Self-study SEO from scratch. SEO training - is it worth the time? SEO training from scratch

HTML / CSS is a hypertext markup language, the basis for studying server-side PLs. Once you've learned HTML, you'll be able to create a static web page or website. CSS - Cascading Style Sheets - will allow you to design your site the way you want. You will be able to watch the video course at a convenient time and for all questions contact a mentor who will monitor your progress. The format encourages communication and self-discipline in learning. In a month you will learn: * layout of static sites, * valid cross-browser layout, * block layout, * basic operations in Photoshop, * use of LESS and Bootstrap preprocessors. To move on to the next lesson of the course, your homework must be checked. This will show that you have understood the previous lesson and will easily master the new knowledge. The task can be checked by both the mentor and classmates, whose knowledge you trust, and get an achievement for it. With each check, the number of achievements grows, and the skill of working with someone else's code increases. The level of the final certificate depends on the number of achievements: the more there are, the higher the status. This kind of game mechanics makes classes even more interesting.

Lesson 1

What is a web page; types of sites; site development process; what is hypertext, tags and attributes; workplace preparation; the structure of the HTML document; basic text design tags; a simple example of an HTML page; an example of a complex web page; hotkeys for moving through documents.

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

What is CSS; CSS syntax; ways to declare CSS; selectors (id, class, tag); attribute selectors.; basic properties of styles; nesting; property inheritance and grouping; checking the connection of the style file.

Lesson 4

Priorities for applying styles; pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements; creating tables; cell merging; nested tables; table styling.

Lesson 5

Basic layout tags (div and span); element margins (margin and padding); streamlined elements; block positioning.

Lesson 6

Basic functions and familiarity with Photoshop; highlighting the main parts of the layout; layout cutting; site layout layout using blocks; inserting parts of the layout into the layout;

Lesson 7

Creation of the main markup of the site; the use of overflow and clear in real layout; filling the markup with parts of the sliced ​​​​layout; elements positioning techniques; Getting to know and using Bootstrap.

Lesson 8

Uploading projects to the server; the problem of "cross-browser compatibility"; HTML/CSS standards; the future belongs to HTML5 and CSS3 standards; competent, universal layout; Introduction to preprocessors using LESS as an example.

We learn how to effectively optimize a site and achieve business goals: current search engine algorithms, modern methods problem solving, effective tools in daily work.

Lesson 1

Search engine principles: text ranking, link ranking, behavioral ranking. Search engine filters. Site types.
Necessary tools for SEO.
Introduction to services: Yandex Webmaster, Google Search Console, Yandex Metrica, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager.

Lesson 2

Analysis of competitors. General methodology, identification of signs and parameters. Ways to implement the structure on the site. Formation of technical specifications for the implementation of the structure. Regional promotion.

Lesson 3. Semantic core. Theoretical part

Keyword types. Collection of token requests. Competitor keyword analysis. Search query parsing. Cleaning and clustering of the semantic core. Process automation.

Lesson 4. Semantic core. Practical part

Collect, cluster the semantic core for your project.

Lesson 5

Analysis of competitors. Formation of title, description and h1 landing pages. Text filters, LSI, formation of technical specifications for texts, search for copywriters.

Lesson 6

Work with programs of deep analysis of sites. Checking and adjusting technical issues site (ssl certificate, robots.txt, sitemap.xml, duplicate pages, redirect rules, etc.). Formation of technical specifications for technical improvements. SEO checklist.

Lesson 7 Practical part

Lesson 8

What is usability? Analysis of user behavior and identification of needs. Usability headers and home page, product categories and cards, carts, forms, links, mobile version. Formation of technical specifications based on the results of the audit. Usability checklist.

Lesson 9

Lesson 10

SEO analytics tools.
Traffic from search engines;
Login page analysis;
Analysis of search queries;
Goal reports;
Site monitoring.
Analysis of pages in search results (indexation), changes on the site, positions by keywords.

The course, developed jointly with the EnglishDom school, will help you master the key English-language topics that are relevant for beginner IT specialists. Maximum practice and focus on IT vocabulary. In 10 lessons, the preparation of CVs, technical assignments and business letters, interviews and negotiations, international communication when promoting your project is analyzed. In live dialogues in English, students will consolidate phrases that will be useful in the work of developers and testers, marketers and designers.

Lesson 1. IT resume sample

Compiling a resume in English.

Lesson 2

We are interviewing in English.

Lesson 3

Talk about teamwork and processes in English.

Lesson 4

English for communication by phone and Skype.

Lesson 5

We communicate in English.

