After an incorrect shutdown, windows 8 does not start. Eliminating the error “The computer did not start correctly

When turning on the PC Windows users 10 may encounter a blue screen of death and a message that "The computer did not start correctly" and it is recommended to restart it. Such an error indicates that system files are damaged, and changes have been made in the registry editor.

A similar error with the message “It seems that Windows did not boot correctly” may occur when the PC is turned off, during the installation of an antivirus, or software removal. There are several methods to correct these errors.

Ways to solve the problem

If you encounter an error when the computer does not start correctly, you should double-check the settings for automatically creating points Windows recovery 10 and use one of the control dates. To do this, boot from the system recovery environment, select "Troubleshooting" or "Diagnostics" (if you boot in safe mode).

The System Restore Wizard will start. Choose checkpoint before the advent blue screen death and click Next.

After system restore, Windows 10 will boot in the usual mode. If this method did not help solve the problem, go to the next method.

IMPORTANT! This method may exacerbate the problem. Therefore, if you cannot solve the problem and are ready for cardinal methods, up to reinstalling the system, you should use the following recommendations.

In the advanced options, select "Command Prompt".

Enter the following commands in order:

  • diskpart;
  • list volume;

A list of sections will appear. It is worth remembering the letter of the system partition and the system reserved one.

Run an integrity check system files, entered the command "sfc /scannow /offbootdir=C:\ /offwindir=E:\Windows", where E is the Windows 10 drive and C is the Windows 10 bootloader.

In the event that the system gives a failure and notifies that resource protection cannot perform this operation, simply enter the following commands:

  • E: - press "Enter" (E is a disk with Windows 10);
  • mdconfigbackup;
  • cd Windows\System32\config\;
  • copy*e:\configbackup\;
  • cd Windows\System32\config\regback\;
  • copy * e:\windows\system32\config\ - when asked to replace files, press the English "A" and click "Enter". With this operation, we start the restoration of the registry.

After executing the command, close all windows. You need to restart your computer. Windows 10 should boot up normally.

In the event that the problem persists and the computer does not boot correctly, all actions performed on the command line can be canceled by entering the following tasks:

  • cd e:\configbackup\
  • copy*e:\windows\system32\config\

Also, the computer should be checked for viruses that can make changes to the registry. If no malicious objects were found, automatic repair failed, and the Windows 10 computer continues to boot incorrectly, the developers Microsoft It is recommended to perform a clean installation of the system from under the BIOS. In this case, Windows 10 will start correctly.

For all operating systems Windows families, including for the most stable Windows 7 and the most new Windows 10 is characterized by the appearance of failures in which the system does not boot in normal mode and informs the user that the computer was not started correctly.

Windows 8.1, 8, 10: main causes of failures

As for the reasons that cause such behavior of the system, there can actually be quite a few of them. Most often, such failures, according to statistics, occur as a result of improper shutdown of the computer, forced shutdown of processes, for example, updates, damage to system files and bootloader. The most common are crashes that contain phrases like INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE, CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED or something like that in the error description. Notifications can very often appear that it was not started correctly Personal Computer. Because of this, Windows cannot start in normal mode. Notifications also appear in case of voltage drops that occur when the computer terminal spontaneously shuts down in the absence of a stabilizer or block uninterruptible power supply. It is also worth paying special attention to the functionality of the "iron components" of a personal computer. It's all little things. Situations in which there are viruses in the system that disrupt the work look worse. operating system Windows. In some cases, there may also be a failure in the operation of the components that are responsible for loading the system. Let's look at a few of these cases and how to fix them, without touching on the problems associated with iron components. What should be done first? If a situation suddenly arises in which the personal computer was not started correctly or the system suddenly cannot start on its own, the cause may be a fleeting failure. IN this case first you need to reboot the system or just turn off the terminal in the usual programmatic way using the Start menu. If this is not possible, you will have to use forced shutdown by long pressing the power button on the laptop panel or on system block desktop computer. Usually, after such a procedure, the system will start checking the disk for errors at startup. After that, the system can boot in normal mode. The check can be visually observed in Windows 7 operating systems below. In more later versions verification is performed in the background.

Virus check

No less important in the event of a message about incorrect start computer is to diagnose the system for the presence of virus threats. If the system does not start at all, then this will be quite problematic. For this reason, it is recommended to use special utilities type Kaspersky Rescue Disk. From them, loading is carried out before Windows startup. In the utility itself, to facilitate this task, you can use its own GUI. It works much better than stationary anti-virus scanners. It allows you to detect many threats even in boot sectors or random access memory.

