How to make an empty background in Photoshop. Replace white or monophonic background on transparent online

Hello dear visitors. In this lesson, I will show how using the photoshop program can remove background And take a photo transparent. You will not need any special knowledge of this photo monster, as everything is very simple here. The main thing is that you have been installed photoshop, and you repeated all actions for me.

So how to make a transparent background in photoshop?

Run photoshop and open the experimental photo. Click the File menu - open and specify the location of the image.

Excellent, the photo is open and let's start by trimming the background. First of all, we need to unlock the layer. Pay attention to the right lower corner of the program. There you will see the main layer of our pictures and little lock.

It is necessary that this lock disappears, that is, the layer unlocked. To do this, directly by lock we make one click left mouse button. And the lock is no longer!

Now we need to remove the background. To do this, take some kind of tool for allocation, for example, Magic wand.

We click the tool on the background in the photo, thus highlighting the object unnecessary to us.

There appeared a dotted line (running ants). It remains to click on the keyboard, the Delete key and the background will be removed. See how it happened:

Super! Now remove the selection by clicking the CTR + D keyboard on the keyboard.

Well, in general, how make a transparent background in photoshop We figured out and now it remains to save this photo correctly.

To do this, click File Menu - Save for Web. Or simply use Alt + SHIFT + CTR + S.

You will see a window in which we need to choose the PNG-24 format and only after that click the Save button.

Now look what was and what happened:

Finally, it is worth saying that in some cases when you decide to make a transparent background in Photoshop on some picture, then you may have to apply other allocation tools, for example, Feather or magnetic lasso. I used the tool Magic wandSince my person's photos were easy to separate from the background. If you delete the background with complex images, you will have to sweat a little.

That's all today, I wish good luck!

Greetings to you, dear readers of my blog!

I recently needed remove background From the picture, with photoshop I am not very friendly. And I will tell you that I don't even have it on the computer. (Well, right at all, why should I have something to work with something).

But the background with the picture had to be removed from the picture, I started to fight the expanses of the Internet, in search of solving my task. There are a lot of options very much, but I was looking for something easier)). I found a very easy and easy way to remove the background from the picture.

And so, let's start. We need photoshop, but as I do not have it. I use online photoshop. Very comfortable thing, I will tell you. And of course the picture of which we want to make transparent.

I'll show you the example, here's this picture, we will clean the white background

We go to online photoshop. I used this Pixlr.

Select: Download image from a computer.

Now on the right in the window "Layers" Need to open the lock

Click on it 2 times with the left button Mice, a check mark should appear in the square.

Now we go on the panel that is left, choose the tool "Magic wand" and tolerance put 21.

That's it seems to be all, but I'm not satisfied with the picture completely, there were still the remains of the background, I click on the place that I want to remove. Then "edit" ---- "Clear". And so until you remove everything you need.

Sometimes there is a need to cut an object with one photo to another or make a transparent background. To do this, you must first cut the object from the photo. What we now will go. If you have not yet removed the object you need, it is better to try to find a uniform, contrast background, if you already have photos and others do not work out, you will have to act as it is, however, it will be more difficult to work with such a photo.

I will use this lid here.

How to Cut Object in Photoshop

  1. We click on the lock on the only layer, so that it would be possible to remove it "through", making the "holes" in the photo.

2. Now, you need to choose the "Magic Wand" tool. It highlights objects by contours and helps to fulfill our mission)

I'm not lucky a little and my item was not fully separated. To fix it, clamping "alt" and spend on the site that stood out too much, thereby showing the program that it performed the selection is incorrectly. Photoshop uses neural networks for such operations, so with each refinement of the contour, the selection will occur more accurately.

5. Well, so much better. Now click the Delete button on the keyboard and the background is removed.

Well, we made the background transparent, you can cut the photo that it would be more convenient to work and save the format in PNG.

Cut the picture for convenience

  1. Select a tool for cropping and highlight the desired area on the image.

Saving photos in PNG

  1. Open the "File" menu and we are looking for "exporting as" there.

2. Select in the "Format" field, "PNG". We check the check mark "Transparency" and click "Export All". Save the file and chase)

It was Became

So you can make a transparent background. Everything is done simply enough, but sometimes it is difficult to single out the subject and will have to tinker. The resulting picture can be applied to the photos. You must all come out, the main thing is to want!

