Intellij Idea Description. Creating your own Windows software

To write a Java program by and large enough ordinary text editorBut, of course, this option is simply incomprehensible using professional application development environments, the so-called IDE (INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT).

Intellij IDEA is an integrated software development environment for Java from Jetbrains. By the way, not only on Java. Wednesday is successfully used for other programming languages, such as Scala. The first version of the program appeared in 2001 and since then the program has steadily increases its popularity rating. Intellij IDEA is available in two editions: Community Edition and Ultimate Edition. The first version is completely free. The second version extends under various licenses and, as declared, can be used free of charge for projects with open source code. However, even without it, at the end of use by me by the version of Ultimate Edition, I just got a notice that I can work with it continuously for only half an hour.

Versions are also distinguished by supported technologies.

  1. Ultimate Edition:
    • full-featured JVM development environment and development in various languages: Java, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL, Ruby, Python;
    • supports Java EE, Spring / Hibernate technology and others;
    • implementation and debugging with most applications servers.
    • full-featured development environment for Java SE, Groovy and Scala;
    • powerful environment for developing on Google Android.

You can get acquainted with the differences between the versions on the website of JetBrains on the link

The program contains a complete set of the components you need to create full-fledged applications: editor, compilation and execution environment, as well as debugger.

Naturally, Intellij Idea is not the only Environment to create Java applications, it is enough to remember the popular Eclipse or NetBeans, so the developer has from what to choose, and its preferences are often due to subjective factors, for example, it is starting to program on Java - read an article about a specific environment that has led his subsequent choice. It is possible that this cycle of articles will serve for someone starting work with Intellij Idea, especially since the system, in my opinion, is more than convenient.

By the way, on the Internet you can find a lot of migration information from the same Eclipse on Intellij Idea (see, for example, information on the website of Jetbrains on the link).

I prefer to work with the new version of Intellij Idea, so I update it periodically. The articles proposed by the reader were written for more than a year, so I do not exclude that some screenshots belong to some old versions and changed in new versions, for which I apologize to readers in advance.

Installation of the system

You can copy the installation package from the JetBrainS developer site by reference Installing Intellij Idea does not cause problems. I note only that if in the future you assume work with the program code in the program environment, then when installing, install the Create Associations with Java files.

reference system

For Intellij Idea has a fairly large documentation in English. So when clicking item Help. The main menu opens a not built-in, and on-line certificate on the website of Jetbrains.

It is also possible to get documentation for a specific code element, for which you need to install the cursor on it and click the combination < Ctrl\u003e +.< Q\u003e.

Moreover, in general, you can fix the window with the documentation on the sidebar (by default - on the right), making it tool, clicking the attachment button on the documentation window header. True, in my opinion, it gives little, because when opening this window it will display only the latest declared documentation.

Program Interface

As noted earlier, the product enjoys the well-deserved popularity of developers, although there is a "small but": the lack of Russian localization, although it is not an obstacle to the developers.

Started window

After installation, when the Intellij Idea is initially loaded, the Welcome to Intellij Idea startup window, which allows you to download or open a project, import a project, execute it from the repository of several versions control systems ("Check Out from Version Control"). If there is an assembly setup file in the project for Maven or Gradle, Intellij Idea will offer you to use them for configuration.

After working with a specific project, it is remembered, and upon subsequent launch of the program, the last open project is loaded. However, it happens when settings for the default program when in the Appearance & Behavior group ( Appearance Both behavior), System Setting Checkbox "Reopen Last Project On Startup" checkbox (open the last project when loading).

Main window

The main window of the program in the general form consists of three areas, also called tool windows and editor windows. The tool windows are located around the perimeter of the editor window, i.e., on the left, on the right and bottom from it on the fields of the main window, which will be called in the future side panels (sidebar in program terminology). Since the tool windows displays diverse information, then each side panel Contains a number of tabs that open when performing a specific command. The transition to the desired tab (toolbox) is carried out by clicking on its name, which are located on the side panels of the main window. The name of some tabs of the tool windows precedes the figure. Using the key < Alt\u003e Together with this number, you can quickly go to this tab, passing it, after opening it, if it is in the rolled position, or, on the contrary, roll it. In addition, any instrumental window can be displayed in the main window. VIEW.Tool.Windows Or using it combination shortcut keys.

