Seo promotion modx. SEO optimization MODx - all technical points

Site- the central tool of your sales and communication with your target audience on the Internet, therefore, modernization, improvement of selling characteristics, search engine optimization of the site directly affects the increase in your sales.

The number of visits to the site increases over time: due to search engine optimization (promotion), and the cost of transitions and, as a result, the price of applications - decreases. Due to complex optimization for requirements search engines(Yandex, Google), mobile site adaptation and competent marketing content significantly improve site ranking, and effective targeted traffic grows.

What leads to an increase in the number of applications and purchases from the site?

We accumulate an inexpensive audience due to organic traffic from search engines and continue to communicate using content marketing tools: social networks, online communication lines, application forms and messengers. We collect analytics on all channels in a CRM system, set up Yandex.Metrics and ROI indicators (payback ratio). This is how we form a strong and stable website, a brand on the Internet.

To improve the position of the site in search results necessary: ​​the correct structure, optimized meta-data and linking, filling the site with relevant and useful content, increasing the speed of loading scripts, an adapted site design for mobile phones, the absence of errors in the usability of the site and more a large number of factors that are difficult to figure out on their own.

A unique and individual approach to each project!

Today, SEO promotion site has ceased to be a technical tool - it is an effective method of development. Each site and web-project is unique, its development is a plan that must be coordinated taking into account the specifics of the business, its niche, competition, scale and capabilities.

We work to achieve clear and measurable results (growth in targeted traffic, growth in requests from the site, growth in sales), carefully planning each period of all work. This scheme of work confirms the focus on results and our professionalism.

Website promotion in Yandex and Google

Website search engine optimization- this is one of the most effective ways to work out the existing demand in your niche and increase sales from the site. High-quality promotion has a cumulative effect and increases all business indicators (revenue, the number of your target audience on the communication channel, audience loyalty to your company, recognition).

Our advantages:

  • We take responsibility for the growth of your business and development on the Internet. We become an expert part of your team for the entire period of cooperation.
  • We reflect and add value to your offer through the site. We improve the design, navigation and usability of the site.
  • We use our own technologies to increase sales: position monitoring, prompt updating of the site after updating the algorithms, improving the selling qualities of the site, etc.

What are you getting?

  • Expanding the coverage of the target audience (CA). We will find effective ways to attract target audience. We will develop and implement a positioning and website promotion strategy that will help convey the value of your product or service.
  • Let's identify negative factors. That interfere with your sales. We will compile a list of recommendations, help you implement them on your website and evaluate their effectiveness.
  • Let's increase the usefulness of the site content. You shouldn't expect great results without useful and visual pages. We are working on the content, looking for interesting solutions together with the Client. As a result, we get meaningful and informative material: photos, videos, descriptions, tripwires and lead magnets.
  • Increase in orders through the site. We will study your project: we will understand how convenient the site is for the average user, how neat the design and interfaces are, and analyze the convenience of placing / ordering / purchasing. Let's analyze the attractiveness of your USP.
  • We build an effective promotion strategy. An audit of the site and its progress will help to identify the factors that prevent it from reaching the TOP of search engines. We will select tools that, combined with our experience, will bring a positive and long-term effect.
  • Detachment from competitors, selection. Based on add. competitive analysis we will be able to create a marketing strategy plan to detach from the competition. We will help you to convey the advantages of your USP: goods (services) in as much detail as possible and explain why you need to order from you.
  • Improving external interaction with the site. In the work on the complex promotion and optimization of the site with us: your site becomes better in everything, including the visual design. Throughout our work, we improve appearance outdated or ineffective blocks, we are reworking the forms of communication and, in general, we are making the site more modern, convenient and efficient!

The purpose of almost any website that is being created is to provide information to visitors: give a description of the product, show prices for services, notify about a promotion, post tips, recommendations, reference data, and so on.

