How to pass the excel file. Password recovery for Excel

Sometimes it is necessary to make it so that access to the document does not receive nobody outsider. It happens quite difficult, if several people use one device. This article will describe how to install protection to files using standard tools, as well as how to remove protection, if it is no longer needed to the user.

Install the password in Office 2003

In the 2003 office for installing protection for Word and Excel, you need to go to tools menuand then proceed to parameters. On the Security tab, you can set protection that will open access to other people to view a file and a cipher that will allow you to edit the document.

After that will remain only apply Change And the file will be protected from viewing and editing.

Password protection in office 2007

Here you have to go to the main menuwhich starts when you click on the round button in the upper left corner. Here in the section " Prepare"The item" "will be present, you need to click on it, to open the settings window.

Next, you must enter a set of characters, which will become cipher. You can delete it entering the file by entering the protective sequence, and then you need to go to this setting. After that, instead of cipher, it will be necessary to introduce an empty combination, i.e. Do not enter anything.

Installation of a password on Word and Excel 2010, 2013, 2016

To encrypt data, you will need to go to main menu, go to the information section, and then select the defense of the document and encrypt with password.

In the next menu you need to enter a combination for encryption.

To remove the protection, you will need to go to the file, go to the same setting item, and leave the protective combination empty.

Such standard method Encryption will allow you to protect user data from viewing and editing, access to them can only be able to get those people to whom the user will transmit a combination. Hacked them not so easy, the built-in cipher reset means does not exist, there are conventional busting programs, and they require many resources and can work for a very long time. This is especially noticeable if the cipher consists of a large number of signs and is drawn up by all the rules, and not a certain word.

However, that is why the user itself needs to be carefully with passwords. If an important document is encrypted, then the combination should be as a user exactly will not forget, because it will be very difficult to pick it up.

And you know that the editor spreadsheets Microsoft Excel. Allows you to put a password for changing as a whole book and a separate sheet? It is very convenient if you have the need to protect the contents from users, prohibit them to make changes in the table or completely overlap access to it. This is especially true in some firms, where a single-dying file is organized on the server, which is all available and where all users fall into documents. Using the password protection of the entire XLS or XLSX file from unauthorized access. At the same time, to whom access is really necessary, you can give a password individually.

Let's consider in more detail how to protect these password in Excel.

Installing the password on the Excel sheet

In the bottom of the window we find a list of sheets and click on the right right mouse button to appear menus where you need to select the "Protect Leaf" item:

A separate "Sheet Protection" window will appear, in which you want to specify a password, as well as set the right to be available to users:

After you enter the password, another window will appear, in which you need to enter it again to confirm:

Now, when trying to change the contents of the protected sheet, the user will receive such a message:

And if he tries to remove sheet protection, then Excel will require it to enter the password:

Note: Call the "Sheet Protection" window and through the main menu in the "Review" section. Look more in the video:

How to put a password on the Excel book

Now let's look at how the password book protection is put in Excel. In the main program window and call the File menu. This menu appears, in which you want to open the "Details" section:

The first is the item "Protection of the book". Click on it and see this menu:

Select the "Enchant using a password" item. Excel will ask you to enter the password:

We enter and click "OK". After that, you will see a message that you need a password to open this book.

Password on Excel File

This method of data protection involves the fact that you want to set a password to the entire XLS or XLSX file so that a foreign person cannot open it at all, and when you try to do it, the security key entry request would be issued:

After you press the "OK" button, you will double the password confirmation window twice - first to open the XLS or XLSX file, and then on the change.
After that, you can be sure that it is not bad to protect the data.

Today we consider the question: How to put a password for the documentWord. andExcel? This is the third article on the account in which we are talking about the protection of personal information. The first article was told about: how to put a password to the folder? Then they affected the question: how to put a password on a computer? Today we will analyze the following question: how to put a password for any document in Microsoft Office. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher?

