How to collect a sea buckthorn. How to make a fit for collecting sea buckthorn with your own hands

Appeared in the Himalayas, sea buckthorn gained popularity worldwide due to its numerous useful properties. This tiny yellow-orange berry contains 12 times more vitamin C than, for example, orange. It contains protein, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, about 190 biologically active compounds, such as accurate.

Read in this article:

About the benefits of sea buckthorn

1. Helps and deal with various diseases. Recent studies have proven that sea buckthorn prevents "storage" of excess fat. Weight loss also reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes. It contributes to a decrease in the level of the CRH (C-reactive protein) - protein associated with inflammatory processes.

2. Contains fatty acids. This berry contains omega fatty acids, including 3, 6, 9 and rare 7 species of these acids.

Regular consumption of these fatty acids helps to eliminate constipation. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and redness, burning and itching.

3. Face benefit. High content of vitamin C makes the berry very attractive for various cosmetic procedures. Sea buckthorn is used to prepare creams and serums for the face. Vitamin C retains skin elastic, elastic, makes it less wrinkled.

4. Cardiovascular diseases. The Chinese use sea buckthorn in phytotherapy for treating heart problems. Sea buckthorn reduces blood pressure, heart rate, plasma and triglycerides cholesterol, and reduce the load on small blood vessels in the heart.

5. Used with burns and other skin damage. One of the components of the sea buckthorn is palmitoleic acid, which is also present in the human skin. Therefore, sea buckthorn is used in burns, wound healing, infections and skin diseases.


Sea buckthorn and sea buckthorn juice are strongly advised to consult a gallbladder in diseases, with ulcerative diseases, gastritis and people with increased acidity.

Sea buckthorn oil is contraindicated with cholecystitis, hepatitis, gastritis and diarrhea. Oddly enough, drinks out of sea buckthorn are not recommended to drink if you have a tumor or there is a predisposition to formations. But sea buckthorn leaves, on the contrary, suspend the growth of malignant formations.

When collecting sea buckthorn

Not all beginners, and the experienced dacms know when it is best to collect sea buckthorn. The berry matures closer towards the end of August, it is then that it becomes bright orange.

It is worth noting that before collecting sea buckthorn, it is necessary to immediately decide what kind of goals it will be needed. For example, for a compote and jam, it is recommended to collect a berry at the end of August, it is during this period that it is dense and will not give a large amount of juice. Also, this period is favorable and for collecting berries to use it in a fresh form, it is the richer ascorbic acid at this time.

For jams, sea buckthorn can be collected a little later - in mid-September, when the juice in the berries is more. Also in mid-September, it is good to collect sea buckthorn for the preparation of oil.

How to Collect

Weakness must be assembled very carefully as. After all, the twigs are with spikes and with a lot of berries.

Before start collecting a wonderful berry, put on the apron and gloves. Sea buckthorn juice is very caustic, it can not only spoil clothes forever (since it is not dispersed), but also cause irritation on the skin.

Berries must be collected from the top of the branch to the bottom.

Some hostesses use a fairly easy way to collect the sea buckthorn: cut off the branch with berries and. Frozen berries are perfectly removed from the branch. But this method is suitable only if you initially gathered to freeze it.

You can collect sea buckthorn with tongs. However, the circumcision of the branches does not affect the tree itself.

Manually collecting, too, is not necessary to exclude. It is collecting sea buckthorn manually, you can be confident in the integrity of the berry and in the fact that do not harm the tree.

Recipes from sea buckthorn

From the sea buckthorn you can make a huge variety of delicious and useful billets.

Sea buckthorn

Fresh, just assembled, Fruits Sea buckthorn warm in water bath to a temperature of about 40 ° C, as he warmed up. Wipe through colander, sieve or skip through a meat grinder or juicer.

But that's not all. What happened (juice) warm, not bringing to a boil. And run for steady banks.

Close up with sterile covers, turn over and hide the bottom and hide. Such juice can be added to cocktails, teas and drink with a gas industry.

Sea buckthorn jam


  • 1 kg berries sea buckthorn
  • 1 ½ kg of sugar
  • 1 glass of water

Cooking method:

Mix in a small saucepan sugar and water. Warrate, stirring, until completely dissolved sugar. Thoroughly wash the sea buckthorn berries and fill with the resulting syrup. Leave the mixture for several hours, and then weld until readiness. Evidence decompose on banks.

Sea buckthorn jam


Sea buckthorn Fresh Juice and Sugar 1: 1

Cooking method:

Mix sugar and berries heat, not bringing to a boil, constantly stirre. Sugar must completely dissolve. Boil the resulting jam on stolen banks. Next - the process of pasteurization. Banks welcome on a water bath for 20 minutes. Cover with covers and roll.