Before a brief description of the instrumental windows, I will make a reservation that the location structure under consideration is proposed to which it is after installing the default program. That is the location I will consider further. However, this does not mean that the tool windows cannot be located in other places of the main window, which will be discussed below.

The color palette of Intellij Idea can be tuned, however, such a palette is a bit. The selection of the palette is carried out in the settings where the Appearance & Behavior (appearance and behavior), appearance & behavior, and choose the topic from the "Theme" drop-down list.

Window editor

The editor window is displaced constantly, occupying most of the main window. It may contain several tabs displaying class software code, the contents of the POM file and other project files. The content content of the tab signals both the file extension in the title tab and the icon before the name, for example, for the class: . Transition to right file It is performed by clicking on its name on the window tab or selecting in the Tool window of the project.

The program contains an impressive window management toolkit. Thus, the location of the tabs can be arbitrarily changed, having them, for example, horizontally, throwing files from one tab of the tabs to another, which is achieved using a group of commands WindowsEditorTabs. either from the context menu that is called on the Edit Window tab. If necessary, a specific tab can be consolidated, which is useful when large quantities tabs when all of them are not placed in the edit window, for which we use the command PIN.Tab.What will be discussed below.

With the right edge of the window, horizontal lines that mark the problem blocks of the code containing errors and warnings can be located. Read more about this later.

On the left edge of the editing window, there are labels of code blocks, with which you can quickly minimize the block as unnecessary or turn it out again. From the same side of the window, the stoppoints are located (if available), codes modifying tips and some other information.

To display the numbering of the rows of the program code, call the context menu on the vertical strip on the left side of the editing window and select "Show Lines Numbers" (to display the numbering of strings). However, with such actions, the display of strings is carried out only in the current session. For the permanent numbering of the numbering rows of the program code, the settings should be disclosed sequentially Editor (editor), General, Appearance (appearance) and check the box for the "Show Line Numbers" field checkbox.

The program code itself (text illumination, fonts) is drawn up in accordance with the settings of the program, which will be discussed later.

Tool windows

Tool window of the project

On the left sidebar displays the project tool window. It contains a tab of the hierarchical project structure (Project) and the class tab (Structure of the Structure) structure (method).

The selection in the Project Structure tab leads to the display of its contents in the editor window. Since the code of almost any class contains many methods, the Structure tab just displays their list. It can be ordered both by alphabet (Sort by Alphabetically), and in the order of their location in the classroom (Sort by Visibility). Clicking the class name initiates the transition to the beginning of the module in the class in the editor window.

Information tab "Structure" is generally quite informative. Next to the name of the module, a number of its properties are also displayed, for example, a class modifier, and its toolbar allows you to quickly change the character of the displayed information, for example, complementing its contents of non-public variables, ordered by name or in the code in the code, etc.

If there are several classes in the project, it is advisable in the project window to disclose the settings button menu and set flags near AutoScroll to Source and AutoScroll from Source.

This option is useful if two tabs are open in the editor window and more (and this, of course, almost always takes place). In this case, the transition in the project window from one object to another leads to the display in the code editor window of the selected object. And, on the contrary, when switching from one tab to another in the edit window, the cursor in the project window switches to the class name, the code of which is displayed in the Editor window tab.

The tabs in this window can be added after installing some extensions (plug-ins). For example, after installing the "Database Navigator" extension, the DB Browser tab is added to the project window.

Instrumental window "Favorites"

At the bottom of the left side panel of the main window, you can display the "Favorites" (Favorites) tool window, containing, for example, a list of stop points and bookmarks, thereby providing them with quick access.

Tool window with project assembly tools

This window is located on the right sidebar. It initially contains two tabs for the two most common Java projects assembly tools - Maven and Ant.

Tool window output

The window is located on the bottom sidebar. This, depending on the nature of the information, displays, for example, compiling messages ("Messages"), console input / output ("Terminal"), Project change control ("Version Control"), the results of the debugger's work ("Debug") and some others .

Management of instrumental windows

Intellij IDEA offers powerful tool control tool controls that allow them to be located in the main window almost anywhere.

Any open tool window in the title contains two buttons: settings and « Hide » (Hide) (this species it has on the left pane).

Any instrumental window can be folded (hide) by clicking the button. « Hide ». In this case, in the main program window, only the side panel is displayed, containing the names of the tabs, which, accordingly, increases the area of \u200b\u200bthe working window of the editor. In the future, the folded window can be simply and quickly displayed by clicking on the name of the tool window on the sidebar.

