MTS connection is like at home everywhere. "MTS" - "Everywhere at home"

How to connect the service

It is important for MTS subscribers to know how to activate the "Everywhere at home" service. After all, this mobile operator, which is part of the so-called "Big Three", is constantly improving its services, meeting the needs of its subscribers. This is what makes the company so attractive to many. Improvement is expressed in increasing the number of services, simplifying their connection or disconnection, and reducing fees. One example of such an improvement is the “Everywhere at home” option.

What is this service

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Everyone whose life is connected with traveling around Russia or near and far abroad knows firsthand that the cost of communication increases with distance from the home region. This increases the cost of travel and makes you save on calls and SMS. Which, of course, does not add peace to those who stayed at home and are worried about travelers.

Book of the same name

MTS decided to make such savings unnecessary, and offered the service "Everywhere at home." Subscribers of this cellular operator will not notice the benefits of using it while in their home region. But one has only to leave it, as it turns out that communication with loved ones no longer requires exorbitant costs. The cost of calls, messages and mobile Internet will remain almost the same as if the subscriber did not leave home.

Travel distance doesn't matter. No matter how many kilometers the traveler's location is separated from the region where he became an MTS subscriber, the cost of communication does not change. The only "limiter" will be the state border of Russia. The service is valid only within the country.

Who needs it

Getting a connection away from home at the same rates is convenient, first of all, for those whose life is spent on constant travel. There is no need to calculate whether there will be enough funds on the phone account if you call home once again and report that everything is in order. Or send a couple of dozen SMS to clarify any information.

But even those who get out of their native region only on vacation no more than a couple of times a year will also appreciate the cost savings that they will receive through the use of the “Everywhere at home” service. No more searching for where to buy a SIM card with a local number. It is enough just to use the new opportunities from MTS.

What's included

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By activating the “Everywhere at home” service, MTS subscribers receive:

  • free incoming calls from any numbers;
  • the cost of outgoing calls is 3 rubles/min. to any phones in Russia and abroad;
  • 100 free SMS per day;
  • mobile Internet in the same volume and at the same price as in the home region;
  • support service phones will remain free of charge: 0890 for calls from an MTS number in Russia or +7 495 766 0166 if the client is roaming abroad.

Terms of Service

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Users of almost any tariff plans can activate the “Everywhere at home” service. The exception is the plans of the Smart family from MTS, some corporate and business tariffs. Those who wish to connect one of the Smart MTS tariffs should know that when switching to it, the already connected “Everywhere at Home” service will be automatically disabled. You can get detailed information about the conditions of connection on the official website of the company

There are a number of similar services that are currently not connected and are archived:“One country”, “Favorite region”, “Neighbouring regions”, etc. They are mutually exclusive with the option “Everywhere at home”. Therefore, for those who want to use it, it is necessary to disable the previous operating service similar to it. It is most convenient to do this in your personal account.

100 free SMS are provided to the subscriber every day. Unused messages are not carried over to the next day. Above the limit, they will have a cost according to the base rate. However, subscribers have the opportunity to check the number of free messages they have left in the "Personal Account" on the site or by sending a USSD request *100*1# .

Activation of the option "Everywhere at home" is paid- 30 rubles. For each day of use, 7 rubles are withdrawn daily. But you can turn it off absolutely free.

How to activate the option "Everywhere at home"

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MTS subscribers who decide to use the “Everywhere at home” option can connect it by choosing one of several methods. For conservatives who prefer communication with a living person, it will be most convenient to contact the operator of one of the nearest MTS offices. To activate the service, you will need to confirm your identity with a passport, for which the number was issued at one time.

The second way, available even to users of extremely simple telephones without access to the Internet, is to follow the instructions of the autoinformer on the short number 0890. If necessary, you can wait for the answer of the "live" operator and explain to him the incomprehensible moments of connecting the service.

Well, for confident users of not only the phone, but also other modern means of communication, the following methods are suitable:

  • across SMS
  • USSD the code
  • across "Personal Area" MTS subscriber

How to connect through a personal account

To access your personal account, you will need a phone number and a password. You can receive it by SMS to the specified number. Entering the site, you must enter in the appropriate fields and enter your "Personal Area". There, in the tab "Room Management" find subitem "Connecting and disconnecting services".

Then, using the prompts of the Internet Assistant, select the required service from the list. If the Internet Assistant is not connected, then this is simply fixed by dialing *111*23# and then pressing the call button. There is no charge for this option.