Know how to put a password for documentsIt is especially important when you have to use colleagues at work in one computer. I want to deliver you, in Microsoft Office products, the document security feature is provided. Let's look at how this is done:

- For those who use Microsoft Office 2003 need:

Open document Word., Excel and PowerPoint, after which you need to go to the "Service" section and select "Parameters" submenu:

After the "Parameters" window opens, go to the "Security" tab, and in the string "Encryption parameters for this document" Enter your password:

Next click on the button "Additionally"which is near the password input field. You will open the window "Encryption type" In which choose any type of cryptocryption with the key resistance 128.

Click on the "OK" button, after which, enter the password re-confirm.

That's all, now in order to open your document you need to enter a password.

- For those who use Microsoft Office 2007:

Open Word, Excel and PowerPoint document, then open the main program menu. Then go to the "Prepare" section and select "Enchant Document":

That's all, now your document is password protected, when opening, the program asks to enter a password:

- For those who use Microsoft Office 2010 you need:

Open Word, Excel and PowerPoint document, further open the File section and select the "Details" element. Then in the "Permissions" line, select the method of protecting the document, namely the item "Encrypt password":

After opening the window "Document encryption", Enter the password and confirm it with re-entering, then click on "OK"

Close Document Saving Changes. That's all, the document is protected by a password.

If you want to protect your Microsoft Office 2010 Word and Excel document from editing or change, you can do this by clicking on the "Review" tab and in the Protectory group select "Limit editing":

After which the window opens "Limit formatting"in which you can choose how to edit. Select the suitable way to you and click on the button. "Yes, to turn on protection".

So we dealt with the question How to put a password for Word and Excel?

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Saved data - a burning topic for many computers users, especially if we are talking about PC, which are used at once with several people. Almost every computer is connected to the Internet, and it is no secret that the network wanders a large number of viral programs, some of which can be transmitted to intruders important information from a computer computer. In addition, hackers are also able to hackers. cloud storagewhere many stored data for convenient work With them immediately behind multiple devices.

All of the above suggests that at any time one or another file may be lost and get into the "bad hands". If we are talking about Word or Excel file - it may be an important document, whose loss is undesirable, and sometimes dangerous. Some users store important passwords in text documents, others create unique content (write scripts or books), and it can all be at intruders. To avoid such a situation, you can store documents in the archives on which the password is worth. But it is much more convenient to use embedded functions. text editors, and from this article you will learn how to put a password to Word or Excel without using third-party programs.

We recommend reading:

Installing a password in Word 2003 (Excel 2003)

Microsoft Office 2003 package programs have been greatly previable, and many users still do not refuse them. They are often installed on low-power office computers, in schools, institutes and everywhere, where necessary word program, Excel, PowerPoint and other basic functions.

Exactly at office applications 2003 For the first time, it was possible to set a password to Word or Excel. To make it necessary:

Attention should be noted that for each specific document created on the computer, you must set the password separately.

Installing the password in Word 2007 (Excel 2007)

The most common package in Russia office applications - This is Microsoft Office 2007. After years, it does not lose in popularity, and millions of people are accustomed to work. Protect password Word or Excel documents from the 2007 Office Package as follows:

Important: If you want to remove set password From the document, repeat the procedure for its installation, but instead of the password you enter, leave the empty string and click OK. At the same time, Microsoft Office will automatically determine that the user wants to remove the password from Word document (Excel) and will not make the command, as it happens at the time of its installation.

Installation of the password in Word 2010, 2013, 2016 (Excel 2010, 2013, 2016)

The process of installing a password on a document in modern versions of office applications from Microsoft is not very different from the option for Office 2007. However, modern programs received a new design, and the example will not prevent the example:

Password deactivation process in Word 2010 and more late versions It is identical to how it happens in Word 2007.

Important: If the Word or Excel file encryption happened in modern microsoft version Office (after 2010) or in the online version of the Office 365 program, open the document will not work in Word 2007 and earlier versions.

