Officer's SEO Optimizer. SEO Specialist Specialist Specialist Official Discussion

SEO specialist job description

Surname I.O. ________________
"________" _____________ 2013

1. General Provisions

1.1. SEO specialist refers to the category of specialists.
1.2. The SEO specialist is appointed to the post and is exempt from it by order of the CEO of the company on the submission of the Technical Director.
1.3. SEO specialist is subordinate to the directly technical director.
1.4. During the absence of a SEO specialist of his right and duties go to another official, what is announced in the order on the organization.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of SEO-specialist: Education - secondary special, higher, work experience in optimizing and promoting web resources for at least 1-2-3 years.
1.6. SEO specialist should know:
- principles of functioning of search engines;
- features of optimization for each search engine;
- types and features of references, principles of effective link construction;
- "White" and "black" optimization methods;
- Protocols and principles of the functioning of the Internet;
- Modern technology for creating web resources;
- marketing basics;
- Basics of copywriting.
1.7. SEO specialist is guided in its activities:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- the company's charter, the rules of the internal labor regulation, other regulatory acts of the company;
- orders and manual orders;
- This official instruction.

2. SEO-Specialist Responsibilities

SEO specialist performs the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Develops and conducts measures to optimize a web resource for search engines, promoting a web resource on the Internet, an increase in sales of the progressable product by attracting customers through the Internet.
2.2. Carries out the selection and analysis of keywords and phrases of the web resource.
2.3. Enhances the compatibility of the source code of the web resource pages with search engines.
2.4. Increases the compatibility of web resource texts with search engines.
2.5. Increases the efficiency of web resource texts from the point of view of advertising a progressable product in order to attract customers through the Internet.
2.6. Conducts activities to increase the rating of the web resource resource on the Internet from the point of view of search engines.
2.7. Makes up changes in search engine algorithms and adapts a web resource to these changes.
2.8. Worst for the emergence of new search engines, studies their features and conducts search engine optimization of a web resource for new search engines.
2.9. Regularly constitutes reports:
- by the positions of the web resource in each of the search engines;
- By rating a web resource in search engines;
- on sources and behavior of visitors to the web resource;
- by changes in sales.

3. SEO-Specialist Rights

SEO specialist has the right:

read books (In the list "" You will find links to book reviews. If you want to download them, use the form "Download Collection of Books for Marketer 80 LVL" in Sidebar).

Read sites. I have signed for many RSS, and also get info in the mailing list. I will give examples of sites that I read constantly. For yourself, you will select the most interesting.

Russian-speaking sites, blogs, forums on SEO:

English resources:

Because More and more SEO becomes SEM (Search Engine Marketing), then it would be nice to know the basics of marketing.

Visit Profile Events.

And still condition. Because Search engine algorithms are constantly changing, new opportunities appear, it is necessary to stably monitor information. To this you need to be prepared and allocate time in your schedule for self-education constantly!

Courses for SEO Specialist

I am very skeptical about existing on the Internet free courses on SEO. Therefore, I will tell you about those with which I can recommend with a calm conscience.

The main knowledge that the SEO specialist should be at SEO:

  • Knowledge of search engine ranking algorithms.

(With experience, not only knowledge come, but also an understanding of the evolution of the search and assumptions about further development).

  • Portfolio with examples of successful promotion of sites on high-frequency, competitive requests.

(This is ideal. If you have your own site, you can already show something).

  • Perfect knowledge of Excel. Ability to analyze and draw conclusions.
  • Knowledge of advertising, internet marketing.
  • Knowledge of the main stock exchanges, tools for analyzing and promoting the site.

Additional knowledge:

  • English (Intermediate).
  • Basics of HTML, CSS.
  • Work skills with standard CMS: Drupal, Joomla, WordPress.

