How to remove large indents between paragraphs. Correcting spacing in selected paragraphs

In MS Word, a certain indentation between paragraphs is set by default, as well as a tab stop (a kind of red line). This is necessary first of all in order to visually delimit fragments of text among themselves. In addition, certain conditions are dictated by the requirements for paperwork.

Talking about the right design text documents, it should be understood that the presence of indents between paragraphs, as well as a small indent at the beginning of the first line of a paragraph, is necessary in many cases. However, sometimes it is necessary to remove these very indents, for example, to “unite” the text, to reduce the space it occupies on the page or pages.

It is about how to remove the red line in Word that will be discussed below. You can read about how to remove or change the size of the spacing between paragraphs in our article.

The indent from the left margin of the page in the first line of the paragraph is set by the tab stop. It can be added by a simple press of the TAB key, installed with the tool "Ruler" and also set in the group tool settings "Paragraph"... The method for removing each of them is the same.

Removing the indentation set at the beginning of the first line of a paragraph is as easy as any other character, sign, or object in Microsoft Word.

Note: If "Ruler" is enabled in Word, on it you can see the tab stop indicating the size of the indentation.

1. Position the cursor at the beginning of the line you want to indent.

2. Press the key "BackSpace" for removing.

3. If necessary, repeat the same step for other paragraphs.

4. The indentation at the beginning of the paragraph will be removed.

Remove all indentation at the beginning of paragraphs

If the text in which you need to remove indents at the beginning of paragraphs is too large, most likely, there are a lot of paragraphs, and with them the indents in the first lines.

Removing each of them separately is not the most tempting option, as it can take a lot of time and tire you with monotony. Fortunately, all this can be done in one fell swoop, and will help us with this standard tool"Ruler", which you need to include (of course, if you have not already enabled it).

1. Select all the text in the document or that part of it in which you want to remove indents at the beginning of paragraphs.

2. Move the top slider on the ruler located in the so-called “white zone” to the end of the gray zone, that is, one level with a pair of lower sliders.

3. All indents at the beginning of the paragraphs you selected will be removed.

As you can see, everything is extremely simple, at least if you give the correct answer to the question “How to remove indentation of paragraphs in the Word”. However, many users mean by this a slightly different task, namely, removing unnecessary indents between paragraphs. Speech in this case it is not about the interval itself, but about the empty line added double tap Enter keys at the end of the last line of paragraphs in a document.

Remove blank lines between paragraphs

If a document that needs to remove blank lines between paragraphs is divided into sections, contains headings and subheadings, it is likely that blank lines will be needed in some places. If you are working with such a document, you will have to delete extra (empty) lines between paragraphs in several approaches, alternately highlighting those fragments of text in which they are definitely not needed.

1. Select the piece of text in which you want to remove blank lines between paragraphs.

2. Press the button "Replace" located in the group "Editing" in the tab "Home".

3. In the window that opens, in the line "Find" enter “ ^ p ^ p”Without quotes. Into a string "Replaced by" enter “ ^ p”Without quotes.

Note: The letter “ p”, Which must be entered in the lines of the window "Replacement", English.

5. Click "Replace All".

6. Blank lines in the selected text fragment will be deleted, repeat the same action for the rest of the text fragments, if any.

If you have not one, but two blank lines before headings and subheadings in your document, you can manually delete one of them. If there are a lot of such places in the text, do the following.

1. Select all the text or that part of it where you want to remove double blank lines.

2. Open the replacement window by clicking the button "Replace".

3. In line "Find" enter “ ^ p ^ p ^ p", in line "Replaced by" — “^ p ^ p”, All without quotes.

4. Click "Replace All".

5. Double blank lines will be removed.

That's all, now you know how to remove indents at the beginning of paragraphs in the Word, how to remove indents between paragraphs, and also how to remove extra blank lines in a document.

It may very well be that one of us is asking the question: “Is it possible that in such a serious and powerful text editor like Word, there are no ready-made text templates with which, with one click of the mouse button, it would be possible to arrange the text on a sheet like this and so, and with such and such spacing between lines and between paragraphs? Another click - and again there were changes? " Yes, something similar takes place.

In order for us to get to know this, what we thought to get acquainted with, you need to refer to the "Home" tab of the top menu.

If we are one of those who open menu tabs by clicking on their names, then for a change we can use another technique for opening these same tabs. All we need to do for this is to move the mouse cursor over the gray field of the tab ribbon and, not paying any attention to the fact that the arrow cursor hit the icon of some option, just rotate the mouse wheel. And the tape will "run" like a conveyor belt, changing tabs one after another.

