Show the right panel photoshop. Tools in Photoshop, Main Commands, Terms and Groups

The toolbar in Photoshop is a window containing devices grouped by destination or by similar to the functions needed to work. It is most often in the left part of the program interface. It is possible to move the panel to anywhere in the workspace if necessary.

In some cases, this panel, due to the user actions or a program error, may abide. It happens rarely, but this problem can deliver a lot of inconvenience. It is clear because it is impossible to work in photoshop without a toolbar. There are hot keys to call tools, but not everyone knows about them.

Restoring toolbar

If suddenly you opened your favorite photoshop and did not find the tools at our usual place, then try to restart it, perhaps an error occurred at startup.

Errors may occur for various reasons: from the "broken" distribution ( installation Files) to hooliganism antivirus program, I proposed photoshop access to key folders either by remoped them at all.

In the event that the restart does not help, there is one recipe for recovery toolbar.
So what to do if the toolbar disappeared?

In most cases this operation Helps solve the problem. Otherwise, you will have to reinstall the program.

This reception is useful to those users who use hot keys to select various tools. So masters make sense to remove the toolbar to release an additional place in the workspace.

If Photoshop often gives errors or scares you with various problems, then it may be time to think about changing the distribution and reinstalling the editor. In the event that you earn your bread with photoshop, these problems will lead to stops in work, and these are pure losses. Is it worth saying that it will be professional to use the licensed version of the program?

In order to explain the toolbar for which you need, we will spend a certain analogy with a household life. Imagine that you need to collect a small wardrobe for things. All shelves and doors are dismantled, but you have a bunch of screws, screws for its installation. However, you have no turning or other constructive instrument. Naturally, you will not be able to fulfill with your future closet. So in the Adobe Photoshop program: the image will be a furniture representative, self-tapping screws, tops and screws are built-in photoshop functions, and the tool area (located, by the way, on the left) will be scolded to work with photos. Without her you will not be able to process the photo as it is necessary.

Return the tool panel is very simple

Of course, the absence of such a function on the workspace does not mean that they will not be able to use the items of this panel. For each of them a hot key is assigned. This means that when you press certain buttons, the appropriate device will open. But everything is quite difficult to learn them, and the choice of these parameters is small. After all, each toolbar item has sub-clauses that do not choose with hot keys. For example, "Eraser", when you press it with the right mouse button, gives the user a choice (what kind of eraser you want to use). We hope that now you understand how important it is to locate this wonderful functional shelf in the workspace.

Standard Location of Interface Elements

How to return the toolbar in photoshop?

Suppose she disappeared with you. It does not matter how the main thing is that it is no longer. Do not be disappointed, because you will get back in photoshop just two steps! We will not pull the rubber, but immediately proceed to these actions:

  1. On the top area of \u200b\u200bthe menu, select "Window".
  2. At the bottom of the window that appeared, check the word "Tools".

That's all, now the area of \u200b\u200bfunctions will again be true to you and help in handling photos and other images.

You can enable and disable the panel in the "Window" menu

How to remove tools?

No matter how paradoxically sounded, but you may not need how to return the panel in Photoshop, but how to remove it. It is also done easily, especially later you will get it back according to the previous instructions from two steps. What to do?

  1. Go to "Window" from the top of the Adobe Photoshop top menu.
  2. Remove the checkbox from the "Tools" item.
  3. If this method does not like this way, then you can leave the existing toolbar from the edge of the screen to any position, and then click on the cross appeared in the upper right corner of the instrument panel for editing.

Another option

Small results

Today we fully solved the issue with the toolbar in software Adobe Photoshop: Return to this area, delete it, as well as the value of this application function. Now you can easily solve the current problem even your friends or relatives. The main thing is that later you do not prevent some steep programmer. Otherwise, there will be you to pursue such a burrow as "I broke it, I need to install it, and how to do it" and the like. Tell me in the comments any such story that happened to you or with one of your acquaintances. Good mood, friends!

Good afternoon, dear readers site. Well, let's start slowly mastering a wonderful image editor - Adobe Photoshop. Do you have a desire to learn the skill of possession of this program? Have you ever seen what he is capable of? It's just amazing. And most importantly, these tools are available to any, the main thing is just to master them.

But it takes time and effort. We will deal with this. Today we will look at the description of the photoshop toolbar, i.e. We find out what she needs and that it is generally present.

