What updates are there for windows 10. Free programs for Windows download for free

No perfect operating system... When creating a new platform, each developer understands that vulnerabilities will be discovered in it over time; there will be a need to fix problems caused by OS incompatibility with hardware and software parts; new features will be added. All this is solved by the release of service packs, which include all the fixes. Therefore, we propose to consider what an update is and how to install Windows updates 10 manually in several ways.

What are the types of Windows 10 updates: misconceptions and reality?

If you go to the Center Windows updates and start a search for packages for an update, then a list of all updates released for a particular assembly will appear. They fall into several categories:

  • Important;
  • Recommended;
  • Basic;
  • Optional.
  • Updates from important categories should always be installed. More precisely, they are installed automatically via Windows Update... Microsoft does not recommend excluding them from the download list. They include improvements to the security and reliability of your computer, and fix vulnerabilities.
  • Recommended updates may address non-critical issues. Most often they are aimed at improving system performance. Although such updates do not cover the main aspects of the device and installed components, they often contain significant improvements, and therefore can be installed automatically.
  • Optional updates contain updates for drivers and installed programs from Microsoft. They are installed manually.

Depending on the type of updates, packages are divided into several more subtypes:

  • Security updates. Solve vulnerability issues. Security vulnerabilities are rated based on the level of the threat: critical, important, medium, or low.
  • Critical updates. Includes fixes for vulnerabilities of certain programs, as well as errors that are associated with them.
  • Service packs. They provide sets of fixes, security updates, critical updates, and regular updates, as well as additional fixes for bugs found since the product was released.

In Windows 10, all updates (except optional ones) are installed automatically. However, with limited traffic or an error after the update, the user is allowed to prevent some packages from being installed.

Also, specifically for Windows 10, Microsoft developers have identified several types of updates:

As you can see, there are several types of updates. The only type that doesn't exist is selective. It existed in earlier builds. However, in Windows 10, you can only exclude specific update but do not select the packages you want.

How to manually update Windows 10 in different ways?

There are several ways in which you can update the latest operating system. Microsoft system... Let's consider them in more detail.

Method 1. Force OS update via the Command line

In order for the installation of update packages to occur forcibly, you should start the Command Prompt with Administrator rights and enter wuauclt.exe / updatenow.

Method 2. Upgrade via Windows10Upgrade program

On the Microsoft website, you can find two tools that will allow you to update Windows 10: and.

If you use the first program, then, starting with Administrator rights, a small window will appear. You just need to click on one button - "Update now".

If you run the second utility with Administrator rights, a window will appear as when installing the operating system. Only here you need to select "Update this computer now".

We follow the prompts of the Installer Wizard.

Method 3. Update via Windows Update

This is the official and easiest way to install service packs on Windows 10.

Go to Options, Update & Security. In the menu on the left, select "Windows Update". Or we go to this section through the Control Panel.

Click on the "Check for Updates" button to start the update.

Method 4. Update using CAB and MSU programs

There are special service packs that are in CAB and MSU format. They are intended for those builds of Windows 10 that cannot access the network. You can download them from the Microsoft website, and run them with a double click, since the packages end in .exe.

If nothing happened after launch, then you can start the system update from these files through the command line with Administrator rights.

  • If you are using a CAB file, the command will be dism / online / add-package / packagepath: File_path;
  • If you are using MSU - wusa.exe File_path.

The update will proceed according to the classic scenario with a PC reboot.

Should you upgrade to Windows 10?

All updates to the Windows 10 operating system are universal. They include compatible with various processors, motherboards, video cards, RAM, etc. components. However, outdated equipment may not always respond correctly to an update. An error occurs. The user rolls back the system or solves the problem, but is already wondering whether to install updates in the future.

For starters, it's worth noting that Microsoft isn't going to ask you if you want to update your OS, but it can sue you if you don't. However, we all understand that all updates are packaged in large files, are difficult to install, take a long time, and worst of all, they do not pass preliminary testing. It is easier for developers to send fixes afterwards than to immediately release the correct KB. Therefore, based on this, you can enable "Limit connection" in the network settings. The system will stop updating and there will be no complaints against you, since no one can tell you how to use your PC.

BUT! Still, it's worth installing updates. Why?

  • Improves system security;
  • Have bug fixes;
  • Aimed at improving productivity;
  • Update software;
  • Add new buns;
  • The tracking system allows you to read what problems occurred with old and new equipment. Based on this information, new updates are released.

As you can see, there are still advantages to regular updates. Therefore, it is worthwhile to update the system and installed equipment at least once a month.

How do I fix problems after installing updates?