The setup button contains a menu in which the window control commands contain.

The window can contain your own toolbar. To display it or, on the contrary, delete, you should open the setup button menu and install / uncheck the checkbox near the menu item. Show.Toolbar (Display panel).

The tool windows can be displayed both in fixed mode, in certain locations of the main window and in a floating mode, that is, in an arbitrary place of the main window. To switch between modes, open the menu of the setup buttons and install / uncheck the checkbox near the menu item. FloatingMode. (Floating mode).

If the window is displayed in a fixed mode, then two states installed in the menu item are possible. Docked.Mode. (Docking mode mode). If there is a flag near this item, the window is in the mixing state, shifting the editor window. If you select the checkbox, the window goes into the overlap state at which the window overlaps the editor window.

And finally, if the window is displayed in a fixed mode in a mixing state, then the mode becomes available (menu item) Pinned.Mode. (Fixed mode). If there is a checkbox near this item, the window is constantly displayed in the main window. If you select the checkbox, the window will automatically be removed from the screen when the focus is loss.

Above it was noted that the tool windows can be placed on different side panels of the main window. But the location of a specific window can also be changed by turning it into the other side panel. To do this, call the context menu on the name of the tool window on the sidebar, select from it item Move. (Move), and then the direction of movement. The following screenshot we see, for example, that the tool window with the right sidebar can be moved to the bottom (TOP), left (left) and the top (Bottom) side panel.

The tool window can be completely deleted, for which you also need to call the context menu on the name of the tool window on the sidebar and select the Remove from Sidebar from it (remove from the sidebar).

In the main menu of the main window there is also a menu item Windowscontaining commands to manage its windows.


In my opinion, it is advisable to leave on the screen all the main panels of the program (in the absence of some of them execute the command View panel):

Turning off / Turning on the panels is also made in the command menu. VIEW..

Above, I wrote that it is advisable to leave on the screen all the main program panels. However, when working in the editor window with a software code of one class, many may seem convenient to work with all the disconnected panels when nothing distracts from work.


Appeal to the program settings is carried out by the command FileSetting. or by clicking the button on the main toolbar.

All settings in the settings window are reduced according to the functional purpose of several groups: Appearance & Behavior (appearance and behavior), keymap ("hot" keys), editor (editor), etc.

The number of program settings is very large, and, as it is working with it, and, consequently, the accumulation of experience, you yourself will change the necessary options. Given this, I will not consider them in detail, as it will take a lot of time. In this case, I note that some settings have already mentioned above, and some others will be told later.

In the meantime, I will limit the literally a few common settings.

An important point when writing a program is its documentation, including commenting of code fragments (about this later). Naturally, Russian-speaking developers will write comments in Russian (Belarusian, Ukrainian) languages, which will require the corresponding encoding program. Optimal optionIn my opinion, it will be the use of UTF-8, which is universal and has a number of advantages over Windows 1251. For example, most modern web platforms work by default on it, and it is also convenient to use it to create multilingual projects. To install this encoding, select Editor, File Encodings (editor, encoding) and in the Project Encoding list, select "UTF-8". However, some developers say that the importance is also working. ».

And finally, messages about the appearance of a new version that will be regularly appearing for you until you refuse to automatically check updates. In principle, installing new versions of the item useful and necessary, but if you wish to update not by specifying the program, but yourself, then this is done like this. Open sequentially, Appearance & Behavior, System Setting, click Updates and uncheck the checkbox near the "Automatically Check Updates For" item. However, and when the mode is enabled automatic updates You can simply ignore the installation of the new version.

I had a very high opinion about Intellij IDEA, however, the possibilities of its improvement are almost limitless. And a considerable contribution to this process can also be made by the users that, for example, can be carried out on the basis of the statistical program collected about the work. For this you need to allow the program to carry out such a collection. To this end, in the settings, the Appearance & Behavior, System Setting, select Usage Statistics, select the "ALLOW SEnding Usage Statistics to JetBrains S.R.O." checkbox. (Allow you to collect user statistics of JetBrains), and then select the checkbox near the frequency of sending such information (day, week, month).

As a lot of settings, the developers have provided their search by context. By typing, for example, in the search box, the text "Save" text, we will receive such a list in it:

And last. Intellij IDEA provides the ability to save settings ( FileExportSetting.) and their recovery ( FileImportSetting.).

