What can be made from the satellite receiver. Use old satellite tuners

One author was proposed the easiest way to do this. As the basis, a satellite plate is used, because it is ideal in shape for focusing the sun's rays, formally, it is designed to focus the waves. In addition, this antenna has an adjustable node that allows you to change its angle if necessary and conveniently follow the sun.

It works such a sun oven is very simple. When the sun's rays fall on the plate, they are reflected from it and then focus on one point. As a result, the temperature is sharply increasing at this point, the principle is very similar to the work of the lenses.

Materials and tools for manufacture:
- parabolic satellite antenna;
- board or timber to create a reliable basis;
- saw on metal;
- Wooden plank;
- mirror film;
- glue;
- Scissors and other tools.

Solar furnace manufacturing process:

Step one. Make a furnace platform
For the furnace reliably could stand on Earth and at the same time hold the bowler, for her you need to make a good support. For these purposes, the board is suitable, but it is better to use a bar, as it is heavier. The platform needs to be done as wide as possible, then the furnace will be stable and not a ledger even with a strong impact cut. It is necessary to cut off two pieces of blackboard and then fasten to it with self-draws antenna as indicated in the photo.

Step second. Extend Gusak
The thing is that the plate is designed to focus the waves in the LNV-head area, that is, it is too small distance to focus the beams on the kittelet. In this regard, the hussak need to lengthen a little. For these purposes, a wooden bar is used. It must be sharpened at one end, and then drive into the antenna tube. At the end of the hussak, you need to score a hook, the bowler will hang on it. Instead of hooks on the hussak, you can make rugs, in which the knob's handle just will be inserted. Thus, the distance to the shell from the antenna cannol can be adjusted if necessary.

Step Three. Create a reflective surface
In order for the sun's rays to fight off the antenna, its surface needs to be made mirror. For these purposes, you can use foil, mirror film or small pieces of mirror. It is important to understand that the efficiency of the furnace will be directly dependent on the quality of the materials used. The better the material will reflect the sun's rays, the higher the temperature in the focused point will be.

Step fourth. Final assembly and oven check
Now the furnace can be collected and try in practice. It must be deployed to the Sun so that the focused rays fall right on the pot. Perhaps you will have to experiment with the distance from the antenna canvas to the pot. The better the beam will be focused, the higher the temperature will be.

There are several techniques how to increase the efficiency of such a furnace. First, the bowler must be black, since if it reflects the solar color, the efficiency of such a device will be low. Secondly, the pot can be placed in a heat-resistant package, as a result, the greenhouse effect will be formed in the package and the ovens will increase significantly.

The disadvantage of such a furnace is that it takes every half an hour to turn over the sun. In addition, there is a risk of getting a burn if it is accidentally affected by the focused sunlight. It is very dangerous to enter the source of energy in the eye.
According to the author, at the point of focusing the temperature reaches several hundred degrees. For example, the furnace easily flammifies the wooden bar, and this requires about 300 degrees. In the photo you can see how the newspaper caught fire from the beam, and all this after 15 seconds, although the temperature on the street was only +18 degrees.

It is necessary to work with such furnaces in sunglasses, as there is a risk of burning the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye because of the glare.

On sale, for specific models Satellite receiver, there are additional tuner.

Why do I need a satellite tuner, the receiver and so well shows?

That's right, however, the technology does not stand still, they develop and we use them with pleasure. And the fact that we often offer new digital broadcasting standard.

Always in this case we are talking about a better and "live picture". To taste all the delights of HD images or make the transition towards the ground broadcasting TV, you need a receiver that all this can provide.

To take advantage of all the advantages of the digital signal, additional installations are required in the satellite receiver.

And so, the satellite tuner and that he can.

Satellite tuner can provide reception:

DVB-C (cable TV);
DVB-S and DVB-S2 (satellite TV);
DVB-T and + DVB-T2 - ground (essential) TV.

Consider a few of them.

External Combined Tuner VU + DVB-T2-C USB Turbo.