How to connect via SMS

To activate the “Everywhere at home” service via SMS, neither an Internet assistant nor the company's website is required. All that is required is to send a message to the short number 111 with the service code - 3333. After confirming the acceptance of the application for connection, the result of its processing will be reported almost immediately also by SMS. After the service is activated, no additional messages need to be sent.

How to connect by sending a USSD code

Another simple and quick way to become a user of the "Everywhere at home" service is send a request from your USSD phone to connect it. To do this, dial the following combination: *111*3333# and then press the call button.

The answer that the application has been accepted for consideration and notification of service activation will come in the form of SMS after just a few minutes. You can also use this method to turn it off.

“Russia is at home everywhere” MTS, as the name implies, provides for indulgences for “disabled” roaming throughout the country. Everything new is the long-forgotten old: along with the 2020 version of the release, there are archival versions of 2010, 2011. The main advantage of the service is that it works throughout the Russian Federation.

Let's start the description by explaining the indispensable condition for her work when traveling around Russia: user registration on the network. It often happens that when moving between regions, the user's device automatically switches according to the signal quality principle to another network. Make sure that the icon of the desired operator (MTS) is displayed on the screen so as not to overpay.

What does the MTS service “Everywhere at home Russia” offer:

  • the price of a minute of an outgoing call is the same in all parts of the Russian Federation - 3 rubles;
  • a package of 100 free messages in all directions of Russia is provided every day;
  • the cost of a daily subscription fee does not depend on the region of stay and is 5 rubles; services not provided for by the option are paid at national roaming prices;
  • The option does not provide opportunities for the Internet, but a separate service is easily selected for it.

What tariffs apply

The option is not compatible with all MTS tariff offers. Acts on:

  1. Guest;
  2. per second;
  3. Super Zero;
  4. Your country;
  5. Super MTS;
  6. red energy.

In addition, it is incompatible with profitable offers for traveling within the Russian Federation such as "Favorite Region" or "United Country", so check compatibility with Hotline operators before ordering.

How to activate the service "Everywhere at home Russia"

For users who are going on a short business trip in Russia, the option is acceptable if you are satisfied with short conversations with relatives or communication via SMS.

Otherwise, you will have to look for another option or connect additional options via the Internet or minutes.

For those who are satisfied with all the characteristics, we tell you how to connect MTS “Everywhere at home Russia”:

  • enter the command *111*528# ;
  • enter the user account on the official resource of the company;
  • use the application for smartphones "My MTS".

The connection is free of charge, but the monthly fee and the outgoing fee were mentioned earlier.

Do not forget that participation in the MTS-Cashback program (using the company's products or making purchases using branded bank cards) is encouraged with bonuses. Bonus points accumulating on a separate account are exchanged for various cool offers of the operator, including those from the Communication Services category. If you are already dreaming about how to connect the service in question for bonuses, you will have to wait a bit. Now there is no such option in the bonus catalog, but there is an alternative - "Everywhere at home" for a period of 30 days. The functionality is the same, it costs 400 bonuses, after 30 days it turns off automatically.

The number of available offers is constantly increasing, so, perhaps, in the near future, “Everywhere at home Russia” will also appear on the list.

How to disable the MTS service "Everywhere at home Russia"

The obligatory payment for the use is withdrawn from the account every day in all corners of Russia, where the subscriber is located at the time of the service. When you return home, the money from the phone will continue to fly away, so disable the extension as a matter of urgency.

You can perform an action with:

  1. USSD request used to connect, *111*528# ;
  2. Personal account or mobile application.

Do you want to travel around Russia with comfort and without overpayments? Think about what services you connect.

The MTS operator made a very serious set-up for us by not connecting the roaming option for trips around Russia “Everywhere at home” for bonus points of the MTS Bonus program. I will describe the situation so that it is clear how serious it turned out.

Connection attempt

My wife's mother (I don't like the word "mother-in-law"), a woman under 50, went the day before yesterday from Moscow to the Crimea. The path was not easy to choose - from Moscow at 21.00 departure by bus, about a day of a tiring road on it to the port "Caucasus", there is a crossing on the ferry "Caucasus - Kerch", then again by bus to Simferopol. In total - about 1.5 days of travel through all of Russia in our unstable and sometimes dangerous days. Before leaving, she called her daughter, asking her to connect “Everywhere at home” to her. Of course, we decided to do it for bonuses, because she has under 2000 of them.

