Why do you need a zip code? What is the index and where to take it? What is the mail index.

You are mistaken if you think that writing an index on the envelope is optional. It is no less important than the recipient's address or surname. Even more detailed description Information about the addressee does not guarantee that it will quickly and in a timely manner will receive your message.

It is no coincidence that the indexing system was created back in 1970 and successfully existed throughout the entire time. Of course, she changed more than once for these 40 years, but he always served her main goal - helped in sorting the messages so that they reached their addresses as soon as possible.

The modern index is an integral part of the address. If postal employees were engaged earlier than the sorting of departures, then they make sorting machines for them. It does not just speed up the whole process, but also excludes errors. Indicative example: high-tech sorting machine handles 42,000 letters per hour, while an experienced sorter has time to sort only 3,000 letters in shift.

With the opening of automated sorting centers (in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and in the future and throughout the country), it is the correct writing of the digits of the index that helps sorting machines with a scanning device to determine which region the message should be sent.

Regardless of what you send - a letter, parcel or parcel, follow the correct writing of the index.

The index is just six digits that cover all the facilities of the postal service of Russia. The first three digits of the index indicate belonging to the region (city, area or edge), and the three last - to the number of the local post office serving a specific address.

Therefore, a clear writing of the index numbers in a specially reserved place will allow the laser device of sorting machines to quickly determine the region of sending, which in turn will allow you to send to the recipient as quickly as possible.

If you do not know the index of the post office of your addressee, it can be clarified from the addressee himself, as well as in any post office or on the Russian post office

www.russianpost.ru in the "Search for postal facilities". Just tying enough the desired address In a special column and you will learn the index of the postal office serving this address.

The index can be written in ink any color except red, yellow and green. These colors laser device will not be able to scan.

Envelope manufacturers indicate how correctly dotted lines Write the digits of the index.

With the rules of filling the digits of the index, it is also available in the post office, employees of Russia's mail can check if you wrote it correctly. Also, the rules for writing the index you can look at the Russian Post website in the "Proper mailings" Impeccable follows them guarantees an ambulance delivery of your letter and receiving pleasant emotions to the addressee.

The postal code is a combination of numbers (in some countries of letters and numbers) to facilitate the sorting of postal shipments (real, non-electronic). In Russia, the index consists of six digits that corresponds to a specific post office.

A slight retreat.

Never noticed at Russian Post Office always at the entrance are some numbers? So this is just the index of this post office. This is a unique combination, and there is no other post office with the same index.

I also want to note that the index is assigned not to a specific postal address of the subscriber, but by the post office, in which the subscriber's service area is (there are of course exceptions). Thus, two completely different mail addresses can be one zip code.

In the major city, the post office serves several nearby streets, and in the city itself there may be hundreds of such post offices and, accordingly hundreds of various indices. But in small villages there can be only one post office serving the entire settlement and even nearby villages and therefore the index will be in all one.

Now about the main thing. Where to find out which index of the subscriber who write a letter. Yes, and not everyone knows your own index. There are several ways.

The first - if the location you need is in Dublgis, you can see there. This is probably the most convenient way, as you can see the exact address and for one index. If you click on the desired house, then in the information card in front of the address and the six-digit index is the desired.

The second way - take advantage various Internet services such as this or this. We are looking for the right settlement, street and house. The letters n and h denote the odd and even rooms of the houses, respectively.

Third way - personally come to one of the Russian Post offices and find out the necessary indices. Unless of course wait a queue :-)

Now, when writing a letter, you should not have difficulties with the index,

Conditional digital designation of the postal address assigned to the postal object; ... Source: Federal Law of 17.07.1999 N 176 FZ (ed. From 12/06/2011) On postal connection ... Official terminology

postcode - - [L.G.Sumenko. English Russian dictionary on information technology. M.: GP Tsniis, 2003.] Themes Information Technologies in general EN Zip Code ...

postcode - 296 Zip Code: Conditional digital designation of the postal address assigned to the postal communication object. Source: GOST R 53801 2010: Federal Communications. Terms and definitions of the original document ... Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentation

- (Postal code) The digital system (sometimes includes the letters) of the designation of communication enterprises, significantly facilitating the sorting of the Cor. and allowing it to mechanize and automate (see mail machining machines). P. and. In the last 3 ... ... Big Filatelectric Dictionary

Postcode - Conditional digital designation of the postal address assigned to the postal service object that accepts and deliver mail items. Federal Law of 09.08.95 N 129 FZ, st.1 ... Dictionary of legal concepts

uS Postal Code - - [A.S.Goldberg. English Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Topics Energy as a whole EN ZONE IMPROVEMENT PLANNING CODE ... Technical translator directory

Postal index - POSTCODE … Legal encyclopedia

- № 1923, cursed by ... Wikipedia

- (lat. index list, registry, pointer) number, letters or other combination of symbols, indicating the place of the element in the aggregate or characterizing the state of some system, such as an indicator of activity, performance, development, ... ... Wikipedia

Multivalued term. Toponym postal farm in the Belokalitvinsky district of the Rostov region. Postal farm in Kashhar district of the Rostov region. Postal farm in the Konstantinovsky district of the Rostov region of Russia. Postfort in Krasnosuli ... ... Wikipedia


  • Moscow 1973. Brief address and reference book, Yu.S. Bratko. Brief address and reference book "Moscow" contains information about thousands of enterprises, organizations and institutions of the capital. But due to the fact that in one directory it is impossible to cover all the material, in ...

In century information technologies We are increasingly writing emails, and letters sent ordinary mail, depart into the background. But we still did not extend the parcels and parcels to send in the traditional way. To do this, you need to know the address and index. The zip code is part of the address. This is a set of numbers for automatic correspondence sorting. In Russia, a six-digit zip code is adopted, which is written on a specific template, all the numbers are written using lines. This is necessary in order for scanning the computer correctly recognized the numbers. There are several ways to learn the index.

First method

This method is quite logical: we go to the local post office. And also, learn the address, location and schedule of the post office. You can ask other services that you can get in this post office. Their list is very diverse: payment of services, subscription to periodicals, Internet services, etc.

Second way

This method is quite simple - we buy candy, cake, etc. And go on a visit to the neighbors. Drink tea and learn the postal code of our house. Surely someone has old letters, postcards. In Soviet times, it was considered a good tone to congratulate close, acquaintances and native postcards. On old envelopes or postcards, you can easily find your zip code.

Third way

The closest is our time - the Internet. Everyone knows that on the Internet you can find information about all cities, villages and even small villages. So you need to enter in any search engine Your postal address and find your index in the resources found. In addition, there are official sites of post offices of cities, regions and countries.
Thus, today, there are several ways to find out your zip code. You can choose the one that is convenient for you.