If you run into problems after installing the updates, you can solve them in a simple way:

  • Go to Options, Updates and Security.
  • In the menu on the left, select "Troubleshooting". We select the category to which the problem belongs.

  • Next, follow the prompts of the running tool.

If you failed to fix errors after updating Windows 10 in this way, you should use a system restore point.

What updates shouldn't be installed on Windows 10?

There is a small list of updates that should not be installed on Windows 10 due to errors that appear after installation.

There are a few general guidelines worth adding to the list of updates not worth downloading:

  • Do not disable system restore points, as they will allow you to roll back to an earlier state, solving some kind of error.
  • Do not rush to install it immediately after the release of any KB. Quite often, Microsoft will withdraw its updates. Therefore, you need to wait a month, and then start the update.
The latest version of the OS and the necessary utilities will improve the safety of using the device. Indeed, the easiest way for viruses to penetrate a computer is considered to be unprotected or outdated software. The American corporation Microsoft, antivirus developers strongly advise users to keep their PC up to date.
Windows 10 operating system on its own automatic mode install all actual updates on this moment time. Moreover, regardless of whether we are talking about large upgrades or small patches.
There are situations when a person needs to force a series of updates.
Here are the main ones:
  • Completed clean reinstalling windows 10. Note, any freshly installed version will require prior updating.
  • The news about large-scale innovations was announced, during which users are interested to try out the innovations, compare with the previous functions.
  • Temporary disconnection of the update center due to forced circumstances (during a trip out of town or at sea, a long trip, downloading large packages is limited due to a weak signal of the Internet connection). More information on temporarily disabling Windows 10 enhancements can be found in our article.

Actually update the operating room Windows systems 10 to the latest, current version is very easy. To do this, you do not need to have any professional skills in computer technology... The whole process is quite simple and is performed in a few mouse clicks.

In general, Windows 10 uses an automatic update system. And all fresh and up-to-date updates are automatically downloaded and installed on your computer. If for some reason this did not happen, then we will do it in manual mode... This can be done in several ways, but we will analyze 2 of them - the most popular and working ones.

Method 1. Via Windows 10 Update.

  • Let's open the Start menu and click on the "Settings" gear:
  • In the window that opens, open the "Update and Security" item:

  • Windows Update will open;
  • Here you need to click on the "Check for Updates" button:

  • The search process starts latest updates;
  • If there are any, the download and installation of updates will begin (a reboot may be required):

Upon completion, you will update Windows 10 to latest version.

Method 2. Using the Update Assistant utility.

If the first method does not suit you or does not work for you, then official utility from Microsoft called Update Assistant. This program detects your version of Windows 10 and looks for more recent versions of the system. This Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant is very easy to use:

  1. Download it from the official site (the "Update now" button): https://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/software-download/windows10;
  2. Launch, the program will automatically start searching for the latest version of the "Tens";
  3. If found, it will download and install.

As a result, we have analyzed the most common ways to update Windows 10 to new version... If you have any difficulties, then write in the comments - we'll figure it out together.

Despite the fact that Windows 10 has been on the market for quite some time, it is still considered a "young" operating system. The developers are working on its improvements every day to make the user experience more comfortable. All the changes made, no matter how useful they are, are carefully packed and come to the computer in the form constant updates, therefore, it is so important to know what they carry in themselves and how to install them correctly.

Do I need to update Windows 10

The question of the need for Windows updates has always been acute, and there are good reasons for this. There is still no consensus, so all the pros and cons must be considered before deciding whether to upgrade the system.

Why you don't need to update Windows 10

The meaningfulness of updates for the line of Windows operating systems has always been questionable.

When it comes to operating rooms Windows systems 7, 8 and 8.1, then almost all updates did not bring anything new or made changes to functions that were unclaimed for ordinary users. With the release of Windows 10, this tradition has been partially preserved. Most updates to this OS add only new corporate, server and other narrowly focused functions, as well as fix old and add new small bugs.

Windows 10 updates take a long time to install and require a computer restart. This would be okay if they came out less often than once every two weeks. For the most part, Microsoft's corporate policy is to blame for this frequency, thanks to which everything new is immediately packed and sent to work without thorough checking and testing.

Windows 10 updates take a long time to install at the most inopportune moment

Windows 10 doesn't ask users if they need an update or not, and installs everything automatically when the system restarts. This can take the user by surprise when they decide to reboot their computer quickly. Some Windows 10 updates can take up to two hours to install, depending on device specifications. In addition, downloading them can eat up all Internet traffic, and sometimes computer resources.

