Generate sitemap. Adding a Sitemap file to Yandex.Webmaster and Google Search Console (nuances and errors)

Initially I thought to write a simple and easy "weekend post" about one interesting thing that I recently noticed on Google Search Console... It turns out now in the panels of Yandex and Google webmasters there is automatic check errors in XML sitemaps. Earlier, I remember, special services were used for such purposes, but now everything has become much easier.

In the article you will find not only a description of the errors that can be tracked with their help, I also decided to additionally talk about how to add a Sitemap file to Yandex Webmaster and Google Search Console. I will not reveal anything beyond the grandiose, but perhaps someone missed this moment + it will come in handy for beginners. Content:

  • + useful links.
  • (including search for errors).

1. Create XML Sitemap

If your web project does not yet have a sitemap, be sure to make one - this is extremely useful feature at (especially in new resources). I want to note that in this case This is a special XML format (for search engines), not HTML (for visitors). How it works depends on the engine you are using, here are some articles on the topic:

  • Making (plugin reviews).
  • - a couple of services for any resource.
  • (including XML).
  • A tricky hack to create a Sitemap on a Blogspot blog.

Sitemap: http: // domain_name/sitemap.xml

In general, I met information that search engines are able to find an XML sitemap on their own if it is located at a standard address, but in principle, it is better to load it in the toolbar anyway.

2. Add Sitemap to Google (Search Console)

Previously, this panel was called Webmasters Tools and it looked completely different. It is now a more functional tool. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Register in Search Console (if you already have a Google account, then you will also have access to the system);
  • Connect your project there and confirm the rights.
  • To complete the task of adding Sitemap XML, go to the section "Crawling" - "Sitemaps files".

This page contains all the information on your sitemap + you can add a new one (2) or see if there are any errors in the current ones (3).

Google Search Console supports nested Sitemaps - there is such a thing, for example, in the Yoast SEO plugin. In this case, the module generates an address: http: //your_domain/sitemap_index.xml.

In theory, you can add only one Sitemap file to Googe Search Console (main), and the rest of the sites will be automatically picked up. In this case, only sitemap.xml, and when you click on it, you will go to subsections.

By the way, if you load separately all XML files (main and sub-items), then the total number of links will be added:

Probably, so far there is no tool for distinguishing repetitions in the console, or it is just such a format for displaying the total number of records, or a glitch.

Regarding errors in the sitemap

If there are any problems with the added Sitemap XML, then in the panel you will see the corresponding designations (an exclamation mark icon and an entry in the "Problems" column). In addition, there will also be warnings on the page of a specific sitemap file.

In the case in the screenshot, you can see an entry that some robots.txt rule does not allow indexing some blog addresses. Such things need to be corrected, and then the file should be sent for re-checking - the "Test" button.

In another project, I got a worse situation - the sitemap gave: (This is generally nonsense. required module was activated, and I was completely sure that everything was working. I found the problem only after I added the Sitemap to the webmaster panel. That's why this procedure important enough, and only takes a couple of minutes.

3. Upload Sitemap to Yandex

As for here, after registering, adding a site and confirming the rights to it, you need to go to the "Indexing" - "Sitemap files" section.

The page has an autodetection of the map from Robots.txt + you can add your own files. The socket also supports nesting. If something went wrong, an error entry will be displayed. In the screenshot above, the problems are related to the image: image tag in, which Yandex does not understand. There are modules in Wordpres that eliminate this jamb, but, in principle, it does not really affect anything. I personally leave everything as it is.

Before adding a Sitemap to Yandex.Webmaster, you can simply run a quick check on it. This tool is available under Tools - Sitemap Analysis.


As I said above, I advise you to spend 5-10 minutes in order to add a Sitemap file to Yandex and Google. If your project doesn't have one yet, be sure to create it. This process how and using it will help improve the indexing of the resource, and also allow you to find errors that you might not know about. Situations are different, for example, they updated the CMS and forgot to connect the sitemap module, or it started to fail on its own - when the Sitemap starts giving a 404 error, it's not cool at all.

The post is, of course, more for beginners, but I hope it also came in handy. If you have something to add, write below.