His mission is expanding opportunities for receiving digital essential and cable Channels on satellite receivers VU +.

Connection is very simple, when uSB help cable.

What is noteworthy, does not require filing additional nutrition. The external tuner is used to receive digital Essential DVB-T2 and cable DVB-C channels on satellite receiver manufactured by VU +.

Supports connection to VU +: ZERO, UNO, SOLO, SOLO2, SOLO SE, DUO and DUO2 connections.

Let me remind you that the receiver must have an image that contains drivers for full-featured operation of the tuner.

In the image from the VTI command, the necessary drivers have been added from version - 8.2.x, in the Blackhole image, starting from version - 2.1.6.

In more early versions Team data is not contained current drivers for the operation of this combined tuner. To connect the tuner to the receiver, you must turn off using a table on the rear wall.

Then it is necessary through the menu to go to the tuners settings and make sure that he saw the connected selector.

Next, it is set to configure the necessary parameters to scan channels. In addition, when you select DVB-T / T2 standards, the voltage is maintained +5 volts to power the amplifier of the active essential antenna.

Tuner specifications:

DVB-T2 COFDM Demodulator FEC (LDPC / BCH)
Reception frequencies: 42 ~ 900MHz
Supports up to 255 PLP
FFT: 1K, 2K, 4K, 8K, 16K, 32K
Modulations: QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM, 256-QAM
Frequency bands: 1.7 5, 6, 7, 8 MHz
DVB-T COFDM Demodulator FEC (BCH)
Reception frequencies: 42 ~ 900MHz
FFT: 2K, 8K
Modulations: QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM
Frequency bands: 5, 6, 7, 8 MHz
DVB-C (ETSI EN 300 429)
Reception frequencies: 48 ~ 870 MHz
Modulations: 16-QAM, 32-QAM, 64-QAM, 128-QAM, 256-QAM
Symbolic speed: 1 ~ 7.2 m
Weight: 0.5 kg
Sizes: 13 cm × 7 cm × 5 cm

VU + HYBRID DVB-T2 / T / C Tuner.

Replaceable hybrid DVB-T2 / T / C tuner, the installation of which adds to your satellite receiving VU + UNO, VU + Ultimo, VU + SOLO SE, VU + DUO2, VU + SOLO 4K The possibility of receiving terrestrial essential digital television and cable digital television

Replaceable hybrid DVB-T2 / T / C tuner, whose installation adds to your satellite receiving the possibility of receiving terrestrial essential digital television and cable digital television.

In VU + Ultimo / Duo2 / Solo 4K models, several different tuners can be installed at once, that is, a combined version of DVB-S2 + DVB-T2 + DVB-T is possible.

Technical specifications:

VHF Channels: 2-12 (49-230 MHz)
UHF Channels: 21-69 (470-861 MHz)
DVB-C HDTV compatible
Input frequency range: 51-858 MHz
DVB-C / DVB-T / T2 Selection with software

DVB-S2 tuner for OpenBox S9.

Replaceable satellite tuner for OpenBox S9 receiver. Supports the reception of the signal in the DVB-S and DVB-S2 standards.

This tuner can be used to replace the DVB-C or DVB-T2 / C selector in the OpenBox S9 receiver, if such is installed to use all the features of the signal reception to two DVB-S2 satellite tuner

DVB-C / T for DM 800SE / 820/8000 / 7020HD / 7080.

Replaceable cable-ethereal tuner for the original receiver Dreambox DM 800 SE / 820/8000/7020 HD / 7080. Supports the reception of the signal in DVB-C / T standards.

It is used to receive digital cable and essential television.

This tuner is installed in the original Dreambox DM 800 SE / 820/8000/7020 HD / 7080 receivers. It can be used to repair or modify the apparatus by replacing a faulty or problematic selector.

From China.

The DVB-T / C / S2 tuner for Dreambox 800 HD SE is not clear. Replaceable combined tuner for Chinese receiver Dreambox 800 HD SE.