Also in Windows 10 there is such a thing as ads. And on free versions systems, it is often accompanied by the forced installation of unpopular and low-grade software from Microsoft. Updates to services responsible for advertising are also included in the general Windows update.

Why you need to update Windows 10

It is imperative to install the first update immediately after installing the system. The fact is that there are many more varieties of Windows 10 than it might seem at first glance.

First, a generic non-personalized version of the system is installed. After installing the drivers and the first update, the OS changes to the version that most closely matches the hardware configuration, which allows you to improve overall performance Windows 10 and its compatibility with the computer.

Now let's talk about the advantages of regularly updating Windows 10. You've probably heard about the spyware features of this system. In many ways, these services work with a single purpose: collecting and sending statistics to the center technical support... This allows developers to monitor Windows work 10 on different computers and in different conditions in order to regularly improve the system through the release of updates. It is through the active collection of information that some Windows 10 updates are truly valuable and make the user experience more comfortable.

Separately, it should be said about the security system update. Every second Windows 10 update brings improved system protection against viruses and other external threats.

Taking into account the high activity of ransomware and cyber attacks, the update of security systems is relevant recently. Even if the computer has good antivirus that you fully trust does not provide guaranteed protection against threats aimed at vulnerabilities in Windows itself.

Windows 10 general update includes vulnerability fixes and security updates

Windows 10 updates are especially important for owners of older hardware. After Windows installations 10 most drivers are downloaded automatically: this procedure often includes some compatibility improvements to further ensure the best performance of your computer. Unfortunately the base Microsoft data is far from complete, which especially affects the outdated hardware. But such information is collected very quickly, and with the next update, a package may come, designed exclusively for one of the computer components.

All kinds of Windows 10 updates and misconceptions associated with them

By "updating the operating system", many users sometimes mean completely different things. To avoid confusion, for a start it is worth taking a closer look at a couple of points: what is an update, what it can be, and what it cannot.

The confusion over the types of updates is pretty serious. It arose due to inaccurate translation of English words into Russian. For example, version is the version, edition is the version, build is the version, and the like.

Table: what is called "Windows 10 Update"

Upgrading to Windows 10 (Version update)Also, this procedure is often referred to as "Upgrading to Windows 10" or "Updating Windows", which sounds very ambiguous. Moving to Windows 10 means upgrading from Windows 7 (or 8, or 8.1) to Windows 10. This is the only procedure that literally translates to "Version Upgrade".
Windows 10 also has an internal division into versions, for example, version 1607. Such versions are updated through Windows Update. In fact, this is an update to the assembly, which is called version for beauty.
The upgrade to Windows 10 can be done through the Windows10Upgrade utility, which is described below.
Change edition / edition of Windows (Edition update)Microsoft also refers to this procedure as "Windows Update". Literally it translates as "Edition update". A change of edition means, for example, an upgrade from Windows 10 Home to Windows 10 Professional, or another “tariff change”.
The article below explains how to do this.
Windows 10 Build updateThe correct name for this procedure is "Build Update". However, when many users say "Update Windows 10", they mean it, so we will refer to this procedure as that in the following.
An assembly update means updating Windows 10. The main way is automatic update Windows through the "Update Center". However, there are others, which will be discussed below.
Updating Windows Additional Resources Includes everything that is an important application to the system, but is not officially part of it. This includes security features, components, some services, firmware, and more. When Windows 10 says it is updating, most of the time it is referring to the resource update. In Windows 10, it is almost inseparable from the build update, so it should be considered part of the "Windows 10 Update".

What is meant by "Windows 10 Update"

Windows Update is responsible for updating the system in Windows 10. When it starts it starts automatic check for new assemblies and additional resources, and if something is found, an immediate download and installation will begin. There are other ways to start an update, but the procedure is always the same.

Windows 10 Update is Windows 10 Build Update plus Windows Additional Resources Update. This procedure is indivisible and the only possible option updating your system.

Updating Windows 10 means updating the operating system and some of its components

There are no ways to update

Due to various misconceptions and user memory about Windows 7, you can very often find mention of update methods that do not actually exist.

Selective update

Many users mistakenly believe that Selective System Updates are acceptable in Windows 10. Once upon a time, there was indeed information that Microsoft would make such an opportunity for owners of the release of Windows 10 Professional. However, this idea has not been continued, and no choice is expected for users in the near future.

All updates for Windows 10 are downloaded as a single package, and there is no way to separate what you need from the rest. There are also no special programs or utilities to implement this function. And although there are ways to update the system to a certain version, excluding the subsequent ones, it will not work to choose what to install from this update and what not.