Using a Sitemap file, you can inform Yandex about the current site structure by specifying a special directive in robots.txt or by adding it to Yandex.Webmaster.

The webmaster allows you to:

Loading Sitemap

    Select a site from the list.

    In the field, enter the URL where the file is available. For example,

    Click the Add button.

After adding the file, it goes to the queue for processing. The robot will download it within two weeks. Each added file, including the one attached to the Sitemap index file, is processed by the robot separately.

After downloading, opposite each file, you will see one of the statuses:

Status Description Note
"Redirect" Remove the redirect and inform the robot about the update
"Error" The file is not formed correctly inform the robot about the update
"Not indexed"
Disallow inform the robot about the update
Status Description Note
"OK" The file is formed correctly and loaded into the robot base

The date of the last download will be displayed next to the file.

Indexed pages will appear in search results within two weeks

"Redirect" The specified URL redirects to another address Remove the redirect and inform the robot about the update
"Error" The file is not formed correctly Click the Error link for details. After making changes to the file, inform the robot about the update
"Not indexed" When accessing the Sitemap, the server returns an HTTP code other than 200

Check if the file is available to the robot using the tool by specifying the full path to the file.

If the file is not available, contact the administrator of the site or server where it is located.

Access to the file is denied in robots.txt using the Disallow directive Allow access to the Sitemap and inform the robot about the update

Sitemap update

If you have changed the Sitemap file added to Yandex.Webmaster, you do not need to delete it and upload it again - the robot regularly checks the file for updates and errors.

To speed up the crawling of the file, click the icon. If you are using a Sitemap index file, you can start processing for each file listed in it. The robot will download the data within three days. The function can be used up to 10 times for one host.

When you use up all attempts, the next one will be available 30 days after the first. The exact date is displayed in the Webmaster interface.

Removing Sitemap

In the Yandex.Webmaster interface, you can delete the files that were added on the Sitemap files page: If a directive was added for a Sitemap in the robots.txt file, delete it. After making changes, the information about the Sitemap will disappear from the base of the robot and Yandex.Webmaster within a few weeks.

Questions and answers

Sitemap is displayed in the service as an excluded page with the status "Invalid document format"

Displaying a Sitemap (like other XML files) as excluded pages is for informational purposes only and does not affect site indexing or Sitemap processing in any way.

The Sitemap file can be displayed in the group of excluded pages, because the robot tried to index it as a regular page, while XML files are not indexed in the Yandex search engine and are not included in search results.

An "Unknown tag" error occurred while processing the Sitemap

Sitemap can only contain certain XML elements. If the Webmaster detects other elements in the file (for example, an indication of the mobile or multilingual version, image addresses), the Webmaster will display an "Unknown tag" error. Unsupported elements are ignored by the robot when processing a Sitemap, while data from supported elements is taken into account. Therefore, it is not necessary to change the sitemap.

If the content of the file is changed, it will take up to two weeks to update the information in the Webmaster.

Sitemap file is in the "Not indexed" status

The sitemap file may not be indexed for several reasons:

    The robot has recently crawled the sitemap and has not yet processed it. Wait two weeks. If you are using a sitemap index file with multiple files, it may take longer to process them than a single sitemap.

    The site was previously unavailable for the indexing robot. You must wait for the next visit to the site by the robot.

    Sitemap access denied in file

Hello dear readers of the blog site. I decided to summarize in one article everything that I have already written about a sitemap (Sitemap xml), which is primarily needed to indicate to search engines those pages that they should index in the first place. It is a very important and in fact a mandatory attribute of any web project, but many either do not know this, or do not attach much importance to the Site map.

Immediately, let's dot the "i" and try to separate two concepts - sitemaps in xml format and in the Html format (there is also a geographical interpretation of this word, which I wrote about in the article ""). The second option is a usual list of all materials of the web resource, which will be available to anyone by clicking on the corresponding menu item. This option is also useful and helps to speed up and improve the indexing of your resource by search engines.

Sitemap sitemap in xml format - and I need it

But the main tool designed to direct search engines to those pages of the resource that will need to be indexed is a file called Sitemap.xml (this is its most common name, but in theory it can be called whatever you want, it does not matter), which will not visible to visitors of your web project.

