Mem Farity. How to create meme online with your picture

Special pictures of memes are very popular in social networks. The meme consists of a background image with some interesting plot or manifestation of emotion, as well as a small text on top of the background, there are many variations. Anyone will easily create your own picture, and it will help this meme generator online. We will get acquainted with several similar services that can be used for free.

Memes are created on the most different themes. It can be some comics using "Faces" (it was the beginning), demomators, Edvasy, and so on. All of them are combined with one property: some ironic signature located on top of the image. As soon as the generators have become available, many users began to create their interesting options for such "jokes".

To begin with, you should talk about the site Drawing, differing simplicity of creating interesting photo attractors. Work with it is easy. You are looking for the desired picture (a huge base of the backgrounds is offered) and fill the fields for text.

The result of your works can be downloaded for PCs in jPEG format Or immediately publish it on the resource. Drawing is a convenient express service, because the EDVASS is created quickly and no registration needs to work. That's just the site is quite tempted. If you do not want to be limited and you can generate creative options yourself, you should contact the next site.

Mem Generator online - 1001mem

Here you can also create Edweans, all kinds of photodps with text and so on, although the catalog of the template is small. On the site. Ideally create comics, thanks to the powerful generator editor, it is easy to customize the grid of the comic itself and add different heroes.

From drawbacks to be noted mandatory registrationIf you want to save the created file. But here you can go to cunning and use specialized software to create screenshots from the screen.

Comfortable and simple generator Online memes, allowing you to do any cool image. It will only be necessary to choose some template. If there was not something worthwhile, there is the possibility of creating Edvasov with your background. Available option to create collages. There are such patterns:

  • 1 picture
  • 2 images located horizontally or vertically;
  • with 3;
  • with 4 images.


Free websitewhere you can create online graphic jokes using your template or one of those presented in the library. Just go to the resource, and if you want to make meme from your file, then click on the "Select Your Picture" key or take ready-made samples.

Next click "Add Text" and enter the desired phrase. To change the inscription position, the cursor should be shown on the line of the border and send the block to the appropriate place. In addition, you can change the font size, choose a color scheme (there are two to choose from). The number of blocks with the text is unlimited, so you can add the desired amount. There is a little disadvantage of this online programs - The presence of a small row with the address of the resource in the lower corner on the left side. Although the problem is solved easily - cut off in any editor. At the final stage, retain your works on the computer "Fruits": expect a few seconds and click "Save".

Excellent free web Productwhere you can work with a built-in assortment of patterns, and you can take your picture. Work with it is easy:

  • go to the site;
  • if you take your drawing - click "Download Your Picture";
  • you can use the existing library of templates;
  • choose a sample, add the desired inscription;
  • click "Create Mem";
  • keep the result on the PC or publish it on the Wall of VK.

You can use any online generator of interesting memes. If you have any questions, ask in the comments, and to keep abreast of the latest news, subscribe to blog updates.

Looking for information how to create meme? Technically, it is very simple, and we will certainly consider below this question. But memes in the network and so much - and really funny and the laborers come across extremely rarely. Are you sure you want to create another one? Then try so that he does not become a million first nobody with an interesting picture with beaks. Yes, everyone knows that sometimes even the most stupid statements become popular, but try to shine with originality, agreed? ..

Sometimes the ideas of memes come into mind. And you understand: it is necessary to urgently perpetuate this phrase for descendants ... Show your creation to friends, and they look at it and work out the exercise "FacePalm". What is not so? Suitable meme is the one in which the viewer learns himself. The viewer does not want to understand the tarakans of the author - he is enough for him. Therefore, the topics use only the topical, send the rays of sarcasm with fresh news, fashionable chips - but remember that the fashion is very impermanent. Who is still laughing at Cappiece? Who remembers what Bobruisk is famous? But on the other hand, "severe Chelyabinsk" also almost went into the fly, and then the meteorite brought new life All the famous meme. Remember: The main thing is relevance. After all, I am in my own itself - this is what everyone has a hearing in this moment time.

How to show originality, expressing what everyone else knows? Simply we must be first. While the rest are in shock from the news, you will already post your meme on social networks and enjoy glory. However, some authors do not chase the sensations, but on the contrary, they pull off every old man like fashionable in ninetie trash and put a tear of nostalgia from readers, not forgetting to supply a photo with a commentary like "Like, if you know what it is." These are bad memes, do not do similar. The old one can become fashionable for inexplicably reasons - an example of that boromir with his coronal replica "can not be so easy to take and make ...", which the poor people said in the famous fantasy trilogy for ten years ago. However, the reason, if you think, is quite explained: in the second part of the phrase adds just the relevant. For example, each student knows that it is impossible to just pass the session without tails. This is not a sample of a suitable meme, but just a small illustration of the thought expressed earlier.