All updates for Windows 10 are packaged in one package that cannot be separated in any way

Manual update

Manual Windows 10 update can be considered synonymous with selective: that is what it implies. Windows 10 only has automatic updates that you can manually start. It's just that it either starts itself, or at the request of the user, and Windows 10 is always updated the same way.

A manual update can be called an offline update via an MSU file downloaded from the Microsoft update catalog

Upgrade to Game Mode

Game mode is enabled in the settings:

  1. Click on the "Start" button and click on the gear-shaped icon to open the "Options".

    Click on the "Start" button and click on the gear to open the "Options"

  2. In the window that appears, click on "Games".

    In the window that appears, click on "Games"

  3. On the left side of the window, click on "Game Mode" and activate the only switch.

    On the left side of the window, click on "Game Mode" and activate the only switch

If you don't have a game mode in the settings, just update the system using any of the suggested methods and try again.

Installing a specific update

It is recommended that you only download the latest Windows 10 update, which is what the system itself does. Any service pack is fully installed and includes changes from all previous OS updates. You won't be able to skip a specific update.

Service packs include changes from all previous ones, if they were not excluded by newer ones. Also, if you have problems after upgrading to the latest version, you can upgrade to any previous one. How to do this is described in the chapter "Upgrading to a Specific Version". However, remember that any subsequent system update will revert all changes back.

How much updates weigh and how long does it take to install

Update Center downloads only the most recent update, which is sufficient to update the operating system. Several packages are downloaded at the same time only if there is a change in the internal Windows versions 10. In this case, their weight is added up. The updates themselves do not accumulate in any way, but simply replace each other. Their sizes are approximately 500 MB for x86 systems and 1 GB for x64 systems.

After applying the changes, the update package itself is removed, but the amount of free space on the hard disk will change:

  • the size of the operating system can change within 1 GB up or down (the weight of the update itself does not affect this);
  • on the C drive, the update cache will remain, which by its weight is 50–80% of the update itself.

The update cache is designed to restore the system in case of failure. Usually it is removed on its own after a while if there is not enough free disk space. The update cache is located at C: \ Windows \ SoftwareDistribution \. This is the only trace left. To remove it, you need to disable "Update Center" and start the system in safe mode... How to do both is written in the chapter "How to stop updating Windows 10".

Removing the update cache will not harm the system in any way

The time it will take for the system to update is difficult to predict, since it depends on the capabilities of the computer and the speed of the Internet. The update can take anywhere from 15 minutes to two hours.

If you run the update check yourself, the weight of the update will be shown before downloading it. If the system starts the process itself, and there is little space on the computer, it will notify the user about this. The table below shows the sizes of the latest service packs for all internal versions of Windows 10 that the system will load.

Table: package weights for the latest Windows 10 updates

Windows 10 versionService packWeight for x86, MbWeight for x64, Mb
1703 KB4034674498,1 862,2
1607 KB4039396612,8 1150,8
1511 KB4034660577,5 1092,9
The first version of Windows 10KB4034668450,5 852

How to update Windows 10

Typically, a Windows 10 update is launched without the user's knowledge. Either the system receives a message about the appearance of something new, or it checks for updates on a timer on its own. If the information about the availability of updates is confirmed, they will start downloading in the background, and the user will only know about this after restarting the computer.

However, you can also request an update check yourself.

The main way

The easiest way to run the scan is through Windows Update, which is located in the Options window.

  1. Click on the "Start" button and open "Settings" by clicking on the gear icon.

    Click on the "Start" button and open "Settings" by clicking on the gear

  2. In the window that opens, click on "Update and Security".

    In the window that opens, click on "Update and Security"

  3. Click on the "Check for Updates" button.

    Click on the "Check for Updates" button

Video: How to Check for Updates in Windows 10

Through the "Command Line" (forced)

Checking for updates can be disabled through various settings systems. If this is the case, you will not be able to update in a general way. In this case, you should use the "Command Line" to force the search for updates to start.

Through utilities

Windows 10 can also be updated via special programs designed for just this purpose.

The utilities will not provide special features. They do not contain the updates themselves, but only redirect the system to the Microsoft server to search for them.

Both applications described below are located on the official Microsoft website in the "Software Downloads" section.

Utilities for updating Windows 10 can be downloaded from the official Microsoft website

Media Creation Tool

Windows10Upgrade (+ upgrade to Windows 10)

It is even easier here, since in the application itself you have to press only one button, but it will be installed on your computer. It also allows you to upgrade to Windows 10 from 8.1 and earlier.

Download the application from the official Microsoft website, run it as administrator and click "Update Now".