But in order for as many Internet users as possible to get to know your site, you need to ensure that it is in higher positions in the search results. Internal SEO is of great importance for successful promotion.

If configured correctly, a site developed on the basis of MODX Revo lution, gets approval from SEO optimizers. In this regard, unlike many other content management systems, much less action is required. However, there are some steps you need to take.

Htaccess file

The file makes it possible to configure the operation of the web server: set access rights to files and directories, make redirects, determine the lifetime of the cache, and much more. In the case of MODX, it additionally allows the site to work correctly with human-readable addresses (“ Friendly URLs"In modex terminology).

When installing MODX on a hosting, this file is already present in the root directory under the name ht.access... Rename it to .htaccess.

To uncomment the required directives, remove the symbol # at the beginning of the lines you want. But not mindlessly.

An incorrect command can cause the site to stop loading. And if you don't have access to hosting, you won't be able to fix the problem on your own.

Domain name use case

After choosing how your site address should be displayed (with or without www), configure using the file .htaccess forwarding.

An example of an entry for a redirect from an address that starts with www to an address without www:

# Rewrite -> - used with SEO Strict URLs plugin RewriteCond% (HTTP_HOST). RewriteCond% (HTTP_HOST) ^ www. (. *) $ RewriteRule ^ (. *) $ Http: //% 1 / $ 1

Setting up CNC (human-readable addresses)

CNC - an address (you can see it in the address bar of the browser), consisting not of a page identifier, but of human-readable words. On a newly deployed MODX site, this functionality is disabled by default.

To turn on the CNC, go to the "System Settings" section.
Select a filter for the "Friendly URLs" section.

Change the settings:

  • Transliteration of aliases: russian.
    To enable transliteration, you additionally need to install an add-on;
  • Container suffix: Clearing;
  • Use friendly URLs: Yes;
  • Strict friendly URL mode: Yes;
  • Check for duplicate URIs in all contexts: Yes.

After enabling CNC on the site (friendly URL mode), rename additionally ht.access at the root of the site in .htaccess otherwise, when you try to navigate to pages other than the main page, you will receive a 404 error.

Check that the file .htaccess contains the following entries:

# The Friendly URLs part RewriteCond% (REQUEST_FILENAME)! -F RewriteCond% (REQUEST_FILENAME)! -D RewriteRule ^ (. *) $ Index.php? Q = $ 1

Eliminate duplicate pages

Search engines are very negative about the presence of duplicate pages (pages available at different addresses) on the site. For example, duplicates are a page with addresses and Page one - two addresses. It is imperative to get rid of them, duplicates.

Such a record in the file .htaccess we get rid of the duplicate of the page with the address ending in a slash:

RewriteCond% (REQUEST_FILENAME)! -D RewriteCond% (REQUEST_URI) ^ (. +) / $ RewriteRule ^ (. +) / $ / $ 1

Working with meta tags (titles and descriptions)

Meta tags are the basis of internal search engine optimization... And if keywords(keywords) have not played a role for a long time, then “ Title" and " Description"Remain the most important point page SEO optimization process.

Do not be lazy to fill in the "Description" field for each page.

And check if there is a call to the tags “ title" and " description»:

[[* longtitle: default = `[[* pagetitle]]`]]

In the above example, for the tag “ title"The following is provided: by default," Extended header". If not, just the page title.

404 error page

"Error 404 or Not found (not found) - the standard HTTP response code that the client was able to communicate with the server, but the server cannot find the data according to the request "- this is how Wikipedia defines the error. The presence of a page for displaying the error is very necessary for sites.

The page should be pre-created, styled according to your design or vision, then indicate its identifier ( id) in the site settings: " System Settings - Site", in line 404 error page "Document not found".

Robots.txt file

It's simple text file restricting search robots access to content on the web server. In its simplest form, the content looks like this:

User-agent: * Disallow: / manager / Host:

It contains a rule prohibiting indexing of the login page in the administrative part, and the directive host, which allows you to specify the main mirror of the site.

