What is a landing page. What a landing page should look like: how to make a landing page

What is a landing page?

Landing page(aka "landing page") often means too many unrelated phenomena. This term is often called, built in such a way as to collect the most traffic and ensure the highest conversion within that traffic.

Yes, the expression is absolutely correct, but it doesn't have to be one page, because a site, for example, an online store, can have a lot of landing pages.

From a web analytics perspective, a landing page is the login page where traffic comes in.

Why do we need landing pages?

They create, as a rule, in matters of conversion optimization: when you need to motivate the user to take a targeted action. Conversion involves the process of performing certain targeted actions (buying, downloading, viewing, etc.), and the conversion rate is the percentage of users who have completed this very targeted action. This leads to a slight inaccuracy when it comes to naming them as “selling” pages, because selling is not the only targeted action.

Factors affecting conversion:

  • Traffic quality. TO It comes to the page where these people are from that they want to see on the site.
  • Interface. The design of the page should be done in such a way that all the necessary information is in front of your eyes.

It is worth noting that correct setting landing page increases the number of applications 5 - 10 times.

To achieve an increase in conversions, you need to properly optimize your landing pages.
A good landing page shouldn't have any distracting links, slurred (non-motivating) texts and overloaded forms.

How do I make the right landing page?

  1. Decide on your goals. What actions do you want from the user: sending an application, buying, viewing. These are the pivotal points.
  2. Write good text. The headline should be attractive and consistent search query user. Tell us about a product or service. How can you please the buyer, describe the benefits. For example, the headline “We sell reliable security systems in Voronezh” is better than “You have come to the right place”, etc. Remember that the text should be free of errors and typos.
  3. Design must grab attention. If you are selling something, it makes sense to show the product "face" and even better - to show it in use. Video and beautiful pictures hold attention.
  4. If the goal is for a user to submit a form, it should be prominently displayed. And so that it does not interfere with his general path of movement on the page. The targeted action should be where the gaze falls. Links to other products, beautiful pictures - everything that can motivate the visitor to look at your site further. The application form should only ask for mandatory information... Don't overload the form big amount fields. Leave only the necessary data for further processing. Mandatory: the form must give a response about successful (or unsuccessful, indicate reasons) submission.

An example of a good application form

And further:

  • Content should work to build trust.
  • Place logos of famous brands with whom you have collaborated, addresses, phone numbers - anything that can prove that you are real and you can be trusted.

Examples of high converting landing pages

Consider a landing page for a speech technique course:

  • Pay attention to the picture: the person is not looking at the headline with it, and this is another technique for managing attention. Pictures in themselves attract the eye, but if the model is looking not at you, but at the advertised object, you will unconsciously shift your gaze.
  • Benefits and guarantees are immediately given: getting rid of defects, a guarantee of the result after 6 sessions is indicated.
  • The presence of a price and the "Submit request" button on the main picture is also an important factor.

There is a small note: The "Course program" block itself is not a target part, however, it can draw the attention of users to itself so that users, having become interested in the program, may not scroll to the bottom of the page.

The contact page is designed taking into account the nearest metro station and time.

Here we see another form "Request a call". We do not miss a user who does not want to leave a request, we provide an alternative option.

Famous brand logos build trust.


And finally, we "catch" users who, having viewed the page to the end, do not want to scroll up.

Examples of far from the best landing pages

Now let's take a look at a slightly controversial landing page.

The site delivers pizza. Which has no photo ...

In addition to the fact that there is no photo of pizza, the site does not have the name of the restaurant, or the delivery service .. any name at all ...

Only by scrolling down can you see the text and at the very bottom of the phone. But the name is still nowhere to be found. Delivery? And just home delivery .. Secret, apparently.

I hope the article was helpful to you. I am waiting for questions in the comments.

What best resources Of the Internet do they do with their home pages? What design, marketing and functional elements allow you to effectively convert new visitors to subscribers or loyal customers? Does a beautiful landing page necessarily work well?

Curiously, in fact, ugly websites often convert better than resources with more advanced and trendy designs. Of course, this should not be taken as a rule, but from time to time such precedents happen and can present you with a lot of interesting marketing insights.