Supports signal reception in DVB-T, DVB-C and DVB-S2 standards. It is used to receive digital ethereal, cable and satellite television.

This tuner is installed both in the earliest and late versions Chinese Reviews Dreambox 800 HD SE. It can be used to repair the apparatus by replacing the faulty or problematic selector.

And also to expand the capabilities of the receiver, as accuracy of receiving cable and essential digital broadcasting. It should be borne in mind that this tuner does not receive a signal in the DVB-T2 standard.

DVB-S2 Tuner to AZBOX HD Premium Plus.

Allows you to replace the first tuner and apply the second tuner in combination with DVB-C, DVB-T, DVB-S2 tuners.

Add it easy to record a channel from one transponder or satellite and view the channel from another transponder or satellite.

Approximately the situation with the ability to improve your satellite receiver. I think that the purchase is justified and the satellite tuner can give a bonus in the direction of budget savings.

After such a burning do not have to buy another satellite receiver.

Good luck, friends!

Despite the name, the article below will not tell about how to make a satellite antenna itself or solder the receiver. Just a note about what needs to be purchased and how to install everything yourself and configure to watch the TV channels "on a plate".

Suppose you live in the country, in the village or just "away from civilization." But you want to watch TV, and not a couple of channels transmitted on the air.

(A slight digression: on this moment Essential digital broadcasting is actively developing. Find out if the number of channels can be available in your area through ground digital television? In this case, you will need only a prefix for receiving a digital signal (if the TV does not support), and the antenna can not be changed.)

And now you decide to acquire satellite equipment to view a set of TV shows. First you need to decide: what channels do you want to watch? If your target is various Discovery, Viasat and / or purely sports channels, then immediately report: it is better to conclude an agreement with one of the companies providing satellite television services for the subscription. Such channels are transmitted in an encrypted form and "on the ball" will see only some of them. Good, in our time of companies involved satellite equipment and provision paid services Enough. You can order installation even in the wilderness itself, the question is only in value.

If you decide to go on this path, we will give here a few tips:
1) If you have several proposals, carefully examine the list of channels provided in a package of a package, the need to pay extra for sports, cognitive channels, etc.;
2) Opportunity free Installation Equipment specialists of the company;
3) Will a separate fee charged for "kilometer to the client" when leaving?
4) not excessively paying attention to the reputation of the company: to read on the Internet, ask customers;
5) Find out whether equipment installed by the signal installed by the firm in your area;
6) It is often possible to connect it advantageous (for example, equipment or installation at poker prices, half of the monthly fee for some time on a more expensive package, and in general a couple of months "freebies") on various kinds of shares; As a rule, large firms are held to attract customers regularly: for the new year, on the anniversary of the company, etc.;
7) Well, the advice that is suitable for any transaction: carefully read the signed contract before signing, and not after, coming home and relaxing from your favorite channel; It may well be that favorable, at first glance, the action obliges you to use the services of at least a couple of years after the conclusion of the contract, otherwise we write a penalty, etc.; In general: Be always alert! And, pleasant viewing!

For the same who decided to do everything himself, material below.

Again, for a start, we will make a reservation: this information Most of all, those who live in the European part of the former USSR.
So what is needed?
To begin with: Desire! Desire to do everything yourself (well, or with someone's help). Without this, before the successful final, it is possible and not to go. Then patience, solid hand, mining tools and some money. About the latter. Here much depends on where, what and who you will acquire. But even by buying everything new, in the equivalent of 100 UDS you can easily invest, unless, of course, do not chase the branded equipment. Yes, and all new to acquire does not always make sense, for example, if there is a profitable b / in the market in the market. The same plate or receiver is not a flash drive: it can work for a very long time and efficiently (although flash drives are reliable :)).

And again a slight digression: introduction to the world of satellite television. What is it all? To begin with, look in Wikipedia.

