Restoring damaged JPEG files. The best programs for recovering damaged JPG files

Do you want to restore the damaged file yourself? Looking for a program capable of correcting the internal structure of the file and return the original image quality? The program for viewing images no longer displays the photos or are you available only to small images "Preview"?

How to recover damaged files

Starus File Repair.

Restore damaged files using the Starus File Repair program. The capabilities of the program are not limited to the restoration of the logical structure of the file. The program will also save all the photograph data, including "Priview" and EXIF \u200b\u200bdata. The powerful STARUS FILE REPAIR algorithm will professionally eliminate the negative effects of viral attack, software and hardware failures.

Program interface performed in style windows Explorer, has a function preview Images. That is, you can evaluate the quality of recovery of damaged information even before saving the file and register the program itself. The built-in "File Fixing Wizard" simplifies your task and helps you quickly find spoiled images and return their original quality, even after serious damage.

Starus File Repair program algorithm makes it possible to restore damaged files in two ways:

  • Using the "File Correction Wizard" - allows you to work with a variety of files located in various folders. All damage will be corrected, and the files are saved to the folder you specify.
  • The process of restoring damaged files without using the wizard - allows you to view the contents of the file before saving.

How to restore damaged files using a wizard

Using convenient step-by-step masteryou will see in each new window detailed step by step instructionsthat will help you easily correct the necessary files. To use the wizard to restore and save damaged files, you just need to select the "Master" menu.

In the "File Selection" window, you must specify the damaged files you want to restore and save. Here you can add any number of files from different folders to the recovery list, delete files or fully clean the list. Here you can choose the usual way to display files ("icons", "list", "Table") and use sorting files.

The next step is chosen the type of analysis of the recoverable data.

For rapid recovery Use the "Analysis" function - in most cases this process is enough to eliminate damage to the logical structure of the files.

For deeper processing of damaged files, use the "Study" function more detailed analysis will take longer, but it will be guaranteed to remove all useful information From the structure of a badly damaged file.

Pre-enabled, you can use the following options in the recovery process:

  • Rewrite files when coincided
  • Save the catalog structure
  • Open folder after the operation is completed

How to restore damaged files with preview

Restoring "manually", without using the wizard, is to perform three simple steps:

First, select the folder in which the files you want on the left side of the main window. On the right will display the entire contents of the directory in which we will find a damaged file - the contents of such a file is not displayed in the program.

Next, restore the structure of the damaged file. In the main menu of the File program, select the "Analysis" or "Research" option, depending on the degree of damage to the file. After the analysis process is completed, the files will be available for preview.

The last and most pleasant step - save repaired files.

This article allows you to take a few ways with which you can restore spoiled files on your system, whether Windows, Mac, or Linux. So read on, there is something to see. an error occurred while trying to open the fileYou know, isn't it? This may be a big problem if the file is damaged, and It is very important. If you try to open a specific file, it shows the message "Unable to open a file" or "Data file is not available", you must understand that the file is damaged. The file will also be damaged if it is available, but the contents are displayed as some characters "/" trash "instead of numbers and alphabet.

So what will you do then? Here are different methods using Which you can try to restore your important files on your system.

Word in Windows.

Here are some methods to restore Word files. If you can not restore Word files, you can at least try to restore data from these files.

Method 1:

The simplest way to restore files will be the file in the toolbar document Word. by clicking open.
A dialog box appears with all existing DOC / DOCX files.
Select the file you want to restore, and press the small arrow on the 'Open' side.
In the drop-down window that appears, select Open and Option Repair.

Method 2:

The second way is to change the file extension, from the current standard extension .doc. This will be a new file that is not damaged, but will contain the same document information.