A typical example of a popular resource with a terrible design is Graigslist. As you can see, these are just a bunch of blue links grouped together, but this approach is paying off, because Graigslist has long been considered one of the most successful services on the web.

Below we touch on this delicate balance between ugly and beautiful design in more detail. For now, just try to remember that you don't have to create a cool modern landing page to make it effective.

Beautiful Landing Pages We Will Explore Today

This list contains cute landing pages that can teach us several important marketing lessons.

"The 3 Steps I Used To Build 4 Multimillion Dollar Businesses"

Neil Patel is a well-known entrepreneur, venture capital investor and analyst who constantly changes the look of his blog and landing page to increase conversions or give readers access to diverse offers.

The current version is one of the most effective he has ever used. This design showcases incredible high level conversions even though visitors need to provide a phone number in the lead form.

“Get instant free access to the training platform "

More recently, Chris Ducker - a successful serial entrepreneur, speaker and blogger - has moved to another platform and has implemented a brilliant new design... His landing page converts very well, and much of that was achieved thanks to a photo of Chris looking (literally) at the headline of his opt-in form. We will dwell on this example in more detail later.

"Exclusive: The Multi-Billion Dollar Future of Online Marketing"

This side project of business manager and entrepreneur Glen Allsop is exactly where improvement appearance landing page leads to a drop in results. Glen claims that his landing page conversion rates range from 45-64% depending on how it's structured.

So, an offer converts much better if it contains only White background with one single lead form and no scrolling.

“Become your best self. Free fitness plans for all fitness levels "

The current version of the landing page of this popular site is so well optimized that it can serve as a great example of how social proof should be used.

The company conducts split tests very often and constantly changes offers.

"We're here to make you look your best."

WPMU DEV develops its own WordPress plugins and themes and does it very efficiently. The landing page is carefully optimized to promote the offer, and below we will talk about what the team managed to do to push readers to study the site in more detail.

"Everything you need to send correct emails"

AWeber recently redesigned the landing page and, thanks to this, significantly increased the conversion rate. The team managed to create a page with beautiful design that really brings impressive results.

10 lessons these landing pages teach us

1. A clear call to action

One of the most important takeaways from the examples above is that your landing page should have a very clear call to action. If you can make it your only CTA, it's even better. The main thing is that the visitor goes to the site and immediately understands what is required of him. Don't confuse people with unnecessary sentences. Take an example from Marketing Inc and AWeber landing pages that expect one action from users.

2. Photos (eye contact)

Having good images is very important for a landing page. Almost all of the landing pages in question use very literate images to engage the audience. Chris Ducker surpassed the rest of the examples in this regard, as in the picture his gaze is fixed on the area to which he wants to attract the attention of visitors. In many cases, such a visual reference can significantly increase the conversion rate of a resource.

3. Mobile responsive differentiation

You hardly need to be reminded of this, but in 2016, the adaptation of the landing page to mobile devices is of tremendous importance. The number of people who read blogs on portable devices is growing rapidly, so you must make sure that they do not leave your site because of illegible text or poorly structured page.

Mobile responsive landing page often differs from the desktop version, because on different devices people tend to do different things. Take a look at the sites listed above from a smartphone and from a PC and you will see what interesting solutions these companies are using.

4. Well-planned branding

One of the hallmarks of all of these pages is clear branding. Colors, fonts, styles and images are consistent with each other and fit the purpose and audience. This approach makes sites appear more professional to visitors, which leads to higher conversions. Trust plays a very important role when you ask readers to leave an email, phone number or credit card... At the very least, you should test your landing pages and check them for errors.

5. Benefits (not just features)

One of the classic marketing sayings is that you should focus on the benefits, not the properties of the offer. Don't tell people all the nuances of your proposal - try to tell them how they will feel and what they will achieve in the end. Notice how the headline on Bodybuilding.com talks about "transforming yourself" instead of showing the exercise plan you have chosen. This is an extremely stimulating call.

6. Quality baits

Almost all good landing pages offer visitors some kind of bait to entice them to subscribe or get acquainted with the offer in more detail. Chris Ducker uses this method very effectively, marking every achievement that will be made available to his subscribers. It's hard to ignore such clear and compelling arguments.