It is compiled taking into account a special syntax understandable by search engines, which will list all pages to be indexed with an indication of their degree of importance, date last update and the approximate refresh rate.

There are two main files that any web project should have - robots.txt and sitemap.xml... If your project does not have them, or they are not filled in correctly, then with a high degree of probability you greatly harm your resource and do not allow it to open up one hundred percent.

You, of course, may not listen to me (for I am not an authority, due to the relatively small accumulated factual material), but I think that you will not argue indiscriminately with specialists who have statistics from tens of thousands of projects at hand.

In this case, I had a "piano in the bushes" in store. Right before this article was written, I saw the publication of specialists from the well-known automatic promotion system under the unusual name "Hands" (this is an analogue of MegaIndex, which I wrote about).

It is clear that any system like them is interested in their clients 'projects to be successfully promoted, but they can only pump up clients' resources link mass, and, unfortunately, they cannot influence the content and correct technical setting of sites.

Therefore, a very interesting and revealing study was carried out, which was designed to identify the 10 most popular reasons that impede the promotion of projects and poke these data to clients directly in ...

In the first place, of course, was "not unique content" (either you copied it, or yours, which does not change the essence). But in the second place was just the sitemap in xml format, or rather its absence or inconsistency with the recognized format of creation. Well, in third place was the previously mentioned robots.txt file (its absence or incorrect creation):

When you unfoundedly assert that your project must have a map (otherwise kirdyk), then this does not sound as convincing as in the case of supporting this statement with real facts from a fairly representative study.

Okay, let's assume that I convinced you and let's see how you can create a sitemap yourself (format syntax), how to make it for Joomla and WordPress, and also see how you can create it using special online generators(generator).

But just creating a sitemap is not enough to be sure that your project is correctly indexed by search engines. It will also be necessary to make sure that search engines know about this very sitemap (in our case, these are Google and Yandex). This can be done in two ways, but we will talk about this a little later (there must be at least some intrigue that keeps the attention of readers).

Why do you need a map site and a robots.txt file at all

Let's first try to justify the logical necessity of using both the robots.txt file, which prohibits indexing of certain elements of your web project, and the site map file, which prescribes the indexing of certain pages. To do this, let's go back five or ten years ago, when most of the resources on the Internet were just a set of Html files, which contained the texts of all articles.

A Google or Yandex search robot simply went to such an Html project and began to index everything that came to hand, because the content of the project was almost everywhere. And what is happening now, in the conditions of widespread use of CMS (content management systems)? Actually, even immediately after installing the engine, the search robot will already find several thousand files on you, and this despite the fact that you still may not have any content (well, you have not written a single article yet).

And in general, content in modern CMS, as a rule, is not stored in files, but in a database, which, of course, cannot be indexed directly by a search robot (I advise you to work with databases for free).

It is clear that after poking around here, search robots Yandex and Google will still find your content and index it, but here's how quickly this will happen and how complete the indexing will be your project is a very big question.

It is precisely to simplify and speed up the indexing of projects by search engines in the conditions of widespread use of CMS, and it is imperative to create robots.txt and sitemap.xml. With the help of the first file, you tell search engine robots which files should not be indexed (engine objects, for example), and you can also use it to close some pages from indexing to eliminate the effect of duplicate content, which is inherent in many CMS (read about this more in the article about).

And with the help of a sitemap file, you clearly and clearly tell the Yandex and Google robots what content on your project contains, so that they do not poke around in vain in the corners of the file economy of the engine used. Do not forget that bots have certain limits on the time and number of documents viewed. It will wander through your engine files and leave, and the content will remain not indexed for a long time. Oh how.

Remember how one colorful character used to say in a famous comedy: “You don’t go there, you go here, otherwise ...”. It is precisely the function of this character that robots.txt and the site map with the xml extension perform to regulate the movement of search bots through the nooks and crannies of your web project. It is clear that bots can kick up, but most likely they will obediently follow your correctly written prohibiting and prescribing (in the sitemap) instructions.

