How to install a large template on Joomla. How to install a template on ucoz

Before proceeding to the installation process, it is necessary to find a suitable design. I would recommend using templates only from proven sources, such as: the official store from UCOZ or on sites that specialize in this direction.

In this case, you can be confident as a template and its performance. Of course, you can congratulate or use different car veins - but very often they come across rips, non-working designs or worse files with viruses. Therefore, go to the question of selecting a source with all seriousness, as it depends not only by the success of the operation, but also the safety of your site. As part of this article, I will install a free Desktopchaos template with

Loading a file with a template

So, download the archive with the template:

Inside the archive are several invested folders:

  • images folder (images, img);
  • folder with scripts (JS);
  • folder with styles (CSS);
  • folders with codes of global blocks, informers, etc.

Also in the archive, as a rule, are present:

  • instruction.txt (readme.txt) - I strongly recommend that you must read;
  • designer template.txt (TMPL.TXT) is a common framework of the frame;
  • table of styles.txt (CSS.txt, style.txt) - file with set of styles;
  • type of materials. TXT - contains the code for the type of material;
  • et al. Text files with codes that are needed to fully install the template.

Note: The contents of your archive may differ from my template (it depends on the type, structure, complexity of the template and other factors).

Making a backup copy of the current template

Before you start installing a new template I recommend to make a backup of the current template (just in case)

To do this, we go to the "Control Panel" of your site - "Design" - "Backup templates":

Press the "Create Backup" button in the upper right corner, after which you will see the backup archive that appears with your current template of the form "" with the date of creation in brackets:

And, one more point: before installing a new template i recommend to activate all the necessary modules.: Those you currently want to use both those that you may want to use in the future. This is done in order that your new template would be correctly installed and displayed in all modules.

Step-by-step instructions for installing a template on UCoz:

Setting the template is made according to the instruction that is inside your archive with a template.. As I said in this article, I will show the installation of the template Desktopchaos..

Step 1.

Download the folder with images images to your server. This can be done in two ways.

First method - via FTP client, for example, FileZilla. Download and install the program:

After that, on the main page of the control panel, we click and ask a new password:

After that, open FileZilla FTP manager, at the very top I enter the host, username and password, press the "Quick Connection":

In the left part of the manager, we find a folder with pictures of your template, press on it right mouse button, in the menu that appears click "download to the server". Ready. Now pictures are on our server.

This way is convenient to use if you need to download many images, or other files.

Second way - Loading images through File manager. Go to the PU main page and click on "File Manager":

In the right of the upper corner, we click to create a folder, enter the name images and press ENTER:

Go to this folder. To download the pictures in it, click "Select File", select the picture and click to download the file. Green plus game you can add fields for multiple files.

Thus, download all the pictures from the Images folder to the server.


Install (if necessary) Tag value . Go to "PU (control panel)" - "Settings" - "General Settings" and insert the code:


Install the style sheet. To do this, we find the file "Table Style" file in the archive, open and copy all the code from it (Ctrl + A, Ctrl + C) and insert it instead of the old code in "PU" - "Design" - "Design Management (CSS ) "-" Style Table (CSS) ":


Install the code from the template design file. Open a file from the archive "Designer template.txt" archive, copy all the contents and insert it into "PU" - "design" - "template design", press the "Create Templates" button:


Now, in the same way transfer the contents of the file "View of Materials.txt" In the form of module materials: "site news", "Blog", "File Catalog", "Catalog of Articles". We go to "PU" - "Design" - "Design Management (templates)":

The code from the file "View commentra .TXT" is similar to copying in "Comments" - "View of Comments".


Create a global block. Go to "PU" - "Design" - "Design Management (Templates)" - "Global Blocks":

In the upper right corner, press "Add Block", in the field that appears, write the names of the Info unit and click "Add":

We find the "Global Blocks" folder in the archive and open the file "info.txt", copy the contents of the file and insert into the newly created global block info, we save:


Install the necessary values:

  • Title of informer: latest news;
  • Section: Site News (or "Blog", or "File Catalog", or "Catalog of Articles");
  • Data Type: Materials;
  • Sorting method: Date of adding material D;
  • The number of materials: 5;
  • Number of columns: 1.

Click "Create".

After that, a block with the informer we created, on the right of it, we see the icons on the right, select the first of them "Management of the Informer" and insert the contents of the "latest news" file from the "Informers" folder, save:

Code of this informer $ MYINF_1 $ Insert the Global Block Info.

The forum informer is created in a similar way.

On this setting the Desktopchaos template is completed.

By the way, if you did not figure it out with the installation of a new template to your site, then in the official store Utemplate.Pro you can order a template installation service.

This installation method can be used if you already have an existing Joomla and you want to simply change the appearance of the site using the template.