Most computer users Uses in its daily work Microsoft Office. Quite often, files with documentation may contain important information that needs to be protected from third parties. In order for your documents to open and edit only you, the system has the opportunity to close their password. Not all users know about it.

Nevertheless, we have such an opportunity. In fact, put a password to the Excel or Word file and thereby protect it is quite easy, it is enough to do uncomplicated manipulations.

How to put a password to the Excel 2007 file

These actions are performed after you have created a document with the aforementioned name. First you need to open the Open item menu Save as.

In the window that appears, we find the button at the left side below Service, click and in the appeared list find Common parameters. In the newly opened window we find a string Password for opening.

It is recommended to invent an average and high degree of difficulty containing letters and numbers to reduce the probability of hacking an Excel file having important information. After you entered the password in the appropriate line, you will need to re-enter it, after clicking on OK. This operation exists in order to exclude an error when entering. The above actions are performed in the same way with Word documents.

How to put a password to the Excel file 2003

  1. After creating the file, you need to open the menu item File and choose a string called Save as.
  2. In the window that appears, looking for an item Service and in the pop-up menu find a line Common parameters.
  3. Next, a window appears with the password request, fit and save all changes.

After the actions described above, you can once again try to open your document to make sure it is a password.

Today we will discuss how to pass an excel file. This tool is part of Microsoft Office. Excel program It makes it possible to create tables of different complexity, use formulas, as well as individual design. Everything actual versions Applications support password setup.


Go to the phased description of the process of how to pass the Excel file. This feature is provided to files in * .xls format, as well as any other Microsoft Office documents, including Word and Access. So, after the completion of working with the document, click the "File" button, which is located in the menu, at the top of the Microsoft Excel window. In the list that appears, we appeal to "Save As" by clicking on it once the left mouse button. The preservation window will arise, we find the "Service" menu, press the inverted triangle, and then use the "General Parameters" function that appears.


Go to the next stage of resolving the issue on how to pass the Excel file. The "General Parameters" section appears on the screen. Here you need to enter a password for changing or opening the document. In addition, if you activate the "read only" function, when you try to open passed file Excel will default will be disabled.

If you set protection only to launch a document, the input request will occur every time during the opening of the table. At the same time, all users who will know the secret combination will be able to create arrays and edit data. As for the question of how to open a saved protection file is set to change the material, the start will occur standard, without any requests. However, if you add new data to the table and try to save the document, the application will ask to specify the secret combination.

When both types of passwords are installed, a double input is needed during the start and closing of the material. It is important to know that you can set different passwords to edit and open the file.

Return to the setting. When the password (or their pair) is set, click the "OK" button in the "general parameters". In the conductor enter the document name, save the file using the appropriate function.

Remove protection

Next, we will discuss how the password is turned off in Excel Appendix. To solve the problem, you do not need additional software, since the function is provided by the built-in application tools.

Run Excel. Open the document you want to save password protection. Use the File menu. Indicate "Save As", and then open the "Service" menu. Go to "General Parameters", apply a double mouse click on asterisks in a password string. We use the "DEL" key for the desired action. Confirm the operation by pressing the "OK" button. Click "Save", and then "yes" in a new window.

That's all, password in excel book Shot. With a sheet, everything happens in the same way. Open the "Service" menu, we use the "Remove Protection" command. To confirm the cancellation, you will have to enter the password appointed earlier. From now on, you know how to pass an excel file, as well as how to cancel protection if necessary.

Good time day, dear friends! How are you feeling? Personally, I have it Friday, but it's not ahti outside. Anyway. Please tell me, and what office package do you use? I am sure that most of you enjoy Microsoft Office, and I am no exception. And of course, everything is probably known about Excel. So you know that it turns out to be a built-in means of protection?

No, I do not mean antivirus. I mean what you can protect this document using the password. In one of my articles, I told, but I do not see sense to use the program presented in that article if you need to protect the Exele document or information that can be placed in a text document (for example names, passwords, etc.).