Tea from sea buckthorn


  • Berries - 150 gr
  • Boiling water - ½ liter
  • Pure black tea (without flavors)
  • Honey or sugar to taste

Cooking method:

Finely disturb the berries of sea buckthorn to homogeneous mass (leave some whole berries, they will need a little later). Place the puranized sea buckthorn in the boiler kettle, add entire berries and tea. Fill all boiling water.

Tea from dried sea buckthorn


  • Dried berries sea buckthorn - 150 g
  • Boiling water - ½ liter
  • Several lobes lemon
  • Honey or sugar to taste

Cooking method:

Place the dried berries in the brewing kettle, add a lemon and scatter with boiling water. Give tea to brew. The drink can be consumed both in the winter is a rich source of vitamin C and summer in chilled or with ice.

Sea buckthic compote


  • Fresh berries sea buckthorn - 1 kg
  • Water - 1200 ml
  • Sugar - 1 kg

Cooking method:

Rinse thoroughly berries, beat them. Dry. Equally distribute to banks. From sugar and water, prepare sugar syrup and fill their berries. Pasteurize in boiling water 10-15 minutes.

With proper cooking and storage, you will get beautiful blanks from sea buckthorn that can be used in winter.

Language Olga

From the mid-seventies of the last century from Siberia and the Far East to the European part of Russia, sea buckthorn arrived. This small shrub liked the abundance of small berries. They are used by the most families:

  • the juice is treated with rinks and guns, even burns pass pretty quickly, not leaving on the skin of the scars;
  • food specialists are recommended to use frozen berries in the diet, especially in winter to replenish the stocks of vitamins in the body. They argue that there are 10 ... 15 g of berries to meet all needs;
  • even astronauts in orbit deliver the sea buckthorn jam;
  • specialists produce vegetable oil used in cosmetics and treatment;
  • perfumes offer unusual aromas where the presence of the eastern berry is felt.

Why is the sea buckthorn not so often found in the gardens of rural residents and summer residents? It is easy to grow it, but the collection of berries is difficult. Spiky branches do not want to succumb to traditional methods of harvesting.

Time has to spend quite a lot, wounds and abrasions - this is the result of inept attempts to collect an orange berry.

It is known that berries and fruits have periods of optimal harvest. Specialists celebrate several degrees of ripening:

  • removable maturity is a period when the harvest assembled can be kept for a long time and transported from production places to the end user;
  • consumer maturity is characterized by a set of all necessary taste.

For sea buckthorn, different types of sleeping are also characteristic. In the fall in September, gardeners celebrate the acquisition of orange coloration berries. They are tightly sitting on the branches, reminding corncag. It is quite difficult to separate them, more often the juice expires, and most of the way remains unreasonable. It continues to stay in place.

To competently use sea buckthorn, it is necessary to determine in advance which processing it will be used. For consumption in the fresh form, as well as cooking jam or compotes, you need to take a berry during the period of removable maturity. Concentration of vitamin C maximum. Skin is tight enough, damage when removing the crop minimal.

In the middle strip, as well as in the Ural region and Western Siberia, removable maturity is observed in the last days of August and the first decade of September.

In the southern areas, the berries ripen for a week-other earlier. In the non-black earth the second-third decade of September will be suitable for cleaning sea buckthorn used in the fresh form.

Consumer maturity comes pretty quickly. Already at the end of September, almost everywhere, the crop is filled with sweetish syrup (contained mainly fructose). On the lumen feeling of some transparency.

Fully rided fruits have a lot of juice. They are losing it when cleaning. Therefore, experienced gardeners, as well as residents of Siberia and the Far East, recommend collecting frozen berries.

Juice is not clean water, but a solution of sugars and other mechanical inclusions. The freezing temperature is at -8 ... -11 ° C. At higher values \u200b\u200binside there is a liquid. Frozen bunches are tremendous without leaking the liquid fraction.

Warry cleaning methods

The collector must wear dense clothing that the sharp spines will not be able to damage. Some prefer to use the aprons from the tarpaulin. On the hands necessarily wear tight gloves. From the surface of the boot It is not difficult to wash off the juice, it will definitely be on the shoe.

It is necessary to collect in the plastic container. It is easier to wear it. It is inert to juice, does not change taste properties.

Attention! It is impossible to use galvanized basins or buckets. Oxidizing on zinc surface, juice forms poisonous connections. Cases of poisoning registered thousands!

There is a method of cleaning based on cutting branches. Of course, the plant will fill in the crown, forms new shoots. But the crop of next year will be lower, as the sea buckthorn is forced to spend a significant amount of nutrition on the restoration of skeletal branches.

Cut parts are cleaned from berries. Work is organized on the clearing or at home. In different sources, you can read that the branches must be put in the freezer, freeze to -18 ° C, and then it is easy to separate the harvest.

How many gardeners will decide to damage their own bushes or trees?