Method 3:

Another way to restore damaged files to create a link to a file to a new intact file. To do this, open Word, and select the File menu on the toolbar. Select a new version, and in the Select Blank Document Type dialog box.
You can enter some initial data in this file, and then save it.
Highlight the text you wrote and copy it.
In the File menu, select New Option, and then select an empty document.
In this document, go to the Edit menu and select a special insert. In the dialog box that opens, select the Formatted Text (RTF) option, check the option Insert links, and click OK.
Go to the Edit menu, click on the links.
In the dialog box that appears, select the file name of the document, which is connected, and then select the Source Change option.
In a new dialog box, select the file is damaged that you cannot open, and click on the Open option.
Now we go to the edit menu again and click on the link option.
In the dialog that appears, click on the Cancel connection option. You will be prompted to split the selected links, click on yes. The damaged file will be transferred to this new document. You can save this new document and format it accordingly.

JPEG / JPG files in windows

This type of file contains a photo or picture. When the JPEG file does not open in any of standard software, such as P aints., the photo album of Windows Fax Viewer, and so much, it can be damaged. And if the file is damaged, you will not be able to view images. You must first try to receive a file by renaming and saving it. JPG file expansion. If it does not work, the next step will get the help of some JPEG images, the recovery application. JPEG Recovery and D octor image., Here are several applications that can be used to restore damaged JPEG files.

Excel files in windows

Perform the method below excel recovery files.

Method 1:

Open excel file.
In the toolbar menu, go to the file and click on Open. The new "Open" dialog box appears.
Click the Excel file you want to open. There will be a small arrow towards the 'Open' button.
Click it, the drop-down menu will appear. Select the Open and Restore option.
A request window will appear if you want to restore or extract data from the file. Select option to restore, and check if it solves your goals. You can extract data from the file and save it in a new file.

Method 2:

Method 3:

If you manage to open a damaged file, then go to the File menu, select Option Save as.
Select books that are damaged and select the extension, such as .SLK. Then you can close the book.
Now click on the File parameter on the toolbar, click on the Open button.
This time, select the type of SYLK file, and open the file.
Now go to the file and select Save Option as. Now you can save a file with a new name and select Extension.xls / XLSX. Your new file will have the same data as the previous one.

Method 4:

If you cannot restore the file using the above methods, this method may be useful. Open spreadsheet Excel and click on the file button and then open.
Go to the file you want to restore and click the Cancel button.
Now open new Excel Table, And in the cell A1, enter \u003d filename.xls! A1. You can see all the data in the damaged file in this cell. You can increase the width of the cell so that all the contents of the file are clearly visible.

Multimedia files in windows

There are many types of media files that we usually store on hard disk, such as AVI, DAT, MP4, .mpeg3, etc., like other documents, images and program files, these files may be damaged. A typical way to restore multimedia files is the use of a certain software. There are many applications that can recover damaged files of all types of multimedia files. Working with these applications is very simple. You just need to open the program, click the Browse button, select a damaged file that will be restored and select the recovery option.

The best way to restore your files is to allow Windows to start self-test. Go to Start In Search Window, enter CMD. Right-click on Cmd.exe and select Start from the administrator. Now, enter CHKDSK X: / R in command lineWhen replacing the 'x', this is the first letter of the disc on which the damaged file is. This disk will be checked for errors, and damaged files will be restored.

Work in safe mode

If your file is damaged, and you cannot open it, you can try to open it in Safe mode. You can enter WINWORD.EXE / SAFE in Start → Search.

Note: Similar modules can be used in other Office applications.

OpenOffice files in Windows

In most computer Systems, OpenOffice is installed instead of a regular Microsoft Office.. In any case, damage to the file in this format, you can restore it with the following method. However, it must be remembered that if the file is damaged and not saved again, it cannot be restored.

All files that have been developed for OpenOffice formats are saved in a separate folder. Find out the exact folder reserve copy, Navigate to the tools ➛ Option ➛ Check backup and view this folder to get the desired file. You can restore previous version, and thus restore the file.

Damaged files in Linux

In case you work on the Linux platform, here are some ways that you can follow to recover damaged files. In Linux FSCK, the system utility is the most useful for checking the integrity of the files. This option to verify the file system, and if necessary, can restore the file when the following syntax is used.

fSCK FS-name-here, where the FS name can be the device name, mount point, ext2 label, or UUID descriptor.
FSCK.EXT2 / DEV / Flash / Devices / Name

You can recover only if the file does not work. So, first translate the system to one level down and turn it off.