7. Feeling of time

Go to the Marketing Inc website and you will see that there is a clock in the middle of the page that counts down to the next webinar. This is a proven marketing technique that evokes a certain sense of anxiety in visitors - they know they are running out of time and they take action. If you can include a truthful and helpful timer in your offer, it will likely increase your subscription base significantly.

8. Deficiency

Neil Patel provides a limited number of seats to participate in his live webiner. Like time constraints, scarcity encourages people to act because they are afraid of missing out on something of value. This feature of the psyche is literally built into our consciousness since the time when we were fighting for survival - feeling the opportunity to lose something, the brain sends signals that make us act quickly.

9. Social proof

Social proof in the form of "before and after" photos is quite common in the fitness industry - it's a simple and effective way to do it. Bodybuilding.com has based almost all of the content above the fold line on this concept, which makes you immediately want to click a button and reshape your body the way the people shown on the right did.

Remember that all images must be truthful, because in many countries the law prohibits falsifying such information. Even if few people subscribe to your blog, try to get a few real reviews from readers and other bloggers and place them in the most appropriate places on your page.

10. Signs of trust

Place a block with brand logos under your lead form to build the trust of new visitors. They will see other reputable companies and customers support you and provide you with their contact details without unnecessary fear. Keep in mind that many people are still afraid to leave their personal information on the Internet.

If you plan to use any of these methods on your landing page, be sure to test any changes you make to see if they have a positive effect. Remember, what works for one landing page can be disastrous for another.

How can I create a beautiful landing page?

You have three options for the development of events:

1. Do your own landing page redesign

If you are good at design, you can create a new landing page yourself, and then hire a competent layout designer and programmer to write the entire required code(or use). However, we do not recommend using this option if you do not understand what elements should be placed on the landing page for the best results.

2. Hire a professional designer

There are thousands of web designers at your service on the web today who can create a highly impressive landing page. A full-fledged individual project will cost you a couple of thousand dollars, but even simple development landing page design will bring noticeable results - especially if you contact our specialists.

3. Buy a ready-made template

The latter option is the simplest, cheapest, and most likely can bring you good results. Our site contains many high-quality themes that will help you save time and money on creating the most attractive landing page.

When you have your site, there will definitely be someone linking to it. For example, the search engine from which the user will go to your site. Will go over and what will he see? This is an important question, because it depends on its decision whether the user stays on the site or leaves it right there.

Landing page, landing page, landing page, landing page - what is it and how does it work? This is the very place where the visitor goes by using the link to your site. Something that will hook him and make him stay. Each site has examples of such pages.

Features of such a page

How should such a page look like on a website? Exactly how you want to influence the visitor. The whole point of such a page is in its maximum efficiency and rationality.

You need to manage to fit everything you need on it and not add anything superfluous. A clear understanding of the purpose for which the website was created will help to choose the right elements correctly.

If the landing page doesn’t push the visitor to take action, then it’s worthless. What should the user do? If the site is in a format like mine, for example, and it constantly appears on it, then the visitor must subscribe to updates.

The landing page of the virtual store pushes the user to immediately use it and buy something. Even a simple information site with its active page can encourage the user to dive deeper into the advertised information.

Simplicity is the key to success

A clear and concise call to action will work much better than a piece of text, even if it is informative. You need to think about this first of all, at the stage when the development is in progress. You can find more tips for preparing and building a website in.

The focus of the user on a specific action is important, so there should not be many such calls. Ideally, one. There is no need to offer to buy anything or place additional advertisements on the page where the visitor must register for a subscription. To go to additional information the best way is to place the buttons.

The correct approach to design

The landing page title should be simple and short. At the same time, its main task is to interest the user and make them stay on the page. Font size and legibility also play an important role in getting attention.

When there is a lot of additional text or explanatory pictures on the page, this can scare the user away. Extra text and pictures overload perception. An ideal landing page can be nearly blank, with a minimum of essential elements.

A simple design is best in my opinion. Use arrows or other guiding pictures to direct the user's gaze to the right place on the page.

How to optimize

There are some tricks to optimize this page. To force the user to stay on the page longer, often go there.

Effective method attract attention without overloading the user with additional activity. Flipped text, unusual color combinations, and other visual tricks also draw attention to itself.