The application through the rewards catalog was successfully sent and moved to the "processing" status. We did not wait for the result for half an hour and forgot about it until the morning. Closer to noon the next day, when the number became unavailable, we decided to check the connection of the option. However, according to information from the MTS Bonus account, the “Everywhere at home” option was not connected:

Status: not processed (repeat the request later).

Gorgeous, isn't it? Imagine that a person is already on the way, all the money from his account has been licked like a cow, he can’t replenish the balance on the bus traveling through the fields-forests, and upon arrival he is waiting for the kind offer of the operator “repeat the request later”. Maybe he should have come back or stayed? Or is this mess connected with the recent increase in prices for “Everywhere at Home”, and now the toad has forced MTS to disable the option to order an option for bonuses until it rises in price in “MTS Bonus” as well? In the meantime, their marketing geniuses sit and decide how much more to heat up subscribers.

On Russian shamelessness: the Moscow-Crimea road

I will digress a little and tell you one moment of the bus journey from Moscow to Crimea. Do you know what a ferry crossing in the Caucasian port looks like? At night, looking there, a bus arrives, passengers half asleep after a day of travel pass passport control, and then they realize that not only them will be put on the ancient ferry. The ferry is three-story. Cars are also imported to it, and not only cars, but also ... trucks! As a result, a bus with people (who are sitting right in it, like in a prison - sorry I don’t have a photo) is on the first floor of an overloaded ferry, cars are on the second floor, and some other people are crossing on the third. And if this colossus does not withstand the load and goes to the bottom, then the people on the bus will be literally immured, and on the lowest tier! There is no question of any "safety precautions" and compliance with the rules. In the event of a misfortune, our President Pu will again begin to yell to the whole country that “the guilty must be punished,” but some confused mechanic will be found guilty and everything will return to normal again. As it already was. Some time ago, the ferry was already sinking here, having fallen into a storm, and there were human casualties. However, the mess continues - people are being transported in completely emergency conditions. Moreover, after the previous case, passengers from the next bus waited for the ferry to start running again for 4 days. And they spent them right on the bus near the crossing. No one compensated them for their losses and placed them in a hotel. It seems that we are not talking about passenger routes, but about the crossings of illegal refugees outside the law.

Now you understand how important it was for my wife that her mother was in touch, because the details of this extreme came to light already on the road. But MTS, with its mess and greed, did not fulfill its obligations.

Connection "Everywhere at home" - attempt number 2

I had to activate the MTS service “Everywhere at home” already for money - 30 rubles. connection and 7 rubles per day subscription fee - through the "Internet Assistant". Thus, MTS got what it wanted, ate money almost instantly, and the desired option was connected literally within 30 seconds.

MTS subscribers who often travel around Russia are probably aware that it is not always convenient to use the conditions of only one of their tariffs. Sometimes money from the account flies away in almost a matter of hours, although you really didn’t make any calls. Therefore, you have to think either about changing the tariff, or about any additional services. In this case, the “Everywhere at home” service is perfect, and we’ll talk about how to connect it.

Conditions for connecting the service "Everywhere at home" from MTS

This service is very convenient for people who are often on the road, precisely because of its conditions. For you to fully understand this, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with them:

  • For subscribers connected to the service, incoming calls become free of charge;
  • Any of the phone numbers located in the zone of the home region are charged 3 rubles per minute of conversation;
  • Making outgoing calls to numbers in other regions - 3 rubles per minute;
  • Free SMS messages to all MTS Russia numbers.

As for SMS-messages, they are conditionally free. Their number is limited to 100 messages per day. If this stock is used up by you, further billing will take place at standard rates.

How to find out the number of remaining SMS in the connected service "Everywhere at home"

Everything is extremely simple:

  • Through the Internet assistant service;
  • By dialing the USSD command *100*1#.

The price of the service "Everywhere at home"

You will have to pay 30 rubles for connecting the service. After that, its extension for each subsequent day will require you to pay 7 rubles per day. You do not need to pay to disable the service.

3 ways to connect "Everywhere at home" from MTS

To connect the option, as for many other operations from MTS, there are several options. You can use any option that is convenient for you, but we will offer you all of them:

  1. You can dial the USSD command *111*3333#.
  2. You can also always use the personal account of the MTS subscriber.
  3. In addition, the service can be activated by sending a message with the text "3333" to number 111.