The toolbar is well, sooooo an important thing in the famous photo editor, since we will use it most often. About the version of your program do not bother. Important changes This panel has not undergone. Well, ready? Then forward! To begin with, naturally, you need to include your photoshop.

As you can see, in the left side of the program there is a long vertical panel. This is the famous toolbar. Despite the fact that some tools are somewhat similar to each other and can perform the same actions, they are all unique and doing it in different ways.

I am generally, honestly, I do not like this dry theory with names, descriptions, etc. In 95% of the courses, everyone loves to devote entire lessons to the review of interfaces, panels - "This panel is called the blah blah blah and serves for blah blah blah" and everything in this spirit. And if it would carry something useful, then I would not mind. But there are solid water and 90% of this water is erased from the memory. All the same, then as a rule, each part is dealt detail. And then everything is fine.

Therefore, the tool review will not be. Here I will not consider what tools there are and for what they are used. I just say that with the help of these tools we will highlight objects, move them, draw, wash, paint, trim, write texts, remove defects, customize sharpness, clarity and more.

In order to select a specific tool, you just need to click on it with the left mouse button, or press a certain hot key. Since then, the tool is activated and you can use it.

In addition, for convenience, the tools are combined into entire groups for similar functions. Of course it is convenient, otherwise imagine how much the toolbar would occupy? In order to open all the tools in this group you need to click on this tool with the right mouse button, or you can hold left button Mice. Then opens extra menu With tools from this group. Choose any press of the left mouse button.

See the picture? I clicked on one tool group and I opened a list of.

And now I will say you that every tool we will look separately and how to use it on practical examples. So do not worry, you will not stay without practicing and help!

Well, as I said above, we will all consider in more detail in the following articles. By the way, I still would recommend you view a great video course on photoshop. I watched it myself, even stressed something new for myself. The course is very standing and everything is perfectly described from the beginning to the end, and the feeding of the material is simply great. If you want to really explore the photoshop in a short time, then you will definitely look at this course.

While we still study the foundations, but it is not for long. So get ready. You will soon begin labor weekdays and we will learn photoshop in an adult. Well, I'm saying goodbye to you and I will be very happy if you subscribe to the update of articles of my blog. See you in the following lessons. Bye Bye!

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin

In this lesson, we will study how to manage various panels that make up a large enough part of the PHOTOSHOP CS6 program, and organize their work with them.

We often use the panel by working in Photoshop. For example, when we add, delete, select and have in a specific sequence of layers in our document, we work with the "Layers" panel. Also when working with this panel, we add layers masks and various effects. When we create corrective layers and subsequently working with them, we use the "Correction" and "Properties" panels.

We can choose colors using the "Color" and "Samples" panels, work with separate colors, using the "Channels" panel, return to the previous action in our work using the History panel and much more. The presence of such a huge number of panels can be confused when working with Photoshop, especially if you are a newcomer in this area, which is why it is important to know how to manage the panels and how to have them on the screen.

Before we start learning the panels, let's make sure that the same panels are on our screens are reflected in the same places. To do this, we must be sure that we have a standard working environment of the program. In other lessons, we disassembled what is a program working environment. Essentially, this is a method of program to remember which panels should be placed on the screen and where they should be located.

The program works with several built-in working environments from which we can choose the necessary and even create your own. IN currentlyIf you look at the right upper corner of the program interface, you will see the "Working Environment" parameter selection window. The WORKSPACE Warfish itself is not specified anywhere, but the default "Main Work Environment" parameter (Essentials) must be set. If another parameter is installed, click on the window and from the list that appears, select the top - "Main Work Environment":

The "Main Work Environment" must be selected in the parameters window.

Then, let's reset all the settings and reboot the "Main Work Environment" parameter so that all panels get on their initial positions. Most likely, they are so located on their source places, if you have not worked with the interface yet, but to be completely confident, click on the word "Main Work Environment" in the parameters window and select "Reset the main working environment" ( RESET ESSENTIALS) At the bottom of the list:

Reset all settings and reboot the parameter "Basic Work Environment"

Now that we have convinced you to see the same panels, let's learn how to manage and how to organize them. Photoshop program panels are placed on columns with right side Screen. By default, two columns are presented with panels - the main column on the right and the secondary, narrower one - on the left (in the figure below, both columns are highlighted):

Panels are located in two columns on the right edge of the program interface.