True, users write that thin cut-off shoots are dried, and in the winter it is brewed in tea. We take a vitamin drink. You can agree, but the main thing is not to harm the plant.

"Cobra" to remove berries

Inventive collectors developed an interesting tool that was called Cobra. This is a fooling wire (the guitar string is best suited for the manufacture of a similar tool), bent as a loop. It is fixed to a wooden handle. She is given the form of a burning candle flame.

For the similarity with the head of the snake tool is called Cobra. A wide loop is thrown into berries, and then pull on themselves. As a result, the fruit is cut. The fruit falls down. When working you need to hold the branch, then not one is captured, but immediately a bunch.

By the method of invalidation, you can remove 30 ... 50 g of crop in a couple of seconds. Experts manage to fill a small bucket in a few minutes.

Video on the manufacture of "Cobra":

Intelligent gardeners are still cunning. Before starting the use, they open the old umbrella, turn it up up with the handle. All berries are referred to down, gathering on the canvas.

Wire scraper

The scraper is made of wire with a diameter of 3 mm. It is advisable to apply a steel (spring) wire. It is quite difficult to be bending, but it has the necessary stiffness.

To enhance the return operation inside the ring with a diameter of 20 ... 40 mm. The free ends bend in one direction or turn into small ovals.

The device is superimposed by the branch, the spring is compressed. When moving down the berries are referred to. Gardeners say that in the hour of work can be collected up to 10 kg per hour.

How to collect sea buckthorn quickly demonstrates video:


The ingenuity of the gardeners is surprising. Another very effective device is a slingshot. The fishing line (string from the guitar) stretches between flyers. A handle is made, convenient for capture.

It is enough just to carry on the berries. They will shout down. Conducted competition between the collectors (2016). Each used his tool. A schoolboy from Yekaterinburg with the help of such a slingshot in an hour gathered 15.5 kg of berries.

Sea buckthorn lovers to free up the hands of the harness for collecting suspended on the chest. Some change the profile of the dishes so that it completely touched the body.

A tube

Another interesting tool. A plastic sewer tube (gray) is based on. Its diameter is 50 mm (length of about 100 mm). It is joined by a polyethylene hose, a small bag is attached from below.

In any way, the berries are removed, they fall into the tube, and then they are going in the bag. Periodically assembled crop is hampered from a bag in a bucket.


A rather unusual tool, but many interested them and send a letter to the inventor with a request to tell about the device.

Used thimbles. They drilled holes and stretched the fishing line. Thrust put on a tight glove, and that, in turn, on hand. It remains to capture the branch and shake the berries in the container.

The trial sample showed that the collector armed with such a tool shows high cleaning performance.

Professional instrument

Release has begun to help gardeners comfortable tools For cleaning the berries. A special mug is offered equipped with a cutting element. In one device combined and packaging, and the puller.

Revealing the puller, impose it to berries. They release the handle, and the crop begins to clarify the mug. Sequentially, bypassing different branches, collect all sea buckthorn from the bush. Then the mug is revealed and spend a larger volume into the container.

Another fruitant helps assemble. He looks like a slingshot. There are two spring-loaded legs, similar to tweezers. At the ends fasten the fishing line. Act the same as a slingstery, consider small fruits from the branch in the circle.

When assessing, both hands work, which significantly increases productivity. But you need to possess good coordination of the movement of the hands to perform work. You have to train. The only drawback is the hands quickly get tired, they have to keep them in the raised state.

Mechanization of the cleaning process

Manual cleaning can not allow receiving a crop from a plantation. Some gardeners began to disembark not separate trees, but entire sea buckthorn plantations. With the development of the "Far Eastern hectare", there were a conversion of future settlers and highlights of new lands with a request to find effective methods Cleaning.

In the PRC, for several years already produced a vibrating unit for bushes. In 2017, tests were carried out in the conditions of the Khabarovsk Territory. With the help of a similar combine managed to collect a harvest with 30 acres of sea buckthorn.

In 2018, a section was prepared for 75 hundred, where new tests are being prepared.