1. Open the Joomla control panel and go to the menu. "Extensions (Extensions)\u003e EXTENSIONS MANAGER (Extensions Management)".

2. Using the button Package File (file theme) "Browse (Review)" Find the file "Theme ###. Zip" in folder "Joomla" Template. Click the button to set the Joomla template.

3. Install all modules from the folder. 'Sources' (Pre-this folder must unzip according to the instructions in the file 'Info.txt').

4. The next step is to install the demo data.

To install the demo data, you must perform the following steps:

Step 1. Download demo images.

Connect to the server using the FTP client. To download the demo images, open the folder "SOURCES" In the template.

Folder is here "To_the_root_directory"containing files that need to be placed in the root folder Joomla.

Step 2. Import SQL file.

The last and most important step of installation of the demo data is to import SQL file using the database management tool (phpMyAdmin).

SQL file - "DUMP. sQL» Located in the folder "SOURCES" Template.

Do not import the SQL file if you have a valid website, because It will completely rewrite the existing data!

ATTENTION: Before importing the SQL file, make sure that the prefix of the database table corresponds to the prefix in the SQL file.

Table prefix can be checked directly in the database through the database management tool. Pay attention to the names of the tables. The prefix is \u200b\u200ba set of characters before the table name. ( for example, in the table "JOS_ASSETS" prefix is \u200b\u200b"jos_"). Also, the database prefix can be found in the Configuration.php file in the Joomla root folder. Row 19: Public $ dbPrefix \u003d "jos_"; ( where "jos_" - prefix)

If the table prefixes do not match, open the DUMP file. sQL»In a text editor and, using the search and replacement (hot keys Ctrl + F or Ctrl + H), replace the JOS_ prefix ( in the SQL file) Database prefix. You can also use the detailed video tutorial how to change the prefix in the SQL file.
Or how to import SQL file using the phpMyAdmin tool

Update the browser window. Send us a request in case of issues.

To create a site, you can go in two ways. Make a site yourself, we are doing this site. Or contact the specializing company engaged in the creation of the site and the promotion of it on the network. The second option seems easier. For example, you need to create a site Voronezh your hometown. Look for a company engaged in creating a site with localization in Voronezh and after some of you are the owner of the working site. If there is a desire to do everything yourself, read on.

The Joomla 3 template is quite reasonable called the site's clothing. Wanted to change the appearance of the site, installed a new template and ready. Site in new design. There are more serious reasons for changing the template. For example, the template is obsolete, the author is not updated and at the next Joomla update, the template begins to "bug". In any case, what would be the reason to change the default Joomla template, you need to first set the template. Make it can be three ways.

What is joomla template

Joomla template is an extension of a system that can create and release any author. On the Internet you can find options for free and paid templates from a variety of authors.

The difference in paid and free Joomla templates to the technical assistance of the author (support) and the possible availability of external links to the site or the author's sites. Those. Support is present in paid templates, and external links hang on free templates.

How to check the template for viruses

  • No matter where you take a pattern. At the end of the article, several references to excellent free templates (by the authors). Download the template in the zip archive.

Checking template for viruses

  • For security, check the downloadable template file for viruses. Make it, at least two ways:
  • Check the template safety with your antivirus installed on the computer;
  • Check the template archive file on the Virustotal website (

Checking the catalog template

Get acquainted with the downloaded plugin. Unpack it. The probability is that the archive you download contains two archives: the pattern itself, plug-ins and modules to it. There may be a lot of them.

You need to choose a template archive and a system plug-in archive. Template modules are additions and optional to the primary installation.

Now important! For familiarizing with the template, unpack the template archive before opening all files and folders. See if the XML installation file is in the template directory. If it is not, the template from the site panel cannot be installed.

Three ways to install Joomla 3 template

Install the Joomla 3 template in three ways.

  • Installing a template from the Joomla site panel;
  • On ftp;
  • URL File from the repository.

Method for installing template №1. Install the template from the Joomla site panel

The most acceptable option to install the Joomla template, to understand the quality of the template and its preparedness to work. If the status of the template gathered it correctly, this method of installation will work and the likelihood will not be in the further operation of pitfalls.

  • To install the template, go to the tab: Extensions \u003e\u003e\u003e Install;
  • Select in the menu manager "Download a file from a package";
  • Choose a downloaded pattern on your computer;
  • Install;
  • The correct and correct installation will be informed by the green strip with information;
  • To check the Joomla template setting, go to the templates manager, and see the set template in the list.

Method for installing template # 2. Set FTP template

  • Unpack the archive file of the jumla template before all files and folders of the template are visible;
  • We enter the site catalog by FTP using the FTP client (Fillezilla or WinSCP);
  • In the root directory of the site, find the TMP folder. Clean it, deleting everything except the index.html file;
  • Pour folders and template files to the TMP folder;
  • Return to the site panel. On the Extension tab \u003e\u003e\u003e Extension Manager \u003e\u003e\u003e Set to select "Set the Catalog" menu item;

  • Check the path correctly to the TMP directory and click the "Check and Install" button;

Note: You can do the same, but the template to download in your folder. Then the path must be attributed to the TMP / template catalog.