Let's look at the main column with panels. By default, Photoshop features three panels in it - the color panel (Color) (at the top of the column), the "Adjustments" panel (in the middle) and the Layers panel (Layers) (at the bottom of the column) . How do we know that we work with the "Color" panels, "correction" and "layers"? We will understand this on the basis of the tab with the title, which has each panel at the top:

Three panels - "color", "Correction" and "Layers" - are open in the main column of panels

You may notice that although only three panels are open, in reality, there are more panels in the main column. We can clearly see other tabs with headlines of various panels. For example, on top panel "Color" on the right part there is a "Sample" header (swatches), "Styles" header (styles), and there are two other heading on the layers panel - "Channels" and "Channels" (Paths). What is the matter? Since when working in Photoshop, it constantly has to deal with numerous panels, Adobe has at one time had to find a way to avoid excessive screens. The solution was proposed - to combine, "mount" two or more panels in separate groups of panels. Thus, several panels can take the place of one panel in the area!

How it works? Let's look at one of the panels open with us in this moment- on the "Color" panel. We know that this is the "color" panel, because on the header of the panel in the top is written "color." Nearby there is another tab with the title "Samples". This is an additional header for the panel, which is combined with the "Color" panel in one group, but at the moment is hidden behind the "Color" panel. Only one panel can be active at once in the group, and we can always determine which panel is, since the headlines of other, inactive, panels are darkened and have gray. To switch between panels in the group, you just need to click on their tabs with headlines. In my case, the "Color" panel is active, but if I click on the tab with the title "Samples" - the actively will be the "Samples" panel, going to the fore. The "Color" panel hides behind the "Samples" panel, but I can easily make it active again at any time by clicking on the appropriate title:

To switch from the "Color" panel to the "Samples" panel, click on the title

I will do the same with the "Correction" panel, which is currently active in a separate group. I can see that the "Styles" panel is located in the same group behind the "Correction" panel. In order to switch to the "Styles" panel, I will click on her header. This action will lead to the fact that the "Styles" panel will become active, and the "Correction" panel will hide behind it. When I need to make the "Correction" panel again active, I just click on her title:

Switch between the "Correction" and "Styles" panels by clicking on their headlines.

Please note that the "Correction" panel is located in the group first, and the "Styles" panel is the second. There is a certain reason why the "Correction" panel is in the first place, no, in reality, change the order of the panels is easy. All that we need is to click on the tab with the header of the desired panel and holding the mouse button pressed, move the left or right tab. In my case, I chose the "Correction" panel by clicking on it, and not releasing the mouse buttons, the panel moved to the right on the other side of the styles panel:

Click on the tab with the header of the Correction panel and move it

After moving the tab with the panel heading to the desired location, I release the mouse button, and the panel gets up to a new position. Now the "Styles" header goes to the panel group first, and the headline "Correction" is the second:

The order of the headers easily has changed

And what if instead of simply change the order of the titles inside the same group, would I want to move the panel to another group? Let's assume, for example, that I want to move the "Styles" panel into one group with "Color" and "Samples" panels. In order to do this, I just need to click on the tab with the "Styles" heading and, again holding the mouse button pressed, start moving the tab to the top in new group Panels until the blue highlighting frame appears around the new group:

Blue highlighting frame appears around a group of panels to which I want to add a new panel

The blue frame signals that I can release the mouse button, after which the program will combine the "Styles" panel with a group containing the "Color" panel and "samples". Please note that the "Correction" panel is now located one in a separate group, which, however, is a group, despite the fact that only one panel is present in it (in the end, we can add to this group at any time. Other panels):

In a programmePhotoshop move panels from the group to the group is very simple

As we have already noted, the "Correction" panel is now in a separate group. In fact, we can create a new group from any panel. Suppose I want to put the "Color" panel, which is currently included in the group with the "Samples" panels and "styles", in a separate group, and I also want to arrange this new group just above the Correction panel. In order to do this, I will click on the tab with the "Color" header and holding the mouse button pressed, start moving the tab to the "Correction" panel until the blue high-speed rectangle appears between the two existing panels. It is important to note that this time we wait for the appearance of a high-speed rectangle, and not a border framework:

Blue high-speed rectangle appears between two panel groups

After the appearance of a high-speed rectangle, I will release the mouse button, and the Photoshop program will place the "Color" panel in a separate group between two other groups:

A new group was created for the "Color" panel

We can temporarily fold the panel groups to free up more space for the contents of panels in other groups. To temporarily minimize the group, double-click on any tab with the title in this group. While the band is minimized, everything you see in it is a list of tabs with panel headings. In my case, I double-click the mouse button on the Samples tab to minimize the group in which it includes:

Double-click the mouse button on any heading tab to roll the panel group.