So, the "Home" tab is open, and we direct our attention to its section called "Styles":

At the far right of this section is a module containing a variety of options and commands. The module is called "Change Styles". We can call it a subsection.

Let's open it with the usual mouse click on the arrow next to the name of the subsection and see what it contains:

In the list of options that opens, we visually find the second item from the bottom (from the top - the 4th in order), named "Intervals between paragraphs":

This point is what we need now. Let's not resist our desire to find out what it is hiding, and we will hover over it with the mouse cursor. The item will be highlighted and a pop-up window will appear in front of our eyes containing built-in templates:

Without clicking the mouse buttons to apply the selected template to the entered text, but simply moving inside the window, moving the arrow cursor from one template to another, we have the opportunity to observe the changes in the written text and stop the mouse on a suitable template by clicking left button.

Using the text and template named "Double" as an example, let's see how these built-in templates will help us in the present, useful in the future, or will be determined by us as useless because of their certain spacing settings that are not suitable for most of the texts that we enter or edit.

In the example, I'm using the Double pattern because of the most noticeable change in paragraph spacing.

This is how the text looks, to change the spacing between paragraphs of which, we are going to use the "Double" pattern:

Let's place the text insertion cursor in front of the first character of the text title, that is, the letter "K" (How to adjust the spacing ...). Having made several steps already known to us in the direction of the pop-up window with templates, we hold the mouse cursor on the template with the name "Double", but we are in no hurry to click the left mouse button. Such a delay in applying the template to the text will allow us to wait for the appearance of another pop-up information window containing the spacing values:

If the influence of the chosen template on the text suits us and, moreover, completely coincides with our desire to see the text exactly like that, then we press the left mouse button with a deep feeling of satisfaction, confirming the changes.

Let's assume we did so. Now let's take a closer look at the updated, well, or in other words, edited text:

It can be seen with the naked eye that along with the increase in the spacing between paragraphs, there was a significant increase in the line spacing, which we did not intend to increase. Let's check the box for such an undesirable change. The same picture will be if we use any of the proposed templates.

And what will be the changes if we select only these few paragraphs to increase or decrease the spacing between paragraphs, thereby telling the program that only to them we want to apply the template spacing settings.

Select two paragraphs of text to apply the template named "Double":

And again we will go through the already known path and, once in the required window, move the mouse cursor over the template "Double":

We see that the entire text has undergone changes, including the title. Everything is unchanged, as in the first example. There was no selective editing of the spacing between the selected paragraphs. Well, well, remember.

And let's imagine that after finishing entering the text and looking at the fruits of our labor, that is, at the entered text, it became clear to us that such line spacing and spacing between paragraphs are no good at all:

And at that moment we thought about built-in templates, and we turned to the well-known window. Moving the cursor-arrow of the mouse from one template to another, we stopped it on the template named "Open" and clicked the left mouse button, confirmed our choice:

In those cases when we are dealing with texts in which line spacing one or more paragraphs differ from the rest and, besides, the spacing between some paragraphs is less (more) than the spacing between other paragraphs, then in such cases, changing the spacing using templates will be partial.

Working in a text editor Word, very often unnecessary empty spaces appear between parts of the text, which spoil appearance... If you need to reduce or completely remove the spacing between paragraphs, you should use the "Spacing" button. Below we will consider all the methods in more detail.

Deleting intervals

To remove a blank space after a paragraph, follow these steps. Select the required piece of text by double clicking or the entire text with the key combination "Ctrl + A". Open the "Home" tab and look for the "Spacing" button in the "Paragraph" area. Click on it and select the appropriate option "Remove Spacing After Paragraph".

In the case when you need to remove the empty space before the paragraph, you need to select "Remove the space before paragraph". Accordingly, by initially highlighting the desired part of the text.

Change the spacing between paragraphs

When the distance between paragraphs is large, you can easily shorten it, and vice versa, increase it. The "Paragraph" window will help you make the necessary settings. Select the text and open the "Paragraph" window by clicking on the arrow button in the "Paragraph" area in the main tab.

In a new window, in the "Interval" subsection, set the desired values ​​in the "Before" and "After" fields. A small value in the "After" column will help to reduce the size of the indentation, if the presence of indentation is necessary after the paragraph.

In the "Sample" subsection, you can observe the changes being made. By changing the values ​​in the "Before" and "After" items, you can either increase the distance between paragraphs, or decrease it.

Note. You can call the "Paragraph" dialog box by right-clicking and select "Paragraph" from the list. Initially, respectively, select the necessary fragment in the text.