Expansion of the system

Under Intellij Idea, many plug-ins (extensions) have been developed, allowing to significantly expand its capabilities and functionality. Access to them is carried out in the system settings in Plugins. From the SHOW list (Show), filtering the extension list is filtered. To add a new extension, perform such actions:

  1. In the list "Show" (Display), select the "Custom" (Custom) item.
  2. Click the Browse link (Click Browse to Search for non-Bundied Pugins, click on the message to display the unidentified Plug-in), which will lead to the "Browse Repositories" window with the plug-ins list from the JetBrains extensions repository.
  3. Select the desired extension from the list and click the button. « Installplugin » (Install the expansion).
  4. Confirm the installation in the confirmation window.
  5. Upon completion of the installation process in the same Browse Repositories window, click the " Restart.Intellij.Idea."(Restart Intellij IDEA) to restart the program.

Removing extensions is also very simple. Again in the settings in the SHOW list, the "Custom" item is selected, after which only installed extensions are displayed in the settings window.

Click buttons «

Java is one of the most flexible, convenient and popular programming languages. Many is known for its slogan - "Write Once, Run Anywhere", which means "write once, run everywhere." This slogan, developers wanted to emphasize the cross-platform of the language. That is, writing a program, you can run it on any device with any operating system.

Intellij IDEA is an integrated development environment. softwarewhich supports many languages, but it is most often considered as IDE for Java. The developer company offers two versions: Community (free) and Ultimate, but the simple user is quite enough and the free version.

Of course, in Intellij Idea, you can create your program and edit the existing one. This environment has a convenient code editor that helps during programming. Based on the already written code, the medium itself selects the most appropriate options for autofill. In Eclipse, without installing plug-ins, you will not find such a function.

For the correct operation of Intellij Idea, make sure you have latest version Java.

Object-oriented programming

Java refers to the object-oriented type languages. The main concepts here are the concepts of object and class. What is the advantage of OOP? The fact that if you need to make edits to the program, you can make it just creating an object. No need to correct the code written earlier. Intellij IDEA will allow you to use all the advantages of OOP.

Interface designer

The javax.swing library provides the developer tools that can be used to design a graphical user interface. To do this, you only need to create a window and add visual components to it.


Surprisingly, but in case you allow an error, the environment will not only indicate you on it, but also will offer several ways to solve the problem. You can choose the most appropriate option and the idea itself will fix everything. This is another significant difference from Eclipse. But do not forget: the machine will not see logical errors.

Automatic memory management

It is very convenient that Intellij Idea has a "garbage collector." This means that during programming, when you specify the link, memory is allocated for it. If you then delete the link, then you remain busy memory. "Garbage Collector" this memory frees if it is not used anywhere.


1. cross-platform;
2. Construction of the syntactic tree on the fly;
3. Powerful editor Code.


1. demanding on system resources;
2. Slightly confusing interface.

Intellij IDEA is the smartest integrated development environment for Java, which really understands the code. The environment is trying to save the programmer from the routine and allows us to focus on more significant tasks. IDEA predicts your actions.

Intellij IDEA is one of the most powerful universal development environments. It supports such languages \u200b\u200bas PHP, JavaScript, Sass, Ruby, Python and of course Java. Add here support for popular frameworks and engines, test tests, adaptation under mobile devices, Integration with Git and Mercurial, tools for working with servers - and you will understand that with Intellij Idea programming is easier and more productive.


There are two versions of Intellij Idea - Community and Unlimited. The first is free, but limited. It does not support Spring, Vaadin, GWT, Javascript and TypeScript, SQL languages \u200b\u200band much more. The second includes all sorts of features for collective development, but only 30 days of the trial period will be free. Then you will have to pay a minimum of 533 US dollars.

We are with your head there will be enough features of the free version, respectively, focusing on installation file With the name Idealc.

To install in Windows, we will need to download the source source code from the official website with the Exe extension. Next, launch it and follow the instructions of the installer.

In MacOS - double click on the iDeaic.dmg file, mount the archive and copy the source code to the Applications folder.

For Linux, you must unpack the ideic.gz to the directory that supports execution of files. For hierarchy FHS format is / OPT. After that, go to the / bin subdirectory and run the IDEA.SH file.

Now let's figure out how to configure Intellij Idea.