Responsibilities of SEO specialist

  1. Each company has its own requirements, I tried to imagine as a complete picture as possible.
  2. Comprehensive site audit.
  3. Development of tactics and strategy to optimize the site for search engines.
  4. Compilation of the semantic kernel: selection and analysis of keywords and target URLs, clustering. Timely update of semantics.
  5. Internal website optimization. Working with code, overclocking, text, graphic, video content, etc.
  6. External optimization. Analysis of reference mass.
  7. Usability analysis.
  8. Writing the TK developers, copywriters, designers, cameramen.
  9. Increase the "trust" of the site: PR, TIC, MR, DA.
  10. Tracking changes in PS algorithms.
  11. Work with reporting: on positions, traffic, conversion, etc.

Specialist SEO salary

The average temperature in the hospital is $ 700 (Ukraine). But a good specialist earns a lot more.

5. Where to look for work


  • jobs on SEO-Companies;
  • vacancies on personnel selection sites;
  • ask familiar.

SEO specialist- An indispensable working unit in any web project, evaluate convenient navigation, attractive design and interesting site content is impossible without competent promotion of the resource on the network. To fight SEO specialist With limitless Internet space and search engines, it was not turned into a fight against windmills, it is necessary to clearly register the functional responsibilities of the soster and give it to the signature of this job description.

SEO specialist job description

Surname I.O. ________________
"________" _____________ ____

1. General Provisions

1.1. SEO specialist refers to the category of specialists.
1.2. The SEO specialist is appointed to the post and is exempt from it by order of the CEO of the company on the submission of the Technical Director.
1.3. SEO specialist is subordinate to the directly technical director.
1.4. During the absence of a SEO specialist of his right and duties go to another official, what is announced in the order on the organization.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of SEO-specialist: Education - secondary special, higher, work experience in optimizing and promoting web resources for at least 1-2-3 years.
1.6. SEO specialist should know:
- principles of functioning of search engines;
- features of optimization for each search engine;
- types and features of references, principles of effective link construction;
- "White" and "black" optimization methods;
- Protocols and principles of the functioning of the Internet;
- Modern technology for creating web resources;
- marketing basics;
- Basics of copywriting.
1.7. SEO specialist is guided in its activities:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- the company's charter, the rules of the internal labor regulation, other regulatory acts of the company;
- orders and manual orders;
- This official instruction.

2. SEO-Specialist Responsibilities

SEO specialist performs the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Develops and conducts measures to optimize a web resource for search engines, promoting a web resource on the Internet, an increase in sales of the progressable product by attracting customers through the Internet.
2.2. Carries out the selection and analysis of keywords and phrases of the web resource.
2.3. Enhances the compatibility of the source code of the web resource pages with search engines.
2.4. Increases the compatibility of web resource texts with search engines.
2.5. Increases the efficiency of web resource texts from the point of view of advertising a progressable product in order to attract customers through the Internet.
2.6. Conducts activities to increase the rating of the web resource resource on the Internet from the point of view of search engines.
2.7. Makes up changes in search engine algorithms and adapts a web resource to these changes.
2.8. Worst for the emergence of new search engines, studies their features and conducts search engine optimization of a web resource for new search engines.
2.9. Regularly constitutes reports:
- by the positions of the web resource in each of the search engines;
- By rating a web resource in search engines;
- on sources and behavior of visitors to the web resource;
- by changes in sales.

3. SEO-Specialist Rights

SEO specialist has the right:

3.1. Receive information in the amount necessary to solve the tasks.
3.2. Submit to the leadership of proposals for the improvement of their work and the work of the company.
3.3. Require from the management of the creation of normal conditions to fulfill the duties and preservation of all documents resulting from the company's activities.
3.4. Make decisions within their competence.

4. SEO Specialist Responsibility

SEO specialist is responsible:

4.1. For non-fulfillment and / or late, negligent fulfillment of their official duties.
4.2. For non-compliance with existing instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of commercial secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of the rules of domestic labor regulations, labor discipline, safety regulations and fire safety.