Clear? Then we proceed directly to the solution of the question of how to create a sitemap.xml in various ways and how to inform about its existence to two search whales in the Russian Internet - Google and Yandex, so that they do not rummage around your project for nothing, while creating an additional load on your server. hosting, but this, however, is already a very minor thing, the main thing is indexing (fast and comprehensive).

Unlike robots.txt, which you will most likely have to write with your own hands, the sitemap file in the xml format, as a rule, is tried to be created in some way. in an automatic way... This is understandable, because at a large number pages on a frequently updated project, manually creating it can damage the mind of a webmaster.

Yes, this is not at all necessary, because for almost every CMS there is an extension that will allow you to create, and when new materials appear, re-create a sitemap file. Well, or you can always use some online generator (generator) sitemap in the form of a ready-made solution.

But still, it seems to me, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the simple (but what can I say - the simplest) syntax for creating a sitemap. In addition, on small and rarely updated projects, you can sketch it by hand.

How to create Sitemap.xml yourself in Joomla and WordPress

Usually the "Sitemap" directive is written at the very end. The next time they visit your web project, search robots will check the contents of robots.txt and download your map for study. However, in this way all sorts of radishes can find out about its existence, which the map site will help to spit on your content.

But there is another way to directly transmit information about the location of the sitemap to search engines without the mediation of robots.txt. This is done through the Yandex Webmaster interface and the Google toolbar, although you can use it. Are you already familiar with these search engine tools?

If not, then be sure to add your project to both, and then specify the path to your sitemap in Xml format in the appropriate tabs.

This is how the form for adding a sitemap for Yandex Webmaster looks like:

And this is how a similar form for registering the path in the Google toolbar looks like:

Online Sitemap Generators and XML Sitemaps

If you don't want to look for extensions for your CMS that allow you to automatically create a map site, then you can use online generators in this case. Here, however, there is one drawback compared to the automatic creation of a map in the CMS itself - after adding new materials, you will have to go to the online service again and re-create this file, and then upload it to your server.

Probably one of the most famous online sitemap generators is the Sitemap Generator. It has quite a lot of functionality and will allow you to generate a sitemap for 1500 pages for free, which is quite a lot.

Sitemap Generator will take into account the content of your robots.txt file so that pages prohibited for indexing do not get into the map. In itself, this is not scary, because a ban in a robot will have a higher priority by anyone, but it will save you from unnecessary information in generated file Site map. In order to make a map, you just need to specify the URL home page and provide your E-mail, after which you will be queued for generation:

When it's your turn, you will receive an email notification about this and by clicking on the link from the email you can download the file that Sitemap Generator made for you. All that remains is to drop it into the right place on your server. Well, you will have to repeat this procedure from time to time in order to keep your sitemap up to date.

There is a similar English-speaking service the online generator that you can find at this link is XML Sitemaps. There is a limit of 500 pages on it, but otherwise everything is almost the same as in the one described above.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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In this guide, we will cover the following questions:

What is Sitemap?

This is a file that contains a list of links to all important pages site. That is, this document directs search engines to the main content on the site.

What is a sitemap for?

Sitemap is needed if the site has problems with indexing, which are caused by:
1) big amount pages;
2) lack of links (internal or external) to the pages;
3) deep nesting on the site (confusing structure).

HTML vs XML sitemap

Sitemaps are of the following types:

  • HTML;

The simplest explanation for the difference between these formats is that the XML map is primarily for search engines, while HTML is for users.

HTML Map- this is just a general overview of the site, contains only information and pages that users need to see. If you are on a site and are looking for a specific section, when you go to Sitemap HTML, you will easily find it. While this type of sitemap is user-centric, it can also help your search engine rankings. This is one of the signs that you care about the user-friendliness of the site.

When compiling an HTML sitemap, it is important to consider:

1. Structured content.

The sitemap should be clear and user-friendly. It is desirable that it include sections, categories, subcategories, etc.

2. Link anchors.

Protocol XML Maps the site is intended for search robots. The XML file contains information about when the URL was last updated, how important it is, and how often the changes occur.

Typically, a Sitemap consists of the following XML tags:

- defines the protocol standard and encapsulates this file.
– содержит в себе информацию о URL-адресе (является родительским тегом). – содержит абсолютный URL-адрес.