How to disable the service "Everywhere at home"

If you no longer need the service or, suddenly, something did not suit you, you can always turn it off so that the money is no longer withdrawn from your account for each day of use. Disabling is free and is carried out in any of three ways to choose from:

  1. Use of a personal account.
  2. Sending a message with the text in the body of the letter "33330" to number 111.
  3. Set USSD combination *111*3333#.

It is also possible that you enabled this option as needed, but eventually forgot whether you disabled it. This is not a problem, because MTS has provided the ability to view information about the status of the service. To do this, you can, again, use your personal account, or send an SMS message to 8111. The content of the message can be anything.

If the service is active, we have already told you how to disable the service at home.

If you have been using the option for a long time

Subscribers who have been using this service for almost a year should know the following information. If you subscribed to the option before November 6, 2014, the services provided by the option do not change. The price and tariffs remain the same as they were at the time of connection to the service. If you want to start using the option under the new conditions, you need to disable it and re-enable it.

The conditions for providing the option, possible tariffs for connection, the rules for calculating minutes, messages and other bonuses can be found directly on the operator's website.

This is all the information you need to know about this offer from the operator MTS Russia.

If you are going on a trip or a business trip, then you need the MTS service Everywhere at home - it is very easy to connect it. The company has made sure that it is convenient for you to talk with friends or relatives in other cities. Sometimes, when traveling around the country, you need to "keep your finger on the pulse" in order to know the situation in your business, household chores or office. For this, there is a service "Everywhere at home". With her you will always be in touch, receiving incoming calls for free, no matter in which city of our country you are. This service is available to all MTS subscribers, and the cost of the tariff is especially attractive for those who communicate a lot.

How to activate the service "Everywhere at home" MTS

To connect the service correctly, do one of the following:

  1. Dial on the phone a set of the following icons and numbers *111*3333# and then call the operator;
  2. Send any SMS to number 111 by dialing the code 3333;
  3. Use the Internet resource.

Do not forget to switch to the MTS “Everywhere at home” option while you are still within your city. If you use SMS while already far from your region, then the cost of it will cost you more, since you will already be in roaming.

After the performed operations, you can easily check the connection of the function in your phone. For this you need:

  1. Send SMS with any text to number 8111;
  2. Dial *152# and listen carefully to the information;
  3. If you have any questions, you can use the Personal Account.

How to disable the service "Everywhere at home" MTS

After returning home from a business trip or vacation, you will need to disable this option. This can be easily done using one of the following methods:

  1. To independently disconnect from the service, you can use the Personal Account on the site.
  2. It will be enough to dial *111*3333# and the call button. Listen to the operator's recommendations, follow them and the shutdown will take place automatically.
  3. Submit SMS with code 33330 to number 111 and disable the service.

How to connect the tariff "Everywhere at home" MTS

To connect the tariff, you need to perform simple manipulations that were described above.

But how much does it cost? The cost of the tariff in different cities may differ both upwards and downwards. You can easily find out by calling the help desk, calling a toll-free number or looking at the MTS website.

You can also consider the example of the Moscow region.

  1. After you dial a certain combination to connect the tariff "Everywhere at home" and follow all the recommendations of the operator, the amount of 30 rubles will be debited from your account;
  2. From now on, incoming calls will be free for you.
  3. Every day, a subscription fee of 7 rubles per day will be debited from your number;
  4. If you call the Moscow region, Moscow or any other region from Moscow, each minute of the call will cost you 3 rubles;
  5. Disabling the service "Everywhere at home" is completely free. It is enough to dial the desired set of numbers and signs described above.

Connecting this tariff is very beneficial if you are on a trip. Compared to the usual tariff, where a minute of conversation in roaming costs almost 9 rubles, you will save at least 6 rubles. This is a noticeable difference, especially if you like to communicate a lot.

Service activation combination

The easiest way to enable this option is to correctly dial the desired combination of certain characters and numbers. It is best to use the hint that can be found on the company's website or in your MTS Personal Account.

Wherever you are at the time of connection to the tariff, the procedure is the same for the entire territory of our country.

  1. Just dial *111*3333#
  2. Press the call button and wait for the operator to answer.
  3. Take action.

Take advice! It is best to dial the combination on the phone, as this is a free procedure.

If you decide to send SMS to connect the service from another region, then the cost of such will be deducted taking into account roaming.

Difficulties may also arise through the Personal Account, as access to the Internet is required.