Run Windows10Upgrade as administrator and click "Upgrade Now"

Upgrading to a specific version

These methods can also be thought of as upgrading without an internet connection. They differ from the previous ones in that now the search for the current version of Windows 10 will be carried out not on the Microsoft server, but on the Windows 10 image or a special file.

Through ISO image

Video: how to download the official Windows 10 image

Via CAB or MSU file

Files with CAB and MSU format - special updates Windows 10, which are designed to update systems that do not have access to the Internet. You can download them from the official Microsoft website. The update files should open like regular .exe files, but if this does not happen, they can be launched through the "Command Line".

Run Command Prompt as administrator and enter one of the following commands:

Change Windows 10 edition (no reinstallation and no data loss)

Changing the edition of Windows 10 is possible only for a more "expensive" version of the system. If you want, for example, to change Enterprise to Professional, only complete reinstallation systems: Enterprise - the most expensive edition. But from the Home version, the transition is more than possible.

  1. Click on the "Start" button and click on the gear to go to "Options".

    Click on the "Start" button and click on the gear to go to "Options"

  2. In the window that opens, click on the "Update and Security" section.

    Click on the "Update and Security" section

  3. On the left side of the window, select Activation and click Change Product Key.

    Select the Activation tab and click Change Product Key

  4. Enter one of the following keys (conditional keys: they allow you to change the version, but do not activate it):
  5. If the update does not start automatically, select Windows Update on the left side of the window and click Check for Updates.

    Select the "Winodws Update Center" tab and click "Check for Updates"

How to stop Windows 10 update

If you need to urgently interrupt a Windows 10 update that has begun, quickly disconnect your Internet connection. Now you need to run "Command Prompt" as administrator and enter the following commands one by one: net stop wuauserv, net stop bits and net stop dosvc.

Open the "Start" menu, search for "cmd", click on " Command line"Right-click and select" Run as administrator "

If you want to prevent downloading updates, the easiest way to do this is through services.

  1. Open the "Start" menu, type "services.msc" and run the found utility.

    Expand the Troubleshoot tab and select your problem

Regular updating of Windows 10 is a useful thing, but not always convenient. Nevertheless, periodic updates for this system are almost vital. It is better to endure an hour-long system update once again than to try to cope with more serious computer problems later.

All Windows 10 updates are free - if you've already purchased a license once. We will tell you in more detail about the need to conduct them regularly, and how to do it for free.

The developers have recently announced the "top ten", so some malfunctions periodically appear in its work. To eliminate them, as well as to improve the overall performance and functionality of the system, the corresponding updates are released. Therefore, users are wondering how to update Windows 10 to the latest version and it is desirable that it be free.

Let us remind you right away that the owners of licensed "sevens" and "eights" had such an opportunity until mid-2016. But even today, such actions are absolutely possible without any payment, provided that the user recognizes himself as a person with disabilities. This question should be attributed to the field of morality, so we will not discuss it.

Why you need to update your OS regularly

Let's start with the main thing, if it were not required, Microsoft would not have spent millions of dollars to release updates. Therefore, the very fact of the existence of these things convinces us that they are needed. But in order not to be unfounded, you can look at the real reasons:
  • Closes holes and problems;
  • Improves safety;
  • Brings new features;
  • Improves OS performance;
These are all the main reasons why it is worth updating. We do not accept arguments in favor of the fact that it is difficult or different, since everything is so simple that anyone can handle it. Moreover, you can fully automate all processes and this will allow you to receive all updates without the need to personally participate in these processes.

Ways to update Windows 10 to the latest version

There are some options that involve getting the update absolutely free. At the same time, there are no questions about which edition of the OS is installed by the user himself - professional or home. In any case, he will be able to get the current version of the OS:
  • Using the Update Center. Most often, its work is done automatically without any action by the user;
  • "Update Assistant" will be able to direct the actions of a person to carry out the correct update of the system;
  • The ability to use a special utility called Media Creation Tool available on the official portal.
Users can optionally use the official ISO as an alternative method. It may be most relevant when it is impossible to connect to an Internet channel with sufficient bandwidth.

When the system issues a notification that it has everything necessary to carry out the update procedure, then the user can update Windows 10 to the latest version right at the same time. And most often this procedure is performed free of charge. To do this, he will need to go to the "Update and Security" settings section and select the "Update now" item.

In addition, if none of the above methods work for you, then you can always go to the official Microsoft website and find the latest OS build on it, which you can also download for free. Then you just install new items from it. This is not a reinstallation, but an update.

In conclusion, I would like to recommend all users to do it before carrying out any system update. backup or even save the corresponding image separately. This way, you can quickly return to a working version of the OS and continue working with it. After all, sometimes, after some regular update, you may