Creating animation "White noise on TV screen". Creating animation "White noise on the TV screen" Gif's interference

They say: do just what you want, and you will be happy. Ha.

"We do everything he wants: Walk, when he says, where he will say, walk / on a large / on a skate - how he will say. We eat what he wants where he wants, and I want it all with him. If I decided to suddenly present him: "Hey, guy, and come on, now, as I want!", I would need a lifetime to understand: and how I, damn, I want. It is always uncomfortable to me, always uncomfortable, always difficult. I do not know how to live by the real, it is always bad in it, but I'm in a nervous discharge from the future and in hot ecstasy from the past. Somewhere there is always great, but here is always the middle of the emptiness. "

Do whatever you want. And if you do not know what you want?

I taught me to choose me, work taught to choose words, the heart knows how to choose people. But what about the rest? How to choose a hobby, condition, thoughts, purpose, if you are all "ok."

That is, you all at the same time lazy / not too lazy, with pleasure / yes to hell, I will go / stay at home, I will do / slam. Anyway / categorically not all the same. And what would you in the end choose - "I had to do on the contrary."

There are those who are always comfortable. Whatever they happen to know what to do, feel great, sat, confidently and ... stable. They know when to sleep when drinking when playing when to beat when scattering stones and when to collect. They do not need to change anything. They are so great. "If you lived in my head at least a day, you would understand how calmly."

And I, and I always sewed, the wind, did not so cooked, did not put it, did not look so, I did not answer, somehow not gorgeous, not firmly enough. Everything can be better, more beautiful, more interesting, greater, more colorful. Everyone needs to remake, change, update, everything is necessary today, now, completely, entirely. And there is never a minute of peace and satisfaction, because the desired per second is no longer desired. And you need to change everything again!
- Change from which moment forgive?

And it means that you run in the tops, constantly remove the cover with the pan, and it does not have time to weld. And you hurry and remove the unrovhed or forget and burn the saucepan - in general, anything, but not a normal dinner.

This means that in search of comfort, you master space. But space is so-so: neither air, no life, and the more change, the greater the changes. And the more discontent with itself, uncertainty, boredom, superficiality - they say, I have already seen it, I know. And you as a runner tied with a rubber band - I spent strength, but did not run away. Push. And even faster, everything is bored - the routine, if the second day at the same time in the same place ... And you find new and new ways, we transform, improve, and already the changes themselves become routine.

And the conflict of values \u200b\u200bbegins, disputes of personality aspects, anxiety, frustration and addictation at the same time and bipolar psyche disorder. And yes, of course, I exaggerate, because such-in-necomfort is always made from super-links.

I am what. To the previous post. You need to choose not head. And get out of your head and go to the heart.
- Hello, what do you want?
There, in the chest there is always an answer. I guarantee. From the most incomprehensive lady I promise - turn off my head, go to your heart and ask. It will say: "I want cappuccino, a beautiful film and tenderness." And then will give another 120 desires from fragrant sticks to a personal billionth corporation. "Only the broadcast of your chattock is turned off. Some interference. " And then it will even achieve it all. Only another way. Not rattling, but gently through small desires. This means that all the way - happily drawing life.

P.S. "What do you want, lis?" EAT. Pray. Love.

To use a gif animation with a spectacular transition between the two pictures, you need to: specify these two pictures on your computer or phone, click OK, wait a few seconds. By default, pixelization is chosen for the animated transition between the two pictures. On this site, you can still make a conventional GIF animation from several pictures or an animated scanner effect based on a single picture.

Examples of GIF animations from two pictures with different transitions that can be made on this site:

All the above examples go in the same order (left-to-right), as in setting up the "transition effect between the two pictures", the name of the "transition effect" can still be found when you hover the mouse on the picture in a swung tip. In total, there are 18 pieces, the total size of all animated Gif pictures on this page is 2 MB.

The source images do not change. You will be provided with an animated GIF picture based on them.

After processing, the animated picture will begin to be reproduced normally only when it is completely downloaded or loaded into the browser. If when opening a Gif-animation, you see a picture and animation does not work, it means that the picture has not yet loaded completely, i.e. you need to wait. For slow Internet connection, you can try to disable the "transition effect between two pictures" in the settings on this site - two pictures will be shown in turn, with such settings the size of the result will be about 10-20 times less, which will speed up the download. In the event that an animation is not played in one of the above examples, it means that your current internet browser or your device does not support animated pictures and instead shows only the first frame. In the examples of the first picture is a photo of a pink rose, and the second - red mushrooms on a green background.

Now open the panel of the "time scale", it is on the tab of the Main menu "Window" (Window -\u003e Timeline) and click on the arrow next to the central button, in the drop-down list, select "Create frame Animation" (Create Frame Animation), click on This button:

Select the frame animation mode.

In the layer panel, go to the lowest layer and turn off the visibility of all the layers, except for the bottom. On the timeline, the first frame of the animation is automatically created with the image of the lower layer of the layer panel. Click on the frame display time for its change by 0.04 seconds, as shown in the figure. Our two panels used and the document should be on this moment Look like:

Document type, layers panels and animation panels. The first frame of animation is created.

Click on the new frame of the animation (1) button, then turn on the visibility of the second layer from below (2), but nothing on the contrary !!! :

Creating a second frame of animation.

In the same way, create other animation frames, by number of layers in the layer panel.

At the bottom of the time scale, switch the playback mode to "permanently", then click the "Start Animation Playback. If you did everything right, then the animation must start:

Pre-animation of noise. For clarity, a frame display time in this picture I made 0.09 seconds, and not 0.04.

Actually, the animation is ready. Now you need to configure the tone of noise to your taste. We will do it with the help of corrective layers.

We highlight all layers available in the layer panel (Ctrl + Alt + A) and grouped them (Ctrl + G).

Attention! Produce any addition to the corrective layers, as well as changes from the settings, can only be when active first Frame on the time scale!

Add to the group the correction layer "Color" (Solid Color), I install the color to clean white, and the overlay mode will be changed to the "difference" (Difference). Thus, we inverted the black and white pixels, as a result, the noise became darker in the overall picture. Pay attention to the time scale, it changed all the animation frames:

Inversion of animation colors with a corrective layer.

Dimming the animation with the correction layer.

This we completely changed purely white pixels, making their middle-gray.

It remains to save the animation. You can press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S and save as GIF animation (more detaining as GIF is shown in the video tutorial), but you can create a video MP4 through import video.