There are memes, let's say, for a limited audience. They are not clear for everyone - but the one who is in the subject will turn to fall. These are the memes of all sorts of subcultures, fandomes, then we will take a professional humor. It is possible, and even you need to create such crafts - but they should be postponed only on thematic resources, otherwise tightening the dislikes from perplexing cywins.

With theoretical match, we figured out - practicing practices. To the question "How to create meme?" There are two answers: manually either using online generators. For the first way you need paint program or Photoshop: Load the picture and add text to the Text Tool tool. Saved - you can post.

Online generators are now on the Internet spaces: just enter the "Create Mem" in the search engine string and choose any of the proposed addresses. On all resources of this plan, the algorithm is the same:

Step 1 - select one of the popular templates or download your own;

Step 2 - Enter the text: The first line is those words that will be above the picture, and the second is that under it;

Step 3 - Save the result.

Some sites require register, before creating a meme. Whether to spend at this time - your business. Usually, authorization makes it possible to leave comments on the creations of other authors: if you wish to conduct time on the selected resource regularly, it makes sense. If not, it is easier to use the services of those sites that your personal data do not need.

How to create meme, you now know - finally a couple more words about how to popularize it. To do this, post your picture on all resources with large indicators of attendance. In particular, in the promoted groups social networks And on entertainment portals. If the meme turned out to be really successful, he will go to the people with seven-world steps, and no longer you, and other Runet users will post him on their walls and drag into blogs.

Moem itself is simple enough. We will consider in detail in detail how to make meme from the photo by subframes without leaving the Internet. Memes, in essence, this is a photo with text superimposed on them. For the manufacture of memes, we use the two most common editor. This Photoshop is advanced and powerful editor Photos requiring the ability to use this program. And the second is simpler, built in Windows - Paint. And so went to make memes.

Make meme in paint

In order to create a memeter from the pictures, a fairly prepared photo to upload to the Paint editor. This editor in Windows can be found in the main menu, then all the programs are standard - Paint. As shown in the screenshot

We load photos for the Mem

The workpiece for the meme can be trimmed, change the size of the image, that is, to fit under the desired format. Then go to the text tool by clicking on the "A" letter in the toolbar, as shown in the figure.

Blank for the Future Mem

Now proceed directly to the creation of the meme itself. That is, we apply text on the prepared memo photo. In the program, go to the text tool and select the color of the font, the size, then the mouse allocate an arbitrary area in the photo and enter the invented text. After we save the result.

Ready work outfit

That's all meme ready. Who is not clear, see below the video

How to make meme from photo in Photoshop CS6

In order to create a delated meme, you can use the photoshop program. This program requires certain knowledge and skill work with it. If you do not have this software, it needs to be installed. This is perhaps the most powerful photo editor that allows you to do a really cool meme. This is achieved by editing the workpiece of the Meme, that is, the prepared photo.

Memovskaya photo can be blurred, impose various filters. It is also possible to simply draw something on a clean sheet. For example, something in this spirit:

The most popular meme ever

And the main thing in this program is possible in every way editing the inserted text. It can be rotated and placed vertically, there is a large font library and plenty of editing opportunities. But for the complete latitude of the manufacturer of memes, you must be able to use this program. Although the principle is simple, almost the same as in Painte.

Run the program, click the Click Open and select the workpiece for the Mem, see screen.

Processing Pictures in Photoshop
Ready product in Photoshop

Save the changes and everything! Mem is ready!

Watch meme! You should know it!

We are emotions transmitted using media files. Make it under the order, and even more so from under the stick it will not work. This is the same thing to write a new anecdote that will retell and retell. The same with the meme, his task is to transfer emotions and mood, and at the same time the necessary information, possibly hidden advertising of the product or service. In any case, do from scratch a delated meme, which will become popular on the network, is very difficult. Therefore, it is better to take already promoted and recognizable images and make their inscriptions to them, so you can easily make good memes.

There are many online on the Internet. online services Popular pictures for preparing memes. For example, a photo of Agutin with different inscriptions scattered over the network.

Mem with Agutin

Make such or similar meme in principle quite simple. Need B. the right moment Records put a pause and click on the PRTSC clave (take a screen shot), then open the PAINT editor and press Ctrl + V and save the preparation of the Mem. It may be an expression of the face of a favorite kinheroya, a shot of a cartoon, etc.

