Adjustment of coolers on the computer. Fan speed controller: device types and connection rules

The high performance of modern computers also has a downside: increased heat dissipation from chips installed on the motherboard, video adapter, and even in the power supply. That is why, almost every PC is equipped with a sufficiently powerful cooling system. The most inexpensive, simple and common option is to cool devices by means of heatsinks installed directly on the chips and cooling fans.

But three or more installed fans make quite a lot of noise. It is impossible to turn off the coolers, as the computer will overheat with all the ensuing troubles. But how then to deal with the noise, which over time becomes stronger due to the wear of the mechanical part of the fan and the production of lubricant? There is only one answer: take control of the computer fans into your own hands. About how to achieve this, and will be our publication.

Ways to solve the problem

Today, all motherboards, chipset, video adapter and CPU, are necessarily equipped with temperature sensors, thanks to which it is possible to control the temperature of these elements using PC hardware or software. By reducing the speed of the coolers, preventing the processor and the system as a whole from overheating, you can effectively deal with the noise generated by the fans.

There are several more ways: replace the fans with quieter ones, or upgrade the entire PC cooling system by installing the existing Peltier elements. You can buy expensive liquid nitrogen cooling by investing a fairly large amount of hard-earned money in this enterprise. Next, we will talk about the simplest and cheapest way - controlling the speed of the processor cooler and other elements of your PC.

To control the fans of your PC, there are several options:

  1. Use special software.
  2. Adjust fan speed from BIOS.
  3. Apply the device, under the incomprehensible name "Reobas".
  4. Reduce the supply voltage of coolers artificially.

What fans can be adjusted

Before you start choosing a specific fan control method, you should know that you can control the rotation of devices with 2 - wired connection can only be changed by changing the power supply, however, it is impossible to obtain information about its rotation speed.

Three pin coolers have feedback from the control board. But to solve this issue, it is necessary to turn on the device in order to obtain reliable data on the engine speed. Only some models of controllers can do this.

In 4-wire fans, in addition to power wires, feedback and ground, there is a PWM input that allows linear fan power control that allows you to change the fan speed on the processor, setting up to 10% of the maximum.

Setting the fan speed from the BIOS

  • Reboot your PC and by pressing the DEL key enter Bios.
  • Find the item responsible for setting the fan parameters. On most motherboards, this is the Advanced Chipset item. The Always Fan feature must be active (Enabled).
  • Select 50-70% for each available cooler and hit Esk.
  • Save the settings by highlighting Save & Exit Setup and then press Ok.
  • After a reboot, the noise from the coolers should be gone.

After changing the settings, monitor the temperature of the processor and motherboard.

Setting the fan rotation using third-party software

For all those who did not find the desired option in Bios, a huge amount of specialized software is dedicated. In this post, I would like to take a look at free utility Speed ​​Fan. This computer fan control program allows you to very quickly reduce the speed of some coolers and is guaranteed to save you from annoying noise.

Important! This utility, like most similar ones, is useless for some motherboards. You should try another program.

PC fan control by mechanical means

As a mechanical control, you can use a device called Reobas, which was mentioned at the beginning of the article. This device is mounted in the front panel of the PC, in the CDRom bay. It has one or more manual controls on its panel that control the CPU cooler and other fan-equipped items. .

This device can be connected directly to the PCI slot. Additional connection to the FAN connector of the motherboard will allow you to control the rotational speed of the coolers of their operating system.

It should be understood that Reobas is quite an expensive toy, so before purchasing this device, try using software that is faster to install and is distributed among developers absolutely free of charge.

By default, the cooler operates at about 70-80% of the capacities that are included in it by the manufacturer. However, if the processor is subjected to frequent loads and/or has been previously overclocked, then it is recommended to increase the rotation speed of the blades to 100% of the possible capacities.

The overclocking of the cooler blades is not fraught with anything for the system. The only side effects are increased computer/laptop power consumption and increased noise. Modern computers are able to independently adjust the power of the cooler, depending on the temperature of the processor at the moment.