To repel all the contents of the group again, click on the tab with the heading panel once, which I did in my example with the Samples tab. Double-click the mouse button folds the contents of the group, a single click - reflects all the contents of the group:

Click on any tab with the header once to deploy the panel group.

If you no longer need a separate panel in the group and you want to close it, click on the tab with the heading of this panel to make it active, and then click the menu icon located in the upper right corner of the panel. In my case, I click on the "Color" panel menu icon:

Each panel has its own menu that can be called by clicking on the corresponding menu icon.

From the menu that appears, select the Close command (Close):

From the list of menu menu of the panel "Color", choose "Close"

This action will close one specific panel, while the other panels in the group will remain open. In my case, the "Samples" panel remained open, and the "Color" panel closed:

The "Color" panel closed, and the "Samples" panel remained open

If you want to close the whole panel group, click on the same menu icon in the upper right corner:

Press the menu icon again

This time, to close the entire group of panels, the entire menu commands appeared to click Close tab Group (Close Tab Group):

Select the "Close Group tab group" command

And now a whole group of panels has disappeared ("Color" and "Samples" panel):

Panel column after closing a group containing the "Color" panel and "Samples"

To re-open the panel after closing it or to open any other program panels, go to the "Window" section in the menu bar at the top of the screen:

In the menu bar, select the section "Window"

This action will open the menu partition, where among other items, you can see a complete list of panels available for us in Photoshop. Tick \u200b\u200bnext to the name of the panel means that this panel is open and posted on the screen:

To view the full list of panels, go to the "Window" section

In order to open the panel that is not yet reflected on the screen (next to which there is no tick), simply click on its name in the panel list. I re-open the "Color" panel by clicking on it:

Select the "Color" panel in the section "Window»

And now the "Color" panel re-appeared in the main column of the panels. Please note that the Samples panel also appeared on the screen. This happened because before closing the "Color" panel was combined into one group with the "Samples" panel, and the PhotoShop program remembered this moment. The program also remembered that the group "Color" and "samples" panels were located right above the Correction and Styles Panel Group. Communicating the location of the panels, the program greatly facilitates our work:

The "Color" panel (and the "Samples" panel) is re-reflected on the screen.

Before we continue, I will add a little but important note - When we view a complete list of panels in the section "Window" menu, check mark next to the title separate panel It means not only what it is open, but also the fact that it is currently active in his group. Other panels can also be opened in the group, but if they are not active (their content is hidden for the active panel), they will not have a tick next to their name. For example, if we look at the "Layers" panel, we will see that it is grouped with two other channels "Channels" and "contours" (Paths). But currently active in the group "Layers" panel:

The "Layers" panel and the "Channels" and "contours" panels located behind it.

If we look at the list of panels in the "Window" menu section, we will see that the "layers" panel, of course, has a tick next to its name. However, despite the fact that the "Channels" and "contours" panels are also open on the screen, there are no checkboxes next to their names, as they are currently not active panels:

Only the "Layers" panel has a check mark next to its name (unlike the "Channels" and "contours" panels)

I click on the panel tab with the "Channel heading" to make it active in the group, as a result of which the "Layers" panel will go to the background along with the "Contours" panel:

Switch to the "Channels" panel

And now, if we look at the list of panels in the "Window" section, we will see that a check mark appeared near the "Channels" panel. The "Layers" panel is still open (if I closed it as we were held earlier, it would disappear from the screen completely), but because it is no longer an active panel in the group, there are no checkmarks near her name. And of course, about the title "contours" checkboxes are also not. Sometimes this tick can confuse us. The presence of a check mark means that the panel is open and active, no tick - that the panel can be closed (it is not reflected on the screen) or simply inactive and hidden for the active panel in its group:

Now the tick is standing next to the name of the "Channels" panel, and the name "Layers" is no longer

Until now, we only viewed the main column with panels, but a secondary column is also located on the left of the main column. At first glance, this column seems a bit strange, because, by default, the panels in this column are represented as icons:

The second column with panels is located to the left of the main column.