When you first start Intellij IDEA, you will populate the dialog box with the request to specify the path to the file with the settings. Since this is our first acquaintance experience with IDE, you select the "Do Not Import Settings" item. If this window got out after the update or reinstallation, select the source directory.

The next step in the Intellij Idea setting will be the following theme. By default, there are two of them - standard (light) and Darcula (Dark).

As already written above, IDEA supports a huge number of auxiliary tools. Of course, they are not needed newcomer. Therefore, the next step will be disconnected to increase productivity. To do this, in the next dialog box, select "Disable All". Do not worry, you can connect them later in the settings menu.

However, the Intellij Idea programming environment on it does not think to calm down, offering the download additional add-in. Thank you, this is also not interested!

Now that with the installation and configuration of Intellij Idea is finished, you can proceed to work. It begins, of course, with the creation of an Intellij IDEA project.

With this action, you hardly have difficulty, because the new dialog box offers only 4 options: create new project (CREATE NEW PROJECT), open an existing (Open), import project (Import Project) or exit versions control system (check out from version Control). Choose the first point. More information about how to create an intellij idea project, what to do is already inside the environment, it is better to read on the official website, because the possibilities for customization of the workspace here are really a lot.

Problems and questions

Next, you will certainly have a few questions, one of which concerns the activation of Intellij IDEA. Limited version or 30-day trial version do not require registration and additional manipulations. But if you want to activate the purchased, you must perform the following actions:

  • On the welcoming screen, from where we create a project, find at the bottom of the Configure-\u003e Manage License menu. If you are already inside, then top panel HELP-\u003e REGISTER.
  • Before you 3. possible method Activation: Through an account (Activation Code), through the license server (License Server). Depending on how you or your employer purchased a license and what data you have, select the desired item.
  • Enter the necessary data, press the "Activate" button and enjoy limitless work.

The following traditional question concerns IDE update. Here, the algorithm is the same as when installed: Download-To start-follow the instructions or delete-set to re-refer_nown_nate_File_strokes in the first dialog box.

And of course, no forum costs without a question: "Does not start what to do?" The answer is traditional - read more attentively, how to install Intellij IDEA. If everything is done correctly - the program is guaranteed to start. If the problems arise directly when IDEA, most likely, the case is in the wrong plug-ins, answers are looking for on the official websites of their developers.

Just in case, here is another instruction how to remove Intellij IDEA:

  1. standard method through the control panel in Windows. If desired, finishing the remnants in the registry along the way: "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \\ INTELLIJIDEAPROJECTFILE";
  2. in Linux to lose files manually, as well as delete the "Config" and System settings directories if they are not in the root.
  3. MacOS is standardly deleted to the program and clean the cache in the "Settings / CACHES / Plugins / Logs" via the program icon.

Before you decide with your head to immerse yourself in the world of the new IDE, remember that this is a complex product with a sharp trainee curve. therefore right choices For learning there will be courses on Java with Intellij Idea practitioners. So you are in a profession faster, and we will master the powerful tool.

general information

Intellij idea - Integrated software development environment in many programming languages, in particular Java, JavaScript, Python, developed by Jetbrains.

Among other opportunities, Intellij Idea is well compatible with many popular free developer tools, such as CVS, Subversion, Apache Ant, Maven and Junit. In February 2007, Intellij developers announced early version The plugin to support programming in Ruby.

Starting from version 9.0, Intellij IDEA is available in two versions: Community Edition and Ultimate Edition. Community Edition is a completely free version available under the APACHE 2.0 license. It implements full support for Java SE, Groovy, Scala, as well as integration with the most popular versions management systems. In the Ultimate Edition version, Java EE support is implemented, UML diagrams, code covering the code, as well as supporting other version control systems, languages \u200b\u200band frameworks.

Supported languages:

  • Javascript.
  • Coffeescript.
  • XML / XSL / XPath
  • ActionScript / MXML
  • Python
  • Groovy.
  • Scala.
  • Kotlin.
  • Clojure
  • C / C ++

Through the plugins of third-party developers:

  • Ocaml
  • Erlang.
  • Fantom
  • Haskell.
  • Mathematica.
  • Perl5

Main differences Ultimate Edition and Community Edition

Ultimate Edition - full version Development environment for creating commercial applications.