Automatic recovery

For all latest versions Operating systems of the Windows family are characterized by the presence of a special recovery module after critical failures. This process also known as Automatic Recovery. The computer does not start correctly, the operating system does not boot, although the device shows signs of health. System recovery in this situation should be performed automatically. A notification appears on the screen to start the analysis for system recovery. However, it only works if Windows has a rollback point. If, before the occurrence of a critical failure, the user cleaned or deleted the previously created restore points, then nothing will come of it. The backup simply does not have a copy from which to roll back to the previous state. In Windows 7 and below, fixing this situation looks much easier. When starting the system at the boot stage, you must press the F8 key, which is used to select the safe boot mode. In the window that appears, you must choose to load the latest working configuration, if possible. It is also worth noting that in the tenth version of the Windows operating system, you can also configure the use of the F8 key to call such a menu.

The situation is more complicated with damage to system components with the impossibility of their recovery in automatic mode. In this case, when you start or restart the operating system, a message appears stating that the computer was not started correctly. How to be then? To get started, you can try to boot in safe mode, and then use the command line by calling the Run console from the console. If for some reason this download option is not possible, then you should set safe mode with confirmation on the command line to determine at what point in time the download stops. In this situation, you will have to call the command line from the recovery console with installation disk. On the command line, in both cases, sfc / scannow is written. After that, the system will automatically check and repair failed components. However, this method does not always help.

Disable Driver Signature Verification

Now let's consider a situation where the computer was not started correctly. In Windows 10, getting into safe mode is quite problematic. Here we need a recovery or installation disk, when booting from which, in the recovery section, you will need to select additional settings and go to diagnostics, and then use the boot options menu. In the window that appears, there will be a check disable line digital signature drivers, which is number seven. You need to move to it and press the enter key. You can do this quickly by pressing the number 7 on the keyboard. Sometimes this problem occurs due to the oem_drc64.sys driver. If disabling signature verification worked, then the system will need to enter the registry editor (regedit in the Run menu) and go through the HKLM branch through the SYSTEM section to the Current Control Set directory, which contains the Services directory. Here you should find the driver folder and delete it.

Restoring a system from an image

The best option for recovering the system after reporting that the PC did not start correctly is to restore the system from a previously recorded image. True, not everyone thinks about such things in advance, but the process of putting the Windows operating system in order in this case turns out to be the simplest and fastest.

Usage command line when an interrupted or incomplete update

In some cases, situations arise when problems with incorrect start of the computer are associated with an interrupted or incomplete system update. These failures can also be dealt with. As mentioned earlier, we call the command line at boot and write the following command there: dism\online\clean-upimage\scanhealth

Force Restore Commands

If this option does not help, the computer does not start correctly and the system does not boot, you can try to perform a forced recovery. First, for this you need to register three commands:

It is imperative to remember the letter of the system partition, since in most cases it will differ from the generally accepted value "c". Next, you must first sequentially enter sfc / scannow / offbootdir = C: \ / offwindir = E: \ Windows. After entering each command, you must press the enter key. This method, in theory, gives an almost 100% guarantee of restoring the health of the Windows operating system.

Bootloader Recovery

If the computer was not started correctly, the Windows operating system of all versions offers another universal solution that allows you to restore the bootloader, which may be damaged. In the command console for this, you must first use the chkdskc: / f / r check command, and then directly the restore directives. You can then reboot. If the failure was related specifically to the bootloader, the system will work like clockwork.

What to do if nothing helps?

Finally, it is worth mentioning one more situation when none of the above measures help. In this case, you will have to reinstall Windows. In order not to demolish the entire system, it is enough to select the option to return the computer to the so-called initial state when booting from the installation disk. This approach provides for the option of maintaining custom files, after which you can enter a "clean" installation of the Windows operating system. In most cases, this method allows you to get rid of software failures much better. To do this, as should already be clear, is necessary only as a last resort, when other methods are ineffective.