Initially, in this second column there are two panels - the History Panel (History) at the top and the Properties panel (Properties) under it. Perhaps you will think with irritation: "And how do we understand, what are these panels, looking at incomprehensible icons?" First, if you have in the "Settings" section, the Show Tool Tips (default, it is marked), as soon as you enter the mouse cursor for each icon, the names of the panels will appear on the screen.
Secondly, it is much more convenient, you can hover the mouse over the left edge of the column, and it will turn into a bidirectional arrow. After the arrows appear, click on the edge of the column and holding the mouse button pressed, pull the edge to the left to change the panel size. As the edge moves near the icons, the names of the panels will arise, which will be much more useful for us. As soon as you add enough space so that the panel names are entered, release the mouse button:

Change the width of the second column with panels to display panel name icons

The secondary column is particularly suitable for location on it panels that we need open not all the time, but periodically. The method of displaying panels in the form of icons is good because in this form panels do not occupy a lot of space on the screen, and we can get fast access to them. If we click on the icon of the panel (or on its name), the Photoshop program will temporarily deploy the panel to its full size, and we will be able to work with it. In my case, I will start the "History" panel by clicking on its icon / name:

Click on the icon / name of the "History" panel to deploy it until the full size

To roll back to the view of the icon, we can either click on its icon / name, or click on the small double arrow icon:

Click on a small double arrow icon to roll the panel

We can deploy all panels in the second column simultaneously by clicking on the smaller double arrow icon in the upper right corner of the column:

In order to roll all the panels even more - to the type of alone icons, hover the mouse over the line, separating the main and secondary column. When your cursor turns into a bidirectional arrow, press the separation line and drag it to the right until you can only leave the panel icons. When working with columns, where all panels are presented only in the form of icons, a lot of free space is released on the screen, however, that the work is effective, you need to remember the names of all icons well. I would not recommend you such a way to display panels, but this is only my opinion:

Now all panels in both columns are represented as icons.

To quickly deploy the main column with panels to the full size, press the double arrow icon in the upper right corner:

Click on a double arrow to deploy the main column with panels to the full size

And now the main column is presented in the initial deployed form, as I usually leave it:

The main column is now presented in the initial deployment

Moving panels between columns

We can move the panels from one column to another with the same ease as between groups. In my case, I opened a few more panels ("Histogram" (Histogram), Info (Info) and "Navigator" (Navigator)) by selecting them in the "Window" menu. The program has placed the panels in the secondary column, along with the "History" and "Properties" panels, which were in the column initially:

Three new panels were added to the second column.

Suppose that I want to group the "Properties" panel, which is located in the secondary column, with the "Correction" panel in the main column. To do this, you just need to click on the "Properties" panel header and holding the mouse button down, start moving the panel to the main column to the "Correction" panel until the Blue Lighting Frame appears:

Move the "Properties" panel to the group with the "Correction" panel

I will let go of the mouse button, and the program will place the "Properties" panel into a new group in a new column. We can do the same in reverse directionby clicking on the panel and moving it from the main one in the secondary column:

The "Properties" panel is now grouped with "Correction" and "Styles" panels.

And finally, I suggest you to consider several useful keyboard combinations to temporarily hide all panels on the screen. Pressing the TAB key once will lead to the fact that you will temporarily disappear all panels on the right side of the screen, the toolbar on the left side and the settings panel at the top of the screen. In other words, all panels disappear except the menu bar. Pressing the TAB key will re-lead to the fact that all panels will be displayed in their places.
In order to hide the panels located on the right, press the SHIFT + TAB key combination. Pressing the SHIFT + Tab key combination the second time will lead to the fact that the panels will return back:

Panels located on the right, temporarily hide after clicking the key combinationSHIFT +.Tab.

With hidden panels, move the mouse cursor until it stops on the right side of the screen, and the panel will be temporarily displayed on the screen. If you remove the mouse cursor from the right side of the screen, the panels will disappear again:

Move the mouse cursor to the right side of the screen will temporarily display the panel

I will add a small note at the end ... If during our lesson you yourself worked with panels, bringing some changes on the screen, and now you want to return back initial settings Panels, just reboot the "Basic Work Environment" parameter, guided by the actions that we understood at the very beginning of our lesson.