Lesson 6

We read and write the terms of reference in English.

Lesson 7

Become the perfect speaker

Lesson 8

We complete the work on time and in English.

Lesson 9

Describe and solve problems in English.

Lesson 10

We talk about our project and introduce the team in English.

Learning SEO from scratch is easy. SEO is the science of search engines. seo specialist studies from scratch what are the basics of seo.

SEO from scratch is fun!

SEO training from scratch

Let's start with the fact that all search engines look at sites. Yandex copies pages to itself, remembers them. To then give the result to users. When the user asks for something, that is, he enters his request, Yandex will issue an output.

  • Index - this is how Yandex memory is called in courses on seo from scratch. Pages go there.
  • Search results - this is how search results are called in books on seo. What the search engine offers us to read is understood here.

Video tutorials on seo, including seo from scratch wordpress, contain tips for optimizing your site from scratch.

  • SEO is a set of practices required to get a website in the first place.

How to start SEO from scratch?

  1. seo from scratch 2018 starts with compiling .
  2. seo online also involves the distribution of keys into groups.
  3. Promotion involves optimizing a page for one or more keywords.
  4. SEO text is enhanced by filling in hidden fields - meta tags (description and title).
  5. SEO lessons from scratch include creating links - both internal (from an article to an article) and external (from someone else's site to an article).
  6. Setting up from scratch is also adding robots and sitemaps - files with which SEO becomes even more powerful.

Practice shows that seo starts from scratch with optimization of the main pages. Home is the cover of the site. That is what we see when we type the site.

SEO from scratch from A to Z

SEO free courses always start with search engine principles. Search engines crawl sites, enter their content for themselves, and then, when readers make search queries, they return the result. The result is links to your pages.

For seo optimization from scratch, it is important that the site has many pages. site seo from scratch concerns only those sites that have something to promote - SEO articles with SEO texts that can be promoted in the search.

Principles of SEO promotion from scratch

Promotion from scratch can be done in a few months.

  1. You have to keep writing articles.
  2. In addition to the daily publication should be.
  3. Before creating articles, make a selection of keywords.
  4. Constantly expand list of keywords (semantic core) for new articles.

Dear friends, from time to time I receive letters with the same question - how to learn SEO and become a website promotion specialist? I came to the conclusion that it's time to write a detailed article about this and state in it all my thoughts on this matter, and then just give a link. Convenient, isn't it 🙂.

The photo is not a Globator, don't think 🙂 . I just practiced a little in Photoshop 😉 .

Website promotion is not yet taught at universities. I think something like this will appear soon.

Indeed, the question is how to become SEO Specialist, very up-to-date. The ability to attract targeted visitors to sites to increase profits will always be in demand.

I will speak based on my experience. Plus, I will try to add jokes and jokes to make it more fun for you to read 😉 .

As a child, I wanted to become a clown, and life turned out so that I became a blogger and SEO specialist 🙂 . I've always liked making people laugh. At school, university and in all jobs, I always tried to make someone laugh. Even, I learned to shift all my jokes and jokes to English language in such a way that it amuses the Americans (at first it didn’t work - they have a different mentality).

I'm not upset that I don't work in a circus - I'm slowly breaking away on my blog to at least dilute the dull articles on website promotion with humor 😉 .

That's it, you need to concentrate, otherwise I got distracted again 🙂 .

The best way to learn SEO is by doing it

In my opinion, The best way to learn something new is to study it in practice.

I am convinced that in order to become a successful SEO specialist, he must have his own website. You can start a resource of any type - a website, blog, forum, community, portfolio, etc. Only on your site you can learn the basics of increasing traffic, experiment with internal optimization and try different ways promotions to find out what works and what doesn't.

I started my career as a webmaster in 2005 by creating a site for Counter-Strike maps, which I was fond of developing at that time Then I made a website based on Photoshop lessons. Back then it was on the domain, then I moved it to due to a long ddos ​​attack. Then 8 out of 10 popular Photoshop sites from the Yandex catalog were subjected to this attack, this is a different story.

I actively worked on the development of the site, wrote lessons on Photoshop, and in a year I achieved natural attendance of 3,600 people a day with virtually no financial investment (I paid only for registration in catalogs and then bought the Allsubmitter program). You can read about it in this series of articles:

After that, I realized that I really like to increase site traffic, and I started a blog site to share my thoughts and best practices. So gradually I came to SEO.

Constantly experiment

SEO is such an area in which it is impossible to unequivocally say what works and what does not. The algorithms of Google and Yandex are constantly changing, and the effectiveness of a particular method of internal optimization and promotion always depends on many factors. Plus, there can be a banal thing - ceteris paribus, the same method can work well for one optimizer and not work for another.