It remains to add in the end that the situation with an incorrect start of the computer may be related to hardware components. Problems with hard drive and graphics chip. Indeed, if these are problems of a physical nature, then nothing can be done about it. To troubleshoot, you need to use additional funds diagnostics. By identifying the cause of the failure and the component that is failing, the correct remedial solution can be selected. As for other cases, it is believed that at least one of the methods proposed above will work. It remains only to advise you to use the proposed troubleshooting options, moving from simple methods to more complex ones. In any case, in order to avoid such incidents in the future, it is better to create a system image or a recovery disk in advance. This can be done quite simply, and using the native tools of the Windows operating system. Any user should always have such tools at hand.

If your computer cannot find the system, does not enter Windows, reporting that it cannot find a bootable disk, and automatic error correction does not help, most likely you will be helped by fixing boot records.

Fixing MBR boot records and BCD boot configuration will in many cases help resolve system startup problems that can occur due to unexpected power off of the computer, software crashes, viruses, and many other reasons. Fortunately, in the Windows operating system. starting with version 7, there are built-in recovery tools for the system bootloader, which will be discussed in this article. Third Party Programs to restore Windows startup are largely based on the work of built-in utilities, so using additional programs to repair the bootloader is optional.
Everything in this article applies to Windows 7 and Windows 8.1, but should work on the new Windows 10 as well.

Bootrec.exe - Windows Boot Error Fixer

Bootrec.exe is the "same" built-in utility from Microsoft, which we will run from the command line.
At the same time, we will run the command line not inside running Windows(even because the system we have on this moment does not work), but in a slightly different way:

If you manage to open a command prompt, enter the command in it bootrec.exe, thus it will be possible to get acquainted with all available commands of this utility. In general, their description is clear enough, but just in case, we will define each of the functions and describe those cases in which these functions can be useful.

Writing a new boot sector

Run command bootrec.exe with parameter /FixBoot allows you to write a new boot sector on the system partition hard drive, it will use boot partition, compatible with the installed operating system - Windows 7 or Windows 8.1.

This option is useful when:

  • The boot sector could be damaged (for example, after software failures, changes in the structure and size partitions of the hard disk, errors in actions by the user, etc.)
  • An older one was installed Windows version after a newer one (for example, if you installed Windows XP after Windows 8.1)
  • Some non-Windows compatible boot sector has been written.

To write a new bootloader, simply run bootrec with the specified parameter, as shown in the picture below. To check if you could this operation fix startup problems, just restart your computer. If not, you can switch to other bootrec command options.

Fix MBR (Master Boot Record, Master Boot Record)

The second bootrec.exe option to explore is FixMbr, which allows you to fix the MBR or the Windows bootloader. When using FixMbr, the damaged MBR is simply overwritten with a new one. The boot record is usually located on the first hard disk and tells the BIOS of the computer how and from which partition to start loading the operating system. In case of damage, you may encounter the following errors that occur on a black screen when you boot your computer:
  • No bootable device
  • Missing operating system
  • Non-system disk or disk error
  • In addition, if you suddenly get a message that the computer is locked before the download windows virus, fixing the MBR bootloader can also help here.

In order to start fixing the boot entry, enter at the command line bootrec.exe /fixmbr and press Enter. As in the first case, in order to make sure that this operation fixed the system startup problem, simply restart the computer.

Finding Installed Windows in the Boot Menu

If your computer has several Windows systems older version of Vista, but not all of them show up in the boot menu, you can try running the command bootrec.exe /scanos to search all partitions of installed systems.

In case there are found on your computer installed systems Windows, use the Recreate BCD Boot Configuration Store command to add them to the boot menu.

Recreating BCD - Windows Boot Configuration Store

In order to reconfigure the BCD and add to its list all those lost for any reason installed Windows system (as well as recovery partitions created on Windows base), use the third command to learn bootrec.exe /RebuildBcd.

In some cases, if these steps do not help, it is worth trying the following commands before performing a BCD rewrite:
  • bootrec.exe /fixmbr
  • bootrec.exe /nt60 all /force


As you can understand, bootrec.exe is a built-in utility for working with Windows boot loaders, as well as a powerful tool for fixing various errors Windows boot. It is on the use of this utility on the command line that the work of many similar programs to restore Windows boot, as well as the work of many computer repair specialists.

All Windows operating systems, including the most stable seventh or the newest tenth version, are characterized by the appearance of failures when the system does not boot normally and informs the user that the computer did not start correctly. What is the reason and how to deal with it, see below.

The computer did not start correctly (Windows 8.1, 8, 10): the main causes of failures

As for the reasons causing such behavior of the system, there can be quite a lot of them. According to statistics, most often such failures occur due to improper shutdown of the computer, forced shutdown of some processes (for example, updates), damage to system files or even the bootloader itself.

