How to determine the coordinates of a house on a map. What is the geographical latitude and longitude of an object: explanation and determination of the geographical coordinates of latitude and longitude on the world map, Yandex and Google map online

Each point on the planet's surface has a specific position, which corresponds to its own coordinate in latitude and longitude. It is located at the intersection of the spherical arcs of the meridian, which is responsible for longitude, with a parallel, which corresponds to latitude. It is indicated by a pair of angular values, expressed in degrees, minutes, seconds, which has the definition of a coordinate system.

Latitude and longitude is the geographic aspect of a plane or sphere, translated into topographic images. For a more accurate finding of a point, its height above sea level is also taken into account, which allows you to find it in three-dimensional space.

The need to find a point by latitude and longitude coordinates arises due to the duty and occupation of rescuers, geologists, military men, sailors, archaeologists, pilots and drivers, but it may also be needed by tourists, travelers, seekers, researchers.

What is latitude and how to find it

Latitude is the distance from an object to the equatorial line. It is measured in angular units (such as degree, hail, minute, second, etc.). Latitude on a map or globe is indicated by horizontal parallels - lines describing a circle parallel to the equator and converging in the form of a series of tapering rings to the poles.

Therefore, they distinguish the north latitude - this is the entire part of the earth's surface north of the equator, and also the south - this is the entire part of the planet's surface south of the equator. The equator is the zero, longest parallel.

  • The parallels from the equator line to the north pole are considered to be positive values ​​from 0 ° to 90 °, where 0 ° is the equator itself, and 90 ° is the top of the north pole. They are counted as latitude north (N).
  • Parallels extending from the equator towards the south pole are indicated by a negative value from 0 ° to -90 °, where -90 ° is the location of the south pole. They are counted as latitude south (S).
  • On the globe, parallels are depicted as circles encircling the ball, which decrease as they approach the poles.
  • All points on the same parallel will be designated by the same latitude, but different longitudes.
    On the maps, based on their scale, the parallels are in the form of horizontal, curved, stripes - the smaller the scale, the straighter the stripe of parallel is depicted, and the larger, the more curved it is.

Remember! The closer a given terrain is to the equator, the lower its latitude will be.

What is longitude and how to find it

Longitude is the amount by which the position of a given location relative to Greenwich, that is, the prime meridian, is removed.

Longitude is similarly measured in angular units, only from 0 ° to 180 ° and with the prefix - east or west.

  • The prime meridian of Greenwich vertically encircles the globe of the Earth, passing through both poles, dividing it into the western and eastern hemispheres.
  • Each of the parts to the west of Greenwich (in the western hemisphere) will be designated west longitude (w).
  • Each of the parts farthest from Greenwich to the east and located in the eastern hemisphere will bear the designation of east longitude (e.p.).
  • Finding each point along one meridian has a single longitude, but a different latitude.
  • Meridians are mapped as vertical stripes curved in an arc. The smaller the scale of the map, the straighter the meridian strip will be.

How to find the coordinates of a given point on the map

Often you have to find out the coordinates of a point that is located on the map in the square between the two nearest parallels and meridians. Approximate data can be obtained by eye by sequentially evaluating the step in degrees between the lines plotted on the map in the area of ​​interest, and then comparing the distance from them to the desired area. For accurate calculations, you will need a pencil with a ruler, or a compass.

  • For the initial data, we take the designations of the parallel with the meridian closest to our point.
  • Next, we look at the step between their stripes in degrees.
  • Then we look at the size of their step along the map in cm.
  • We measure with a ruler in cm the distance from set point to the nearest parallel, as well as the distance between this line and the neighboring one, we convert to degrees and take into account the difference - subtracting from the larger one, or adding to the smaller one.
  • Thus, we get latitude.

Example! The distance between the parallels 40 ° and 50 °, among which our area is located, is 2 cm or 20 mm, and the step between them is 10 °. Accordingly, 1 ° is equal to 2 mm. Our point is removed from the fortieth parallel by 0.5 cm or 5 mm. We find the degrees to our area 5/2 = 2.5 °, which must be added to the value of the nearest parallel: 40 ° + 2.5 ° = 42.5 ° - this is our northern latitude of the given point. In the southern hemisphere, the calculations are similar, but the result is negative.

Similarly, we find the longitude - if the nearest meridian is farther from Greenwich, and the given point is closer, then we subtract the difference, if the meridian is closer to Greenwich, and the point is further away, then we add.

If only a compass was found at hand, then each of the segments is fixed with its tips, and the spacer is transferred to the scale.

Calculations of coordinates on the surface of the globe are performed in a similar way.

In the global web of the Internet there are many good cartographic resources that allow you to explore a particular area on a map, and, if necessary, see how it looks from a bird's eye view thanks to satellite imagery. Many of them allow you to determine the coordinates of a point on the map due to the fact that they are able to work with geographic coordinates. They help to determine as accurately as possible the location of an object on the globe, regardless of what you are looking for - on the globe or on a website on the Internet. One of the most popular cartographic resources in Russia - Yandex.Maps coordinates also perfectly understands and supports working with them.