Geostationary orbit (GSO) - a circular orbit located above the Earth's equator (0 ° latitude), while on which the artificial satellite turns around the planet with an angular velocity equal to the angular velocity of the earth rotation around the axis. In the horizontal coordinate system, the direction to the satellite does not change in neither azimuth, nor in height above the horizon, the satellite "hanging" in the sky is motionless.

Those. Somewhere there is high in space, at an altitude of approximately 36 km from the surface of the Earth synchronously rotates the artificial satellite of the Earth is a powerful receiving transmitter of the television signal. It takes a signal from powerful (powerful) ground transmitting antennas and transmits it to a large area under it. In fact, there are many satellites. Each of them broadcasts on a certain territory according to the direction of its transmitting antennas. From here there are several conclusions: the satellite is very far, it is limited by weight, volume, power capabilities, it is impossible if it is possible to repair, hence the complexity, duplication of systems, etc. Of all this, the output: the power of the transmitting signal is limited, the signal from the satellite is very weak.
Then, the satellite is expensive, it means it must be used to maximize: to transfer through it as many channels as possible to the large area of \u200b\u200bthe Earth. The second conclusion: ordinary technologies, we still have broadcasts used to transmit the ether body and radio broadcast is too small the number of transmitted channels. Therefore, modern digital data transmission methods are used in satellite television. The third conclusion: all channels in one satellite not "stuff" on technical and organizational reasons.

Now let's see: what do we turn around these conclusions?
Technology receiving a weak signal is necessary. This uses a parabolic antenna. Here - the greater the area of \u200b\u200bthe parabolic mirror - the better. Better for a signal that is collected and focused on the point. But the more antenna, the more expensive it is harder. It is harder to mount, and secure reliably to counter the strong verta - in general, the problem at home is usually. Therefore, in practice, the size of the sufficient for high-quality reception is chosen, and this is for most of Eastern Europe with a diameter of 0.8 meters. One of the most common diameters is 0.95 m.
There are two main types satellite antennas: Straight and offset. In the first in the focus of the parabolic mirror, which coincides with the geometric, the receiver (irradiator) of the signal is established. The second signal assembled to the point from the parabolic mirror is reflected in the point below the geometric center of the antenna. This eliminates the shading of the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe antenna by the irradiator and its supports, which increases its coefficient useful use With the same area of \u200b\u200bthe mirror with a straightfonic antenna. In addition, the irradiator is set below the center of severity of the antenna, thereby increasing its stability under wind loads. An offset antenna mirror is attached almost vertically. Depending on the geographic latitude The angle of its inclination changes. This provision eliminates atmospheric precipitation in the bowl, which strongly affect the quality of reception. Antenna's lumen is not a circle and ellipse, stretched vertically. The dimensions of the offset antenna usually lead in equivaler to the reinforcement. If horizontally, this size coincides, then it will be vertically, about 10% more.
In the future we will under the satellite antenna mean only offset, as the most common.

Straight antenna.

Offset antenna.

Also distinguished fixed assembly antenna and mobile. In the first case, the antenna is attached motionless to the base, in the second - to a special positioner. The task of the latter is the turn of an antenna on an arc to positioning on the desired satellite. The signal for rotation submits, as a rule, satellite receiver. It takes some time for accurate positioning on the satellite when choosing a program with a different satellite. Technically implemented using an actuator motor. Expensive, and, accordingly, not a common solution. There will be no treated in the practical part.

As mentioned above, the antenna signal is focused on one point in which the device called the converter (LNB or LOW-Noise Block Converter head or low-noise monoblock converter) is installed. Based on the title "Satellite Converter", it immediately becomes clear that this device converts something (converts). From the satellite there is an electromagnetic signal, which focuses on the satellite plate to the converter and is converted by the LNB head in the intermediate frequency. This is necessary in order for the signal to be effectively transmitted further by cable. In addition, the LNB head enhances the received signal. Next, the signal on a coaxial cable from the LNB head goes to a satellite receiver, which is usually made by a separate device (so-called satellite console), but can be built into the TV.
Due to the fact that the satellite is very far from the receiving antenna, then it is necessary to direct this very antenna very precisely to the satellite itself.
Let us summarize: to receive satellite television, it is necessary, in addition to, in fact, the TV still has the following equipment.
1) a parabolic antenna with a diameter of 0.8 m.
2) LNB head.
3) If there is a desire to watch television programs more than from one satellite, you need a switch (switch) of the Diseqc heads.
4) Coaxial cable.
5) satellite receiver.