The end of July is the time when it starts to ripen and is already preparing to collect a vitamin solar berry - sea buckthorn. Currently, labor breeders are pretty a large number of Vitamin berry varieties. All of them, as in the tales, the taste and color are chosen. There are varieties of fruits that are light yellow, solar, and there are cultivars in which the fruits are orange, like peel orange. In some varieties, there are almost completely devoid of dangerous barns, others are dressed, but they have fruits attached to long fruits, which simplifies their collection, which we will talk about the right collection of sea buckthorn today.
I want to start with sighing despair - it is very difficult to collect sea buckthorn. In farms, where they risk growing this valuable berry, most often collecting sea buckthorn. Hire collectors who pay harvest. People come not willingly, they collect slowly, and the collection, sometimes stretches for several weeks. The first berries ripe it now, in the central lane, the third decade of July began, and yellow eyes are already looking at us from the branches. Of course, one berry with the massively rolling, no one will collect on the shoots, you should wait a couple of days and with good weather shoots will soon cover with gold ripe fruits.
It should be carefully related to the breakdown of fruits, sharp spines and juice containing a large amount of acid can lead to trouble - juice will fall into the wound and it will start to push, and already if the barbaho falls under the nail, it may end with surgery. Therefore, before collecting the rubber gloves, it is better thickening, and with small scissors who frods cut one pleasure.
Many, not particularly burdened with care about the garden, people are even easier, in order not to stand, leaning either stretching out on tiptoe, the bush is cut off the most "rich" branches, and in a tank, sitting on a folding chair, they are offended. Yes, collect, thus, the harvest is easy, and you will not argue with it, but so you make injuries to the plant, in addition to the danger of bacterial contamination of the tree, it will be hurting for a long time and will form fruitless shoots only in a year.
However, there are many ways to make a lighter collection of sea buckthorn, which for all other harm to plants will not cause. So, for example, in addition to a simple harvest or cutting off the berries, scissors can be chicted with the help of primitive, but such convenient tools are referred to as loops, make them most often from the guitar string, but you can also take a solid wire. In addition, you can not rush, periodically scaring the drosses of loved to smoothly glue plants, where, apparently, the berries are more thus, waiting for the full aging of all the fruits, spread a dry film under the tree and tapping a big stick on the tree or stalking it to the maximum of fruits. After such a quick and painless collection, you will only have to choose from the berry mass all the garbage, and then put it on processing.
Remember that when collecting the sea buckthorn, in addition to caution, it should also be observed deadlines, so for example, too early collecting allows for the detriment of the total vitaminity of the fruits to assemble them by unripe and rich vitamin C, well, and if tightened with the collection, in addition to the total reduction of vitamins, you can lose both The number so highly appreciated sea buckthorn oil, so collecting the fruits on time.
N. Chromov,
cand. biol. Science

Back in ancient times, people discovered a sea buckthorn as a medicinal plant. This amazing berry contains a large amount of vitamins and biologically active substances needed by the human body. It can be used in different types Preparations: in the form of jam, in the form of jam, in the form of juice and in the form of oil. And recently, the freezing of berries in freezers has become very fashionable and popular. This makes it possible to use sea buckthorn in the fresh form at any time of the year.

Today we will learn to collect sea buckthorn. This process really requires a special approach and more detailed consideration. If you start collecting sea buckthorn berries without a certain luggage of knowledge, you are hardly quickly getting a positive result. Need to say, moreover, you risk not to get any positive result, And stay with the famous blood in the blood, and with an insurmountable desire to cut the tree under the root and never to grow it.

So, proceed to the study of the question.

It is necessary to start the collection of sea buckthorn from the top of the branch, and gradually moving towards the trunk. Please note that ripe berries are very easy to leopa in their hands and the juice sprinkles in all directions. And in order not to suffer from the removal of stains from the clothes, before the start of the collection of sea buckthorn harvest, you need to put on an old robe or apron.

If you are going to carry a sea buckthorn with giving home, you better cut branches from the tree along with the fruits and lay them in the box. So you will rather save the fruits and take them to the destination destination. The berries removed from the branches are hard to maintain during transportation.

The experienced gardeners for collecting sea buckthorn are used by a special device. The device is a loop of fine, but very strong rope, wires or fishing rods. The loop is attached to the base of the branch and light, but the gustful movement of the hand can be "cut off" from it all berries. Pre-branch need to put a wide container in which the fruits will fall. This method is good especially in cases where the berries are in dense thickets, which are hard to get hands.

During the collection of sea buckthorn, many use small scissors or blade. The most inventive gardeners are lovers use a comb for combing berries from tree branches.

There is a way of collecting a sea buckthorn, which is considered the most neat. With it, all berries remain entirely, they will not be removed during breaking, and they will not diffuse on the sides. This method involves the presence of a polyethylene package to which a tin tube is attached. You drive the tube to the base of the berry, you send the fruit to the tube and the berry, rolling through it, falls into the bag. When the package is filled, you can harvest in a bucket and start filming it again.

The most correct way of collecting sea buckthorn fruit is a winter or late-year-old way. This is done as follows. When the first frosts hit, and you saw that all the sea buckthorn berries were frozen, take a big tarpaulin and spread it under the sea buckthorn tree. Then take a stick and start to apply light shocks on the trunk or tree branches. In this case, the berries will easily turn. When all the fruits fell, you can easily spread them from a tarpaulin into a container in which you will store or carry a sea buckthorn.

Collecting, therefore, a valuable harvest, you will provide yourself and your family delicious very useful product for a whole year, until the next collection.