Let's first define what geographic coordinates are. They look as simple as two numbers. In fact, these are two special angular quantities - latitude and longitude... North latitude is indicated by the letter N for "North", South latitude - S for South (South). Longitude can also be East E from East or West - W from West. It is on them that today the position of objects on the planet's surface is determined. Usually they are presented in the form of degrees, then, in principle, they can be indicated in fractions. If you know the latitude and longitude of the desired point, then it will be easy to find it even on Yandex.Maps, even on Google Maps.

How to determine the coordinates of a point

To find the longitude and latitude of the point you need in Yandex Maps, just find it on the map and click on it with the left mouse button. A tooltip appears with the name of the geographic location. The search numbers will be displayed in the lower part of it. Let me give you an example: I am looking for the coordinates of the Oleg Yankovsky public garden in Saratov. Having found it, I click the mouse and see a hint:

Two numbers are written under the hint text. The first is latitude: 51.533689. The second is longitude: 46.002794.

As you can see, Yandex.Maps even make it possible to build a route from any place to the coordinates of the desired location point.

How to enter coordinates to find a point

In the service it is possible and reverse action- search for a point by the entered coordinates. To do this, enter the latitude and longitude in the search bar, and enter the geographic coordinates in Yandex. Maps need to be in that order - first latitude, then longitude. This is an international format that is accepted and used everywhere, including in Google Maps and GPS-navigators.

For example, let's search for the landing site of the first cosmonaut - Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. Its coordinates are 51.27168N, 46.11656E. We enter them into the search bar:

We press the button to find and ... here it is - the landing place on the map:

Yandex Maps will help you find the point and mark it with a red marker. V separate window all necessary information will be displayed. If necessary, the service also makes it possible to build a route here or send a point to the Yandex.Navigator application on a phone or tablet.

Good day!

Almost all of us have found ourselves in a situation where you wander in an unfamiliar part of the city and try to find desired address... Now, of course, technology has stepped forward and an ordinary smartphone allows you to navigate the terrain well ...

Nevertheless, far from everywhere and not everything is drawn on Google and Yandex maps. Not so long ago I was in a new part of my city, and, as it turned out, some streets in this area are simply not shown on the map. How can you tell another person where you are and how to find you?

Actually, this small note is devoted to coordinates and finding a specific point on the map using map services from Yandex and Google. So...

How to determine your coordinates and how to find an address by coordinates

I'll start with Google Maps, the official site :

To accurately determine your coordinates - click on the "Locate" button, usually a small window immediately pops up in the browser asking whether to allow access (select "Allow").

Important! By the way, in some cases, different services can show you in "different places". Therefore, double-check your coordinates using 2 maps at once.

If the street is long, and there are no house numbers (or, in Google maps, houses on this territory are not indicated at all) - then left-click on the point next to the one that Google defined - a small tab should pop up below, in which your coordinates!

Coordinates represent from itself two numbers. For example, in the screenshot below, these are: 54.989192 and 73.319559

Knowing these numbers, you can transfer your location to anyone (even if he does not use Google maps, which is very convenient).

To find the desired point in Google by coordinates, just open the maps and enter these two numbers in the search box (top left): after 1-2 seconds. a red flag will light up on the maps to indicate the desired point.


  1. coordinates must be specified with a dot, not a comma (correct: 54.989192 73.319559; incorrect: 54.989192 and 73.319559);
  2. specify the coordinates in the order in which the map gives you: i.e. first latitude, then longitude (if you break the order, you will get a completely wrong point, perhaps even 1000 Km further than the desired one ...);
  3. coordinates can be specified in degrees and minutes (example: 51 ° 54 "73 ° 31").

Yandex maps

By and large, the principle of operation is similar with Yandex cards. It is worth noting that if the address is not detected for one service, try using another. Sometimes, if the street or district is not drawn in Google maps, then in Yandex, on the contrary, it is displayed quite fully, all streets are signed, and you can easily navigate where to go and what to do.

Yandex maps also have specials. a tool that allows you to find out your location online (on the right, click on the arrow in the white circle, see the screen below).

To determine the coordinates - just click on the point on the map you need - a small window will pop up with addresses and two numbers - that's what they are.

You can insert both a specific address and coordinates into the search line (do not forget that you need to set them correctly: do not mix up the sequence, indicate through a period, not a comma!).


I have another article of a similar kind on my blog - about determining the distances between cities, choosing the optimal road and estimating travel time. It will be useful to everyone who is going to go to another city, I recommend:

Add-ons are welcome ...

Introductory about geographic coordinates

Taking into account that we have a bot that helps to find the coordinates of any geographic object Geographic coordinates of any cities in the world, the inverse problem naturally arises, and what object is located at the given coordinates. Moreover, the analysis search queries suggests that such a task is not an isolated one.

Therefore, we will try to help in solving the problem of finding a geographic object by given coordinates.