The most common are crashes with error descriptions like INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE (inaccessible boot device), CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED (critical process interrupted) or something like that.

Very often, notifications that the computer is not started correctly and because of this Windows cannot start in normal mode can be found during power surges, when the terminal spontaneously disconnects from the network when there is no uninterruptible power supply or stabilizer, etc. Separately, it is worth paying attention to the functionality of all the "iron" components. But these are trifles. Situations look much worse when there are viruses in the system that violate Windows work, or for some reason, the components responsible for loading the system fail. Let's look at a few common cases of such problems and the main methods for fixing them, without touching on problems with the hardware.

What to do first?

So, if a situation suddenly occurs when the computer is not started correctly and the system cannot start, it may very well be that this is a fleeting failure. In this case, you should first reboot the system or simply turn off the terminal in the usual programmatic way from the Start menu.

If this is not possible, you will have to force shutdown by long pressing the power button on the system unit or on the laptop panel.

As a rule, after such a procedure, at startup, the system initiates a check system disk for errors, after which it can boot in normal mode. Visually, the check can be observed in Windows 7 and below. In later versions, it is done in the background.

Virus check

Equally important in the event of a message that the computer did not start correctly is diagnosing the system for virus threats. If the system does not start at all, this is quite problematic to do.

Therefore, it is recommended to use special utilities such as Kaspersky Rescue Disk, from which the boot is performed even before Windows starts. In the utility itself, to facilitate the task, you can use its own graphical interface, and it works much better than stationary scanners, allowing you to identify many threats even in RAM or boot sectors.

Automatic recovery. The computer did not start correctly (Windows 10 and below)

In general, almost all recent Windows systems are characterized by the presence of a special self-healing module after critical failures. This is the so-called automatic recovery. The computer started incorrectly, the system does not boot, although there are signs of performance. In this situation, System Restore should start automatically.

A corresponding notification appears on the screen about the start of the analysis for system recovery. But this only works if Windows has a fixed rollback point. If the user cleaned or deleted previously created ones before the failure, nothing will work. There is simply no copy in reserve from which to rollback to a previous state.

In the seventh version of the operating system and below, fixing this situation looks much easier. When starting the system at the boot stage, you should use the F8 key, which is used to select the safe boot mode, but in the menu that appears, you need to select the boot of the last working configuration (again, if possible). By the way, in the tenth version, using the F8 key to call such a menu is also possible to configure.

Booting in safe mode with checking the integrity of system files

The situation is somewhat more complicated with damage to the system components of the system with the inability to restore them automatically (during startup or reboot after a notification that the computer did not start correctly). What to do in this case?

To get started, you can try to boot into safe mode, and then use the command line called from the Run console (Win + R). If for some reason this boot option is not possible, you should set the safe mode with confirmation on the command line to determine the component on which the boot stops. In this situation, the command line will have to be called from the installation disk.

In both cases, sfc / scannow is written on the command line, after which the system will automatically check and restore failed components. But this does not always help either.

Disable Driver Signature Verification

Now let's look at the situation when the computer is not started correctly (Windows 10 on board). In the tenth version, getting to safe mode is quite problematic. Here you will need an installation or recovery disk, when booting from which, in the recovery section, you need to select advanced settings and go to diagnostics, and then use the boot options menu.

In the menu that appears, there is a line for disabling the verification of the digital signature of drivers, which is under the seventh number. You need to move to it and press the enter key (you can do this faster by pressing the number 7 on the keyboard).

This problem is very often related to the oem-drc64.sys driver. If disabling signature verification worked, you need to enter the registry editor in the system (regedit in the Run menu) and go down the HKLM branch through the SYSTEM section to the CurrentControlSet directory, which contains the Services directory. Here you should find the driver folder and delete it.

Restoring a system from an image

It is believed that the best option restoring system health after a message is displayed stating that the computer did not start correctly (Windows 10 is used or any other version) is a recovery from a previously recorded system image.

Not everyone, however, thinks about such things in advance, however, the process of putting Windows in order in this case turns out to be the fastest and simplest.

Using the command line when an update is incomplete or interrupted

There are also situations when problems with the fact that the computer is not started correctly (8.1, 8, 7 or 10th modification on board) are associated with an incomplete or interrupted system update. It is also possible to deal with these failures.