  • Smart autocopter, code quality analysis tools, convenient navigation, advanced refactorings and formatting for Java, Groovy, Scala, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, ActionScript, Less, XML and many other languages.
  • Support for all popular frameworks and platforms, including Java EE, Spring Framework, Grails, Play Framework, GWT, Struts, Node.js, Angularjs, Android, Flex, Air Mobile and many others.
  • Integration with applications servers, including Tomcat, Tomee, Glassfish, Jboss, WebLogic, WebSphere, Geronimo, Resin, Jetty and Virgo.
  • Tools for working with databases and SQL files, including a convenient client and editor for a database schema.
  • Integration with commercial version control systems Perforce, Team Foundation Server, Clearcase, Visual SourceSafe.
  • Tools for launching tests and analysis of code coverage, including support for all popular testing frameworks.
Community Edition is a free version of the development environment based on open source.
  • Smart autocopter, tools for analyzing code quality analysis, convenient navigation, advanced refactorings and formatting for Java, Groovy, Scala, Clojure and Erlang.
  • Professional set of tools for developing Android applications.
  • Support JavaFX 2.0, integration with scenebuilder; Interface designer for swing.
  • Integration with automated assembly tools and project management, including Maven, Gradle, Ant and others.
  • Tools for testing with JUNIT, TestNG, SPOCK, SCALATEST and SPEC2 support.
  • Integration with versions management systems, including Git, Subversion, Mercurial and CSV.

Key features

  • Debugger
    • Groovy expressions in Evaluate Expression and Watches can now be used when debugging Java code
    • More convenient debugging of multiple threads
    • Warnings when the initial code is miserable with a running copy
  • Version control systems
    • Support Git Worktrees.
    • More convenient alarm and comparison, thanks to highlighting changes at level level
  • Editor
    • Shift expressions to the right and left
    • Automatic import of static methods and constants
    • Support for languages \u200b\u200brecorded from right to left (for example, Arabic and Hebrew)
  • Gradle
    • Support Custom Source Sets: Now each Source SET is represented by a separate module and may have its own dependencies (as a result, a huge number of problems have been fixed)
    • Automatic EAR-artifact configuration
  • Java 8.
    • Inline Method and Change Signature Transform Method References in Lambda Expression
    • Inspections inspecting the correctness of using Method References, Lambda expressions and type optional
  • Kotlin.
    • Kotlin 1.0 support
    • Plagne Kotlin EDU for interactive learning Kotlin
  • Scala.
    • Autodopling now takes into account the type of symbols, the context and history of their use.
    • o Auto-step for Pattern Matching expressions now suggests the names of the properties of the CASE classes.
  • Javascript.
    • Improved tips for Ecmascript 6, TypeScript and Angularjs 2
    • Convenient debugging asynchronous code
  • Framework Spring.
    • Expanded Tips Functionality for Spring Boot
    • Improved Spring MVC Support
    • Fixed many famous problems
  • Thymeleaf
    • Tips for custom dialects
    • Support THYMELEAF 3.0.
  • Android Studio 1.5
    • Profiler Lechek
    • New checks LINT
  • Docker.
    • Support Docker Machine
    • Separate window (Tool Window)
    • On the right panel Now the logs and interface elements are displayed to control the variables and port bindings.

System requirements

Creating and configuring a project

All processes are described for the version of Intellij Idea Ultimate 2016.2

To create a new project in the Intellij Idea welcome window, select Create New Project.
If you need to open the ready-made precoat, select Import Project and specify the path to the project folder.
On the left list displays the projects with which you recently worked.

In the window that appears, specify the parameters of the project being created. The Project SDK field indicates a set of development tools, library, frameworks, Java version.

Depending on the requirements for your application, you can choose the following types of projects:

Spring. - Universal open source framework for a Java platform.
Javafx - Platform for creating RIA, allows you to build unified applications with saturated graphical interface User for direct launch from under operating systems, work in browsers and on mobile phones, including those working with multimedia content.
Android - Development of applications for Android OS.
Maven. - This is a tool for assembling a Java project: compilation, creating jar, creating a program distribution, documentation generation.
Gradle - Automatic assembly system built on the principles of Apache Ant and Apache Maven, but providing DSL in the Groovy language instead of the traditional XML-shaped design configuration view.
Groovy. - Object-oriented programming language, designed for the Java platform as an addition to the Java language, with Python, Ruby and Smalltalk features.
Griffon. - "Freamevork" with an open source that uses the Groovy language.
Grails. - Software framework for creating web applications written in the scripted Groovy language.
Static Web. - Web modules are used to develop web applications using technologies such as HTML / CSS, JavaScript, PHP and so on. They do not support development applied software.
Kotlin. - Kotlin module for target virtual machine Java.

