Transfer from 7.7 to 8.3. Data transfer technique

Currently, the headache of accountants began to transition from 1C: Enterprise 7.7 at 8.3 (similarly and 8.2). It is desirable as quickly as possible and without errors. If you are a programmer for 1C: accounting and you need to produce documents from the seventh version to the eighth, then this article is for you.

Make just a few steps, and your data transfer problems will be solved. Read this instruction To the end, and you will find how to do it. To begin with, you must prepare workplace On your computer for the necessary manipulations. First, your hDD Must be a volume of at least 100 GB. This is necessary, as it is a multi-level. And you will need to work with several configurations 7.7.

If you need a fast and high-quality transition from 1C Accounting 7.7 per 1C 8.3, contact your! The average cost of the turnkey transition is 6600 rubles.

Data transfer from 1C 7.7 in 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0

So, before working with data transfer to version 1C 8.3, you need to prepare this data in version 7.7. To do this, you must do the following. Suppose you have a working database "Accounting for an enterprise", with which your accountant work. Using the EXPORT77 processing, unload all the necessary documents into the text file and from this point on, do not return to the main working database. Further your manipulations will occur with other configurations.

Install in the new catalog of the fresh release of 1C: Enterprise 7.7. (The package includes standard empty (without data) and demoment). We will work with a standard version. Now run this database and using the IMPORT 77 processing, download from text File Data from your main base.

When converting data, some documents may not be conducted. It is not scary. The chip is that you are easy to fix it after the transfer, as in the standard base you work with the main standard account plan. Therefore, whatever the subaccounts were not focused, it is easy to fix it in about 3 hours, entering each unwanted document and changing the accounts in the counting fields that you have in your configuration.

Naturally, before transferring, you are given a standard configuration account plan in accordance with the account plan of your main working base. Options are purely individual depending on the specifics of your organization. Having done this work, you get a standard configuration filled with data from your working base.

Now you need to make another data transfer. To do this, make the installation of a standard zero configuration again in a new directory. And already there to transfer data from the standard configuration standard with your data. In the result, you will have the perfect base of 7 version ready for transfer to version 8.2.

The fact is that the data directly to the eighth version is transferred exclusively from the "untouched" standard version 7.7. And you just have such a configuration. But now she is not empty, namely with your working data.

Everything! We launch 1C: Enterprise 8.2. Select "data transfer from version 7.7." And we enjoy the way the program itself transfers data from your processed 7.7., I reproach documents and gives up a comparative table of the operating station of versions 7.7 and 8.3.

Of course, 100% will not be the result. But percentage of 70-80 you will get a match. And then your work will be made only in version 8.3.

Possible inaccuracies are fixed easily. This is another hour 3-4. You enter into the logbook and either corrective accounts, or fields (for example, "contract" or "Basic Cashier"). It depends on the degree of difference of your database 7.7. from standard. As a result of all these actions, your working configuration of version 8.3 will be able to issue accounting data through a reverse saldant statement in perfect form.

After the transition, you will be useful to learn how to work in new program. To do this, we have prepared a section.

By the way! If you need the finalization of 1C programs, you can contact us!

Video on the transition from 1C 7.7 to 8:

Now users "1C: Accounting 7.7" do not necessarily wait for the end of the year to go to "1C: Accounting 8". The transition can be implemented at the end of any month of the tax period. The transfer technology has already been tested on existing enterprises, about one of which are about the experts of automated accounting systems LLC. The article contains a description of the transfer methodology and general recommendations for input and output control of the portable data.

Prior to the transition to Lyme LLC (Miass, Chelyabinsk Region), the program "1C: Accounting 7.7. Standard version". The program is installed on a laptop. Work is conducted in the home office.

Issue "1C" of the new data transfer methodology and a small amount of information base allowed the transfer of data for 2006 directly at the time of installation "1C: Accounting 8".

Data transfer technique released a new method of transition from "1C: Accounting 7.7" on "1C: Accounting 8" provides for transferring data from the information base "1C: Accounting 7.7", which would ensure the correct execution in "1C: Accounting 8" Actions:

  • carrying out documents issued after the transition to "1C: Accounting 8";
  • formation of accounting registers for the current reporting period (reverse-sledding statement, chief book, etc.);
  • formation of tax accounting registers for the current reporting period containing indicators defined by the growing result from the beginning of the year;
  • formation of regulated reporting for the current reporting period.