We call the command line at boot, as shown earlier, and write the command shown below:

Force restore commands

If this option does not help either, the computer does not start correctly and the system does not boot, you can try to do a forced recovery.

To do this, first write three commands on the command line:

  • diskpart;
  • list volume;
  • exit.

Be sure to remember the letter of the system partition, because in most cases it will differ from the generally accepted meaning of “c” (most often the system partition will appear “e”).

After entering each command, the enter key is pressed. In theory, this method gives an almost 100% guarantee that Windows will be restored to working order.

Bootloader Recovery

Finally, if the computer does not start correctly, Windows of all versions offers another universal solution that allows you to restore the bootloader, which may be damaged.

To do this, in the same command console, you must first use the chkdsk c: /f /r check command, and then directly the recovery directives, as shown below:

After that, you can reboot. The system, if the failure was related specifically to the bootloader, will work like clockwork.

If nothing helps

Finally, about one more situation when none of the above listed helps. Gotta get busy reinstalling Windows. But, in order not to "demolish" the entire system, when booting from the installation disk in the diagnostics section, you need to select the option to return the computer to the so-called initial state.

This approach provides for the option of saving user files, after which it will be possible to produce a “clean” Windows installation, which in most cases allows you to get rid of software failures much better than all the checks combined. But to do this, as it is already clear, should be done only as a last resort, when all other means were powerless.

Instead of total

Finally, it remains to add that the situation when the computer is not started correctly or the system does not start can be connected precisely with the hardware. In particular, problems with the graphics chip or hard drive when it starts to "crumble" can have a particularly strong effect on system boot. If it's really a physical problem, there's nothing you can do about it. But for the correct determination of faults, additional ones should be used. Only in the case of correctly identifying the cause of the failure and the failing component, it is possible to determine the right solution to eliminate such consequences.

As for all other cases, it is believed that at least one of the above proposed methods will work. So it remains to be advised to use the troubleshooting options, moving from simple to more complex methods. But in any case, so that such excesses do not occur in the future, it is better to take care of creating a system image or a recovery disk, recording anti-virus utilities, etc. in advance. It is quite simple to do this, even with your own Windows tools. Such tools should be at hand for any user, as they say, in the most unforeseen case, because none of the currently used Windows systems is immune from failures.

Some users are faced with the fact that when they try to start the computer, they are taken to a page that says that the system was not started correctly. There may be several reasons for this. For example, this error often appears due to power failures.

Sometimes, when the computer fails to start several times in a row, Windows activates the mode automatic recovery. Also, the problem may be rapid Windows startup , if the user is able to log in, then you can disable this mode. Such failures can cause some automatic installed drivers. To eliminate such a problem, you need to go to the website of the equipment manufacturer and download all the utilities from there.

If none of the above methods helped, then you can go to recommendations, which will be given below.

Error after resetting or updating Windows 10

Sometimes after the update is completed or a system rollback, a BSOD may appear. Then the OS reboots, and a page is launched on which you can restore the health of Windows. On it you will need to go to the section " Extra options ”, then you need to click on the “Troubleshooting” section, then again you need to select the item advanced settings, and then click Download Options. In the menu that opens, you will have to restart the device.

After starting, you will need to select safe mode, which supports the command line.

When the console is launched, in it you need to enter following statements:

  • sfc /scannow
  • dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
  • shutdown -r

They can run for quite a long time, some may give error warnings in the process. However, you will need to wait for them to complete their work. Then the PC will restart, after which the problems, if they were associated with a rollback or installation of updates, should disappear.

Errors: The system seems to have booted incorrectly or The computer did not start correctly

The user can receive messages about such failures in cases where some data corruption systems.

This failure also leads computer infection malware, the use of dubious programs to clean the registry. Also, the failure may appear after removing malware or after interrupting the update process.

In case the user has a code available restore points, first of all, you should try to roll back the system to them. In this case, the problem may disappear. To do this, you need to click on the items that are marked in the figure.

After that, such a window will open.

It can select a point and proceed to roll back Windows to a previous state. If there are no dots, then press cancel and go to the previous screen, in which you will need to open the command line. It will require enter operators:

After that, you can try to start the OS again. Most likely, Windows will start. If this does not happen, then you can enter the following statements in the console to undo the changes made:

  • cd e:\configbackup\
  • copy*e:\windows\system32\config\

If the previous tips did not help, then it remains only to use the automatic reinstallation of the OS.