– указывает дату последнего изменения файла.
– указывает частоту смены файла.
– указывает на значимость документа на сайте. Диапазон значений: от 0,1 до 1,0 (по умолчанию 0,5).

Не устанавливайте для каждого URL-адреса слишком частую смену файла и максимальный приоритет. Если метки частоты и приоритета не отражают реальность, вероятнее всего, поисковые системы будут более склонны игнорировать всю карту XML.

Другие форматы Sitemap

Помимо вышеперечисленных карт сайта, поисковые системы также поддерживают следующие форматы:

Для Google:
— RSS, mRSS и Atom 1.0;
RSS / Atom фиды должны содержать последние обновления вашего сайта. Обычно они небольшие и часто обновляются (что является плюсом).
— Сайты Google.
Для сайтов, созданных на платформе Google Сайты, Sitemap создаётся автоматически, и внести какие-то изменения невозможно.

Для Google и Яндекс:
— текстовый формат (TXT).
Файл должен быть в кодировке UTF-8 и состоять только из URL-адресов.

Требования Google и Яндекса к файлам Sitemap

1. Используйте кодировку UTF-8.
2. Максимальное количество URL – 50 000.
3. Ссылки в сайтмапе должны быть на том же домене, что и файл.

4. Если файл слишком большой, разделите его на несколько и укажите их в файле индекса Sitemap.
5. Ответ сервера при обращении к файлу должен быть 200 ОК.
6. Указывайте только канонические адреса страниц (без GET-параметров и идентификаторов сессий).

1. Максимальный размер – 10 МБ.
2. Поддерживает кириллические URL.

1. Максимальный размер – 50 МБ.
2. Поддерживает только цифры и латинские буквы.

Распространённая ошибка: чтобы уменьшить требования к пропускной способности канала, используют архиватор gzip. Размер сайтмапа должен быть 50 МБ (10 МБ) до сжатия, а не после.

Совет: русские доменные имена можно преобразовать с помощью кодировки Punycode.

Как создать XML Sitemap

1. Чтобы создать карту сайта, в первую очередь нужно определить канонические адреса, которые будут добавлены в файл.

2. Определить, какой формат файла будете использовать.

3. Создать файл можно вручную или, воспользовавшись генератором Sitemap.

Google в своей справке подготовил список онлайн и десктопных, платных и бесплатных генераторов карт сайта. Ознакомиться со всем списком можно, перейдя по ссылке .

Сгенерировать Sitemap проще, чем кажется. Разберём, как сгенерировать сайтмап, на примере деcктопного приложения Majento:

1. Парсим сайт.

2. Переходим в раздел «Сайты» => «Генерировать Sitemap».

3. Сохраняем в нужном нам формате.

4. Карта сайта готова.

Из online-генераторов XML-карты сайта заслуживает внимания XML Sitemap Generator .

Расширенные возможности этого сервера позволяют установить определённые XML-теги, включить/исключить нужные документы.

Исключить ненужные страницы можно и с помощью регулярных выражений.

Google поддерживает расширенный синтаксис для изображений. Для этого вы можете создать отдельную карту сайта для изображений или добавить синтаксис в существующую. Использование расширенного синтаксиса в Sitemap предоставляет поисковой системе дополнительную информацию об изображениях на сайте. Также это может помочь Google обнаружить и проиндексировать изображения, которые он не может найти при сканировании сайта.

Как и в обычной карте сайта, есть обязательные и необязательные XML-теги.

– аналогично тегу содержит в себе URL изображения и дополнительную информацию.
– URL изображения.

– подпись к изображению.
– место съёмки фотографии.
– название изображения.
– URL-лицензии изображения.

Ещё один расширенный синтаксис, который поддерживает Google, – XML-карта для видео.

Плюсы добавления XML-тегов для видео:

1) даёт понять Google, какой контент на сайте;
2) даёт возможность предоставить детальное описание к файлу;
3) станет доступным для поиска в Google Видео;
4) в поисковой выдаче будет отображаться заставка видео (может повысить количество переходов из поисковой выдачи).

