Scope of information and communication technologies. Report "Application of information and communication technologies (ICT) in technology lessons

Svetlana Durakova

The dissemination of work experience is presented to your attention.

« Use of information and communication technologies in educational activities»

Informatization society has significantly changed the practice of everyday life. In kindergarten, the same changes are reflected in a mirror.

Therefore, the purpose of our work at use of information and communication technologies in educational activities is, quality improvement education through active implementation in educational educational process of information technology.

At using ICTs solve such problems how:

Enhancement of cognitive, creative activities;

Achieving the goals of education and upbringing with the help of modern electronic teaching materials;

Skills development self-education and self-control;

Improving the comfort level of preschoolers;

Reducing didactic difficulties in children;

Increasing the activity and initiative of children both during GCD and in free activities

Acquiring computer skills.

How relevant is the topic use of information and communication technologies in education.

Our children now come to kindergarten, one might say, with the initial skills of mastering new technologies... Many of them know how to use gadgets better than you and I, teachers.

But, if the computerization of the school education in our country already has almost twenty years of history, in kindergarten the computer has not yet turned into a well-mastered tool for teachers. However, every year modern Information Technology more and more densely enter our life. Accordingly, we must keep up with the times, become guides for the child into this world of new technologies.

What is ICT?

The combination of ICT is associated with two types technologies: information and communication.

Information technology - a set of methods, ways and means of providing storage, processing, transmission and information display and focused on improving efficiency and productivity. At the present stage, methods, methods and means are directly interconnected with a computer. (computer technology) .

Communication technologies define methods, ways and means of human interaction with the external environment (communication, communication).

In these communications, the computer also takes its place. It provides, comfortable, individual, diversified, interaction of objects of communication.

By connecting information and communication technologies projecting them onto educational practice, it should be noted that the main task facing their implementation is the adaptation of a person to life in information society.

Information Technology, it is not only and not so much computers and their software.

ICT means using a computer, Internet, TV, video, DVD, CD, multimedia, audiovisual equipment, that is, everything that can provide ample opportunities for communication.

Where can ICT help the modern teacher in his work?

This is work with children, work with parents and work with teachers.

When creating a unified database of methodological and demonstration materials, the teacher has more free time.

Today many kindergartens are equipped with computer rooms. But so far absent:

Methodology use of ICT in the educational process,

Systematization of computer development programs,

Unified software and methodological requirements for computer studies.

To date, this is the only species activities not regulated by special educational program... Educators have to independently study the approach and implement it in their activity.

but usage ICT does not provide for teaching children the basics informatics and computer technology.

For us, this is before Total:

transformation subject development environment

Creation of new means of diversified development of children

using new visibility

So way, use of information technology in the educational process, not only expedient, but will also allow you to achieve one of the goals that it sets for teachers "Concept of modernization education» - preparation of a versatile developed personality.

So how am I in my work I use information and communication technologies:

In its activities I have highlighted the following directions use of ICT that are available to work with preschoolers:

Creation of presentations;

Working with Internet resources;

usage ready-made training programs;

For this I I use a variety of equipment:

TVs with DVD set-top boxes,


Multimedia projector


Record player

Video and camera

Working with parents use presentations for leisure, theatrical performances, children's parties and parenting assemblies.

Working with children: organizing direct educational activities, joint activities of a teacher with children viewing multimedia.

Selection of illustrative material for classes, design of parenting corners, transformation subject-developing environment of the group, information material for the decoration of stands, folders-moving.

Selection of additional cognitive material for classes, acquaintance with scenarios of holidays and other events.

Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, developments of other teachers.

In preparation for classes, when searching for material regularly I use Internet resources where a variety of pedagogical technologies, experiences of educators, the most varied visual, music and video material.

Formation of group documentation (lists of children, information about parents, diagnostics of child development, monitoring the implementation of the program, etc., reports. I use the digital version of writing thematic schedules. Planning is carried out in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

The computer will allow you not to write reports and analyzes every time, but it is enough to type the diagram once and then only make the necessary changes.

Create Power Point presentations to improve efficiency educational lessons with children and pedagogical competence of parents in the process of parenting assemblies.

Design of booklets, business cards of the group, materials in various directions activities.

Creation of e-mail, maintaining your own section on the website of the preschool educational institution.

Let's not forget that when organizing a child's work on a computer, many factors must be taken into account. The computer develops many intellectual skills, but we must not forget about the norm.

Sanitary standards:

Continuous duration of work with a computer in developing game activities

For children 5 years old should not exceed 10 minutes

For children 6-7 years old - 15 minutes

For children with chronic pathology, who are often ill (more than 4 times a year, after suffering illnesses for 2 weeks, the duration of training with a computer should be reduced:

For children 5 years old to 7 minutes,

For children 6 years old - up to 10 minutes.

To reduce the fatigue of computer studies, it is necessary to ensure a hygienically rational organization of the worker places: the furniture matches the child's height, a sufficient level of illumination.

The video monitor screen should be at eye level or slightly below, at a distance of at least 50 cm.

A child wearing glasses should study at the computer in them. Unacceptable usage one computer for the simultaneous study of two or more children.

Classes of children with a computer are carried out in the presence of a teacher or parent.

So way, I come to the conclusion that they contribute to a better assimilation of the material, help to study the necessary material in a playful, fabulous way. Besides information and communication technologies help to increase cognitive interest, activate mental activities of children. Use of information technology helps the teacher increase the motivation of children to learn.

I think that use of modern information and communication technologies in teaching preschoolers expedient... This allows for a short time allotted for directly educational activities, to cover the material more broadly, to present it more interesting and relevant. In addition, cartoon and video materials are perceived by children with pleasure, the assimilation of knowledge takes place in a relaxed manner.