Method for installing template number 3. Install a URL template from the repository

In the Extensions Manager \u003e\u003e\u003e Install the "Set URL" button. In the theory, it allows you to set a template from the open file storage. I did not use such a setup never.

Multiple authors free joomla templates

  • Joomshaper (Basic Helix3).
  • Joomlead.
  • Joomdev.
  • AgeThemes.

Hello everyone!

Today's post will be devoted to novice, and in it I will tell you how to install a template (topic) on WordPress? Everyone is well aware that the standard templates that are going along with the "engine" WordPress, do not shine with beauty and originality.

Therefore, before each newcomer, the task is to choose a beautiful and original template that will delight as the author of the resource itself and its visitors. Oh, how many torment and time requires this occupation. That one does not like it, then another thing is in one topic, no in another ... Horror, in one word. And how I want the blog to be different from other resources on the network.

In fact, on the Internet there is a huge amount of payable and free. And if you want, what would your resource be like not on whose other will have to go a little and purchase a paid template. In this case, the developer will help you bring it to perfection. But not every newcomer is ready to lay out, albeit a small, but still the money for the purchase of a paid topic. Although, the variation of the value of templates is quite decent, but now it is not about that.

So it falls on the first pairs to select yourself, something more or less satisfying your needs. Here are some sites where you can choose a template for your resource:

Http:// http: // www.

And if you try a little, then the free theme can be changed beyond recognition and make it at least a little unique in the eyes of search engines. But I will write about it somehow, so I suggest you to miss anything. And now we turn directly to the topic of our post.

How to install a template (topic) on WordPress

Set the template on WordPress in three different ways, at least you are known only three. Perhaps you know other installation options? I will be grateful to you if you share them in the comments to this post. And now we will look at each of them in more detail. So, proceed.

1. Installing WordPress template from the administrative panel of the resource

To manage themes in the administrative resource panel, go to the "Appearance / Topics" tab, in which you can manage existing templates:

Or, by going to the "Install Topics" tab, and pick up a more appropriate template for your resource:

Here you are offered a choice of three options:

1. Download the topic already existing from your PC. To do this, click the "Download", "Overview" link, specify the path to it and click "Set":

After downloading, you will be offered to view how it will look, activate it or go to the "Appearance / Topics" page:

2. Use the keyword search. Although you can hardly fully enjoy them. The fact is that the search, to put it mildly, disgusting. I managed to find several templates only when I entered the SEO query in the search string. The remaining keywords introduced by me completely ignored.

With the introduction of any other word, the same inscription was highlighted for me all the time: "There are no topics that satisfy your request." It seems that there are no blogs on the Internet on other subjects ... 🙂 Try it, maybe you will find a template that answers?

3. Well, the last item - use the filters. Here you are invited to find a template that matches your requirements for certain features. In principle, you can play with filters and find a suitable topic for your site. After you decide on the choice, you just need to activate the template and this will be completed on it.

2. Installing WordPress Template With FTP - FileZilla Client

This and the next way is not completely in demand, because I am inferior in terms of convenience, but still I decided to tell about them. Perhaps someone will ever come in handy. So, how else can I install the WordPress template? If anyone of you do not know what FileZilla is and how to contact him ,. After reading it, you will become everything. Read? Then you can continue.

To install the WordPress template, you must download it in advance to your PC (personal computer) already ready template and unzip it. After that, connect to the server using the client:

And just drag the template with the mouse cursor from your PC to the folder on the server, which is called themes, the path to the folder: httpdocs or public_html (depending on hosting) / WP-Content / Themes. After that, as stated in the first installation method, we switch to the administrative panel of the resource into the "Appearance / Topics" tab and simply activate it. On this install WordPress theme is over.

3. Installing a template with a hosting control panel

And now I will tell you about the last way to install WordPress template, through the hosting control panel. I use the services, so I will show it on its example. So, let's go. In order to set the WORPDRESS template, it is as in the second case should be in advance downloaded on the PC. Only the only difference from the second installation option, it is not necessary to unzip it.

After the topic is downloaded, go to the hosting control panel All in the same themes folder and click "Download File":

Indicate the path to the archive with the template and click "Download":

Now the archive will be available in themes folder. Unzip it, and the archive itself delete so that it does not take excess space on the server:

After that, go to the administrative panel of the blog into the "Appearance / Topics" tab and activate it. All theme is installed.

I have everything on this. I wish everyone good luck. While to new meetings!

What is your article? And what installation method prefer you? Waiting for your comments!

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