The transition from "1C: Accounting 7.7" on "1C: Accounting 8" on this technique is recommended to perform at the beginning of the new tax period (year) or if the new period is already open, then upon completion of the next month of the current reporting period. In the process of transferring data to "1C: Accounting 8", the following information is downloaded:

  • balances on accounts and tax accounting accounts at the beginning of the current reporting period (on January 1 of the current year);
  • turns on accounting and tax accounting accounts for the current reporting period monthly monitors monthly;
  • temporary differences reflected in the appropriate tax accounting accounts (for organizations applying PBU 18/02);
  • input documents for initial balances on fixed assets and intangible assets;
  • tax bases for personal income tax and taxes with photos for the current reporting period;
  • debt on paying received and issued invoices to the end of the last closed month of the current reporting period;
  • information about objects of analytical accounting.

Preparatory operations in "1C: Accounting 7.7"

Transferring data from "1C: Accounting 7.7" is possible, starting from release 7.70.477. Therefore, before transfer, it was necessary to update the configuration to this release.

It is also necessary to make sure that the regulatory operations of accounting and tax accounting for the last month of the year (including the Reformation of the Balance) were carried out.

All files needed to transfer data are contained in the Convert folder in the "1C release template catalog: Accounting 8". The contents of this folder are better copied to the ExtForms directory of the information base "1C: Accounting 7.7".

The transfer methodology provides a single preparatory operation - checking codes of reference books that can become unreasonable when transferring data to "1C: Accounting 8". For checking uses external processing chkcode.ert.

However, in order to make sure in the correctness of accounting and tax accounting in the database "1C: Accounting 7.7" and not to transfer obviously erroneous postings to the G8, it is useful to fulfill the technological analysis of accounting (menu "Reports -\u003e Technological Analysis of Accounting" ), as well as an analysis of the status of tax accounting ("Tax Accounting -\u003e Analysis of the State of Tax Accounting").

As a rule, problems cause "manual" wiring, which are made without controlling the incoming balance, quantitative accounting, etc. New technique Even such wiring is transferred correctly, but the input control allows you to immediately identify the problems and issue recommendations for their correction.

In our case, the control revealed discrepancies in accounting in part of the write-off of the depreciation of the OS for the loss of past periods, which were decided to correct already in "1C: Accounting 8" after the transition.

Data transfer

Data transfer itself is performed using external processing V77exp.ert ("File -\u003e Open" menu). The processing dialog indicates:

  • data Conversion Rules File - ACC77_80.xml (File Name File Name);
  • the file in which the data will be unloaded ("Data File Name" field);
  • the start date of the current reporting period is January 1, 2006 (field "Start date");
  • date of the end of the last closed month in the current period (field "End Date"). In our case - May 31, 2006.

After pressing the "Download Line Rules" button, a list of data unloading rules will be filled in the processing dialog. The downloaded list is a list of accounts, the results of which can be unloaded, and reference books that can be transferred to the "Accounting Accounting" configuration. In the table, you can specify for most rules for uploading these selection by the values \u200b\u200bof the details (for example, for selective unloading of the nomenclature).

Since we transfer data from "seven", when you first start "1C: Accounting 8" you need to abandon the initial database fill. After that, using the data load processing (Menu "Service -\u003e Data Exchange -\u003e Universal Data Exchange in xML format") Load the transfer file to the eight.


The entire data transfer procedure occupied no more than half an hour. It remains only to make sure that all data moved correctly. Here it is best to start with a ruble-salad statement for the period of data transfer. According to the balance sheet accounts of the Vedomosti, formed in "1C: Accounting 7.7" and "1C: Accounting 8," must coincide. If the turnover does not match any account, it is necessary to form more detailed reports (reverse salduity or card) on this account to determine which revolutions are not transferred. Thus, you can check all the data, with the exception of the balances on the OS and NMA, tax bases for personal income tax and taxes with the fot for the current reporting period and debt to pay received and issued invoices to the end of the last closed month of the current reporting period.