This theoretical part ends. Let us turn to the practical one.

To begin with, determine the place to attach a parabolic antenna. The height above the earth does not play a special role. It is important that there is no obstacles on the line the satellite-antenna. Even the crown of wood. For residents of Eastern Europe, the direction to the satellite will be southern with displacement to the West or East depending on the coordinates of the antenna and satellite. After all, we remember that geostationary satellites are derived to an equatorial orbit.
The mounting place should be durable and securely fixed: even the slightest oscillations of the antenna will lead to the loss of the signal. Best option - Capital wall of the building or reinforced concrete overlap of the roof. But other options are suitable, for example, a rigidly reinforced vertically installed iron pipe of this diameter so that with the wind gusts it does not swing. Depending on the selected fastening option, select the appropriate fastening part, which is strengthened by one side to the stationary surface, the antenna itself is mounted. As a rule, the antenna themselves is not equipped with such a detail. It can be a self-made product, the main thing is to remember that the antenna has a big sailboat and it will need to be accurately directed to the satellite, i.e. The reliability and convenience of mounting and setting the antenna itself is important.
Then choose, in fact, the antenna. It is better to ask the owners of satellite equipment in your area, which they use the diameter "plates" and whether the reception is high-quality during thick clouds and / or rain. If, for example, it turns out that when taking an antenna with a diameter of 0.8 m, there is a loss of a signal during a strong rain, then it is worth thinking about the acquisition of an antenna with a diameter of 0.95 m. At the same time, overpay for the "plate" in 1.5 m in Diameter does not make sense. In addition, it may be that the one who gave you the above information is simply not enough exactly an antenna aimed at satellite. In general, the advice of those who know the experience of neighbors with "plates" will help.
After, it is worth solving how many satellites do you want to watch TV programs? In theory, you can "miss" by the antennas as mushrooms after the rain, but in practice the most common option is one "plate", the mount for the three receiving heads, three LNB heads, the diseqc switch on the 4 heads, then the deeqc cable to the receiver, the receiver itself, And from him to the TV. This is the so-called multifide scheme. Looking again in Wikipedia.
Multifide - a set of devices (in particular, converters) intended for receiving a signal from several satellites per one parabolic antenna. The multifide is often called the bracket on which additional converters are attached.

Such a scheme has been worked out for years, allows you to look at the maximum of Slavic programs with minimal cash investments. With three LNB heads manually, without resorting to special equipment, it is possible to set up an acceptable signal quality to the three most popular satellite in Eastern Europe: AMOS 4W, Astra 4.9e, Hot Bird 13e.
Here the beauty is that for these satellites you can use one antenna. First, the antenna with a central head is adjusted, as a rule, on Hot Bird 13e, although it is possible to any other. It changes both the position of the plate itself and the heads to achieve the maximum level of the signal. The signal from this satellite with high-quality configuration will be the strongest. Then two others are configured, but by just the heads themselves.
The most common type of LNB head is one way out, as the most sought-after and cheap. From it the signal over the cable goes to the DiseqC switch or on the receiver. With this scheme, it is possible to serve only one TV signal. But there are heads and on large quantity Conclusions, which allows one antenna and LNB head to supply a signal more than one receiver, the most saves on the equipment. It is very convenient if, for example, in the house more than one TV.

LNB heads: with one output and four.

In the second case, all 4 outputs can be connected to different receivers or DISEQC. The receiver can simultaneously work with only one LNB head, then the Diseqc switch is needed, if you want to watch several satellites on one "plate". Depending on the user-chosen program, it connects the LNB one or another head to the receiver and supplies the supply voltage required for the head. In the overwhelming majority of cases between the LNB head and the receiver, only one Diseqc, but there are intricate schemes, with a cascade inclusion of Diseqc, but these are such rarely sought-after cases that we will not consider them.