Карта сайта для видеофайлов состоит из следующих обязательных элементов:

– содержит URL-адрес страницы, на которой размещено видео; если на одной странице размещено более одного видео, не нужно каждый раз создавать тег , достаточно в одном теге несколько раз прописать для каждого видео на странице.
– включает в себя всю информацию о видео.
– URL к миниатюрному изображению (заставке) к видео. Рекомендованные размеры: от 160×90 пикселей до 1920×1080. Форматы изображения: .jpg, .png, or. gif
– заголовок, который должен совпадать с названием страницы, на которой отображается видео.
– описание видео. Должно соответствовать с метаописаниями страницы. Максимальное количество символов – 2048.

Заголовок и описание видео должны быть экранированы или упакованы в блок CDATA.

Со всеми XML-тегами карты сайта для видео можно ознакомиться в справке Google .

Где разместить карту сайта

Распространённые заблуждения о Sitemap

Так как у многих этот файл вызывает трудности и является «тёмным лесом», возникают определённые мифы в отношении карт сайта. Рассмотрим некоторые из них:

– «Включение URL-адреса в файл Sitemap для XML гарантирует, что он будет проиндексирован».
Нет. Важно отметить, что XML-файлы Sitemap – это только рекомендации. Карта сайта XML не гарантирует индексацию поисковыми системами страниц, указанных в файле.

– «Если я удалю URL из XML-карты, он будет удалён из индекса».
Нет. Карта сайта XML не исключает индексацию страниц, не включённых в карту сайта XML.

– «XML-файлы Sitemap трудно создавать и поддерживать»
Нет. Небольшие сайты могут легко создавать и размещать собственные XML-файлы вручную, используя приведённые выше примеры в качестве руководства по форматированию. Для более крупных сайтов и сайтов, которые изменяются чаще, плагины или модули, доступные для большинства CMS, могут автоматизировать обновление XML-файлов.


Файл Sitemap – полезный инструмент для передачи поисковым роботам информации о структуре сайта. Используйте это руководство, чтобы понять, как работает карта сайта, как она устроена, как сгенерировать, разместить и проверить файл.

Подписаться на рассылку

Карта сайта (Sitemap.xml) – это специальный файл в формате.xml, хранящийся в корневой директории сервера. Это файл с информацией о страницах сайта, которые нужно индексировать. Обычно sitemap создают для Яндекса и Гугла, чтобы оповестить поисковых роботов о страницах, которые нужно внести в индекс. Ещё при помощи сайтмапа осуществляется проверка того, как часто происходят обновления, и индексация каких веб-документов является наиболее важной.

Видео из Вебмастерской Яндекса:

Sitemap.xml составляется с учетом специального синтаксиса, понятного поисковым машинам, где будут перечислены все страницы, подлежащие индексации с указанием степени их важности, даты последнего обновления и примерной частоты обновления.

Есть два основных файла, которые должны иметься у любого web-проекта - robots.txt и sitemap.xml . Если у вашего проекта их нет или они заполнены не правильно, то с большой долей вероятности вы сильно вредите своему ресурсу и не позволяете ему раскрыться на все сто процентов.

Влияет ли файл sitemap.xml на продвижение сайта

Если у вас отсутствует sitemap, это не означает, что поисковики не станут индексировать ресурс. Поисковые роботы зачастую и без этого неплохо сканируют сайты и включают их в поиск. Но иногда могут возникать сбои, из-за которых порой удается отыскать не все веб-документы. Основными причинами являются:

  1. Разделы сайта, в которые можно попасть, только совершив длинную цепочку переходов;
  2. Динамические URL-адреса.

Создание sitemap.xml помогает решить эту проблему.

Sitemap.xml влияет на SEO косвенно: облегчая и ускоряя индексацию страниц.

Карта сайта sitemap в формате HTML

Карты сайта делятся на 2 основных вида или формата: карта сайта html и карта сайта файл xml. HTML карта сайта - это страница сайта , на которой перечислены ссылки. Обычно это ссылки на самые важные разделы и страницы сайта. HTML карта сайта больше рассчитана на людей , нежели на роботов и помогает быстрее ориентироваться в основных разделах сайта. Для карты сайта в виде html-страницы существуют серьезные ограничения по количеству ссылок на одной странице. Если на странице будет слишком много ссылок, далеко не все ссылки могут быть проиндексированы или вовсе страница карты сайта может быть исключена из поиска за чрезмерное количество ссылок, пусть даже внутренних ссылок.