# INIT 1.
# Disable / Home

When the file system requests to correct the problem, press the Y key.


After the repair is done, remount the file system.
# INIT 3.

Damaged files in Mac

Mac operating system can restore most damaged or accidentally remote files. For convenience, the document refers to recovery. You can restore other Office files in a similar way.

Method 1:

You can change the file to another format, i.e., Rich Text Format (RTF) to restore the file.
Navigate to the file and click on Save As.
Select text in RTF format from the drop-down window and save the file.
Now, open the file in Word and save it again in the original format. If the problem is not too complicated, this method will correct it.

Method 2:

In case the file cannot be opened, you must insert it into a new document to restore its contents. Create a new document and go to insert. Now, select a damaged file, and click OK. This should work.

Method 3:

In case you still can not open files in this format, you can use the following method for this. Open an empty document in word. And enter any word, for example. Type test.
Now, click Ctrl + C or go to edit and click on Copy to copy this word.
Go to the File menu and open new document.
In the Edit menu, click on the special insert, and then select the Insert Links option.
In "How" select Formatted Text (RTF) and click OK.
Now, in the Edit menu, click on the links and select a change in the source.
In the Open menu, select the damaged file and open it. When the document is open, save it under a new name.
Now go to the Edit menu and click on breaking the links. Press the Yes button to break the link to make changes to the file.

If you still can not restore a damaged file, then you must have the necessary software and follow the steps that lead to the repair file and data recovery.

When it comes to saving important files, it is always recommended to save backup On the data storage device. This will allow you to save a copy of the source file. In addition, there are a number of software for recovery that are available for download on the Internet. If these applications are not free, you always have the ability to download free version Temporarily, easy to restore a damaged file.

Need to recover damaged JPEG files? Looking for a way to recover damaged files? Your files do not open after data recovery or open with an error - "File is damaged"? JPEG files are available only in a small size ("preview")?

Use Hetman Software programs in order to correctly restore deleted files, or correct errors in the HETMAN File Repair files.

Signs of damaged JPEG file

JPEG is the most popular and distributed image format and photos. And so, like other files jPEG formats may be damaged as a result of any errors, failures, viral attacks, network errors or software failure and system failure.

Damaged JPEG files may not open the program to view digital images or open, displaying explicit damage. Often, trying to open a damaged JPEG file, it opens in a distorted form or with such a message, such as: Photo Viewer cannot open an image, as it is damaged or similar.

This is a problem situation, since in any of the cases your files become inaccessible to use. But you should not be upset, such files can be restored using special programs To correct damaged images.

Damaged file restoration methods

Before using the software tool, you can also try to restore the file on your own:

  • Click on the file right-click and change the extension of the file S.jpeg by .jpg or vice versa.
  • Try to open a damaged photo using another tool for viewing images, it is possible that the program error is for viewing photos.
  • Open your JPEG file with one of the tools for editing images. Sometimes, in this way, you can open the image and save it in another readable format.
  • We also recommend trying to open the image using a webbuser.

If, with any of the presented options, it is impossible to open a JPEG image or open it without explicit distortion, you can do this using a program to correct JPEG files.

To do this, it is enough to download, install and run the HETMAN File Repair. With this tool, you can easily and safely correct most image errors and photos.

Using trial version Programs, you can check the efficiency of the program in your particular case with your images on your computer. You are given the ability to preview all the images restored. And only if you are arranged the result of the free version of the program you can register it for further use.

Download utilities


The program is designed for restore damaged files. The utility corrects errors in digital image files (JPEG, TIFF, PNG, BMP, PSD), compressed archives (ZIP) and photos of RAW formats (CR2, CRW, MRW, DNG, NEF, ORF, CAP, MOS, MEF, DCR, DCS , NRW, OB). If your files are damaged by an unsuccessful attempt to restore information, use Hetman Partition Recovery.To restore them in full.