Next, a coaxial cable is required to connect the Diseqc and receiver. It must be taken with a reserve a couple of meters regarding the distance that you measure. But remember that the longer the cable, the more loss in it.

It's time to talk about the receiver. This is a very extensive topic.
Most lovers television canals The simplest receiver is suitable, such as Orton 4100c. But general information The choice of satellite console does not hurt anyone.

First of all, if you have a modern TV, then look at the instructions or read on the Internet - it may happen that the desired digital signal receiver is already built into this TV. If not, then what is worth paying attention to.
1) The number and type of signal outputs, as a rule, there must be at least three: the usual antenna output, SCART, normal video-out. In this case, it is easier to avoid conflict when connected if another video equipment is present, also connected to the TV, like a DVD or Blue-ray drive, a game console, a receiver of essential digital television, etc.
2) Does the receiver support HDTV (high definition television) - Signal? In our area, it is still a wonder - the presence of understandable (in the native language) of HDTV channels, and even such that manage to look for free, but the time is not standing on the spot.
3) Availability of instructions in your understandable language.
4) the number and type of service connectors. They are needed to flash the receiver. Refracting is needed to correct errors current firmware Or to update the channel list. (Yes, yes, the receiver is the same specialized computer as a phone or a router and he also has something to "pour" from time to time). Ideally should have two such connections: RS-232 (pins in two rows) and USB. If there is no USB, it is not a fact that in your computer there is RS-232 (it is a COM port), but if you wish, you can buy an RS-232-TO-USB adapter. And you will also need a zero-modem cable. If there is no RS-232 on the receiver, but only UBS, then it is not so scary, because anyone (well, almost) personal Computer Older 1996 release has at least one USB port.
5) As a result of the previous item, it is very desirable to find the firmware for the receiver, for example, the program code from the manufacturer, and the list of channels is on a specialized site, or even the other in second place. For popular models, there are many options, but for exotics you have to search. But it is necessary to be attentive, it's not so difficult to "lock the" Receiver.
6) If it is not possible to flash the receiver, then it must support the addition of satellites and channels, enter keys, in manual mode from the remote control. It's a tedious matter and requires care, but there is less chances to fully deal with the equipment. Although ... in skillful hands ...;)
7) If there is a desire now or in the future to watch pay channels, the receiver must support special security cards with keys. This means the presence of a special firmware support and support.

Many over time remains the old trash - satellite receiver, which break, become obsolete or move to another operator and throw them out on a landfill or throw in a "dark angle". But if you want from nodes, you can collect devices that come in more.

tV itself modulator from satellite receiver.

For example, in the old receiver tricolor TV, NTV +, the rainbow TV is now dead and others, there is a RF-modulator for transmitting a video signal to an antenna television input, which is a miniature television transmitter with digital synthesis and digital IIC control.

I was lying on a small amount of The receivers of the tricolor TV GS DRE 5000, 7300 and the like without cryptomoduli, and there was an opportunity to leave for himself 30 ... Taped .... from the "motherboard" in the literal sense, the modulator itself cuts out. On different motherboards Modules of different items, but satisfied the same, performed on the TA1297AFNG chip. In the specification, the supply voltage is indicated to this modulator +5 and + 30V. For which 30 volts I did not understand, it works without it.

Modulator Management Scheme on ATMEGA8

This microcker is already ready-made PLL TV modulator DMW (UHF) -Diapazone with overlapping from 21 to 69. Software can be programmatically adjusting the spread of audio, the default is 5.5 MHz width. It is a pity that does not support stereo sound. But we will survive. The signal from this TV modulator is fed through the TV cable into the antenna socket of the TV, but if you wish, you can pass through the wall, apartments or house, it is enough to connect an external antenna and / or add a gain cascade on the transistor. Or connect the antennas of the amplifting range by changing the input of the output ... The signal source can be a satellite receiver, a media player or a video surveillance system.

another prototype ...