In total, there are two ways that will allow you to increase the power of the cooler to 100% of the declared one:

  • Perform overclocking via BIOS. Suitable only for users who roughly understand how to work in this environment, because. any error can greatly affect the further performance of the system;
  • With help third party programs. In this case, you need to use only the software that you trust. This method much easier than figuring out BIOS on your own.

You can also buy a modern cooler that is able to independently regulate its power, depending on the temperature of the CPU. However, not all mother cards support the operation of such cooling systems.

Method 1: AMD OverDrive

This software is suitable only for coolers that work in conjunction with AMD processor. is distributed free of charge and is great for speeding up the work of various AMD components.

Instructions for accelerating the blades using this decision as follows:

Method 2: SpeedFan

Method 3: BIOS

It is advisable to increase the speed of the cooler only if there is a real need for it, because. If this component operating at maximum power, its service life may be somewhat reduced.

Under severe loads, heat dissipation from the processor and video card greatly increases, which causes the element itself, the motherboard and the laptop case to heat up. Sometimes overheating leads to the failure of the part and the need to replace it. To avoid this, you can overclock the laptop cooler higher default settings.

Laptop fan control

There are one or more coolers in the computer. The devices cool the entire system. As a rule, the manufacturer specifies a specific rotation speed, which should provide optimum temperature. Even at different times of the year environment may be hotter than the developer exhibited on the test bench. The maximum temperature in the summer can become critical for the cooling system, so it becomes necessary to take control of the laptop cooler and increase its speed. To do this, there are several ways that involve more subtle debugging.

Before you increase the fan speed on a laptop, it makes sense to make sure that there is no contamination inside the case. Accumulations of dust, pet hair, and large particles can increase system temperatures. It is recommended that you clean your laptop at least once a year, especially if it is often placed on a blanket, bed cover, or near open window. It is better to carry the warranty computer in service center if there is no coupon, contact a specialist. Doing it yourself is not recommended.

Operating system setup

You can adjust the speed of the cooler from the operating system using special programs or via BIOS. Initially, the operation of the fans is configured by the drivers of the motherboard and Windows itself. They work with maximum efficiency, create a minimum of noise. The faster the blades spin, the more buzz will come from it. Sometimes cooling functions can be broken when reinstalling the operating system or updating drivers incorrectly.

Programs for adjusting the fan speed

In the case when you are sure that the problem of overheating lies in the settings of the system itself, you should use special software. Before you increase the fan speed on a laptop, you should understand that the power of 30-50% is set by the manufacturer to reduce noise, lower power consumption and longer battery life. If you overclock the cooler, the battery will drain faster, the computer will “buzz” louder.

The most common way to increase the speed of the cooler on a laptop is the SpeedFan application. An easy-to-manage utility that provides a lot of data and settings options. This cooler overclocking program is located in public access online and distributed free of charge. Management is as follows:

  1. Install and run the application.
  2. Examine the temperatures of the equipment.
  3. Click on the device whose temperature exceeds the norm.
  4. Click the Up button several times.
  5. Find the optimal indicator at which the temperature drops to the required value.
  6. Do not close the window so that the cooler speed control is not lost.

Is not the only program to control coolers. Some manufacturers produce own security, which helps to control the power and speed of the fans. Zooming through "native" utilities is considered safer and easier. For example, AMD has an option to increase the speed through the AMD OverDrive application. You need to install it together with the main package for the operation of components from this company. After installation, you need to open the application, do the following:

  1. Find the Fan Control section in the main menu.
  2. Locate the Performance Control submenu.
  3. The cooler overclocker will offer you one or more sliders.
  4. Increase as much as you want, usually 70-100%, and click Apply.
  5. Go to the Preferences section and select Settings.
  6. Make active the item Apply my last settings. This will force the program to set your fan speed level each time it boots.
  7. Click the OK button to close the utility.