Thank you for your attention!

Olga Gracheva
The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process

The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.

One of the priorities of modern education is the use of information and communication technologies(ICT) in educational process... This is largely due to the fact that a computer enters a child's life from an early age, exerting both a positive and a negative impact on the formation of his personality.

Use of information and communication technologies in kindergarten is an urgent problem of modern preschool education.

The child's brain perceives knowledge in the form of entertainment programs on television, it will be much easier to perceive what is proposed in the lesson information with the help of media.

It should be understood that ICT is not only and not so much computers and their software. This implies using a computer, The Internet, TV, video, DVD, CD, multimedia, audiovisual equipment, that is, everything that can provide ample opportunities for communication.

The computer can be used at all stages: both in preparation for the lesson and in learning process: when explaining (administered) new material, consolidation, repetition, control of knowledge, abilities, skills.

Usage ICT for the education and development of preschool children can be roughly divided into direct and indirect.

Mediated learning and development - usage a teacher of ICT tools for maintaining documentation, in preparation for conducting a GBR, etc.

The computer can provide an invaluable service to educators and "advanced" parents in drawing up all kinds of action plans with the help of organizer programs, keeping an individual diary of the child, recording various data about him, the results of diagnosing the child's development. The opportunities provided by online electronic resources allow solving a number of problems that are relevant for specialists working in the preschool system. education... Sites like

http: // lessons

Games, puzzles, magic tricks

We play There are puzzles and coloring books, but most of all - all kinds of educational games: cognitive, logic and thinking, attention and memory, mathematical. Children's games online Educational games are grouped into several sections: “We play and learn”, “Putting together a picture”, “Coloring pages and drawings”, “Developing attention and memory”, “Games for kids”. Golopuz Educational online games for the little ones holopubbies: puzzles, finding differences and the like. Smart child For very little ones - nursery rhymes, finger games, lovers and the like, for older children - poems, riddles, tongue twisters, counting rhymes, coloring books. Miracle girl: games online Developing games. Starring pink ponies, smurfs and other baby scum. Internet gnome Educational games for preschool children will help in teaching counting and comparison skills, introduce children to geometric concepts, and help them learn the alphabet.

Teremok - and many others allow you to download games or use them as samples to create your own games. There are sites containing information about writers and poets, collected works designed to be viewed electronically. With the help of various libraries, you can quickly find the necessary book (http: // detskiy - and many others).

Direct learning - usage in joint activities with children of educational programs and multimedia presentations.

Usage such programs allow not only to enrich knowledge, use a computer for a more complete acquaintance with objects and phenomena that are beyond the child's own experience, but also to increase the child's creativity; the ability to operate with symbols on the monitor screen helps to optimize the transition from visual figurative to abstract thinking; usage creative and directing games creates additional motivation in the formation educational activities; individual work with a computer increases the number of situations that a child can solve independently.

There are several directions use of ICT... One of them is the social - personal, patriotic education of preschoolers. This task in today's complex world is one of the main ones. We must teach pupils to be kind, tolerant, sympathetic, loving all people. To do this, you need to start small - to teach preschoolers to love and respect their parents, loved ones, and the Motherland. Information technology helps us, teachers, in solving these problems. Pupils of senior preschool age can be offered social and moral work on the computer. This is your own courtyard, a portrait of your family, and your favorite street in your hometown. The children continue to draw or build these drawings with a teacher in a group or at home with their mother. Such work can be done on different topics. The main thing is that they teach good and keep children clean. Then Information Technology will not be associated with aggressive games among preschoolers.

ICT plays an important role in the development of artistic, aesthetic and creative abilities of preschoolers. Special computer programs allow you to create amazing creative drawings, projects, plots. But the most important thing is that the pupils continue to create everything conceived and implemented on the computer with their own hands in their own activities. This approach opens up wide opportunities for preschoolers in computer and practical, productive creativity.

In modern conditions, with the widespread introduction of new information technologies the problem of the development of the speech of a preschool child remains relevant. After all, the further mastery of knowledge and full-fledged development depends on the level of development of his speech abilities. Many will agree that modern parents read little and reluctantly to their children, do not encourage them to speak in dialogue, therefore, the speech of preschoolers is not particularly expressive, they are limited to monosyllabic answers. Due to the underdevelopment of speech, the poverty of the vocabulary, pupils often lose interest in speech development classes, there is no educational motivation. In such conditions, comes to our aid use of computer technology as one of the sources of motivation. The possibilities of the computer are inexhaustible here. It allows you to immerse preschoolers in a certain game situation, do directly educational activities that are more meaningful, interesting, attractive and truly modern. ICT can use such directions:

Development of coherent speech (retelling of the text based on a series of plot pictures);

Literacy training (formation of skills in phonemic analysis);

Work on sound pronunciation (articulatory gymnastics, sound automation, differentiation of sounds and letters);

Formation of lexical and grammatical categories (word formation, inflection);

Correctional and health-improving direction (games for the development of general and fine motor skills).

Another possibility of using ICT in educational the activity of a preschool teacher, which is more widely used by us, is an electronic type of materials for preparing assignments for independent work of preschoolers. Often, printed notebooks, so beloved by children, parents and teachers, contain errors, sometimes quite gross. Usage ordinary scanner and printer, as well as basic skills in any graphics editor allows you to solve these problems. The teacher can choose exactly those tasks that correspond to the topic and tasks of the lesson, arrange them in the desired sequence, correct something in their content, design, correct errors, print in the required quantity and save in electronic form in order to return to them if necessary.