But just feeding the voltage This TV modulator will not work, you need to collect the device feeding commands. In my version, the device is assembled on the popular and inexpensive atmega8 microcontroller, also used the GS DRE 5000 receiver indicator (will go from all similar) to display the channel number.

When the modulator power is turned on, it turns on to 36 channels automatically, then you can select any DMW range control buttons. The firmware for a microcontroller will be written, where the channel number will be implemented when the channel number is turned off and the sound width adjustment is 5.5 - 6.5 MHz.

Quality transmitted clip

How and how to flash the microcontroller are looking for while in search engines, later we will create the topic on our forum. PCB did not do, because SHEK is very simple. I advise you to buy a mockup and it will be sold out on it if anyone gathered to do ...

Firmware for microcontroller ATMEGA8: RFMODULATORV1.

Post scripts ...

Inaccuracy is made in the diagram, the device is installed in the device TNF 0170U623R modulator of the company TENAS, which was also raised on the GS receiver fees. When "picking up" - the block of the modulator confused. It is made on the MBS741T1AEF microcircuit. I did not start the specified on the diagram. Commands for MBS741T1AEF apparently correspond to TA1297AFNG, the program has been written through the Datashet Ta1297Afng.

Updated firmware with the memory of the channel number when the RFMODULATORV2 channel number is disconnected.

And swap 3 and4 places on the modulator.

This and other news you can discuss on our

At the end of the twentieth century, satellite television, rapidly burst into our homes and was as rapidly improved. Not everyone will probably remember the first satellite receivers of Soviet production from the company CROSNA! It was a huge unit where you could configure only 8 channels, rotating the wheels of variable resistors. But progress in this area, led to the fact that the equipment for receiving satellite television began to grow rapidly. Analog signal It was replaced by the MPEG-2 digital standard, and now it already lives the last days, after the introduction of the MPG-4 standard, which the MPG-2 standard receivers can not receive and decode ...

Naturally, in the hands of the population as well as on landfills, the analog, as well as digital satellite receivers of early models began to accumulate rapidly. For ordinary people, it's just rubbish, and for us, radio amateurs, a fairly valuable source of parts, enclosures in which you can collect some device, connectors, power cords, transformers and ready-made power supplies.

And as it is not strange, the analog receivers can be represented for radio amateurs, more interest, because they have been collected on full-size components and having no small current consumption, possessed power supplies and decent power transformers. You can also be reached by displays, high-frequency blocks and conventional capacitors, resistances, transistors, diodes, etc.

It all depends on what state is the unit and what configuration it is, sometimes it can be used as hours, a timer with an actuator, but some devices can be used and more interesting.

It will be about tuners with a built-in positioner. Positioner is electronic deviceintended for rotation satellite plates According to the orbital axis on various satellites with the memorization of their positions and the subsequent reversal of the plate on these positions, by submitting to the actuator, the supply voltage +/- 48 volts. The actuator is an electromotor of a DC with a gearbox and a retractable rod. They are with a retractable part of various lengths: 8-12-18-24-32 inches and are quite powerful, for example, I know cases when on the jamble turning mechanism, the motor flashes the chaserler dozen! There were also a tuner with a double positioner intended for the orientation of the antenna both by horizontal and vertical axis.

What is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthis review: what can be learned from these devices and how they can be applied in the case of preserved performance. If the tuner with a positioner retained its performance as a positioner (analog), it can be applied for a direct purpose as a positioner, as well as for opening doors, gates, solar panel orientation, etc. If all the electronics have grown and is not subject to restoration, but the transformer remains intact, a pair of transformer - a motor can be used for the same processes, but already with your electronic filling.

The article showed photographs of 2 old receivers and you yourself appreciate their filling. One of them is analog mirage 2200 with a double positioner. I inserted a toggle switch to it on 3 positions so that you can feed the power from it to the engine, without the participation of the positioner.