That is why on almost any issue in website promotion you can find directly opposite opinions even among experienced professionals.

My advice - if you are in doubt about something, then do not read someone's opinion and do not blindly accept it as the truth, no matter how much authority a person in SEO may be. Not sure - it's better to experiment and check on your own experience.

For example, many optimizers argue that when articles are added to free article directories, they must be multiplied (that is, rewritten to make them different). I think that it is not necessary to multiply them at all, because one version of the article works great. I have done several experiments and I am convinced of this while working. This applies to both promotion in Runet and on the English-speaking Internet.

🔥 By the way! I'm running a paid course on promoting Shaolin SEO sites in English. If interested, you can apply on his website

I started a separate Twitter account, in which I publish the most interesting and useful Runet materials on website promotion. I select all materials manually and publish only those that I save for the future. Many valuable articles accumulate in my bookmarks, and I decided to share them with you. You can subscribe to this account - @ruSEO.

So, let's put aside unnecessary modesty and quickly give a link to the content section of the site, where I publish the best materials of my blog on SEO 🙂 :

If you know English, then reading foreign promotion materials will allow you to learn a lot of useful things first hand. You can read my article:

Naturally, it is necessary to mention the forums of optimizers. It is useful to read them, but it is important to learn how to skip unnecessary information (flood and messages without any informational value). Plus, you can ask questions and chat on the forums.

At the beginning of my journey, I quite actively communicated on the optimizer forums, but I haven’t been doing this for several years - I don’t have time, I prefer to do work. Of course, from time to time I go to forums from twitter to read interesting articles, but in general I read blogs more often, as there are more useful information and less fluff.

Here are the most popular SEO forums in Runet:

You can also view useful videos on website promotion and related topics on and

Study the websites of leading competitors

In almost any topic, the first positions in the search results are occupied by sites that, according to search engines, the best way respond to user requests.

Such sites should definitely be studied both in terms of internal optimization and filling with materials, and in terms of organizing the structure and navigation, as well as in what ways they are promoted.

To find out by what methods a particular site is promoted, you need to download it external links. This can be done with paid program Yazzle (I've been using it since 2007) or using online services(for one such service I did detailed video- ). By clicking on the links, you can find out in what ways this or that resource is being promoted. This knowledge can save you time and money.

If you are interested, you can order from me, in which I will tell you everything in detail and then answer all your questions.

If you notice any interesting points and solutions on other sites - test them with experiments to find out if they work or not.

To become an SEO specialist, it is desirable to work in a company

Another such moment. Developing and promoting your sites is one thing. Managing client sites is another thing. So to say, the next step on the way to a level 80 elf 😉 .

I personally lacked certain skills and abilities to move on to professional website promotion to order. In particular, I did not know how to promote commercial sites in competitive topics and buy links correctly, as well as deal with promotion budgets. I had a lot of my own experience, but I really lacked this knowledge.

As a result, in 2007 I got a job in a website promotion company. I am grateful to fate that I was given the opportunity to work as a site promotion specialist (this is exactly the entry in my labor).

There I ran several sites, constantly studied, communicated with other promotion specialists (I take this opportunity to say hello to Artem, Stas and Dina! 🙂) and generally operated at a qualitatively new level for myself, turning over strong budgets and buying tons of links 😉 .

I remember that I then found that time when links from Sapa gave a cool and quick effect. It was enough to buy links for several tens of thousands of rubles, and a week later the site was in the top 3 for a very competitive one-word query. But soon this stopped, and for successful promotion it was necessary to think a lot, analyze and experiment. Which is exactly what I'm doing to this day.

I worked in the office from 9 to 6, spent three hours a day on transport, but it was worth it. Having received the missing knowledge and skills in the SEO company, I quit after 9 months and set off on a solo voyage. By the way, you can read my opus, there is just a gorgeous picture at the beginning, I love it 😉 .

In the last months of my work, while talking on the forums, I found a couple of clients with whom I began to cooperate in promoting their sites. I took care of their resources in my free time, often working at night. This allowed me to start earning a small additional income.

At first it was difficult, but I worked hard from morning to night, gradually more clients appeared for promotion and they began to recommend me to their friends and acquaintances.

My wife also supported me a lot - I am grateful to her for that. Instead of getting angry and offended at me for sitting all day at the computer with red eyes, she actively helped me and is now well versed in SEO, although she works in a maternity hospital 🙂. For example, keywords she collects me much better and faster, she has a talent for this. When there is family support, you can achieve the goal much faster.