The scanner helps pupils to become full-fledged participants in the creation of a slideshow for demonstration in process preliminary work with the introduction of a new role-playing game for the children. Children always willingly bring their favorite books from home (so that the teacher read them in the group, drawings, toys. Therefore, they will willingly bring pictures on a given topic. Then, together with the teacher, the picture is scanned and inserted into a slide show. When showing the finished material, everyone the child recognizes his picture, which, of course, causes a storm of emotions.So, involving children directly in the creation of various kinds of multimedia resources, we turn them from an object of our pedagogical efforts into a subject educational activities, this is especially true for older preschool children who can almost independently (with the help of parents) create your presentation.

Parents of pupils are active participants in educational educational process at preschool educational institution... Cooperation with the child's family in matters using ICT at home, especially the computer and computer games, is an important area of ​​work. In accordance with this direction, the teaching staff can conduct consultations for the parents of pupils, master classes, actively use visual information, conduct themed parenting meetings on the issue: "A child in the world information technologies» where, in a casual conversation, teachers can show certain computer games, demonstrate how they affect the development of logical thinking, orientation in space, etc. Thanks to the capabilities of multimedia equipment, teachers can show videos of lessons. Parents have the opportunity to see how their child is managed with modern technique and what results he achieved. Be sure to emphasize that parents are not outside observers, but active assistants to teachers and allies of children. On the meetings, during individual conversations, consultations, the success of children is discussed, specific recommendations are offered.

Thanks to use of ICT, you can organize a new form of interaction with the parents of the group - "Parental Email" considered in the network information and educational space as a means of remote communication.

With the help of e-mails with attached sound files, you can actively prepare for cultural and leisure activities: children memorizing poems, songs, listening to musical works, singing songs to phonograms that the parent receives to his email address from the teachers of the preschool educational institution. This work has especially proven itself in conditions when, for a number of reasons, the pupils did not attend kindergarten (chickenpox epidemic, severe frosts, and there is little time left to prepare for matinees. E-mail creates an opportunity for parents to communicate with teachers, provide advice on education and correction) Speech of preschoolers This is especially in demand by parents who, for a number of reasons, do not have the opportunity to meet with teachers in person.

So, the use of information technology allows you to make the process education and development of an early child is quite simple and effective, frees the teacher from routine manual work, opens up new opportunities for early education.

The practical part.

Demonstration of the creation of games for the development of speech, according to FEMP. Demonstration of downloaded games and their use on different types of GCD... Invite educators to create a game on an interactive whiteboard themselves.

Questioning. The objectives of this survey are to defining:

Ways for educators to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills

The level of ICT skills among educators of different age categories

Fields of ICT application in professional activity

Conditions under which usage ICT would be optimally organized for all teachers

Methodological support opportunities ECE information process.

Dear teacher, please answer the proposed questions

1. How many years have you worked in preschool education?

From 3 to 5 years old

5 to 10 years old

10 to 15 years old

15 to 20 years old

Over 20 years

2. Your education

Higher pedagogical (preschool)

Higher pedagogical

Secondary pedagogical (preschool)

Secondary vocational

Other ___

3. Do you own information and communication technologies?

Advanced user

Confident user

Simple user

I do not own

Other ___

4. What technical do you own the funds?


Record player (CD-player)

Video recorder

DVD player

Video camera




Multimedia projector




interactive whiteboard

Flash card (memory cards)

5. How are you use information and communication technologies?

On one's own

With the help of colleagues

With the help of relatives, friends

Microsoft Word text editor (1 2 3 4)

Spreadsheets Microsoft Excel (1 2 3 4)

Microsoft PowerPoint Electronic Presentations (1 2 3 4)

Graphic editor Paint (1 2 3 4)

Multifunctional graphics editor Photoshop (1 2 3 4)

Internet browsers (Explorer, Mozilla, FireFox, Google Chrome)

(1 2 3 4)

1- Yes; 2 - no; 3 - not fully; 4 - would like to learn

7. In what types of your professional activities are you use computer technology?

Working with children's lists

Drafting family information

Preparation of the necessary didactic aids, handouts, subject and plot pictures, masks, paraphernalia for outdoor games, theatrical activities and much more.

Creation of various forms of documents (timesheets, announcements, polls, questionnaires)

Parent corners decoration ( scanning technology, creation and graphic image processing, technologies for creating and processing text information)

Search for the necessary professional literature

Creation of all kinds of folders, stands, folders, slides, etc.

Accompanying GCD, leisure and gaming activities with visual materials through presentations, electronic quizzes and video files (including cartoons)

Design and presentation of project activities

Create videos, animated presentations

Creation of animated films

Using your interactive whiteboard

Creation of a personal website for the teacher

Participation in pedagogical Internet contests, projects

Subscription to professional electronic Internet publications

Placing your publications on the Internet

Participation in professional Internet communities

Professional development through webinars, distance learning, professional Internet conferences

Communication of the parental community via the Internet (forums, counseling, recommendations, organization of joint leisure activities)

Using email

Formation of your own media library, electronic library of preschool educational institutions

Work and diagnostics of pupils

Information maintenance of the official website of the preschool educational institution

8. Do you think that usage ICT greatly facilitates preparation for classes and allows diversify forms and methods of organizing educational educational process?

I am at a loss to answer

9. Have the preschool educational institutions created conditions for use of computer technology?

I am at a loss to answer

10. What problems arise when use of information and communication technologies?

Insufficient material equipment of preschool educational institutions

Lack of scheduled time for use ICT in preparation for classes, leisure activities.