Для того, чтобы карта сайта html правильно индексировалась и адекватно воспринималась посетителями не стоит размещать на странице более 100 ссылок. Этого более чем достаточно, чтобы разместить на странице все разделы и подразделы, которые не влезли в основное меню.

Обычно, файл sitemap в формате HTML имеет древовидную структуру, где указаны развернутые разделы и подразделы. Излишне громоздкие HTML карты сайта, зачастую оформляются графическими элементами, CSS-стилями и дополняются Java-script. Однако, карта сайта html не имеет большого значения для поисковых систем.

HTML карта сайта - это не есть полноценный sitemap. Как же быть, если на сайте сотни, тысячи, десятки тысяч страниц? Для этого необходимо разместить ссылки на все страницы в карте сайта в формате xml.

Карта сайта sitemap.txt

Еще одним способом оформления карты сайт в виде файла может быть карта сайта в формате txt:

1. 2. 3.

Все просто. В файле sitemap.txt построчно перечисляются все необходимые ссылки. Карта сайта в формате txt - это «вариант для ленивых». Здесь работает аналогичное sitemap xml ограничение в 50.000 ссылок. Однако, TXT карта сайта лишена возможностей указания даты последнего изменения и приоритета страницы.

Карта сайта XML Sitemap

XML карта сайта - это файл формата xml, вида sitemap.xml , который обычно находится в корне сайта. У карты сайта в формате xml есть множество преимуществ перед html картой сайта:

  • Sitemap xml - это специальный формат карты сайта , который определяется всеми популярными поисковыми системами, например Google и Яндекс.
  • В xml sitemap можно указать до 50.000 ссылок .
  • В sitemap xml можно указать относительный приоритет и частоту обновления страниц.

Содержимое карты сайта – лишь рекомендация для поискового робота. Например, если установить для страницы сайта ежегодную частоту обновления, поисковые роботы все равно будут ходить чаще. А если установить частоту обновления страницы ежечасно, это не значит, что роботы будет индексировать страницу каждый час.

Как создать правильный sitemap.xml

Рассмотрим, как сделать правильную xml-карту. Здесь должны быть соблюдены следующие требования:

  1. Размер файла должен быть не больше 10 мб;
  2. Карта должна содержать не больше 50000 ссылок. В тех случаях, когда ссылок больше, можно создать несколько карт и включить их в главную xml-карту;
  3. Адрес сайтмапа следует прописать в robots.txt;
  4. Также загрузите sitemap в яндекс и гугл (как добавить файл – описано ниже);
  5. Поисковые системы должны иметь доступ к карте. Необходимо использовать специальные теги, которые дают поисковикам понять, что это именно карта, а не что-то другое;
  6. У sitemap должна быть кодировка UTF-8.

Содержимое файла карты сайта sitemap.xml выглядит:!} 2015-10-18T18:54:13+04:00 always 1.0 2015-10-18T18:57:09+04:00 hourly 0.8 2015-10-18T18:59:37+04:00 daily 0.6

Where the following required tags are used:

  • - parent tag, it contains all urls;
  • - a tag that contains information about a specific url-address;
  • this tag contains the url itself.
  • - this tag contains the date when the page was last modified;
  • - the tag is used to indicate how often the page changes: always, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, never;
  • Indicates the priority of a certain page relative to other pages on the site from 0.1 - low priority, to 1 - high priority.

Changefreq indicates the frequency of page changes:

  1. Hourly - update hourly;
  2. Always - always updated;
  3. Weekly - updated once a week;
  4. Daily - updates occur daily;
  5. Monthly - updates occur once a month;
  6. Yearly - once a year;
  7. Never - not updated (it is better not to use such a value).

Priority tells search engines how important a page is compared to others. The priority can be set from 0.1 (low) to 1 (high).