In our case, in "1C: Accounting 7.7" data on the OS was not fully made, and in the "eight" documents "Enter the initial balances on OS" simply did not spend, respectively, the balance at the beginning of the period 01 did not occur. These documents were corrected manually.

The VAT accounting subsystem is implemented in "1C: Accounting 8" on registers, to verify the correctness of the transfer, the universal report "Remains and revisions" should be used (reports\u003e residues and revolutions) without limiting the period by partitions of accounting "VAT presented", "VAT with advances "To analyze the correct transfer of SPK and SPR accounts.

Most users of the program 1C 7.7 represent the transition from 1C 7.7 to 8.3 (8.2) as something complicated and subject to programmers only. If the configuration is not converted along and across the organization, then this article is written for you and will help with the transition to 1C 8.3 or 8.2.

How to prepare a database 1C 8.3 (8.2) for subsequent transfer of data from 1C 7.7 step by step

Before starting work, you must prepare the database 1C 8.3 (8.2) for subsequent data boot.

Step 1

Update 1C database to relevant release, use the latest version 8.2 or 8.3. You can check the relevance of the current release on the 1C technical support website.

How to install or update 1C 8.3 platform Look in our video lesson:

Step 2.

Conduct regulatory transactions closure of the month. Additionally, you can make accounting accounting through Service - data verification for transition 1C Accounting 8.If there are errors - fix them.

Step 3.

Step 5.

Create a clean database to download data. This is necessary for the operational cancellation of data load in case of unforeseen situations. Top menu of the program choose Administration - unload data Register the name of the unload file and the location of it.

Thanks to these preparatory activities, we have a database from the base excess objects, Base 1C will become less. It will occur with the results of the test, checking the logical integrity of the base. Now you can proceed to the transfer of data from 1C 7.7 per 1C 8.3 (8.2).

How to add an information base in 1C 8.3 See next video lesson:

Data transfer from 1C 7.7 to 1C 8.2 Accounting 2.0

IN latest version Program release 1C 8.2 Accounting 2.0 Translation from information bases 1C 7.7 is not supported. In accordance with the requirement of the company 1C must be done. Therefore, if in the database 1C 8.2 choose Service - transfer data from information bases 1C enterprise 7.7, I get a mistake:

But what should I do if you really need to make the transfer and exactly the version of the program 1C 8.2?

Step 1. Unloading of data from 1C 7.7

You need to download files that were previously supplied by 1C for unloading to 1C 8.2 accounting. These files must be put in the ExtForms folder from your database. In the example, it is D: \\ 1C \\ 77 \\ UNP_DEMO \\ ExtForms. You can see the path to your database when loading the 1C program:

Start this processing: If everything is done correctly, the inscription should appear - the data unloading for 1C Accounting 8, select it on the Open button:

  • Upload rules - file named ACC77_80.xml, we copied it to the ExtForms folder;
  • The start date and the end date is the period during which data will be unloaded;
  • Data Unloading Rules - Unloading Objects, References and Documents that need to be unloaded into a file.

The data file in the example will be copied to the desktop, but you can choose any other folder. Click the download button download. A list of objects that will be unloaded from 1C 7.7 and which can be edited, removing or installing the selection tank:

Depending on the situation, you can unload data either immediately all or parts. First, you unload directories - 95% they are unloaded without problems. By the second file, unload the remnants and turnover by accounting sections. This option is convenient to use if any data is unloaded not entirely correctly.

Step 2. Loading in 1C 8.2 Accounting 2.0 of 1C 7.7

Choose Service - transfer of data from information bases 1C enterprise 8In the window that appears, select Download from the file:

Select a file that unloaded from 1C 7.7 to the desktop. After pressing the button, the data is then downloaded from the file. If accounting in the 1C 7.7 database is conducted for a long time, then the download may take for a long time.

If errors occur during boot, only part of the data will be loaded and therefore you have to download again.

Data transfer from 1C 7.7 in 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0

The algorithm for transferring the base of 1C 7.7 in 1C 8.3 is slightly different in detail, but in general, it is similar to the one that is described above for 1C 8.2 of Accounting 2.0.