There is not enough knowledge and skills to use ICT in professional activities

Insufficient methodological support ECE information process

11. What kind of help would you like to receive with the aim of comfortable use ICT in professional activities?

Training in specialized computer courses

Conducting workshops in preschool educational institutions for selected programs

Individual counseling

Distance learning


The article discusses the theoretical and practical foundations for the implementation of information and communication technologies in the educational process. The analysis of theoretical and methodological approaches to the implementation of information and communication technologies was carried out, on the basis of which expert and constructive problems were solved. The expert problem describes the initial prerequisites for the use of new information and communication technologies. Solving the design problem, a descriptive model was proposed. The descriptive model presents the learning process using technical means created on the basis of information and communication technologies, considers the principles of its functioning, development trends of the world educational process, types of programs used in the educational process. The tasks arising from the requirements of information training are formulated. A model of the use of modern technical teaching aids is described, in which direct (teacher-student) and reverse (student-teacher) relationships are established. The advantages and disadvantages of the introduction of information and communication technologies are shown.

distance learning process

means of education

information and communication technology

1. Zenkina S.V. Pedagogical foundations of the orientation of the information and communication environment to new educational results: author. dis. ... doct. ped. Sciences: 13.00.02 - Moscow. - 2007 .-- 48 p. [Electronic resource] - Access mode (date accessed: 15.04.13).

2. Parkhomenko E.I. Application of modern information technologies in teaching students technical disciplines: Cand. ped. sciences // Problems and prospects for the development of education (II): materials of the Intern. correspondence course scientific. conf. (Perm, May 2012). - Perm: Mercury, 2012 .-- 190 p.

3. Prikhodko V. Training of teachers of technical disciplines in accordance with international requirements / V. Prikhodko, A. Soloviev // Higher education in Russia. - 2008. - No. 10. - P. 43–49.

5. Kholodkova I.V. Didactic conditions for the integration of full-time and distance learning: dis. ... Cand. ped. Sciences: 13.00.01 / GOU VPO Mosk. state region un-t. - M., 2009 .-- 169 p.

Today, the processes of change in the education system are associated with the introduction of new educational technologies. Along with the traditional education system, a new form of education is also successfully developing - distance learning. Distance learning, while preserving educational technologies, methods, forms and means of traditional education, makes extensive use of the educational massifs of the Internet, information and communication technologies.

Equipping the educational system with information and communication technologies is one of the tasks of modernizing the Russian education system. The education system is being integrated into the networked world, approaching the growing needs of the country's economic development. The processes of creating a common economic space of European countries have intensified the processes of globalization and modernization of the education system in Russia; This is evidenced by the Bologna process, the development of which has acquired a certain strength in the Russian educational space.

The variability of content, organizational forms, teaching methods depending on the cognitive needs, interests and abilities of students is important at all stages of education. Therefore, in order to achieve the quality of education, it is necessary to introduce new forms of education in basic, secondary and higher schools. In this regard, distance learning and its technologies are of particular relevance.

Information and communication technologies are technologies designed for the joint implementation of information and communication processes.

Information technology is a set of processes and methods for searching, collecting, storing, processing, presenting, disseminating information and ways to implement such processes and methods.

Communication technologies are the processes and methods of transferring information and the ways of their implementation.

The use of modern information and communication technologies allows you to organize optimal interaction between a student and a teacher in order to achieve a learning result and involves the simultaneous use of:

  • means of visualization of problematic content,
  • means of programmed learning and control.

The means of visualization of the problematic content is the establishment of a direct teaching connection between the teacher and the student (Fig. 1). Means of programmed teaching and control - establishing a feedback control connection between a student and a teacher (Fig. 2).

Rice. 1. Means of visualization of problematic content.

Rice. 2. Means of programmed learning and control

When introducing information and communication technologies, the following problems arise:

    Organization of the educational process using a computer;

    By what means and how to monitor knowledge, assess the level of consolidation of skills and abilities;

    What information and communication technologies to use for the implementation of the set pedagogical and didactic tasks.

To transform a curriculum into information and communication technology in a distance learning environment, a teacher must have an idea of ​​the subject area, be able to systematize knowledge, use teaching methods correctly, be well informed about the possibilities of information and communication technologies, know the computer tools that can be used to achieve one or another didactic device. In addition, the teacher must have an idea of ​​the hardware and software that he will use to create an educational and methodological complex (TMC), and with what technical and software tools he will support the educational process as a whole.

The use of modern information and communication technologies meets the most important trends in the development of the world educational process. To meet educational needs, the teacher is required not only knowledge and skills to apply modern pedagogical technologies, but also possession of progressive methods and means of modern science. Therefore, to increase the efficiency of the learning process, it is necessary to master modern information and communication technologies not only for students, but also for teachers.

The teacher implements the educational process with the help of materials, which are usually called teaching aids. The teaching aids include technical, communication, information teaching aids, didactic material, etc. In connection with the widespread introduction of broadband Internet, teaching aids have changed significantly. The modern learning process is unthinkable without such technical means as: educational electronic publications; computer training systems; educational audio and video materials, virtual laboratory and practical work and much more.

In conditions of an avalanche-like information flow that has poured into a person, it is necessary to maximally use all the channels of students' perception. For this, more attention should be paid to the visual component of the theoretical and practical course, and the auditory component (the lecturer's voice) is of secondary importance.

Electronic study guides contribute to the most detailed and detailed presentation of the studied material, breaking it into small blocks with optimal information richness and clarity, as well as to combine the specified division into small blocks with structuring. In addition, electronic tutorials allow you to use features that are not available for ordinary posters - this is the animation of individual elements, the use of audio and video elements.