A similar method on how to programmatically increase the fan speed on a laptop is also available for Intel processors. This requires the Riva Tuner utility. You need to perform the same steps, but already in this application. Increase the speed of the laptop fans until the temperature readings reach the optimal values. Remember that coolers will work louder, and they will consume more energy.

How to set up a cooler in bios

In some cases, failures occur, the set values ​​\u200b\u200bare constantly reset or lost. In this case, setting the cooler in the BIOS will be more reliable. Most modern motherboards support fan speed control, the ability to increase this figure, select different modes operation of the cooling system. First you need to get into the BIOS itself, to do this, press the “del” button while the laptop is starting to boot, sometimes you need to press “F2” or “F8”. Next you need:

  1. Go to the Power section.
  2. Go to the HW Monitor configuration menu.
  3. In this section, you need to find the option that is responsible for increasing the fan speed, as a rule, the name has the word "Fan", "control" or "speed".
  4. Press Enter on this menu and set the value to Enable, then activate Profile.
  5. Several operating modes will appear. You must select Turbo or Performance.
  6. Save settings, restart laptop.
  7. From now on, immediately upon loading, BOIS will regulate the fan, make it spin at high speeds.


Before you start increasing the speed of the cooler, you should make sure that your computer supports this option. motherboard. This information must be in the manual for it. Almost all modern motherboards various manufacturers have the function of adjusting the speed of the cooler.

Turn on your computer. Right after that, you need to press the Del key. In most cases, it is with this button that you can open the BIOS menu. If nothing happens after pressing this key, refer to the motherboard manual. There should be a button that is responsible for opening the BIOS menu.

After opening the BIOS, go to the POWER section. In this section, select HW Monitor configuration. There should be an option to control the speed of the coolers. Depending on the model of the motherboard, this option may be called differently, for example, CPU Q-Fan function or simply Fan control. You should focus on the word Fan. Select this option and press the Enter key. From the proposed options, select Enable, after which - the Profile line.

Several fan speed settings will appear. Select Performance mode. In it, the speed of the coolers will be maximum. But on some motherboards, Turbo mode may be available. If maximum cooling of computer components is extremely important to you, then if Turbo mode is available, it is best to choose it.

After selecting the desired mode, exit the BIOS. Be sure to save the changed settings beforehand. The computer will restart. The next time you run it, the speed of the coolers will increase.

Helpful advice

Depending on the motherboard model, the cooler speed function may differ. For example, on some models you can only control the speed of the CPU fan, on others - all the coolers that are connected to the motherboard.


  • Two cooler devices

If you have a very noisy fan on your computer, then this may indicate that it is faulty. However, if the fan is OK, then it spins too much. Anyone who knows how to handle a soldering iron can independently adjust the speed of the cooler.


Note that if we have a very hot controller transistor, we need it for a small radiator. This role can be played by a piece of copper or aluminum plate 3x2 cm 2-3 mm thick. However, practice shows that if you connect a standard computer to the speed controller, there will be no need for a radiator, since the transistor experiences only slight heating.

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  • cooler rotation adjustment

If you are interested correct setting cooler and its values, use the program for controlling the operation of fans - Speed ​​Fan. This program is completely free, is freely available on the Internet. It allows you to monitor all the temperature sensors on your computer. Therefore, most personal computer users who care about the constant operation of their fans install this program.

You will need


In the program settings, it is presented for change a large number of parameters. As a rule, all default settings are optimal. In the settings, you can change the names of hard drives, fans, etc. By default, they are given, which differ only in the last digit.

If the fan speed does not reach the nominal due to insufficient voltage in the network, then connect it through the stabilizer AC voltage. If a constant voltage is used for the fan, then increase it using the regulator or replace it. The voltage on the electric motor must not exceed the rated voltage, otherwise the motor will simply burn out.

The frequency of rotation of the fan motor shaft operating with an asynchronous motor alternating current, increase with a frequency converter. It connects to the motor and changes the frequency of the current in the circuit. By increasing the frequency of the current supplied to the windings of such a motor, it is possible to increase its rotational speed, as well as the fan speed.