Let's go straight to the answers to frequently asked queries

Point with coordinates 0 degrees latitude, 0 degrees longitude is located on the equator, in the Gulf of Guinea off the western coast of Africa.

Coordinates zero (however, there can be any number here) degrees of longitude, 90 degrees of south latitude is the South Pole, and 90 degrees north latitude, at any longitude- this is the North Pole.


For those who use XMPP client: rgeo<широта> <долгота>

Working through the site:<широта> <долгота>

Latitude - geographic latitude (can take values ​​from -90 to +90), Longitude - geographic longitude (can take values ​​from -180 to +180)

Geographic coordinates can be specified in the form of a degree and its fraction, as well as in the form of degrees, minutes and seconds, separated by a sign : (colon)

For the convenience of perception and data entry, you will receive a response from the bot in four values. The bot takes into account all points located in the southern / northern / eastern / western hemispheres.

That is, there is no need to enter plus or minus before the latitude or longitude value.

It is enough just to enter the absolute values ​​of the coordinates.

You will receive the result in the form of information of a settlement or geographical point located at these coordinates.

If nothing is found at the specified coordinates, the bot will report that "you may have entered the ocean." In this case, please correct the specified parameters.

And the last thing. Since the bot uses the Google Maps service, the given values ​​of the found geographic objects will be displayed in English.


(Latitude, longitude) 70.80

Found a geographic object Taymyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky District, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia

Modern technologies make our life much easier, making it easier, simpler and more convenient. Among the variety of such innovations, an important place is occupied by tools that make it easy to navigate the terrain, build a convenient route to a particular geographic point, find toponyms and other topographic objects on the map. One of the options for finding the desired object on the map is to search for it using geographic coordinates. And in this article I will tell you how to search by coordinates on Yandex Map, and what are the features of this search.

As you know, in the modern digital market of cartographic services, there are several competing companies offering the user the ability to search for a point by coordinates. The list of such services includes the popular “Google Maps”, “Yandex.Maps”, “2GIS” (specialization in detailing cities), “Bing Maps”, “HERE WeGo”, “OpenStreetMap” the previously existed “Yahoo! Maps ”(now closed).

The main competitors in the Russian market are “ Google.Maps" and " Yandex maps". If the use of Google maps is preferred on a global scale, then in the vastness of Russia we would recommend using the Yandex service. The latter provides better coverage of Russia, possesses high level detailing, boasts a special tool for editing maps by users called "People's Map", displays traffic jams in domestic cities, works well with "Geocoder", has other useful features.

To determine the location on the territory of the Russian Federation, it is better to use "Yandex.Maps"

In this case, you can use the functionality of "Yandex.Maps" both with the help of a regular stationary browser on a PC, and by installing the same name mobile app to your phone (for example, from Play Market).

Search by latitude and longitude

If you are faced with the question of finding a geographic place on the map, or there is a need to point to a place on the map for another person, then you should use the method of determining the location of a geographic object by its coordinates, including latitude or longitude.

Let me remind the reader that latitude coordinates show the location of the desired object in relation to the North and South Pole (i.e. it is a point between north and south), and longitude coordinates determine the location of the object between east and west.

Zero latitude is usually considered to be the equator, therefore, South Pole is located at 90 degrees south latitude, and the north pole is at 90 degrees north latitude.

In this case, the north latitude is denoted by the letter "N" (Nord - north), South - by the letter "S" (South - south), west longitude by the letter "W" (West - west), and east longitude by the letter "E" (East - east ).

Find a place by coordinates on Yandex Map

To determine the latitude and longitude coordinates of an object, it is enough to open Yandex.Maps, find the object we need on the map, and click on it with the cursor. A small window will immediately open next to the cursor, informing about the selected object, and indicating its coordinates in latitude and longitude.

Now to find this object on the map, it will be enough to write down these numerical values, and then simply enter them separated by commas in the search bar "Yandex.Maps" and press enter. The map will immediately move to this place, and will point you to the object specified by the entered coordinates.

It is most convenient to share such coordinates while being somewhere in nature, the other side will easily find your location by simply typing your coordinates into the Yandex.Maps search box.

In addition to finding the desired point in latitude and longitude, the Yandex.Maps functionality makes it possible to build a pedestrian, car, bus route to it. To do this, just enter the latitude and longitude numbers of the object you need into the search line, press enter, and after it is displayed on the screen, click on the button on the left "Build a route".

Click on "Build a route" to build different route options to the desired geographic point

You will need to enter the coordinates of the starting point of your path (or type its address), and the service will automatically lay the most optimal route to it, as well as indicate the approximate travel time and mileage.


If you need to search for your coordinates on Yandex Map, then it will be enough to enter the coordinates of the desired object in latitude and longitude in search bar and then press enter. If you just need to get the coordinates of the object you need, it will be enough to find it on Yandex.Map, click on it, and the required latitude and longitude coordinates will immediately appear in the appeared plate on the left.