment: from the balance of Visa QIWI Wallet; from the balance mobile phone; from the credit card balance and others.

It is easy to top up your Visa QIWI Wallet balance at QIWI terminals and partner terminals, mobile phone stores, supermarkets, ATMs or via Internet banking.

Electronic payment service ROBOKASSA

The ROBOKASSA service allows you to make payments using bank cards, from the mobile phone balance, in various "electronic currencies" - WMZ, WME, WMU, RBK Money and many others; through the Internet banking of leading Russian banks, through ATMs, etc.

Most beginners who decide to register on a popular freelance exchange are surprised by the system of paid and free accounts on sites. On the one hand, you can look for a job for free, but you can often offer yourself as a task executor only on a paid basis. So is it possible to look for a job on the Internet for free?

  • 1 Where to look for a job on the Internet?
  • 2 Types of accounts on freelance exchanges
  • 3 Is it worth paying for an account?

Where to look for a job on the Internet?

If you dream about comfortable work at home, then freelancing will offer you excellent opportunities. All you need is to create your own portfolio with examples of work in the industry that interests you and contact employers. But where can you find them online?

The first option is regular job sites. They only offer free accounts and convenient search, however, there are often few remote offers on traditional job search sites. In addition, it is often impossible to filter online jobs from office employment offers, so finding a job on the Internet is not an easy task.

The second search option is registration on major freelance exchanges. Accounts are usually created on free of charge and only after filling out the profile you will be offered to switch to a paid basis for using the site. Can I look for a job without paying for an account? Yes, of course, but not all vacancies will be available to you. Free accounts usually have restrictions on freelance exchanges, so you should carefully study them when starting to work on sites.

Types of accounts on freelance exchanges

Different sites have their own rules regarding the use of a free account. Some resources do not restrict users at all, allowing them to search for any job for free and contact employers. Other sites offer parallel free and paid freelance accounts, each with their own benefits. But there are also sites where the use of free accounts is not provided at all.

So, the first type of sites - exclusively free. It is easy to look for a job on it, however, due to the availability of the site, it often becomes a place where scammers operate. They create multiple accounts and post more and more job offers, and after completing the task, they simply leave the account without paying for the job. That is why many freelance exchanges are going to introduce a system of paid resource use.

However, if you are careful not to contact clients with a dubious reputation, then this type of freelance site can become a good source of work, at least for the first time.

The second type of sites - resource with two types of accounts, free and paid. Most freelance exchanges today are built exactly on this principle - registration on the site is free, it is possible to use a free account, but there is also a paid type of registration which provides its own benefits.

As a rule, the free type of accounts has rather limited capabilities - you can either respond to several applications per day, or simply view vacancies without the possibility of contacting the employer. The main features of the site are implemented only for paid profiles.

And the third type of exchanges - fully paid sites. The free profile is not available and you will need to subscribe right away. The site usually offers several types of plans with varying numbers of applications that you can submit to employers.

Watch the video - How to get on the freelance exchanges without a paid account?

Is it worth paying for an account?

Undoubtedly, this is the first question that comes to mind when registering on a freelance exchange. You are offered “some paid subscriptions” and this may seem outrageous. However, in reality, First, check out the rates.- most often for a month of using a paid account you need to pay only 5-10 dollars. Firstly, if you find a job, you will work out this amount in a maximum of a couple of days. Secondly, Paid subscriptions often provide significant advantages over free ones.: it allows you to make sure that the user of the site is serious, because it is simply unprofitable for fraudsters to create multiple paid accounts. Often your profile paid subscription stands out on the site and in the directory of freelancers, and your job applications are placed above.

In a word, in most cases, buying a paid account is completely justified and reasonable.

However, if you are not completely sure about own forces, then you can try at first just to look at the work and only then make a decision to buy an account. You can find a job on freelance sites for free, but by purchasing a paid account on a large exchange, you will get access to a large number work and you will surely quickly return the money invested in your account.