Cooling of some devices included in the personal computer provided by special fans. Maintaining a certain temperature level is necessary to prevent the failure of such important elements as the central processor and video card.

You will need

  • - Speed ​​Fan.


To evaluate the status of certain devices, install the SpeedFan program. Run this utility and find out the temperature of the desired elements. Readings are located in the middle of the Readings menu. temperature sensors installed in the computer case. A device whose temperature exceeds the recommended limits will be marked with a special symbol.

At the bottom of the menu are items that allow you to control the rotation speed of certain coolers. Select the fan that is connected to the desired equipment. Enter the number 100 in the field opposite the name of the cooler. This will activate the maximum speed of rotation of the fan blades.

Sometimes the cause of poor-quality cooling is severe contamination of the cooler. Unplug your computer from AC power and remove the left side panel from the case. Find the coolers you need and unplug the power cable from the motherboard. Remove the fan from the device it is attached to.

Clean the cooler blades using cotton swabs or discs. Moisten them first in an alcohol solution. Remove the sticker, which is located in the center of the axis of rotation of the blades. Put a little machine oil or other lubricant into the opening. Put the sticker back in place. It prevents dust from entering the cooler's rotation axis.

Mount the fan on the equipment and check that the fan blades rotate freely. Clean and lubricate the rest of the coolers in a similar way. Turn on the computer and check the sensor readings.

In production or at home in the process of setting up, adjusting and operating power plants, which include Electrical engine, it is often necessary to determine direction rotation motor shaft. Sometimes this can be established directly from the operation of the mechanism. But what if such experimental observation is impossible?

You will need

  • - a battery from a flashlight;
  • - voltmeter with a scale of 3-7V.


To determine the direction rotation DC in the simplest case, use the available diagrams and markings on the mechanism case. Direction rotation usually indicated in the description for the installation or indicated by the corresponding conventional signs, which unambiguously allow you to establish how the motor shaft rotates with a particular type of connection.

Then apply a voltage of 2-4V to the excitation winding. To do this, it will fit from a flashlight or a battery of such polarity at which the arrows of the device. Note the polarity of the battery connected to the field winding terminals, as well as the polarity of the voltmeter connected to the motor armature contacts.

When connecting the motor to the mains, adhere to the same polarity, and direction rotation engine will be the same as in the experiment with a battery. For example, let's say that the voltmeter was to the "positive" armature terminal, conventionally designated R1. You rotated the armature itself in the clockwise direction, and an increase in the deflection of the arrow was observed when the “positive” network clamp was connected to the contacts I1 and Sh1, therefore, the engine would rotate clockwise.

If the test conditions allow the engine to be switched on briefly in electrical circuit, then determine direction rotation according to the initial or final movement of the shaft. A single short-term supply of operating voltage to the circuit of the device is sufficient for the motor itself to indicate the direction it rotates with a given connection scheme.

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In many stationary computers You can set the fan speed yourself. This allows you to provide an optimal level of noise without overheating important components of the PC.

You will need

  • - Speed ​​Fan;
  • - AMD Overdrive.


It is very important to detect malfunctions in the operation of the fans in a timely manner. Install the Speed ​​Fan program and run it. Wait while the utility collects information about the temperature of the devices to which the sensors are connected. Open the Readings tab and see the temperature desired devices. At the bottom of the working window, find several with cooler numbers. Change speed rotation desired fan by pressing the Up or Down arrow several times.

If you downgraded speed rotation blades cooler, then wait for a while until the device to which this fan is attached has a stable temperature. Make sure it doesn't exceed allowable norms. If you do not want to constantly monitor temperature readings, then check the box next to the Automatic fan speed parameter. The program will automatically increase speed fan in the event that the temperature approaches a critical point.

Unfortunately, the Speed ​​Fan program is not suitable for working with all models of motherboards. In this case, it is recommended to use the AMD Over Drive utility. Install and run this program. In the warning window that appears, click the Ok button. Expand the Performance Control tab and go to the Fan Control menu.