My conclusion is that absolutely anyone can learn how to promote websites, if there is a desire. The Internet has all the necessary information. There is nothing very complicated and abstruse in SEO. Naturally, you need to work very hard, constantly learn and truly love what you do. Then everything will definitely work out!

I want you to learn everything you want!

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What is SEO?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)- These are measures to optimize the site, which increase its position in the search results. The ultimate goal of attracting traffic is the monetization of an Internet resource.

The impetus for the development of this direction was the expansion of the information field in the network and the emergence of search engines (Yahoo!, Google, Yandex). Entering a query, the user received feedback in the form of a page with search results, search engine results page. The search engine architecture included:

  • Interface (the part with which the user works to enter a request);
  • Search robot (collects data from pages, documents or pictures);
  • Indexer (optimizes search by processed information).

The first to talk about the possibility of using search algorithms to promote websites Danny Sullivan, California-based technology journalist. He published the article "Search Engine Webmaster's Guide" in April 1996, where he introduced the concept Search Engine Marketing, which includes SEO as an optimization tool. In his publications, he wrote about attracting the interest of the search engine to sites artificially.

How and for whom does it work?

The idea of ​​optimizing websites for search results laid the foundation for the formation of a new industry in IT and business. After just 20 years, we have a rapidly growing digital marketing industry, in the nuances of which young specialist will have to be put into practice.

Let's start with the obvious: who needs SEO-optimization of a resource.

Who needs SEO?

The correct answer is everyone who wants to attract users to their site. It can be both commercial organizations and individuals who simply blog.

Now let's see how this magic works. While promoting websites, you should have a good understanding of their structure. If the first generation of sites was created without regard to design and user convenience, filled with tons of texts with open keys, then the sites that we use today have become a quality product with user-friendly interface, thoughtful design and optimized pages.

Search robots analyze websites and remember their content. Each resource is assigned a value by which it can be easily found and returned to a search query. The website ranking formula includes more than 1000 indicators. Many factors remain unknown even for developers, because since 2009 technologies have been introduced machine learning. Influencing known ranking criteria improves page relevancy.

Internal and external work optimization

In the first case, it includes:

  • Formation of the semantic core;
  • Work on the structure;
  • Optimization of texts and pictures.

External optimization is designed to increase link mass. If earlier it was enough to buy, now only natural links are taken into account. These are mentions of the site on thematic portals, sites or reposts. Regular mention of the resource by users indicates that this is a SDL (a site for people). Natural links should be placed on trusted sites and be open to search engines.

In this regard, the question often arises, how to become an SEO specialist?

This profession has become in demand over the past few years and will continue to be so in the future, because every day there is more and more information. Modern man daily receives more data than can fit in 170 newspapers. The desire to receive high-quality information in the minimum time is the reason why we open search engines today.

Looking ahead, let's say what SEO can become in the future. In an episode of the British TV series about technology and everyday life, Black Mirror (2011), people got the opportunity to rate each other, which have legal value. SEO specialists in this world do not optimize websites, but real people.

It is impossible to pump your skill without theory. To save time, go study the terminology here. Get to grips with the basics:

  • How to compose a semantic core and what tools are suitable for this.
  • Key Collector Guide.
  • SEO toolkit.
  • Preparation of technical specifications for copywriters and programmers.
  • Optimization of texts, images and meta-data.

Where to start learning?

If you are an adherent of classical teaching tools, then the book Igor Ashmanov and Andrey Ivanov "Optimization and promotion of sites in search engines" would be a very useful purchase.. In the paper edition, the basics of the basics are well described, but for up-to-date information you have to go to blogs and thematic resources.

Visit the site first Sergei Koksharov( This is one of the largest expert analysts in the field of search engine optimization. His blog is regularly updated with helpful articles, webinars, and more.

Another helpful blog Mikhail Shakin( Its portal publishes reviews of new programs, tools and interviews with experts in this field.

Ilya Rusakov( writes about SEO development trends, tools to help and publishes reviews of major conferences.

Be sure to check out the channel The speakers talk in an understandable and accessible language about ranking factors, content and page optimization.

We have made our SEO courses for beginners. Over the years, the blog has written many articles on various aspects search promotion, we have a lot of experience related primarily to the promotion of our projects and there are many more questions from readers of the blog site.

Who is this course for: for beginners in SEO, for those who want to master search engine optimization. Ideal for those who are just in the process of creating and promoting their resource.

We won't take off, so we'll swim.

