Adding cells to Microsoft Excel. Select all cells in which you want to insert the same data

The first command is Paste. As you can see, the button has a long list (Figure 2.40).

Here you do not paste data into a cell, as in a similar command in the Clipboard group, but additional cells into a table. There are situations when an empty cell (row, column) needs to be inserted in the middle of an already typed table. How to do it?

If you need to insert an empty cell into the table, then select the cell (or range of cells), select the command to insert the cell, and in the window that appears, specify where the selected cell will move (Fig. 2.41).

On fig. 2.42 cell C2 is inserted shifted to the right.

In the same menu, you can add an entire row or an entire column. A row and column can also be added using the menu shown in Fig. 2.40, which has separate commands for this.

Highlight the row, press the add row button. The row will be inserted, and a button will appear to the right of the last inserted cell. If you click on it, a menu will open, with which you can choose how to format the inserted line (Fig. 2.43). If you want - it will look like the line below it, if you want - like the line above it. And if you want - clear the format and do it all over again. You can insert a sheet using the menu shown in Fig. 2.40, or by using the button located at the bottom of the sheet next to the tabs.

Now consider the Delete Cell Groups command. When you click on its triangle, a menu appears (Fig. 2.44).

If you delete a cell, you "pull" it out of the table. Forever and ever. You will only be asked where to move the contents of the table (Fig. 2.45).

On fig. 2.46 I showed an example of deleting two cells with a shift up. You can also delete a row, column, or even an entire sheet. With a slight movement of the hand using the menu button Delete (see Fig. 2.44).


When working with Microsoft Excel it is important to know many subtleties for greater convenience and greater time savings. Today we will talk about how you can copy data from one cell to another and how to do the same if we have a range of cells. Go!

Copy data from one cell

If you are faced with a situation where the data was placed in the wrong cell and you do not get along very well with the computer, then now you will learn how to transfer this information to another cell. And to do this is very simple.

Method 1. Using "hot" keys

  1. Click the left mouse button on the cell from which you want to copy the information.
  2. Press the key combination on the keyboard ctrl+c to copy the data from the selected cell (note that when you press this combination, the cell borders will become dashed).

    If instead you press the key combination Ctrl + X, then the data will be “cut” from the first cell, which means that the initial cell will become empty after the action.

  3. Click on the cell where you want to paste the selected data and press the key combination ctrl+v.
Method 2. Use context menu

The result will be the same.

Copy a range of cells

If you have several cells that need to be copied, then use one of the options below.

Method 1. Using the selection with the mouse

If the data is located nearby and forms a rectangular area, then select this area with one click of the left mouse button.

As a result, this area should darken a bit (except for the cell where the selection started).

In this case, it is not necessary to circle the area where the data will be moved. All you have to do is click on the cell that will represent the upper left edge of the new range.

Method 2. Selecting data via Ctrl

There are cases when the data is scattered or its range is not in the form of a rectangle.

In this case, you can still copy data from cells in parts using the methods already described above, but it is much easier to use the key ctrl on keyboard.

To do this, hold down this very button and select the data to be moved with the left mouse button (you can click, you can circle). At the same time, do not forget that Ctrl key must be constantly clamped .

When the data is highlighted, press Ctrl and use already known methods for cutting or copying information.


Of course, if you are at least somewhat familiar with a computer, then these tips will seem ridiculous to you, but many people do not know that there are some ways to move data from cell to cell in the Excel environment. We hope that this material was useful to some of the readers.

Inserting rows and columns in Excel is very convenient when formatting tables and sheets. But the program's capabilities are further expanded by the function of inserting cells and entire ranges, both adjacent and non-adjacent.

Consider on practical examples how to add (or remove) cells to a table in excel and their ranges on a sheet. In fact, the cells are not added, but simply the value of some is moved to others. This fact should be taken into account when the sheet is more than 50% full. Then cells for rows or columns may simply not be enough and this operation will delete the data. In such cases, it is rational to divide the content of one sheet into 2 or 3. This is one of the main reasons why in new Excel versions added more quantity columns and rows (there are 65,000 rows in older versions, up to 1,000,000 in new ones).

Insert a range of empty cells

How to insert cells into Excel spreadsheet? Let's say we have a table of numbers in which we need to insert two empty cells in the middle.

We perform the following procedure:

In this situation, you can simply click the tool "Home" - "Insert" (without selecting options). Then the new cells will be inserted and the old ones will move down (by default), without calling the options dialog box.

To add cells in Excel, use the hot keys CTRL + SHIFT + "plus" after selecting them.

Note. Pay attention to the options dialog box. The last two options allow us to insert rows and columns in the same way.

Deleting cells

Now let's delete the same range from our table of numbers. Just select the desired range. Right-click on the selected range and select "Delete". Or go to the tab "Home" - "Delete" - "with a shift up." The result is inversely proportional to the previous result.

To delete cells in Excel, use the hotkeys CTRL + "minus" after selecting them.

Note. You can delete rows and columns in the same way.

Attention! In practice, using the Insert or Delete tools when inserting or deleting ranges without a parameter window it is better not to use, so as not to get confused in large and complex tables. If you want to save time, use hotkeys. They bring up a dialog box of insert and delete options, allowing you to quickly cope with the task in any case.

As a rule, for the vast majority of users, adding cells while working in Excel program is not a daunting task. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows everything. possible ways, how to do it. But in some situations, the use of a particular method would help to reduce the time spent on the procedure. Let's find out what are the options for adding new cells in Excel.

Let's immediately pay attention to how the procedure for adding cells is performed from the technological side. By and large, what we call "adding" is, in fact, a movement. That is, the cells are simply shifted down and to the right. Values ​​that are at the very edge of the sheet are thus removed when new cells are added. Therefore, you need to follow the specified process when the sheet is filled with data by more than 50%. Although, given that in modern versions Excel has 1 million rows and columns on a sheet; in practice, such a need is extremely rare.

In addition, if you add cells, and not entire rows and columns, then you need to take into account that in the table where you perform the specified operation, data will shift, and the values ​​\u200b\u200bwill not correspond to the rows or columns that they corresponded to earlier.

So, now let's move on to specific ways to add elements to a sheet.

Method 1: Context Menu

One of the most common ways to add cells in Excel is to use the context menu.

Similarly, you can add entire groups of cells, only for this, before going to the context menu, you will need to select the appropriate number of elements on the sheet.

After that, the elements will be added according to the same algorithm that we described above, but only as a whole group.

Method 2: Ribbon button

Add items to excel sheet You can also use the button on the ribbon. Let's see how to do it.

Using the same method, you can add groups of cells.

But when selecting a vertical group of cells, we get a slightly different result.

What will happen if we add an array of elements that has both horizontal and vertical directions in the same way?

If you still want to specifically indicate where the elements should be shifted, and, for example, when adding an array, you want the shift to occur down, then you should follow the following instruction.

Method 3: Hotkeys

Most fast way to add sheet elements in Excel is to use a combination of hot keys.

As you can see, there are three main ways to insert cells into a table: using the context menu, buttons on the ribbon, and hot keys. In terms of functionality, these methods are identical, so when choosing, first of all, convenience for the user himself is taken into account. Although, of course, the fastest way is to use hotkeys. But, unfortunately, not all users are accustomed to keeping the existing combinations of Excel hot keys in their memory. Therefore, this quick method will not be convenient for everyone.