With the integrated application and use of information and communication technologies in the environment of distance education, an important aspect is the use of information and communication tools for the development of teaching materials and complexes on all topics of the course. Educational and methodological materials and complexes created in this way help students to correctly understand the essence of the problem and find ways to solve it, and not be just a means of transmitting educational information.

The introduction of electronic educational, methodological and video materials into the educational process contributes to the emergence of new educational methods and forms of classes based on electronic means of processing and transmitting information. But, despite the variety of technical means and technologies used in the educational process, it should be noted that the quality of training depends, first of all, on the perfection of the educational material, the form of its presentation and the organization of the educational process.

So, for example, when developing a model of e-learning materials, it is necessary to take into account:

1) the teaching aid should set the rhythm of the passage of the material and have special audiovisual means of controlling the perception of the material;

2) the dynamics of the presentation of the text is set by the teacher (this happens either in advance during the development of educational material, or in the process of demonstration);

Currently, several types of computer programs are used in teaching:

    Test programs;

    Training programs;

    Control and training programs;

    Multimedia textbooks;

    Multimedia encyclopedias.

The use of computer programs allows the creation of interactive teaching aids with a high degree of visibility, for example, the use of an audio marker to indicate fundamental educational questions. This contributes to the strengthening of the emotional background of education, the expansion of the potential for the individualization of education, the provision of a wide area of ​​contacts with students, and provides a wide field for active independent activity of students. Practice shows that the use of such teaching aids helps to increase the motivation of students.

We have formulated some tasks that follow from the requirement of informatization of education.

1. The student must master a complex of knowledge, skills and abilities, develop such personal qualities that will ensure the successful fulfillment of professional tasks and comfortable functioning in an information society, in which information is a decisive factor in labor efficiency.

2. Increasing the level of training of specialists by improving teaching technologies and widespread introduction of electronic teaching aids and technologies into the educational process.

Learning with the help of technical means created on the basis of information and communication technologies allows you to visualize educational material, increase the interactivity of learning, provide access to new sources of knowledge and conduct operational control of the student's assimilation of the material.

A new situation arises when the student himself selects the most ergonomic characteristics of the studied material for him personally. He has the ability to independently recreate any text obtained from the database of electronic educational video materials, illustrating it, selecting the necessary arguments, building them into a certain logic of evidence, reflecting his own point of view, the way of his thought.

Today, modern education can no longer be imagined without such information technologies as e-courses, electronic libraries, the latest teaching aids and knowledge transfer technologies.

Our empirical experience shows that the diversity of the educational environment improves the efficiency of the learning process, taking into account the individual capabilities of each student, his interests, inclinations, subjective experience accumulated in the process of life and learning. Highlighting two main ideas: the need for a variety of learning environments; the requirement to individualize learning, adapt it to the cognitive needs and interests of students - it becomes clear that both the first and second ideas can be effectively solved using information and communication technologies (ICT).

It should be remembered that the introduction of information and communication technologies in education has its drawbacks (Table 1), the solution of which requires a special approach to minimize psychological and physiological factors.

Despite the disadvantages described in the table, I would like to note that computer teaching tools create an environment that motivates students to more intensively analyze the subject under study, put forward their ideas and offer their own vision of the problems under consideration. In addition, computer-based teaching aids are tools that help students not only form their own ideas, but also transform them. Educational environments based on computer teaching aids initiate activities in which students construct their own knowledge, and do not perceive the world as the textbook and teacher interpret it for them.

For the development of these areas, modern information technologies are used, with the help of which information and educational environments are created, on the basis of which the distance learning process and education management in general are carried out. An information and educational environment created on the basis of information and communication technologies (ICT), including on the basis of training systems, has a number of advantages over traditional means:

    The ability to organize the educational process on the basis of an individually oriented approach;

    It is possible to implement both level (basic, professional, advanced levels of mastering educational programs) and profile differentiation;

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of information and communication technologies



1. Using computers to intensify the educational process

Deterioration of students' health (deterioration of vision, cardiovascular diseases, scoliosis, etc.)

2. Solving the problem of employment of children and youth (computer games, Internet)

Internet addiction with consequences in the form of deterioration in health and mental disorders

3. The ability to communicate with peers and with residents of the entire planet (sites "Vkontakte", "Odnoklassniki", "My World", etc.)

The opportunity to find yourself in a dysfunctional Internet environment (dangerous blogs, dating sites, etc.)

4. Unlimited Internet Communications

The problem of social infantility in the native society, maladaptiveness to life, social immaturity

5. More democratic, open, "clean" forms and technologies of training and knowledge control (testing, online training, etc.)

One-sided control and limited opportunities to identify personal qualities and level of knowledge in the learning process

6. The need for widespread introduction of distance learning technologies

Lack of legal and regulatory framework for distance learning.

Distance learning is based on the following regulations, many of which are outdated today.

1. Order of the State Committee for Higher Education of the Russian Federation of June 17, 1996 No. 1062 "On the establishment of a center for information and analytical support of the distance education system."

2. Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated August 26, 2003 No. 985-24 "On the calculation of the maximum number of students using distance learning technologies" (outdated).

3. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 06.05.2005 No. 137 "On the Procedure for Using Distance Education Technologies" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 02.08.2005 No. 6862).

The use of information and communication technologies in a distance learning environment for the professional training of future specialists makes it possible to improve the quality of education, develop the creative abilities of students, as well as teach them to think independently and work with educational material, which contributes to their further continuous improvement throughout their life.

The student ceases to be a passive listener and is involved in active cognitive activity, and the teacher becomes the coordinator of the educational process.