The sitemap.xml file must contain a reference to the XML namespace:

Xmlns = ""

If the sitemap file contains more than 50 thousand links or the sitemap.xml size exceeds 10 MB, it is recommended to split the sitemap into several files. In this case, several links to different map files must be specified in the sitemap. 2015-10-18T18: 54: 13 + 04: 00 2015-10-18T18: 54: 13 + 04: 00

The tags we are already familiar with are used here. and , as well as the required tags:

  • - parent tag, which contains the addresses of all sitemaps;
  • - tag containing parameters for each sitemap.

How to create Sitemap.xml

Sitemap creation an important process in which it is necessary to clearly indicate which pages of the site need to be indexed and how best to index them. Different types of sitemap are used depending on the type of sitemap. ways to create a sitemap... There is no point in discussing how to create an html sitemap separately. Let's consider how to make a map a map in the format xml file a. There are a few basic ways to create a sitemap, but what they all have in common is where the sitemap is located and how the sitemap is identified by search engines.

As it was already written above - the sitemap file is located at the root of the site... Search engines are able to locate the sitemap file on their own. But there are several ways to provide a direct link to the file (s) of the sitemap (s) for faster detection by search engines. The easiest way to specify the location of the sitemap file is to directly specify the link or several links to the sitemap files in the webmaster tools from Yandex and Google. You can also check sitemap, conduct analysis of the sitemap for correctness, matching of which pages from the sitemap were found by the search engine and how many of them are in indexing.

The second way to point search engines to the location of the sitemap file is with the Sitemap directive in the robots.txt file.


In robots.txt, you can specify several sitemap files, after which they will be automatically added to the tools for webmasters. We've covered how to find a sitemap, now let's move on to how to create a sitemap.

Basic ways to create a sitemap

  1. Generating a sitemap by the site management system, if the CMS has a similar built-in capability.
  2. Download sitemap from outside online service... There are many online sitemap generators with different capabilities and limitations. Probably one of the most famous online sitemap generators is the Sitemap Generator. It has quite a lot of functionality and will allow you to generate a sitemap for 1500 pages for free, which is quite a lot. There is also has the ability to customize sitemap parameters, but has a limit on the number of links in the sitemap.xml file of 500 pieces.
  3. Download sitemap generator... Such generator programs are usually paid, but with their help you can regularly generate sitemap xml for one or several sites. Here are a couple of examples of such generator programs: SiteMap XML Dynamic SiteMap Generator, WonderWebWare SiteMap Generatior.
  4. Automatic creation of sitemap sitemap in Joomla (Joomla), WordPress (Wordpress), Bitrix (Bitrix), ModX.
  5. Creating a sitemap manually.

Sitemap WordPress

You can create a sitemap for WordPress using the Google XML Sitemaps plugin. For it, you can make many settings that will allow you to exclude some of the materials on your site, and you can also set the expected refresh rate. Besides creating a map, google plugin XML Sitemaps notifies many search engines when new materials are published on your blog, inviting them to index them quickly.

You can set the path to the sitemap file yourself in the plugin settings and you can even give it a name different from the classic sitemap.xml.

Sitemap Joomla

You can create a sitemap for Joomla using the Xmap component.

Check Sitemap for broken links

In order not to deceive the search engine crawler, the sitemap.xml must be configured without errors. Therefore, after each update of the file, you need to check the sitemap for broken links.

Go to Yandex Webmaster - section "Tools" - "Analysis of Sitemap files".

Choose one of the ways to download the file:

  • copy the text sitmepa.xml;
  • submit sitemap URL;
  • upload the xml file to the service.

Checking sitemap.xml in Yandex Webmaster

Analysis of Sitemap.xml from PixelPlus

If errors are found (this happens often), the service will tell you which URLs are giving an incorrect answer (deleted, unnecessary, and so on).

Sitemap.xml is an essential tool

A sitemap is one of the most important SEO website promotion tools. It doesn't matter how the sitemap is created. It is important which links will be listed in the sitemap and how often it will be updated. Sometimes, everything is uploaded to the sitemap, and even those links that are prohibited in robots.txt or non-canonical links. And the sitemap is updated once a month or less. Such an attitude to the sitemap can not only make it useless, but even worse - confuse the search robot, which will negatively affect the indexing and position of the site in the search.

Create a sitemap for your resource. But be careful and think carefully about what to upload to the sitemap and what not.