Step 1

After updating the 1C information database, you need to update the data unloading rules. This can be done as follows.

Open 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 and select the Save the Save Transfer Rules button in the lower right corner, select version 1C Accounting 7.7 and save the rules by specifying the path to the Extforms directory of the information database:

Step 2. Unloading data from 1C 7.7

The ability to unload out 1C 7.7 in 1C 8.3 is made by default, that is, there is no need to download additional files And add them to the database.

Let's start processing unloading: Service - additional features.We find the inscription transition to 1C 8.3 Accounting Red. 3.0 and click Open:

In the window that appears, you must fill out:

  • Upload rules - file named ACC_ACC8.xml, which can be found in the folder with your database (how to determine the path to the database - was described above), the ExtForms folder. This is the one that copied from 1C 8.3;
  • The start date and the end date is the period for which data will be unloaded;
  • The name of the data file is the location where we will copy a file with unloaded data;
  • Data Unloading Rules - Unload Objects, References and Documents that will be unloaded to the file:

Click the download button download. A list of objects will appear that will be unloaded from 1C 7.7, which can be edited removing or installing the selection tank.

You can unload parts by creating several files or immediately unload all the data. What to do depends on the specific situation. In the example, unload all the data at once.

I will open 1C Accounting 3.0 (8.3) and we will choose here 2 ways to download data:

  • Download data from the information base - Program 1C 8.3 itself will find installed databases and try to connect to this information baseBy copying data from there. Using the settings, you can specify that you need to upload and click the Download Data button:

  • Download data from the file is just our option. You must specify the file that unloaded from 1C 7.7 and click the Download button. If the window appears as at the bottom, it means that the download was successful. Otherwise, you need to load either parts and correct errors that will give a program in 1C 7.7:

Transferring data from a modified typical configuration 1C 7.7 to 1C 8.3 (8.2)

Transferring data from modified configurations 1C 7.7 is much more complicated due to rewritten business processes that are not in that edition of the program in which we carry data. In most cases, such transfers should make a specialist who has a data transfer experience or a configuration that owns the configuration data conversion. Exist general principles Transfer to which you can use to transfer such configurations:

  • Transfer functional. In the new configuration, it is necessary to repeat the functionality that is present in 1C 7.7. Additional documents, reference books and details. Make the upload -CF of this database.
  • At the end of the year. Compare Turns on Accounts before convolution I. after - They must be equal.
  • Transferring data from the rolled base of 1C 7.7 to the type-clean database of the new edition. Check the revolutions on accounts in 1C 7.7 and 8.2 or 8.3. In case of errors, correct them.
  • In a clean base, which produced data from 1C 7.7, it is necessary to download the CF file of the configuration file, in which the functional from 1C 7.7 was repeated.
  • Additional details of reference books can be transferred by configuration data conversion.

Verification of data after transfer of data from 1C 7.7 to 1C 8.3 and 8.2

Using the report, the operating statement will form a report with subaccount data, types of accounting, off-balance accounts, currencies and compare with the same report from the base of 1C 8.3 (8.2) into which the data was transferred:

It will not be an exaggeration to say that all users "1C: Accounting 7.7", who decided to go to "1C: Accounting 8" concerns the issue of data transfer. And not just mechanical transfer of reference books, but transferring all information accumulated on accounts and tax accounting, which would allow users to start work in the new program immediately after its acquisition. For a quick transition from "1C: Accounting 7.7" on "1C: Accounting 8", a mechanism was developed, named "Assistant Transition". More precisely, the helpers are two. One is intended to unload data from "1C: Accounting 7.7", the second - to download data to "1C: Accounting 8". The methodologists of the company "1C" are told about how to use the assistant.

Call assistant in "1C: Accounting 7.7" You can from the menu "Service - transition to 1C: Accounting 8" (see Fig. 1).

Fig. one

Working with the assistant is broken by five steps. The transition from step to step is carried out using the "Next" and "Back" buttons.

The first step is to acquaint. Here is given short description assistant assignments, you can view information about the benefits of "1C: Accounting 8", indicated where you can get additional information On the transition to "1C: Bukgelteria 8".