Sitemap.xml - sitemap for search engines

This file contains data about those pages of the site that search engines should index. In addition, it will tell search engines how often information on pages is updated, and which pages are most important to index.

For dynamic generation sitemap you can use a snippet pdoSitemap from the kit pdoTools.


  1. Create new document at the root of the site.
  2. On the tab “ Document"Select an empty template, specify" Document title"And the pseudonym" sitemap».
  3. Check the checkboxes " Published" and " Do not show in menu».
  4. Go to the " Settings"And indicate" Type of content» - « XML". Uncheck " Use HTML editor», Save the document.
  5. Call the snippet in the content of the resource pdoSitemap, For example:

Analytics systems connection

Analytics systems ( Yandex.Metrica or Google analytics ) will help you make an assessment of site traffic and the behavior of visitors on it, contribute to both the promotion and the assessment of the effectiveness of the project.

The code provided to you by the system must be inserted into the page templates, preferably before the closing tag , where scripts are connected.

It should be added that website loading speed is also a good ranking factor in search results. But this already refers to the optimization of the site itself.

Hello dear visitors of the DP Blog!

Today I will share some basic MODX SEO tricks. Before creating a new site on MODX Revo, I recommend making small improvements so that in the future they will not be returned to the person who will be engaged in SEO optimization. From the article you will learn about the following:

  1. robots txt what is it? And how to apply in modx

robots.txt for modx

Robots.txt is a simple text file. The file regulates the site indexing parameters for search engine robots. Often used to prevent duplicates and internal pages that should not be included in the search

Let's edit Robots.txt via MODX admin panel Revo in the following way:

  • longtitle
  • description
  • introtext
  • link_attributes
  • menutitle

Let's go back to the robots page and see that there is now nothing superfluous there:

Initial setup of Robots.tht is ready! In the future, to set it up on a production site, you need to use Yandex, Google Webmaster, page crawlers, or seo services that allow you to search for duplicates and incorrect pages in large quantities, for example: Netpeak Spider applications, SEO Screaming Frog or Serpstat service. Any other app or service with this functionality is fine as well. It is important to prohibit indexing of low-quality pages as early as possible, everything is done simply following the example given in the article. If it is difficult for you and you want to do it, write a comment and I will tell you how to set up Robots in your project, on any site, regardless of the CMS.

Meta tags Modx

Modx already has a huge potential for a CEO, but as often happens, the content manager, an office employee who has a Humanitarian education and does not know at all where to press, and how to properly work with a site on Modx, is engaged in filling. I try to refine intuitively standard interface Modx. Let's set up easy-to-understand meta tags for Modx Revo.

Title [[* longtitle: empty = `[[* pagetitle]]`]] description [[* description: notempty = '']] keywords [[* introtext: notempty = '']]

Installing SEO Pro and SEO Tab

select applications → installer → download add-on → enter SEO into the search and downloadSEO Pro and SEO Tab→ and install

Go to System Preferences → search for the "seopro" key change:

seopro.allowbranding → No

(V latest version no 1.2. Will remove the link to the module developer's site from the code)

seopro.fields → pagetitle: 70, longtitle: 70, description: 155, introtext: 255, alias: 2023, menutitle: 2023

seopro.usesitename → No

(Disable automatic substitution of the site name in the Title, thereby more accurately taking into account the number of characters)

Customizing the XML Sitemap

You have to manually create the resource in MODX

  1. Template: (empty). Check the box to hide from the menu.
  2. Go to the "Settings" tab and set content type: XML.
  3. Caching and Text editor remove jackdaws.
  4. In the "Content" field, add a sniped call to the SEOTab plugin:
[[! StercSeoSiteMap]]

By default, the sniped makes a call with the following parameters:

[[! StercSeoSiteMap? & contexts = `web` & allowSymlinks =` 0` & outerTpl = `sitemap / outertpl` & rowTpl =` sitemap / rowtpl`]]

Snippet StercSeoSiteMap can be configured using properties from the table, for a simple site, a default call is enough and you do not need to configure anything extra.