The popularity of existing memes in the Internet inspires many users to create new analogs with their picture capable of becoming a worthy alternative to existing samples. To create a new meme with the text, we will need a bright picture, a good fantasy and a sense of humor, and the technical side of the question will take on various network services created specifically for these tasks. In this material, I will scatter the creation of a meme in online, and what services will help us with this.

The functionality of such services allows you to easily and quickly make meme from the picture in the browser online. You go to such a resource, load your picture on it (usually using the Overview button), then enter the text for the top and bottom line of the Mem. Then the service processes the image, you view the result, and save it on the PC.

The functionality of a number of advanced services allows you to add additional graphic elements to the processed image, change the arrangement of the inscriptions, use other handy tools.

Many popular memes are distributed online

Now on the network (both in RuNet and in the English-language segment) presents a sufficient number of services to create memes. In this case, such tools or have free character, or leave small watermarks on the final picture.

Let's look at the list network Services To create memes based on we have images. - Fast creation of memes and comics with text

Domestic entertainment service is dedicated to a diverse comic topics. Here you can not only view the set of memes, pictures and comics, but also create it yourself.

At the same time, the possibilities of the resource allow you to create memes as based on the user with the user, and use pictures from the service base, which has more than 100 thousand templates.

To mount meme online Make the following:

  1. Go to the website;
  2. Click on the "Overview", and specify the path to the image on your PC disk;
  3. Click "Create" to go to edit mode;
  4. In special fields on the left, enter the text for the Mem, which will be located above and at the bottom of the screen;
  5. View the result. If he is worthy, click on "Download" below. - Simple and convenient generation of memes online

The second service that allows us to conveniently and quickly create the graphic memes you need - it is The specifics of working with it are not different from other resources of this plan, while the length of the upper and lower text should be no more than 300 characters.

Also on the resource page, it is directly mentioned about the prohibition of laying out materials that violate Russian legislation. Such users are frightened by the preservation of their IP in the resource base (known by mem "I will calculate you on IIP).

Memesmix.Net - Base of comics and memes in the network without watermarks

As the already mentioned by me, the MemeSix.Net service allows you to create your comics and memes using a simplified site functionality with your photo. Also, the resource presents the base of prepared comics and memes that can entertain themselves during idle pastime. - allows you to add a beautiful text to the picture

This English-language resource boasts a rather varied tool for creating memes. You can draw on your image, use various fonts for your text and character dimensions, add ET Cetera graphic elements. - online comic book generator

The english-speaking site has a simpler, rather than the IMGFLIP.COM service, functionality. In general, work with it is not different from other similar services:


In the creation of the Mem online, we will help our special network generators listed above. Among all the listed alternatives would like to draw the attention of the reader to the MemeSmix.Net service. It allows you to mount memes without irritating watermarks that are left by alternative resources of this plan.

Find out how to make memes right now with an online meme generator - a game for creative gloves with great desire to joke. You can create meme right now with your picture and best trolls! Add words to the cloud and go to conquer the Internet!

The new game about the Trolley "Mem Generator" will enjoy all comic lovers with the participation of Memo-Rozers Trololo. This is a mini creator with the necessary images and the ability to insert text to the selected cloud for words.

The online meme generator will help create a unique meme with its picture simply, quickly and free! No need to think how to draw meme in photoshop or look for ready-made templates on the network. The base of the trollfia is fully equipped and ready for battle! Start playing now and find out: how to make meme comic based on a photo or pictures from your computer. Do not worry about the safety of data - everything happens only in the browser window! Ready memerchik can download yourself and send to friends or post on your social network on your page.

How to create your meme

The field of the game is designed for the classic four-ponder strip - the comic ribbon of 4 frames located horizontally. It is very convenient: it is easy to convey the meaning of the displayed situation if you have to load your picture on the left, and on the right - the meme of the trolleface with the signature.

The main thing in the game with memes is to come up with a suitable topic. For example, you can illustrate the contradiction in the spirit of "Waiting - Reality". The most common way is to load a picture of a joyful event on the left, and on the right to place a troll from the generator to express the essence, calling or emotion, accompanying the image. The following frames repeat this order, but with opposite emotions.

Internet memes as a video with jokes - always in demand and popular. They are "virgin" in world web with the speed of light and raise the mood with a good fit joke. Please be friends with a joke and come back to the game to create new memes!