If the page should contain fields for filling, there should not be too many of them. Then the user will not be deterred by the routine need to fill them in. And you don't have to mess around with html layout for a long time.

I know " »There are many more useful recommendations on this topic.

Following this simple tips you'll make a cool landing page that works effectively. And if you subscribe to my blog updates, don't miss the new ones. interesting articles which will appear here soon. Also in my group Vkontakte you can view the latest news directly from your page.

Landing page ... What do you think the first screen is telling the visitor? He whispers languidly: "You have come to the address ... Press, press this button as soon as possible ..." Or literally yells: "Go away! Get out of here as soon as possible !!! " The most interesting thing is that the difference between such options can be very small. But will you be able to notice it in time?

Today I would like to look with you at the first screens of two landing pages. Two sites of St. Petersburg real estate agencies offering visitors assistance in selling their real estate as soon as possible. When I was preparing this material, both of them were available for visiting (I hope they are available now).

Let's take a look at the main elements of the first screen:

  • Title.
  • Selling text.
  • Call.
  • Button.
  • Advantages.
  • General (first) impression.

Landing page: header.

What do we see? It would seem that everything is fine - there are facts, there are numbers. But something is missing ... What? Right. Specifics! What is this "14 days faster"? Faster than what? How do you like "16% more expensive"? Again - more expensive than what?

So it turns out that the headline, at first glance, is good and of high quality. And from the second - empty and incomprehensible ... Compare with another option:

There is a difference, right?

Output: try to make your title clear and specific, not causing unnecessary questions.

Landing page: selling text.

In the first example, the sales copy is not doing very well. Firstly, it is not enough. Secondly, it is loosely coupled. I would divide it into two blocks. Let's start in order.

We see all the same errors "Big" base - what does "big" mean? What does it give me? "Daily updated" database - the same question: how can this help me when selling an apartment. Who is included in this base? For what purpose is it updated daily?

"Estimating the cost over the phone in 10 minutes" - how is it? From my words? Enter the address in a search engine and see how much other similar apartments cost? So I can handle it myself - what is the advantage?

"Security Guarantee" - the deal may also be dangerous for me? What is it like? And what is the guarantee?

As a result, there are more questions than answers ... Moreover, they scared me at the end.

But let's move on to the second block.

Here, unfortunately, it is no better. What exactly is the discount for? For agency services? But why is it not indicated?

"Evaluation is free" - so about the evaluation it was written above ... Or the same "evaluation by phone in 10 minutes" could also be paid? Terrible…

In general, sheer frustration. Let's take a look at how the sales text on the second site is written.

Please note that here the text is a continuation of the heading. He not only reveals new benefits to site visitors, but justifies those benefits that were described in the title. Why are we selling at 20% more? Due to the system of pre-sale preparation. Why do we sell in 10 days? By using the hot customer base and because we will start selling in 2 hours. Everything is simple and nothing more.

Output: Your sales copy should be a continuation of the headline, revealing and deciphering it, and not the source additional questions unanswered.

Landing page: appeal.

Again, a free estimate ... Again, all the same questions. However, this is not the main disadvantage. The main disadvantage is that the call begins with the word "Leave." People don't like to leave. People love to receive. Never use this word in a call!

Here is "Making a deal as a gift" - it's good, it's strong. But, unfortunately, the beginning spoils everything ...

Everything is much simpler here. The word "Start" works much better, there is urgency - a good appeal, albeit without much frills. Solid "four".

Output: people like to receive and dislike to give. Make your call clear and concise and add urgency to it. And it will work!

Landing page: button.

Here you can see more than just a button. In addition to it, there are also two fields, and a text in small letters, and a link ... Never, do you hear? never! don't distract people from the button! The button is our everything, let your visitors easily click on it! Well, about "Leave" I said a little higher, remember?

Well, here again everything is simple, clear, laconic. There is even nothing to add.

Output: button is very important! The button brings you applications! Do not distract visitors from it, do not diffuse their attention. The simpler the better!

Landing page: benefits.

I warn you right away: the first site did not fit all the advantages on the first screen (although I have it quite large). So I consider only what fits.

As you can see, all benefits have one major mistake - there are properties, but no benefits. Do you remember that the main thing is the benefits that the buyer receives, and not the properties that we want to show off to him, right?