1. SEO optimizer refers to the category of specialists

2. A person with (higher) professional education is appointed to the position of SEO-optimizer, experience of working on optimization and promotion of web resources at least (1 year; 2 years; 3 years;

3. SEO optimizer should know:

Principles of functioning of search engines
Features of optimization for each search engine
Types and Functions of Links, Principles of Effective Link Construction
Methods "White" and "black" optimization
Protocols and principles of internet operation
Modern technology for creating web resources
HTML, XHTML, CSS, XML, W3C standards
Features of the web server configuration on which web resource functions
The object to which the server is dedicated (promotable product)
Grammar and Stylistics of the Russian Language and English (if the English-language web resource)
Existing conventional cuts, conventional reductions on computer themes used in bibliography in foreign languages
Basics of Marketing
Basics of copywriting
Basics of labor legislation
Rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection
Official duties

SEO optimizer:

1. Develops and conducts measures to optimize a web resource for search engines, promoting a web resource on the Internet, an increase in sales of progressable product by attracting customers via the Internet

2. Carries out the selection and analysis of keywords and phrases of the web resource

3. Enhances the compatibility of the source code of the web resource pages with search engines

4. Enhances the compatibility of web resource texts with search engines

5. Increases the efficiency of web resource texts from the point of view of advertising a progressable product in order to attract customers through the Internet.

7. Watch out for changes in the algorithms of search engines and adapts a web resource to these changes.

8. Worst for the emergence of new search engines, studies their features and conducts the search engine optimization of the web resource for new search engines

9. Regularly reports:

by the positions of the web resource in each of the search engines
By rating a web resource in search engines
By sources and behavior of web resource visitors
By changes in sales
In order to analyze the results of measures taken to optimize and promote a web resource

6. Provides compliance with the legislation on advertising, protecting the rights of consumers, information and informatization, copyright and related rights, etc.

SEO optimizer has the right:

1. Require from the leadership of organizing the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties.

2. Get acquainted with the documents defining its rights and obligations on the position of office, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

3. Submit to the management of the organization of proposals for improving the work related to the obligations provided for by this official instruction.

A responsibility

The SEO optimizer is accustomed to responsibility:

1. For improper performance or non-fulfillment of its official duties stipulated by this official instruction, within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the process of its activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil law of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current labor and civil law of the Russian Federation.

Job description SEO specialist

0.1. The document comes into force from the date of approval.
0.2. Document Developer: HR Manager.
0.3. The document is agreed upon: Head of Labor Protection.
0.4. Periodic verification of this document is made with an interval not exceeding 3 years.

General Provisions of the SEO Specialist

1.1. The position "SEO specialist" Professionals ".
1.2. Qualification requirements - complete higher education of the relevant direction of training (master, specialist) and advanced training. Work experience in the profession is at least 5 years.
1.3. Knows and applies in activities:
laws, decisions, orders, orders, decisions and other regulatory and legal acts of state security bodies;
basics of programming;
Basics of a market economy;
organization of production, labor and management;
labor legislation;
Rules and norms of labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection
Knowledge HTML, CSS, Smarty, JavaScript (AJAX, JQuery)
Knowledge of the trends of optimization, relevant methods of ranking, search engine filters
Knowledge of the basic principles of search engines (Yandex, Google)

1.4. The SEO specialist is appointed and dismissed by the order for the organization (enterprise / institution).
1.5. The SEO specialist is subordinate to the head of the IT department.
1.6. SEO specialist manages the work of the programmer, Konoperat, the site editor, site developer.
1.7. SEO specialist during the absence is noticed by the face appointed in the prescribed manner, which acquires relevant rights and is responsible for the proper fulfillment of duties assigned to it.