  • Price: 999 rub.

Partition Recovery ™ 2.8

Data recovery program hard disks, memory cards and USB flash drives. The utility uses an innovative algorithm, which allows you to most often restore deleted files in full. Hetman Partition. Recovery restores files regardless of their type and cause loss of information. The program supports any storage media and restores both FAT and NTFS sections.

  • Price: 2 999 rub.

JPEGFIX - a set of tools for repairing damaged images in JPEG format.
As far as I know, there are no such programs on the Internet, nor in open accessnor for money. Correct me if it is not.

JPEGFIX allows you to:
1) view photos and other images in JPEG format, even if they are damaged, including the header loss
2) Amend the image that restore the color distortion and shift
3) Save the image in JPEG or BMP format
4) Export the image in the raster of YCBCR or in DCT coefficients for processing in other programs
5) Also in the program included various means of analyzing files and damage

To work required Microsoft Windows. 98 / NT / 2000 / XP / VISTA / 7.
JPEGFIX is free, but the license prohibits it to modify and take money for it.

Gratitude is accepted in any quantity at the following addresses:
Yandex.Money: 410012753003595.
WMR: R404842976536.

UPD 20110805: Version 1.1.21, corrected pair of bugs, added normalization of everything allocated as a whole
UPD 20110905: Version 1.1.21F, DCDRAW.DLL Replacement on Standalone Release (before that could require MSVCR80D.DLL)
UPD 20111106: Added link to instruction
UPD 20130113: version 1.1.22, fixed drop when using Autocolor on h / w images, thanks aragont. for bug report
UPD 20151114: version 1.1.35, added: byte and 2-byte stastings (Analyze menu), export current page in binary form - to save fragments found from disk images, etc. (Main-\u003e Export menu)
UPD 20160321: Added mirror on RGHOST
UPD 20160929: Added mirrors on Google Drive

If some of the links die - write

Restored remote files, and they do not open? When opening a file, the system reports an error? Restored photos are displayed only in a small size?

The RS File Repair program supports recovery of damaged digital images of * .jpeg formats (* .jpg, * .jpe, * .jfif) and allows you to return damaged photos To the original form. In the process of recovery, the program will save the damaged file itself in its source capacity, as well as all data containing in the file, including "Priview" and EXIF \u200b\u200bdata.

The design of the program is made in the style of Windows Explorer, which makes the application with a convenient, simple and understandable application, and allows you to quickly find damaged files and fix them. The result of the program is visible immediately thanks to the preview function. That is, you can evaluate the quality of recovery of damaged files before saving the final result of the recovery procedure.

The built-in "File Fixer Wizard" in just a few steps will hold you from finding files before saving fixed files, help you quickly select damaged files and restore them.

You can rate the operation of the RS File Repair program for free by downloading it on our website. To save the corrected files, the program must be registered.

Program capabilities:

  • Fixing files that do not open or open with an error;
  • Elimination of errors internal file structure;
  • Restore the structure of damaged digital images of any popular formats (JPG, JPEG, JPE, JFIF, TIFF, TIF, PNG);
  • Saving photos available only in a small amount ("Preview"), in their original form without loss of image quality;
  • Opportunity quick search and correct logical errors in the structure of damaged files;
  • The ability to use a longer, but better and more detailed examination of damage in the recovered files allowing you to save much more information with the right file and restore even strongly damaged data;
  • Ability to preview the results of correction of damaged files;
  • A simple and convenient work wizard with the program allows you to quickly master the step-by-step algorithm for recovering damaged files and save necessary information on the selected medium;
  • The interface in the style of the standard MS Windows Explorer allows you to view the contents of the electronic media in the usual form, quickly find and restore damaged data.
  • Support popular file Systems EXFAT / FAT 16 / FAT 32 / NTFS / NTFS 4 / NTFS5, and popular Microsoft Windows OS, including XP, 2003, Vista, 2008 Server and Windows 7, 8, 10;