Our forte- promotion through content. We really focus on interesting content, attract cool authors, use various text formats and the basics of this experience are in this course.
What can you learn by taking our SEO courses?

Here is the traffic on a site that is moving without links. Only correct selection topics, keywords and budget items.

What is SEO?

SEO is search engine optimization, (Search Engine Optimization) - a method to promote a website page for any query, or to make the page relevant search query.

When a request is written to search string browser, Google or Yandex shows 10 results and in addition millions of other pages, these first 10 results are the top of the issue (TOP) - it is the top ten that receives the most traffic from search (and our SEO courses will help you achieve better positions!).

Alas, an optimized page cannot guarantee entry into the TOP - the top ten in search engine results. Usually this long work associated with the analysis of the issuance and refinement of content and external factors.

SEO used to be taken as a way to outsmart search engine so that your page is perfected for the desired request and issued in the top ten, even in the top five search results. Now, with the development of search algorithms, the vector of attention has shifted to the satisfaction of visitors.

You should always imagine yourself in the place of an ordinary user and think about how he would react when he came to your page in a given situation.

  • You need to consider what visitors could be looking for by entering a query in order to keep them on your site in the future. The time spent by the user on the site is very important and is considered one of the.

Users ask questions of interest to the search engine, write phrases, phrases. If some site has an answer to their request, they may like the site and they will add it to their bookmarks, subscribe to the newsletter and you will receive repeat visits (which is also important for promotion, since this is a signal to search engines that this site is or this particular page is cool, since they return to it). SEO is about giving quality answers to visitors' questions and contributing to solving their problems.

  • After going to the page, the user must understand from the first seconds that the information provided relates to his request, otherwise he will close the page and return to the search, and this is rather a negative signal for search algorithms.

Visitors enter the site, view the materials, pay attention to key headings, main points, highlighted words, and if the article does not suit them, they close the page and go to another site. It is obvious here that the structure of the material is important - no one will read large “sheets” of text.

What is SEO today

Content- interesting, useful, comprehensive, if possible, giving good statistics in the form of transitions and time on the site. It is important to give graphics, video.

UGC - where appropriate - an important component. On many topics, UGC is a storehouse of low-frequency NK traffic.

Services- as a continuation of the content, the possibility of closer interaction with the audience, bookmark traffic and behavioral. Services optimally integrate with articles.

Social is a story about traffic and important signals for search engines. "Spam" if it works, it only works to speed up indexing, and is generally useless, because with good content, a bright announcement is enough. In many ways, social networks replace the purchase of links.

Analytics— We are looking for weaknesses, we are finalizing. We find the most profitable traffic sources, focus on them, and review the interaction with the most inactive traffic.

- 10-20 minutes of work with the most traffic pages and you can significantly improve your statistics and income.

How do search engines understand that a page is “tailored” for a specific query?

If the keywords in the text are highlighted with H1-H6 tags, then most likely this page will be highly relevant for the specified query.

  • The keyword must be in the title of the page (Title), title or inside the text. For example, this page is promoted by the query “SEO courses online”. This combination is in the title, in the h1 tag and in the text.

However, now search engines can analyze the content, even understand its meaning in some way and display pages in the search even if there are no certain keys, but there are either synonyms or the text matches the search query in meaning. At least, as in the old days, it makes no sense to calculate the number of keys in the text. But it makes sense to clean the text from water so that it is as useful as possible.

Page Title

Each of the headings from H1 to H6 must contain a keyword. Search engines prefer H1-H3 tags, and H4-H6 tags are less important than the previous options.

You can't use the H1 heading more than once on a page.

Heading H2 is of less importance, it can be used more than 2-3 times, depending on the text.

  • Starting one of the first paragraphs with a keyword will make it stand out more.

It is advisable to start the first paragraph with a keyword in the exact word form.

The Title tag is the most important element in page promotion, so it needs a lot of attention.

Suppose an Internet user asked a query - “school of bloggers”. Opening any search engine and typing given request, he is given 10 options (pages).

The user starts viewing titles (Title). Some he will read, while others he will simply perceive visually. This is where the visual design of the header comes into play.

Headings should grab attention and visually stand out from others. Even if you do not take the first position, but for example 6-10, then the probability that the user will click on your title increases several times.

Use the vertical bar | to separate words, this allows you to attract the attention of the user and distinguishes you from others. You have to be careful and not overdo it.

  • in headings it is unacceptable to make grammatical errors;
  • do not unnecessarily list all the keywords in the titles;
  • the length of the title must be within - 65 characters;
  • the title must be credible;
  • the visitor should be tempted to click.