In general, today I will show you how to put a password to the Excel file if you still do not know. And all these methods work perfectly both in the 2010 version and in the version of 2013. We went!

Password protection for opening

Everything. Now leave Excel and open this document again. You will pop up the window where you need to enter your password. Just do not forget passwords from the document, otherwise, in contrast to other Internet services, you cannot restore e-mail or telephone.

Editing protection

In addition to normal password protection, you can block some specific functions on separate sheetor on the whole book entirely. Let's see how it is done.

Well? Everything worked out? I think you should have had problems. But if all the same have problems, then contact. I will help you).

Alternative way

You can put a password and a little different way.

Now let's try to go to the saved document and see how it works in action. If you put both passwords, you first have to break through the opening protection, and then through protection for editing (or open a read document).

In general, as you see, the ways to protect the Exele document a whole bunch. So you can choose any.

Well, on this I finish an article. I really hope that these tips will be useful to you in life. Be sure to subscribe to updating my blog to keep abreast of all the most interesting. Best wishes to you. See you in other articles. Bye Bye!

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin

Many put passwords for certain documents. If the file has not been used for a long time, the secret word may be forgotten. It is not always possible to remember it, but still there are ways thanks to open a document.

Consider how you can remove the password in the Excel file.

Remove the password in the Excel file using the script

You can open a salary document using the free VBA Excel Password Remover script. After downloading the program you need to run. The utility will immediately enter into Excel, which will display a message on the launch of the macro. You can safely run it, after which you should open your salary file and select "Straxx" in the Excel menu.

It is important that the script does not attempt to hack the Excel password by selecting random phrases, it disables the challenge of protection in the document from the inside, which is much easier. The procedure as a whole takes about 2 minutes.

Remove the password from the Excel document manually

You can remove the password in the Excel file and manually.

  1. To do this, you will need to open the document, go to the "File" tab, select the "Details" item, and then in the "Permissions" header list.
  2. In a new window, click "Encrypt Password", after which the window will open in which the previously entered password will be displayed. It needs to be removed and click on the OK button.
  3. Close the document. The application will ask you about the need to save changes, you must click on the "Yes" button.
  4. Run the document again, and you will see that Excel will not require the introduction of a password.

How to hack password in Excel: Easy way

It is worth touched upon such an important question: how to pass an excel file. The presented tool is an integral part of Microsoft Office. Excel allows you to create tables of various levels of complexity, apply formulas, change design. To date, all versions of the program support the password setting.

detailed instructions

The description of the process can be divided into several stages. Passing Excel materials allow * .xls format files, as well as any other Microsoft Office documents, including Word and Access. To perform the procedure, the following steps are required:

1. At the end of the process, click the File item. It is located in the menu, at the top of the Microsoft Excel window.
2. When the list appears, you need to go to the "Save As" section. To do this, click on it with left mouse button.
3. In the File Save window, you should find the "Service" menu and press the inverted triangle.
4. After that, the "General Parameters" feature will appear, which and must be applied.

Password setup

Now go to the main actions that allow you to pass the Excel file. When the "General Parameters" section appears, you will need to enter a password that will allow you to enter the document, as well as to edit it if necessary. When you activate the "read only" function, the default toolbar is turned off when the password is installed. When you provide a document protection only for starting it, the input request occurs constantly at the time of opening the table. In order to use it, as well as edit its data, you need to know the secret combination.

To open Peretralna excel file, provided that the protection is set to change the material, the launch is carried out standard, without prevent requests. Difficulties arise when introduced into the table of new data, as well as an attempt to save the document. As a result, the user will require to introduce a secret combination. Installing both password types provides double input during the opening and closing file.

It is worth noting that you can install different passwords for opening and editing the material. Now you need to return to the setting. After the password is created, you must click "OK", which is in "General Parameters". In the conductor, you need to enter the name of the file, save it using the appropriate function.