I will dwell on the last point separately. He seems to be the closest thing to profit. But why is the word "average" used here? How much will it take for me personally? Nobody cares about the average indicators, but everyone cares about what indicators will be when their apartment is sold. And where did the promised in the title “14 days faster” disappear? 25 - is it already without 14 days or is it still with them?

It's better here. There are already benefits. Of course, they could be improved ... For example, "You will not lose a single day thanks to 100% compliance with all agreements and deadlines" or "The agency's remuneration does not change in the course of work, so you can be sure that the agent will not try to charge you extra money". But the advantage format (two short lines) does not allow this.

Output: the benefits should be short, clear and, most importantly, profitable.

General (first) impression.

Let's now take a look at the first screens in full.

Do you think a lot of people in St. Petersburg sell such (or at least similar) apartments? It seems to me that no ...

Does this man look like a real estate agent? In my opinion, quite. I propose to jump straight to the conclusion.

Output: the task of the illustration on the selling page is not to add "beauty". Its main task is to show the visitor that he has got exactly where he wanted. And the “sales agent” copes with this much better than the “elite apartment”.

So, we considered two options for the first screen. What about your landing page? Which of these examples does her first screen look more like? If on the first - then you now know what to change. If on the second - then, I hope, you still found something useful for yourself and know what you need to do to increase the number of targeted applications attracted by your page!

P.S .: if this material was useful to you - write about it in the comments! I plan to continue to analyze the various selling pages (as well as their individual elements) and I will be glad if you send links to those sites, the analysis of which you would like to see.

What is a landing page and what are its features? How to quickly create a cool landing page with high conversions yourself? Which landing page builders are popular now?

Hello dear readers! With you one of the authors of the business magazine "HiterBober.ru" Alexander Berezhnov.

And I decided so - I'll tell you about landing pages, about the basic techniques that I used when creating them. Here are some examples of good one-page sites. And each of you will draw conclusions for himself. Deal? Let's start then.

The topic of creating a landing page is not easy, but very relevant and interesting. Knowing how to do it can help you make money. different ways for example like. By understanding this direction, you can start your small business simply by selling goods or services through the landing page.

1. What is a landing page - an overview for beginners

Hundreds of articles have been written on the topic of creating landing pages. It is difficult to "cram" all the advice, all the experience into one material. But I will still try to tell you about the most important thing about the landing page.

Landing page Is a one-page site or just a page, the purpose of which is to encourage users to take some action: buy, subscribe, call, leave a request.

Landing page literally translates from English: "landing" or "landing page".

You have probably seen such one-page pages on the Internet.

Why landing pages are made:

  1. They motivate well. the visitor to take the desired action.
  2. They are designed quickly. And they often cost less than a regular website. Another plus: you can create a landing page yourself.
  3. Landing page is easy to redo- improve, change, add missing information.

Landing pages are created for:

  1. Product sales. To do this, use the calls: "buy", "leave a request", "call".
  2. Collecting information. Here visitors are offered: "subscribe", "learn more."
  3. Distribution of software- sale of software.

Landing page and sales funnel

Funnelsales Is the process of selling a product / service. At each stage of this process, some of the people - potential customers of a commercial company - are eliminated. We have a separate article on our website about.

The landing page sales process looks like this:

  • 100 people saw a link to the landing page;
  • 40 users followed the link;
  • 10 people left an application;
  • 2 people bought the product.

Out of a hundred - two sales. Recoil - 2%. This is not a bad option. Not perfect, but not losing either.

The sales funnel looks like an upside-down kitchen funnel: wide base and narrow neck.

The widest part is going to the page. At this stage, we are testing the work contextual advertising, messages in social networks, publications on other sites. Determine the CTR.

CTR- the ratio of the number of clicks to the number of impressions. Measured as a percentage.

The middle part is the application. We analyze the effectiveness of the landing page - its design, text part.

The narrow part is processing orders and selling. Here we evaluate the work of living people - operators, managers.

When analyzing a landing page, another indicator is calculated - EPC.

EPC- This is the average indicator of earnings from one thousand visits to the landing page.

The higher your ROI, the more effective your ad campaign will be.

When is it necessary to create a landing page?

Below we will consider a number of cases when you may be faced with the need to create your own one-page page.