Property table SiteMap.XmL:


Default value


One or more contexts, comma separated.

Set this value to 1 if you want to include symbolic links in your sitemap.

sitemap / outertpl

You can change the wrapper of the rowTpl chunk (see below).

Chunk for outputting the resource to the sitemap.

Specify the type of sitemap, you can separately create a sitemap and a sitemap for images. Possible values: index / images.

sitemap / index / outertpl

Site index map chunk wrapper

sitemap / index / rowtpl

Used to change the rowTpl that is repeated for each Sitemap file.

sitemap / images / outertpl

Use a chunk Sitemap wrapper for your images.

sitemap / images / rowtpl

The chunk that is repeated for each resource included in the Image Sitemap can contain multiple images.

sitemap / images / imagetpl

Change the imageTpl that repeats for every included image resource

Provide a comma-delimited list of template IDs to create a template for your site. To exclude templates from the sitemap, put a minus before the id "-". Example: & templates = -1,2,3

1. Description

Did you know that relatively recently the number of characters in the site description has grown to 255? So, for our REVOs (sorry, evists) in fresh versions, you no longer need to jump through the files and the database to increase the limit. On the most recent version 2.6.3, you can safely write more text in this field. Is your version older? Why don't you update;)

2. Keyword

The funny thing is that there are SEOs who prove that this field has become obsolete and does not take place. Ha! The largest SEO companies in Belarus, sending me the TK, clearly write that they need this field. Conclusion - it's like skis, sort of gathering dust on the balcony, but, probably, they are still needed.

3. Headings

There should be one H1 on the page and it should be 100% of the time. Well, everyone knows that (I hope everyone does). But. There are also other headings. So, H2 and H3 have a place to be only in the text (our content field) and on important phrases. Service phrases used as template or navigation elements cannot be decorated with headers.

For example: we have footer and it has a structure of 4 blocks. Each has something: contacts, links to sections, logo, social. Networks, etc. So, this place is often signed

To contact us


Leave feedback

And you can't do that. The funny thing is that layout designers return layouts this way. What to do? Replaced by
Reviewed by Innokenty
or You may have to get into the css. Or "wash the head of the layout designer" (sometimes it helps).

I noticed that H4 is extremely rare in the text. But the fifth and sixth headings on sites that are in the work of SEOs, simply nowhere - all through the styles.

4. Last Modified

Displaying information about when the document was changed is important. But here it's easier than ever, the solution already exists and our Ilya gave it to us -

5. Rel canonical

Do not forget about the canonical address of the page. But, we also remember that we will have two canonical addresses if we call pdoPage without "setMeta" => 0. And the second will, frankly, not comme il faut.

6. Noindex and nofollow

Often, our brother does not bother with this meta tag and everywhere in the head chunk writes
But here we forget about the main essence of these phrases. Let me remind you that the no / follow value controls the prohibition of indexing links on the page, and no / index controls the indexing of text on the page.

So, the management of pagination pages should be the following noindex and follow (do not index the text, but take into account the weight of the links). For this I have a miniature snippet, which I called index _follow (call it in the head for the main pages of the site).

$ robots = " "; $ norobots =" "; $ meta = $ robots; $ request_uri = $ _SERVER [" REQUEST_URI "]; if (! empty ($ _ GET [" page "])) $ meta = $ norobots; if (! empty ($ _ GET [" sort " ])) $ meta = $ norobots; return $ meta;

For service pages, a custom template is usually (we are talking about simple sites, without personal account and other things) and there you can already write this meta tag, and others.