In the second step, it is possible to check and, if necessary, to update a typical configuration. It is recommended to use the latest release of the configuration, since the program is constantly updated due to changes in legislation.

If there are no updates, you can continue to work.

If there is an update, you can get new Release Configuration.

After receiving a new release, you should update the configuration. To do this, it will be necessary to complete the work of the assistant and close the program. After updating the configuration, the assistant will be launched automatically to continue the transition, and will be offered to go through the next step.

In the third step, you must specify which information must be transferred. You can transfer only balances from accounting and tax accounting at the beginning of the year.

Or remains at the beginning of the year and turnover from the beginning of the year to the end of any month.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that before carrying out the transition, it is necessary to carry out regulatory procedures for closing the month in each month, which is included in the unloaded period.

At the fourth step, the assistant indicates which file the discharged data will be recorded. If you do not change the default settings, then when loading data in "1C: Accounting 8" Assistant transition to "1C: Accounting 8" will find specified file automatically.

And finally, the final step is to unload data. If you set the box "EDITION OF THE REFERENCE SALDOST", then after unloading will be formed a revolving statement, which can be printed, and from which you can check the result of loading in "1C: Accounting 8". Directly unloading is carried out by the "Upload" button.

On this work assistant to transition from "1C: Accounting 7.7" completed.

Now you need to run "1C: Accounting 8" And proceed to download data.

You can call the assistant from the menu "Service - transition from 1C: Accounting 7.7" (see Fig. 2).

Fig. 2.

Just as in "1C: Accounting 7.7", work with an assistant is broken by several steps. The transition from step to step is carried out using the "Next" and "Back" buttons.

The first step is to acquaint. Here is a brief description of the assistant assignment, it is indicated where you can get additional information about the transition to "1C: Buchelteria 8", there is a hint that it was necessary to do to unload data from "1C: Accounting 7.7".

In the second step, it is possible to check and, if necessary, to update a typical configuration. It is recommended to use the latest release of the configuration, since the program is constantly updated due to changes in legislation. After receiving the new release, you should update the configuration. To do this, it will be necessary to complete the work of the assistant and close the program. After updating the configuration, the assistant will be launched automatically to continue the transition, and will be offered to go through the next step.

Information about the organization will have to fill out only users base version "1C: Accounting 8". It should be noted that the Inn and the PPC should fully coincide with the Inn and the PPC introduced in "1C: Accounting 7.7". In "1C: Accounting 8 Prof", the organization will be created automatically when loading data, and the assistant will miss this step.

Before you start downloading data, you need to customize warehouse accounting. The fact is that in "1C: Accounting 7.7" supports only quantitative accounting in the context of warehouses. In "1C: Accounting 8" Warehouse Accounting Opportunities are much wider: you can conduct partial accounting, you can conduct a quantitative amount of warehouses, and you can turn off the warehouse account. In the event that the settings of the warehouse accounting do not match functional features "1C: Accounting 7.7" (warehouse accounting is disconnected), the user is invited to establish warehouse accounting. If warehouse accounting has already been incorporated earlier, the assistant will miss this step.

At the next step, you should specify from which file you should load data. The assistant automatically searches for a file with unloaded data by the name, which by default it was indicated in the assistant when unloading data from "1C: Accounting 7.7".

And finally, the final step is to load the data. Directly loading is carried out by the "Download" button.

If you set the "Education of the Salden Vedomost" checkbox, then after downloading will be formed a working outer statement on accounting accounts and the operating statement of tax accounting accounts that can be printed with which you can refer to the reverse salidism formed when unloading Data from "1C: Accounting 7.7".

Before you start working with the program "1C: Accounting 8", you need to set the basic accounting parameters:

  • tune accounting policies accounting;
  • set up tax accounting accounting;
  • set up analytical accounting of the MPZ;
  • install user settings, etc.

Check the "Open Start Assistant" checkbox in the "1C: Accounting 7.7" transition assistant, and after downloading the data, the starting assistant will start automatically.

On this process of transition from "1C: Accounting 7.7" on "1C: Accounting 8" completed.