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The main thing is to specify a picture on your computer or phone, and then click the OK button at the bottom of this page. By default, a single picture image is replaced with a transparent. The color of the background of the source picture is determined automatically, you just need to specify in the settings, to which color it is to be replaced. The main parameter affecting the quality of the replacement is the "replacement intensity" and for each picture it can be different.

An example of photos of a pink rose without changes and after replacing a monochon background for transparent, white and green:

First example With a rose flower on a transparent background made with such settings:
1) replacement intensity - 38;
2) smoothing around the edges - 5;
3) replace the monophonic background on - transparent;
4) cropping (<0) или Добавление (>0) at the edges - "-70";
5) Invert - Disabled (Galka is not worth it).

For creating second example, with a white background, used the same settings as in the first example, except the parameter: "Replace the monotonous background on" - white. IN third example, with a green background, the settings are also used, as in the first example, except the parameter: "Color in HEX format" - # 245A2D.

The source image does not change. You will be provided with another processed picture with the transparent or the background you specify.

1) Specify the image in BMP format, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF:

2) Settings for replacing a monochon background
Replacement intensity: (1-100)

Healing at the edges: (0-100) Replace the monophonic background to: Transparent (PNG-24 only) Red Pink Purple Blue Turquoise Heavenly Salad Green Yellow Orange Black Gray White Or Color in HEX format: open trim palette (<0) или Добавление (>0) At the edges: (from -100 to 100)
(Intensity for additional pruning or adding pixels around the selected area on a transparent background) Invert selection (instead of the background replace the foreground)

Do you like to take pictures, do different collages with photos and pictures? Or maybe you want to make a hat with several photos to your website or in a group of VKontakte, but the problem is in the background, because it interferes with the lining of pictures on each other.

In this article, I will tell you two methods at once, as using the photoshop program to make a transparent background program, remove as a white background in the pictures, photos - this will be very easy and fast and overall background, and here it will be a little more difficult.

I downloaded from the Internet for example two pictures with different backgrounds - photo from hunting cheetah and snail. You can download them. Let's start with the picture with a white background - snails.

Remove the rear white background in the picture

Immediately I will say that it will happen very quickly and very easily. So, undoubtedly, each to cope with this work. Well, friends, let's go.

1. Open photoshop and ship it in it with a white background.

2. Go to the item "Allocation", after the "Color Range".

3. Select "samples", click on the left mouse button on the white area of \u200b\u200bthe picture. We set 40 and press OK.

3. The snail is now circled. But if you enlarge the picture and look at, we will see that white silhouettes in the snail also took the stroke.

4. Go to the "Fast allocation" tool. By pressing the Alt button, the left mouse button is removing unnecessary selection.

5. Before removing the background, you need to unlock the layer. Unlock by pressing two times the left mouse button. If this window is not, go to the "Window" menu item and check the "Layers" checkbox.

6. Remove the background by pressing the "Delete" button. After the right mouse button, click on the picture and select "Cancel Selection", if it does not work, press Ctrl + D, the selection will be removed.

7. At this stage, we finished the removal of a white background in Snail.

We definitely select the type of ".png" file, in another case the background will be white, not transparent. We save.

Open and enjoy a picture without a white background.

Remove the complex rear background in the picture

Throw our cheetah in photoshop. Now let's try to cut in the picture of Cheetah and his sacrifice from the background, in other words, delete the background.

1. Go to the "Fast allocation" point and choose the brush parameters for this tool for yourself. One of the main parameter is the size of the brush. Choose the appropriate size that it would be convenient to highlight the background. The rest in this case can be left by default.

2. Now the left mouse button is highlighting the background that we want to delete. If the selection closes not there, where we need, in our case, at the cheetah and his sacrifice, then clamp the "ALT" key and the left mouse button, remove the selection that climbed. To enlarge-reduce zoom, hush the Shift + Alt keys and twist the wheel on the mouse. To "walk" in the picture when you select, clamp a space.

After, as allocated, clicking the right mouse button without leaving the "Quick Selection" tool and go to the "Specify Edge" item and in the edges settings, in the point smoothed, in our case we specify somewhere 10 and click "OK". After you unlock the layer and click "Delete" and remove the background.

The function "smooth" is needed in order to remove the edges were smooth.

If you need to subter a little, use "Eraser"

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