7. Microdata and Open Graph Protocol

Yes, yes, it is she who is very, very important. And for the product / service page, and for contacts, and for articles, and for breadcrumbs. Usually we are too lazy to go and look at its parameters, but still it is important for the PS. For the lazy, here is copy / past.
("pdoCrumbs" | snippet: ["limit" => 5, "tpl" => "@INLINE
  • ($ menutitle)
  • "," tplHome "=>" @INLINE
  • home
  • "," tplCurrent "=>" @INLINE
  • ($ menutitle)
  • "," tplWrapper "=>" @INLINE "," showHome "=> 1," showAtHome "=> 0])

    Well, or so, if it is clearer:

    I don’t give an example of the Open Graph Protocol, but then google for sure yourself how to do it :)

    8. Title of links

    Well, alt is also insanely important in pictures, but I believe that you will always remember about it. But our beloved pdotools in pagination has a "small sin" on this topic and, if you forget, you can skip links to the site without this important attribute. You can register templates directly in the call, or you can in the snippet settings, as it is more convenient. But pay attention to tplPage, tplPageActive, tplPagePrev and tplPageNext.

    If you use pdoNeighbors, it also has no link descriptions in tplNext, tplPrev and tplUp. Even pdoMenu has, alas, tpl without it. In general - be careful here.

    9. Cyclic links

    Once on the site, most users know that by clicking on the logo, they can go to start page site. Since the clickable logo has long been the standard. But the only mistake is that on the main page the logo is also clickable, that is, we get a circular link, the page links to itself. The treatment is simple:

    (if $ _modx->! = 1) makeUrl (1)) "title =" (! LANG: Go to main page" > !} config.site_name), go to main "> (else) config.site_name), go to home "> (/ if)

    [[* id: is = `1`: then =` `: else =` `]]

    10. Error Pages

    When landing on such a page, it is important not to lose the user. Give a clear description of the error that occurred and provide an opportunity to go to a popular section or return to home page... 404 and 403 should be. Should be clear, concise and without unnecessary "dregs" in the form of bread crumbs, large pictures above, when the text of the error and links to leave it are not visible.

    Bonus: two "goodies" for MODX REVO

    And lastly two Lifehacks, from which I just "trudge" the last months. First Are system settings for the user.

    It's no secret that calling a system setting is faster than calling an additional field on a page. And, if we need to shove somewhere the data of phones, addresses and phrases from the "basement" or "header", then the most "smart" solution would be to place them in the system settings.

    But! We can’t let the managers go there. What are we doing?

    1. We install the cool component settingsWidget with ( from DocentBF, which is not yet personally familiar to me. We write our previously created settings into it. The author has described the instructions, you can easily figure it out there.
    2. Go to panel management and create a new panel. The old one will be overwritten when updating MODX, believe me. We create and add this widget to it. We call it our own way. Assign the widget to the manager's policy. But! Do not prohibit access to system settings otherwise he will not see them.
    3. We hide the settings in a different way. We go to the menu settings and from the top menu we send the “Admin” tab to control. This will hide it from view, but not hide from the panel. I attach my manager's working policy in the link. But do it at the end of the job. You will be pissed off when the menu is broken. Really pissed off.

    Life hack two... Open any template, for example Home. In the Icon field (after the Name and Description), write icon-home. We save, we update. Open the Resources tab. Cool, huh? :) And this is from the boot, just the name of the icons. Play around.

    That's all for now. Maybe there will be a second part, but later. I again have two technical assignments on the working window, plus I still need to recover from a difficult period of depression. So for a couple of months, I’m unlikely to roll up an article again with inspiration. But I still love you, the MODX community and the EVO CMS.

    Search engine optimization MODX has its own characteristics and nuances, since it is not just an ordinary CMS, but CMF is an environment for website development. In short, you have the foundation for your home, and you do the rest yourself. And most importantly, nothing superfluous, exactly what is needed for this project.

    The peculiarity and advantage of MODX over other systems is that you can 100% control the output of any information, and the output you get is pure HTML without impurities. We will only consider MODX search engine optimization and how to implement it according to the points that are already known from the article.