Thus, didactic assessments of these new and unusual teaching aids are contradictory - from enthusiastic claims of a revolution in education to a dismal statement of low performance and uselessness. It can be expected that video tutorials will be useful where a figurative, emotional presentation of factual material is required, but with their help it is difficult to develop skills and abilities, therefore it is advisable to use them in combination with traditional material.


Pomelov VB, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Vyatka State Humanitarian University, Kirov.

Alexandrova N.S., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Pedagogy, NOU VPO "Vyatka Socio-Economic Institute", Kirov.

Bibliographic reference

Yamenko O.P. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN THE ENVIRONMENT OF DISTANCE EDUCATION // Modern problems of science and education. - 2013. - No. 4 .;
URL: (date of access: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences"

The goals, methods, means associated with the dissemination of new ways of working with information, modern means of communication are changing, traditional didactic means are being improved and new ones, in particular, information and communication technologies, are emerging. At present, the use of information and communication technologies, both copyrighted (acquired) and developed by the teacher himself, has firmly entered the pedagogical lexicon.

The expression information and communication technologies is understood as an information source containing graphic, text, digital, speech, music, video, photo and other information aimed at realizing the goals and objectives of modern education. The inclusion of ICT in the learning process becomes necessary and inevitable, and makes the learning process mobile, strictly differentiated and individual.

The use of information and communication technologies makes it possible:

  • apply game moments when explaining new material or when monitoring students' knowledge on the topic studied;
  • make wider use of clarity when explaining new material;
  • make a lesson at a more modern level;
  • to increase the motivation of students to the studied subject;
  • compilation of computer developments by students is an element of research activities.

Today it is impossible to imagine a modern lesson without the use of information and communication technologies. Modern computer equipment acts as a means of organizing and equipping the educational process:

  • as a tool for creating information and methodological materials and documents (plans, lecture notes, methodological developments);
  • as a means of providing visibility (presentation);
  • as a means of information retrieval;
  • as a means of information processing (building diagrams, graphs);
  • as a means of storing information (databases, methodological developments);
  • as a means of communication.

It is worth noting that lessons using a computer made it possible to:

  • improve the quality of mastering the material by 15–20%;
  • reduce the time for learning a new topic by 2-4 lessons.
  • automate computational and grammatical skills in a shorter period of time (1.5-2 times).
  • to reduce the number of errors by 5-10% in the tests of students.
  • increase the speed of work completion (2/3 of the class do the work in 15–20 minutes), make the lessons emotional and memorable;
  • implement an individual approach;
  • to strengthen the independence of schoolchildren;
  • change the nature of the interaction between teacher and student;
  • objectively assess the knowledge of students;
  • improve the quality of visibility.

The use of information and communication technologies has become an integral part of modern culture, including in the field of education. Increasingly, the applied nature of the use of ICT recedes before its educational and developmental opportunities. Possession of them allows you to more fully realize the personal potential of each child, opens up great opportunities in the teacher's practical activities.

The main goals of information and communication technologies in primary school:

  • create conditions for a deeper, high-quality productive assimilation by students of the main issues of the primary school course, the development of intellectual and cognitive activity;
  • to ensure the development of educational and practical activities of students aimed at the formation of relevant skills;
  • reflect in the tasks information from the surrounding reality, expanding the possibilities of using the skills formed in the course;
  • to develop the combinatorial abilities of students, attention, flexibility of thought processes, the ability to compare, analyze;
  • to form logical thinking, memory, the ability to subordinate attention to the execution of tasks;
  • develop the ability to generalize, the ability to listen, reason, think, find answers using existing knowledge.

From my own experience, given that the main activity of children of seven to ten years old is play, I became convinced that the use of ICT in the classroom in primary school contributes not only to the enrichment of the vocabulary, but also to the quality of assimilation. As you know, in children of primary school age, visual-figurative thinking prevails. And new technical means put on the studied material in a modern and exciting form, become an active stimulator of the cognitive process of younger schoolchildren.

Taking into account the different level of preparation of schoolchildren, differences in the development of memory, thinking, attention, the teacher, nevertheless, is forced to focus on the average level of readiness of students.

As a result, most students are quite active in the lesson. Everyone knows the problems that arise with the education of schoolchildren who have a higher or, conversely, a low level of mental activity, as well as those who miss classes due to illness. One of the ways to successfully teach these categories of students can be the use of computer training systems in the classroom. A combination of traditional teaching methods and modern information and communication technologies can help the teacher in solving this difficult task.

The use of information and communication technologies in the classroom in primary school.

In my work, I use ICT almost every day, because One of the obvious advantages of such lessons is the enhancement of visibility, which contributes to the education of the artistic taste of students, the improvement of their emotional sphere. The educational effect of the lessons with media support is enhanced by sound illustrations, musical accompaniment, animated and sound effects. These effects are accompanied by questions of a developmental nature, which cause students to dialogue, comment on what is happening. As a primary school teacher, I use information and communication technologies in various forms in the classroom. This is the accompaniment of the explanation of the material by the presentation, the use of video clips, pictures, drawings, diagrams, and other media objects when explaining. I use them in interactive, innovative teaching methods: the creation of educational mini-projects, the rational search for information on the Internet, the use of ICT materials to confirm the proposed educational hypotheses. ICTs are used at all stages of the learning process: to update knowledge, when explaining new material, at the stage of consolidating and improving knowledge, skills and abilities, repetition, control, for preparing homework.

The use of information and communication technologies facilitates and simplifies the process of studying the material and makes it interesting to control the assimilation of what has been learned.