You put desired value speeds rotation fans by moving the desired sliders. Click the Apply button to apply the specified settings. Now expand the Preferences tab and open the Settings menu. Find Apply my last settings when system boot. Check the box next to it. This will allow the program to automatically download set parameters coolers work. Click the Ok button, close the program and restart your computer.

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Special fans are installed in modern stationary and mobile computers. Their main task is to provide high-quality cooling of all important PC elements. For the coolers to work properly, they need to be configured.

You will need

  • Speed ​​Fan program.


First, try optimizing your coolers with standard motherboard features. open BIOS menu after restarting the computer. Find the menu responsible for fan settings. Activate the Always Fan option. This is especially true when working with mobile computers, because often coolers are simply turned off to save battery power.

Set the speed rotation required coolers. Usually you need to enter a number that determines the percentage of the rated speed to its maximum value. Save the fan settings and restart your computer.

Quite often, the cooler settings function is not available in the BIOS menu. In such situations, it is necessary to use utilities that work with operating Windows systems. Install the program SpeedFan. Open this utility and go to the Clock tab. Expand the Motherboard menu and select the manufacturer of the motherboard you are using.

Go to the Readings menu and find the fields that display speed rotation coolers. Select speed rotations of each cooler. When set to 100%, the blades will rotate at maximum speed Yu.

If you downgraded speed coolers, make sure that the devices to which these fans are connected do not overheat. To do this, open the Charts tab and in the Analyze column select the Temperatures parameter. Select the checkboxes for the devices whose temperature changes you want to monitor.

After launching an application that actively uses PC resources, minimize it and look at the readings of the temperature graph. Make sure that during operation of all devices, their temperature does not exceed the permissible limits.


  • fan speed

The cooler is an important component of the cooling system of any computer. It performs the function of removing warm air. Fan speed control is performed directly from the motherboard and depends on the readings of the processor die temperature sensor. The higher it is, the faster the fan speed. Self-adjusting the speed is most often done due to the large noise that the fan creates.

Note: when self-adjusting the speed, it is MANDATORY to monitor the temperature of the processor, since it increases with a decrease in speed, which can ultimately damage the chip.

How can I adjust the fan speed myself through the BIOS?

You can adjust the fan speed in a standard way- via BIOS.

To enter the BIOS, you must press the "Delete" key at the beginning of the boot (in some computers it may be "F2", "F12", "Esc"). Depending on the type of BIOS, fan speed control is located either in the "Power" or "Hardware Monitor" tab.

In this menu, you can set the fan speed yourself.

How to adjust fan speed in Windows OS?

On some motherboards changing the cooler settings in the BIOS may be blocked, or the adjustment may be superficial. In this case, you can use special utilities provided by the manufacturer along with the drivers ( MSI Afterburner, PCProbe). If these are not available, you can use third-party programs, such as SpeedFan. It is very popular among users, it is absolutely free and has an intuitive interface.

At the first start, the program reads the current system parameters and fan speed.

Note: at the time of loading, the computer fan must operate at maximum speed, since the utility reads the current fan speed and takes it as 100%.

The first block displays information from detected cooler sensors. In the second - information from the temperature sensors of devices. The third is to adjust the fan speed. In the “Speed01” item, you can set the desired speed level (in percent).

When can't I adjust the fan speed on my computer by myself?

Cooler rotation speed setting cannot be performed if the motherboard does not have such support. Usually these are coolers with a 3-pin connector. To make it possible to control the fan speed on a computer, you need to purchase a cooler with only a 4-pin power connector or buy a speed controller to which the fan is connected directly. In this case, the adjustment is performed directly on the removable unit, which is called the reobass.

Also, in most laptops, the speed control function is also not available (again, due to the 3-pin connector). Only a few models have such support, in which you need to use the manufacturer's programs. This is done in order to avoid overheating, since the compactness of the components limits heat transfer. Therefore, it is not recommended to change the fan speed manually.