    1. Formation of a unique title for each page of the site (title)
    MODX allows you to create unique headers for each page of the site, but for this you need to insert this structure into the site template [[* longtitle: default = `[[* pagetitle]]`]]... If the title is not filled, then the title of the page of the site itself will be displayed by default.

    Rice. 1. Extended title in MODX Revo

    2. Formation of meta description
    To use a meta description, you need to register this structure in the site template.

    Rice. 2. Description of the site page

    3. Human-readable URLs (CNC) in MODX
    MODX Revo supports CNC and many URL settings, there are about 20. After enabling CNC, rename the ht.access file to .htaccess. In the system settings, the section "Friendly URLs" is required settings.

    Container suffix;
    - maximum length an alias;
    - transliteration of pseudonyms;

    - characters cut from aliases;
    - word separator in pseudonyms;
    - use friendly URLs;
    - check for duplicate URLs;
    - use nested URLs.
    4. Duplicate pages, or the ability to eliminate them
    If you have correctly configured the URL and worked in the .htaccess file (see how you need it), then I can congratulate you - you will not get duplicates. But to be safe, you need to use the Canonical add-on, which will point the search engines to the canonical version of the page. The instructions for its use are simple: download the Canonical add-on, install it in the site template in the section put the construction []
    ... And the following line of code appears in the site template

    By the way, the .htaccess file contains all the necessary settings to configure the main domain of your site, uncomment and you can use.
    Important: the standard 301 redirect setting does not work in MODX, if you need to make a redirect then use this construction

    RewriteRule ^ o-studii.html o-studii

    5. Support for nofollow and noindex
    By default, MODX does not have the ability to use these tags. But if there is a need to close the page from indexing, then you can go in two ways.

    1) Download the SEO Tab app.
    2) Use Additional Fields (TV). It is necessary to create an SEO category, then an additional field, let's call it noindex (when creating a TV field, specify the text input parameters, as well as for which template to use) and then we simply display this parameter in the site template, construction.

    6. Breadcrumbs
    To create breadcrumbs, we use the Breadcrumbs add-on, its plus is that it implements microformats, and now the site navigation will be visible in the search

    Rice. 3. Bread crumbs in MODX Revo

    7. Sitemap in MODX Revo
    A sitemap in MODX is done in two steps.
    1) Download the GoogleSiteMap add-on.

    2) Create a page at the root, set the content type to XML, then turn off the editor for this page. And in the page itself we put the structure

    [[! GoogleSiteMap?]]

    Verification: we type in the address bar site / sitemap.xml

    8. Page 404
    MODX Revo allows you to create your own unique 404 page. This is done very simply: any page with the name 404 is created. Then you need to go to the System Settings, the Site section, find the item "404 error page" and set the id of the created page. That's all, the 404 page is ready, now you can create a unique template for it.

    Rice. 4. Setting up 404 pages for MODX Revo

    9.robots.txt for MODX
    Created robots file for MODX it is similar to creating a sitemap (see point 7). Create a page, select the txt content type, turn off the editor.

    Check: site / robots.txt

    10. Speed ​​up the site on MODX Revo
    Site speed significantly affects visitor loyalty and, accordingly, conversion. MODX developers have taken care of the possibility to speed up the site through the system itself, without additional extensions.

    The "Caching" section allows you to very flexibly customize your site and reduce the load on the server.

    What you should pay attention to:
    - enable database caching;
    - cache javascript files;
    - enable caching of scripts.

    The "Control Panel" section, using the settings, allows you to increase the server bandwidth by means of compression.

    For example, these are functions:
    - use compressed CSS;
    - enable zlib compression for JS / CSS files;
    - use compressed javascript libraries.

    In terms of search engine optimization capabilities, MODX is a solid top five. Its capabilities and flexibility are impressive, but learning how to work with it takes a little effort and patience. Trust me, it's worth it.