In the lessons of mathematics, the Russian language and the outside world in grades 1-4, when studying various sections, I use the following digital resources:

1. Virtual school "Cyril and Methodius" - lessons in elementary school (Russian language, mathematics and the world around). In these digital educational resources, I am attracted by well-presented theoretical material, its professionalism and logical presentation; interesting and understandable test tasks to check the assimilation of the studied material.

2. Methodological manual with an electronic application, "Master class for primary school teachers (grades 3-4) in the Russian language, mathematics, literary reading and the world around", Moscow Publishing house "Planet". This manual is a collection of lessons with a multimedia application for most of them in the form of presentations, video clips, tests. The application also contains interactive games for students in grades 3-4, which help me organize a frontal or individual test of students' knowledge in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.

In extracurricular activities, as well as in preparation for the final certification in the form of tests (integrated tests), I use and recommend to students: control and measuring materials (Final certification at the end of primary school) LLC Publishing House "Teacher", Volgograd, 2014. The theoretical sections in this resource are based on the entrance examination program. Each section is supplemented with test items with detailed answers, tests for self-assessment of knowledge are proposed, to which tables with correct answers are given.

In the lessons of the surrounding world and Kuban studies, the use of ICT is even more expedient:

  • bright photos of animals and plants,
  • dynamic models make it possible to better understand the course of biological processes and phenomena,
  • conducting quizzes and contests,
  • a wide field for the project activities of students.

In extracurricular activities, as well as in preparation for the final assessment in the form of tests, I use and recommend to students:

  • lessons for elementary school of Cyril and Methodius;
  • Great Soviet Encyclopedia;
  • The Great Encyclopedia of Russia;

In preparing for the lesson, I widely use presentations composed by me, colleagues, students, which reflect theoretical material, various experiments, tests, tests and answers to them, quizzes, crosswords in all subjects.

The gaming computer environment, connecting with a specific educational task, allows the child to learn the material, as it were, imperceptibly for himself and at the same time, which is very important to apply the knowledge gained in practical activities, mobilizing his skills and abilities, develops initiative and creativity; develops memory and concentrates attention.

Particular attention is paid to ICT, created with the aim of consolidating the concepts of significant dates "City Day", "February 23", "March 8", "Cosmos", "VOV". Teachers adjust them annually based on the capabilities of their class. I use the creation of presentations in the Power Point program to increase the effectiveness of educational activities with children and the pedagogical competence of parents in the process of parenting meetings. Moreover, the presentation can become a kind of plan for a lesson or event, its logical structure, i.e. can be used at any stage of the lesson. I have created a series of presentations for classes, holidays, parenting meetings.

For example

1. A poster, or a slide, is an analogue of a regular poster. Such a poster contains a definition, a rule or formulas, various images (for example, portraits, reproductions, photographs), as well as diagrams, tables, texts.

2. Poster - illustration - I create mainly on the basis of colorful encyclopedias that are available in the school library (for example, the world around).

3. The poster - the task - I use when studying a complex topic, I rely on a selection of questions and tasks, accompanied by colorful drawings.

4. Presentation - I use it in several formats: slide show, dynamic drawings, colored step by step using buttons, with narration. The presence of navigation allows displaying in the form of a dialogue. (Example. Presentation with voice-over).

5. Videos (animation) - I use them in so-called "video tours", for example, on the topic "Birds", "Human structure", etc.

6. Illustrated training module - contains text and graphic parts, inextricably linked with each other.

7. An interactive drawing in which information unfolds depending on the user's control.

8. Test assignments - I use to control the knowledge of students.

I use independently developed multimedia presentations, as well as ready-made (multimedia lessons, electronic textbooks, interactive simulators, encyclopedias, etc.). Using Internet sites, I select visual material for my lessons: pictures, photographs, audio files, sound effects, video files, films.

The presentation allows me to illustrate my story. This makes it possible not to overload the visual space, fixing attention on the object under study.

I effectively use presentations at various stages of the lesson, the visual perception of the studied objects allows you to quickly and deeper perceive the material being presented. When explaining a new topic, creating slides allows you to use animations to help you step through the learning material. Highlighting objects, moving them around the slide focuses students' attention on the main thing in the studied material, helps to draw up a plan of the topic being studied. This type of activity gives me the opportunity to show creativity, individuality, avoid a formal approach to teaching lessons.

I monitor students 'knowledge using MimioStudio: equipment for testing the quality of students' knowledge. I develop tests for control of knowledge in subjects independently. When carrying out control works, tests, independent work, each student answers these tasks and independently receives the result of his answer on the screen. There is an open, objective assessment of students' knowledge. This is very important for the child. He sees that the mark does not depend on the teacher's desire, but his real knowledge and skills are assessed. The fear of getting an assessment is removed. The student can see the percentage and quality of his knowledge.

Thus, we can state the fact that the use of a computer in teaching primary school students seems appropriate, and experience is in demand.

However, the use of ICT is not a goal, but a learning tool. Computerization should only concern that part of the educational process where it is necessary. But do not get immensely involved in ICT. After all, ill-considered use of a computer affects the health of children. The continuous duration of lessons from a PC should not exceed for students: 1 grade - 10 minutes; 2-4 classes - 15 minutes.

There is an absolutely free unified collection of digital educational resources on the Internet, which contains educational and methodological materials that orient teachers to the introduction of modern teaching methods based on the use of information and communication technologies. It included sets of digital resources for a large number of textbooks used in schools in Russia, various
thematic and subject collections, as well as other educational, cultural, educational and cognitive:

  1. - YaIRO (elementary school).
  2. - Children's portal "Sun".
  3. - children's fairy-tale magazine "Read it".
  4. - the portal of the Cyril and Methodius company.
  5. - book of fairy tales.
  6. - Children's World site. Children's songs, cartoons, riddles, etc.