2. Characteristics of works, tasks and job responsibilities SEO-specialist

Conducts detailed analytics of projects from the SEO position
Makes SEO-audits sites
Develops and implements an effective promotion strategy, analysis / adjustment
Performs regular analytics of issuing and competitors
Conducts comprehensive internal project optimization
Carries out work with a semantic core, clustering of requests, comprehensive external project optimization
Constant analytics on project projects and compiles of reports
Develops TK copywriters and programmers
Employees with web analytics tools
Provides search traffic dew
Develops and implements offers on site promotion strategy
Performs regular audit sites
Analyzes the results of site promotion in search engines, promoting competitors sites
Search for new promotion methods

3. SEO-Specialist Rights

3.1. SEO specialist has the right to take action to prevent and eliminate cases of any violations or inconsistencies.
3.2. SEO specialist has the right to receive social guarantees provided for by law.
3.3. The SEO specialist has the right to demand assistance in the performance of its official duties and rights.
3.4. The SEO specialist has the right to demand the creation of the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision of the necessary equipment and inventory.
3.5. SEO specialist has the right to get acquainted with projects of documents relating to its activities.
3.6. The SEO specialist has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary to fulfill their job responsibilities and managing orders.
3.7. SEO specialist has the right to increase its professional qualifications.
3.8. SEO specialist has the right to report violations and inconsistencies identified in the process of its activities and make proposals to eliminate them.
3.9. The SEO specialist has the right to be familiar with the documents defining the rights and obligations of the position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility SEO-specialist

4.1. The SEO specialist is responsible for failure to fulfill or untimely fulfill the obligations entrusted with this official instruction and (or) non-use of the rights provided.
4.2. SEO specialist is responsible for non-compliance with the rules of the internal labor regulation, labor protection, safety, production sanitation and fire protection.
4.3. The SEO specialist is responsible for disclosing information about the organization (enterprise / institution) relating to a commercial secret.
4.4. A SEO specialist is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper performance of the requirements of internal regulatory documents of the Organization (enterprise / institution) and legitimate management orders.
4.5. The SEO specialist is responsible for the offenses committed in the process of its activities, within the limits established by applicable administrative, criminal and civil law.
4.6. SEO specialist is responsible for causing material damage to the organization (enterprise / institution) within the limits established by applicable administrative, criminal and civil law.
4.7. The SEO specialist is responsible for the unlawful use of official authority provided, as well as their use for personal purposes.

The possibility of using the technique of intangible (non-financing) motivation at different stages of the personnel management system not only includes policies and procedures for the intangible remuneration of employees, but also practices in the field of selection, adaptation, ...

Questions for the interview concern 3 aspects: First aspect: Evaluation of the business process. The candidate should be able to evaluate the analytical business situation and have a wide range. Second aspect: Evaluation of the ability to work with information. The candidate must receive, operate and ...

The need to analyze the personnel policies of the enterprise usually arises: during the period of internal transformation of the company - the reorganization, stage of rapid growth, reduction, liquidation; Under the influence of external factors - changes in labor legislation, practitioners and ...

The procedure for approving personnel policies can be carried out at the level: Director of the Director General of the Board of Directors. If the Council of Directors of the Organization is responsible for the final approval of one or another personnel policy on personnel management.

Personnel policy should include the following concept and sections: the main content of personnel policy This section determines the tasks in the achievement of which this personnel policy of the enterprise is designed, or the final goal of politics. For example, the purpose of ...

Not everyone knows that the work of the SEO specialist is subject to some rules. Periodically monitor sites with vacancies, I come across the requirements of the company that is simply needed universal superman - and the server with 1C admin, and the local network is to pull, and adjust antiviruses. Another person should be perfectly understanding in PHP, MySQL, CSS, HTML, Java, jQuery, be able to make a semantic core, writing texts, work in a flush and own photoshop at the level of the Guru. I don't even say about programming in all well-known languages, it goes without saying.

The undoubted advantage of the interview will be the ability to work as a sales manager in total, web analytics, intricacies of traffic arbitration, contextual advertising, to be a good psychologist and marketer and to be awesome used by usabyl.