And so we finished! We examined in detail various methods Works with panels that make up a significant part of the PHOTOSHOP CS6 program interface! To further explore the program, visit our section " Basics Photoshop."Where various lessons on layers, allocations, interface and other program elements are presented, or consider other topics that you will be interested!

Transfer: Ksenia Rudenko


The layer panel in the on state may have two display options. To deploy it, just click on the "Layers" icon on the panel, which is usually placed at the right edge of the window. And any panel is collected on a double arrow at the right edge of its title.

Open the "Window" section in the Photoshop menu and check the "Layers" item if the display of this panel is turned off. This can be done, not only by clicking the desired inscriptions with a mouse pointer, but also with the keyboard. To open the menu partition, click the Alt key first (left or right - no matter), and then the key with a letter "O" on the Russian keyboard layout. Use the navigation buttons to move through the section. Since the desired string is closer to the end of the list, you can get to it faster with the up arrow. Well, the left mouse click on the selected item replaces the press key.

You can do without the editor menu, as the layer panel on / off command is assigned a hot key, pressing the panel when the panel is turned off leads to its appearance, and when it has it reverse action. This key is F7, use it to quickly display or hiding this interface element.

Most of the components of the PHOTOSHOP work environment can freely move by the user. It is convenient, but sometimes with a careless movement you can push some of them so that it becomes completely incomprehensible how to return it to the space available for the usual setup. This happens with the layer panel: it is impossible to find it on the screen, although in the menu of the graphics editor opposite the corresponding point, the mark is exhibited. In this case, use the "emergency" method - upload another option of the working environment. To do this, open the "Window" section in the menu, go to the Work Environment section and select one of the preset options (for example, "Drawing" or "Basic Working Environment").

Wanting to edit the image in the Adobe Photoshop program, you initially need to unlock the layers. It is done simply simply by the photoshop interface. There are two ways that allow you to unlock the layers.

You will need


Before proceeding with image correction, you need to open it. To do this, run Adobe Photoshop on your, using the appropriate label of this program. As soon as it is ready for further work, you can open the desired image. To do this, you need to hover the mouse cursor to the "File" section, which is located on the left side of the top menu of the program. Click by this section And select the "Open" function. For you, the boot window will be available, with which you can search for the desired image and open it (find and click the Open button in the bootloader window).

After opening the image, you will not be able to make any fundamental changes to it. To make the file to be available for full editing, you need to unlock the image layer. To do this, you need to use the capabilities of the top toolbar. Click on the section "Layers" section. Here you need to bring the cursor to the "New" function. There will be a pop-up window where you need to perform the action "From the back plan". Thus, you can unlock the layer and proceed to further edit the image.

You can also unlock the layer in a different way. On the right side of the program you will see the "Layers" tab. Click on this tab (a window displays all existing layers). Click on the locked layer with the right mouse button and select the "From the Back Plan" function. So you will be able to unlock the desired layer.

Video on the topic

The ability to work with layers is one of the properties of the Adobe Photoshop graphic editor, making it so convenient for us. If necessary, one of the layers can always be removed, with all its contents.

You will need

  • adobe Photoshop program on your computer
  • file B. pSD format From several layers


Take for example the file containing three layers: an abstract background (background), a layer with a black figure (layer 1) and a layer 2 on which it is located. Suppose you need to remove a layer with fish. For the work with the layers, the Layers palette will be required. This is possible through the "Window" menu. Find the "Layers" item in the list, and mark it with a check mark. Either just click on "F7".

In the palette that appears, you will see miniatures with images of layers and their names. Find the layer of interest to us with fish and click on it with left mouse button once. The layer will be highlighted.

In the lower right corner of the palette, find the image of the garbage tank. Click on it left mouse button. Or use the "Layer" menu by selecting there "Delete".

You will see a dialog box with a question: "Remove layer 2?" If this is really the layer that you need to delete, click on the button with the word "yes".

You will see that the figure disappeared the figure of a red fish, and in the palette of the layers - layer 2.

Save the modified file by selecting "File" (File), Save "(Save). If you want to save the modified pattern in separate file, Select "Save As) and give the file a new name.


Refund remote layer will be impossible if you close the file and open it again, or work with the file a large number of actions.

Helpful advice

If the remote layer needs to be returned to the place, use the History palette (History), or enter the Edit menu (Edit), and select the "Step Back" (Undo) item.