Math lessons turn into a fascinating journey through the pages of famous fairy tales, as a result of which children imperceptibly learn the basics of mathematics, without feeling monotony and boredom. Thus, the unsuccessful course of the game due to gaps in knowledge encourages first graders to independently achieve knowledge in the game or seek help from a teacher.

In literacy classes I use multimedia games from the series "Lessons by Cyril and Methodius", "Alphabet for Kids". Together with the animated characters, my students get acquainted with the letters of the Russian alphabet, learn to recognize and construct letters, form words, sentences, relate a word to an object.

"Aunt Owl's Lessons" helps me to make my lessons bright, colorful, emotional. The fairy tale plot in the educational program leads to the fact that the children are looking forward to meeting with Aunt Owl. Traveling around the country of Letters, they gladly come to the aid of the inhabitants of the fairy forest. The motivation for teaching in such lessons is very high. In search of information, the multimedia encyclopedias of Cyril and Methodius, Big Encyclopedia, Children's Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia of Animals, Encyclopedia of Health, etc., come to the rescue. In these discs I use not only illustrations, videos, but also texts that are adapted for children's perception. When conducting combined lessons and lessons on the discovery of new knowledge, I use the multimedia textbook on all subjects "Lessons of Cyril and Methodius", discs of the series "Family Tutor", "Superchildren", etc. their isolated materials: video clips, sound files, animations, pictures, tables, graphs, diagrams.

I also use ICT during the current control of students' knowledge and the level of their mastery of the material. I use disks of the Trainer series on the Russian language, mathematics, the world around me, Phraza, Family Tutor and other programs with test systems.

I actively use Internet resources in my work, which are of the greatest value for widespread use in the educational process. These are educational Internet portals like.

Russian educational portal (, magazine "Primary school" (www. openworld/ schooi), newspaper "September 1" (www. lseptember. ru),, etc.

The use of information and communication technologies allows a differentiated approach to the learning process of primary schoolchildren, taking into account their individual characteristics, increases motivation, which contributes to the formation of a positive attitude towards learning, a creatively working teacher makes it possible to increase and diversify the amount of educational information. The lesson becomes bright, exciting, memorable, the teacher's prestige increases in the eyes of students and parents.

The computer is a powerful stimulus for the creativity of children, including the most infantile or disinhibited ones. The screen attracts attention, which we sometimes cannot achieve when working with a class frontally.

I have conducted a study of the attitude of children to the use of information and communication technologies in the classroom.

The survey was conducted according to the following criteria:

  • I love classes with showing cartoons and presentations;
  • I do not like classes with showing cartoons and presentations.

As a result, the students fell in love with classes using interactive tools 100%.

Some of the students in my class have a certain skill of working on a computer, and they are happy to make presentations themselves, so Polina Larkova prepared a presentation for the lesson of the world around

Information and communication technologies

in the education system

Dyatlova V.S.

The modern period of the development of society is characterized by a strong influence on it of computer technologies, which penetrate into all spheres of human activity, ensure the spread of information flows in society, forming a global information space. An integral and important part of these processes is the computerization of education.

The widespread use of computer technologies in the field of education in the last decade has caused increased interest in pedagogical science. A great contribution to solving the problem of computer technology of teaching was made by Russian and foreign scientists: G.R. Gromov, V.I. Gritsenko, V.F. Sholokhovich, O.I. Agapova, O.A. Krivosheev, S. Papert, G. Kleiman, B. Sendov, B. Hunter and others.

Information and communication technologies (ICT) - a set of methods, production processes and software and hardware integrated with the aim of collecting, processing, storing, distributing, displaying and using information in the interests of its users.[I, II]

With the appearance in the education process of such a component as informatization, it became expedient to revise its tasks. The main ones are:

    improving the quality of training of specialists through the use of modern information technologies in the educational process;

    the use of active teaching methods and, as a result, an increase in the creative and intellectual components of educational activities;

    integration of various types of educational activities (educational, research, etc.);

    adaptation of information technologies of teaching to the individual characteristics of the student;

    ensuring continuity and continuity in training and education;

    development of information technologies for distance learning;

    improving the software and methodological support of the educational process[ 3 ]

Educational ICT tools can be classified according to a number of parameters:

1. According to the solved pedagogical tasks:

    means providing basic training (electronic textbooks, training systems, knowledge control systems);

    practical training tools (problem books, workshops, virtual designers, simulation programs, simulators);

    auxiliary means (encyclopedias, dictionaries, reading books, developing computer games, multimedia training sessions);

    complex means (remote).

2. By functions in the organization of the educational process:

    information and training (electronic libraries, electronic books, electronic periodicals, dictionaries, reference books, training computer programs, information systems);

    interactive (email, electronic teleconferencing);

    search engines (catalogs, search engines).

3. By type of information:

    electronic and information resources with textual information (textbooks, study guides, problem books, tests, dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, periodicals, numerical data, program and educational materials);

    electronic and information resources with visual information (collections: photographs, portraits, illustrations, video clips of processes and phenomena, demonstrations of experiments, video tours; statistical and dynamic models, interactive models; symbolic objects: diagrams, diagrams);

    electronic and information resources with audio information (sound recordings of poems, didactic speech material, musical works, sounds of animate and inanimate nature, synchronized audio objects);

    electronic and information resources with audio and video information (audio and video objects of animate and inanimate nature, subject excursions);