In the next window, you can choose a template for the project being created. Explanations can be seen in the bottom area of \u200b\u200bthe window. IN this case The project will already create a class with the Main method.

alt \u003d "(! lang: project creation" class="image-center">!}

In the last step sets the name and location of the project in the system

The project is created, you can start writing the program code.

Interface and project execution

All program window can be divided into 3 areas. The project displays the project files. In the green area there is direct work with files, including the program code writes. The blue area serves for quick access To basic functions: Build, launch and debug project. Additionally there is a search function.

For example, a program that increases the values \u200b\u200bof the specified array by 2.

To execute the project, in the Run menu, you must select RUN or use the ALT + SHIFT + F10 key combination. Or use the buttons from the blue area described above.

After executing the results and progress report, the program executes appear in the output console.

If the program code provides a custom input, the output console can serve as a data entry console.

The result of the program.

To debug your application, you can use "breakpoints" (deliberate interruption of the program). To put Breakpoint you need to click left button Mice to the left of the code line on which you need to stop the program.

After that, select Debug in the RUN tab.

The program will stop its execution in the specified location, after which you can track the margins of all variables on the DEBUGGER tab in the Variables area (green area). Also, variable values \u200b\u200bcan be seen directly in the window with the program code.

The blue area is used to quickly access the necessary functions when debugging (from the top to the bottom button): restart the project, execute the program until the next interruption point, pause (not active in this moment), Forced completion of the program, viewing the "Breakpoints", ignore "breakpoints" (the program will be performed until the end).
The yellow area is used to switch between the debagger tabs and the output console, also there are buttons for debugging: a step with an occupancy, a run-up step, a step with an output.
The Frames panel (red area) allows you to access your application stream list. For each thread, you can view the stack structure, study frames, navigate between frames, and automatically move to the source code in the editor.
If you want to track the value of a specific variable, you can use Watches. To add the variable you are interested in, click on the green plus and enter the name of the variable from the program code.
Similarly, you can add any other variable. For example, to add an array, you just need to specify its name, after which the type and value of the elements of the array will appear.

Control of the value of the variable I:

Control of values \u200b\u200bof all array:

To go to the next step of the program, you can press the RESUME PROGRAM button or use the F9 key.

Thus, you can control the progress of the program. If the value of the variable is no longer required to track, you can delete it from the list of variables. A red minus icon is used to delete.

Intellij IDEA is the most convenient IDE for programmers, and according to experts in the field of IT, IDEA is best IDE For development in modern programming languages, which contains the support of many popular libraries, IDEA is ideal for creating commercial, web and mobile applications.
There are 2 versions of the program called Ultimate and Community. Community - the free version of the program for development is based on Open Source.

IDEA features

Support for syntactic parsing, advanced tips and a convenient structure will help you quickly be inserted into the development process and speed up it as much as possible.

Also, there is a version of "ultimate", which in addition to the standard set of languages, also supports others.
Version windows programs, Linux and Mac, has integrated support for very many framwork and testing tools.

The capabilities of JetBrains IDEA, which are not in which other IDE, allow the programmer to get rid of the mountains of a monotonous routine, lifting the speed of the developer to a new level, help timely eliminate errors and improve the quality of the code. Integrated in IDEA Advanced Software Analysis, can detect most errors


Idea has the ability to install more than 300 plugins that improve it functionality and add various methods Checks for code and refactoring, as well as support for other languages \u200b\u200band servers.

Who will suit this IDE?

Download IDEA is someone who constantly works with different programming languages \u200b\u200band pret this wants to obtain maximum opportunities from their tools.
Intellij Idea Community Edition is available for free, in many languages, including in Russian, which can be free, any of the two version, can anyone.

What is included in free version IDEA Community.

In the free version of the program for Windows Intellij Idea Community, which is available free to download, includes limited support for creating Android applications, the ability to develop UI, which includes visual editor Initial texts with advanced automated testing tools, tools for refactoring software code, support for XML and UML, regular express syntax analysis and built-in support for Eclipse format projects.
Supports the same, starting with the 6 version of the product Visual GUI interface editor for Swing, called Swing UI Designer.