If you want to simply temporarily remove the layer from the visibility zone, you can do without delete - just click the left mouse button on the Word Pictogram with the eye. The same method will help determine which layer the elements that you need to delete, if there are many layers - try to turn off the visibility of the layers in turn, and watch the changes in the editable image.

The goals that you are haunting, working with images in the Photoshop program (Photoshop), may be different: a little adjust the disadvantages of appearance, make a photo montage, draw a beautiful picture ... In any case, it is not even simple, without working with layers can not do. When editing, you repeatedly have to hide or, on the contrary, include layers.


Open the image you want to edit.
In the top panel "File-editing-image ..." find the "layer" (Layer). All functions on working with layers are here.
You can also, what happens to the layers of the image, if you first select the function of the same name in the "Window" section. Although, usually this small window opens by default. Whether the image from the layers is, and that they represent, it can be seen just in the "Layer" window.
There is a so-called fast transition - these are the Shift + Ctrl + N keys. It is more often used by confident users and professionals who have a program and, accordingly, with layers are brought to automatism.

Hide layer in Photoshop can be partially. Then it will work out a very interesting effect. For example, with which you work, consists of several layers (or you made it like that - according to your taste).
Allocate one layer of choice and gradually reduce the fill (the percentage of fill, i.e., the visibility of the layer is in open window "Layers-channel circuits"). Result - the image becomes more transparent.

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Helpful advice

If you click on the image of the eye in the "Layers" window along with the ALT key, then all visible layers be hidden. Repeated pressing will restore the hidden layers.
If you have to hide and make a large number of layers in the process of work, let's understand them, and most importantly - clearly systematized names. Otherwise confused.
Hiding the layer can be useful not only to "play" with images. This function is many times accelerates printing (provided, of course, that without the hidden layers you can do).

The ability to work with layers is one of the most useful and actively used graphic editor options. However, its value would have fallen sharply if it was impossible to hide some layers and display others. This function, of course, is provided in the Adobe Photoshop graphic editor and use it in several ways.


Use the layers panel for all manipulations with them. By default, it is present in the graphics editor interface immediately after it starts. If for some reason you will not find it in the open window Photoshop, then open the "Window" section in its menu and click on the "Layers" item. Although, you can simply press the hot key F7, duplicating this menu command.

Highlight the Layer on the layers panel, which is required to be invisible, that is, click its name with the mouse. You can disable the display of the selected layer, you can command the menu - in the "Layers" section, select "Hide Layers". If you select multiple layers (you are moving with the mouse all necessary when pressed cTRL key), the choice of this team will make them invisible.

Use the mouse instead of the command in the menu - it accelerates somewhat. Click the left button on the image of the eye at the left edge of the line in the layer panel to make this layer invisible. If you do this while pressing the ALT key, you will be invisible to all layers, in addition you are clicked. You can restore the initial visibility scheme after that it will be re-clicking when the ALT key is pressed.

Group layers if during the work it falls from time to time to include and disable the visibility of a certain set of Layers. To do this, click on the icon with the image folder and the "Create a new group" pop-up hint at the bottom edge of the layers panel, and then drag the mouse in the created folder all the necessary layers. After that, simultaneously enable and disable the visibility of the entire group, you can click on the icon with an eye associated with the folder of this group.

Use the properties of the transparency of the layer as alternative way make it invisible. It is less convenient, but such an opportunity also exists. At the right upper edge of the layers panel there is a drop-down list with the inscription "opacity", a click on which makes the visible slider that you should move to the leftmost position. In this way, you will make a dedicated layer or group completely transparent, that is, invisible.

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All manipulations with layers in the Adobe Photoshop graphic editor are carried out using a separate panel. It placed most of the tools for adding and removing from the list of new items of this kind, changes in the order of their alternation, grouping, etc. But since most Photoshop operations allow you to implement in several ways, then, for example, insert a layer can be through the main menu, and with hot keys, and using the drag of the mouse.

You will need

  • Adobe Photoshop graphic editor.


Highlight the mouse in the layers panel, that of them, over which you want to insert a new layer. If this panel is not on the screen, then activate it by pressing the F7 key. Then in the Editor menu, open the "Layers" section, go to the "New" subsection and select "Layer". The combination of hot keys SHIFT + CTRL + N is assigned to this command, and it can be used. In any case, a dialog for creating a new layer will be opened.