Setting the spacing between paragraphs

Thanks to more advanced settings, you can set breaks between paragraphs different types and set specific values ​​for indents. To do this, repeat the following steps:

  1. Select the desired part of the text;
  2. Open the "Home" tab, click on the "Change Styles" button;
  3. In the drop-down window, move the mouse cursor over the "Spacing between paragraphs";
  4. Smoothly go to the new Inline pop-up window and select the type of indent you want.

Note that each paragraph spacing shown has built-in line spacing values.

For more customization, go to the line "Custom paragraph spacing."

In the window "Manage Styles" open the section "Default", set the exact values ​​in the subsection "Spacing" and "Paragraph Position". Save the changes by clicking on the "Ok" button.


How to change (decrease or increase) the spacing between paragraphs in MS Office Word 2007. Open Word document... Select the paragraphs you want to reduce the distance between. If you need to select all paragraphs in a document, press Ctrl + A. The entire text will be highlighted.

In the "Spacing" item, you can specify the distance between paragraphs. To do this, you must set a value either in the "Before" or "After" field. Distance in "pt" - (points), in which the font size is measured. By default, the After distance is 12 pt. You can decrease it by bringing it to 0, or put the value "Auto". This can be done either by placing the cursor and typing in the desired number, or use the up / down arrows.

If the paragraphs, the spacing between which you want to reduce or in general, are written in the same Word style (font, color, spacing), in the "Paragraph" dialog box, check the box "Do not add spacing between paragraphs of the same style."

Quite often, an inconvenient moment arises when, when switching to, two sentences of a paragraph are located on, and the rest on another. To avoid this, in the "Paragraph" window, select the "Position on the page" tab and check the "Prohibition of orphans" item.

In MS Office Word 2003 go to the "Format" menu, select the "Paragraph" item. On the Indents & Spacing tab, find the Spacing section. To change the spacing between paragraphs, set desired value in the "Before" (distance to the active paragraph) and "After" (distance after the active paragraph) fields.



When working in editors, when formatting text, the question often arises, how to change the line spacing? In addition, there are strict line spacing requirements depending on the type of document you are creating.

Change line spacing

How to change line spacing and paragraph spacing in Microsoft programs Word and Microsoft PowerPoint, the first of which is text editor, and the second program for creating slides and presentations? The principle of changing the line spacing in both programs is the same.

So, you typed the text, now your task is to format it. To change the line spacing, first select and highlight the section of text to which you want to apply the settings. If it's one specific paragraph, just hover over it (for Office 2007 and 2013).

Option 1. Open the "Menu" tab, move the cursor to the "Format" button, in the drop-down list select the item "Paragraph", a dialog box will appear. Here, in the "Indents and spacing" tab, there is the "Line spacing" field, with a drop-down menu in which you can select the required type of spacing: single, one and a half, etc.

Option 2. Select the "Page Layout" tab, it already has a "Paragraph" field, click in the lower right corner of the field, the dialog box will reappear. You can also enter the exact numerical value of the required spacing. Everything in the same window, in the "Intervals" section, is the "Value" field. Enter the required parameter in it.

Option 3. Find the button on the toolbar at the top of the working window, when you hover over which, a prompt "Change the spacing between lines" appears, click it, and in the drop-down list, adjust the setting. It should be borne in mind that when choosing the type of spacing "single", "double", the actual spacing between the lines will depend on the selected font size.

Change the spacing between paragraphs

If you need to change the spacing between paragraphs, then in the "Page Layout" field, you need to find the "Line Spacing" buttons, which look like an image of lines, on the left of which there are arrows pointing at each other and in different directions. With their help, the interval "Before" and "After" of the paragraph you specified is formed, enter the data either manually or using the scroll buttons.

Welcome to the open spaces of the Workip blog! In Word, many operations are very simple, you just need to know where to click. I got acquainted with this text editor a long time ago. Years have passed. Like many users, I had a question about reducing the spacing between paragraphs. Do you know how to do it?

Today we will look at how to change the spacing between paragraphs in a Word with a specific example. It can be changed up, down or removed in just 5 clicks. How? Let's take a look at a specific example.

Example of changing the spacing between paragraphs

So, first let's create new document in Word and write an arbitrary text. To achieve the goal, you need to do only 5 actions:

I will dwell on the fourth point in more detail. What the original set of words looks like you saw above. Now, for clarity, I will set the indent values ​​after the paragraph not 10, but 50 pt.

Now let's see what happens if the spacing between paragraphs in the Word is completely removed. As mentioned above, you can remove it very quickly. You just need to put a tick in the right place.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. Everything is done relatively quickly. Finally, I would like to ask one question.

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This concludes the article. Was the information helpful? I look forward to your comments.

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