Yes, and pay such a person to thousands of 15 rubles per month (after the trial period of half a year). Funny, isn't it?

Now let's essentially about how it should be in an ideal spherical company in Vacuum.

Job description

Job description - This is exactly the regulatory document in which the place and appointment of a specific position are painted. It is described not only the requirements for candidates and job responsibilities, but also the rights, duties and responsibilities of employees. Also, the job instruction should facilitate the adaptation of new employees in the team and of course to be the basis for assessing the results of employees.

Please note that on the Internet you can very often find typical job descriptions, and they may differ in a particular enterprise, because The needs and specificity of work in each company are their own.

SEO Specialist (Optimizer), SEO-Specialist Responsibilities (Optimizer), Sample SEO Specialist Officer (Optimizer)

SEO specialist- An indispensable working unit in any web project, evaluate convenient navigation, attractive design and interesting site content is impossible without competent promotion of the resource on the network. To fight SEO specialist With limitless Internet space and search engines, it was not turned into a fight against windmills, it is necessary to clearly register the functional responsibilities of the soster and give it to the signature of this job description.

SEO specialist job description

1. General Provisions

  1. SEO specialist refers to the category of specialists.
  2. The SEO specialist is appointed to the post and is exempt from it by order of the CEO of the company on the submission of the Technical Director.
  3. SEO specialist is subordinate to the directly technical director.
  4. During the absence of a SEO specialist of his right and duties go to another official, what is announced in the order on the organization.
  5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of SEO-specialist: Education - secondary special, higher, work experience in optimizing and promoting web resources for at least 1-2-3 years.
  6. SEO specialist should know:
  • principles of functioning of search engines;
  • features of optimization for each search engine;
  • types and functions of references, principles of efficient link construction;
  • methods "white" and "black" optimization;
  • protocols and principles of Internet operation;
  • modern technology for creating web resources;
  • marketing basics;
  • basics of copywriting.

7. SEO specialist is guided in its activities:

  • legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
  • The company's charter, the rules of the internal labor regulation, other regulatory acts of the company;
  • orders and orders of the manual;
  • this official instruction.

2. SEO-Specialist Responsibilities

SEO specialist performs the following job responsibilities:

  1. Develops and conducts measures to optimize a web resource for search engines, promoting a web resource on the Internet, an increase in sales of the progressable product by attracting customers through the Internet.
  2. Carries out the selection and analysis of keywords and phrases of the web resource.
  3. Enhances the compatibility of the source code of the web resource pages with search engines.
  4. Increases the compatibility of web resource texts with search engines.
  5. Increases the efficiency of web resource texts from the point of view of advertising a progressable product in order to attract customers through the Internet.
  6. Conducts activities to increase the rating of the web resource resource on the Internet from the point of view of search engines.
  7. Makes up changes in search engine algorithms and adapts a web resource to these changes.
  8. Worst for the emergence of new search engines, studies their features and conducts search engine optimization of a web resource for new search engines.
  9. Regularly constitutes reports:
  • by the positions of the web resource in each of the search engines;
  • by rating a web resource in search engines;
  • on sources and behavior of web resource visitors;
  • by changes in sales.

3. SEO-Specialist Rights

SEO specialist has the right:

  1. Receive information in the amount necessary to solve the tasks.
  2. Submit to the leadership of proposals for the improvement of their work and the work of the company.
  3. Require from the management of the creation of normal conditions to fulfill the duties and preservation of all documents resulting from the company's activities.
  4. Make decisions within their competence.

4. SEO Specialist Responsibility

SEO specialist is responsible:

  1. For non-fulfillment and / or late, negligent fulfillment of their official duties.
  2. For non-compliance with existing instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of commercial secrets and confidential information.
  3. For violation of the rules of domestic labor regulations, labor discipline, safety regulations and fire safety.

The instruction text was taken with, the design of the text is mine.